HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-4, Page 71' Rh HURON Sidi A1., FRIDAY. FEB. J. ts87. 7 HE t3E1ZkD THE BABi'. aD asm.lisa sand..* he she tanedte.ey of • t'waasl4a .Meas. Orr.r. "011e of the wont thoroughly amusing t»eidente that ever pause 'sutler usy 'mike during my wally yenta ill the service.' rid a veteran Cauadiau customs ()Reis!, a new days since, "occurred away b.• k in the 404, .t Prescott. As you know, Prescott is opposite Ogde,uhur, , with the St. Lewr.•nce river nosing b:twee.. During the severe winters common in that region the river freezes s•.LJIy as d there is any amount of asuoyiug, p3tty smuggling gone; mi, %ley largely the wort. of *worn, wfi.. sr...n the ice ..n foot. There lea. sheat station - el at l'ieacU4I, a wat•ws and Aliment officer named .lsnoop, who deteraaiueu to endeavor to ch.•ck the anus., by givens, it his personal attention, catching one et the offenders in the act and making an example ot her. With this in view he watched until he Saw a wotsau setting out just just before dusk to cruel tho river, some distance below the town. He could see I.y aid ..f 1.i* glass, that she carried a targe parcel, mid sen set out in such a way that he intercepted her be- fore she had quite reached to Canadian side. "'Maden, what have yon in the par- ed r Ise asked, severely. " 'Nothing dutiable, sir, i assure you,' answered the wotaan, wt:h great apparent agitation. " 'That w.e't do,' said Jess..p. must either tell me what is in parcel .•r .pen it and ah..w cue.' "'I decline to ti. either " grnwin!f in- nignant, "1 have rites )on my word • that its contents are nut dutiab:e, and if you were a gentlrmau fit t.. ,erre the queen you would tot Fry into a paF'- cel carred by a lady ' " C.••ue, come' No wp•rm of this. Wpen that package, ar I shall tow obliged to tali- it fro.n you and exstutne et.' "'Take it yourself, thea 1 shall never open it, said the w .matt, placing it in his arms. No ..ones had she dome so than she was off like a Aird for the American shore at such s pit that Jes sop, who was rather fat, could not have GN hoped to overtake her, eveu if he had the presence of nsind to follow. ''When he recovered sufficiently frons his surprise he apprehended that there was something warni in the pa'cel, and that this something kicked. Pursuing the investigation, he removed the cover• tng and found himself in the possession of a fine baby troy shout two weeks old. Making his way to the custom house, in great cnnatereation he laid the case and the baby 1 «fore his associate*. The child was well dressed. and pinned tc its gown was a slip 4.1 paper bearing these word.. written in a handsome, feminine hand :q- "' flosse ears for my boy, as 41 whee- lie .row• up make a cosININas.,nicer of if 1.e tett t tea smart,'' JOB PRINTING FIERI DSI'RIPTION EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS L AND DISPATCH AT TRE Reasons wby lot should purchase Fluid Lightning in preference t.. all .•ther remedial ere : Rapid result - cures leniently. It is essi:t applied-fo trouble- no � time. It does tint re- quire Oesatant we one apt,liuttion is effectual. Otlsbottle will remove mor* pain than any other remedy in existenoe. Try it for Neuralgia, To.tka.he, lived- . he, Rht wmatism. Sold at '.fic. a ta,ttte by G. Rkynu, Druggist. (a 'tam Jones aid at St. Poore Church, Cincinnati, that whets the Led gives a man a wife sad halls doaen children, he has done a hig think for hon, but he has nct,slone a big thing when he gives bis a elle and • poodle dogs. Ladies tierekrInd with Pimples, Mutche.. ':'.urh Hands or Face, or sores of any d.scription, should use McGret;nr & Parke's Uerhrdic ('erste. It will lest, the skin in pmrfest health. ,meodh, clean and god codon. Be sure and get the genuine. made by McGr ..r &Parke. Prim Er¢, Abild_ati .u.. Ugaits' Driig Store. "Reader,' in infonring you of this wonderfpj remedy for ('oughs, Cold. Asthma, Bronchitis, Oonsune)t.un, and all affections of the throat and lanes, we feed that we are doing you a great kind seas, as if yen have any ,4 the above c.,mplainta. if you will wily try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every cam or looney refunded. A•k for McGregois Lung Compound. Yrica 1.0c. anti PI per bottle at Rhyme' Drug Storm ;3j 10 ARE YOU MADE miserable by 1 fdigestios, (:.a.tipttion. Dion...., Loss of Appetite. Yellow Skin ► lihit,h'a Vitalirer la . poeiHt'i acne. Tr ale hi J. Wilson, dreggist. A Wingham,lsity. having entail, iosed . 1 being unable tie 41l bila ►si,.et' pies front her ail -le pies without tree's(;,., was advised to mark them. She did an. mud (someplace ;y se ssounce l: •'This i'te marked ' t. N." -Tis mines, " set) that I're marked "T M." Taint mind•." L ENVELOPES -- WHITE--- usiness Envelopes Weare prepared to anpplc En,. lope- in an) wwnttle. at the fano eine LOW PRICES: *1lij Wire E. ..1 a 80c. pert, or 2c. a p'k ge 14 SHiLOH'M(IT1REwilti,t,bseliatt► 1 relieve CTn'p( ].a . Wh4epint �►�11od ro Bnchitis. Fur lelby JULJDa Willem. 4r•uMAit. 12 till MOWS CAT %ERN RIMS T►Y a poaltrrn .,ern ler Oaesrrlt. Dip thesis and (%anktr Month. For sale by J. Watson, druggist. Warmer & "'metes enorMlte enema.. Hay.ou an old Sore. Cot, Bern, Braise. Corn, Bunion, Malt Rhein Pisa p Blntsb s, Aowgh Heads nr Dies T 11 10, there is hut nee emirs, namely, Me- (irgot & Parks: Cowbell* Omuta. if 7,41 but try it, it will nanous.e you. it onatiabit !tb ee'nts at 0 Rhyme' drug 081111 vl A Good No. $ WLi:e Eute:o;.• a' $1.10 Per M,. or 3c. a pk. A food No 7 White ithatiligelli at S1.25 per M, or 4c. a pk. A Gond No. 7 wh:te Ent eat, a• $1.40 per M, or 4c. a pk. /► Hood No. 7 Whits iCureJupe .t $ 1.75 per M, or 5c. a pk. Half or Quarter 7l7iaarrs at awn- -t4 for rs Lute. Ladies s' Envelopes, the very b•st giuflty Is the market for the money. Good Qual.ty Ladles dare relieve. 5 Cents a **lege, 25 in Pk. Fine Quality !Adios Rgwarr Envelope 7c. a pk. or 4 Pk for 25c. Call and See Them "THE SIGNAL" C71ii1A.F PRINTING OFFICE. i CAMPBELL'S TONIC ELIXIR :w1 ?nae sprees) : y.t potent pee�wf• tion it swpeceidy a.taptot for the relbt and mire .•f that chase of dfsordcn en/m.1ant Item 1 low or minced slate ofdela ya4• i. fuel ttaita;lv ill, nutl.suie.l by 1',Jlur, 11'erke...as pout I':.Ils:Ist►.ms a 1 oho lleart 1'rony.t t' r,i.1.1 will 1.•11..ti its use LI execs of S.1.l.1cs Et- han -does arising; fn.ut 1.41.1 44 Mood, •lcule 411 ('lined() Jhaeaoes, and sat taw wral.neaa that iuvnrialily are..t:.l arsira the ti-euvery from Wending Fri,. r+. Nu re,ne.It will give More al .d� tilirlLl I►tai . i.da or b.dk•-atii.u. Iia mei ...it on the a:..wa'h being Ilett of.rent!-• and Iwn..lras •.•t.i. , eaeitiug 11.e on .nus of w•tt. di ;t.1 tis 4):.u, Sud thus affording loo's.,::ate Good lKtutatectit telk 'Ilse c.iruan:dive p,ro yrtit•aof this different arom.it1 * v.!,kh the Elixir contains rrn.la: it awful ill Flatulent 1)ysinepaitt it is a t:;h:..1.4• remedy for Airmail Dyspepsia, which 11 apt to occur in tiamotut of a got*) character. For In.la,vtirislo,l BNA, Inas of Appetite, l eesp.nd.i.et, and lis all cases where an effective soul certain miaow laut is reqluin.1 the 1:liair will be foup41 iuvaluab:e. At Fevers ..f a Malarial 'Type, and the carious e% tl result* f.,llowiug expo- sure to the cold or wet weather, it will prove a valuable restorative, ns the coo&ualion 41('iau•Isnta ('aasava Mud berp•utsrta are uuiversa:l, t••..r iuized 1. specilice far the above u:uutd disor- der*. •fief d lye .at Dealers is Fen.if y ltfr.ticitep. 11•ice, kir per 16.UIe, a @tt 1A/.t i5,.r3S••. Favi. & Lawrence Co. (Limited) SOLE AnENTS, MoSyitt.t., P.(I. sir PERKY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER is 1ILCn»wZSnhs h1' !'Aesi-inn., Min inter*. Missionaries, .Va.o)ers of %'actvriel. Wo.rtt•aAopa, 1'tat4i.i..as, Panes in 11•4pitab, -se .Aur(, ewer vital p eoreyrr.Aere elm has ever ptoat it a trsn« 1 NIXED tIT■ • wise suss or 110T stILk ASD at:GAlt, IT WILL DX Vol; ND • !AMINO CERA TOIL SUDDEN l ILDS, CI1ILL.c, CMN-. GESTION OR STHPPAGE 01' CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN Ti!E STOMACH, bL'M- AIEli ANI) BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT . de;. • •truss $ST$UALLT, C. L. YAINTOSH, New Neat ricer Rh) Pa.' (eras R ore. keep rosatae•1; .ddlag is lits well a•ic. led rtw:k, choice REBS GOODS Fresh firrceries, D ' wA.:L will L• f• t•,.... ei,p,p.,•n favorably, ( 1..11 a. re .0-.1..44„10, and prier. with Ii see ether er • .111 Is lbtavh•latty. OPENED TO -DAY AT ,TEAS AND SUGARS J. C. DETLOR&CO's' ' eh.tir tn.ea ear. w endo. t:pleric i...1 ..t ..1.. 1.. 744. MISS 77.7-1 SNS 02. ". • ^l'euIALre. ,"•. ,s' ear reetems» rfee .. M t .1 a,. I•1711.M $$, • ...,i (...tea.. ten) .Sark. L. McINTOBH. malt• 01 lLe S41%arq .U. dcrich, } •• i . lok . CIA -II) 3i zt: V x AIlieidllll StylosLa1The Latest Fllch mad HATS, BONNETS Bochum MAW La�raon : Robinson vv&c'r •ILt112 or Trimmings stash, Doves & Blinds Feathers, Flowers, Fancy I •. r 1•t. 6tc. D"Al.xn,t 15 ALL bias, O. Lit lnber, I.fLlh, Shingles The Chicago House. and Lut1011ter ri , r 17. SCNOOI FiiRtITUtE A S/ECIaITf. tint hies prow pit yfattea4eipe. Ooderich Aux. t1Oi, 2.1, Agent for Domestic Patterns. fltl! The People's Livery WEST STREET. 1,ODElt1('It Calori() Ap:t Itt•.1tM.1 DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKE1 AND LIAI)1Kli UNDERTAKER. Anyone ran advertise, but I can show the Steck. 1 bare more stock on hand than an two houses to town to .elect from. FURNITURE. 1 have now nn hand 10ditterent styles of Bedroom ''nites.6 different utyks ot. Midebosr.ls. 3 Parlor Suite... and almost anything in the Furniture line. all of which will be sold AS CHEAP AS THE ('HEA PEST. AND DANT YOU FORGET iT. In the UNDERTAKINt, I give personal attention. ani the beset now of nearly 40 years experience. 1 Weak 1 have the hent Heerww in the County of Huron- 1 will leave the public to judge. I have everytbIatt usually kept in a first-class establishment, such as Caskets. Cornea, t)browdr, Habits. Gloves. ('npea. d'e. Enebalm:ng done when required. 111,1 Guarantee tugfve satisfaction in every wens.. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. (►. AND BANK OF MONTREAL. Gederich,Sept. Ph. 1.F't. 11161 3m gmerniseea ran mover IT 1,ta nem. LYP LCTI VI AND DAST Ltttt'LMT Oh kASTIl IX IUUOTISU lea -AIF •1/11710 ?WON SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TIM)TIIACHE, Arias, FROST BITES, Lc.. Lc. =:eta pt- Bottle Beware of Imitations. 'int CAMPBELL'S , CATHARTIC COMPOUND Is effective in email dom., acts without griping, drew nut 00. erosion nausea. at.3 will Mot era:() irr,. tatiOn and congestien of do Many of the lubatrt to tot• ministlsr• d '•n the form of Pula, A Ladle* ami Chi!- dren having the mem, mobbed:•. ►l - rta.•hs take thin tnedictne w:ti.oat trt,c- lir• or complain:. C, irri:1.t.'s CATliAITiP l' -.Minn sl. !,11 1/-1.:iaily adapted lettav''•ruts. o: LIVER CoetrLAttt•t ( .awe Bt x+ts I)a.- us»Ee+. - Fifa Ai ID'TOw.r1r AAD Imo OT ,�lT• rrr,Tc. Fos S,ea 1lr.ATtertt .AT?. Tttrrrrat a. FOR CON./ r*T7,..s ..n 1 stat ( Tkatl. s.. Fus *LL C'.1ws, . rtTw A ltitiSH p'goyr 4 D,sosog&rn 5TATL nF 1 X ti1 - fact This mile.* Brine beim, ill;.i'; d form, the dose can ).t eaai,y regu;ated :O alert the re.iuirt'tnentw,.f 4.tt.renttier• mus, tons halting it equally well adapteti t . the use ..f the little chtl,i aa t.t t ,dux. Alt tib in Mar Mince bottles, and sold by all dealers in fluffily medicines. Price Renzi!. 2i (Cents. CArn3ELZ'S ‘Co f 4' e. tt:. Maaldslw ota6 .�'•' s wips.ol .OrftXB. Meat. and a it e+twmand and Pao of ate Rows. 11wits. media wiN low its ere in basset AOa% kakaatr'en arcing horn I.o.s of Mood. Aca.e or (2renir- !twaatel, and in the wskatw that Maoris */ acoae.prae. the recovery fro- M'a.tityt Fe..,. - No re_e.ty ill 'aye mom .pee.1.7 falai �•r Dry."... w I ige-on wur n.. ,AJL., - t:.s.!. i .<o( •aqui.-. ens p.,... ".•.' V. mad ,n all ca.- where .91 +n ,r•r. 71, r Nal • •e1 1• `O 171.11 1 .aT H ree.l•ared, the ►.I.I %1R hound /wv.tt• +1a. e st Soil br al: /i.: -•'t ren .t/-i.riatr. DAVIS A LAWIEIOE CO.1Lbsite ) Sena Ad:N/171, MONTPIAl. P Q. CHOICE �['lljls and COD1illi'\-. C _ CARDONE, West street. sear the P..4 Oiler. 1.druirk LAS the chot, est 3.-ortnecn; of PRESERVE YOUR FRU SIGHT and �'tl\T[CTIO[FJ.�. CONFECTIONF.I•T. The Stock is new. I'y wearing the only FRANK LAZARUS =, lit of the ti: m ot Lazarus C Mums Reamed Spectacles sad Eye Classes Thee Spee:acles and Eye (:!eases t.:. ve beta yardforthe-twat 141..-.r.. atA given in every . iastanee anbuunded s.tietaetion. They are 1117 ax.1T IN THE wo7LI. They nines ti:.•. sod last many year.; without change. --row PALS by -- Yates & Acheson, ■agaw.IR6 NERCO I T% C OD3::RICIH_ Fresh Oysters I The hest brands of Oysters. in bulk or by the can. ire the large stuck of CANDIES. Prices very Low. G. CARDONE. tit,•. 'fid.:111. 2011111 ��f'l`. '(-,....-. lb r. of ,' FMNA LAZARUS, MANUFACTURER - -- -•-. :.-77.77:::::::::;. ft sitw•l liarrew Rear. Z ..r -' : • f_71_,_. • •`.:'-.atrt% i.O DON, liNG1.AXj). •nr , t. : o!:•cttasl ILAte L.zaruc Si. :1 .ear:a, Hartford Co . ;,,.r .r � x .. as t-_...swot^ol::ta illi..\'ocui'te,tlua w •h anv.tbet' iris ite the i eimineon of ('ened.. Jan. Et h. Me.: PA �ts-cr 1 311111 4. Celli./ Ti. T u.& MAUS ASI) COPIIli6i1TS (jt••a.o .. ..i::! nil • i.incae'n !he U.S. Pat (Mt..... e...ied to at aft .l)F.R.(TR FERN. Our oto. a u' upp...ie. ,1:a C. N. Patent 1)1 &:e. and r c ...sr eut..:t .tet -to in teas tint.- , than t!. ,-• teso:e fr...tr.I.tilf!Nf. T•)J". mood .u•)I)BL nu y►h..WfA'I), We ad- riee.rs to 4ateatebltite Tree of artaitg1(e.':and we make \O('I1A/WE f:AL/i.NS WE ()/t- IPAL, Y' !'A TENT. We mire here, to the Pestmssteribe gape. of Money tenter Utv.. and to (Atrial& oe t I'. S. Patent Ofll.,. For circular. admen, t 1.t Perna and references to wetted .fleete to tn.ir own Mote 'or 1 'sooty. wrote to .e:. 41.11441111•4_014. - - , - 1 Opposite Patent (Once. Washington. D.C. -- - -- PIKES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL 1 DL IN'S BAKING POWDER iNEC sT �mexo $i 6,00C,000 PEOPLE USS FERRY'S SEEDS D. Pd. FENNY & CO. sae admitted tuba obs LAISUT 0. BMW aWSi.- SFAo A� mad weastaa pa 1.O7 wO b. tmiMd trR�E to cep sv- raw M a•a • Mid d 0. �a� re•t 1 a. •Y1te e t. *obits et. wft.Nor. Ont. NOW COMPLETE! NOW COMPLETE 1 A Molt Is STOCK OF 13 0,001E1611 axicl C rocexice_ nPDCiAL LiNES 174 { JOHN INOII Proprietor. Ti, ubeerlber 1. prepar.d to urinal the pleb itr with The Finest Rigs AT REAMK)NAITI•K PRICES CA1.1. AND SEE CS Oppo the Coibor Hite Goleneh. Ooderich. F. 1530 HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY TI... (revenge u Loaning Money os Farts Seen rity a( Lolseat Rake n, littered. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 4 and 5 per (newt. /Mired AUo.ced se I►rl..slfa, ,irrnrdsrse to ausount and tine left. OFFICE. Cor. of .larkct Square and North Street. Both- rich. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Oedevleb, AprUMb. tel ilnttAUX HORTON', Menasha* Goderlch Aug .ith 1AS,t. 1551 • r&nn it Res'€ r:i 'lair to tural co' • . moves Dol. stops 1 11 fro:n inc: case growth, :.a• not Soil the - As8►n:.r • sing .1; r enpe .. (. misdeed a..7. Peened -eft Ha: kn a f• Lender, 0 lathe sit err; had Paesat t.. GODBBICH 110111111 WORKS 1 & Black, aaufaoturen nl all ►.oda of STAT10*EI1, NAMIE. UPiIC!tT *110 TUBULAR BOiLERS. SALT PANS, SMOK k STACKS mid aft kk,da of ghee' Ir•n work. ATP.tI Alt w %TEs PMP& .T1'rt1H/1 eODalanll, sae hand. Oh Land, ready for delivery : S. tem r. 1 N.P. Saner. A Complete 2nd -ban! Tbreshiag Outfit 1%0«r, Kr.gin. =. paratm. Rea all in goon working order. W ill he meld . heap. Mail orders w111 revere, prow.pt attention Works n Opp. U. T. t- Mallow. P.O. BOX 361. Goderlch, May 1*0 11186, 1 HIGGINS' EUREKA SASrT FOR PURITY. RWF.ETNaso Pi FLA TOR IS UNEQUALLED. DAIRYMEN it will greatly tial'.(), . -e your BUTTER & CHEESE. Amen y for Western Canada : Oald3ffirs, imp) Oair HAMILTON. ONT. for Tears (Ytew1ar.' arc► LII . IAM. •Helly