HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-4, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. FEB. 4,1887, .err HrRON sod Wiens at my ta, WI1 Nauseate -ill of the Isrgv sueiber of Ube- Mm five .hs.tee twete to !!sake we a few t. talk calmly and seriously to eq MIS peasant. arm to the dtar•.,uliturs of wore votes." (t b..n.) Brown ( h theles countryman sasembled, and if 1 •pttke , the .ter•• of the Uur.vtern Edition. h.gau to Mabel alea* and at the ered of earnestly. it was toreador/ 1 !«Jars.: Porter put so merited •t the exposure, len more tais.t.s the etlMrwran asserted How tally °atop:nisi' Ptogreleaea the :osuisu election will be the Hod helwaned f"r•.Atd,',.tctalib hated:and hi. autkunty teen thee, Broom a re - All Along the Line. supreme Iwur its the history ..f Iadsted that the .p. a►cr .hould Le krill turd to comply, sod deolarvd hr the 'munition, and should be faced *here to itbor. -.out.' 11,4 obey the chainuar. am' seriously, calmly as d deterwuu.uly. Btosn (t) chased twtiitla the sone,wan s.ould •und on the tdatfutee all-night.. Embed -.•u.- seriph ee of M. 4. 4araer. (lr•ud chhrrn.1 It is out tbrouXLi mil hour and • hat['. rnre.r i. .upo..rt .1 Cries of "Pull the ruffian doer. ' "Put n, Was 4...411111rel. Iter►',lime f.uli ..f urtue that Pr endenee hes pre Potter. He .aid he was renal t.. act .out the !Luger.' "ehairu n. ..•, pair It.a-,.. !lees m:. elm 4..u4 tartan ad• i seated use truth ample pr,purtloI.. or 1,4e a Kenttem in, and • ...r. r r.n';t out - duty !" au , were then ensile, and •a d:es.e.• by the Several 4 u4l4rle ale • ihst I sm getting up to year.. A n.au'• "Why Jids t ) ••u Jo.., at Sicilia a Hail number .d the beet hien of the ..et>t:t- Mt• VMeed..I appearance and age ate to a freest This s..rtted t'er .p••ekvr, and his hegau b.rho u.1 prepared to e tect the ie!t w, extent beyond hu acaiwrtaLihty. (Ap- to tsu..t hs int. rrupt.rs wile being ig- whets Janes Johnston, .,r West \\awe 1 plause.' But t p- t ite weer hursday .venins of lest week. M. C. 1 eau kind t,. (bis ye.t:ug fellow to has Duna ahered betame ..... e •.i er I,rsoduin forward. andwgraWiim ter Irrre•pon b'e •.'surerou, the old, tiled sod trusted I abused we, the thing could ea.riy lea a .hors time the gat4..nug was out ail young mass by the shoulder, said, "Mr member for Wetat tlur..0 its the Mute.; done. (Hear, hear 1 might •Iloilo to the power of tbe speaker end ..1 the drown (!) you must obey the chairman ; If Cemeteries, practically opened the 1 his pour, wsacnuend face. and lite th u, cbslnuau. Finally, thr•.ugh the metro sit dowu ex one : you are 'majoring the political c.wpii,tn rti the nuitheru' •ptodly shanks." Fietuendou• cheer mentality of MC.illll.n illy and Fraser, caulen of ..or candidate by your premed ; ortiou of the constituency, at `fug and loud laughter ' At 11.1. ltrosi (1) the audwuce were bruupht to (emord a unwarranted attitude." The chairman i.1\a.a6111b, C. rushed forwar.i and clamed the pro beeru.g t.. ,Is. "fresh l ..uI1: ua.0 Woe said, "Lith.* and iteatleseen, this teas tech" * of the u.eetint from insult. The 'F„runt., and that surtl.y ',.•eras! the abu.etd the r•I ,,',pact we teetered there .ca• a li.r,e orad euthuaia.!i. aseLente jeered et hear. sith ouch- cne• vatheriee for fell; ate l...ur and • bait gout„ far the conduct of this meeting. •neetynii, and great "'terns' eau turude•t•' A, ••e;Ivn it to the Itiuger, Fra.er,' with dull extracts and unwerrd.ttwt fig- H. has already .pokes over twenty rad in the presrntativa of the cap from It .•o,t,i.own, Brown, and litho )our u.e.11- atee from d.wumeut. air Iiia 14.,.aerttil1 t 1 than the time sl the Reform •taudpoilat. Mr Nevins, oftcio., "You're a blackguard l...4 er. 'rhe s.e,ttig sea. biuuttht to acl•,w by Kingsbridge, occupier) the chair in a 1.ud deserve it all." When Bt... a (T). *beers for Geer,"., (14. "IC•t..er" &gall. •hor.,ughy fait' mud imparted 1*4111 r pale, .•taap.retmd and livid with .xclle• attesptts.I( t., get au .ckoowledi:ewnut during the "l-euini. r... weeling '.a. ',nut had taken his awl, Capt. Fraser for furter from La In.+oda optmed by U. McGillicuddy, of {leder r•t-eeded to state that"he had no gotten. ice .ho d►.cuaasd a numbut If the nun of abusing the Tory reprowi•tn11rr, issues now up for a.-onuenr ,oe It. I but he bad eaten the deet to lib°. how mimeo affairs The Conservatitu side' wetly it could be d and .4... t•, FINE TAILORING t Gents' Furnishings. I a:• a•w pegafea 15 w • r a.:, oleo. assortment O FALL GOODS ' ovicia'OATI'GI( ,s all for New Shadow and Styles Au earned* .suety of English. Irish and s••otch sumer* As lnenesase "twit of N.w and Styli.b Comedian Tweeds. CHEAP ! CHEAP ! ! CHEAP 1 1 1 aSRrneember. all Good.; bought o) the lard cut of charge. B. MacOormac I Ooderteb_ i,P1. ib, lalM. A_ B_ COI ELL 144,114 wino er loonier r • I.,ltrd hid., and he must 1e put dove." lith: t r turNG t .inti TAltelt. HAS Till. D E. Munro. the well-known merchant, and a strung Conservative, said. "Yea, put him down. Ile has already abused :.'Blatt UI\44 II.t'LD ALWAYS ON HAND. 141110.41111011. his privikil:e by thirty-two minutes. .mei 6.1 actiwu, 1 regret ret t.. say ha. 1401i a A lame aid euthu.laatie lathering in dserace to the Conservative parte.' favor of Mt Calmer, )1. 114W held 11. Mir' Broom (4) was still .tanding to a unsaid, eras advov►ted by a ).•uu;t tau" celled I prove that, notsuhstendulg the rel.. .141 tin.* heal, Alouci•y ereusog IMO., Toe dotted wey w. the plstfona, whw► the Bl.•na eft said to be (sem Torootu i'hr Item the yuung nun in,m Toroot•,, there chair was oexepttvt by W H. lou;,h, .beururau announced that M. C. Cattier. -1 ' .m vIlu.,4 I.Or gH than 1 Al' Rr. It:,.. ec on Top of the meth. t ran and grill .r:'. Litter devotedra I n.a'r d.7. ie t',e plot, l Hi:API:R then an. !omituli moan in town. Dire use a coil and hlms411 mare particular!) ( eau ma it, •thc • W wan yet.' 1.. egad Th. mnettag eau opened by U M.{idtt- 111'1.1 sJJrer. the electors. The ....• uwr.e>. to time .luoe'ioia of .•..ail p'.lttic., and eheenl) cloddy miCew4eroo'. mimeo, Browu(flr•- a..nouc.a"r.• rag received will. cheers appeared l', be •,blivi. • r of the fact that m1 C Cameron (it coining f. rw..rd I Idled 4ii favo1 of Porter, lied M. C. Ciao- b► voters, a1. 1 the waving . i the tan, r: ^ ...!!.n. the i'e:rLre:ed !Wit!Wit.teat Iutt,rortd Noiseless SEWING MACHINE. TWO BEST HEARSES iN TOWN FURNITURE. the issurs.iteAtacusued were settled con was greeted •ash loud and prol•.r.>ted Inrun closed the dt.eu.aiun. A waste handkerchiefs ty a numbs .1 tee, 'Actively 444Mit'et ti ,en ranti throughout cheers. 1u w preemie. a fe.cutnoct$ 41., dtsu.tsaed of ladies were prmie. Thai. was the lathes. Vu the appearance of instar", 044 Dec %tit 'Lt.-\ mastery Brown'!- from the arena of aruun.rrt, f 'Duly meeting at which Brwn (!) Ural not Mr Cameron, Brown (1) took a t i►ck reply t4; "3r Tosy '''."‘r mu made ly end laid him conte44•ptt4ously aide, a+ I becuwe peruu&ally ruusivr. He appear „eat, and put (.0 his cel and cap. The : M. C. C•orneron, who exli.rl 11 the unworthy ..1 treatment other than that ' •'.i 1'. be quite n..ber. The r.eullwctb.n Reforest cand.date referred to the too fallacies which had heel. advanced. The a.uxlly accorded prufwah'tal black. I W the B,tuwiller meeting earn ed to be 1 wally ,,,duet of "this persue by the expsurn et the a'rruptlon end w' guards. The lteforur candidate thea ,fresh to 6u meu,ury, aged h. rudnavorml Warne of Brown" -- In Most scsthing capacity of the Do l:oven.uieut took up • iutn`er of yueetlot s of public t t.. eschew persona) mature. 11e over- terrane t•. the great satisfaction of the made on the, occaeien iy the Reform interest and discussed them ins (b.1'- stepped the b.wuds of doc,run., how- audience. Ile then took up thee!. 1'. •R. :alwlilate ens the s,•• t .cathing and I ough and masterly manner. These ens- ever, by fts.atn,I( ul.ea. taking 1.455(7- Towhee. lite trade policy, the etitra- uiuvtnctn;; Chet was ,'• er made in thebrsu.J the N. P the buil ti.g of We Ytve minutes lobxer than hit hour, and valance ..f the Government, the timber eretaon, At the close a vet. of !hook• (C. P. R.; the iucrsa•e of expenditure. ; thereby tended to weary the suoience Bruit ,',,shone the Holten question and wait posed to the chairman. and the', the public debt, gross and net ; the car end yretract the m• ening. The reply by tit., half-breed grievances, and made a met/thief concluded w.; -i• cheers toe reputes of the l:otetsim.nt : Ih: cried- M. C. Cement,. was mutt effective, and clear and explicit defence of the policy C..w.•ron, ui ch were lustily "ed nal neglect, and starvation eef the In. •a be refuted (+urge el -ler eh. se Pr'' of the top...ition, and a strung iutlict- heart)ly given. A vti..•r irar adro ler.• ,ban., and the half- breed grievaiices. the leered agenott hon by the Tory .pt•rke.r, meat against the Gcvernweit An p.med by 1t:, 'r••rvt.t , "Peet"' f .r 1 r,,,,c7,nled an excellent address of au hearty $p .lsu•r wee hex p011100. 114. „musing ep .tide occurred immediately IC„hert P.•rtar, !•.t 4t nal} sounded li:e ! hour std a half's duration awidat Ire- reply. of at.out an hour and a quarter's atter Cameron concluded his address. a reek ra!t••, stony . 7, to the 6• arts' spend, us applause. The meeting was "duration was s bobcat and round de- U. Alclii,l:ouddy stepped tutwarl and rsalN,use r r M 'l: 4. ...r•.". Kw_s- { brdu bt to a cies. by cheers for Ca401- 1 !ems use only of his perrmal attitude on proposed a vote of thanl.s t.. the :}lair Iridge it somal to the c• ' e for M. ('. ('. f -,,., Tiut.. L.aw•rd lilakn,and ihn tluren, I the public 40ustwus of the day, but also min. While he was making the t:.uti+•n, turtles !glue I The "Ringer" also tried to rag.. a, of the principles uf• the Ercat Kuferle "Deacon" Mitchell jumped up line tried :cheer ter Porter. 1 part. At tate clues of Cameron'. n i to shoat "Three chsrets tut I'brter. 'There was •.harp. turnout ..t Niee, t'•rl at' war., the "Luise!' endeavored p► tet` ()eft;; to his tosgse being thick 1.e the township hall, t' iy Ian.•. . b I iY1(ILt.x3. the aud:.ti.e to cheer fee Porter, but the i d'in't get the articulation pru•periy. and Friday evening, and a g•e••1iy linwL• r of There',qts a largo ttnr out f peo•y:a at respotip was nuts heavy one. When few of the large sole 44bly ew what ladies graced the oeiee.io44 witk awn.; the 1eimiller meeting Saturday 'Aro C:uribron'• ewe was proposed, fut.owed I he had tried a say. Mt !licuddy pretence. F.x reeve ]•„ung was called not. The hall was packed to sufh..ateen, by -that of Hou. Edward Blakey, . the loathingly !dined mese,! him, said to the chole ! f y t 'ruin' **Buhl on, Billy. your a little tit, eon. one ata time u gusted fi.hing, and ell take the chairman tint." ('unemn h I YMON 4',:1' F.4 Att'AT INiWv. LNA%N. IN)RN. end o ee the meet 1 • ed when. Pur:er and bs satellites saw cheers were hraie ant afmoe ung by asktug Capt. A ex Fraser to ad , the audience they congratulated them- mous. !veil in this section, which has dress the gathering. The reworks of aches that a grand meeting was in store Capt Fraser weld practical and earned! 1,4. them. Aid so there we., In the orad girt c': idence .d careful thought , audience were many oderous and iurNter- urd a full consideration of the •luestisum l out tnrportati: us from outride plaints, to)u_hed upon. The next speaker was &t.d at dust view it i.'1 i.uet looked a. if !frown `?, from Ton.nto, or Glammis, or the Torii's had made prep.trat:ou to pack Haldiwaad---st the present we cat mit their own wee:ing. From th derimfi -listennine. The young stranger open- were "C beinmy'' Campbell, lfr w. John- . •Id his remarks by stating that M. t.'. Das. ••D.. "Mitehell,All.0 Itianbury, Camrren was ::ving its a house that Caw Allem, Lin. Marone'', Bon, Allen, :rawu't paid no. Mw,L'asn•-ren corrected Jimmy Thomas, Dr. Taylor, and others. him, and Itn,sn (1) "meed• dely replied, Front Safford there were Bob S:mm,ne, Newt:it:didv A H Manama ore*, WC , heretofore been looked upon as a Tory use hrai• r . ew44 is n . r P. .trut•;t6old, M C. l a s broke in, "Oh, let them stun. . ly entrenched in the hr.uts of the efec• ter now. E rr they'll have "u chance after Lets. , the rind This sally'. brought down tt!.w'mine r.:. , the h..use, and caused Mitchell to hunch The au.lience tbat greeted M. C. i himself up against the wall. Tee nowt- 5 Centeno' yDreamt_ reamt._ever seen in ing chard with cheers for Cameros, tins section. A lug+ numb:!- .f ladies I Biake and the tlaeen, the T`Ringer' as NiGlo were present'. Jas Young was ulerteal I nasal .stated by the "Distal." ) 51k14: P ositirety &..44 ' 1I:TING (r -a- • „IRE& Th9 Canadian Pacific Railwa! PS'i CICO Int ISAKFAor. "Rya thane;!. krow!e44r .f the hateful --- ;awe which IP "ern I". oprra,lpglf �tlgesti.M ^I've People, Yavorite Route Witmer *ad nutritlen, and b a c.retnl •pet• sun of the are putrnlr. or weli..rloct"a t'wsip. Mr. MONTREAL. - TORONTO, I:pp. has provided our breeaf•1t ,,hl.•.with a delicately flavored oeverage wbiolunay ip a QUEBEC us many herr, doctors bill.. It se by e ' iudlctowe tier air tush "utile; or diet tb.t OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, conetlturiou we> 44 grwdurur huiu v¢ noun BOSTON, deiro enough 1u rtwa race) tendency IuADETROIT, - CHICAGO, di.erae. Hundred. .f an!'i:r maladles are rooting around u.. read to motel: wb-re.-er ST. LOUIS, Were is a weak ppowppe, e may r.ecepr ivacy a tatat abaft b) ke•elun our.rlvet well forten ed with pure blood and • property uouruacd frame."-Cir'ZNet-sire 041,4fe.' ANL) ALL POINTS EAST Arg WE:. Made simply womb bullui11 water or nett. Sold only in pickets by (insects. :abetted thin, JIVES (Pas & ti . afomropannc Chemists. �. y London iiaatead. THE WA -1.7' e KANSAS CITY, LAMP Candle Power. No (' imney. No )t:neke. NO Oder. (feat sruoad the oat writ. 'es•Itaplenve. I Every Lamp chan:man, slid the pun of conduct for 1 btm+elf hoarse for Porter. titavaateed- tue meetingwas laid dues b D ! 1' !Lade in all Table. Itrseket, to attach ! Awful news. to eneTZWers. Library. He_ he 55-00 generic '(►h, you paid the rice tt. et was asked Jacketto:all Eli Sinon ins, and • horde I: i. cerhiwly glad l"oi"n;! t • ''.r 1 , r PRIG p e the meeting! to the Reforur if:Attest, anti f eJ f i t' • It ,air it tvh•." tt ea, I.+,ucw.• 1 .1...n t.. you of aux-tate* of like kidney and ("ode i intx id to br to. ortn o a r +rct r y 1 he was fell., by Broom (t1 on behalf ata bargain, -but Cie mai .4)4o Wilt the rich township had come across tl.e river „1 i(,obt. Porter. brown t`) had every . sal neiofuPsuffeting.d •`echraireunnlya is ne house di.tu't lav , 'r it, tui the house is in a aanal. Detp:te t,.ta raid •,f outaid ore af•peara:Ice o[ beieg loaded turbo muerte Ila ad's ] r:3ow , !l, eels bid for not petit lar- to this day. ' (A voice-- the staunch Reformers of the section 14th "enthusiasm," if out with facts ! J external use in all ache. erre wellrep For hal: a orae d wandered sunless!, 1 s and soreness It curs Wanner C & �fhite fiiachinoa For )speeds o Table.. 4'.r.•.. T: iiia. ,f app17 io IDCLI FFE Awn. OFF 'It Weed Street. Opposite TeleRsva om..e. 1401'1 iuret-t the 'lace. Gotten, h. Jan. 11th. IRK. BUS Auctioneering. 'ma KNoX, I;ENK--. L 41t s TIONEEIt and Land Val Ooderick 44$4 Having had cuundrrable es wisest♦ the anetionr.naa trade. he of is s e itNn- diaeharre with thorough oata,fac•tion i.(1 SOW newsman. ay ,Anted to him. Order's Martza's lintel. or sent by snail to my Ouder•ch P. O.. tentu[ly attoadrd to. J KNOOX Ca/linty AaulioLrrr. 1,11$'-• iErauelling Out e. .."I" has th at to .S .with AlrCemer,nf resented •r d succeeded in d b b t ed internal an ez e e Brtoan 111rr lied,'t ►h a.uthi e, 4441 Mr holeiing the catherin fx Came erblsige pains amen', ono and Organs ' GI:.tN! TRUNK I'' P y g and belpleeely tete masa of v rheumatism, nearalew sore :Lust, croup \� y etprres."aT ;��� Ml>at. f:an.e r,a'• h••nage a not ,aid fur." llrie, tyro duriug the evening. The ",set- devoid of either subject. er predicate. salt all iofitimawry poli... - alt from the moot reiebrated m%kers the am r es.eirb 11.v. 1 yttea.m , „law. 1 i�os, of -"fell peri( .•e." "1) a t ba a G , ' fag was eahliesnd by Porter and Then he endeavored w (pathlr himaelt and "gain t lir," were hoard in various Bmnwn (' in the C, oserv,etice mtenet. end bead down t: bu4iiaeas. At lbs L1 GEO. W. THOg8O' wa"'' pasta of the hail, .141 the strange yawn t and Capt Frazer and oD.n M Porter sod of the hour :!furled hint, he had ANCHOR LINE, 1 *ism. Wiled. �p�, imam ut anus• ed and avid, "I dant on behalf of Mr Cameron Punter ■ ke- t#eatfesd ►Lv, etas m' las p m I.p ea R r p° bora" touched u u an of the 'suss of Rr•idran- First House Best of Pne y po y (Odsrtck , Ar. le fe ane 11:t! pane pas aspect fair play here to night, fair Plat and occupied an }our and *halt 541 the day. sod at five minutes after the V• S. MAIL STEAMERS Manisa )Hist. :lye .t , nuUPeduhimfthhis at Lia time, thewas atmml*111 LI ewe aTO To v slut yaw _-_ -.. _- -___ -.--- me than past. "Cies r.1e five minutes mural GUSGOW AND LONDONDERRY. to wind up." mid Crown, ('1 and time tone. of Passage to or from ?• ' he Okra Y. ,lugs.. Leeson. in sensesry or a Ad, l)ameron hes packed the meeting. The the same speech that he delivered in venerable chairman rtimmetrated with Goderich. There was • .aviation, bow' the speaker for making such absurd ever, on the I:• envoi ,uestirn, Mr Por• statements, and r•crd him to cumrine ter en this point said --"An unfortu• himself to pelirical issues. The latter Hite incident • ccs -red at the Gnderich turned tattoo the chalnn:to and said that.gentlewan waa-uerelictiu bis -duty, and was endeat, nog tee -"Wildest?' him rhe crowd now betas• to -tier the estiww au allow,,. r •-e 4OY ....,.._- meetin4 the ot:.rr et euirg. I was n- wandered ai nlera;y sl..rg without any 4Ati1�l,', a (e a,d 11C.. S►.c preONDpaid, ('i.xaA, l7a, I .-teeraue outward or prepaid, Ise. $I.y,,gf lir--t an:erotr'5 •:.tame"- t evidence of making eff rt ••• close. ma , -Antler tine j"f . "ea"' lir i,owede Ri os aKainat .tbe t:overnmen: on t.. r Tod"- 1 thew the chairs &n arose, and called , are M;d tree.).i her qr .n Kngiend. question. i was et.alleoQnd by b!r "Time.' Brown (') with an imped.nt Fay Desks of o Thor". h il reand in1Mr young fellow, and D. Mt iillicuddy had ameron to ;in•lecc n.y anthr••tty-t,. :est u r. las 4xouutenattee, le-r,eod to t}.4� to rise and ask that the *pewl:er tie al quote Moe.- i. I hada louid volume, p' motion. Frail. to York. 9 chairman and mid. "Al n,ht, Mr plWTtlti t+. New York. owed to proceed with'his remarks. After of the debates of Parliament nitb me, I Clubman, but I'm r.••t thrr,ugh,lst, oho e4(04.4lieh New. . 41oe. M. Cake. iOiY.tm .l heariut was again obtained. Bn,wn t, and held it up before the audience. 1 !hero aro enough Cow.as•ativpe pert to _ .levotei t.•t attention to McOillicudety. and stated that Mr Cauaer•a• words I hinder ca from heing eboked 4- At `Soeiett�es. Ifs said the latter was "s moo of straw, ' could 6e found un page 7Cti Mr I tills the audience tont is rebellion, and s SOC 'that lie was guilty of brazen effrontery," Cameron stated that I was exhibitiog lir. lJiuu:ed tl.e speaker down. and endorsed = _- - '" that he was "an abject creature," and incorrect and unofficial fbenwrd. mane• the action ..f Fee chair:,arae For some NCIIf?iT (►RDCR OF U ]% 1 TE D that "when he stated that the Mod was textured for the occasion, and I denied \VOitICMS�1. . not a thorough) Inde minutes pandeemetuni seemed to have o ' r y pendent paper he his statement, believing that 1 teas sigh:. been let loose.sed t.uthine than Brown(f) MAPLE LEAF Li4d:E, No _ deed." fu s dash McGillicuddy was on Since that time i have learned that said ec,uid b. b..:J At this lenc.nn. A. O. l W.. the door, and had the ruffianly language although the speeches which i held up D. McGillicuddy be went forward o4. the : Mews is the"; ledge name over Tex .• remotes. O.E. -. dodeeit h. w the corrected. He said, Ladies and gentle some directly from the Government platform and obtained order He said sen, you knew me for many yeah, and printer at Ottawa, they aro tut revised "Ledges and tertlenean, I regret that ! ie 'arty ANEA/ FOURTH WHONDAY9 0/ you know whether I am the sort of moo or eorreoted, and are not the o- ' got this ur..temly exhibition. on the part of -- that this stranger ■peakes of me u records until theyaro •• revised, cornet- YI�PT[NO IIR(THRkN ARI►. ALyi AYA the Tory representative has occurred. wCWpME. being. I hare lived in (141. section fur ed and bound by the Gurernwent print- I No such blackguardrsm is erer attempt - W. IOHN 101r. k LS PRICE. near.y seven Ioig years, and there is no ors." Thie explanation of the rascally ld at Mr I'r.riars meett0ae. Thu v'in r- r--,-=:•a-=ggr-Ht aiaaaeier ,ran, be he Grit or Tory, who will not dodge which had been resorted to be swan Bro.. i y h • ,illy ,: icnde is (y, W. THOMPSON, take my statement on soy question as the Tory candidate drew loud and pro • Rd :raking until for the P..1or,r. party, give{ sow eaer. ')sing my honest conrictiri. I am not longed cheers from the Reformers pros - hilted to address you hen tonight, but int, and the Tory faces gum Plot gage,; - - i cannot iet the opportunity pass after Capt. Fetter was allowed half an Frau1 what hes been said by this Nobody from to reply to Mr Porter, and dwelt with "iodwknows-where, without letting you the trade ottewtion, the encodes, orad oth• know that I personally resent and am er topics, closing with an ,sines• exhort reat Sali urepared to combat the imputations aticn to thinking, independent Corset.- Alt orprart upon me by this Political Tramp." vatives to sink party. and to rote for -OF-. After the applause evoked by this sen- country on the ?'2sd of Feb timent had subsided, Brown ..turned his D. McGillicuddy was the next speaker. tune to Capt. Fraser, that had e, and was o C palled r speak ,ter bis r DRY 000DS. edod him. Ile slated that tb.a u, inmate, Capt. Fraser. •u.d before ...a/though weighty physically, was only Brown 't) He opened by stating h. was I ',),tally a man of straw,' that "he was • glad to hear Mr Porter aekn•wledis I _ - __i humdrum old creature, ' that "hie that he had imposed a bogus l/•,..e o• i We are . tonna up our Ineersell ben new. sea +pooch was ,hero vaporing, ' that "he was upon the good peopb u[ Guderteh a. ht. cove the stook here shotty. Ih ender to make Mr It n wilt redone stir (iedertrh stink Thi, Is fat and flabby, dry and uninteresting, meeting then. 4144,1 se Clearing kale. puny, prosy and without life - Again Porter I never aid en. BOO atOLIDO N I e*T. the intelligence of the aad.,nce revolted McGillicuddy lou didn t. eh ' %•ell, against Browne , blaekguardur, and it Mr porter, be good et.'441h 4.. .e1. the was only by the niterposition of the intelligent audreace and h )se.f what -hsirtnon and some of Mr Cameron's you del say. friends near the platform, that he was Porter 1 admitted that the velna.e I alkwed to pnro.ed. Brown , n hid no read from i" t:,•i,rtch was not the 4110 - winner c included tie vituperative re- ri.►l Record or :1.. 11.....•i I',...wa.na s• mark, that Capt. Fraser took the door, &dee and proceeded amid the cheers of the Mc(:ilhcuddy Thank you, Mr Por audience to dress that worthy d..wn tee , that • stronger than 1 put it. 1 Amongst leiter things he said, "Thu eatd y.•u rang in a bogus thrower.' at the young oleo Wit •liuded to me as bong (iod.r,ch meeting. and .adeavored t•' .at and Ashby, and said that sty remarks deceive the audiares into the belief that were dull and prosy. Ladies and rein- it was the (►rage"!( (:.•nail. few you ad- de.aen. those of yon who know me end mit it was nut the Ir41:,oI Record. I Isswerwbta me in the old political tights geese I'm right on this print, attar •i1, 'Ashrams oleo., 4-4: 4 •ee. relre :beSale. .d Rot 55444:' it North Huron and your esteemed and know better what you say than ell 1 'et rt.. !wet Ra sis.. whte,ih are sere tome ha I 'Ase and others here present re- do yourself. )lama laughter and chimes.N„ ,•,•-i;RVI. 440011+ M.oST RN Kell, I member me in that connection .i11 n..t say that I un devoid of Ide,whon there is ...e•ra$y for actio" in discussing politi- MISS GRAHAM, Fashionable Milliner 7 Ifs, rr• ur:,:d from her visit to New fork. Toronto, and other ,-it.es with the NEWEST STYLES & PATTERNS aad has remeeed from Ler old stated to the UNDER GEO. ACHESON'S NEVW HALL. where she will be ptra•nd to ser her eld l'uetosier•. aid • number of sew ones. \\ A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED O oder', b. Oet. 7tb. Ilei t> NOW FOR BARGAINS bT PROF_ c 'o a 4( MAIC p[YORIGM. ativosavir Smas eI'�.The Genuine Bell Organ, The Mason dt Risch, Dunham. Fischer, Evans Pianos. THE nimiDs Ml ST Ili: SOLD to .,,abe room for our Ineprsoli Mock. t. a h.cr • large assort men: of IMMO wows.. $tett, sad tenured fele,,rm*, MNs sed suer. eldM. . a• meat'► sold for . bitterer 'hey wlll Was. lrisMap.4 r..b. sed Tweeds wiIl be tarred at No: Coes. fps ya, re>aM1ers. •bsria sed Issok 4sweea. s a.: rt e5.n l►eode. at lir Than wholesale Pekoe. liner Ratgaln• is sltwrtines. P111.w ('04(0,,1,1 maa Prima Cretoneea. Tabling*. Omahas's. abirti.p, Docks. !Weir's. and Costonadea. A Complete Ptort of Hosiery aa4 Asian Waren, iii►boca Woven and headrests of things se comet' nam.• her.. a' -oar uwa «,tee •r 4apes. toecaps. see Trimmings. Less Thaal 'w:. McGillicuddy then pn ec+eded to F.h. w ep the rascality of the dodge resorted to by Mr Porter and his friends. and 1 m ims withinse. Tonto/ht. li5hoverer, 4 was *bowed that F. W. IHillmn meeting sa•that Colbo .iii qwe with 'fT howeee, end 1 mated et at F. W. Hill ton Ea that .sdesysred to deal with theta attar the the volume was :od • ()overttoteet brae•!. ',!setas of as earnest swan talking t hot had been board at IISSiewth. He owrt♦s* mesa. (Neer, h.ur ) 1 came robbed the bDue ►Ineeerd gtl.stior ,fit. QODERICii_ hest tilt to east forth repr..eche• Porter and his frien,is to the inter.• TtrJlfas rne Bros., prof. ('. ,sly handles the very best tnetromeute. Why b. trash when you eau bar the OENVINK thing by oaRtme ea,r written to PROP. CLARKE VioUas. Flutes, PIfes, Hest. Orta,,, Scrap Albania, Sheet Music. Mssic Books. kr. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CANADA. P.o. nes. 356 siN,et,i. Mire: weed .Nee.. 1886 NEW FALL GOODS IIs 1 great taro public ...lin the annouar.wieet 1 A1 N have opened cut a Choice Assortmwat of Nh:W STYLISHis.S' Coops R1s/leW fer Aet.me end tarty Wieder Ware. Tor ranee Textile Fabrics are se . IItnts =MD-bswt !bat even the most faattdcbe PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS Stack sN Cdsysd, Maio sad *tripod Plashes and Vets et. Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. I C -louse & 191=e I oeiery rn11 reaim tad u SWUM .wprerrdeated la the annals of the Hea.ery awl Ole,. Trac All DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. An ua.w.utly large Meeh e( CsnaA4.a and Imported R NITTiNG Y A I(NS Beet Mate. KKY VOTE 001141111151511 ea their ther.u, ne wNersprwreutiees mode, sad steno ly owe prise NOM* amt. Mb. 1885: A_ M'LTTTRO, !ate I►r*Mv od M.* P14a$f,