HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-1-28, Page 1/p��turn 's KAl:
WHt)/.i ii1:NI4 .It rest • I
McGILLICt'D1'Y BI:oa hsttswa
THE HURON SIGNAL\ �' e�t. 11r Porter is tot i+u/It INDIAN AFFAIRS. ' FRAU
�6ucVnnr rima.. *t Meer U ce.11lerth al { die debates in the Commons is nut re. t
palatial," every roost. moo,'ant that Ire doesn't know that a report of
. by lb..
OODERiCH, o%TAlIIIO, gardrd sa • Ji od ur.ul the member has a !Fa C. Cameron Annih:latea the:
FRIDAY. JAY =sett, 1 j chance to read and cootie the tint sheets ! •'Pamphlet.' •
... -.struck eat
Our Ticket. 11 l mfrs• ♦ speech 'h in tie Int atl , ale fire. tilt •twister• • to ti rt Jr Alla
tar aewlwtea roomier.
11 ON. 6111 .Heft I;1.ak
seas terra to Pre feminist• .
M. C. CA31EItt1\, tl t'.
"The boodle Brigade Must t:...
.a_ . -._ _- Porter Pro -..a ..- be
a Falsifier.
cateti atth in some •.or, ►rl.l 1.e Oa.
came hurriedly to t: •• L.dr',ar.: ;domed.
eJ t Mr Porte: a r. •• r .. L.+rv. r Juhis•
Teat Aro Happening star. was also. eaile.1 Ile. presuu,.hly to
Around Cs - make Cie will for no .•riccen ..syr• std
some t then were e•:led in to act as at -
The Tar) Gaud/drlr 1arawat*a ' wwvle" te$JAnta on the occas'.••. Atter a foie:'•
TiweaLl. e1 Tut) latent.. imitation ere the cite, It w'ad decided rse
. m 'a ,. J e. tjellwL:r mi.h.,ae.t•. lteoraare w*A tisk-boor artist
Iyu.atu,n was copied into Tut: tiI.'at
truwl the othcial report on May 1t, 1866,
and sustains Mr 1'.onerua's p,aitt..a.
1 The statement to the c. rotary made no
the sordid Ly i..iiaa yedi- .dry is FAL'£.
Th•we who doubt ca:. tune, and ire,
- ash- he1i.ts
R1k.'L:K Pf-.1'1.�H1fEXT.
• •tt....r.t. sale Maria a ■ed True',
•-- lar) 4audld*rt. 11 As I had expected, ii ••:.i (dead,
I The first :•in of the rsmtss:n was tired l Hubert furter, las beeu u:furoi and has
Iis West Hun u at Clinton nn Friday Ii a:l :le rascally . !f in. ever trade by accepted the Tory uuwu,attuu tar Kest
I Neaiug lief, 11 fie e - '.v of the l•ateph- a party caudidstr 1„ 10.1.0 a fsl,e un ilurou. of course, it is distinctly un -
I, let on Indian affairs, Mr M. C. C'..m,ron premium. that attempted by Itoltatt dent.,ud that Robert Porter will not
conduct the patient to ttk. d. Moria Con-
veyance, and he was at mice driven t r
Dr Ts?!oris rrside:.cr, when undrr
cart fol ueahueot 1.,• •.. rapidly rra,ve:-
ed,that ou M.•udac reorns.it he gas abie
to be around hrtgl t mud .tarty, 1.. adult
Setblt tete sf"'a'crr• Porter. of Shoes•, the fury nnn111100 for have to foot the bili for his circum- the v.:tee of the free and ind,peuderst
- - - -. • f vt brit ue: nbo�
t 1r4 sill he r. metnT•etea ih st fast %% re; Huron on \1 ednesdy *welting was ataacta durum the 'woe that 1 hare 'teeters. no .me o
i RorriT PuazIa, the T•,•y u0wtnee, i session Mr Caaierou wade • speech its the m.tet Warded and deliberate. known him have not been sutdiai.utly have meanly said that Mr Porter won't
The Tory press still cuntinue•s r•, leis moue to Codericb from his hunts in Sim- ( parliament upon the m:sinagement of M. C. Cameron, 31. 1'. for Nest good to permit of Lis bearing single. sock .it all Sunday sfterro•,•n and union.
represent the pneitiun of the Liberal i c, -months evrnlnv;trmw Saturday last. He `the Icdiendepartment. Ten cabin -t Huron was trotted to attend Porter's handed the burden of a political contest ate that thy ¢atherine in his room was 5
mtul.tets were present. and 1.0 1'. ry nr•rting. its a constituency which a deemed by t T .ry ruxu., bur 1 rlarltaLly taxa the
(ewer air! such lata as Mr Cameron, on g,,,,, his fell•.w-paaseii ere in the an...:-
the question .1this punish.urnt of Rind.enc-car to endrntand that he was quite mruil,ors tdp,r:tamer t, end all the t yt,, wag ;;uarentred fair trretment MI every local "fury w be hopeletaly- I:efurtu. ( View that iso was very :•I. and the pm-
Blake, Mr C,imeron std se thowho � sure of being J.:ected. The wire pullets; l;..vrrurnet.t records were within e-sse! the platf.,rw, but euutrary to Cumtuon dud if Porter doesn't pay the stint *huge ecce . f the t"" the . $ syrl the lawyer
the line "f.: of the Tory-a.atentton have evidently ( reach, let u'. reply wa4 w age de to the usand tl.e rules of debate, Porter in -
vote) with them, acted alone
the ,erdtet ,.f the jury aho one•! 11101 , "stuffed" the Old geutliman on t • terrible itdiem-m .t by tt:_ member ut sided opuo Mr Cameron speakingbsture
They took th., groul.d that when the own!, but *1.cn the returns come in un West Huron. •- honied he occasion. This was done iii
Jury recommended the prisoner t, mercy i the creative of the 'Mud i f Feb: u req, 1 The rr,i.t;n *id at ..nee augnest i►aeif ' open tl.adstrce of toe tnvttate:a eateuded
i, .toils J,'sai' a is •b.•rt Parini will ns i.. reRry u.. + h a a ihirl ins apps- at the ClClintonand other tn..tiuKa At
they meant it. 14 via. .urt•!y ru uo.re'
wrong fur them to adv.4 the: rectos ' be yoke so sanguine, but will "1.e loaded ! ratter alu•. Ti, shot him. Oaten the fury bill stated, ••Mr M. C.
mrtdation 01 the posy n to mercy then Up the other way." •
i List .st the (l..vern ueut *ttenlpted a 1 Causeron is invited tp bo present, he
it was for thy. jury. cognizant of all the .
-_-.- ( try y. The mcJe a•1,rptr.l w as Ivy a - all receive the fair treatment, always
evidence. to recommend lion ti. mercy. ' '•Dr Sutherland is not the only loyal, j pau./.hlet, written Ly a man named I accorded by the Cuuautrattres W au
It was the practice of Mr I:;ele, ahra i life L.ng Reformer who has born div- I'rtxJ, rf Hau.:tor., a per+, n l.ire.l by i opponent. ' At the other weetsnve the
Miniater of Justice, tr. have the sew- j-1 eLlsad_drit_ea.'tltt ullills- tlity• ' the ton ndri to .l:. •old j.,be orf -the Lind ;0 ,.,,,t t.ut.-ww extended, „Mr M. C.
The *hove fr.r* *he Hawiltun ; ,
tenses ..f •pnwnar convicted of capital ' soul dais Itu.pli.rt, containing the nowt � Cameron wi 1 he given a fair hearing at
crimes commuted if the luny recomroeod• i. ptrfut.,r refers to Rev Dr Sutherland, brazen a.: indiction. of wrue of Mr
an •• of theist u►eotiu>Is he way attend:
ed the pnwnar t.. mercy. Aod why the eminent Methodist vise, and whore C.mer re's correct odetations of suntan our frivol* wnl mow here an idea of
should he not act in that some *feint the water un the Cot•. t,''••r wrote •t, ,...r.ts, was scattered . ter the tidiug by ` what the Tury candidate believes to he
and endeavored to treats the imprs'vn I ..e ; renter's party when they "did'' I fair play. But let that pass fur the
that the rev grattesan had been • we,t f! strut a couple of months ago. -I present.
Reformer, he sur eta what was false, ,•rd At the close of Mr Porter's address at.
what he knew -t.o he false. Rev. Dr Tltat iamplet was Sighed by u•• one.place, every man Jack who, was c u: 1�r- ..
Fred s mane was to good, aid blas i iucilstt occurred which proved htyuud ins the put campaign, doitee :cset-doff Mg, and if he isn't merely a "stopgap,
'3nt!tedand is rddr xr.a lira alsays been doubt the rascal Porter had u, what u he: Fur once in ay life. I'm at
an ultra T,r. His reli,rca sed '1•.nald Barr not say he wmtr it Duo. Y objectuu this t•mcawiwr love+, :rum Deacon
y ver, in order to do the e:rctors, of view 'rhea he planned the order of Mitchell, of I.ochahh, to the 11'tn churn sea• ami t1.4"Y of the neiKha..n *111 ats-
abilities are all right, but Lis p.iitiaa eskir,y at the meeting. He under- I ewer :Ludouto'e tarrellpleuamndrueI'll
the cover were placed elle monis "Liaised f g I *Ail sticker has received his stipend,
are aim{j off. The Vie:. gentle nae • took at the close of the tueettn wtsen be usttcls ublieed to hi A_a .
i<• t til, au, I must except Id -au Swartz,
• when a man not charged with murder,
nut found guilty of treuein felony, was
uoat'irouu.ly recommended to mercy 1411
the jury who tnrd him i Mr Blake
took hie stand with the jun ; to con-
demn bile to to condemn the jury.
It was in the light ,f these facts that
Mr Blake said :-"I saw that I could
not honestly vote in favor of any deci-
sion bet that the ...dryly o f ereruti.-w
VAwglit to An«r lento emamet.ed-tot that
. man should have been pardoned, as
e, many have wr .ugly declared. I said
;that the man was guilty."
The jery did not wooers.: ltiol. They
did not want the utmost punishment the
nun g to do it ' The Weal -Tories can t, and the nurses Eire stet:dry to my con -
for must ad the rimesters In Gudrrich tett"'n
are wen who have taken advantage of -Now; tout I've miv,ef ..•)i.e. t.,furtua•
the Imminent Act ..f lordeeud *.Lend h''" doter is a p••irt t r two I'd' Iake *onto
menta theles., and are nut its a pusttuw •.f the ,,e t11v.ore to straighten up fur ms
to make littera! Krauts tot this utxasiuu. 11'!•v was Port«r aoaeete 1 to eowleat
The business then outside of Nue nog -
sten ah., have menus had too touch trou
ble gettiug it together to tenter it away
\1'c•: II•.rom . li i:'s a 'lead sura tl.ing
that a Tory os►r tarry it, amid not sum..
squa`ett•toed,letel headed fellow he found
on au outset's political eauulidate trues amorismt our luowl C••neetvatives toady to
xltmemw, ora v -utter eeuetq. Arad yet-�t • 'the nositiott! I know �.nsa of the
the bleu• ha, beret rtisrd, r'eighb'*s who C•ru d p •ll a larger vote
-How to 1 kuuw the Ixn.tile los Leen thou Porter in town, rut could ti„ jut
raised ! As the laayen-say'. that's a as well in the townships, and I want to
1e 41u4g question. but 1 dee*: wind toil 1.0"* slop they wore not sheen a chanes
tug yup tf you dou't tet the bundled to reap the honor Rubt. Porter a not
1.n or whirr you gut it. Its the lust a resident of the county, and he never
had a right, title cr interest in the rid -
learned his trade on the di Guelph by the Deiartment of Indust of 'AIM.
llrrw'J and w, s ninon:dated with bed It was to show up the falsehoods of Camtervn had u0 eh..,ee to reply, t•• the li:ceysaaa, who lurnuhed the horse•
• n to that the letter hod ma3edeh xra,e Osx thin in Rieke favor u that Le
that pamphlet that Mr Cameron spoke P !doh un tb...oc•a.011. They 1i,::etl when did nut play a coward's part upon the
tam war y nrastatravuts uu for t....r ..f Parur•
will bo claiming nett that loner. Dr at Clinton on Friday, and Le succeeded i
Putts no s .i!atinruiahed Grit. admirably, went. au4 beg..•1 wading from the
------ The si etch will not bear condones- 1Jter'.00r pamphlet on Cie halfbreed
As tfort is be:cg made by Sir .tuba tion and it is too tong for insertion in question. Then ensued s -mu •,•anted
wan his party wire -prises to thew that 1 its *utterly. It will be sent in another ruia6Ciun.
late amid nitre to be mated out to the a breach s irrevocably mace between NM Us toe electors of the riding, ulen Cameron -That a no authority ; read
wistehed rias. Ivy odd sr them and the Mod To this end a it aa* be compared with *14. Tury .r.cd. from Hammed, the 1L.cal record. I thou. Its mighty strange t!t Tor
int. Posrievfrii. And be. malaise Ant iltLbeen'etarted in To- Seem it to say that Ile Goa pie ea, out Neter- Well, I will read from Han- elwuld kick against paying t. sir honest Tot
cam,M ° e
of their , r .r 1 llwn Flake and ruatu, W last until election day, ',Lich 01 the Government blue Vivo proved surd. Rere it to (Cumeervattve cheers.) back -hire debts, and yet should aide up DILA
malt had made it n u W the two
ins legitimate bill cent its, ani thouytht kaliums. H+d he been the unprincipled,
they c..uld bulldoze hint tut0 taking cowardly. Ir+erceLa,y wretch the Tury
twenty du leas thou tee amount.orators paiut him. he *mild !.are died
13ut Tom wouldo.'t be '•jewtal,' 5.11 cite dttirreetly. live the dead rebel hie
bukn will have to either tout u!• syr dos.
walk to the m•oetin:s at :his else.
a . ,
Camen•n favored a e,,w,rbntat' - of pridesses •c , .ICA)C,cutt
serv:ve ear-
P,ir1's sentence, net a pardon‘„ s re. ' meat se is is attuned at Ottawa. 1he
baso. • new rent ere is edited ty Irate P. tribe,
• the Mi ds Ottawa correepondeat up to
Tun orrulat. copies of 11en*arl perste Friday lest. seal the paper a Fat to type
wM s
WPM 5. sial.
of the ttttaten new Eris
tit. -If it continues t•• 501*
b ease as he ,r
;,ig' y Cameron-Hea volume of Han- t.ntta rs who tamed like this, I do not know how I will ever
against the Government.awn!; which volume do you want 1 ,heir bread by the sweat of their J,w ' get to the c..unty council next week. and
He showed, bytint Government's own Porter -I don't *cut your volume . during the campa•ign, sorry am Ito thtuk that many o: our .1.1
P't�' reties will be mind this year. Com-
o!`cia:s that elle cL lCiu, sent the Its• 1'i! nod f:,•.Y :ny ,ern 6,oA, -How do I know Dr. Taylor did not mencing id the east, where the wise men
dans was often *oral '•.ut iu two days Cameron -All right ; du what }'"u d the straightening up of the finsuci:►1 one from, the first we will mis. tr. Tom
° e g ; hat, of GreyWho wilt he more
Mr Caraeroa was right N ♦ .sdu.s-+ 1.y a phalanx of : fu cowfpwiters 1be ftiatea i ,.f last,og aV lnaay Jean He please. matter 1 That's another leading quer.
red he c that agricultural im• 1'..rter then proceeded te quote lir mimeo than H..nest Tom, when the p mi -
elf t k l Bias (nod will fliers :raft its txiabace on p11• hae�es lieu, but I'll tell you of it, too. There bums. qusetiva °Dam up, or when .4 uige
-- �tia• da11 p, menta had bees allowed to rust ono Cameron as saying :
11[a Portree icor-. y mama -
that t(le e• - slti)ra tis- pie was as item Axed is ownecioa with the Tums *ants a Gaelic eon*, Thee. then
ammo 16.47 'fames• rr'. the Ma:: at tett rut m t .meets god 1nud Ho ,ed. , Tha.e are pct the only c mplaints others that the doctor was not pered.nat• m �la k, of-1.Ira*erry ; *ht•, en
the ef6cial re -the eauinl /teemed , a sbM of .kintf after the tacky lands
- -was "loaded up the other way." ' e tics. a . Mr Kribs will betake shoo. 'bet :'., IcJura who were starving that the Indians have hero tasking far a i interested in ;and that was the lis .1f his town h. or the towns add wit
uuu.her ..t years. 11 a pruweed, and �Y
!himself. ..n the suenentiue et the cs,e- end freezing to death were otfrred to
fere under trrut•r ub:igat:uw to supply gaidatimq of this claims dna fur the re- lases its this coded", as hos. Whir, ser,
%Vitas the Orange Sentiwel abases Mr; Padr •bee'• t' hi. n c� yoriu st• o: bf., : lief, *rte: $ l.•ng ae%!rct, by Commis- the Iodism*, Isar fresh from the platua, rising of the voters' luta for the Domin- if Smutted had hie way, there would not
___a . __a_•• i,:-, .., .e,e t curreep. ie'tt at opima. :he scheme linnet L►vwdney, i:: the shape of a nude- tenni a;hsch the butldlo had disappeared, tun selections under the .mranchise act. be 'deli ..r ,rilada rn kuwo, by arm
-- • f site sod Wbriny • with fresh beef." tuah,rn.w, Pawnee or westward, we
Cameron -I urger said so. I 14011111
aced the word "treaty." (Cheers.)
Porter --The official report that I hold Currie. ou we g towards th .1tt:nt
i• my hand says you did. that there are w many Centra: Bank sun hoer C..lhurne, look rtvr ed hr
Cameron --What page u it ole t 1 bills in circulation during the past week Billy loon;. Tl:et, we mw thine -sod
Porter- Ps iio0 or so. It must be a new bane, fur the Mt. Antoni ; he. to . has ieh hu char
"loyalists" of this constituency, it fer• 1.io p*teea t., ereryledy-white rhe at tt r a
gets that its articles are as two edged, •saes,°ret 14 ''rope in•' the sea .nsti-' Mt- Cameron ....dere' to band the blue
swords. The people of Ashfield are :rat I tuned I•=denet.den;e, the d• t • :,rd 'book* to eery `•duubticg Thome. to see
as loyal as are the Orangemen, but their { ..kerb* the straight Tortes. out both .norther or not he was correctly quoting
loyaly is not of the sort that jumps every- Striate g'' to the old Tury mil; Ar.d af- from the Government record, but o0
time a grand master pulls the strtug ter the racket has beet= roasts, and one accepted the offer.
Orthe gudgeons have beer. ' estabt, the 1 The Tory pari phte: has been killed by s bills are all crisp and new, and I'll have (iso well 6 I where he Jutetly est
Tut official organ of the Orange par•y I ,Yea►vdarJ will fade into oblivion, seal the Mr Cameron s Clinton speech. The 1 Cameron 'after looking at *.r index,- P
toover W the Bank of Motorail sold tag flit let f power , wheel Arco•ti pat
has given special instructions to the M.ri: will coonle up Vault:.; -a 11)%11 'd-•• pats at:d year. f every quotation is given I never mid so. You are not quoting go down his font, It *as three erery rime.
"loyalists" of the riding regardug M. C. m u se of pear
1 front uan«,..i ask my friend the teller if they an Turning south. we crow the Mattiand,
That ratter hu *).o been straightened miss the noble Leal Jed reeve •f Feat
Wawsnosh wefts 'dn fitted t�. talk .ts",st
time (when that wee an obleet) ss Bob
-By-the-way isn t it mighty strange
by Mr C'aa:er• n, and any perbe son COiro r0a11 n .*►able. For the t.t three or where we ht d (:,bri.l, :•.., has blown
1 tenfy the same by an appeal to the blue Iortrr i sat kthn►wiag the 11ulutne on y p
His' � the table. four weeks matey has been tighter than his lot trumpet Anil hast, bus net
.. ,mwr
the chargeum. One of the artiste it Tye e - • . .r ...-- _ _
t ic•,',wtritfe!',$1IM4 lf:.i ' 43WI i
the of Mr Cameron is that he I i Dt 'hes.. at the bane un a Sr".bnf ifs lieifinze•,tiii• Is"' *e tt �••-+� 16111 •
opposed the Orange bill filly dldb't . tsar were pard art Alex Mackenzie .
The 1: „ercmet.t blue books sen be C alrerun -Thin is not Dermot at all mur.icipahty ..f tf,e w.ar.ty, towbar/ lie
by`fir hn M.cd,, Id at G ndot , ro ! it e a cooked version for Tor campat n what easier since the Tory c. iodation. mew caret•ll unrsroic, ,a a 1 wb..s Jo.
the Blll peas in the Tury House of Cote- ` Nen at this ...tee by any one who doubts y•
h Bra B' John A. K effort sur been m 4'0e I t1. •seise et w t else ,tnorrtsuo0s I
that they wuuldu t l.r surprised g I've heard scans of the uei, hexon say Wh.' w c, ►sere or 1•"4 .t eft r 111.
fh 1 h ode ch:eftata
mons, wen when
it u n .. ac• a ti
dovseld voted fur it t Why ' nor w"1 '•t hs folluwtlN t.• d.trke of the . At this
i sane by Mr Cameron.
Loud ...been.
if the riven and streams 1.11. or -dater? rght
• 1 ..iter lost his temlxr, end question, s.' after, tsr..ugla no_by Tacker -
_ candidature of Alfred 130 altbee alibied i became atuperstive in the extreme, and boodle bilged* was working the Central, 1
smith Davie, as L,w•c, *t:•. fess drums -
Mar has twee mon placed its the vutKan *tatesmu w East Yolk. Bat luhel this err and Grimed at the mouth, I Bank racket, and if roars the caw of ad it Scott Act wh:.ey Tune se were all
Cr t o the present time the editor of ;
closing by claiming that he would be avurm tt well amount fur this plethora of slain is battle. • 'her uteu tale their
�' Inca! candidates name neer ib editorial p lblic o, intoe. u with Mr Mackenzie to th1 .serve► ! a. piled W flthat ha has ' elected on the 22nd of February.
column, and *peaks of {tuMtt Porter each an extent that Alfred Benicia* line! y e y-
Loud cries were thea made Ger"Came- hills. And the strangest part of the plat.••. Much Is tors V. V.
es se
as being "Honest, intelligent and true." thought to be of ad vantage t. Leto I deserted the temperas•• Cause, and g.•rte r
but Dr. Rohn*. an fleeter mrd• busmw is that the fellows that ere 'lush
Tow Ta er Nretsa.
Since the nominative of Robert Porter write a letter to Jedea Koroteaki14 , 0v5T bad ane bw4galt/ 10 the adrocaey of un, '4ey, who has no vote, title or influence to *iib new bells n„w are the r • ry men A correap 'mien' osis t s to giro the
by the Tory convention we have bees that • rnamtn:..f the Canadian bench to the sari-i1.•tt platlurse. He eco aetthtrithe riding, rebel t.. the platform, mid who aruidu't rattle two red cents to- t Iosnshsrs *n 1 plaesa foranngthe werrral
wondering why he was selected. The use his talkiest -eta to we` Dalton MrtCarthy deny Cob charge for defend the course 1 nailed for chert t,r Porter, which were Esther a few days ago. I guest I'll ask t ridings in Heron fsr the IA•tntntun .1.5.
of h. •. urns!. He is Tespconaitrle for the 1 pveo• the county treasurer If the cucnt11 coon• tion, with the can•hd stet who. see run-
t Local election where he endeavot ti recommend Bunitbey a candidature to , Loud an 1 pm.nnged chs, n were then rhos. They are as f••II•.:ws .
1 I k distributionf neck set
trot nim a e wasabout 1 ,
friends' vain- trate" in this cox mNma Ionil. 1.-r eft- t brsnvh sold sat:eyed them br.odc*at, i which teeter mrd was not *nae at
t own. Hell 1 know something' a 11 awareh, elm, e. and d rte •rimes,
min (al the platform as his ,all, but * o�.nap+l*hon of unrevised likely.
Llt,t•t.l candidate. M. C. Cauitrrt.
else -
cd W cern 1)2 Taylor tltn,agh 11111 c,•r.- Sir John Macdonald m one deserting of ut:trances ..r the N'.'r, an that jointers' rl I. making • 11'•„11 Rno.,. i'1 , ttnlenrh t rims
a6 ed that h not u strong a Goveramentat ssautanee " and "assist he. pulled up its principles root and Kr It nF'w truwldres rel that the hook from tax's ro the dwerrine i, .,r Tones ..t the
ship, Cultl..tn. Ashfield t°4e sad Neat
11 rd 1 '1 b. t I (' tie h
it imagined ■nd the o. east halogens foetal purpowa 'the Wier was loaf bpi What ha. t.s C°caen*tit* tunpera0ce
mild rte's to sat PP this punt � speeches m parliament, bound ogerhK Then a • Tory
Ixroi.et is Neat fila err,*one, 1. ht. P e'r
, h - f •n .,rt .
defeat of hie peolpr esu a praethiel Alfred Itutlltirae, and foil loco the hands • • :' •• y t hes and dor. t you forget -it.-
b an ender o i.ing Tury newspaper wt D Islet ga„r 114114•).,. - • ltewwa iidwy.-lL' Tee,
tae. of a rated spec mea. who seeu.T this � ---- - - I The boons Hutianrd of 11111 nowtPorter,' y q'tu melon.. 15rtraeei■, Blyth
., I taaeality f t'ae author's prcpustuon. s *vs Mr: M. C CAR[titfln'* *dare*, at Clia. Porter la not worth the paper it i* IN. Tal Ior. end it syr. t Rehert P. un' rr
written urn% ss an authority, and i1 Kr bet hr's .•n deck .411 the same. soil you'll I*t.d Wr. z.ter. "4•11. s' candidate, Dr.
le eartetcy to its c•)ntents. We under- tun, in reply to the Mee pamphlet. cos. ! 1 Nc1)..n*hi. Cuuserv.n..•, ':,o a Fsr•
I r ' Porter does not knew it, he is not At to soy has trail if you keep ) our eye skit*- rm.
-I stand it a rhe intention of the p�eeent piled by Editor Freed, of the Hsmi.toa be a member of Parliament. I Bourn Hct ot►. MaS:il.• cGav-
1 holden , d the deeamer.t to here it r.b•, Mp"''e' 4 whieb was freely eirenlat- I The Stir soya Porter is "Hosest
and white i m • ealurm shout the smith. H11. tt"s eft. tX.. -'y `e•/.•nth,
tographed and litfiomrsp},ed s•• t1'st ole! ed in Herds Bering the trips of tM' intelligent and true." If his attempt r P I T ! i{.yhe1.I. I.iher*t een.tt tate, :t,w.a him
abbe may hate an idea of tl.• easy anti; chestnut c :abiaation tluneigh the eonM. I fraud 1e to be bun rogue, he u utter) Cw,neervattre roe acts w Nest Hun a, Mhan.
drroid of the ■tt',bot.r. 1f him wen i might tender my d..ve.t sympathy to •1.111 rolate of hte•e- t- •1 toe:.ship at
Mg ehirtigraphy ,d five man who M tV weld repay peeved. It appear in 1►e b..t►r.t he would n..t here rwat.•red t.' a..
tidied with a Judge "Merit sial l To.n.ato v;'.4,, of Tuesday last, esti rt ow .h a inch; if M wen intelttttent, he that party in the affliction that befell Stephen, 'Weigh u. t ,a c ru.`y, arm in
ork, ' tout was, wants the mese bristles w.th proof, of lair John's h lewd , would w* have been ►•meant .4 the it Sunday last, when the candidate, the Riding of North MId Hereat 1 •r lbw
• in I bath •d Mr Porter was atrieken down with ill-! D•rmu'wm 111"1un. snC 4'Px,etre M is
"snowing under" for Robert
After reading she Tury anos.0
however, ear eyes have been c
the reasons that impelled the Tory
vection to go W Sime.e and eek
Robert Porter to content West Huros.
The glee Ms •ouchsated the avower 1
Pobert Porter u "Honest, intelligent�A
and True." Bet in't this answer a lit:iS tNt
hard wpm the Tory politicises reading Sea . ,
ia the riding. IIon.slvp intelligence faaetl hoary to also did in h•.ralleittng the s men's f.lsehomis. W. nnde'r'tsnd Mr d,Ren rtce Iw.wrew w rent t Nett Perth.
tlnrevised rperehet
sod he Il,r",.ur-! • nim M wdden!y. The Ent the nub! c Tna T,•r.,a1a \' v. hast the Terihsel
and troth meet be soars amongst the l le csast�y_`ted:cy Alfred bouabee den.:es t;aoeron ass been hunted t.• deliver rn tt he wets true, M would not hair knew (.1 the calasstfty esu whew Ur. Tay-! West Hnnm h writ as the 'tatter a�'
Tnsiss of West( Horne wheel they *elect s that he mint the letter to Jude M.'reso, midterm upon the sub;moot o1 Sir Jahn', ,lied in so aliened • 14. mer, and .t I.* tl kers rig drove u 4o the hotel at whwh 1Mest Durham wh.w 51 or "Aeat�tll
sinew cwt, awl proeMim that 1.. bat M dr..w°t sad den e..' dim. y Ova' pamphlet in Han.ilton, where the liar that the b.ylws Ixowk was an olllci*1 does pIe
Yr Porter was p to
he and the doctor bia e„tttoencrra 'Mash! elect seed mit►
poessmiow of thee* gnalileetanna should ht wrote tt. Because a w..u:d-he why e' ml•iled the brnchun lice*. and' meat. al truce proceeded to the wrtrate roes of • EteeMiron•c may n'awrub.y i,t mak
Ruben Porter stands Nrnvineed of
p'ae+1 him bead and shoulder* over 1 is asssasin hoes at his vsrottn sad the and ; that he is likely to accede to the twJaest. dishroney• 'tumidity or (al.ehoot yr I the stoma.'...mimeo, After agso d I the ease of petty leaden. sad rse• el
fellows its the Tory reeks. T1s• $1.11 is ' esiacsrries, the mitre l.. kid deet n• t In such an toted there is s skiwaiwg in all thew combined --awl all tb. edam extraordinary *inlay. Rut the int memos
rove the man wi oho sc h.5 d• u'.' ram for r!aur Tore+(. Sir John.* Nan • i fire e3s1, 1 ptesum/. 1111. Will"! et petty heelers. who have no interest is
artil4 /. elevate Rnbitrt Porter by P Amo Lake Hung' conn.* ckae.ae lura trots•
Pim the local Tories.
er innocent of ere i�ia'leta : the Main. ! Joseph R tttnall *Arent was rewire i 1M Ieraalny, is 'empty as lar(+rniweaes.