HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-1-21, Page 44 TILE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JAN. 21,1881. G©terall Elections WEST HURON PUBLIC MEETINGS Ili Tit int rattail or M. C. CAMERON 1 \l Jordan Rude - Gatedd Mies Helms, who hes been volume M•yur 11. W. .2. Meyer, of \\'uo:l ale,e , tag a•mmlttee, , ine uran u s', in t ,r t. the past few work., kft It.,urlay for the residence of her bndhrr, Mr N S. 11 -lines, G. '1' R agent, Acton Conductor Holmes., the veteran tieket puncher, has rapidly recovered net.' the careful nursing .f toe daughter, Mr, James Robinson, and is atom reedy for the road. James Wiggins, at one time • earner buy for The SignaL, died sudden'y les' week atter a brief therm. Hr was • quiet and industrious lad. Hu (unties: V/1U M held at the following times and i wit largely attended places Dr. M. Nicholson, the West *tree; : i L INGSBR.IDGE, Thursday, Jas. 27ib, lac -mist, makes the preeerv•tton of the at natural teeth • specialty. Gu 'chitties - SMITH'S HILL Friday, Jan. 28th, at tend from 9 a. 1o. to 4 p. in. for the Township Ha1L I Winless eatractwu of teeth. IDUNGANNON, Monday, Jan. 7.1st, at Lucknow Celedun an 6.'c ety wit Martin's Hall. celebrate Burns' annn%emery Ly a no. MANCHESTER, Tuesday, Feb. 1, at '' and popper on the 'venni, of 'Tuesday Temperance Hall. I-lau. loth. The Lucknow chlela alerAys 11RANT'S SCHOOLHOUSE, Ashfield, have a good trine at their auintversancs &Wednesday, Feb. 3. John Mtsely, sr , who vitt with a FINDLAY'S SCHOOLHOUSE, Thum- painful accident a month ego by brine day, Feb. 3. • run over by a horse nod .luieh, is era. BELFAST, friday, Feb. 4, at Lough table to be around. He 2•'l c'•lr►nd.•rihlt' ead • Hall. I shaken up. but feels in prrtt) good con iODERICH TiN NSHII', Saturday, Iditwn •gaits. ' Feb. 5, at Union Seboulhouse. It has been finally decried that HELEN'S, Monday, Ft b. 7, at Schoolhouse,. ST. AUGUSTINE, Tuesday, Feb. $, at Schoolhouse. HOOVER'S SCHOOLHOUSE, Wed- nesday. Feb. 9, MARNOCH, Thursday, Feb. 10, at . Schoolhouse HEL(IRAVE, Friday, Feb. 11, at Hall. PORT ALBERT, Saturday, Feb. 12. KENMILLER Muuday, Pelt. 14, st Miller's Hall LEEBURN, Tuesday, Feb. 15, at Tam peruse, Hall. I>EACON'S SCHOOLHOUSE, Wawa nosh, Wednesday. Feb. 16. (►LIVERS SCHOt 11.11‘ WISE, Thurs- day, Feb. 17. (IODERICH, Friday, Fob. IS, t,rand Upposnn House.iiOLMESVILL"E, Saturday Feb. 19, at K$oz's Halt. The above meetings will be held at 7:30 each evening. hbs been obliged to sive up hi • on ee,ceunt of i11 health. Mr Baird The e tws•Mvamse trawdsd•se tets•Ued se there ,n Monday last fur Si. Paul, atseatd. be has secured a good situation. 0011RAVE VE THE ..t' EEN . A Frarinen ltam was taken from t Chaplain McCabe will deliver ht. celebrated lecture -' The Bright tide r1 Life in Labe, Priem,' - on ti ednerd.y. Marry _'d Further particulars wilt' be -peen iii a fixture issue. A Fie Tal. a -Some young scoun- drel eutered the N.•rth Street Metho dist church (n Sunday afternoon la.' aid committed a nuisance in the heating *1apparatus . the church. Owing to the 6 by trick the teeming invite had w be ear.cel:.'R. Mr A. B. Macginn, .f the (leneral Pe a•eijter Depot of the Chicago and Al ton ltailwry, has b.bn •ppontdd Cana than passenger azeut for that system, with I ead'luarters in\ Tonna... Mr Macklin assumed the d les of his new position Jan. 1st. George Baird, jr. who ft, many yeas taught with great •coeptahcte he &atN,l on the Bayfield read west Brucefield. school lett says the branch rails •y will be templet- Culb.rue, Johnston and Hum lwr, pre. ed and In runng g under by .iuse neat, seated the tulles dig as eel ummeg for .ad that he has been employed by the les, • t'eruetery, .lesirs Johnston, Warden and ethers of the c .unity of Buiehaln, Reid, Whitely and Swish ; Biu.,.., to secure a charter fur the Court of Revision, Slaver, Johnston. extension .1 the 1: 1' It from Tors- Cameron, Butler en+ Jordan ; Finance, rwu water eta 11l am au, t^ t odand 1, eihern U AelSelinii. Reel, Humber t . North Bruce, ly fort Khali, with that as and Dunlop . Foe, Butler, Jurd+ts, • harbor. ' Humber. Dunlop and Acheson ; Market! Mr (len. J. Bennett. news editor r t Cameros, Dunlop, IAt:j;han, Reid sere the Toronto Arcwrny T.!••tru„•, who Is Acheson : Public Works. Bingham, Lee, else (:rand Requiter of the (:rand Butler, Jordan, (lee. .\ebea..n, "eb&telj,' L edge of Centel*. A. F. & A. M.. has Cameron aiid 110101N : Belief. Qeu. ; fust issued " rhe }'rtewaa,u • Pocket ! Acheson, Ismael. Reel and Saba\ ; Book Dairy and Calendar for 1687." Yioet•ial, the Mayor, .lohustou• ('ameron, 1• is • cowprebenaive guide to the Brand Butler, ('ulb•rne, .lard.., her, Hutuber, •• d aubordinnte Lodge. .f the Binghate, tae.,. Acheson and N lately.' D..uunion, and may to currectly termed Mooed by Mr Jordan, seconded by Mr; the Mumma; ''Enquire within. 1„ t'ollr,rne, that the r.•p••rt • f the •trilieg Shim) should be without it. The keel: committee be *depted. carried. 'rhe c'.o.pn•e. gnarly 300 pages ••t useful council then adjourned to snort the brat mater rleyantly cucased in leather, gilt , Friday in every mouth. ed e•.and costa but seventy its •cats. THE WEDDING RING. Ant .rt.: is the name of • sew weekly .t•rted in Trento by the wellluuwsi Caradien anther, John Charles Dent. Tbr IZ•btw..w•s.wll.■ Nuptial. rap■tar I he ..cher 11111111011were all taken up. . t Year Ir a Ir/.via at►rrl 1 bomb. TOWN TOPICS. A ehiel's anus ag &e, ta.in' notes. An' Jutth he'll preset l:." - F -or photographs in all styipi see Oeot•ter tilewart, over `airs'. gr'ctei'r Ile e•rries revers: nevelt:.'. lir. Mclronadi wit' b. :n Coder:eh fur rem sults: rod on Saturday ties S, h of February.and after warns on the ,,ref Saturday of every swath. Ties Made, rtoww. --Crit. aad Tories are agi- tated over the elections, hat Hallows will be Mesa every weekday, ready to take first -clan. phetegre.pet. "The January thaw" is here at last. Spring suit. ale • little previous. but l'ridhate Brno. are getting is their gots•.' for *priori (2.11 aid see our new tweeds. ls)7 finds M. McGillivray, of the cheap rsab store. 14 11 its handsome stock of chuite gro- ceries again in the hunt. sad at prices to su;t the most fastidious in alit. Tut W'oeKis's ('►suits•'IAV Trrttt'ERANra UNION will meet regularly for the transaction of bieinces ever T,treday ahernoon at 2:30 o'ri.. k. in North-et..•bnn•b. Ryer, womaw rst- lerpited in the work is cordially invited to attend. !.ask earrtidir at Saunders and Son'sed- a ertlsewsnt he this incur. They are frawting pictures rites or '.r i. for all those who'pur- chase moulding frog, :twin. They have put the pr,.e "t n,o,.Idn,e away down. so that =overran.. &iii). base--poatascee.-- • your pic1 sear. •-3 he t'b+eapeet House Under the Han." front of Mrs Grant's grocery on .Tuesday evening. by a person, (whc is known: At first it was thought to boa 1, ke, 6,11 up to thts tits* it has not been returned. and if unt returned before three days. pruoeediage will be taken to procure it or its equivalent. Wednesday last Rev. G. 1.. •lark delivered his lecture on "Leasers .f tete Nineteenth Century," in the M:•th..dist church, Dungannon. Notwithstanding the inclement weather and bad roads there moa a gond attendance, and the manager's of the lecture curse were satisfied with the result. Mitten/NARY $uivicnt --Missionary services will be held on Sunday. Jan 21kh in North lit. Methodist caur.h The rIsittng miniver* will be Rev T M. Campbell, 1•4 Owen !Sound, and Rev Francis Nugent, of Lucknow. Mr Campbeli'.,mauy friends will be delight ad to nee sial hear heal again. .he new journal did a .t wish to begtu by plagiarizing, and that accoui,ts for it• ntrue. .Ii•(rn..+ makes promise of b tog a weekly journal "which, while p: rserring a Ifreh standard of literary ei.ol:rice, shall address itse:f e, • wide c'rcle of readers, and shall deal with A lames number of ladies. and a iew of the sterner set, took pour -won ,.f , \"icteria street church on 'Thursday mourning. _'(hh inst.. to witness the mar nage •.f Milton L. Rubins. 11, merchant, of White Lake, Da:nta, and bits. Annie I Vienna Boulton. of this town. plias .1 !cations of general interest in a read. I Truenrai played the '• N editing March' u e at d popular mrnurr. In the u the bride entered the church, leant g enta i l Hoist tt makts+lattoc,d stsrt, and it it keeps up to its present standard, ft e icht te be a edemas visitor to mauy Ceuadiau hitters. Ann TtiT Aworris Cot NT'. • Appll- tatn.0 will be made to the Legislature of 0111.111'10 at Its seat 50551(50 pal an act erecting the townships of Mint°, Arthur, Mery►urougt► and West Luther in the County of Wellington, the township nf, Wallace in the County of Perth, the township of Hawick, in the County of Huron, with the towns of Palmerston and Harristun, and the villages of Arth- ur, Cliff •rd, Drayton and Wroxeter, in- to a provisional county, to be called the Ceutty of Lansdowue, with Valliant -stun at the county town. A New CutrNTy.--Applications will b•• made to the legislature - of Ontario, at the next seainn thereof, fur an act erecting the townships of Wallace, Elora and Merningtnn, in the Couni1 ui Perth, Hawick and :trey m tlie eosnty.of Haven; and Marytees. jIi in the County of edington, with the tillages of bluver- Bruasels and \\'r••xeter, and the s of Ialmerst.,n and Listowel iu ,unties, into aprior islolule'•unty, lied the C..urty of Maitland, town of Listowel as County ect 1'• the approval of the t'i • sluctera .4 the said tes be taken at an electtun e purpriac. low said W be with th town, si ajurite rnnn'etp•lin t.i be held fur The annual eeting ••f the- West Huron Agricu!tu 1 Society as. held en G•'derich un Wedn ay J et eery lith There iglu • fair a endance, and the proceedings were most rmatious. It ca, arranged to bold a spring show here oh the 20th of April. It is exeect- e[► that the fall show will held in the uew premises recently purch by the town. The followim. o rs were elected for the ensuing year. I esideut, A. McD. Allan ; let visa -Pr 'dent, The regular meeting of the High (J. 0. Stewart ; 2nd vice Press ent., 5..1 14,1 literary acciety ail be held this IL Id. McLean, Directors-- Win. C:a ke, ,Friday) eveuiug. An cxc.11eet pro-IsaacS•tlkeld, C. J. 8. Neftel, W. Yo v gram has been prepared, and a debate ler, Anthony Allan. Stephen A"a-- on the subject ",Resolved that England Jahn Aikenhesd, K. Bingham, Sseretsry will Maintain her Supremacy." will also Henry Hayden, Dunlop ; Trwaastr. A. Gt trach. Blair; oeiatrvs-Taylor and Heddle. Citeitivre'. BALL. -The annual assembly of the cricket club leek place in the+ 'r••wn 114:1 011 :Holiday evening, the 17th lst, and moa+ a pronounced and sn•1uahfie•t success, notwithstanding the very unpropitious state of the weather. Quite a number from Clinton and th wee, pretested from coning, owing to the traNis -being blocked by the mew storm. The ball was beautiful. ly decorated with evergreens, hoisting and Cuinese lanterns, end preserved a very pretty and pleasing appearance. The music funuahed by John Donagh and Mia Hattie Donagh, was excellent, sad very much appreciated by those present. The cricketers are mach i11- d.bted to Wm Mitchell for his kmdwer in lending his piano to them for the eveniur. The capper voliintarily con- tributed by the iadsw, Was beautiful and dnceiou•. About .forty-five etntpirs were ere -sent and all *tamed to, enjoy themselves tbur•ughly The ee41'1141es of some of the ladles barked sery hand some and pretty,, Indeed. Dancing was kept up vete atter three a clnek s. ars. A c Vered conveyance rt ercont a ance wee p ro aid'e d er bW•veyn.g.rtdif menet to mid from the asseably. Ses.•rtt, Retard. -The Sohied L',,ard for 1607 met In the Town Hall at 1 p. m, on Mot day. the PPrretary Ur W. Mrcheil prrerdint. Meier*. Morton, Malcolmson. Price, end Swanson,. hariul made the u.nsl ditel.,rart..n .4 •fhee, Mr Butler moved. see.'tl'trd by Mr Bell, that Mr S. Malcolmson the ch+eirnutr foe 1A►t7, carried unaninteus!y. Mr Makol tom. !on taking the chair, tlr*.ked the members for the c,,tideoce placed ire him by Ism re -elation Fir ale, mention- ed that the schools in chary., of :Ile' this glare. Shelrturned Isere last woes -- Hurd worsen -e eery h,althe r:milithm• aft••r a three )•ears' residence in .lrthnr. The f 11owis►g Omuta...eoi were appoint". Dein.: to the yvantity of snow the e4: t3:h•. I Manalem.'nt, Messrs. Nie- mill is not receiving such an seundant helmet. Butler and A.-hewln. Centile supply ..f lots .s in former years. flow - rent, Rall, Acheson and Swanson. ever, ti,ue map change the state of al - Finance, Morton, Price and Seamen. (aim Moved by Mr B.11, seconded • h .Lit Mks Kate McKenzie, who has been Butler, that. _be Chairman and Sch•..4 serinosly til horn an souk of inhlatnm•- be" of the town e. uncal sgJ the town I tends to at .n:e alter' the anterior it cps Malisarineat Chiltinrtten, he a commtgse tion, fa, we are "Iad t., report, rapidly ofhcule et his rmetlen,'e Ne.tneq.lay ems. ; be male very r ,s,furtahle. The tuild• if.. dr.`1 and pr.ssaa s iss•win'ron on he- improving. and will soon he able to gr. Gina. ing moat ',;t•' he rent -1 on rras.onshle I half of the Hemel to the tome:: ume.n .b, ut her hetueho}d duties again. Miss \\at,.'1 has c'h.rt(r '•f the (.umbel terns, t • danc.ng and other social parties. her Mr Crahh f .r tis missy rears edea j A meeting will he held in the Orange divisimr of the (',antral echo". god \fisc Retim• saele ,n•.tth:y rates ars now .hie servo -ea he Acid rendered to the 1 hall en li nsday peening, the 21th inst., Rurritt has chart.• of St Pstntk s war'} ' flared to Asters. ao.l the Siti•rlsy eau*e 1.( 'deceit/el. Carried Moven for the peewee. of discussing the merits .cho•d. matinee fear , htldrrn a •l! c •titenun sit • by Mr Butler, sec,onde.l ty Mr Acheson. I'.f .n electoral union. A . Ira noon haw n usaal. hat the renter tnertlog. of the Beira formed *eters' week em a. hot ham not hs Rev. Mr Farquaharson, who has been S j••nun Men P. • 1,e fell ,t.ee are be heed on the tiro \I ondAy un each making ver raped progress! •• yet in the suffering from Inrel„sg••, Is rw„renng. the 0: .res •! match .hoot on Fridaylast, th-Cwrnrl. ' way n( adding to its membership. The bed weather, hawucor, hM es en •" w Core' ti The council l..r iRRi Rev. Mr Srltnli preethed in Knott It is the intention of J. C Hameln,. church nn Sunday proprietor of the RollerSkatine Acadamy Mre H. 1:. Y.,othwell is visiting her to gore at the end of the winter session, father, T 1:. VanEvery, a g••ld watch of gond value to the lady rt. P. Bearman, .1 C}iestty, was in 1 who hos given most regular attendance _town during the pas! week. a_id combines graeefnl plain skating wain-retltttrt&rity of attendams_ Vitsett' Mrs Wm. Campbell ha returned front will be taken each week on thiel phase 'I• visit to friends to Clinton. of the entertainment. 'Revival services are still in prugress at The.0 E. T. S. gave a very .nc.ssful North•St. Methodist church. and pleasing etterta.nmen! in the Miss 1; le of Ashtield, has assumed school house ON the e.eutn, .f T'..eeday, charge of :(David's ward school. •'" 'the 114b. inst cmnuse:rig of recitations. Mrs Best. of Seaforth, was in town readings songs.etr , The pregramme was dJrme the week, visiting her relatives. a good tee and eel! earned out by the e am ' t the and we bo- rn meeting• Mrs Harry D. Arnold, of Owen db9ter:eot p.erfurmene hound. is visiting at her father's real- V' E. T. Sas e i s goof en dencr • 'peak for their month -p f 11 hnwes. Bright curling club dowsed G.dericb \ W.Manning, Chart (Meer r of ibe for the Crleduui•u medal Tuesday last at s. Sea,tt Act Department, has jest issued a 4.1 Mv Meean Turk, of il• derich, ipd circular to the I'revint•.l Lce..se ••tbcrrs regeriine the judgment in the • 'Re .ens cexchanged mol• Pettus, of H11me• ►Ile, p r, Heath• cage, rr(erral 4., in three pita Sundsy last• columns last week. He concludes by 111. Hulehis••n was one of the urn pin s saying . - -Should • witeees in any future irf`ltar-tfeetretfttt•rtratr-test norm/ed beM v' ACtj ref tier ttrittrc-eirt at Toronto Sort week, en the ground that he will incriminate Metiers Whiteside* and Brown, of ibis tine (Imran, were in town last week, the ,guests of A. J. Mauger, The sale of psi era heluuging te' Mech- anice' In.titste wilt take puce this 'Fri- 1 t the poser wf the town by the 1, &Fre, day) etenimt at 8 o clock. was played Saturday last by two mike of Mr staid Mrs Gardiner. of -New York, the 1:otlrnrh riot,. President AJ.mr,n bare been the Kurt• of Cousty Clark soil t . e president Vs rlah anted m e ip►s Adamson, during the weak: The game was won by the latter'3 rink \r are clad to see Joseph Kidd, `r., by t".• shots The feller/me c•onpti,ed p the rink S, Mel•',mson, C. A Hua:ber; & tumid aeon alter hes sense soak of T. N. Danes. P. Adamson, skip 11 illness. 0. La 1 a lone( Gahm it, 1, Y.;s, A. Mclt.ttllan. E. Martin. W. Miss Horton nail Miss Helen Horton, ,T. Welsh tee loft for Toronto an Monday for sletet'al J. 1' Harrison, pro), i.tnt of ti►e weeks visit to friegds In then ll 'era ctt ,, Palmer Ralrr Acslerny.lakw this app,rr• }tee, lir Farrtuharsln, t'ir meets' timi'v eat anneunri::g that. in a view of menthe Kee Dr. t'ee's .•.estant, haa re- the .•I"c•ttons coming "R. he is prepared ,peeved a uuannni:'ua cul to 1)).N,, to rent 'headmen on ressonanle terms Out. for the holding of p,ihlie meeting*. It Mayor Sea_••r entrrt:une•1 the neem- is welhheated, and u the proprietor is• himself, you will p ease hriw lap t.o the notice of the court.' Cral.r1 1. - The tart match , season. for a hag of flour to be du the ted np cnithe stent of her eesrdae, It. Hale_ The bride was arrayed in a neat seal brown winter travelling dress and hat to match, and was supported by her foster sister, Miss Carrie Hale, The .,roome- nran, a brother of the bride, was snow- ed up on the railway. and hie place was taken by Mr Davidson. Rev. G. F Salton °dictated in a most satidactete manner. As Misty Ihiilton was the tint lady married in \ actor.• street church, the trustees presented her with a hand some reference Bible. After the cere.nony and a sumptuous wedding breakfast, the happy couple left for their far went home auntie hearty couvratelation'. The bride was very popular with her acquaintances here, and the general verdict is that the gentleman from Dakota has got a prize. The boarders of the hotel where Mr Itobinaon kept his bachelor's yuartees sent the following c',ugretulstury despatch. •'tt',nrrt: Late. Disked& tai epi:necun,ratulatloneofthe by's. t'al matin idoure_ SheDD t• 1111 lc IaoLs: -Our jovial sailor, the comtncdure, was relating his lest ail of the season the other night, \when he heard a light knock at the do On opening it he saw a number of Dunlop friends. with its jolly engineer as `pilot All met a loyal welcome, and (linking was .he go. the jolly commeriore taking a part in the reels with -the energy t youth. At supper time stories .•f 0. usi¢hty deep from his lug brook kept as ruariuy with lsuttht.r. DttnlaD The many fttends of Mrs G. H. Mac- donald will he glad to le.trti that .be is out of danger,and as we sent otf to prem is on the fair way to recotery. B. K. Allen is on a very interesting visit to the wee t tlla:;e .1 ilenall. Mrs J. Clark is visiting friends at $ss - forth this were. Albert McArthur will leave to run the 0e at Dudd'a mill, Nile, dsriug tb N mail was received here last Fri owin to the snow bl srkade. Min hast of the Exchinee was sick with a ball attack of cramps last week, winch tri :• the utmost Skill .4 the sick coutmittee1• cure. They coneuerPt' with the tone and Andy admits that it u the beat mesh rte under the aunt. GREAT BARGAINS J. A;REID & BRO. moi' 1'::r: '•'Olt: THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS „ill.: role: inti (Wire AT (iP.*ATLI sii)l'cI:U PIacts, Dress G code, Shawls, Flankets, Ccrrifor ze.'C, Ulster C:cths, _,,,Mantle Cloths, Silk Flushes, Velveteens, Mate A nl bin. aE'.• Fea:lle 'i r:rr:►r .'if . Ef as. Part.L 3r':? [cess Cr bort!, 1-? 0E31 EP.Y; GLO'Ti:fi, ETC - TWEDS AT LESS THAN PRESENT MILL PRICES ! 111 1411. 11 tlslt1K'U, s Cr. 01 1 n lwl.1, JAS. A. REID & BRO. Jerdaa's Mask. I.uler:,-L 13111 ean.. tp;. MIK fDentistr .," For Sale or to fret. - M '1fCH(►LS(>N 1 D 0 r ) ItgX I' -THE STORE ON THE • 1 • ••r..s of t/.e M ae , aid Went street. •• Is k X T A L ROOMS, re•' •.t:y a...up4d b tate ewdoesid A_tWM Eighth door bellow the Mast tread, N K A ti s uur:xt. n. `t L W(HYLVE1:TON. L. D. R. mitre !)dd Ve;tows flail, North Ht.. O,.Iericl.. Charges mu d.•rat,. Al', work: war- ranted 1000- The 90► She People's Column. e)TICE. • The Council of the cerebration of the Cewaty of !loom 't l._t wel_ is see Coast Newer. in tt.e Town of Iloderklt. ort Tue.day the gal. instant. 1•h:T1 it AliAen10N.County t'leek. Jan', lith. l •:. UT10E. The annual itene!sl meeting of the stors- holden of the Huron and Braes lean and le- restment compeer wilt be head at •he ('nn Oen'''. nth.r, At ups p.m.. on Tue'dap. (Ir•t day o1 Fr•b') sot. rnr the purpose of electing irirr.•tora fur the r•»ding rear, and reading the company's do an.•ial .tatentent. ,2i.1td HWIA('K litiftIi)N, Manager. RAW F1'RS WANTED Highest rush Peke paid to. a:: aeries ..' t1. -e, and NhMpsknod. diits •el ground bog. demerit at and dug indented. Also ta.,nrd aid 1u omit r. N'ILMER. ` 7.1171[, • •Mv.utn at 8tni•1.'s Tannery. OFES4oR t'L4ItKE WILL GIVE Lemons in the Tris. former. 11ts. _ Legal. C. -MISS Ct0t1KE• AFTER 14 solely or :were. :4 p••.•pa', ! to piss for the ratio. e . •..arse [erne. 116 i.:r .;usgtcr. - rrµo ifilt4T-CLA'4 FARMS vol nim• !n ter towiah:o u( Asheed. .ail, nsne;etacres , and one in Last Wawa seism enemies/int 1M serve. Ka particular, arpty w ('aurrrot.. Holt k Cameron. Uode- rt2*11M TO LET-ll'Olt A TERM Mt 1 yearn lot Si tire, is tie Maitland Mil- t cr.un. ,.! the Too nehipp of (ltderich, away by Inter to .1 Y. LIZARS. Llttatft•rd. 1116att 11,1A RM. TOWN AND VILLAGE. 1' PROPERTY FOR HALM. The Kae.' utors and Trustees of the ala . of the tate Je\.KI'il H KRk, ogler ler sale the (u;l.w2nir .alunhle Property. sawwly IAN• numbers 410 aid 421. in tie Town of ti.dericb. 1 of an sere .art.. Fairly fenced and very .iessrato:e for building mu- mmies. er- p H if acro Lot frwyae Mill Road. Township of t:odenrh. benne part of Let 3 is the Malt - ;end •'. u'.eseu• of mrd Tow nab ip. 1(iac Frame 'elute and Vva ee theme. !.et nuniher 3, South s:de of Millar street. itraasil:mors•; of an sere. •t ail frame dwelling. Dulldrtyi Las ratnbers seta and *04. is the Town of ('1:ate.:, 1. f at. a.•rr each. Neap fully .it lased' on tio,:tn • d.' of Iiuron street. Yairly fenced. The Nast t vi Let .. •.n. ht. West Wee,, nook. I(t0..m, gaud lar..:. se re ree cleare4 pad fenep t, rersa.n 1. r •;rchered. About 1 mites from Lustiness and 6 ;wile. front Wing born, fiend mads. Per t ir'Jsrr p ll... lank aapppptlZl__tie E. CAMPiON. i ar :star, Gaier.t ' v :rat[ ■ utors' NotiGC'a, 111 I . . H A ; s;, $1)L1('1TOR, as. 1 OP. . e, •`neer o! "faro • Wept .ref. (lalerirh. over telegraph MOM PM ' .ae rends to lead at 4 pe! Dent_ l tEA(iER dt LEWIS, Bhp 1'- Samoa. JR. J. A lir e NOTICE. TO CLFDIT( tits ear 7'HE T. !L. lslwie mow da . •se•red 7C 31 PiCOUDYO T, NAI y 1 T T c go Not lee is he•rrhe ,'ri, pnt•nir,•-tn?t. , O. k?.. KRg Attoo se rt. Rdle.taw. 1'kapter )o: and a; t '. •aria, chapter 9, Int., (is•ter-ch J. T. (t•rTww, W.'Priesetest. _IT' that all ered,tor•ando ,rnl•aaregen .•:altos ordentSandaamirutth". tat.ofJos•vFOAMSR IAMF1ti1N )1 )LT a CAS, late of the Tuw n.lsip n N'lwawu•h, ('otuty i G eta^-;tters. ROiledMry Ss of Hunan, yeoman. Lo.a ..who diet! or. sr o1eri• ler. t:- ('a.o:•ranS Q.C, Y. a ' about the Meds dap of 1wv 'miser, IIWe, at Inti /i. camcr< •, 1'. c. Rota int - Township of N'aaamieh at. id, are nereby required to Send tin {'oat pre ,4. or deli err to i an TrsuatwTait.i. •1t. 1laJwea i'. , Iof the the. Xcans _arrtT- Insurance-. - -- - --- -- --- _ _ _-- air of the i,sid- - Juhn Freest -eon or te•f•ire the 12t • day of March. A.H. IIs:, a Star meet in ser' of, their - - • ----- `. names and addresses and full dart• -;..ars of '1S . AND A BALF PER CENT. their claims and demand. and of tl,e sser'na. 1 !'traytitt Maas. Asy amount- Private free cif any• held b•' them. And tnrtl,.r tak. Cowls st the sow nee of per cent per an boils. thirstier the said dale the said exerts- r.nm. StAsiklit k LEWle. /iederich. Ate tie will nrnr.cd tee !strihute the aa,e1c of the _ - - _ paid de.Esaed imna for pert i.% 'totaled tgTF HAVE PRI V ATE TRCST therein. ha, tag rricard assn In such eia,nls of wht. h notice shell have hero given xs.abr a P'UN). sl to lend On Hangs_ al the Inc required. And +he said executor •.11 hot h.• 7•1e d' P1 ' -ante i' IIAl.i' mit Ct:'(T. liable for th,,, said assets u: any part •bereo+ Mr anou'r, Write or tall for tbrt(culere, to any person er rwraonr at whose claim or • 11KAN1tK r La t+Y1& lioderic4. la ins amino "tinsel sot Isar. been rere:v,d het) tl,cen •t etre (i*eof di,tribueion themut or (.( .01K1 i4) IA►AN', APPLY TO AY%RON hUi 7 a:t A!ihlt()\, Gore T!t03f cet 4, 'f .'. r;, h, 1710 i.se.- - eAtr.1 •i H'. Helens, `I I.SEY TO LEND. --A LA R(i F. 11' Rh day of Jia ,. 14 .. ., ,•:- of tee este 1 ands per invest ntei,t -- ' , teems•0ra-e;Iraetlderteages. Apply '(I'TiCK TO CRPU1Tt)Ra (►F THE '"' ' - • a 11:"1.11)x►T Estate of 31A1:1' FK.tS}:Y., da.tasM. 1:AUGLiTFC,' • N,.? ire i• hereby ;riven per.0art 1, P. I.:. O. 1 . • Miss M. Stirling, of Porter's Hill, is visiting here. The weather of last w..k was trying, Tuesday's storm drifting i the Lake Shore road and Butternut Row . Percy Stewart, pathmaster of the la er •inc. turned out with his beat and d. red a road for the progress of Sabbath t -tie. On Horton's hill the snow was so that the boys • f Joe Cook had to aha -,1 don a load of logs. Dr Shannon's assist- ant got an upset in the snow. :11 Tenons parteek of the Lod, Sepper (lisp,en& d by the Iter. Dr' 1 re : of liodericli. [tour yo1n; p•. •1•!u aura added tit the Metnlierahip A. A. Clutton's recent pnrrdase baa . velum[ sMbnwwny .nrwitces s floe sex es to who will be eh"wn jot the first drive to listen to the belle p 4' soy part tberrut. • "•' 'e" mor air .r eN end >o. up r - Paramount. nr d.•rrawls .;taint t),e rotate if :FART FRa.r:tt: Otte of •h.• Township of Witten nosh. i'oun'!!' of I4. ..n. married Altman, dh•ra..yi. al.oidk-d un or about the tseety-pint% day of Noyrmb•r. leis. a' the Town.h:p of N'.ene reeh .t•,r eild err 1.ereby required to .rt.el Mrs Op.,. R•.L.ns n1 is vieitini irieivis I t'Y Inst, pn•psfd• or ".liver to Ttlort IN T.vb in ('lir:ten. r,1••r d'r1 stir, c(,.i1 the said Mary Fraser, on Mawuel Illurchison returned haeme a „r before thr 1w' lith day of Man h. A,10. ler. few der. a,.• after . n•iil n •oterai ,r sato tnen-t to writrlg of their nines and sol - 1 1 In•rws Ned ru11 particular+ of their al.ai,/s Qt. lir: o'* •..1. )ntaario, the rte. -nue of th•. months in l),It.t'i. Hn leok..l as and demand, and er the, Neenrilieelif as)) th h that. p n 'e f•ol'v 'ree41 with told he them. Aid further 1.ke unit,*, that 1g .. c : la, .: after the raid date 11,4 said era cuter wilt pro - cased bliss cased lit dlwrihtfte t',e asse•t..1f the teed .:e, 11:44 Maty T)ni, 14 at present enl.y• wtt4'1 salmon( lh.• r"aline entitled thereto. friends in 11n: r Retia:• rein to sn.t: t la+:nil of whir% tog a visit a•nr•ng kir malty nnne►tu,ll!layetw•esNoenaabove reeeir- e•1. :ad tee mai executer will not be lishle for the asid assn or any part thereof to *.y pwrsan cr per:•tms of whose claim us* "lais.n ✓ etire .halt not nave been noosed by them et the levee( distreneloe t:..reap et any purr thereof. //erre AS TODD. IMhd •t pie. Helena, Eirratm. this alb clay ref 1. ':. tris'. 90tt-ie against him. ae announced to lest week • Km.:Mat 1.o' n•• !& '• 1 i' Mr Charles, of Buffalo. has been at.... c,'me .•tf h.twppn the four crack shots of 'set 1n the teen hall at 11 a m rn elm,. ping with A..1 M.uger delete( the pant the I;oderich gen ttl.h. The match was' day The memr.ers hat',n: snhaerihe•I to , weak (lir Canadian winter hes almost 111 15 black birds each man. the usual 4orlarstton of . idea, hie Wei. I Watson 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1-14 *hip Mayor S.ar••r took the chair. The mac \{ O M w or a ern p 1 W R Roharlseri se bees top h f .r him el.h U o O l 1 1 1 1 0 11 o1 1 t ) p►n t the lemons trotter that lwas, -- indoor , loved by Rutter. s.cnwde,l by_ er.e. own 1n this town for • l'ng per:.l ., l\e11M•rna that H \S' (tall ice ,ndrtor i % bee ad renteeeliPlies NOWaa. Free, Frrr Aasnnder♦ Rea, Pablo- Meeting* M 1 ('amerce. posterns for bale Mrs. C. H. Girvin. Nnne'e in 1 'redline• Walter S. Murphy, 1Taeery sale ('aweemn. Holt at Cawertm. 1'41''11 flied list weak in the SI"'"' Ftv. yea" Nisbet 0 1 1 1 1! 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1- If (Carried Moved by F W 1•hmtcln, I ago she wit sold for $220,000 Etlerd 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 1 1 01-1(i osonrlded by E Bingham, that Wee, Kee The Salvation Army will havw tees -sal- he bleb .chnnl trustee (:arced Th. ,Reefings on Saturday the 27th and Sot i ?Q by law appointing the sudltor, was. on day the 28th mac The Welsh Minstrel The match was declared In favor . f WO tension of Mows Jnhn.t :n and Jordan, ' send f . f, W ihrylins will M here sop and Welsh b; one bir•1. reedw thetreses and pissed. The atrik- iffk wita ir. (2wierleb, me 1h Jen. trsh. N.'. 0. r. gem.. J. RnNnros, MIS 1A4.. laakn•►. to Annie vienna Boul- ton seemed adopted daughter. H.Hale MEW. In fi de►b'h on `lased.,. January IYh. 1h7, .Imo James Franics eldest sea */ `Mr James Wiggins. aged 14 years aid Ntessthe. Aiimuseme a t s. 't '11 e I 't' . \ )llra.r rt .I1. n.\. 1('r•' TESTI. TI: Lint: A It AN itRAD1110! mdse. Roma. cor. of kits. .1 r -et end Piquant trap Ogee from 1toApm.,end tr•.m7 tofit pm. ABOUT 2004 1'1)1.11 iN 1.11111.ritY li Loddirm 1Alily, N•refjy nn'! (llw.eref,4 i rot.. r., .td,-'.uiwes. d r., .1 file, REAL ESTATE etre M.1NEY L►ANIN(. 4)07 Tiro- has, ('asryuwdu RgercatMrd air Money to Tani en slralgh% loans. et the :owes* rate. of iwteetat g"irg- :•a any viol to t.n11 tie retn•nw.'r. 'Worrier. - evened •:amt teem aquas., West .meet,.toderide 2a(5 -K $50,1100 eltNT1AN AT d ttR THE TOItQNTO (i ENKrt. oL T'stu*T'B CO'T .re prpnarcd to IOWA c.e'ey atagar moue Pah .hie twat Marty. nes • TERMS 7'1► St'iT BORROWERS. en !kat -CASA !arm Nwarity: App:7 to -AYET. -IN lir1'r Z t'AMll'ArIX. nes for 94 Termite Uestera:Trines (o). sues. 2a it'. Hb,NaT rURe atArstl,4.tbite. on ii., llrri mass laa artgsn arwnna nat. n't •derltypriva . te 'cads to 1e• Oooenea. (k:t. 4. tato. aptl•tf $2!PRIVATE FUNDS Tu r • 1 stn snit town prnprrt,. .t Ir.w Pit ir.'e'r M l rrng•,, part 1 sere. " No cow. - M/Mt•m .•h* -Pd 0, nor for the Tr nor and 1w', 1'aiwprn17 n► Canada, ih. (srwdi Landed 1'rr'41 (00.950; . t.. lmnd..n 1:74".2 ar,, t'ompan el(•afM4a, lbtcr. ••1:..e sn,! ' ir:.-int. !1i. R' IMaTwwer ran °Marti runny in oro .er , DAVI+uV k JOHNSTON. soleopma. PPP da,.ltrn!r•.attslt. OodKkh 1 Railway Notices. MEMISKRNHIP TII'I:rT. ()NIA' A1 Mk granting fete none of h.hr..rp and R. soling N..1-1( E. ltn.,m. Applicairn few eneutta•rship nestled ',y Nr" ,• h'-nb) in,.. that 118 • Librarian. In nouns.w0, 'v .,Ate to th• Psr:'smewt tel la M J. IL 4'01.114sHNT.. ti.l:e 1Nrt1:T,'V the nevi itemise 11),thereof for as Art tie teeny erv•e're'. H,..r,.lal p'ut. ' Ti a Nonth oniar:e Wields away( y' l'or•'•any w.th dower to t oar roc, a 1 =pre (i'rlerirh. Minh Itch, IeRy. Routes, frets n ,nnvee,.t 1 point on the _ ' f IAi, h:rte to the TOWN of kldnesewa, re of Keno. ►P:, l*n.ht„ret awl ►10 h tbe remit '1r icy *0 .,t4etdaf le - I N lt$ TO iICNi) for said cmewt4e.. •n .ammo on the *here of to roar*,n!en1 t rep•rry at Inw.n to Rp neon. Akre w lwaweb Ielte••1- Mer wolf., n 11 Ib ed. rte I .•mmM•Inw nee of kallwwi t0 /1i1 Partials or Wyotwiwg la DOargM (`"nsrpa,c,n4 fens rews'.nam•. 0e Tessin of loottrn., MOM. k. tarso. er,ean "Mehlwmney b.neds 4T1AR4.44s MA('i. ALH. qtr. i• ewtbfecttwy UA YIsr1Y t 3074 - owl, k- hr ib. Apili ta. lTOlf •ntMpPs. Ike..(iwdetioh. 20.000 1' k f V. r t ow Vann and To., „ .ld's,i:_ uor.a, [ INIPA,;attt`..' '.'l:":;' ..+. v'..,. R,ds,tewa, Use. dw.:tlls a tie . CON We du sot Sa eufrra.e u. ren 4 111,5 mire* to pa To 'ho h:diw: 14:a, 1 w terd.y at West L•dse lame sahib' plagued of l • cellocte.s and Indian the &hew X cumplsunt t' uu.ty given local paper bring 11..lO could, and e exhibition personally t and 1 had li fully give for the purl taro in brit i ig agat.ut suwiJe1, a the hest tint as ter Can taed►t to gri,eral:y, to the dt►pl Association To the K -lieu With. air me 'pm:, it like t, jot ISM whit t cur Loans einem t.r1 ap•ieares' and truth( Whet het tog those readers 1,. which says his fu.ij , ue1L. ' 1''a u:L, .fleet opine.., h ►pleeo. sole pet ••• abuse, tt n the coetd, their t os& Now, \I numgiallu task" moa recurred t had boon business t during th speech in• ask t.. pr. happy t" arose, arae •.erty did • ,.te , 1 a1 did jeers, was '1 3estiun Mr lire this style M w right to reason 111 tl.at be hatn•g n nal eaten -pont Wt • f'a :h1er, have bee have.. w oil I am 1.01 should n tn••u. ha .ay that jest as had uuf. rty to With rel that par .:eny :h kites/ wl suffrage' pewitwn Mr 11 !Mack • any req of doe. ehuuld !lowest f a ere .1 myth tr.•uble Mr M. e{Yshhe .nrr 1,11 wises. of ment, tint* it. Mr 4.. and t1. that k1 yeas 11 yese '11 then, 1 Mr •Hing t firebug re's • t e.tet• Hardy "Fr that 1 than tl and stages He u1 }whet has le count helm' tient* vibe! the 11 Ac arc r t n th plain w Hew °soil all t AUG Mr ! by s Bear • a. SOW WWI 41 Pio ripe lett' •.o d Leel Bee