HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-1-21, Page 5•
rah I1URON SIGN :►L, FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 12117.
COMi1UNICATIONS. 'o' the election vo ell hate been
auto ely dt8rreut. Aud ehdther it was
b tor toe wore 111 socurdancu uuh .rue...
We de as I,o4l uur•elrw rs..1`as•M rind 1 t . su
or Air %leek, 1 , r:ec'
e,.letuue w aur 1wura.I,.imetan. , un, rim V (>r pus
tent' Una 4.;autumn, un,.L ..•ug a I:w.0 wiser. the l,yv•r party did their Mao at,
KI+,s W put.h, quest i.e.. rad 1.w ba=r: than Mr Mellardv, .a a .lue+Uuv n„1 t 11' i iSItS h f 11{ ~A 1'F' U '1'
.0 1..x) t„ tl.r C IMI II • . 1 Fait play i.•
dM•l.le. Irl nuliciuJl1.., I *mild .av 111.t
Oar retie t reitl.
1 anti. tillill R111.11
Genas en, Jur. 20, 1+1117. titer,• is at. •*hues rick in this T own-
.ils which dwu:d be hrolru up 'et the .; Busiu
To 1„ 1:d;w: of The S:Krtal. first onortuoity.
.itr, hill'
eta, I waw eery retry u, hear )1:11-lu.u.u,t y•, . Mr Mai.ur, G.r iml.=:.-
t rd ■t the „ uttal meeting of the I Itr101"
West 1iIJIu,;1 A ncultu.e: Society that tee „.e s.- sr, ani,
ammo exhibitors at the fall show cou.- I
Port a1bs1"..
platted 4 the committee who merle up _ 1
* c..11•:two of hints for the C dermal' l.laar.i hlatt.u, our hr,l ecathrri
■nd Indian Exhlbtt,ou ir. m 1.I t sb:w u. Ia,. ,et ;•.eJ.cta a iL.w, ai.t• a :*Beloi
the show gIuumis. LI order that Iv. bn•a., u,. c, r .cls"vAShen.
complaint .huut,l be uatlu 1 hied prev-
uwly given uoU,x, per:M:ularly, sm boll 1 blue Ltzz:u /tasking t, .isittu f.ienns
local lepers, rs.Ius.Ung al: gooier. to I III at:d a,•.uid Stella. I
bring it. all ti,e -meat s[iw:tttelks they I T. E. Young teacher, s L . taugl.t the 1
could, a,aJ s lite us to to►u thew ter the I younv 1,1e. ui Kel. Mi, H.ant Co.. durit.K :
exhibit 'au in Eoglsud. We also sp..ke 1 the past ye sr, Is at present stoppitg with
pers,miaily to every grower we could sea, 1 his patruts here.
sod 1 had Ikuprd that all would chem• I ‘V. •1 1'%Ilow was npp„iutcd ech.x,f
fully gyve the .[er'imeus en the tables trustee at the rrteut weetu.K,, 1
for the purpose 01 s.lerrt,u1)
uq our e I Albert Mahafty is tiff un a ttlp to
1.t.. 1. Bream. As it is, 1 trust all feel- 1 H.miltou. 1 I
'tog against the collecting committee has suusiJVd, x1.,1 th..t all will at,: It ea, fur I Etta fellow, thee*eve 1 year old chttel
the heat interests .1 aur comity as well
of 1%'. T. 1'el.v,w, is tic-,tnt's.tt from ■
as ter CT1111ads. Tt,e.dleotlut was a! very.fever attack of cuudest...1i ..1 the I A,I,lr,•
credit to our society s..d the c,unity 1 lungs.
grl.erel;y, *.. 1 it .•strut Wall only nec.,n=i I Thns Hemline has returned from a I
to the display bout frog, the 1'r ri 1141 mouth•, .. ].,yru n, the 51u10,0la lumber
Assuctatwu. Yours, Lt...., Iwu,al,. N..;w.*:etrout •t.t.•p_'_' per;
Amt. McU. Atl.axi. I went}:. ,
t ?Owing ' ;t - - tile mttuw-GY:'•cirtde there-
VuItNpe teeeeshlp. 1 was uv ietvice held in the 1'uioi clot rch
I here last Sunclay
Cabilots, Jett. Bids, 18f,7. 1 ," 1) (:,.side, editor and publisher
To the Kditor et the:serial. i .,f the $touesall, Manitoba, 21.,,-.., spent
Dam: Slit. It you w..: aindly al;., -•a few days with old acquaintances hent
me Speerin y•,',•r vr.usu:.•1.414-r• 1 ''''u"! I kat week. "Sam," as be is fauiliarh'
like to ]1)t down a ire words w a,uutx tenor,l by all his old associates here,
,ion eau the tetulkataeu atter election . f *lent the halcyon day's of his youth in
our tuwnali,, council, a,.4 to rep y t., i this tthrt;te, and his boyish freaks and
curtail. virulent snicks which have lately 'favouring pr..e'l.u.es err lull well re-
apneared us the eeluu,u• of that clean'
end truthful (1; sheet, the : tai.
Whether ur out 1 any Justined iti me•i:-
te[; tbuse article* 1 alma leatu tv your
st.,pberesl. Ile is still the same jovial,
jolly, it'a.d natural Saul, and although
latseh attached to the laud „f his *dop-
twn, has still a warn, place in his br. at' ? ':QI !P, -b
readers to ureide. 1'here u a pru►ere fur the laud of his boyhood, with its
which says "Astaire a fool ara.rdw; to many pleasing ruu,tureservs. •Mr Gar• . gh School C t 1 &Ward Schools
his fu.l; , 1e.t hr be else u, hu ..wit wit• side learnt the art preservative oe •the Et,
.vit. ' r'stplay, Iia nim le. ter of the 14th l3„detich Sr, whelk that journal was a'
us., select* sateeem ; out us toy humble e„ntr„iled by the late Alex. Simmons.
°pith• s be exhibits e *eat aw„uit ill Speaking of t'•,dw'eh, Mr threads said,
..T A
•I:.• i• 41* ar.'m- (if retiring fr..ni blisatK '.
1.. .It, .• ,or 1)1 la's.,,:
Goderich, Ont.
We 1.a*.. sou. 1. ple„ru•e .0 ti.ferMII.K elle friend*
'sod lbw public generally. that ear Fall Slavic Is sow
,..naplet.. 1s alt tar 1kpar:,urn!, rue Q,.•• - ,.d1 be.
uta! of L. Len ..: Jtwl,tY^.'.A twat giylhy.
i.ucass CN.*.
7t1d71TLt 1111.41/11116
We are show;sjs lanae ranges. ,n French. Germ inA
nd English G.u.J.In the a. west makes. W. ha, e a
ie.. 04 I)'r.s bicltnre Int w i11 rM,ulsh ),06 rs I: el..;
tar sad get mime of them before 1.t:rr are all ie I.
New e,1. smug -so. Triaus.ap to match dressrends.
f '
rl'es4:d as+ertese•►. end et priers lower than ever.
r'a: out el.,i*. to order at
{ FANCY (31.►t1Di+
Fsr.ey Wool F',*wt.. Fa-cins`twn. Tam (, A',sate:
i•,,,1) ibnt ('mer sed there.% ilesiery and Woke,
Mt•.ees and l.ad.ea' Aldterw, together with a r photo",
Assortment of await w.rr„s.
A di.,oun' e, err per cent. 11 he allowed on a11'
Cash p,n-baus nr IMy Geed. of Ise dollar and over.
Colborne ros.,
Fashionable Milliner,
•-,...1from her vts:t:.Nen York. T:.r.•t,to.::nto11.rr.i'. •.t ;'htha
AT Till.. 1 ..•.d !u.• rt move.: frons he: old .trod to ;IA store
' TW • -.ere ,he: h be pleased to see'her old Paxton er:. and a
number et rrw one•.
spleno. W'iy Mr 3lurnsh sMou-d be the .a m the prettiest town, io Owlario sad,:.wlerir h. (k t..._7th, et."
sole person selected u the oti]not ui`altheu_h I have travelled over a rest .a Qi '`! -..___
it rt
abuse, it may he dtlheult fur those nut is of the l lilted States I hate men i S=r ,r rRm..L Sv
the eoandeucr of Masers A, and K. and tine to *.pial it. It has, however. made
their teethes to determine• the least progress 1)E any wet 1)t its .B! I
uw, biz l;ig*
or, 1 s* pigment at the in this. ,,r ,-ince during the last five FAN et. I1AD A' A
nunnitatiun, and heard •'tile t•..,tu.h at. years. Had 1 any influence with the / .r
Melt" wade .ns h1r leek by Mr M. It mayor i would e+.duavor to ,tet hint toAT S BUIlik STOI1E ` C. . rw+ S
recurred 1)t this our - 11r Beet., who exchange the torty or fifty retired farm -
bad been ext,l.uiing aerwon ,ualt'rs of era who haus around the mai kid, ii('slt S]il'O"It'3i.
business the aid council had transacted hagxline about 10 amts in the price of
during their term, at til""aa of his a curd . f wood, for one tf..,•1, enterprise •♦' jr , D **SotVg X j[lt
speech invi.ed any oho had •lurel",g V, incl, vitiating, business assn, and the /C'Z' / 7 slySle - Girl
ask k. pn t•,ound tures. mitt Ln w„uh: ►w_ rife:A would be tauUcealde at mace. The
!tippy t.. answer. Ihureu[wlk, Mr M. retired farmer is a modern it.atitutien. A Full Stock Just Received of all 'fie Latest Editions. The Genuine Bell Organ, The Mason & Risch, DunLst4,
arose, and "led hie, " ?elk what pro- and perbat•a, ]„.errs**) some very 41 . ill - Fischer, Evans Pianos.
t.erty did 1,e law hie .loal,lIustlu.. ! slept ia+s, but they ar n1. perceptinle to -
4.,;ea , I am wtlluuq to leave it to any Cali- the naked eye of a Manitotrn, Sant, T n y 1'771.. only i.•a:t.tMe 1.'.o very bsrt Ins•rumentn. tChy h-,-' trash when yo•i can city thM
dal pets...., 1 r.v..vit in teat hall, if Mr we are hisioa to state, is pr,sperime up lightly i/Gi gt d at lihe . E . IK r: h A , ra.e, us h ends►[ ro p Album,.
; ;i elk u .t utter) coufuat d b that School Books S ! -'!-n,, Y: ,t.• Far., !,1 n!h O+S•a. Kamp Album. Nhert Norio, Music Marks. Ar.•.
y 9 uor'.h, and we wink him continued aur '
•IJestiut. cess. He is still unmartird. His broth- THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CANADA.
Fixe will be Sold Cheap
Mr fleck • replica Were s.neab•at ill er George was married in Rochester • I r.to. t;.,..::: a.edertee. amen, westiMeeet.
this style : "I 1)u not 'Milk any eau lax sb.•ut three w, •ks i., -
a nght to awl and such a urst.od. The
-eas.ny big M. u elk ro,rch opposed to ter - t edgier for Smoot... Mee.
1 \/!/ Y NT ER
a t!.at hr tress ••,I V .,11account of nut T,,,, l.,i „en,, a fr.m the }h•rlin Mil., GET MARRIED AND BE HAPPY Fes. L -a IL
iacn.g ncei•wl Ulu asrr-onh,l.. tlrtu '` •s, and as we understand that eons
rah eiteuslve farruera are w,llu,g to sup- 1 our citizens patronize similar establish- _, AND 131.A 101.1t - MILLINERY.
putt m, .Neil, wh,.w aro M .Itr1 ,vents ss. Ihb referred tit, we publish it FURNITURE c'.
: r shirt, McNrrl, F'a au and other*, 1 for their benefit : --- "We have bees
have hese at industrious young man, and shown samples of bill heads, statements,
_ bare uoIked herd ft.r s11 1 puomma. Trine tags, etc., and prime attached. which ars ._ t 1-
f ate out a farmer n to .,realism
ktc. wily t no doubt sent Fd malt] of sur + F,i0:3E RT S O:N 8 MR!. O I RVG_ CH.
Nue*, m.. man denied Me 1%.'a mMlas- I prtwum;r' fire. The prices yk.,te i are of CJI
tte.us habits : nevertheless, I venture to course low, mid it will be seen they are CR,AB?B'S $I.00K- r. y-. .4' ..1.1)1.551' 1:..' :.k' - . u: Fal end W t::..reryy is now complete. aa:d
say that there ware wet'eul wee present •not cubs with charttea.•f collection, 1 have mow to Mork It.•.'.r-unrflrt . •+rdebonnta and M.ctei. on Tables of the revctard twnprte,e t`.•
last a. industrious as he, and fret who expenses, etc , sdde d. 1'e„ple who will lea,. iat,rb „r t t ''rice,. to -:,-it _the Lance. lounges cod I'. -'o: Wes. Sista.*, 4ane Per.
rad unfurtu.ately net set :tent real pro sCnd their printing t. Toronto or elm- AND FANCY GOODS y "' P' LATEST STYLES
je rty 1v ,1.1.1 sty them f .. the reeved i,,. where, when they may possibly for net 1 TOYS -
With regard t., tits rt,cht of kru*outogi.i cash_-eu!_.s_ tsll atmotttt os► the price i
T' `.
. that gammon, 1)u ode but * paten will ` cnpu
aa here, an o deserving " the I Ciei -tan rh;i, - -. -M._ :.. l bar i.:19 .. .
'rl •,,.,r l:r-1.e 1:_. -
.:any :hat the elect. rs have a right to Qres4+wt contempt and censure 11. should r 1 BO I N NETS &C
1.11,0111.111.11,011•,whether trout those, who seek their beth., princi;.le of *•eery decent buetma Cali and See a U r i Oc. (.J oil ..tor. I i .
suffrages are legally qualified gut the min 10 Yet his }.rutting and other work 1 ;vitt, .•:(11. HE 1.NIIE:. - _._-_
pnsitiuna to which luny aspire. Dune i,n the town where he makes his _ - -
b1r M. was correct In stating that Mr II.in:. it t, entirely undue to :ou.pare
rock w:1) not registered as uwn;r 1)t prices for leading ant et.tpl.' linea kr i ' ll
any real property. 1f Mr L. is the owuur 'net cmah, etweises. etc., extrs, with
of drede..1 property, ut.r•ettistered, he what are chatiesk here, and !eft on the
.h .1)!J hake w informed cite electors 1,,,„k, till the eel ,1 the veer. and thea
tlowe.or, itlath, well grounded uptown petitsps taken not in trade. Thee „e„ -
E a great many that Mr 0.'s quslih.•att,rt ple who are too mean to supl..rt the
.s inythtal : teat he would have to -valet : home paper would think i. a t,-trible 1
• trouble h'antiog up his yuaittieatiou Liman thole if these papers nt'-jleete 1 t,. a,lvu-
Mr M. had w huouutl up hta (1.l s) wuu• eats suitable public improvements
.l*alibcatIoI. la regard W M. belug especially if they should leaP1•en to fee
sure nn account of not h. ivy( *ppsrtutad tnterr.terl But there here been selfish
.aeeesor a year ago, I .rake this state- and memo people in the will1 in all 1
remit, ane Mr 11. is prepared to tel atsn . tomes se the past. •nd we may pruleil•ly
tette it. tlrt'waft pn»eesed fhleeelk+L-bi seeepot* M, hese so pot ep std tilt -ars with.
Mr Y. if he would say he voted 1.4 A. them w the future.
and f:. M. ,•*pled that he del (rte d"
that kind of thing. Then mid A.: "IIA Holyoke oke, !N►lw, thread mane -
yes. it promise too vote ter B. twat year lacturer has received fatly Lewis a Ivo
yes* '11 get the •.Hier*, but if yes* 41•14'1, , *hem .4 Meek milk which has laid in a
then, by (: n, yeee site t baron' " poiel,atece the Mill river disaster, 'thigh
Mr M. is also chsrzed wag► "drum- I hreeled Ma mill with .therm, to 1b74.
`, 'n:ni up the 1 o sec " tYhat butt the [him a,.uvenie of the 'Last was fwtod'
feeltwts of "Fairplay" and others of lieptewuiwr 5th, and although it has lain
Tt.'s satellites ie the fact that the lady in the pout twelve years. the silk
t.tets mat lied 1h, ir *,*!Lits i.r Me- retains its colour, h55 a fiord close, sed
the thread is strop*, which shows the
A unr. and Vete. d Finch. ;,t.
' l;lr SLUSH T13..IM1.212•7GS,
6 elf A:. let..., «:.d I a -err.,
r161La C4
E F1oers,Ouaet, 1bb0 iS &c.
i .i m V • tiittltta
3 til an ...'I .. I_.r. and '1. 11 .1s.«rctrd Stuck o -
.alt , 7 line sets 1.m eal..bition at herr Skew ileum a
1.r! e O p-1: ,taaarenient et the
W A =
!=1 LJAi J•ll vaa +are u. r
IL et theta and Fa:l Mhi:i115
"Fairplay- further 'mid In iia 1.•tinr . *linnet in(i1'etructihle nature of *h*
that Mr McHardy stated at the biennia I m.terial.
eon that he was 1)..t a temperance man. - -
and would not Vote for a police $octet1eS.
magistrate. Ile said no such 1:1:et; _ _
H -_ -
Ile used w.u.ls to n
this effect. "i do Iwo
Felt HateTrimroed with Atrtrssltar.;sad p)'rritt'(btr!he lnate* ae":lrema*reer,Two
:' .trimmed.
Altracl»n fire Trimming Purp.,see I I
Frit Hata Trimmed from 11.00 upwariit. \iv I
Luer a tit«na.•d .r. al .
et.c o..oncH- c
0 oderi. G.
;int as the Scott At Nrj liNT ORUHR OF I" N i T HD
believe in pledges
has been voted upon, and passed in tete
county, 1, as L. law-a'ridm.i citizen, MAPLE LSAT TAIT'I(1E, No. 27,
svelte-* th.t 1, i. the duty of the retire i A. 0. t • W..
.entailer• ,•1 the people to I•de for .• i meets •• their ixattre Ola,^ everon Tim
;..dice ,naa,strat...,n,l to .telex to rn,Jer 1 FECO:tliI AND Famiss e. *,0,4 111 MONli.tirt OF
irricthe law effect.* FA(H ttUSTH.
Agate Le to the el.r_'ural U111,41
oreenixed at Zion, Itev, Mr Wilkinson, VIFiTIN'I AR TtIIi el lit: ALWAYS
t n the night .1 ire formation, fu11y et W.mittnliJf)H VSi(Iv. "PI!'" "LIVE.plaine.l the nature of the oblytation. M. ,t
W. Ftwancler
He Bald that .t was not necessary that • (, '. TI11► i P>+(►N .
candidate should be a t ;tel abstainer . 9011.1y 11.-.0v1,•.
all that wa.1 re.tuIred, was that he
should he he in favor , f enforcing the law.
SKr M.:Hardy was selected a• candid***
by a !reVto•JS o,Kanisation, the Collerns* ,- •-:-__. -.- -=e-'r` "°`r. Jr
Branch of the Alliances his eandidweure i L iK 'VS, K.D., C.1N., Alarm an l t'wr e' AsaortlueT e( Roo.'ranitahle f .r
Metzase afterwards submitted to and ap •7 • EI1 ni 11. Cony Ort M w e1 T
,+"mere• da., Paystetam. w ,• 1
retsina by the cloistered -nam Another Aevow,►.et. nM...L....____ A -- - 1.w/ n.e
,stars ',r Mr McHanln ear. *elected UR (.LEAN, PiiTATCTAs , re ,
hi. {rai•wm .apern+ne. in nun. ( «e, f,.lew*.dre d•• ei Q a ii
'PAINTS, OILS ,AND GLA.SS,1chpal +Is,tttter Brea, dtrsst, retied deer west of Victoriario,.rm.nane sten elkarge.i witha„ 1. 1Ts1.rpbsg g r.h .*d Is heirGODERICH.
.„. Merrk. Maw, tisnothing a - M rarer I ps SHANNON n ere th HAa111,s. tf Ire: Received HAM Times. (roll and seek limo cur. n.aklee 'reef 81111144111011S.
a ie
,,- dj [ove thin this . had Mr Mafiardy Py1 aM+ ! Rarg.ewr. Atkeo.rb.r.• «'' 1 8
Y .Mos at Dr. nt.'sa"ws rret "e. a""
1.M F. JO , Hall,
!seri •mpD'.tthl IV
ftefvi•wu. w r patkt Osdaele► A. C. tpawwotr, J. C. Minot
wan by -Amis v bots, the roma I,w 9`s
peek „7 .. # y ,. , ,.,tea-, a ww.;k..'..a •wvr-: x r ^',L r• '*'.
• hvi7, ,tkY ttMS .'S;
W ho!csale and Rela:'l G
a ra► t1itZ.eTI l+i.