The Huron Signal, 1887-1-21, Page 3I
wl?�I UL I1 MCI
At the Mirk Mooting.
The kirk at Birlybrs. w+• ''rent anis •
ww11 Ileeer men , Ari d's a setierlawhis br:ther cheetuJ the 'alias out re. be
wry u' haunt,..j on'. li.a., l'm 14‘,...:144.4I atieht gro.n se hu Mord.' mini lire
'loon th Watty Welsh's the milli, au' 1 If Welsh. "If .our Witty ani a* 4 'lel.
atop Lim if yr it stop 1►14.rtuon, the gnu (metheir
ld !:in elk i„ettu,t.ut tr.y'11 *peek,
"I ' Andre•I No, tri; I would never res.' ted•vr speak all' spoil a thing," sand
der,' divided, and altogether in a assent .4 wteflectwt.' seed lir Bristly she t.• Audrrw.
P ••Niel, sir, ti is yen duty '-is wird free "Hever heed her," said the tailor
'mentos stern of uproar. Lunt room- wad gaur a far road
, ''What Joao •Ica ken ab'.•t a 1'
der" were the pools used by Tato you1 Whet' the v•.tu.K night war Btrly-
Freoch, the rbueesker, when teltiux Mr Bvs'Uy ensiled, .0 said:-
how, •hy, and when the war 'tad begun. "Then try asleach yr•uraelt, An Ire. ' ; brae kirk wed titled Mr Bendy wuu-
Ills+ Balla Banks area ,t was owtn' les ' '.a, ua, I'm more auld to lana,' said ( d.:rewd t.• see the excitement. He was
the members of the church not being an Ant ve. shakul;; L's head. "A" the iproud t.o sea a.. many bright, ottel•tgeut
educated people," std John I:edJet, of ulna, we I d *eel like to sae the (elk be ! (sem but he stilted t.. thunk !new bitter
lloudybnu, ab" was hu the other si.IC set.sI ,Ie tott ,u errIll rr emelt .:de ars ay(annrt the other for *itch
be over Aintree, and l a lube cats., Mr Slorusu.t'..Iw.•ci► he
Mies Bella Banka is church stat•
from ass a
ter., acid that 14'.. "kink was fair spoiled
et' thine, '1 so i••4, their ol: d,eade•1. 11'Atty VIe:shg lie limo woAl,
Pot t.arsest Y to w Hadi
In eatreute Imam torose Of L•raf-
"� For Toilet Use.
11:019•1.11111•31 Iso aiding sad abetting mina sus the 1.44+4.4 pnwluciul faro\',`or keeps the hair butt
�■r•►rd Itw t■y er sot w glair and the world. It rule 100 ropes uuttb sod I and plums, uutwta W it the lustre ars
♦rru.r. south and tweuly-tire utiles egad nod
Mr Jingle.) Arntoor Jel:serrd pt.1J earl. ail r uwDSd and operated by s
mesa yesterday so the eau, • f }testiest t ttynd,t:at. of Northers capital ode. 'Their
}}.oath. quashing the c•,urietn•n .•t a storm% lusuagar, J. B. Watktua, MINS,
bstyer .f Impure for ,, .1,�,e aril &bx•ltne, an tuterestang amount of the gigantic
sir ••tf"ueu agrtad the $cots Act. Thr plantation, eighth thrums the greet Dat-
fell.wm► porion of the remarks of the r)wple Isom of Dakota into the sleds
learned yadge will give au ides of the comPlet•ly. "The mullion sad • half
law ' is the subject. It is nit dtftleult t(: acres of land in our tract," Mr \Vrtk,sis
see tilt' if the buyer of lulwor e-.uld be said, "w•s Purchased in 1H$3 front the
eel.%octed, convictions of rollers would Stole of L'rutstana sod from the 1'1511.5•1
he mach f,wor that' blsskleerri w.
'It would lee c-.utraty to the Leiria-
I.ture tf a buyer igloo whom no ;.malty
had lotto i.up••at•J cou!1 be made liable
5.. puiii4 ii tut es ail soler sod abettor
th f 1 1
cal' sae many sold inai.f. bei°:; abx.t �r,or
It Davie Mope, ( d he want amww to•
freshness of :south, rouses tt to grow
p5wnauth, rrsdtt•wtes I)audruf, rarer
all ecafl'til.rasrs, anal is the roust cleanly
4/ all herr p"q,sraUoua.
APER1 Ilwr Vigor half given mos
S triers.aasalas•tlna. 1was
urarly 1..1.1 for ata gars. dnrins which
nate 1 used many hair preparation,. Mot
without sonatas. Lede.vl. wbat little
hair 1 had. was growing thinner, math
1 tried A) r's'fairVigor. 1 ..rd two
bout.,.1 Ile• V11:4 4,82)4 my Kral is wow
l' est t nl At that tune it was urn ro.ered not, a 0.w ytrow•b of hair.
Bates .1aer 1 r
• vs,>d ,. , n, laue f••r the cattle' t the .>••d•,•u l:. I:hal" 1, 1'ra "slj. }la►a. -
few lers of the netglittorh" d, when HAIR that hod 1a, txnr weak.gray•
( resection I found over :{O 000 rod 4n t
1 `
\'too:. "Nvtiro'wasthin.
trot was to d,vide lh•. iunnense tract fa.le'1, and dr%. au.l 4.11 out in large
h d.•.I lour ha.e u.•w life
lJ�v •nae . �
at11 ,•sur n•st.ard to it �r t.n• a-eu
head .•f hilt wild horses and cattle. My Ater s linin s>;
nlKa R 11 t t•' .a-. rr •'1•pr"•
roust•, 4:a a'..Iw aria: l.tu cal:) tutu}. .. int., c•,u%euient pastures, rrtab:11111nX a Itant)I ins. A)rr's 11•Ir \-ig„r ..
• 1 Ito• a huY••r e::,n1t, in rr+peel 1f a
Glut i th•+ a• sY N' city w•, u i mel ver • , stat)uns or rtuehes every rut miles. The the trlbug, mud cruor. -.1 tn} lair to ►ta
drew !s „K his heat, ami, after x ' J t t u., w de to hint by a 1oel.rr, he regard• toff foal rolur. A. a dl rssu)g for tAe
t+. bort
'enema alone tact m the ne,Khlatht„xlI hair thi. prn•pal,'nno. hs+ no ryual.
Ill..ldrr, cornet Au st. 11e rus•e, nod alta. t..a p. •yes i 11 e 1 •l m !, tut td law as xn s. ar, a t or,
the monster departed, renin or pnucipal in 1f ).p) i, The land 1 found to be
" s situ of the gnasid the
spirt u( the the a'> J• of Ni+toy Welsh, the tailor. the *toeing el the Pallet- I e eit'o tor, or precunei' of
adapted to roe, et',ar, cora mull
and itis uut(wwee ,°f Btl,.i t how cowl a tiling it is Ow .0■a•ntl drzr.r : for be is not such,
"risirz x.uerrticn. Watty had sou rc.l runs, and was alt t ,
A d now trrcowl g wail• out res remit prrl,r:rat^.t'a prime:; al it' cut'••'..
School Brardr and other erns and 'dd ) P{ g • pipe, T,grthcr'055 as uwuura bra the first degree. "All our eulusattn:, dirchiuK, etc., is
Denw.odie, of the Know° farm house, tin: before a large tire s'.wlui • i li uatt� t.. dw'.U." t done h ateecu power. \\'e talc a tree:,
ala every sale there must hr a seller J
shook his heed and said that Caere was , and wittering to laim,e:f. His miaow }tiro lir l/uutly looked nigra loin: en
ring linesti:l hung res cal iiia nxk, Lir and a telyyr, the assent ,•f each meet be tartly halt a mile wide, for uuten.e, an
nae dont u' that. Yid the hist :nue ala hf. at il•rlyt.ras ora. ly regoared, And each prrticlp•tes I placo an cogoie 1i each side. 'fhee.
all abut 1 .s:....'. • • wsisc ul was uubuttoawd, his feat. ad he felt as if he Lad eucurthing-to say. that 1::
t1)e ail. m st '•}ail dax•en ; neither rnCloea are hwrtahle • d operate a cable
est theta is in the armee orf law an aider, I attached to four plows, and under this
wrraugrweut we are bolo to plow thirty
acres a ley with only the labor of three
men. Our herr..r8814. planting and
other cultivation is dont in a like Ulan.
tier. 1w fact, there is it •1 • single
draught hone esu the entire place. We
haste, of course, horses for the herders
of cattle. of which fire -tiro fibre 1i4
heed. The 8..uthern Pacific. litilm.d
runs for thirty six mites through our
And what was It
orue.l wt:h blue ho,I*e*;.,ul rtixk+ns, 1541 trial say, and yet vomit* rather aha•
mew prueento: had to be eh ate 1 ,r lite- 1^7
Iybeee kirk ; a very simple matter sou- were trate} end algal as a:At toe ryrhe pau.e.l.
Lia miff 'tat,..•, 1.01,_;.1,
.tiering how few name: were on the Leet :nautl•'shr:f as it was puulu.e to hate They ,uteili "r..rt int,' lour •our and at
-only lode. But like greater 'tatters,
the cl u:sing .1 the precentor lied gut
mined -sip with politica. _go. Abut a. wile
not ahs "sans trust,' u► who •'kit best,"
so much r -s who was fur the " speech might .mud i ff s,.usrwl,.•ra eke
•Moan," mud who was fora stringer. The ,busi:.ria uxn, who can un•Irralaud 4t
Carruthers,\Natly'd beat sus:oar.on, ata•, slide •he tar th:.o 1 bola u. wrnaxa it" bean ccs
B mmies' 04,,waiIt:ll the1..wrthe
pommies' rr4sesrnttd the 1•.wer orders, it wed \%'4t1) a cullers, atopptu,t every aglitter' of the church, as well an the
and the three atral4ara the "upper tin" n ,1 and *Kato t•4 listen and r;.vu her p11t for •.f the c••uutrp. ..e MY •lvl!trf Lee
opi:uou ...t at all f.tour*hie•• of the off rts. Bot '}let "'Light he
u► 4 the " kirk. aas,> car orf
If the "cp{a•r Moon" haul .iics,i.•1 their , wisdom of her foal a^.a [raatrr s let; , :IA, •tut me ■i:h r me.saKe. I derir not
cotes they -v Dull have hail tr' chance, ti. ,.s. Le st .•t.t Let tinny .rte. of you vote as
but brine wise in their getleretiiu, they •1ih e.'rt' wombat. Yc've oar ser.=,. fou truly tbu•tt res yotir hearts mut be•
determined t•' go together fur the est of riff )•Natty, *t last. cause u( any 'ere."... Mbit tray be
the there. To debate the paint revisit:- "-t}', bot 1 hie a c.•tr, an 1 11 tote bronsynt own y •u fir4,rr tk* vot-
ed a large amount of Mei-drinliig amuse you o -,t. W:,. is that at the loot, ' it' j i. neer, lit ea h he prrtoara•1 loo our
the IaJc:a h:ft re it was settled, sod be "You, Andrew," she' said, 51 she date :suer, lintinrui In a brave sn l un-
ing settledrrooms.' is touch teal -drink• oo
pee t at. l' oto' sat t, pin. tour hie apart, k•wwing that if eiMeess minute
inx sarin to "tall. oreCathe awful way
that Join" t,,idrs, Thomas French •nd
Peter 'Thomson had epoliett •d Mr Y
then.. lie was to the et.joyncut of r..1 rmlwetrd Mr Iivutly.
lifter Iatswr, suJ wee guiI.g nyrr the '•Friends, ' he aid, "1 have nes'sr,
speech that e steam st
to artle the "up suis 1 lilt nun. a.N'iryoa, i„terfs•reJ
per ten" with in Ilielybrae kirk the very in arm mat;. r u•;rt.nouit to t e Kut•ern•
timet nlgllt. His w,fa, swing that the strut .51
tion You are °hirer
Warty's in. ' be c.,m:aandad it can be dewrsed."
batty Welsh .in nice twnt*N►t bad 11r tie,attey hart a mutton Cost he had
hi Ilteltlltt,it'ckiapw4 feet 01 In- em.oie a •• try _p,. _r apses li. load be a
I las he a,l.e,i I... or„a. Toe ':
Pitt, whose singing whigh-chain. •ad I the door with s s runt -a tai it w
the church. Now, John Geddes, who For the wife u( his bosom had bees very roan h+ n-al.'1 hu speech, an; gal u>a anon
eaacertaiufy the wont of the three men- scornful when Watty was in the urwt w,u un 4.4.-400. But Witty saw in ilia
stoned, though: Mr Freak Pest's singing tolling rant of his (:tenrxsition• teat infrol,t s fuwela tutu richt round,
very like the mewing of a cat ; at lot '•Come is, Ardrew Juhnatl
tue; the sow the grim face •,f bas better -half, and
wools certamly be • great attractwll t(• 'Pei"'Ad he w tut„1 was listeucr. 1 looks a h .. an„
*try Welsh
th r
abett..►, counsellor, .'r pr,carrr, but
eseh is an &vital prepatrator.
U. a .eiiw'aids procures the ,•tl.rr t.
make thn sale, but out in the testae of
the taw.
41 tor., men goo out to tizl.t by mutual
tale_ Beek uy.jity ,d
an *.•:•mit, 111:15111101,,t11111 III a sense each
procures the c•t►n14ussl"„ et the assault
art mintier doer a.. ,:l the souse of the
taw. * • les u y opus:on the
,i,d••tot:ant WAS uutlty of no offen^e
o tint the iso, ani the Ceat tctivn must
he quash'
heaaid that to Tam ) rench and Peter very mar► 1 want to see. has speeLh tied He sat does, Then
T'arJJ threes, and the sufferer eta use
m,n whet they were speaking of "Weal, Welty, I like fine to has a h,s spImp h came back. "I wield bsaid Ili
it s' whaun I bat down," be explained I lla.yard's Yellow Oil aces rd:n;l 1•, dam:-
Juhn I:oddes' brother -in law, Bill Car- crack wi' ye mita. }What are ye .`root
rathers', chances. And then John (led- the ii....r • afterwards So Watty nose a second
dos called Mr Put "1'uwwow -a name 'Ith. nor W4tty'e gifted the neo• tore, and Bellows sod the *middy lads
that very soon took the place of Mr Bei gann into lit:• neat Parliament. cheered h: a to urge tint on. "Btuce
Frank Pitt •mane those in Lu•lylrrae said Mrs Welsh, cooly, as ibe telt the and Wslis:e, man," ihiepered Bellows.
kirk who wanted Bill Carruthers. heat of an %AI
I And w the ,,uesti•,n wandered away, Watty steeled hie hp. and aid
and temper* were lost and friendships "Folk sol speak wheats they're spot -
broken up, and the minister was gnaw- ea tar."
ed. The minister, Mr }faintly, never "Sac 1 gook wi,il.s.' said Isis wit..
took a side on any matter. He had the I •'1 • is within for ye. min. Andrew,
good sense to know that pnlit:ca had began Witty. "I stn t • speak for Bill
beet be left to the people. Even when I Carrutbers the m•'ru'.. tri:ht, said there'd
"hehting the church was the debate to be eft. ttaeetw
Btlybrae he left the corn:rogation to- --+LAt;ir;h+t art -1'•t t,• (ay ' ' ailed
settle the mat'••r, and weed on doing his fly Atsitew•
Asst;- mhollt*ing no faieuda. He 'night "Yell better •p ler *Lit lo -'s n„ tri
ire wise, or he 'eight be foolish, in ao gay," mid Mrs Wali,.
doing. It was his way, and it eedtiidy Witty ignored hi. wife's refloat I., and
• rodent cours.>, betrata t„ bay thaughtfnlly, as he Quip -
Ay'.l'a 19ars1p3rtil4 is the most p'.teht
14,.,d purifier, sod a fow►taiu of health -----
ar-J strrhgte. Be etas in time. A:1 .t taeh) tseape•
baneful fair tuna ere promptly reuu,vt l Mi. Cyrus `.11,,rne, of Bamaville,
by this utte,tualtett alterative. Ont., 1.i1 5i►^,t was tkwr ht to be r caw
• --sac- cer in, her noose, and was about to
•',i., o you will nnd.ntand, children,.' to a Cancer .1..ctur's cperare-I., when she
sod this traeLer of a West side 'school tried I;srdeck Blood 'linters, which
t., Inc r.>vanred clue this week. "that effected a radical cure. .1%.: uoelieiue
the wh,•lr Is egnat to the sum of all the cures ail blued diseases.
parts, and Mho ••rester invariably its --
,•Ind«' :he 1e.a. U'.1 any of you eter Only thine Indiate s•c.lpo have thus far
f t h h the lea tneluded been presented for the tewarda ,'tfered
Man " 11a:uutouol. Min,
VIGOR,..Math. and Icaa•Its•. in ti.,.
) oppeatati, a •,f the hair. ►'pay
he I.remier%e.1 ler an nnlrtintte pert.rl by
the use of Ayer'a hair Vigor ••.\ dta-
eear est the scalp caused uta hair to br-
oils* harsh anti dry. aid to (all ,nit
freely. Nothing 1 nisei perused to do
any reel unfit 1 'el m. -need Mibi"
A'.rr'a Ileir Vigor. Three tadtlee est
this preparatiois rertored Day lair to a
Lalli sv ',ottaniuu, and it is now snit
•u1 pliant. My scalp is eerie!, arta it
1a she. free from dant rutf. - Mt. E. R.
Foe. , Mitwanl:t", % is.
farm. V. Lara thee' ateunb'ata aper•
aliug on the waters of our own estate,
upon which there are 300 stiles of nevi..
sable waling . We title an ice Latae,
a bank, a •s.q yard and a rice utt'1."-
Mt.!, uri Rypublicrn,
bur 1 a ma's ,• at m all rn
Hat "rrrtrrl ' "Yes, sir,' said the sum- in Arisomsi •.d these R_re the
.•r olcx!rr s sun. •• lay Le gut it' i
000 fret u, 1141 Ili( Moa *ht. wee,.
heard Lou say et'.'•-d)-tr•,it Free Press
ware Cwee for ltbreeat:w.
11 the systeas is properly clewed 11
Molle mt•d:e>tte the* acts upon the b..e-
rls, kidneys al.d slot. such es Burdock
u,otoa, titers are taw c*aw of nceu•e-t:tan,
however bad. bat will ',it'd promptly to
the tr. atmcht. •1 -
The Sunday schn:,t teacher was ;•:o
pressing open her class the in:is,ortancu
But it would mut do. Welty sat down. of honoring thrix paren•s '•Yo', chi -
Now hcm.rn nature was in 1'eRffy, hirer,' said tub,-, "when cot are nae•_ :.ty
Welsh's heart, bed tate did not like to anti cr„ss your ,t:amtaa 4..r. 1>.,. w+tai
see 1\•:•tty make such a fool of himself, To' k. be t•e'ar Lir ahs:e s!... can ate
T. nau:A. t, ways. l:ut oleo jou '.re
for Mr Morriston acid his friends were good she loves to have you by her.
lauglrtg and raj urine aver Watty's Now Tummy. when du you think your
failure. Sa she whispers.; over the sat mama,* l,.t'.s you best's" "1\'Lew I ill f the tenlptate
J f.'muhmer become shy o
asleep,'' rc;,tied Tommy, stoutly. per*graph, fearing the attt:cu. t. 't is eon -
"Say a metlkins ye ,w::, he sa_•. s sir.' ceased to it like s pat ir. jolly. Who,
`„ Watty tele aid 'rid - - -- - --se....�--" for ivatance, on htginui j this item,
"Fneuds. I bee !oat sty English, but Ayer's Hair %'t' -t iw`ptoret the would have supposed that its purpose
1 binns lost my S:ctch. I in no Faun beauty "f the Lair and promotes its was W make knosn the truth that Dr.tN say truckle, sir the arietoe 'll et' growth. It Imparts an attractive apo •lsytes C•Lern Remedy is what it claims
nerd tt' sen mut torr Jamlwoulb diction-
an-, A' I'll say is this- that 14dtd gar
in wt' what Mr Bentley says. Ate I ken
hands of one man. When asked to make
.eldhil tart :Loy art re !IL, .c.'14' haler.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Sold by Delige4•ts awl 1'erfoa.ets.
J'*RrLeT iAVITT. pr)tipt action, trod
wonderful curative (•rope►tit •,. rwsfly
place Ayer's 1 t is at the heal of the lint
of (. 1n,I:ar rt•tnt••!trr for Si. k and Nen, -
lleatlaches. Cenetl(Wt,nu, and all so-
n:, :,r origitantiuy; in a di,ord.rcd Liver.
I have horn t great +nYerrr from
4l,s1arh0. and .\tar'+ ('11111sru,- Pi11.'
ar- *Lr ooh meditut:,• that lie+ etre
'titre is:.• rr:. -f. One thea of !h..•• Piro,
te1!1 .lui'41h 'non lnc L..wris, and free
tris heal front pais. - William L page,
1110 i.rosinJ Ns.
Ayer's Pills,
Prei•arad hr 14..1.1' Iver s, •...Lowell, Yam.
Ovid try sY beam M 1tedeelaw
atrpor's Malfazino
of ba.ile, jvtjh•hrd " N •II, Nsrper • Msgs&inu' 4uri.tit li; rnnl•in
own o 'em hamiawe, toute pi4tu aGr. u:d
( retw goad nt intense 11.167
social, •nd no-
killed a settler, and tt:t':that `ma CPUllil manticia�t�r�`r��eat.L11(ttlrat "Narks" -s story o/
for ,nr with hu knife, bolt 1 can't say as nnoolna -'7T ;+ 1Csthlren O'Mara • racy
i u 15.x• Apr'! b by w 1►
they roux es Ir a H41we11•: �na•brri. K etc
pro aptly h:ud•x! over, loudly Warner anti betimes Ilan! es �latla.
1ltutratrd b) William L
h hostile.- 1 h' w rd w*. u%c . k by (h.zi.-
> Hamilton ',hawk :
-Greet American Industrie.' continued:
3ocisl $t.d>ee:' by 1)r. It. T. ►:1y • further
arttrle+ on the hallway i'robl••ns by ot•mpe
1(01 writers: new aeries of Mogi-attains by
►;. A. Abbey and Alfred I'rrsouss : art t. In b'.
suffering with scn.frla, fro.0 which ter
K. Y. H'r :.bad other attractions,
heal bac.:um bald, way cured by tlurda t k 11.tttPEICS PislitllD/t':t G`.
a:,wad Bitters after the levet n,r+Jlen1 ail' tam YEAR
h►d fei:ed. 2 It 11t1'FR'a n.t'/.-est.__ ..._ .N eft
t)a••n Jlt:rphy-, a sle:xuaine, clerk 11.f2t1'►a K ?►: t
Li n1 New fork, exiled tt (>ttaes, hes HAI:I'i:I - \t F.►:I:L\ 1 •
H.(Itl'FI:'+ V"1'�(: Y►:(sYLF 2 •
-.adc restitution of a !:,i , p' :bon of the 11.4Iu Kt: 4 FRANKLIN sQITARB LIB -
One Year 132 Nus.ter... Wee
sou:r:: tuuliey. Il AitYF It'S HANDY '41 )11ES.One Veer 1*1
�,•rlrea if adrert inti•. MAI
Prose* loner mall subrsiber$ u tn. Untt-
$n inany devices are re.• 7rt'l to lay eft steles or remota.
%deerr vers, that the ordit.,trt' t. a,i r /he Ngn,trrs for Juo •and liter f wove►
ler. When no 1 ,1.e in specified. it will ke
understood that the subscriber wishes to
begin with the cunt..' Number.
Hunnd Volume* of Il %Regri w)1.a.'ztst. for
three years hack. in nest cloth binding. will
be sent by mail. poitt)std, on receipt of t0 en
p.r volume. Cloth C'ase.t Mur binding. Bib
tents each- by mail. n.rrpaid.
1sdex to /Mettles �i A..Azi%r. Alp1.abetieal
Analytical. and l'laa-ltli L for Volumes t to
Icor sears of waltrtwa•
Mrs 1' ,Trance McNaelt, at Smith's
Fails,, after four years of intense
ear:aro, i deltghefml and'ny( Far' t°1* -3 care foe a disease at nileC.
mine. I[ a/lmulatea the roots, cleanso•s i� Y*0) .'qrr, f').t $* es tits•, to Jarae. Ieea,
s•.ms to friends, and annaying mud .ten one vol.. Ato.. Cloth. et us.
the ata:p, and pelves it e.f t.. Ica the dar•erietu 10 ike aulfrte!r. i Remittances should he made be 1'.., (Mee
best and cheapest anneal for ttt'et use 'floury Order or Draft. to at old chance of
x p ----
So when each mss on the list had his tied the duttle 1f les, Pala, roto tits left I can speak for every ane theyll vote on Newspaper"' err an, to rep'• tAis n•I w-
meati t.'IAotl flu •!I,r. as o•yirr u/ IiwWt:a!
day, Mr tinnily meter referred to the hand my side :that fuss or wig, Le'll shut his row t *buys •tr. lue,nir.,e..
•'Wee1, I was thiukiri u' beginuukg wi' w'a'll), an' say na }Midair shoot it. For a' Run no rink in buying mtdicmr, but Addresr
trial. ire *peke in hu Dates} well-bred,
the great Kidney and Liver resole -
made b) Dr Chase. both, rof Chase's
i"•. Try Chale• Liter Cure for
kindly manner, slid mete the Kit a 1'Hold fur' dill a iiiu►x wi
l t s f the Liver
Donald Fraser, liar old precentor, was ire, *lie !final. Ilr1c. and 11 apace, sob• full. \\' orae Irrn;t slipping saS
p >. �l
the nonsense IE +' tat, _ ,-
It \HPF.n nnoTt, n.1. \• w lurk.
lots exactly as he would have dons Y a wheen remarks 1,eginniug : -"Sha. my temper Pas sorry I 'tie played tLe
atm* • .!>eeaee Kidneys,
All the gains Air mit to !..m..1 un ler th.. yoke „f those who r n •nr like the sf 'tel all the gM,15t.. *camel. sad rows.., u by Jaws*
still in hu place. ' it
Sae tel
Beatty heti eyes, and saw with them, wool i f.t:n ittl•rison „nr eta seisswes and ,aur side us to whresht." Wiliest, druggist.
.tar at. .lett, s.' , weed setae a tetrr•4J
Henderson, the badle, told him from we wiil be free,' 'Natty said, in hue 111•rb!> lea the ch.ettu_ •.th her biy s
time to time. }candy• • y
had notion that e• le Ti
liberties 1 W.. will not }.e elaV•s : 'rhen 1\
and he had ears and heart what Sandy our y d I P atfy
! l " It • bee Intent of barn atom -dog umbrella.
.SV,zxara had lust landed t: the r-untry
certain things should be told to the mm- \\'hat to a the wurl d"a'* the Ia4iy Mr iteut)y smiled. Me Jionw d
aster, and Sandy considered that he him- • meant broke in MLr Walsh. 1)r Voun4,whuhad twosplet:didap
self trent wool the way tI a minister be- of Mur [others were hinted Ake hares on lir Pitt's ability to resat mu
hood W lecture through the 13th chapter • on the muanraina, their heads were plat • I old and young. train a choir, and
of Me lit Corinthians just at that time, ed above the gates, while mighty tyran-
"An' I said to mys.:l' •' the tiwe, ny stretched otic its attenuated arm neer
That's into you folk. Man, he did Itis the land. We live in happier tI>ne .yet,
them''." i Ire -we.. are the true MIPs hf "sir moble
Harpers' Went:1y
I Harpers Weekly maintains its position as
!the trading Illustrated newspaper un Amar
14.•a : and its bold anon puhli • esteem and coo -
1 (Menet wag never stronger than at the peva
AV S• ,. 1" t'1w E lent time. Besides the. nictures, Hanwr's
•t: aR .4lh•r'* Motions 0'*h \S'1'' , ' Weakly always contains tnetalments of owe.
eethe' 1 1I watt at, ad in Toes taper,' 1 e \ ttb�`'O\' bM� S ncras y. finely
of two, of tl.r b, st norrM of
540 to mid. l `'ti C.�\`,j�•\t'k ! the +bort Oneida.
poems. atm ehels'an d papers on himportant car
"What for ' asaad the edite•r. ret topics by the moat popular writer.. The
ether 1 .'r_- •t.. greatest ...d ... 1. Laine I rare that has Man sta. rrgfnny exercised in
the past to make li is Weekly a safe ss
wall ass web•onte %is for to every household
vs ill sot be relwsed in r41e tonne.
And Bandy was right. Mr Bendy 1 eaggetbtyTtt." '
did speak welt on charity for three Sun '•e are richt then', Welty,- said An -
days, and each ode thoeght the other , .drew, quietly, thoagh his eye were
side was meant. And Mia Italia ks twinkling. "But, abet Hr,>.•e and
paid "it was beautisul. She would ask 1 \obligee, 'a Stewart. are nu sih 4•• the
Mr Bently to give thein these lectures l King.'
stt•in." - "What's wren.. wt' the speech ' asked
Ever sine's Andrew Johnstone had , Witty, sulkily, for his wife had greeted
gone up to the manse to ask the minister Andrews remark with a "Ilse hose :"
to come and see wee Nanny Hope there that was really uta. much for poor human
had been a certain friendliness between nature.
the n,adtaan ant Nr IBewtly. Like the i "it's over grand. Watt,. Alen. ye
c'ergymen, Andrew was on no aide, and con *peak fine when ve (linos tiT 'ger
was about the only tnemher in the church
who was for "naehody." So It was a
high : but ye has the cart afore the
horse, Watty We time."
of relief w Mr Bendy to call in isms ere- 'Then T suppose 1 in to hand my
ning with some magazines and have • ! krnttun) ' paid Welty, his anger rising.
"crack" at Andrew's fireside over events ' "(ty neo means. what wad y.
happening in the outside world, geite' that f,' Na,N., na , ye ....o". gin •
sway from Itirlybrae. All at ones Mr ueeeh, \t'tty, and ye mann curry the
gently started when Andrew said, look•
ing keenly d him ' -
"Ie the 4( ting to be the morn, air 1"
••Yes, Andrew." paid Mr Bently, nib.
er stiffly.
MOTs, looked keenly at the milliliter
a,,•ain, and then paid in hie usual sloe
way :
1 maybe grana speak u , T
metiers, consulted. 'I''1 -u Mr lI ,rruon ' ;prestidigitator. Hr can d.. anything
said 1 _ and ererythint, cllat,gr water into wine,
"Mr Cluairissn and friends We are zed wine into water. Take a twenty 1
glad to sea such • good spirit shown in ; dollar note out of a MCA mouth ; take a
Blttylrar Birk, 11'e will Cot jaw int,. I ten out of a turnip , take a fiver out • f a • '1'
tams hr st O
we, too, can stoop and cuugaer- •'D1 all that. car. he ':"gr.e:ted he ed• ( 9111;‘,11e spoke in the very genteel manner tt' *'1•.0 Art he eat', and not half tt
•'(,'sir he take a dollar out of on
tor's pocket i"
"Course he car.: s hundred ' f them,
for that matter '
"Well, he's the man I to 1•>"!sir.j for,
and if 41, will teach Dae how i car. do it,
he can Lace hie ad in ,••rry eanm of
my newspaper, free, *td 111 get "est a
,rp�lenaeut besides •
bay t,>•
the matter any mere raeept L.
t t sass; n s hutinr'•rt qr7 piat; Imhrt'c1 un; ( .
Prescription Dry Store !
that he used towards his young lady t
customers. But Sandy Heuderw-n all
the same whispered to Andrew ,lohwaton
some words not t .° complimentarT
abort his good sense. However, the
voting was enter.I in.., and William
Carruthers was declared duly elected.
No one could object now. Even }fatty's
side did not like to show their ref acing
ton openly. There WAS a pima,. Then I
Andrew Johnston re. and in • few
sensible words a1,.ke we 1 f. -r "111117'.
(' irrutheri -
♦dekii1. wi' Te.'
• 1'd like tae see him deet, remarked '
$ ironed Welsh, ss she ined 11'•tty's Son -
61 shirt eery carefully.
" No•' the lest we can do u t., he
Preen a again. And if Mr Bently'1l bake
M4 Carruthors to the doer. we'll have a
chance to shake hands as we pat oat."
Andrew's motion was carried. The
I blwhio Rill Gdowe.l Mr I:e.ttl
.g 'j
the passage And such a hand -shaking
"Nee dent n' that,' paid Andrew, "art'
1h we was '
fp. see y her t in yen poner tee help "um glad you x•'t it, *f•er *II.
hits. Nim. Watty. mak • spceeh Ib. (Carruthers, said Ur N,•uog, ea lie gave
(inn's nicht : a ehrery, awe yea. 4..y h m a ur, d shake. And even .1.e on
♦.taint In tae florid Lear 1t.
(hmne roan ries! Polon-.', Nerviline
Ka s remedy foe internal, tern:, or ester•
nal pains. It i' the strangest. therefore
the hest. Nerriline prostrates at gots
to the . uree r f theorise. and 'lords inn -
mediate relief C. 11. Allison A C ,.,
drow:iets. Pilon. speak leg aNerriline
state • "Our cn e
*tamers speak of ;n this
highest terms.- Narviline nerve lain
cure will always command the praise of
! all who sea it. Nerviline a ar. honest
remedy A: wags sure, and prompt to
retie%.', and therefore is the hest rrme-
dy t" keep m howls. hou. Ray a aamnle
bottle, whieh cease hat ten cent., and 1'e
• convince that Nen-dine is th• heat path
I remedy in the world. Sold by thine-
' .1sts and remote' dealers.
t lot run lee- • ye can for Bill ; I.N rind with askew the doctor's side said the same -
can, sir. hu sat me thsnkin' • tl a folk to be sensible folk, •n no
Marin,. toot mtheydmnar
me 4 get their wa
o'L 1 was meaner,wl if there is nee Tarearened Dowses.
w n twinging the ennglegatinn 1e 4,415 "1'11 dee nee sir thing.' paid Watt y. In the fall of 'SI, kaud.11 1liihier, 'A
"i less °wee tlet •push, an' snair than Maitland. N was prostrated ho hie'
seeardine to Choir conscience If yott
asoM g' them a wee
heard, to said Bellows in theuniddy, had wslh as anon .4 incipient 1ewsmmp-
t it word jot in r C A r4terledte.l ail felled b$ � we era year at..rd
the fiery thing.' an
ryr,dly grew debilitate -1 anti frirlatis A�tin•t sat tarn cnida, irritating emote
Lad, it) ah+'• afore
w,.dld Ilk*
to 1 ok at some .1. t •li(oMrs f•'r ray•
sea" Clerk ronin} reel•nlly r: ti.e dq
melds line! - "Yoe, madam, somothis`
aH word and a rand vole
N lion.•°sol
Tao style, sir it ;nicht die enema gold.•, and ho said it was 1 h
Ts see there II iia • n
LaMh sides has runt ennui bitter *paea n I ire whoa Mordent steal ep Burdock BMA Voters. • ah inwiellaelle Yeetnral Balsam at h*n.i for these par
"11 •
M 7" pr Vowirprb the ttrs,pun' relief, lelhrwrd by * a(e+•1y en e. *leaks* tr.ubfea 1,yell sad K gaga. 2' p 4r441 1K•!rk tau 1111
i eta snrtts•A.
mad?, and words masa be self that ran (.
h w tibio int aid ba triol bad the 411.riwg and the geern despaired of his tea very Ile tiled and s'rropes of threat Keep Hsgysrd a
A'A e.-e•y •pert.s or arising from
d.aoe4.r d 1-_/tn, K'O.erch STOMAOth
iOMEIw On 1111L000,
T. 1114$0RN it O..
e'er Trot
t M
AiT7r1'6Rlryi/'It!llltYf'..'s..r•vrow. NM .s.ra5,m
NAKPRKt4 RAX.1R.. 5 of
IIAR/'RKN 1'OCNii Pi!oi'L/i...... 1 ere
LIRRAter. tome turns: amasser*/ rase
IIAKPXK" N-1 SDI sEati:". rote rear
/alt Innebers/
1 P'adn9• Fier leen , iaarritr. • 'a1/0 ('wil-
ed Stu1ea or ('ataado.
The Volumes of the \t - ern t. heeiu .t.D the
'first Number tor January of ea, -h year. Whew
o Itm.• is mennhned. It will be understood
that the subscriber w,.hea to consistence with
the Number correct at the time of the r,rrtpl
of or.trr.
Bound Volumes of 11an5Vn'a \Vinci t, few
three years lark. in in at sloth bndi.g. will
be sent by mai . pouage paid, or to rapresa
free of expense Iprncid•d the freight dors tte,t
eac•oot one dollar per column., for e1 taper
(9,441 Case. for e*rh r.4w•.'. snttabir !.r
b4niing, will he bent b7 wsa. postpaid. ss
reeeint of et et .n• h.
PrIrooNlan.•r, should he made ht. 1'•.e -(}fate
Doer ltraier or 40.41. 10 aeeid chaser. ur
Ierby,e'rre ON 5,455.10'ford'
t,M tai• n4rrrtfr-
wetaf r.tA.wt 4Ae rrpreaa •r I. r •f it ike*M tY
Add NARPRtt d• DR(1THIKR+ New %Gen
TA • r am/way is Lantie.q Af.n•.•y nes Fares'
I:sr/erten al Lows. Isis of interest.
Lot No. 668, on Victoria-st.l
in the Town of Goderich.
Urrupied by TilOiI i$ M.laltl107.
i This IM le att•st:d is • good Pan a
Taws. It has erected thereon • 1 ,.
house, with .itrhen attn. heel, who. 1, ►•
lpainted hatrly. and i. in • gond s,..e of pre-
tier' at low.
TK.KM$ 00' ill.‘ 1.K 11.11' rash. and kat-
a•re 011 mnrta•g.' to .alt pnn•h.ser.
4',,r farther earns -attars sec's is itis melee-
elee-2,4.Md fan rut. I./.••rt Allowed on ,a`a'a 1ARR11\V .1 1'ROt ,;101,00.1*./),p.osife, ierlydtnie to ntwnwwt I Aleata tor (l•sroA►
mad time I�t. 1 O•As.4eh. neat nth. IMO.1tas-tf
OYF1('K ('.w n4 Market Sq'e•r• sed Meek ; SHH 12**bRTA It D. ISAAC PITM A 'K
street. Oedere•1.- k- p11f1Y(N:AA1.11 V. The moot popular
NAR Ars Rr tl'Oir. I tea. uwat.t. rein eller hooka kw salsas
Masroww' wao5,. y
At air Rry bey ire g41-