HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-1-21, Page 2•1 -see 1 .;ea e. Q THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JAN. ''-1. ; ?,S1. COUNTY NOTES.+ WASHINGTON LI?Tia children. he dl lied has lived ... r-.-- Ea•t \Vawanesh a ):real nunp year*. and Mexican Reciprocity treaty which ea INA DILEMMA.airso• trews all Porn of Warms goil oft tin 'Ilro. Lospie'•Plionesis rem Troll ., 141401 • ••.- User ••4 rae li or Doseass" Lowaslas ow for Mireevo• aaciaasepe fennel witimaistres is 4 oesareire. Jelin mad win. ravel rarewsna nisthe oldest rmitlents of this county heal From the Montreal Doily Pint.Weinistiroiv, D. C..passed away iti the person of Mrs Mar- Jan. Ilth, Itte7Keret Little. od Elite Wimellosh, titled Illoth Houses of Cengrom have been appeais te thing that there will he anmed on Sunday last, at the residence of I occupied part of the week etth private sieve...bate dissolution uf the Comisems.Richard Leuiliutsn. at the advanced age , legislation, al the pessage ef about forty- If the missilery leis really decided onot ele years. At the tune of her death 1„ tive penmen ball will show , but eloper i taking this euilirse, their actiun is a con - there were feur generatiens being in the i taut pub'', in have Ow %leen dm- I leseem of desperation. litiviously theyone house -Mrs Little. her deeghter, cussed. A theme lee, he silent ed i are accepting the, least of tom evelo, thearMrs Leie• man, lier grand sine Richard I the great euestien of Inter -Stare cein- , ncmi. a aeaawo or a izoneral .,,tectitm.Leishinan, and a number .of great greed , inerce which the Senate expecte to dm oe, • ' avant° Occurring at the U. li. . UM Greet Conservative Party in Local Neivs Prom Many Sources 1TSB OUIJA).The population of tise woil l stay be Irt.sl.sary. Capitol. f. :t. ttrulthly slated as 1,424,000.090. Thea. Me dnv,drtl *s fa{5542: -- Romeo rt '11.4 was well' -known and universally respect 'treated behind barred (bees. ed. � \\ hen the bill granting a ;erasion of sub. has' $'2,000 • year t.. the wet• re ei Gen 1'an IFAS years --(ler! ICtoeaht. for several years •..curled the porn •n • Logan*heather cne p, a good derll�t was death d; r riles - N t th ) a�•ca roe '. n f wounds mid as h. w of tel p { + ■u waythe result 1 promoted dt u the was w Y twee' v . ' .ria las Yr• e1�r' etre I •1 . a Exeter, Iver pot t exposure in the army. . deuce more th i. . Ithltie % of 'nitwit tors argued that ,t ems, and �rnator alteut *t truce on the \\ ellingu h1tem, ' Mitchell mentioned th .t he had cncr s d and B . f p omoti Al asr Ksighs heard Gen. lam/as say that lie did toot is deserving .f pr.mun„n, he has .blend t^ yak (or it. always b -en painstaking, •btigeng said *Dice/4a lit LLL Iisyhartte tf his duties. 1 About this time Senator \ rat f Slue .d 1 avian came forward with . aeheeeint The compete,- have insides ger selection desert nen of the services to the l niton itt appointing Mr le. and while we eon we hope of lien Francis Blair, and proposed au ..crease theas(CA/1 :etc . he-eaNil 1•ioe-ersaNT. still higher and more i ete.rt•ut position. This was quite a surprise to some el the Scoocs iht%Ter It is our painful ,soarer*, but they told Mr Vest they duty, says the N'iugham Tow,. this would tete to increase Mrs Blair a pen• week to thrustecle the death of Thomas Hamlyn, one .f our met highly ersrret- ail citizens, *high occurred suddenly art.( unexpected at bis residence on Pat rick street at an early hour on Tuesday tnnrnine. Mr Hamlyn was apparently ate Chamlorr, arae to say that if hers enjoying lits .11541 health on alonday. Logan was to Kase $2.000 a )ear( he did o'clock that even- r. er shore worked u .till seawhyever • willow o f y and w 1n. t see 5 from Major Generals t. Lieutenants should mot have the same. Ile express- ed hiith regard fee the dead Senator, but be felt sure that lien. ie.ean himself would not dans his wtti,ew to be put 0 antulate t n r„• pi 11.11' et ax n to hear .•t his .I p•emetmrnt t. a , amendment to increase the pelmet' of pension her husband breath- 000, t'r"testa tits 111. (00,000,' lireek Church 84.000.000, Jew. 8,000.000 Heathen 8:,6,000,000. Teo n.•n hest - heti peoples number 5GFe 000,000. Of every three persons waitron( oD the rest gleb., tee have never heard of :he 1Seriour, never seen a btble. know no thing el hosveu er hell. Ha4th*ni.on is said se be Ilcrea.n•g faster then suffered by the fury party during the past year the ministry have far mote to gaits by pr.rcr,utivatwn than by a hasty ■ppeal to the co0.ttt um. este. There wIs rtul . .rale vrtV e fare !or s oat there 1 m a rte s reason l., .4{541 thew to takep dreieivr, and which they must know eau only result in their defeat. This mason u dout,t...ea terror of an adreree vete in I'•rlt*recut. 1 an. Buns cent -anted, for reasons tut necessary t.o particular„e at Present. that the wu,utry would be de- feated in Parii.►ineut .h..dtd the, h. -4d anut! er *melee. And, to sddluon to that ffear, they are most auxion to avoid of s month. awn Times. Chrnuanity t. c'uvvrt..g it "Thr wb••le surd'lrtls eu wickrdneia." Lelia make.' up 250000,000. of the total at.d her ti10 Taal .nariea, or nor ,0essh.uary 1 r every 4:,0.011). S... laud has 40 tole) Mi"i.ters, sod Suotlan, 3,845. Mue:atrts, In afro a there a .en• unls+r.r.rry for rte.! 4'•0,000 of the heathen lu India . ne imemon*ry for every 450,000. of the heathen. Chiba makes up 3'4.01x1 t00, .f the tuts!, and hap 4'28 mes?.11It e.•s. tali •v'•ly letter ne 80 ffahles yon have the p.•pulatl.•n .1 Chaos, eery 'e tter 111 .r Duni ,,. eu hove the t al slot 237Bibles Y 1Veek- bre in heat hernial in the world. Ing 10 hour" Iraq* dey, uo.iud+ne Seto baths. yea would work 65 years Pietere yen lied to ruled 111,111 all. The death ..to •.1 the l'hnlese is^^ s. -.4 tier to...float. nodal _getter - any 56.003 daily, . r 2,750, per h.ut. rot that rate the while p'•pulati, n .1 Goderi-h would be dead su line hour mrd 27 neiDulrs. Dividutg the wer!d equally among the 3,720' 1„relit. mien .Ares, each uric would require to reach 230,000, of the heathen. What is /7u,.tewd.nn in Eeg!an : chef Amerind dein' f:r the Istutkea° The united drink hal of England and America is $1. 580,000 000. bread 1.11 $855,000,000, t,Aneea bel! atl(1 i.000,0(3. public amusements 6,11 060,500.000. education bill $140.0(•0 000. Christian mission', home and fereien 1110,750.000 1 t•J :.nt is erten for miwiens acd one hundred and fifty for drink. Thr areraee Canadian vitizeu spends 17,00! for drink and 14 cent• for missions. According to the New York Sen. New *petals 8...811 fur beer $76,1e00,- 000. 76 1100,- J_ Yore ape y , 000. All Protest•at Christians of whatever now paid to his widow, to 82.000 s year. which they know Mr Make has ready tis, lay before the Hume and the couutry cu the best ..pportenity. 1a returnee with these who desire to see the Gov - 11.11 as a separate measure if he would erat0eur squarely and fairly beaten toe withdraw Lis proposition. %Ir \ eat its tread 1 would prefer that the final took n.te of these fair pro sea and re- semi of this parliament should be held seine.' his me at. Then Seuator !terry of se usual, w as to compltto that record. .Arkatisai, who natty apcskf in the Seo- Then a demsud could be made un the people f..r a verdict toe aecerdsece with s full understanding et all .luestions at issue. Rut it seems this is what Minis- ters itis ters are anxious :o prevent, and there fore wuuld rather accept defeat before than after parliamentary exp.xure and investigation of their conduct and pol- icy. Thus they are n•.,t only desperate but weak._ They have the eoer•ge of rats sod show tight w1suii dliwea into • c nem from which 'Airy • ANNOT Cir•AIL. It was Sir J.ehr's inteutiuu all along not to hold soother setiun. He had settled en a plan .t oaolpatirn which wes to dte.olve the Federal House whsle the Ontatii Awembey was in memos this winter. For menthe he had been secretly arraa•(ing details with his c esti- dented av^", and he expected so to mutate ...:ter+ that he would be able to bring his v'ecterieus forces to bear on Mowat «11en the a ►:,tarie eteeti.n• would c.,me un, as he calculated, in the usual course of time. Meantime he set his chief nr/taa, the Moil, to work getting up the Protestant howl with the expec- tation that by ilio tune provincial thane inti. Shortly after retiring fur the night, however, he complained of feeling slight ly ill, but not sufficient to cause the fatu- ity acy unmet Della When Mrs. Hanby° awoke elem. fife ..clock on Tuesday morning she fent reath•a perm.. roll. !Shortly after this the last his la.t, ...d t immediately. vital bill passed, but the Arcanum �ensitor was wmraeneri immediately, the vital I did net vote either way. spark had fled before it arrived. Th. lttimedtately Srnater Vest was on his causeheart of death is thesumdt.eol to have been !wet' feet again asking permission to intro - heart disease, as the deceased bas been duce a.bill out of order, and otferm,; a troubled with his heart at carious times measure to increase the {.ensign .,f Gen. fur serene years. and .n several o CIM• 111 hr's widow to 8'2,01K) a year. The inns has been at the point '.f death, al r. Senators were again surprised, but they Hamlyn has been *ialued And trusty were in a generous motel, and not being employee of the G. '1'. R. for thirty able to turn w ouiekly from the prowl - years, and was foremen ..f w van; in the see they had made while Mrs I: ogan's oenstriaim n., depert meet of the 1.. H.& pension was up, they voted as re•lerr'ted IL division. Ile las tn•a resident of h the Sepater from Missouri. Mr Vest this town for the past tell yeses. and was smiled complacently at his achiwtrmer,t ariiversslly respected children. Ile , and the Sate pr ,ceuded with routine leaves a wife and three children, she i busi11rsa have the heartfelt sympathy .d the nem- There are different rimer in reeard mmntty in their sudden bereavement. to another TAtitf eri.is, hut it el probe - Deceased was io3 years; of age on iIi , !de the eue•tiun as to whether reverts° day of her death. The funeral nook matters are to be taken up to the posse oto t • the two lir d doe on tire alleluia do not average •one enol jx r ,r••; trete three days. Morrison seems 1 % 1s slty s 1887. F3arpara' Bazar k f Bronx se Day and Night Bronchitis. 1luriu„ un •sole aur u 1LLI SI RATED. am - Ili Wing he 111. thr.,rt, and Mk kauvlltyt dry, bw:Ales; cough, {lulK•1 . tlasear a-.n.41s.•a 11....fr.M Itt• r' " h "Mkt ! u u. sctlrrr+r• b, baul.b.•1, a gnat i1ii1„, al.d •Le ynnst art illu►Iiallura wuh s. pm.(rati.•e roil... •. Thi, .iia+v:• I. Blau 1 the. L.:r1t lashiewow..d the Moa., w.rfrl 1.51417 ntir11 1t, 1;r.00rk".et4a.a.andesso)1areby stteMl''d with llusr•tler mud sometimes Ila tent *1IIrra •uJ •1e l,uWw.wa ek.l4,ee Los et \'" lie. 1t 1r liable to become i „1„. i1.r daruraW a IISai14.uu•r-114 511((1t In .15 Lrar.' h... cuuarrt. r,e., w.akelt twdae.rst chrome.AyrInvolve the ri Y1 soul I ,Peds ,aWe iu r'rr) hoi,mk ow►. Its brew, Oel ts.b- fatalh. ArOr'r r herr Pectoral a(•r•ir speedy r.•lief and cure III eases of Blow I uM•nlatr. awl )utters, eileet ■uppla w, ul. ei *pie 15414.5 ,u ea'r a ■e• 1 •mea the ....I of sub- ehitl.. it 10nt'0l. the tU.l•o.•il:ou to ,rI04fl br bed.a 1h. -r uwa Jrrvewakerw. Not A h1 e• .. s.'nen.d 10 N. 1:011/111101 111.1 ruy;h. and induces s n'fre.hiu sleep. i t ou:d al.... t :be mum i*.1 1:ultt(la■tt. 1 hate leen a 1•r•aeti.ln•. ph,sietaa for t lir .ear• abet, for the past twin ` HAIa4 • :1 11E1111)1)1CA [S. tort. r,hst'•.uRon•'l(nal'yuteual atyark• roar t.I{1 of Itnan•hlti•, Att. r . 11t..J•'ilt, 011 1147 it tltl'{:Pert ItA6.lK •� OD usual rrur•'lie+ HAItt It t'rt)1AtrAZlliti 1 (xi Without Relief, f1AltPh:H+ WIEE►:I.Y 1 Irir.1 .\)ens Cherry Prs•tural. It hr;4.11 (1lAttle►1t , `YKAst1►4171) . ...Art LIH ter imuw•dt"%' t and rAra•t,af s pl.v''1' ! haft \''.lien. \'ear rvt lifenlhMM•• to ne sues.- li.Motr•,D.yl.l)..o-lrnkhen,yl`••. r. fa'1 Onnee Year ih 11. 1:1.1k'tiIIAXH\' 1•• hied' tb0 IS Oa .A"r's l � N'rr). .'..' .. lir chronic remedy. w it hitt dim -ayes. ! VLtts Cervedw. chmsir M•.1n•biti., and all .hulk - M A Itu•t, M. 1►.. south Pari.. lie. t 1' t r,1 i+. h i,:t 4.io a Ave}. , f i f.„,..prJere to.11 aed■r•ritera is lar Car rd The •Advents. *Le Reese t tgIu wlih fpr 1 was 5111* l•d. lraet N four• t. ith a ter i I:rM Nnseler her January of esti* year. When rt,W, Nhb h, tr•w e\posute. grew ""1;`e j n.,, 1 •w le taro 14.4.C.1 ..twcrlp' ins • w ill he avid du:.11y settled on m) l.n.v:t. 1:) twin wtrh tlAe nte.etwe 1'.1(101 at time of ry piglet ...r:a. 1 sus. r••'Iucr11 ahtro•t 1.. A- a•, 11.1 of war,. i e r er's Hater. for I bre. r r t. •.0 i .\' tu/eta 1 U n , J •,.. 1 o4 .sruel. a 111' 'r et ...nth Was . , bore, in weal rIW 11 Wndini,. a be assn. sk.l ,pv.4rian tend aa+' frequently ,yid Worst.ILII* fly i Is) mail. I..,tsge pe 1:, or Li v),rr.., free lir 111 In Flt r up business, .r 1 Newlel 54,4 r!prt..t• tpn't ulra ihr hriwl•1 does two comer! A en t 1 ' a 1 r u aero ,u , . 7 ta. til y a month. After talily( earl it •e *1 r .reomr f u >} W • . Baally ( t'b th l'ar.s r.r . ,. 1 Vn'tnnr. suaable !mr out r•;,,(, 1 Nr• 1 di. • tt iib t+lenl,t,w. w ill Ir r.'.' i7 tool. pu.tpaid. un to Cured By Using ,., ,. eta) IN rat,. two Iseult. of Avers ('herr) Pose'..• I Belnlnence•s should be made b) Plod t ,, rfe+•I h,sUh, and ul..o to I Met or me Orderrs oilrrat t. ^r ee'tr5uC 4/rfgf S n. ,idrrrt/ar• .11 USIA . tddn•r H lltl•F:K tt fItOTiI I . New fork. ale Roe r- Hti 11 ,n.- T•�ntnl•' i,te-:+•••••. idler ilit%lug 1 ! uun.Yd meet able with 1 .n.uniptt• . fe. 1'. Ilender..•o. eaul.burrh, Pilot. ears 1 N:,. in a J...•1iue. 1 had C.r ) - ----- ---- 1 •ud•r••1 from Nrvtr•hntla weak 1.44•.:1' s 1887. . rad fame to Ater . ('burr be. It tl t o i kingtine. r �.At*!hely Wm -ion, ' lyre„ ease of a audile. rued 1 shams re -ort t.. the Pectoral. seed dud .poe.vl)' name spends as fellows of their means: - For the secular interest, 'J6;'_ 1 Fur religious privileges of thein - 'elves and families 4� . TH Chenti•n Llneiolente in this cuun• E.lward V. t orris. ltu'.late . \ t. Two years aro 1 suffered front a .ever • arpersYoougPaopl2 t'. 11,1.1 .41.1: •CIF.0 1\ EEK L. Rrnnehfti•. 9'h {,kt.w'lar aUcndiu nn h,camr fearful that the 44+04•.• w.•u!d ter• 1 llarl.-r • \ ming I'a pee has loee•n young min -'i 411 Piw•uns,nlr. Mier tr1lu t t are• I ••t h. mo. • 1 .t w h., • pee 40.11. a1 for )011116 ons iiedkine••. without I.rne8t, e• (111.11' reedrn, ee1►10 to tr." and the wells..f thbs prI•rribrd Atrr's ('herr)' 1'54.1.41. whG•\ 1 C11: l ni. 411 it Pa.0 ,llw•dlae ,holm ern till's wi raw a short lime.:en era- •' ,rade.' !' IU.•lleaIa that most ,omtnrinl -- t'rar.t t'ult.n lar,-auslurt. 10.1. .h.w/►rlaes 10 the •wlhenient of prre1115, nn M Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, '. than t 111 II rat atureren namely, ro by cane. -ata w. 11 ..letaireed effort t.. pr*. rn• (rot n' hr .1 .' At rr • • n.. 1,01* r•'. 4 51 . t KIP the b.wt And waist attractive reading for j,, all Lru*d•'•• Inc.'tl ..:a 1ruu;ra. M are . young Pes.Ptand of a avaspi ;musty heed .lanae lord of sir elle: acre. 15-16' NewGueyeninn of benighted tntil,ns 1 161, J* not Ow arr.:- far !tors tA: Teeth of f•r.sef' The Pre•byterier Board of the Unit- ' ed States expended for foreign Misau.ns last year 8745,164 The Church Mt..i- 1 unary Society of England, 81.161,095 Presbyterian Church of England, 8I!'1.- 1'20. Free Church .f Sc Aland. $48(1. 145. The Methal►t Epi•cnpal Church of the 1'. S. • (7,$34. The givinvs .1 need deeemmaUens to f•%rirltn missions place ..n ria .1^' mor g i the.) session will be *cried within t E BE o epitome of evertrtbleg That is ettrsctiie i IiiaTdesitiMrzte rev. *.. tttet*twret-.hoalers ■�1 ' 1'oarirr. ♦11/ .� w0rk1y Iran or wand tbinRa t. the Imp' and girls in ever) fam.ly shith it tests. It u wonderful in its wealtb of pictures. Is - CHEAPEST. rnnnaion. and inter. -5l t'Aristian.ldn.r•at.. :\. FEIt)1s' 1'av+:altr�rrt+ld. nMf`er Year. til. VIII. trioUte,fces Nov' tuber IIItC. U its \l-.n1'wrl Plt*r ('enlaeack. iten.4ttan..a rhonld made by Peet-01Rte Auer) I hda-r lir I Praft.to .t ani , atu'e elms \?r•i„rprrserr ant to.npy itis r.drerfiw- e,rnt arthr.rr the rryr.a$ ordre of II*arrs t KK.rT"►.NA. Address ILtItPE1t & BROTRRRP. 1►ew York. New N lotion took place the hull •rt ' e.ltari., uts, Teas, 1886-7_ 111 CO ISI S CH�ISTiI,�, RYRMI'�I�GITEII (;. T. It. depot. teem whence th. re- t be alit I would OF ALL. mains were taken to iny,rra,al far iutrr• :. When to* o u A•.'•sr- to\. each member. mit and Me Randall is watching. A Sunday School .f 200 mrmloets ¢ic meet. I blr blurru'wi era• aekr d i'r it one cent r Werk ..r 5 cents per o when he would Hut Mr '.tl,wat netnte.1 his secret, ` . - try again ta, call up his Tariff till. he discovered his plans and by a timely 'g THE laeudeu .ieb•'rf - r puts the that- member annually could raise 8104 for 1 j�j1(1 P replied, "As soon as enough of therm diwsolation of the Urcai House, leek .he ter clearly in the following :- t'eri,dme who voted against e before. come to initiative out .f Sir John's hands, upset mss+lona 11 by Dan rat not he deed - -miter wesee it -reseeded in alone .f tri- rase and say they will rote with me. Al all hie calculation, put him on the de- 1 s nm u 1 Tions lite *whoa wilt be ear .144.`8; -sed, by currying the province .mph in the Toped.) Mad that the Pte ek vied 1 will make it." "What are Toa with a sweeping majority, c tns•nhdated sof Scripture Iteadings is withdrawn from goring to do about the Tariff i" was as ed MA:mn power f e another f• or years. h 1s and the Bills eutertitute.l• by 'mw orf the best �wf»Aned- sAttipolttteaL poa:tt1 rvludi sir sola* schools "\\'e are ¢ -to The Mort is 1101 salute eII }gli t. art Minden's follower. g John suss male0vriu* to obtain wu that this statement gives awry its whole re.luce the revenue," he answered. "If brill \ir Ml,rri*•en (lees not move soon Mr cententieu- that the a,lepti.n ..f the Minden will take the initis. Iteadinss necexa.(nt)' excluded the "el" I The definite result' .f the caucus held rum the sch'oele. The matter rests en- tirely salt the trusters. ' Mae awed *hews 1a11.6ew1•c)r. When Circu.man Cole p.11 hie Meek in New 1►rlelens a couple .f weeks' ego, three dun ring horses that he has owned for years went with the other/. by tris take. Mr. Gale at .rice !nought throe lack, saylr.g that he would never con- likely toe carried by a Resod majority. sent to have the horses heroine the pre Whet •will happen after that no'one in perty of any one who wi old make thous the H•uw can predict. w.ik, sod that he had decided to put The cnueusl number of Senatorial then. to • painless death. He prepeed contests thr•ugh"tot the country are sledding them 1. death, but W. It watched with touch interest here. Mich m.1rd, a liveryman, sogeeeted that igen semis another millionsire to the the use of chloroform w..uld he a hie. tem Senate in C•1 Stockbridge, who is one and less painful mode. This was finally of the larle.t lumber merchants decided ulnen, and a reliable min pr.- Ex (i.r0rner Dorsa, (11 Minnaenia, cured• who was to have pelf.nn •d Ihr who will he Senator McMinau'a toceew were -alt rntfrrterd •rel _ ? Ljttlf"'Zr'Ij' Ftp itot dram Ca opentiun. They t.:•t, fr*r the cirr'is tent. There wire !:ole. I. •••n- ter R af•er the war, and •54511 ruse to a ard, the rider' and the chow tie. the ring milli ptsce in the legal itr,,ttse.11. herders. the tumblers :atoll le,a{errs, 11111 Th. fed that lien. Ia'gal Irare11 euly ;he three pet du,.e. Callon, the nil he a few thousand e1•. larstehis family •iter mare by name, he told her ti kbs them s I. nv career let C.ngres., has surprised all good by.. The int.-11hrrrlt anneal, maser penmen who have hail an idea that at Mr Randall* house a few evenings !ince was s decision to all up their reve- nue propositions. which flavors a repeal of the tobacco tax, the tax no alcohol need in the arts, and certain special liquor license tater. When the mot ten will be made is a secret, Me Randall being desirous 111 keeping his opponents ignorant un this point. But the Speak- er hes conceded that Mr Randall a right le recggninow. and his motion will most _ A NOVA &'OTIA eorrwpondent seritintt I 1 i Ito the l Epic, VrooliE ..... Jar TUE "''.-- # Collection • . • - _i'ple a :a are. rause' with es. Our temple are weary •.f the captured by Mowat with • '' lata estrevaaance el a wretched goeert.nent. flank movement," se American ¢moral+ We are on the eve of • great overture. used to say during the war. A reversal Protection bas proved a huge failure. 1t so sudden and complete es not without i. s Probity of plunder and otiri lite• its an element tot this ludicrous, and Sir nets. The body of the people are Pick John (girls the stint( ..f the laugh ateaias( ,,i it Soon we shall 1141*, n Is hoped, •• heat fell] a• keenly as he feels the des- government of c. lumen armee. Matt i advantage at which the generalabip of st:il depressed. but hopes are bright of a twist ise admitted that Air Blake acted - Dec. Mb MK Merwwt bar placed hi.*. (►t course, i pleasing change. HINA S 6 OLD VETERANS: ac ever opeseedd cut in Uederieh. Larger a. it iRN, erg r - C..rt II.esss 84sare.Oaderttt CHEAPER IVAN de eoweert with air Aiowa'. it was nes wrcrrw.e'• Lwowc.ms*wwd. T anS PB8 1�BBg. ! emery they sh0u14 do a'. *Imes Mr' Rave you' a bad Cout:h, a Ch.nis go pan Meredith ter shown himself a ruere H4•nenese.afeeling of Tightness in the IL 8 vez EVERYBODY IS U 011 puVlltlt Qtrt•t. Neal' tangs, or any similar come Pavan drelrlatiM Dafl'awd Meekly I't•.. FINE SHOWRCOMS IN ver: nANn• he -1.: .'e!:`• �a1Dt 1 if M, buy at once s but teat et 1 - t'irss, _ Never duce n an election n has say oar- [cGrecors Luis; GrmpAun(� "It will CEST fA111L1 IIKtk!PIFSR t$ CRAWL uPECI � IIT COUNT! U1 ty entered 41,54 an electieu contest with cure y ,a. It coet•ius ente�r•1, new 1 liarraat.wue.•1- ysAtrn. eiititw • •( w tech one dose is re effec. I A FPg!erP.• T M e.,RI-gwV 11rt fuse than a wesat 1).apr.e eldest T 1 t th! u raa.* I'1 rkn:l TO SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. -el de bottle .1 the old time rvrrsdl.ens IISV 1wees : as the ries have rnter•r uponremedies. It ie put up in 50c and I The feeling that Sir John has got t. the b ltles. Soot by 11, ltfiynas, Jnm�;ut. end of his tether is universal, and the i Try it, a:1d you will ncrer hasp reason only ,iuestien concerning him n',w is } tr, cotlpiamn. (4) whether he will stay at the head of the party till after the elections are ore,, 1 What a man sows r0mtrks a loving think he will. In fact he must. Sir writer', that, .nd, .ch,ng els... shall he � e••ybesies wilt than immune the lentilL't» t'1 .. r+ fid•" ereu inane t., .1u. von.. 04114 h T (tion It �sr 1Y ] b str'etchine forward her head, kieei,I •Itch •.toe. This was more than they ce.old stand, mei the rectifies suss pre ell t' .Ie had nn 1'lac^ to tuk•• then I.., a. Mr. L.•enanl I•r,lmecd L. !via 11,1111• "'u• who wnn!d assume charvr . f firma, tooter w ::•l-.tAnit'e nr,.-r t•• sork then!, hitt to .ry ••111.111Ito r•+,1 ,!,ler 1111111 old see shuut4 claim Ihr:. f •r 11,e pr*t4. Mintwt Tree wrr,lwltt ts.. The enprece.•11•te.• I ., • •.f ieerhrr's Ijrwr, rar Nye up within * 1. s• y •r., lase Mate. 'ghoul the we'll It 1,15 •'thole deel,t the rifest and beet remedy feet .lis..ceted fer the 'To- dT 41.4 *lict.ud (-Ire of coughs, ('o de atillrthe fro lining troubles. It acts n an matted,, different principal hole the .•nal pre. .cripti ons ritPn boy physcIan., AS 1t .1...•s not dry up • dough anti 1.•airlhrdisiee to aril in the system, but .n 111, contrary r.sa.vee the c•rw+a of the tr.o.hle, heals the parts effected and leave* there in a purely healthy coalition. A b..tt!rkept 111 os the hoe for use when the d•waaw make their appearance, will Inter 11. slot' tells and • long Pope 1 of seri..!* Mem.. A trial will eons -men yen .1 theta* facts. it i* positively sold by all drwggiA' .94 general dwalor* in the land. Pr,cr T3 eta , large yew" yew the Untied Slates Senate was • sort .1 asylum for rich men. it a true then are a Lear! messy millionaires in the north end 11 tate capitol, but there are more w 1 who toe only cnnef.rMMy r I of, and e weme an lw perry wd even larver thanthan.12 :ten 1/..11. '(•herr are just fifteen members of the regrew (1•'trwe wk. are rrl.,ted to sown a rwtn mere titnM ste, and those are Senator It.wrn, of 0.4... I*.ewe., .f Oa., Cant d: n, .4 W Va , Cemrre.t, ..1 Pa., Fair, Mh1 \' Ai 1' onrrP•st twilit., and R, VI f•.rd, .1 Cd The latter, with Rrnat••ra R4er and l'rlmer err raid t., l* twenty and thirty timet rnilhen- .ri1..., while Mr .Vh.therne, .f Ten- nr..re 1s se red.t"d with mote poverty than any other Senator. There 111"11*.-rrrwt, h..wes.r, who have to lice eel - Mindy •.w their salaries 1,.•1..•. troubled wit!. Pienplre,lildehws, it e.vh H•nd...0 Face. or r .eros .1 ally d. s• nplt.•n sh..u1L' 11m &Mdirfl(1 r i'..rk.•'* CArM.hr C -rite. it will leave the 111111111111111111111n ,psrl.•et he.hh, etn•.dh, clean emit ir v.... dolor e sure end get the gent.". .node by \letireit•.r R Parke. Prtrr 2 ' 4..I4 at 1:sae. ithyne. Dreg store. (3) may WAN 'Mt Nr•«s. 1'... • s't adore a •r 511" 10 9 mews Dot of 1 ` , ,sretw.drlewl your dteaa a L. vet Anil Aare., r, anare.. yen 81 for • • • i• (`••••snit 1 *item, and 4 M ser - std grew y.w Dr Chase's Liver r .. w,: Ir..t shad 1.. ow. and • valuable • ••re hwee Mw. •a b1 J. Wilson .f N.rs,ls. Hsi., '.4 Maine. ,lone., of N.'ad., a.e.e, . s., c reran, e N J., Palmer. • 1 \loch.. Payne. .f Ohio. Sawyer. .f Win , Sherman, .f 3 fil.eplase Nights, weed. Mi...rel.:0 ht thief terrible eoagh Shil.'h's Cure t•eseeprzixIt 1• wforyno. r..rsafeby.l W.1 ib TOR DYSPEPSIA and 1, . r lLvoplairt, you hes. • t rimed seers,- 1.01.re Areal hoed* of Shiloh a Vitalism. It ismer fails to eere, for sale by I. Wiliam. druggist. !quer (.f t e ry 11plw'.(tato is to put them earefo y loft) the is - ..---- be a ol'trstion id policy, then. for Mr.hot'sst part '•1 the Gr. and go the•. Lt► N U I) N.' ! ' Wake bo cenaider whether it wiil be per burnt to (Iust, every Peed . f theta. if • you sow thou, no matin in «list ground, rap they will aeue, with lent tough route ar.d luxuriant .talks and leares,ae sure as there is a elle 1r* hear en. • crop wbt.h it makes one's heart cold t . thiuk of. Yen, and nobody else, will Alive to reap them; sold nu common rev - KING OF WEEKLIES' AtiChtiawces�:a��'uSl I UNDER THE SUN. FreeP � {Vr•t•at., next donor u,, too Porn Vllirr, tC- per -to „!tow Sir John to retain the High Commimionership, to which he will have appointed himself, providing the present Tory programme should bo' a*rried • •ut. 1 see by tela, s t Inpd,r r:e_,tr that Dr. C.agrain, 4.1 Essex. has been aaQQ•• pointed to the S ..ate. This will be old news to readers of Tire 1'ov'r, who were inq will get them out .1 the soil, which informed that ouch was contemplation 1 ation must be dug down dear again and some time ego, when ('.,I. Rankin was eosin. Well for y-eu if, with 111 lour here l.'king for the .soot. 1'no apin,:nt• carr. yon an mole the stout d .west meet ' f 1►r. emigrate is *gain by your dying day. The alto-ultural Department fill torted • ' re*cur.•.1 the5m• Ir .e," I.•u•g a:'::4o to the';m•••, and creels. led Ly p'•tauns ppr- all) L1hd ;u farm Wort:. ---- ALL THE NEWS ZN FT7LL. By Telecranh T.lephn.oe. M•ltd Corns• M CI; .4 an IMRE moony,. running pondenr^ up to t Lr h,,wr of p'tbli. at..:1. jyj ►fir ' ,+r,r,Al dirket Department. Agri. altetwl 1►e I {it r *rtaorn'. Sermon h) dor. Talrnt.ge. capital i ins .tow sir={ ) ' anon. Itnnturon Roadie/. v A e•,.., ••apo% r.. tit.: rkee. n• ,'s ; 14 MHi14)H $ ("um will inr:nedi*te 11're. it, al h'-.ttntinns rat Nen ^rad TlaDeane. i - p,•v tr.m titer to Ism••, aylrelieve Comp, nate ilrt aru,W l and ' JUST THR TNINC FOR THE TINILY 1' .- D 0 0 tm 0 in l)ntsrie, but it well have tittle effect . i that section of the people. Sir John flings • creat"rstiip at then! as he w.rutd fling a hone t. a dog, thinking it well keep them onset, *nil induce thorn to vote for the {.arty that lea 'en t vee - 'rung due. lir see 7 Jas. Wilson, !1 H P tea l:,t. }:rr.r member .f *Le hnrr.�hnu! a 14 ' r:y :w.k. \ I _ R fax heart. w.•• l A little Iv.y Ishii WAS t pew rhe after. h 1 b 1 tnaon w4h the doctorlittle daughter' ening •11.1 reviling thein for * year. T ti -e : was c,vrn tiro pieces .•f randy When t. A R G E $1_ PAPER J C% Torte stetted the "Anti•Frencl',' "filo 1 Popery cries, expecting they would eie by them after the expl.ai.0 in llurhee over the r1(eculton .i Wel, hot, having discovered their mi*teke, they are trying to dela the French 1sw:k by giving them • .enatersh.p. In this we ern another instance .f Sir John's brilliant tactics. To the (Iraneer.et he sats "1 hanged Ilial t. the French he sats, "i gave you a senator in Ihitari.." Thu. he Kitson, kr* rat'. All'OrtT. and hole. to see the !)range and the I he returned his mother Inge red if he 1r* i"•+4. of fuer •sod wards, 7k rw h. H H gate the lar¢est sere to the 'little girl. I -. "Nu, mother, 1 didn t ; you tad me t. give the biggest piece to the rimpany, and I was the e,rmpany neer there.' 11 WHY WILL YOU ....GRA when fthihoh's Cars will ti.. ltwmwdi•to (.het Price 10 ciao, h0 eta, and $1. For sale by J. Wilson, druggist. - -e a-- • 161 A NASAL, INJE(:TORfree with each bottle .1 Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price Ido cents. For sale by J. Willem, French march e.ent.nledly t•• the tx.11a dreggat. and rote for his candidates.. Thus with the eihhet .n one hand and the Senate nn the other h. hopes to enlist in his support the prepaid.* of twn chases which h. lately strove his boat t.. set by the esu. No wonder the weer heads among Ilio r.•rty thiwk it is bene for him to retire. They ase, if he An.. rant, that reende ars 1.M ,nt.11igwnt to be kum bugged by snob .Addis\ &.vies• s, ,r 1 -ILO!"; GET THE BUT. ear ('n..M,t °env, t4w4breat •r.d Weal ,easla nr. Jya eeedl- rtv N ta. b•■s. 0 r lave ekll- .Ireaa' I. Th. bra sad e.a7 to 1*a0. T1 . bee* kssww rw1IsMr few R.•d.rtao', antemreem sod rosM{patlaIs r Dr Joie rt . nM 'lttl*grldal ► roe at r. Jsadom% 1 .•I.1r pawn:* ever oRerr'1 In ('snail* t. ppenrtl'•s ,tetl,*g op ('tubs for the W•w•kly gree Prows. lead for • ropy rat nor 1', rmiwn I..AI roil •0r the nn. meet. filen Alloy to ARMs Ars •re nRerinR( nsn>/rle copse* lire on a^pelration. emir -ere. revs RMI!,, ITMO 411.. 1 ln`lIM7r. 1'4X5.0. CORD WOOD Permws 7Isbing g•`n.1 rent worwt *' the low - rot rates ran Nice the same rrswep ly supplied hr Ie..4.5 I heir order., at GEO. OLD'S STORE. Aar agent will rail at the stet•• 4,1:T !ow sc)oe■. *l.0 141 band. slot nI cheap wooed swell r Abort Mahe 1gg�1nws, rt.. .UI los wood Asa lr ten.gtrt •e ilea mill or deavered, ea tbw beret desire.. I'er.mp*tlera gears.. teed HEIR BLECHLEB, Nle Rewsrves M01a NNW *LOW U 1p Am ttMit r4 tgi