HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-2-4, Page 6g THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. FEB. 4, 1887.
Events Cacoirruig kit ('Ter lhle Neglect of the F.ad
Capitol t Wttrdr of the Government.
VbeL Jubilee Teat of tale l'e:a,luelsea /' a Aalale of a letr. Wheels trans to limiest ter
diene til .. toe w erase .ea. ace. I raatabaseas.
noes our !Special ('orrespwedeat.
Wainmoron, U. (i.,
Jai. 24.h, 1807
The past it. e: et the Capital bas
been teerked by 'sertit.g . ( t al ious .w• -
ventions and by au unu..l•11 ...uuunt of
legialatlun es& C.,u.i.... \1 .1b melon Lae
lung been the asst pe.pu,ar placer to the
euou'ry t.•r the holdthe of 114,1 dual sou
ve•tion, and every year a aeons t•
Crow in favor as A n...lezv ..... Ida the re
presentative* kit • 1 arta of •:•tluusl tit-
terest• ai.d tudustta••. I. is a common
thing for several a.:.nclatio,. in. be .t
ccue.cll here at ate Imo. sad .:eartpg the
peat week tux ..fl,rr,.t •241.14:atl. alit
weir Itl 4•419h1.441
It inlay oep 1. c ie4d.•re.1 . • or led that
the et•LILe4:141.1 of 11.. l' alltull•.u•
nl.t.t:' frogs 111. a' '•1 1 ..f the
hest cou►titate..... . .• d -' Mutat,
Will Iry .ppr.•priat ,,y, . • .. ; . .i wenn
kb. aurlticet, .•f ll..- t: •. t.. ret :o the
*pries •f bliss .. ye., • kite. it
bcrt.niter on .h_ .1 . of the
The setlttntwut ..i ihwi i•..utrtry in
fever of t.'ih m •ten.aut Ire!ous to be
practt ally Unatutoi.•.►s. 1 t .aches the
pattl..IIC ion •i• se of lilt 6•16.4 people.
1'lt.• gestate Ism r.ip.•ndt11 with leu ole
ttutW of�a..lrr• ts', .ori bs . • steps
teear'da carryteg out the _rand eelel+r.-
tion. The President has also couveyed
to Cullgres•i his a iq.asliticd inaursetneut
of the uudcrtakila;, and outw.thstandint;
his wise rei :tow-- with rer4..•d to the reel.•
per place ter holdteg the. Cettenuul, 11
. grnerelTy e..iie.•,ted a• • matter of
coarse Ibe. t " hu tM
hvuccd r. v
is • , , bi
came tt•e er.i..r 1 :t rr u bah
ere.► t.f•311 too., i.e 1. bent . s is tem
017 rm! prem.; III . toe ••f 101: moment
in a et') aloe~ .s ht.,•ot.r v flooded
with 111. eb ..1•: • ..1. 1 uit.•d
Stales. The preliminary arrangemwts
and detaila of the celenrAtro: will 1•e
entru.kted to • vitamin -Ea '.1 :tensors
and Representative', whica th.•re u
reason to believe, ata tee 1nJulously
Speaking of WaaliitiOti is er,tnentions
reminds me that the moat pn,miurnt
one of the .that
week lte.lins te-
morrow. It will ie* made up of women
who want to Vote, with Mies Susan tit
.1nth..ny as tnistree• of ceremonies.
They ie•tn•: to hold their ninenteenth
annual convention it. Wa.htis lou where
they have held the eighteen preceding
oases, and. as usual for many successive
winters, Mia Aiithouy has preceded
tbem is& order t.. clear the way and
complete arrangements.
They had wasted to tel their wrongs
and pitied for their right. t ;thin the is disease and death to hien. For the
very ware of Conzrr+ tins tlese'snd had salt pock the ofrlsials paid 20 L. 25 cr1.'3
asked for the use of the Hall of the per pound, and they could have pr..cur-
Houae-kit R.prevrntat'vee ter their sag eel all the fresh beef required for t3. to
riuns. It would prub..I4i h„, been
granted to thein if they had been willing l5 cent+ per puuud.
to wait patiently until Gaoxrees sot Itel.lrts of starratior smart.: tie In -
ready to disrme the matter. but the diens were wade to the department by
slow ways .•i ..u: le 'lookers did not suit Agent McDoaald, from Iadiau Head on
the National Woman- Suffrage Aeareis
tioa, and rather than 41i17y JAW -"i tent uar)t, 20. 1384, also by W. P.ockling-
Congr'easf •r a month atieut its Hail.they I ton f:',.i the Stoney Iodises, and by
decided to secure the r..+e ...if the Metro-
politan M. E church.
"Yes", said Miss Autlionv. "we are
coming again - comisr- frets every State,
Lod with much earnestness of purpose
sad much added strength from the en•
couragement of the petit year. I believe
our coiventien will be larg,r than ever
before and progress will be repotted
frosty every direett'•a." Misr Authtl.y
fs peresuially hopeful. She claims that
no cause in the world's history has
Spread more in a lifetime thou has the
cause of woman in this' cnuotr'y. Thr
expansion of her sphere of usefo:nese and
the iucrraae .d c 'sensation and of in-
leehoe she Considers marvelous. Wo-
men are gradually attaining all their
rights, she thinks. au.1 every .step gain-
ed in any direction is a step towards
suffrage. Senator Blair has promised
to endeavor to secure a debate to the
Satiate on the Woman $udrage amend•
meat to the Constitution during the
time when this oonventitn is in session.
Next year the association will oe!ebrate
the fortieth anniversary of its existence,
and they propose then to have a union
of every branch of woman's work.
After this they say the younger woman
meet 0011141 to the frust and let some of
the older ones retire Forty years is
leas enough for a woman to work.
tint these veterans in the cause of
woman will withdraw from the field vol-
untarily, when the time comas. They
want it distinctly usn.b,od that it will
not b. nn account of feebleness of
broken health or old age or anything of
t'lat stmt. Miss Anthony has waked that
such iatirrsities shall n•,t be laid to her
charge next winter. She says tbev are
.only put in print to round out a sentence
-not because there is any truth in
THIN AND NOW. I Have you Toothache r l'ae Fluid Light•
Have you Ilhwa.etislu 1 CM Mid
Here you • Staif Joint 1 Pee Todd Light -
The Teel Wt p 1 ler .a tar tMsrlas is.
The ludian uaturaliy controls ca..ni•t
adapt himself to the rapidity with which
the whole Cireuttletatwes of the letrnl..)
are changing. He starves a here f..l -
u,orly he fired ; sed us& verdict kit ••iasy •
hurled against the aborigines will eirud
wafters. The precess of chai•Rms tl..
habit.* and inclinations of the luau.,..
utast n c.sarey be a slow our, mud.
slower is fact than the advance of .1.01-
/.4(1011 111 the Northwest. The uec.•sse.y
ALT 14'ttl Ike eat of civilisation i•
t • 1. fr the Indian unless be be ire. The
,.401. eat meet knew this well. and ol•sines
Iar.;•• ..rants !tom parliameutfoi the I,
le'su How fu did it d.sch.iree its
d 41 ire ! 11.0 answer is ow fair to 11'1k.
.luderson, bodies& a_rut, writes
from kdmonton, April Y9, 1$1H the' bs
Indians were .terriu; at N'h.tr.iall 'I..
and Lake la Riche.
Ci.wuiiuiuner Irvine writes front F..'
Walsh ,•u '_3rd Sept , 1822:-
i have oleo to inform you tha. to re
return from Qu'Appelle 1 fol red sou.
2 000 Indians here. Th.y are all to
rtervint and wretched euuditiwt foo alio.'
of clothing Io th • proem
starving a.uctjtion of the !11445.0 1 foe,.
1f no foal i.euven them, that they •..at
hereafter commit depredations filch *11
tiring turn into a,llisiuu with the force
Inspector Norman writes frees Fort
Walsh . •'1 2nd October. 1884 :-
There is at present three Luudr,
bodges of Cr.., Indians awi•e.1 her -
These lodkea . nate aleett e.;(ht * ,tele
tucking a total of about 1,40). Teel, ao
to alt utter state kf t!e.tltuti•,t, 111.11 ,r
merely emitting :i. a •enli-4:10.4; :.i .lana
Comptroller White telegraphs, under
date of th tuber-I91h, 1882 :
1/ter two thousand Indian+1:err al,nost
wiled and on the verge of starvation
Weather cold old snow on the ground
Hai° been Lu,ung them for two (1:.ys
Ani satisfied tuaiy will prit+b inner.
early assistance rendered.
31r 1!:•rchemer, in ha rep••rt of 1810
uya,•':1 great deal Of sicknea• its, visited
thein Lt:ely, mused by the wart of fresh
meat." The Indians, ender treaty 4,
encored to 18211-5, $lb,29ttird worth of
pork, and Ij1,2$S.45 worth of beef, al-
th,nl:;h it is known that bee` is life t••
Ow Indian of the plains, while atilt pork
TurootoiM, flailltslt Jebel
The intimate Irish -
menet Uatarto haws ea
reason to arumplal o that
they will out be repre-
sented. 't ill but a week
kir Iwo Into Ili., had a
r••pretreat/mire to the
abieet, and we have
15. toot authority for
statism that the %w ee-
. y w i ti not retinals lust
untitled. end that nor
of their people will be
lakcn tutu the t'ulouel
to .upplr that eery
n,reaa.ry drools! too
tab treat owe of
Turoatu Mb. !loll. June
It is known that the
Teruel; Mag. May
Mb, lea
Why Mould there
tae as Irish Catholic
..Ste •txy Sore time
e., , 114gllratl bole or
a Hlptl,t vote l The
. eplaaattoa of lb,
pha-ausWemon u that
be Irish Catholics
are allowed them-
selves to be ergregat
d Irvin the rest of
t..e pupulatoar by jet
-web leen as Mr.
ir Donohoe. who have
Sue been enabled to
;lake trout• sett sista-
revue to Iheuarrlvea
,p,,u Il a etra•u4th o4
heir position .,1Irish
•'e holie bt•11-wr1►-
• • Ilt.-
13 ' HACKMETACK," a lasting and
fragrant perfume. Price 2; and 30jate.
For ale by J. 1t•1lei'n. druggist.
A bright little ;Irl who saw Ihr.'e sta-
ter with hair of a rich auburn. remarked
to her wother. "Seems so me. mamma,
that kind 01 hair moat be red-headltary
in that family.
If A NANAI• I\.IRt'T5►Rfree with
each bottle of lihil•h's Catarrh Remedy.
Pries 50 cents. For ale by .1. Wilson,
•I rngfrist.
-e, Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint' Shiloh's Vitaliser 1ft
guaranteed to rare you. For sale ly J.
Wilson Druggiet.
anal I.estl.rltan Now, my chitties'',
1l1 tool you what it is, if yen 1..k• any
more uosse 111 trent of my house 111
egeak to that policeman.' 111,11us of
prwui.ttee (Minch tickled,. "That polies -
imam _ Hoot • tit's. n'5 Offered .51 rini
W Icy, times father '
1 That Hark ire ('o,tgh call be is. quiet-
ly carte by Shiloh • lira. N e tfwaran
er 1t. For mile by J Wd osl, dhergiat,
Comiuiasiuuer MoLeed.
Super:"teudxnt Walsh, In 1..ia report
IIuuzer anti +offering 1-rev:Liled. In
some places per,us 106C:sme .v reduced
as to be .:enable to hell. thonteelves
The watt of food `,llowed by
caused an a .ile+nic. which star
results by the many ,Travel--wosr-
seeu in Wood Mountain.
Dr. 1 !wards wrote ,u•Fabrttary ;th,
l'.31..with reference to Indian+ to. their
reserve, r.ut thus* away . -
ln Pisp••t s camp I prescribed for 3S
and in the .1+einibl.ine camp for 3: In.
diens, in all 72 suffering fr:.n: phthisis,
her:^orrha2e of the lungs. dysentery,
etc., and from starvation. 1 find that
in the isst three months 13 deaths hate
taken place in each reserve, in ell twen-
ty-six, • very heavy death rate : and
from all I an gather death has been
accelerated, /f n•.+ irtosie wl• to ..,••.odd
by the acasty supply of food.
All this occurred because the (:overt -
ment', policy was actually to keel' Os
Indians on '`starvation allowance.- Here
is the proof. inspector Nurr.isn wrote
on Feb. 1. 1885 ; -
I have iti(ormed M_rge,in Miller it is
not in my power to increase the •_uautity
of food to the Indian.. as lay instrsc-
tions frost the Indian o"wmipt.ner are
to keep the Indiot.a or' Fort H t .). el,
stared ions tgffeMent'v.
dans in Iw,11t1.s, like Ileo. John ul'u ser
1. arras 1n war, are was Compelled ley
a IMI •1 to 1*. dirty health to rears• from
shouse fur 'abaci, Me CaMuet. He b to
.r) 1141.r.-ovenanled bre ravrrade4 us IAt
ul en siothing atom r.]pynKntiltsreal Ais.-..
•.J et es, that Nature rl'tetioaiata by she
• thrill with con- lion. t'raak $mtth •
imam !engem and Mr. Smith
'• •at•entinus wdhow is the only human
umber have incl In 'et hots. senator s&1
. .1nr11r 1111111ur.pwnt Iron origin front Oh-
- . /..r /A• 1.41.0, and lu s .• flat
• .d. of tk..r.aA 1'.,; , 1 ....1 "•1r ru-Ilow- e5 1-
,,ir sot.. usually, or 1. 4asl wurr 0M•p
, yrrt 1s& es.', Na '. , a ..rnfWi jus Pari..-
IAt nameplate p rt 1 as'. espl'cIag7 tel til.e
',meta. .1 ap,n,oat '. 1,1serHoor !Mathes
)wadt.t who a ino W Mir- e1)uo. It vsen/er`
.at •• 1.•1.•00 bat ones •1NJi toil H o,. Jean
'.11!110 1 ie an 1114 I. an .1' h. u :e • vat be
.scree w •.ether per- .... d ,a IL. S --nota
.drsL d b� .•omntur.
ucsur ind't,. nab.
tel ilia MOW Maw Alone.
Have you Neuralgia 1 Use Fluid Light•
H•" yuu Latakia..? Lae Fluid Light,
Areuu troubled with Iteedache ! has
Meld Llghtetug
Aare you any l'au. 1 Use Fuid Light -
It will cure you the instant it is applied.
Try it. 25c per butt,; et ti. Ith)ns•
drug More. 11
1 wonder why at is that curry one- the
...;papers in l.wrticular - should he w
down' upon bangs 1 I Iwve waited in
cut uaueouot&w fur bane of my states
..,lurk speak up to defo eoe, of the style,
e.t thuu.•h lite) have clout to 51 leas-
c•••uAly -anal with 4..•k1 reasuu -;our bas
mid to Ott up het wiaro against public
( us.ru !lie) u,,•niuu.
Now, 1 •too .are lb* .fashi..0 was heti I
..aur Lie .1st boom' MA. though, of cumrar.
. kit ..t other good tluu_s, capable of be
0.41104 Ll• alt tall. we. A yulilll
pretty t 11 was poau.tely uuwitchint with
It II 1) or stral_ht hair ah:uhug bi.r
& wan ch letter : w11t e 5.. ....u.rtt u..t as
'ono.: as they would like to be 15 was a
perfect coon to have the a.'fteuitel effect
of the da.ep.nv hair anti the haus of the
f..trhe..d so prettily bieiJrn.
b.• n n t
It wet oasis a y uL;{ anti pretty
fax that I,h•fti weal with the hair towb-
«d s.uuothly beck, wrote to the majority
of some . she I.,nt,la.L,ut style g.se. au
We must choke bribery, or ise choked.
Pacific scae.dala or the maiden' purchase
o1 • provtuce with the mono to purchase
the country, local railways to purchase
counties 1n detail, blind shares or the
purchase of u.elnbers kit Parliament
hate all been det-ude,d. A. well defend
Seadew.-- Ilev, Geo. M. Grant.
Seeing is believing. Bead the test
mounds In the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Buren's kidney Pure, then boy a bottle
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
ing pail.. Your Druggret can tell you
al. about It. Sold by J 1Vilaotl Guderich
New 0'OOCZ.£3,
New Styles,
Zoe M)rices_
Gents' Furnishings, Eats and Caps, Sic.
Se ea Year f.eard.
Ihrh'tftlt•.w a ,;old Lel U:r bead to odor -
:4 sial .i►fely 1014 +..t•, latairh, alto
:1•4 t$$ bit Cute,l for d.,o. by using 1)r
Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applica-
tions cuss incipient catarrh ; 1 to Y boxes
cute* utdsnary catarrh ; 2 to 5 hetes is
guaranteed 1e cute chronic Catarrh. Try
it. fletly 43c and Bute uurv. Mild by
Jas W il oot., druggist. ly
Get your sale bills, est , ,:..r•e at
1 Tet 810NAL 1ace. Thryare always dune
promptly and at low rates. Notice is
frown to sale. through THE SL::IAL fret.
of charge, which is read by thou_auds.
unplemabt b•.Id look.
Besides, I can't ter the life 1•1 toe see
why semen should net be al:o.ed to
coolish their hair as they please submit
such a two Iwnig tirade otcr 1t Whet,
Inatt took a notion to have their heads
shared as 5..14 as a baby's, and display -
".g every !nub'', as if they bad just
cane from a phreuologut s, we all ks&uw
was ugly, yet you did Lot bear us
ranting oboist it in the newsp•perrfur
des&i i et thew tel glum, pririlegis us& that
I suppose it doww't ti:atter s•. much
AL•.ut clews beaks, ugly our like, Gilt
play, csi.eci•lly So a free country.
• Sew a leis Vaud* Teed. '
A s'.nn young man in the height of
Sas violently ,neeziag in a a'reet
car, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
Chawles, drab boy, how d'ye catch that
doe v !ail cold." "Ase, deals fellab, eft
my cane to the lower hall tether day,
and in sucking the ivory handle, ea
dweadful cold. it chilled see almost to
death." If Charles had ego d Ur. Har-
vey's Red Pine Gam his c•dd would ■kit
trouble hits +cry much Fur salt at J
Wilson's prescription drag store. tf
A BCWARD Of one donne "Tsarina
tis" t.. any otic mending the beast four lin
rhyme 01 "steals•, the reirarkeblr
little gem for ll. Teeth and Pat:.. Ask
your •irueee.i .•r address 11
In the history of medicines no pups
ran•'n has received such universal con
menJatiou, for the allrvtaun t it all .ods
and tie permanent cure It effects is& kid
Lacy diseases as Lir. Vali Buren's Malady
Cure. its action in these d1•treaati,e
complaints is simply won.lerful. Sold
by J. Wilson. 2m
If you want a chewy yet stylish mit.. all at
_As Jai :E al -1 AM B]ILITB'B_
G.darieh, June old. lark
shop in the late&
ape. put to Thee
tiosr elartrr Chairs.
esu of tides bee.lr
,noted Roe liter
hitting t' h a ir bad
•Irwd • Journeyman
iarber. or are In a
,..Ili esu to do Sellar
Nora lima hereto
Lady's & t'blldrea i
fair. kitting made a
n,elnit t ..n all days
asap' Aetnnliy.
Itax.•, And neurone
Omar tsar.
111 great Brain's the y4c+ti..n of flute.
Rule as commanding ietteustio i. Tu the
man a ith a cold Oa the head or cheat the
safest way t.. rt.ure H.•u•e Rus ”vat
cold to have ..n h,nd a bustle of Dr
titter's Heal i',s&„ Vann. For rode at
J. Wikon. Presunpuon drug store. 1l
Nroe rvs•1•Hy7.
A meeting of the Heron Praalnytery
was held in the Presbyterian c:. Arch in
girth, Tuesday of last weer. t tering
to the .+army weather and bad roads
there was a small attendance. The Rey.
Mr. Parr was elected Moderator for the
current sit month. A resolution of
sywipatl y with Ile.- Mr are Mrs Ache-
s'''. of Nippon, on sce••nnt of their ill-
ness. was bagged and a supply rr',•rded
for Mr .lchest•r'a pulpit 1:•r nett Sett_
both. .1 mount from th• committee to
consider a remit flame th• assembly re-
lative to the questIuo ..1 marriage with a
Stressed wird s slater was read but was
left over for roneiderati'n at neat
meeting .1 Presbytery. The report.
which Is a lengthy ane. a a•etee to the
position that trwrriatr with a deceased
wife'. sister is acrllrturat T. next
sweetie* of Presbytery will be Pell in
Clinton on Teeaday. Febr•'try 1st, at
helfpast tenoclock• in the i'nvbytenan
church. The 11er. Mr Mr Leen. clerk of
ereebyrery, dr •va th-ough tenon: !Ilytl,
lsotwithstannil2 that in many !.'errs the
roads were alnro.t ►mlase.Me. Mr
Rall.Ily alb• drove frown Lradasb,ro
The other ministers pttle+wt, besides the
ir..derat,r were Rev. Mr t4s01lrerAl,
I:rntef+el,l Met'•.y. Esmond; eh; life•
wart, ('I e.t•t'. sett M:D •ua!'H. S afntttl.
R>RR Aga&. C7to1134
from a ammo's IR *felt, or F.r.J,tloa,
to the w.*rt Scrofula. !ralt.rihee■ma.
66 welter overeat* Sealy er Monists
moist, in short, all ,rico o ra't.rl by t.wl
hh.od are e. weed by this {{11..lwrrful pun-
1.lnit and in stir m .e ow. j:reas
Mating Clee rapidly heal toes r :tis be-
nign Ia uence. vitally has it manifested
tet Iolanda to rum* Triter. Roe. Rab,
Roils. Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, fie rot.
slows Sorra souk_Iewelllssaay
jolet Meese*,kite ['welling+s
Goitre, or Thik Reek, and Eniar•aea
filaanks. eaod ten cent* in steno. our •
tem. [motto, with rohorwd plates, on Skin
IH.ris,a, .w tib sant.' amount for a tr atie
on Scrofulous Attr't41n..
"Twos stews Tm rnr. bT!*or
Tloonwawhl mint it by using . Pierre.
Golden Wtellies' Dlseemer), and good
aigrettes, a fair akin, buoyant spit..
lily sof v ilal aar••.gth,'. AI L'••ytablLrtied,
whMh fa Peretala o1 the Lang a4 ar-
rested sod elated to this rowdy. if taken be-
fore the hast stag+'s of the ;titr a are rewired.
Prete Its marreksm power over this ter, tidy
tiddewier. al dier. when era offerimiL
arhbat..1 mural 4t the pVuubutt
lb•wtebt sero• Lely of ankle 1' ha "Coe-
setiptios Caren but elois5d tot
rzt.as too HmIMd for a msesieds r
feria • wrm.krful e•nobindlnn to trade, or
strew:theme*. alt.•rati' e..r Nord-d.'anMrg.
■ nM-hnimet. preO.nl, sort nutritive tingav-
t+.•.. Le up, 1'.ai'd, not owl) r• a n•rvwli for
npt.•.. but for all tkrootr I•is.
oases of the
Liver. Blood, and Lungs.
If 7•e* feel skin dD -awn
litated. have
aalktw ...Iry of .kin. .rw yryr
no fa-• •w 1..1y. tnqu•Tlt bnolse*e or
ileus, twat ta44 in mouth, ,nn -.n101 beat or
soak a:t•ri.ttor wit:t Ir't f'1•h'• . Mw gulls
u n.1 sl.'•'r:t) fon•bo.l.nre. Imamkot appetite,
ant coot.•5 tongue. y • ai are antter'n1r folio
frsdlgeetlon, Ryapepala, stat Torpid
LI•er. ..r "NI lesaee_s.' In !nasty
halm envy part of throe ggmptema ant expe-
rt,med. A. a r..mer4j for all ear* .Wolk
Se. Piercers seleea Medical Dts-
rower) Is un.urp.lstd.
For Weak Luaus, *pieta mg of
Rfo.d. Iskerteess of r.ath. ores -
risme, Aoskmia, •ere CeMgk., and
ktnAr-1 ♦?.•..term it M an i•flrbtrt r• rm47'
ti•ti w a1 i riroo urs, et 11.00, or SIR
TTI.I:• ter •.00.
`send n -n .,ant. In stamp. f.'r To Pierre's
, book •.n t .v.s.s npttnn. A-1An+w
world'. Dieterewary Meatless Ase..
a Intl.., sM 7)11ak iltreet, purr/A.0, N. T.
241 tt'r `it reel, too., d.M101 east rt P.O.. Gudtrirb
Walt Street Meat Iarket.
OF WOf2TIlL.SS I>1IITAT10IiS ������� L1
(z, Jolilist011.
trot,. cooled !Mos.
A: Veer. are realty
hes D e444..011 .s•md and sot.:
54 ('uraiikie by atone un-
principled Ia. ,clients trod -
11.5 oat 11.n repots/on of
our Sraafae reslices
we wort the limbo against I
tomb iospnst:bn by draw.
tat their attention to the
necessity of s..,: l: that tate
is stamped on maw elide of all Cerebra, roves
Without wkfeh nane are esasise
.. . 1.IA!', tai.
tarn Atteati.a red Proem Mike
Ice I :Nh tete,,
Te the Tedltal Press uses. sat all whew
111 may resew. '
Ph• ephatine, kir Nerve toast, a Phen-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by l'rut•.asor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Miss., cures Pullaun-
ary Cor.umptuan, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Venire and Neuralgia
and all westing diseases of the' human
system. Phusphatine is not a Nedecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable kir Mineral Poisons, Dialates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, bat eimpl
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily fool. A single bottle
is snf iciont to convince. All Druggrsts
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. l.owuaii &
Cc.. sole agents for the Ihoteinion,
Flout iltr.et East Toronto.
M n/en -1 ty _1l .re
forbr. trays tal�+w
for • ear of eit•rrit whfeb
they .'ani awe. 11 yell
have a •ftst•I.i'ps traittthee
*IMP, 06.111 e • eiberwisiti pnwtel
of Prow mar• ta•1Wok averimg.� l iwk 7tieas
inn& of creme
Dv. doe's Be or cey((ATAoaf(
awl Catarrhal se
To the W.! (:turner. ••( 1i..- Surru•alisq
t ../wiry:
We wish to say that we are prepared to take
your Wool in exchange for Hoods, or work it
for you into an of the following articles. viz
Blankets -White, Grey or Horse.
Skirtings -Grey or Check.
Cloths -Tweeds or Full Clotho,
Light or Heavy.
Flannels White, Grey, Colored,
Union, Plain or Twill.
Sheeting. --Broad or Narrow.
Stocking Yarn - White, Grey,
Clouded or in Colors.
Carpet Warps mads to order.
Our facilities tar lila work mason be stir
We win sedeaver is meow ores to de
&sire day It b brought la. if required.
Custom !Spinning sad twang. orr!planiee
ma the f coarse or flare. bard or sort twee.
as required.
We are lea pea ltlo. to els all kinds of one
toss week, aseeally done la a fall set castoet
mill sad we will guarantee to doter you fully
equal. if sot • little better than any la ou
.t oa .sp.etfnlly ileiter!.
Last Knit Woolen Mil
Artie )fay Isth. 1116
IInbrks allows clogs +'1 avenues of the
Bowels., Kidneys and Liver, carry'
inset& gradually without w.akmilttl she
'ardent, all the Imponitise sad load
humors tie tie umislkw,. t et the coags
lisle Correcting Aetmq of tie
lkomeoh,11 ;;shouse Drs..
�tib. Skin. Diu q Dtaln�sgeif
oirlpf�a_�ia>i�st I1q
and Del jfl'w�i�tl�l�t
elm ...fl r ti4ini l I M *e
IMMO : ea. Paserw. Aredh
eepYour FeetJJry!
1'ou ran
;5"5t a very tnftir.; c -' br bt irg y• -'.r
Cm bb's
1 hose now .1n nand ,hr l,rge+t stork Doer +hro n is n clench, and eeeyMw ••e-' line ria
nails* fn•uut r1 l tine-ela.e sante sere. (rode the limiest :.:.:. ,:•Iroaa:. s:;
Letae e,•1 r.es: cowhide. I will rally:
'he ,e'rl:nedtate t:ad.a
Prices that Wil snit Evcryono.
Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, fin $1.00 to $5.00.
Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up,
'Boys dor. $1.00, up, all other LIDE3 Protortienateiyi Cheap,
can and will sant you. 1.,..:h to .•.' , a--4 x. •-.
tti.eer wut. c�� r..�.w Mee
Crsbb's Rica Past chat
*.ills -Te the trent Littler salfi 1� f• say q.s1 7 atT.weat T•r•:..,
This rat represent* the dnahle trim without the heft. tint. the pasoies of ' •. ! shows
springaatyt Mtip„V15
p. by wb•(vlherAItTcrus sass•ii4WAAI,sad N1)
�rwtre,.pport the hernia whys the trues le aejewed.
E AG -E ,
February ilk. lei IMi -
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Godericll
A rood aeserteles1 of i teh 0. nod -raw i)tn'os Room and Parlor 7uraltare, mirk se Ta,
bees. CWr, bate. ease asd wood ,aadi41, Cupboards, lied Mrde i.ettresaas w a.•5-.trae
Loayria, Rotaa. W bat -Neta. Look lag (Menus.
N.R.-A eow'plrteaseort5eatofColas* and Sbrnadealweyson Land. awe R.•+tata far tor
at ras..w•bl. rates.
Pletare 7rswlsw • .•esialt7:-A call a1klted
1 -s1
Overshoes clad Rubbers,
lr.aadlsa and American.
Men's Felt Boots
Lam,' ma. IND 0.1CNT9'
1. if )41. Cren5Qm Palk P1015 sad carpet.
J011 IIOWE Ito