HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-1-28, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FR [i)AY. JAN. 28,1887. THE BEST FOUR BOOKS. 1). Coin -ulna attwded the tempenuee s ear t . r. ► et s irtrrls *seers t notch .hake wetting at Chute* last Fnday as a a t Lehr. dal state ( •r the 1-0 0.T - 213. During Inst week Yritzlry, of Haltturd. At the lost tuerllLY • 1 oho Young 1•tii. and W. 1'••uwtt, jr, captured srye►al, pl.'s A.a.•ciation iJ A'iewrfa•st dearth, ereele out hrrwe s on the lake. The t instead .•f the tonal lector, oil natural writs( rceord we have heard. *ciente, all al•tu•.It•1 .lirt•Ita$M•n tin /dim S.trah Cotbelt has returned fr..ei "steaks" w••n hekl, Irl by Haw pastor, a Three weep riait to fn.nda near Iter. ti 1'. Salton. The .%cuing was B.sss.i.ler. pawed p.utitably- and plea.autly. and Ike i ,I;owm_ arse selected as twin/ for Ow ;,ramal reader, the brat in their teaptx- (tie departments : lt[l.tutot .. 1, The !tilde 2. Pig• gene's Prugreea (Bunyan : 1, :gestation of Christ (Kemps*: ; 4, L.:e of Christ, an, of the best auth••r.:. 1'o6T1.'AL----I, Shaketspeere ; 2, Pars• tlih. lust (Mitten) ; 1. Iliad ;Hooter); 4, rums ;Wordsworth . Fit Taos. ---1, Clarissa Miss Austen) ; ! Ivanhoe ,ticott; ; J, t:'t, ketal. t'. pent Miss Elnh Hurtoa, our popular Dickens ; 4, -ld.iw 13c'. Missions *L.-1, History ••f the Eng- l:vh People Ur,ieue' ; _, Frearn,.k ti,. 1irt'mt Carlyle); :t, I'rtt.'.l Empire Loyalists 11 mum) ; 4, Unireriwl His- ` tory (Rsdlmt " CAi'.ilrT na THU FLS. -11..!1.•, geutle- Illis e►.tANttr.t'+. -1, +fe of 3s-hnelas toads. It's right you Wren , i rather rough t.a G.wweil : ., ""../ attiel,i ""a" are. They were tad emends before the smith' ; ::, (:rsut•t:ar of ..grant .I .,rdlnwl the*, and now they an worse ; at least, Xewtaan) ; 4, oattttu(lutel Journey in this part of the tupnty. 'Sterne,. 7.114 Sterne•- :.ea 011.31. Alias Hester Paltoe, of (4arbraid, was the guest of her sister, Mrs R. N. Shaw sat week. Two tall. have `!son pat in the Proa- bytenan church, one for the choir, and sow for antiunion purpoorss. Mr McGillivray, of Godenth ccntiu-t .11 turvice here last week. eryranut hes been on a visit to her couaiu. Mw Dixon, of ltrucetield. A concert in aiJ id the church feeds is spoken of. Prof. Clarke will brine his choir with him. • William Stewart, who bas been resift �, nig in Dakota for the past swv,n,arttted UCP. £ *J F� TH -all9. home on Friday last. Judging Ly his --- I.,..ks,we would think that-Weist"atroed n;.erusl'1' .Ie: t..r 4 .e .41.1. tows. with tom. saltire•.Nr.,ort 1:ie Ela)ar'.:aarjwr- i'trnyrt. A...iuzar --Hessle Mrs Jae. alAdare... MIe\lanu., et. w.t, milking one of her I cows on Monday, the 24th hist , theaot- A sjAq.isl u:ettin1l'ttt thetown eosin- mai kicked at lice, and in attempting to • ea* to -1.1 on '1hurrdi.y etculug of I get out of the way, Mrs McManus fell last wick. All the useuttters were Pram -I and !mike her ons!. The doctor who '• ay set the limb said it would be six or eight lfat•,r St u,• r •tr'i. red his inau-ural months 1, for she would a,ain have the alums. He 1t -f. reed, em w matter '1 ri„ ht us..•f htr hand. Vie tout and most thtai imp •rtanee, to the luuvetue:3 Ger additional rat:.sy I( connection ; and showed in several par- ticulars t!:e di+'.i•:uhies w::trh •..tr mane- ; Dr Mcl).'nald, of Windham, a. d :hos factcrt-as., and t.tht.rs have so present to Futr'•w, M. P., the candidate at rho e mutant with in retard b, railaay sca,- coning elcctin.i,are to aprak iu 111ut:vale :i11x.1nt t ; unr 1111111.1. uu Muuday evenv.g neat. lactaii , it. rests • •t;.l tn. Lope•t f 'r The celebrated Ur BOA visited this t 'luta wr •etur.•'- a n lett:.; lute of 1 town on Snardty, and ►uc:rrdwi in railway. T.'ir t.:y r1iiteot:e Wad con- *testing quite a sensation. However he •-amass.. ..i our r. t it.thur.:rs, 111•01_,• -,tree advised byi Constable Farrow to ' which a, mins cf oar people daixrn3-T'rmake himself scarce, and thinking dia- 1 lit. taiboo.: was 114 Inosii,.r+:t joril tool murals. .4411. Great Sale' DRY G�ODSI.t' Inns we gut the C.P. 1.. t+, Gudsrich. I ante, the bolter part of valor, he left beeanee that r..::d had ti:•.t jr•netr•ted evening. the salt territ.•ry both t•► the north and A1r Farrow, of Ottawa. is hers 'in south of us, attJ would s.Y n cripple and I visit. lie has Mrs Farrow with bins, at off our sI: !rale. He a j•praled to and,be+rug W ho enjoying himself. the cauneil and merchants of GodericL t, tale hold of the railway movement i411611 earnestly, and as a nutter upon which; I L Wettlauffer, of the late firm of us 4 neuro hie departure, oil Sunday • ur business We depended. beeuod in isrlorrt!ltr to the- ratlpray Inuvement Wettlaull,r S. Kounel,Las resumed bei- oats in the old shop, . . irate, such as waterworks and electric 1 f !stet. Carnal on within our means, j 4;. F. Yunjblut ,bas purchased the en new rratdence of k Wrtthauffer, on sed so as nut to impose any great bur- : i 3trout street 1'4 11075. a beg bargain. • on oar people or handicap win en- i tering into the railway enterprise, it was t A prominent bachc!or of this neighbor - right to supply the wants of the citizens hood was observed one evening lately is regard too these internal imi•ioyemrnte, f carrying a lot ofPuew furniture into his which would i,,a:e our tomo .Pore at- den. Madame Rumor says he intends tract:. -e and heart!'-, and a race new-. enlisting into the n,•b!e army ••f ben*, .:ewers, who would help to pay for these t diets *Cann. By links, is that so. i-spr.renients, it.. ems 1„ be hoped.. Mrs McDougall, of Albion, is the that before ilia • tow of -he year Wu 1 guest of her daughter, Mrs A T Mc- would o-would have in opt::atiun a system of i)uwld. waterworks au1Trctent ft r our require- Jo was that question of lotornal lmpruse- i \Ce are eloolatr up our IM'•r•olt bee. .,ctoe. aid a ill um a the stuck h•'r -horns. le ..r'er It nuke room for it ate .nu.. nen, re owe Underiru e: oak. nos a a 'eaulwe C'It wring Side. MEC s/t.s. * M !'OST. 111F, (0014$ MUST BP st'LU t,. naked , ' •ni for our Impost! mimic. tV ehard large .wort/neon •.f Maes. Wed.. Slack ad C.twn-•t tele•:eras.. IM'►s wad • antic flirt!.. hat usual 1r sold Car wiiatet -r tL.•y will b. ilia.. t'uwtlats. t•tasb. and Tweed. s' '11 he offered at rt Cor:. Sl.aaetr. f'..siererr.. snares nod bran -en...n.l 5.1 Woolen Carets -.t Ler, Tblr tt hu:. sere Posta•.. Immense liarga•ns in Ahyo fibs•, tItnw t'ot'ons, Prints. ('n•,. mince, T.tbt.i. .. Uittlt`.us, Shirting., 1 ...lot l•en:.us, at..; ( (summits -a. A Comp: Anglo, c • f Nnsiery on.' -tauoll Wore. 1'1bt.otn UI••v . 4 Isuudn••tt.•uf t,i.y{. t,e cauuu4 1..me here. at sow. ,,w:1 pNe . • Per tape.. Ler tap.. WeeTriaeleaRga. IA'w Than (.at - Be Parr and ('0toe tarty ! he os'.-. and ;tet bottle ,(for Beet Harwalnr, w bleb arc sore , r go tint. NO 1:I: -:s v . t:tn,I >1;sr at: SOLO. "Yana t seas Colborne Bros.; ! Mwderir7s 7asart• ts,111111at FINE TAILORING G entstlimurniaifnds. 1 am 'ma prep.ted to ahrw a amoplrat a•aw'ltuest FALL GOODS OV kilt all the New `tha4ca and et)lea. An vodkas raringy of English, A-Lh and Semeh l4eil.nlrs. Aa imitator .1 ..1* of Nes and rt.i,sl. Panel tan Tweeds. CHEAP! CHEAP!! CHEAP I ! I 'llleseemb.•r, all Goods bought by the yard t ut t of elicitor. $. MacCormac Gofer'. h, -.•pt. 7dI, tads!. *NW A_ 1_ CORI\TEL=, THE I.K.U)I (O UNI►EIITAI:Eli. HAS Tilt, TWO BEST HZARSEr TIT TOWN i:M:9ALM1XIJ F1d,'ll) ALWAYS ON HAND. FURNITURE. ' n; LAW RR than tltr:ri}grr.t It1.. w• r . Top of the Earth. 1 can and will w I .. 1'...,`.!,•e is (be part. l'HYANM:H than Y. Curuitutr tome to teen. late nae a tall an,: 1 stn s41.4..:. n; the t'e:.•I.ristrd IIiytl. Aria Improved Vole -lea, RAYMON SEWING MACHINE. 1'Itleho AWAY NOVO. I•OWN. 1►AWX. It••potre44y Tctephfrom ges . lireoi' AHt•.7r, liJan.at27. 1.1.atills7 I �e i tallest, 1 Fal l r Y bomb . au do M ea 1 t1tteabea,. rtDdriwnietwl ia,«.. 4.... . 10 o : ii i, p Wheat. µmo.el it bltrl. 041 st 0 t4 Kelton, iron M cwt. .. . . .... 1 id s 1 :0 1,,:irfti,rir-.,:illin*I-:i.ttiede0iinget!a"Pite2kerfiftt.„•: cwt . -. 213 0 : 13 I 1 r t of A 7 een, 1t �wf.... .« 6'7: . 2 43 .•Ry s ti...tnnch kwew14"14' of the astwral ' ' ^I r. cwt 0.0 P 0 •e iJ. WILSO5 .... aY7 ie t :q zrwrwhynK.i•ernforopt•rw.:unsotditnat*ow --- 11 flags. 4 bei•h ,. . 0 1... 0 ,O and a ir.oa, sed . t a carefitapp ..0a a srf 7 ne 1': op:r'.. FYew.tr 1Qout; brit wren ll Mash . . ....... ... 0 4•: r 0 y Stas sae pra{•e•niesof wet: ...oiled!1•.n;aa. mas' �QONTREAL - TORONTO, t . �'!t t'„!sings. bush a 3� tat 0 M Epps hay }inns rd our bre-a.ta•.t !abide with.' • PreSt►Ilpb1" l; Drug Stcrt 1 iia), Yvon ..........,. �., w M 3 . attehtrtrlc P•sure•lbrreAq• which may agar ; QUEBEC, Nutter. 7 t • .. .... ` 0 l.: w b . ns riga; heel) of be ve bills 1. 4. by Ow - ? COURT H�i1SE S lf:Rl . t ► frrsia pnpartcellihdo/' a it; .s 0 11 con.ril n of ie ih s::zi1yt of clivi that . OTTAW A, KIN(38T01\ • t•,.rc 0 lb .,. V li con:.tau ice :uay� it,trwt::a:iY bath. up urs•' BOSTON , tOii a natant r. nati'G=i { :b:h1.4:41:47:;:le: tar !vats! .•.envy Ian.:-t:cy t..rSborts, 1' c xl ... 0 a'. w U td i1er. dr ut rube!.• n.r rdtW w:. DETROIT.-CHICAGO1,strfse • t•w, ' ... .•'.i:0. ,e.rpyr.l'►tn4 : o, wd ur rea.lr t.. ut+acs whrrrt.•rST LOUIS• -.:, a µ*Said <M' Y e'••tAJa_.' a i14 T s,,,r b Dunt(. (pnrfi�i r+r wr tt rnrt•ti4�-+- '3 , w 7xe�ptnI KANSAS CITY, • H:oeo.... . ......... ............ t M " i J. • d. parr'•blondand taprnt.•rlr 'mortarel . .t : BtserawtMw......... 1 M ` 15. laeY•irifbtrro*rrtats ehnANA ALL POINTS EAnT AN0 IM . ' Me .imply with botl:nu water or milk. .donly io W ttets by Orurt ts, lehel►Ol ler '•' to•, Time T.bte, Fares Tiekela d 1 JtltllEl tri J f:tl.. 11'•nrr•o{wth:c ('hemiar. 1 rppt) to 9.l�TCHOt�I LII�T�J w l.,ndua t:.Yl.,id. •R. RADCLIFFE, ^I U. S. Pi IL STEAMERS _ TO the Citizens Cf GD(larich AUL 1 1l:1ft r t t t t:4) t t I Ilea li.li THE W A N Z E R t•f'Itt',: \\'est !!!acct, ()p,MUs Tetlear.p - AN1it3CH1UOl Nbi{cC COUNTRY : tea► 10 i UII'e 1►..,'tturerlt\e_1Ewe. GpATis l't'AiFORTING. . .�•i ��„ri� to a The Canadian Pacific Railway -e• . Ilatiaw purchased the- woo/ will and bush GLASGOW AhD LONDONDERRY. teas of tow well -!Satan too ::•mega,. It. ('luras. Rates of F'aavFt to or from Wean? are prepared :•r do #01 kinds of Mew York. &owtr. ltverpoil. lor.dead:oy : r PAINTING: k DECO CA:1IN:;.1543'104 trot. 6e.'.,NL1'Lat fee LAMP embraced in our line steerage ut.tuard cr prepaid, via 50 Candle Power. We wish to inform t':•' gond people of this Anchor Line Drafts. Mooed at Lowest I:a c. community that we are here to scar. coir-+. are paid foe of ebarit• In Magland. -..- o _ _. 1.10Slik: ft and Laud Valuator. Goderko. prepared ae meet. the lowest $cu :ani and Inland. No Heat ormiud the oil well. tee. Ila. too tooi i•onsideraide rape -newer .i. proms gellie. Yee Hooks of 'lours. Tiekets. or olio - . or. ; disekarwe with thorough satisfaction 411 cons we wee yours to command. BROTHERS, New Vorir. . Made in ell styles Table. Bracket. to attach 1 mipinons retntord w him. order,. leo .1 . or A. DICKseiN. Poet (glee, tiodeOclt. .3.62-3to - .5.00 I Martin's Hotel. or sent by mail to my adilres.. A ELLIOTT& PRETTY tioderich Nov. 17. 17116. Alia upward.. I flottersch P. 0.. carefully attended to. JOHN Ooderich. Jan. -r- -. 3m I Eree! Wanzer C & White Maumee. Legal Sales. oroita action " We hype ti; see hint about quite well 1...J FARM PI:OPERTY, bring out/spewed of fo • t gedench ; 1.v. liAmmLa.ai • 12:13 p.ya 3-11111 yea .council towards nolucing the govern Leg Number Ose. is the First Cottoessioa ot larsittard Ar. 3:40 a.m , 3:11: ! 7 30pm. the Toirrish‘m of Anhtleld. ta Ibis County ofGRANO TRUNK r Ayr. Mixed. Mired. mento and n..t bo;e•id our us.AM�_y - McDonald is las the Irishman j - - - 1 • I should .._ gin in a abort time. 'Ta .11.....•01 that a e,ta.n ,.f Dakota- Moron. \Aes:ern Incision. cowtaining by ad I tis lige and to stake n -mi.:try improve- The sbove pr• party will he oxo !mot to git; a us rlitsble public build- again Uudrnch. J... Iltb. ita7. ISI` Auctiereering. 1= Free! Pianos and Organs, At1NDE • tints at the harb•ar. "flu et rte of things U.S. S bas an eye on one of the Auburn °1"aurctnen GEO. W. THOMSON travelling lbuide. 1 w qtr. ire•r ):.ted. M1ted. Ksprrv. t iii aeras .'( hind. more tarn-. Stratford ! LT. ! ROI •.m ' 1 11 p.n, 1106 p.n. ered tor sale- rw:drSte - First HsuY Fast o! *'meets a j U rich I Ar. 11010 son I 3.15 p.m I ON. pow: } nems! )lilt. • 3e7s-tt it j.resir•,t in regard to these matters, Ellis. td- suthermod Mascomaon. esquire, ooentthe asters of Eke t•npreme Com t of J udtcatute h •1 y g PI" I County of Huron on F RIDA1 • w vessel 144 i,ecn wrecked. ;there had low. I.arrowly es::aprd, mid tunny had pa*rci rad especially the bar! • rr esu ver t:u • A McKenzie .;.'ed a ant of harness Eur Ontario at tioAericb. st the ('o:horne 5301T tisfactor Duret the t reason to Mann dm last week, and mate to fol- Hotel. in the said Town o[ !lode:ich, in tb. i TA, StA Day of f:;•n:ar: , .1. t■ Lwow to Ireirse. I by our doors with their etagere •m ae• here are toed bwidi on said u:»- •- . mit i est bar otr(te the bsr6ar* � °"`i *viand Ottawa Siie Juba Mac- ' T 'ta yr and aaon•h'1.doftwo*•res claims of G.oderich sd by. t1 Home hale, hut when he gets as far !versed Aid l:.ternment in regard to tars should he made. in Aril DWI. 1 °I. the meek and appear to his true j For \Iesr.uoarrorther wadjrutes see l',oudtoot or o �ol.terto: , AI4 :be:.a:c ,ro.:x •nos rc rye.• •redoes .p:•rilte con. Addreeeing the Stratford Tories ti ate ,err !hit G. T. IL had , ,ad, n t' n on Thursdayevening, Sir John referred j Solicitors I t praising that it the harbor dues were: 1.►tad at Gtxltrich, this rah day of .taansry, to the visit of Me Justin McCarthy to A.D.) �p�� R ti�� removed tLat Company ..•. w• old direct • the cit but said that "lf be were . fl. 3tAL('OY1lON. i t iLtire3 Fme for 'Jtii lg. 1 triter ^t rise n of its tnNic !heath tills .t t the boor of 12 o'clock. noon. C•i o u Persistent efforts to stye the rights and j &mold endeavors to pose as a friend ••(; The ropetty wit be aid 'subject to a recu„niz s.' TERM$. --Ten percent u tlmer0: sir_, and west as Stratford, he (eek able G. throw !sees two mot• { balance in one month, witbout lnlee4•st. 20.060 FEET MISS GRAHAM, Picture Moulding with Justin McCarthy he flssleratGeden_ .' I:3rbur and strong ct u 1 should y CA)ile421. . HOLT F CANNA? ►•„r •*.� ,,x.•hw Co( w,!: n ase oo chary. • trade to procure w measure of fulfilment wo.ld be on the opposite of the House A11Stt. \ rsodora+ofieitor> for walla% IP %m t o; n It ase wino purchase f that led Th council should also and mustof his votes would be opposed dies( ine..iti.rog tree' thee.. y. •" is parliament f :t. h uld lee a pledge. a ce t t Ito those of Mr Mc(' rthy Thu is a I batt u b its influence the movement 1 p y EXECUTORS SAI2 ILL:IBLE`F.1191 ;�''•WAY DCWiv a . The prices or m , _:.l:np hove been put now on foot ',lusher,' f•.r the establish- ianeokin¢ bid for the sates of those or tncnt of a railway commission Fashionable Milliner !' .. -•••,cried from ter visit to New York. Toros.... and other cities with the NEWEST STYLES di PATTERNS and has removed from her oid stand :s the store UNDER GEO. ACHESON'S NEW HALL, wbere she will he pieaatd to ser her nil , women, and a numbn et new ones. A CORDIAL INVITATION I8 EXTENDED TO ALL. Oettesteh. Det. Tri. haying; whom prejudices are supposed to have ,f l power with regard to railway service.1 h thet f Messrs.1 _ Smith and K and the anfrHc me 1 been aroused y tont o !Swett Covet yea: Pictures. mit arse, I 1N HCLLETT. One of the matters for the attention -- A hate 9taY of tt sassy Made F':�u.e1 at Role Tsponnln of the Nail and l:oldwto ' Thr esecntora of the eMatr 01 the lu• Jona I Cog:. .,t the council at the present meeting was Svith. Ottawa Free Press 1 Aw.oa will otter for sale by PnWx• Artltn•t a communication which had been rani'. I ' at } l HFtt It )TKI AlR t 2orlo, It i NOW FOR BARGAINS ed front the citizen's railway committee • ' Y ' + ( kl' RN. .• 1VS ea, ' t e Cheapest House i i li'fl /J 1 AJiti11,41', . KAP 1 3.0,,.letis>.! ,. The useless Senate costa us more than siting ter annuli In geese! to preettnwe $150,�OD a year, directly and indirertlj•, a charter for • line of railway f rani ' A farm eine acres mora ew Irv*, sNwred in the ! Y UNDER THE SUN. Can anybody point nut tine useful act Maitland Hlrict Mullett within on• mite of Wingbani to G,xlerich, so that if we they hair ever commi•tted ed lolarl Ma tlande n Auburn. Utah ren t l o it "ailed t the 1Vuudat/rek t'unneetion the farm also bearing ontwrA. frame laevo t Ontario r ! West -at , neat d• ter to the Post Office. u e getgets alun well without this useless, ex- , r it became expedient to extend it gand gable.. well watered, fee. r. in steal )alrrttrh. Jan. t. 107. • WitsRham we would be in the flew I Dense. Why shown Bioko k t has aprns sed cleared. !':,rt gin was applying or a c ,• AT PROF'_ MUSI4 F:3(1'OI:14 34 The Genuine Bell 0- an, The Mason & Roach, Dunham, o e e•oodiitna. land under good s il14teL•rr. .t EI I f halter t at Ottawa. r promised obtain a charter at the coming G R ip eiter o ;bah it ..r w. tccoustruct it TERM. OF •.A1 W. •rzteud the railway from Winghaut to htab •1'l05 loon •t time rat gale, the t !a: •.• n` . 3 J e 1887that it will he of service. time is ao do's thereafter, and remrtn4er •n ;Seat place, and was 'moving vigorous:, , be pail at rate of Slee year. with intermit et to Ihs matter. If we delayed act' and . ptr,e11t. (PADA + comic : of•slid L. Fischer, Evans Pianos, TA d Farmer*, haw the N. F. benefitted ( Any Pen may be obtained from the n • I Has it Wised the ,rice n f our •nctimierr or cadent. r' sessisin of Parliament Port Elgin would S'u j y :.eta ACI. lle an wdvantag., ..ver us, and wheat, or .rats, or barley. or Dorn, or Yrs "'cold be almost out of the race for' your pork 7 Wes not that remised you JAS. 110tt+ON, Am -honer,. Another year, i( not altogether. The in 1A78 4 False promises are drteatablee. 1 Rosati. Jas. I., 44 . inaz-ed Aa{i$ftCElRfli fM SME tMMi rEAM. Prof. C. only handle. the very best In.+romrnts. N hr h•:•: -rash when yon eon bey the JOHN r+l'ItI'Xt.. htectotos GF.\!'iNF t:..nrthyeauiaitonorwNrintt to PItUF. t l•AHKy. JOHN FNO\. Ytolisu. flutes. Fite, • outhOrman.. !temp Album., dhett Mollie. Music Books, (i Rt i'isstowsnw•1: known as to reline, ac. frotu ';ther matter for consideration was the Hurl the pope w cresta y report e( the special committee on wet p'wer. e'r works. New eillve nmeer.0 dbl. if rel.. A ootaannication was then read from t;. citizrne' •Solway -rrmntittet, After dp ' ,n was deferred until the nett meeting o.i fii.mday eren- 11t *stet .. ,1 • .-' ii. ittee'e rot, --rt wag then presented. Af►e• a short discussion, a motion o1 eantu'inr Bot.r, seconded by deputy reeve Passer •n, was earned, adopting 'b. report, and instructing the mayor '., esuw thr necnsaary bylaws to be pre- pared and advertised. The Council lh..n adjourned. ♦*DTII► -X vrI' 1A1. 74111Tlst••. Anrther aj•cial m••et.og was held on %Ioaciay evening, January :4th, to ens - ...leg an application from the citia•n'r railway committee for aw.ntance, in et - lee rler to wet a charter fcr the extension of s brio of railway from t gham it weedesided to reosomsnd that the sum For Nato This 011or. awgaln Robe Lest -'ire. Col. Farm for Oak John Hamkn. To the Public Elliott PrettyT IYen•rlpplton Mug Ntoce-J. w 4'!dawn Nowa foe /Seed John Rosales% !heat Clearing Pale R. iI. Smith t 1 :.. !haat SAS. of Dry Onoda Colborne Bre. 3 lebical. •1 L. REEVE. M.U. C.M.. MFM •' HEI( of the Collets d Pbysiclsns s.:d Surgeon., roe . Physician. Nertene. a.4 , Aet•uchet. etc.. Pert Albert. IOW T1R. M.-LRAN, PHYSICiAN, sui:- (3 EUX Coroner Re• (Mee and .-.. S .. e Urge.. Street. rotund door west of Virions tlsOsk. turret 1721, in Clinton. no PendaJ. ilyd itat..tbe wUref I RS. SHANNON A HAMILTON . Itlr• Zooms, of • awn. sjeta�p, tlwrge•otra, tocoeebrn, t.• ■ aSeSw. .�.. 5 Hr 1�a.son a residrmv, near lbs ,A t l.ndrah.rn. nes the 15th Inst.. at the real. d S e. C. SUAn*os. J. ('. HAMM. donee of the bride's father. by the Ret. Y T.Ir 1731. Sleuth. Mr. J. T, Lee. of Hullett,to Mia/ min n it Rene daughter of lobs IAILae'. 1(ao., et I •end eeln.ro. bride's broths 7th eon on Wednesday.too Inst.. Mr Arthur F,•*Irot, n rummy. `- Minnesota. to Mlw Oarsh Hanger, 1 WORK YY!4. Np. In Blyth. on len. 4541. lobes. yenned!•! ere MAPLE LEAF WOOL Nct t -'i . Alan • Mb,. and Alaw altar. awed 13 years, 5 A. O. l'. w„ mouths. and If days. Societies. In liade•irh toss at the res.denrr of this e" r. t f Piet C \NC11LNT ORDItR OF 1' N I T E D' Nesta In their in,dge Rewe ever +0i in ( Siston. on the ROA loot., the wife of W. :.w . a, . ill .•e liodrti•irli. was the •+f `1h0 b. Rtant'•.J to ass 11 in the pro. J Pmeket, gime r s year of the charier '1 hers was a limply1{.�, ('..det'Mh. on M.eday. Jas. 5111. i*. eartnII Joln itouglaa and 70 years dnrsssinn veer IM lerunt to erirl` oe WtMa.day. lag. 3511. MR. .............-+- Vary M' Ilene aired 0 years. Ilse Relent' me. do hell in Lobate ;;w (..,,,,,mwill take Pia r from the r'eN- Tewlpeiatic. Gall .-n Memel.y not e. a el -ter .r Mn. Reber, *Mire .ear Herts intaglio to .. R'ai, 0w sT. Jan. 13th. at 1 e'eIoek, le m twill SW01Med L w w P$'rata and mro..ah t rare• e111 mew sever t4•4 4664• fet II. C. C. tam Satlwra'tw. Isere• t tela at rider datr:ptioa or Keine. 1',w THE CHEAPEST HOUSE U. CANADA. Tor Daly t'ars.ea Paper h rataaMe P.O. 1l.srftta ...dents. Mow. Wass Iillstsl. and N is tarbt1hed as shoat Oltr-MALI THI lath's of s.w[t:a- :woos!. to the Vatted Hla•,•r. , sRIrS CARTOONS. in a•1di,'wn is heirtg *truce impar..iel wbere *tiny refs- to politics, are always .o the tilde ef-pg4rtM,als and Inarsitty. 7T• Carr .ln1w•'t•menta aro nnive►•atlr ad- mits -d. TV. )erirnat is merged to rs pew NEW FALL GOODS' dais k .• a,*r.*.d stales inner/ lenrd ani ttreB. �•� calrederri paper. rah Rhee bntb the ewe Itrw•rr , and 11C• letter paw, a besot(:d And. w•rtwfrbaamLnw this ewe t ono tnip:..s•'meal . the :.rity .f P Is OW M a reit :Meek Bede.. s dens. (the price it anamia.4.11etbea but a four paa• t AVZT7QD grathe puhiie with the announcement that 1 too,. o;„ no: one Thor. Assortment T for NKW ANtr Suitahle ► Autumn amid Early Winter w.. Tn. nose of Textile Fabrics are so sorted tins Reams that tarn ,Ie ween fwtiamma t•'1a M in GRIP'S PLATFORM : PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS 1feasi-tnlA'rf l.1* -o".4' Pdtri..e.s.. r-.41, Huck and l'elorsd, Plain and Striped Moshe. and V.A. Ireta .w r.•o:aa Pio. truth wanks.' Temp. r. Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. K IM mo he •:'secs, •1.o favorite resort lent *roan Pepe?. 1•. p: ,,-•- p,se.r it within Ot each of all Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. ' r Gloves d Hasse lag AAdrru�h• sle'row -,• asci N'tax. to New *sifter r.Mr.. s•-n?.raw fit, will t+•eefv• FDI railer. sod at ,mels unpreeedented in the annals of the Htedery and BILCONL AND FOC KT}I ION f►AT14 OF �h• a~ r the "'aa''' 44 ITt4. awd to 14144 (air - H le rrmlrt. 1N7 RAC MO TH. ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSUME sleet of f•awdtan nowt Imported KNrrrrvn t- A R.,r( !loam sold or• their merits. Makes. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. IST,- l; t'1R1T1N0 HRIt'iHRKN Alit A (.W A e C tri s. ,w minr• wW It.CY)11►:. All etlhesMMle to (11; is. new er ell, ars twva►wratiess maid.• yd mistily. ewe pot. W. JOHNSON. RFES ['RICK, •wa lei to . eqy w the wi.w.ltceal liths.! a.� ( Oaeataava eaten Le a altos. or the cess• 11. . THE►ui'1(ilf as W paten p1at• tunart 1.ttapaliq alertly le is pwMIMtd. m *animist of 1 is Ser YasL• eetom{,f1, 1t. �: 11 Reverie Aw MZeTNRO. r MP I'►apr r sad Haat r 1.