The Huron Signal, 1887-2-4, Page 44
General Elections
In Tun Dirrtaner tig
Will le held at the following clones and
IBILLFAST, Friday, Feb. 4, at Loulth-
mod a Hall.
PORTERS HILL, Saturday, Feb. b,
at Schoolhouse
tia. HILLER'S, Monday, Feb. 7, •t
liT. AUGUSTINE, Tuesday, Feb. b. at
nesday, Feb. 9.
BELORAVE Friday, Feb. 11, at Hall.
PORT ALBERT, Saturday. Feb 12
SZNMILLZR, Monday, Feb. 14, at
Milaer's Hall
LISBURN, Tuesday, Feb. 15, at Tem
prance Hall.
nuah, Wedsesday, Feta. le
day, Feb. 17.
GOD/MICH, Friday, Feb. 18, (grand
Opera House.
BOLMILSVILLIC, Saturday Feb. 19, at
Knox's Hall.
The •bove mettings will be he:.1 at
7:30 each evening.
Ira. otemservanes taiedattam its le•illed Ite
D. L Soon -Browne', Phortegraphic R 0. Hagan, a former Ouderish Hoes
Mestatiy for Velornary has hese received. School steadiest, who, foe the past dee
It te • readable 'matter. The editor years World school so acceptably in sec
whacks away at the ravel "systems ' in non No, 1, 'reborn*, left last Monday
his must vigorous style. He promises for South Alieriusi, where he intends to
• "tog thing" in the way of taceimiles open out • general store,
neat month.
A Morena. Pall Sine Fos Telei. -
CLLA111310 Sate - For the pest week Katie McKay, of Ouderich, and John
or so • street clearing sale has been in Armour, of Chigoe, appeared at lb*
progress at R. B. Smith & Co's. Moat Stratford Police Court Tuesday morning
bantam are going and the result thee charged with stealing 1131 aud other
far tuts been must aucceesifel. The an goods flout • store in Wiagestn. They
n ouneement oil our third page wall well *ere traced tv London, trues there to
o rpoy perusal. Mitchell and been thent to St, Marys,
Mr Porter is again to be the victim whew* they were arrested by the comets,
hie. P. C Tobin sent after them,
mid brought Sheen tit this eity. They
had • hearing before Ilia Watithip toe
P. M. Part of the stolen moods that were
found were identified by the owner. They
wore aset up for trial. -Stratford Herald.
West Huron. Had there &men • possi-
ble chalice of eleetang a MAD in place id
Mr Cameron. • heal nen would have
it OA the autinnetatm, and not one who re-
sides a temple of honored miles away
(emu the ouustiteency. -N•vt Era.
Thom Slimene, eon of Dr. Sloane, of
11 yth, died lam week. It le only about
a month or et, ago that hut brother An-
drew, a young physician died. Dr.
Smite and Mrs Sloan have much public
sympathy in their sore bereavement.
Both young men gave unusual promise
of usefulnese.
Rey. T M. Campbell. of 'limn Sound
preached • missionary sermon in North -
Street Methodist church Sunday last to
a lame oungrepration. In the evening an
usoollent platform service wee held,
which was addressod by Rev. Messrs
Nugent, of Lucknow and Campbell, of
Owen hosed.
• LadiesAid Society has been organ-
ised in oonneatioe with the congregation
of 'the Vt.-tot-1a St. church. MI s S.
Fisher Is its first president, Mrs H. Hale,
treasurer, Miss Fletcher, secretary, and
Mrs Dr. Whitely, Mrs D. Fisher, bIrs
Spading and Mrs Jas. Martin, the man-
aging amputates.
A telegram was received last Saturday
by the Rev. (3. F. Kelton stating that
one thousaud dollars had beet. granted
the Victoria St. church to redacts its
TOWNTOPICS. present indebtedness and relieve it of
embanisament. This is doubtless • re -
4 raters among pc, (okra* sieges, toad for the plucky tight the congrega-
A It' fair* tials preet tion and the pastor of the church have
*-pe t al attention paid to horse and cattle
mnectiones at &cooties drug more. Album
Prescripttoas put up In the best city sty*,
and from beet neausnala hy W. to teems.
Druggist, Albsoa Week.
Our new exceleior comb syrup Is the best
thane, out for colds. Try it and be convinced.
W. C. tiouus, loruggast, Album Block.
The some" keep chanters& bet they don't
,Iwange so fast that gee. etcwart, the photo-
grapher. ese't prusio..e liftaillie pictures uf
Dr. Mel/crumb wait be in Uodench for con-
sultation un Saturday the Sid of Vehruary.and
afterwaros os the first maturate, of every
Who beads the poll, will sons be an absoi4
n top Sot co natter what turns up the
popularity of it. Sallow,. as • Itnia-clalo photo -
grapier still la maintained ail along the line.
WiseMser Oasseros ur Porter succeed is
✓ etrying Dm 11110ority on else Md. F. et. A.
trielhame Mesa to head Ile poIl in the matter
ot se -s haltering in tine see_
then all Ube year stetted.
UMW' w.It NOON tores_uuurly for the irodemenen
ef mennes every Torridity. VI:111006
Wawa. in North -et. rhyarcb. Every outman in-
tegrated :a the Sorts is ceritally invited to
Hindi Xdward or John ascend the threne 1
Ana. d test. but am certain front the steady
NC Pena 01 breasts' tam, Ow public hate
learned where to buy cheiee ernotries at Low-
est rates. Come aad int targnias Mu week
iya trim • ugarin sattueste. fruits. spaces. real
ask etc.. eta Mort um hertlist. and dengue.
Toot Humeri AND likirra LOAN A ND IldvILVT-
U SN? Cour *of v.- Dein...tore in t his company
leave the hest passible sec linty for teetr mon
ey,511 beam invested au multistage us tarns
property. Depositor. have • firm lieu in all
the company's ease* ttate. of interest pe.d.
from 4 II, 5 per cent. at...lording to amount
and durataon uf d. -punt Veinier" having Bur-
ials. Incites should call and see the manager.
Meg Kedslie has gone to Brucitheld
cis • o nut
George A. Erintt. "of Oa ailt ass.,
Godench Ip., e.tti .1 R E butt, tree htli-
ed by the kick, of a !sure vile day last
Rey. Dr. Ore will addreen the V.,.
Men s Christian Terwerratica • 111.111
Tuesday aftestioun. A full et tettlant.
is requested.
Mee Clara Immerton, 0.4.1.ola
Ws. visiting her br 4Iter, John Minnie -
ton, of Pooie'e barber shop for it few
days.-Stratheoy Age.
Miss Wynh, uf Ooderich, recently sang
at a colilieft at Pans, het. , and wits ill-
ceedingly rec. ised„ She ass re-
called a nutabar of times.
George Drew had one of his arms bad-
ly Misted wet day last week by the
11 aclimely at the Mg mill A ptece of
flesh was pul,s.1 off ills ann.
The H•miltiiii St ice rink will be ru.
°petard to-uight Arriday). The tee is in
Solt clan' condition. Matinee for
children Saturday afternoon, bo.
efouste•t..- The matiegers of the
namilton ht. tce rink are preparing for
-iegirford-Mintieuttn moue off soon LOVA
alit for date and further particulars.
00 So Montreal Carnival via the Can-
Pacific Railway. tined, reduced
rat Secure peer ticleete and berths
two orthree daya Ferber. )00 'met oo.
IL Item. rrs, Agent.
ne Gs Met...dist Merovoi,r for
Febitary is rd. It is an excelleta
number. The are varied in
sult,,eet an t tree toent, am° some •f
them are f very 814 tnertt.
R, R. Thompren, o Hamilton, Da.,
formerly a r.8.1strap r here, in re-
ties ise hes *Wort ipt 1. is Tor,
writes ; "The in my opinion
improves; may ytku prosper in) goutl
A "toot' twist sail be given by the
iltie Peoples Amonciatirit Voertoria
141. churels at tbo 8... o!)s,ist
Fisher neat Tuck lay night. Admiasine,
fifteen miete A good attendance is re -
Pt/wITONED -The date of the County
Sunday sehnol conseetton Asa been
p *trotted to March let sail 2nd. The
eonventii n will floe Late be held at '
Myth. An Outer stoic pecigranona en.
beer. prepared.
W. regret !. logien that "Ilael" Mat.
thews. the rem' mail clerk. broke me• '
of the small hones .1 a by stoppmg ;
sport the tee a 1.. days ago. H. se
gaiitioe on nicely, w• are y.leasod to be
&Wet° &nemeses.
Pens Louie -1K slret.'..m.i.-11 ea.
been derided to redoes the required sue
ro' the way no Systerealic (living, 1. r
erhseh the shove prise te offered. An
May of fro.n 100 4o lb) pages. of 260
movie fresh, wi I meet de reqinrentents.
Yoe teerst.-u ars addrost Lr
11 ith-
.o., Terror' ..
Porunaa Cogi'llgT. A concert that
ought to pack the hall will be had in
Aeheton's Hall.. ‘h ed need., , Fob. ldth,
wheat Messrs Kelly and Sims Itichards,
and Misses Rycktuan and Martin will
appear in solos and concerted pieces.
Kelly needs no introduction. He is •
soperb singer. bums Ittchards is alsu •
pleasing vocalist. Miss Martin is the
accompanist of the company. The
Sesforth Exposit,' speaking of Miss
Itycknian, says ; This was Slim Ityck•
man s end appearance before a Seaforth
audience, and we are sure that those
who listened to her with so much
pleasure on Wednesday evening will be
rejoioed to bars another opportunity of
heerang her. She has a beautiful, clear.
well trained voice, and the selections
were good, while the audience could
understand every word she said, which
can be said of so few. Her "Coining
through the Rye,' was of itself well
wi rth the pries of admission and the
time and trouble at going to the enter -
Yourto Lietuaoe -The weekly mignon
of the Young Liberal club on Msuday
tovenieg last was well attended. R.
Reynolds occupied the chair, in the
absence of the president, M. 0.
Cameron, 'who was absent in the back
itownships speaking sesinst Porter.
!Daring the evening three interesting and
The toting at the Princess roller instrucrive addresses were delivered by
academy for the moat graceful lady members. W. F. Foot contrasted the
skater stands thus far: Miss E. Crane two parties both in the old country and
36, Mum Donagle 20; Miss B. Wilkinson M Canada in a most interesting manner.
24; Miss Ball. 11; Miss et Wilkinson, Thos. McGillicuddy described the mode
15; Miss M. Cameron, 6; Miss E. id official reporting in Greet britain and
Fisher,f). The above young ladies will in Canada, and showed up the raacslity
all take pert in the carnival to be held of the tactics adopted by Mr Porter in
shortly. Goderich last week when he endeavored
to palm off the unrevised pnicif of a
parliamentary speech a* the official re-
port, or what is termed timecard, which
differs in many respect; frum the bogus
book clouted front by Porter. R.
Reynolds then gave • ringing address
upon the public dent, and the immense
increase in the number of public ..r.
ruddy and hearty after Ins piurney, sod yenta at Ottawa during the pelt seven
is again at his post in the "British". years. Ile Is becoming a fluent and
Ceowoeu Our An immense amount forcible speaker. Monoey evening
ef local Delft Mane from Port Albertthe nett regular session of the club will
be held, and pithy and timely addresses
Lamborn, Dunlop and 'the!. points has .
will he detivered by pour,: men. The
been held over on accouto of the press -
public 'nil he admitted on Monde
Tux Satvarnoir ARMY. - There was a
large parade of Salvationists Sunday last
before the three o'eleick meeting. and at
the meeting the aohlience filled the hall
to the walls. Griffith, the '•Welsh
cAkilivaL Nem siR. .r„, the Minstrel, conducted the meeting and
publishers say, will bo the finest made matters exceedingly lively while
be occupied the floor. He was at one
publication ever issued from their
establishment. The specie/ features will
be cartoons in five colors, irith gold
Janie* Itnakton, who for the past three
wihters has been employed in the
British Exchange betel, aed who roams
over our great lakes in the summer,
varied the proceedings by crossing the
Atlantic lam satiation, and spending a few
month' with kis relatives in Lancashire.
He got back about a month ago, looking
ore of political matters upon our space.
Our "town local" lass also been greatly
neglected. The Dominion elections come
°bee in every lour or bre years, and it
is imperative that sound political truths
should be given a prominent pleas until
polling day.
time engaged as musician at theatres,
variety shows and concert s./ , but
having been picked up by the army be
borders, the double-jege centre piece
is now devoting his voice and musical
being one of .1. W. Bvtigoughi finest
powers to the "Songs cif Zion.- and his
slid 'boniest conceits. Sulecribers
occentncitiee to drawino crowds to the
/hip get this Carnival Number free ; to
army nieetings. His piety, although
uthers the price will be ten cent& It
will be dated Febuary 12t8. Get
fervent beyond doubt. is a %ery peen -
Address Grip, Toronto. liar exhibit, and is a great set-otl to
, many low faced ChTHIS
that TH
J•MiS COMMAND DB& - -The mid Stortan haa seen. Another attraction on
news came to town ooe day lam week the occasion was "Prof. Wiggins,' of
that Mr James Copeland, wh" had Torontn, who related his experience, and
simied Southern California fel' 'his told the andience how he was brought
health, fell a victim t" hi. dread "rasa, from temperance to drunkenness, and
consumption, lied had joined the silent thee, through the inserts of the
majority. Mr Copeland was of • very Seleation army from druukenness
disposition, and had numerous sober Christie:ley. Prof. Wiegins, is
friends and admirers. His remains wt11 not this erratic weather prophet, but is
he broviiht to Ooderich for iiirernient. aprofessor of music, well-loown in
Peace to his ashes. -Kincardine Review. T , tweiuty e years 8. was
We understand th• iderich Quadrille addicted to the use oi liquor and food
CAM has re -organized, and purpose, become a hopeless' inebriate, when he
holding the first assembly .,1 the course was rescued from hei poeition, and retied
.t an early date. This club has teen ..nce mire to the full standard of a mars.
an attraction for the past two seasons, The experieime of the Profeeser, which
and we are convinced that the present waa continued at the evening servioe,was
utancoeinent will have no difficulty in tif a noat interesting nature, avid eh ovoid
making it a seeress quite equal, if not conclusively that althioigh the methods
superior, to anything in the past. They of the army were peculiar, and jarrueipllitat.t
E Carnpaiene, Frank Roberts and Alf. nevelthaleas been the mess.
have selected for the (stimulate. times non fine seneibilities, they had
:ladman, with Thos. K Oundry and R. ;ing Mall)* fallen ones
.. Wilk ilition as mastaging dimmers.
Serree Ayr CUR,. -)n Thursday of
kat week three Sera Act case. came up
before J. D. Smith, P M., and Mr
Doesidock, J. P., in the town hall,
tiorrie. Mr Thomas Dennis if Ford with,
Pleaded guilty and was fitted EDO coati
The other two against John Hasket and
and Wm. Dane of Dome, was adjourned
till Wednesday IA this week on account
of some witnesess not appearing. %ben
the comet was agein called on Wednes-
day the witnesses were still missing and
it was further adjourned till Wednesday
nex t
Primo§ AI. ---WO STA glad to sae that
among the few hotorary weathers
created by the Toronto Celtic Ftootety at
their lest meeting the name of the
Rey. Menlo Mai/Witte, Lion's Head, of
Wiarton, formerly 4,f Kir to,. apoesee as
(+town by the *testily for their Chaplet's
auntie the dna g year Mr McKenzie
has come bet recently to Ceried•, hut
bus *ruiner/ion with literary arid scien-
tific sect...ties in Sooland has riven bon
the ifltrednetion tiv his Ceitarlian
crointrymen throughout the lhinionion,
the loaders of which are included as
members id the enmity
Th• Carnival Neater which is 8.1117
iaseed this week hy the Montreal
/Veletas. Will, we helieve, onsonnand
moat unprecedented sale. as it ita
petdbilled at the •striosely lie price rof
15 muds, or two enter, fur 6 eosins -all
free by poet It aa to contain 94 paves.
literally eriwiled with eseellent colored
octane and eneravings of thee principal
scenes of the C.erniesl, enrreetly as well
5. tosautifully executed The ilea eti
sending two copies at such reduction is
• capital one ; everybody can afferd te
hey one copy • .. lamp. sad at loam one
ther to send to tram& at a dates*,
I Mos Miller et Goderich, is vi,itirg
friend. in tow
IJohn Ceatter hos returned from British
iCilumbia. Ile 4 es not fancy the couti-
try, 1. the west.
Mr Duff has bneght out Mr Reading's
share in the Station Mille, and is adver-
tonne Tor logs
The opening shots of the political cam
paign were fired from the platform a,f
the Foresters' Hall, It uevale
Dr. Slacdons'd and the present memo,
Mr Tit o& Farrow, on Monday,
Jan. 3Is1, litti7. An egreement had
been drawn up, but Mr Farrow felled
tn see that he was bound, and contested
that he should hare the meeting an spite
of everything. By the INett.te s good
nature, however. the agreement was
thrown overboard for the IMO IlIghl and
• special agteement entered int.., •dow
ins Mr Farrow Inas how' and a half and
Dr. McDonald an hour alo1 • quarter 1.
✓ eply. Mr I.*AfToW, lul ..po g
speech, mid that the reason of the elee
wins was the eaten ot the franchise.
He dwelt on the finances and exeetedi.
tare of Lb* coentry, and oleo on the 1.4
P. When the DOctor toes he wt.. re.
aro ad with great endwise. After atio•-
ine the finauces mid et ;sender ore in te
light, scooriling to the blue 60.4e, he
*hosed the advantages and dised••••
gages of the 24. P. Hs also ws,i 111111
• general aliacesolon ths affairs of the
couiory, and pertictslarly easphmuutig
hie work in regaid to the leesperenee
teeseminst He had always hems • tool
psiasei , ansi alway. .111
stip office or out. The eteeting oin••
tela close ;sheaf half pain tee, with
cheers for Mike, Dr McDonald and the
Wellington Oliver is at present visit-
ing his brother, Rey. S. (Hoer, sae.
Mr Butte, of Colborne, is 'siting at
H. Feagan s.
Mrs Oro Elliott, of Kinlough, is vire
itiag at MUM'S WC I/I lett vs.
- -
The report of the anneal meeting of
Erskine church grill appear next *eel.
A grand concert will be given in the
Methodist church here by the North st.
Methodist choir, tIoderich, on Friday,
Felt. 4, 1887. A good lime is exams&
Concert to commence at 8 p.m. Admis-
sion 20c.
Rev. W. el 5.1) 1. I.. 11.1.1011t his fent-
ous lecture in Erskine church on Thurs-
day the 17th Mat. Subject, "The teen
of the war and how they fought," illus.
trated by trophies from Fish Creek and
The annual useetine of the Aahfield
and %%awaniela Branch Agricultural So-
ciety was held ni Dungannon on the 134
day of Jam, 1887. The following offices,
and directors were appointed for the year
1887 Chas. Girvin, Pres.; Wut. Due.
nin, Pres. Directors-- Thos. n-
dermin. Hugh airein, Geo. liarrir, Jos.
Milliner!), Mimes McBrien, Alex. Stea-
art, Henry Morris, T ti. Anderson, Chaa
Durnin, Treasurer, J. M. Roberts;
Secretary, Wen. McArthur. Aoditors-
James Whyard, B. J. Crawford.
The strange SUL
From the Toronto World TOM,
Last Friday it was stated inadvertently
in the World's Query Box that tire
Orange Incorporation -Bill had never
been pleased by the Ontario Legialat ore.
It was parsed, referred to Ottawa by Mr
Mowat without the Lieut-Ooirernor's
signature, and returned to Torimto hy
Sir John as a provincial affeir with
which he had no ouncern. The Ontario
Government then passed a general act of
incorporation, giving legal and properte
rights to all benevolent societies, and he People's tolutnn.
the Orange Bill passel out of pro% incial
me Parnell's Terrible lilac's.
Lownos, Jan. 30 -The Irish cause
has had a more narrow eacape from the
loss of Mr Parnell', sernces than any
one at the tints suspected. With char-
acteristic pride and reserve Mr Parnell
kept back front every one, even his near-
est colleagues, the seriousness of kis late
The facts hare only just come
to light. His appearance indicates how
tembly he has been reduced by his re-
cent struggle with dotal. Hie pale,
worn time and thin neck and the reduc-
1 J. A. REID & BRO.
orrr3t Eon
Dress Goods,
Ulster C1o1.13,
Mantle Cloths,
Silk Flushes,
lialti wad Uroreded
,riatigiacs, Braids, Matitia Lk Dram Orrite4ts,
(=HSI 1E17CM" , 0.1._.e3T/
I 't eatir. IV MIMI RAM. rare oe v le Oita_
Jerdaa. Bktt troderleb, 13*1 Jaa.,
DENTAL ft0Olfot
Eigh.11 dour below the host Oahe.
Doonsucn. 111110-1;
T • olims-Odd renews Hall. North In..
(torten( b. 1101Meree diodenent. AU work war-
ranted. Min
hen of another fourteen pounds in his
weight show how fearfully he suffered.
For seven consecutive days he was
solutely unable 10 take or retain admin-
istered food in any tons. AsstIsse
week at this rate would halves= bum is
his grave. 11 1, tittles* was the result id
the irregular hours and severe strain of
parliamentary life. For three months
he haa not tasted butcher's meat. Ho is
confined strictly to fish and game. His
recovery must in any cane be slow, and
it is liable to he impeded 1.1, his duties
in the House of Comnions.
•wertlea Wales.
All parties getting their sale hla proited at
1814 office wili get • free not f -e. inseArd le
the' list up to the time of sale.
Aucti-n sale of farm stock said imple-
ments. the property of Mr Jas. Scott, oft
the premises, hot 3, W.D . Ash6•14, neer
Port Albert, hy John lino:, auctioneer,
beginwine at 1 o'clock p.m.. on Tuesday,
Feb 1518, 18c47. See posters for lost,
terms, &c.
There will be a rhattel rnortgalgn .46
of stock, itc., at Martin's hotel, nt tbsa
I town of Goderich, hy John Knox, atle•
; hones*, st the hour 1 o'clock p.m, olb
' Saturday, the 5th day IA FebtuarT, 1817.
I For further particulars see poster,.
Toryem has not aupported freedom in
Catotda, and resists it tn Ireland. -
hew edvertIseisteela This Week. A.D. IVA:, a vtatement in writing of thetr
Tenders will he received up to it lock of
reeraar Mr, the sweeties of • parsonage
at itennV1
er. :;fins and serelfleations can lei
seen at the personage any Huse before that
date. *ad readers may be Fen, there, or ad-
dresse 1 to the undersigned at 41oderieh P.O.
The 1.)...111 or any tender not mermarily
sump .
2046.21 they Heard of ^:nuelees.
ireT book ave, plain. bat with beading
up the '405.1, 414. coda. elm • weak roma
walnut table centre mend. For panic Mare
apply to Oda elite. 1111111
A limited .tner.tity-"--of the above Inc Rale.
guarani...44 pure. They ivy. olirred .• fell
tunfidenee that they en. the hart pea on the
marketboth for yield awl facility in harvest-
iag Tbe Present ewop WWI harvested 'nth •n
ordinary reaper. horse rake and hurley fork,
tidtuo ilia:anv511ouirtllabrors
at Paperer rtaLoa. e*ace from :bt
JOHN ItOtlilikR.
11144-310 cherrydals Tarim Colborne Tp.
Highest ease peke pen, for ie.; kind:ref furs.
and aheepskink. ek Mee groond hog, dole too 0 -
cat and dog tneiu.letL Also Mooed and
dressed to orsler
WILliZR 14311TH.
3Entin Itailtit's Tanner?.
1111 Lenses 1. 18. Term, for M.110. sra
Jenny moldy of mune, be prepared t
ronilve pupils for lee Ilan°. 21 lemma
quarterly. Term, 1111;.nr quarter TM -
For Sale or to Lat.
j of lot 13, at z• h eon_ West Nawasiosh
110 mew. bee lk u• me. frame harm, stable.
fte.. good ortherd et apple. swan cheerier aae
small fru ca. About eleared. Waage
hardwood and iseh "wait Tbe farm la we..
watered Apply to Joule 14•Im.g.n. °oder&
P.O. Terwilliger,. MM -be
corner of the equate .ad Want street
recently Uts. upied by tbr undersigned. W31
K sale. Om us the townatip et aseeeht.
ceetalalag 140 acres ; ahd oar in Kam Mime
mak ammtmaing 140 ite res. !or particulates
igety to Casteram. Bolt it Laseertat. God.
. 5572
VANN- TWUleflit ATKM tie
n. yaw& Les 51 eve. in the Maitland oes•
cessiom 01 18. Township of nedericat,
by latter to J 54. LIZARK, IkroLfeerei. 1114130
The rt.( U:Mr• and Trusteee of tie Vidate
of the ate JUMVPH 11511k. idler far oak tlitt
following ••iesabler Property. modeely •
Railduag Lids nembers 4111 sad itt„ ea the
Town of Gcderwle. in( as sere each. Moldy
fantrd atd vet, desuatele for beoldiag per
14.11 IP re leit fronting Mill Rood. Tomah,"
of Coders. 8, beteg rart 04 led 3 :n 18.11.1
land Coe. Cretan of said Township. Nior
Frame Cottage and Frame Stald..•
Lot number 3. Meath MAO of Millar street.
1 of && acre. small frame dwelling.
Headiest Luvi numbers and NM, he the
Tows of Clenton. 1 of an acre Reiseta
fail, sit natet1 1.41 south stak. of Huroa street.
Fair* homed.
The Kest 1 Nee acres. good land. se acres
of Let M. C011. 11. Wpm Alt
and feared. remaiader timbered. Maga 4
miles ?inns Luct now and 5 111311I• from Wang
ham Goad made.
Ft, turtle* r ta.Alculeore apple le
K. C 4 MPION, •
nary:rim. &leaser 4 .
Ies :Aria!
NHC. HAYS,SOL1Cl ruit, &e.
. Odlee, corner of *mare aa4 Wert
4 street tiotterw4. ever telegraph sass. psi
0 vale, I' 045 10 lead at 0 per I eta. 11110-
„ oeitcrick.
C. Samna, JR, 1. A Monolog
Z. N. ewer= liSo
RINTElLi At Solicitors. Ile
Soden J. T.
Executors Notices.
All Estate of JOHN 1,31413101. deceased.
ChNaisintier; 'Ws 71""ati.hdY448Tlec:orPilarsChaptst tesrrhStiMat .
that all etrditorsand others has .nor att' 'taints
uric mends melee t he tete* of .1 on te PILAF/UPI
late a t he Towsablp of Wait anuth, Couoty
el Humeyrowtan. dere-mo'd. who died 1,41 or
about the ninth day of beernwer, tem* the
Township of Wewaemb •fon saidare hereby
required 10 vend by poet. prepaid. or deliver to
?Modes 'NOD, St. Helen's P 0 Ontario 11
exectir-w of ID..,.?. and effect" e.f es:d
lbeeristersooteetere iht_llatanecry., ke.
• :lectern:h. 1111. C. Cameron. ig.c.; P. Holt, M.
O. Ouneron, C. C. Rem. 1711-
Jo8n F .-astrr.on or before the 113 h day of areb .
Card C. 1. Member. name. And eddremes and full particulans
ler ttsatni Tiser; ' P " hider ert doe ft. R.
Smith te- Co.
510144. . •
At Eleenezrr. en Jan. it th, the wife of 1 71.
fircote. of • daughter.
At Seratdmi. on Jan. 10. bthe wise! W. II.
Wilson, of a daught•r.
At The Needle.. . at ftflia.m.. Jon
10/47. James A. Iopqiand, mom of MIR.
111•11. fterlorieli. flea -
3111.1 WRIGHT. mArtuvr,.-
Feetenitea Wade and Contracts Tak-e 'or
House nominee by *8. 54.5 Weser gyotem.
Hot Water and Stearn Rollers. Little Giant
anal °Geer Wafer Wheeh. Andre/tura'
Nemesia 31,11 klitelelnery.
R1oT STRNFT. 004;116Ftril.
r;t, 174s.
- _
1 L REEVE, 8( 11, C.M., MEM-
*, . pzit of the Ponesta ef Phydelinati and
"Asenr"°„oiXes. SSVgess' • sad
, tiert.
- -
coroner kr. (148,. ..d reetidene•
Reese street. aerate deer mist of Victoria
*met • 1731.
- - - 181424. NHANNON & If M1f ILToN
R., Payer -lane Alimentos, Aceneehers. kit
sow at Or Abeam:cis ee. near the
d Haderileh f' AN Mr:
their claim:and dernaacts anel of the eracuri-
ties lif snit twid by them, And farther lake
nothw that after the mei date 'he said er • ••
tor et!) nreeeed !o distribute the stanc*,
AAA deedoomi Amon" ;I,r porting . 000d
thereto. haring regent fluty to +rtch rennet of
**loch notice shall hale es abort
iiesitteel. And I he meld 4.41.,vvor eon not e„.
115e for the said aim* or an met thereof
to any fn.rem or persons of '.t 5115. claim pz
el*ans notice »hall sot hare lewn received by
them at the tune of dietribution thereof or
a57 par* ,creof.
• Tunatmg UMW..
VI at 44*. !14,n.,548 may Jariy. 107. Mel -44
al Ideate of MARY PRASE& dratratecd.
- --
Notice le hereby gieen puessmat to It. 8, 0
Chmeer 101 end MI vt•-toria I limner 3.0,'.t
that all creditor* and others havirgar any claims
or demands moons* the estate of 55s,.
Fstasne. late of the Townehip of Wwwenoul,.
onset, of Iturbe. 1•11.1A.11 1.0111•81.
who d'ed
rli y-sinth day 0'
November, 1001. at lile Township 01 Wilona
nosh afereamid are hereby r•S111(.4 0/ read
lir Tit Prepaid. of dela•er TimUAN Toon..
at. elea's P.O.. Ontario, tbe ezanner of the
oats* and effect Pith. mid *dairy !raver
or before the twelfth day of MAMA. A.n. Pero
sitatement writing of their names seed mi.
dreams and full particulars of :heir e*.n a
and densando and eaf the ohrnritiONIU amp
hem by them. And further lake not*" that
after the valet date the Wel executor will pro-
d -end lo dittelhntes the nowt, of the. mid 'Se-
t -eased aroma the port wi
e ei;tled thereto.
halting regar4 only tr .0. h lamas of whit it
notice Flail 'etre bee n .41 ne above recent',
. 4.4 TI,. IOW ext. ',tot o not br
for Ihe sown" or any no rt thereof to any
Isere vet If h• • taint of claims
oak, • • .1 " mere bn eereu•sej4 hy thm
at 111.• tiae of dim .botiOn thereof Oi Any part
ID.',, f.
"f.110M Art TODD.
thin nil ahoy len'e 107. Kateiltaur.
Dated Al Se. !frier...
• J. C Hunt wa•-,
. I
Railway Notices.
Not** is horelly *yew that as applicatios
will be med. to the Paritteneent of (anode at
1 :e.. ,e4t4e0e0Te:fsietoranA411e1
te1laes„sl.i.h.mh4 iarioiataeRsiIway
L:mpany,- with POW0400,.4 • HOP Offt,1:yrea,.„ttmisisthoeeep
.16te:r::1.tzzaei14:ihe•thrn*ho‘611FWt14soboN od roni,Of any er of11....-
oil 'belabor* of lake HIUNIO. Al* a lerealiPetilbt
Imo of Railway to Dal &primp or Wyoming ie
ID. Coos' y of Leeentea,
Hidpetows. Dee. lat, UAL 111/1r. 1
Queen. Solicitor tea Um A
GI fT/DuTICoeflta.;111, RMANitlir711AANNill
frit Ai Min SI I lart i
11001I. oar. o4345.1 street and Square oare
011011 horn 1 to ft p.m.. and from 7 tole pie.
Learkwq 1r • ily, frer44 rind llisof.ifset
Virrx, Moroi:ince, ofe....e
11531 S5.St.-;4 IP TI4 NT. ONLY 411 tlak
mattes Nee wie of Lowery sad Reeeliag
APpftention Inc membership removed by
tdbeseles. ta rooms.
J. R. C0L54(A:1,mA 1.5‘ MORTO'q.
seasiose. Marsh letb. 154.S.
r.oaris an lnsurance.
ftedPetatritigithot ilmieenras se Aory4aressurtiatela.i'Prpir east!
nese. oferialltS it LkVilk, tiodegleb. 31110
- - - - -
NlaS to lend en Mora gr.ire lbe how
rait• ef klVki AND A HAI V 1.1:54 CENT.
not. Write or eall for part:. blots.
ale: t.k k Goderich.
- -
500,000 To LOAN. API'LY TO
CA.MilFUJN HOLT & 0AbitElitollacide
emenrct of 141% at e Funds for investment
litanies' rate" ou lanlyreeigages. Affel7
nn Farm aad Town Property at lowest le
teirest. Mortgogoi perritascd, o ebsrc=ii,
. Pormr'neasvelts
erecansseolisir l
hil. eon* ey sookny.
if UUe is Ma Wieder/ --LA V IPON 54 JOIllsiif!:
Only Arevelesele rouipaafer korrecented
NI Money to Lend am straight Sedum at that
lowest rate of intermit going, in lay way to
snit tt. narrower.
4110,01r1lICR nomad doer from Meagre.
Meat /greet. Clederfeli. sorStf
$50,000 TO LOAN AT 6 PER
are prepared se lean mosey at epee emit.. pas
able heltif yeartrly). essriT OTE MS RROWERS,
on era -clams farm security.
Apply to
Aerate for the Tornefolkirrtlestin.arralriTetwelligedeti4*Defb:
Vows cameo:now. !tote • 0•11111/10, *Wee
Alen • lame amonvit of private Nada to lea
on ent-elatis farm esearity.
darialtwielt. Ort.4.
iwemist.reimus.efr.)1om.mimencharred agets f,TIt .assaa:
the London leas CoMMIUS.
011',4imedn. ans. „r4tr,ohrestatre Mobartelt407.spizstia see
day, If iitie met irfarriiry.
na 15(0/4 54 JOHYPTON.
ism Eserste,s. tths.. aeassfsh
marettaata eseprar-tr Inn
need& te.. lite. al this
DOW awe climb RosomIly 112
P ar. 5.4 15 helm to salvertme tbertr
alia11 lad sas rumpus sal ipss prism