The Huron Signal, 1887-1-14, Page 7r y.•
wyrrraRlt►'a1t14Y� TUE DI%reif81Lil.
Lew siw alswsltad Syr r l -1 .a Wawa Meg fere a 4 .•wN•• mid IMAM IM
•o rte. em
' Kamm. wIaounce et.
Iea1NJ tKetd,
" 1 aapta.k...ail kitty 8.a. day rn bee eery (broaroaa em i .s!. r to .1.4 Nr.c Yank T.
bat and ok,ar•t (Asad, a young 8,r•• l uI law llrrtu,nary ntLtlwtl . wen Dover :..r w
own ase. "1 wtptoat' that Jam. argil Yan P'I placein Deuloa l th
than i* e fee .4 the
au /h. soba himo and the family ariomaracy, awing
g Werra! Went tonne that has ww epi the
area 1 met 1. cooteut with Lha jsUY strain country to the Lao alas* ed years, v.-1 Kim
Chris...Om has game of the %weldor, that go t.,
that was in father's picot srat.Jfathe",
Ry a cwrlo•t• prrvsrerw 18f las4 which make an autocrat in the luwetwenthceutury.
\1r. Parks amid 1801 tnrlenWrt Kitty.dewed H. t. ma wy s0ns, a c3! lorsu,nir. I*et slag.•
to he far ewe 8.l • lat..nte than her sisters 'hal •1%44 "e"""el,, 14" tett .ul.anerd m aye
with sdl the {wapde, grid her latliaw ca• kept to relish Moils M. eostastion, and, left to
,n continual winery be cm. 1ery acti,*w himself, would long tattoo have poo!oel rein ha.'
which seamed am., to charm Lbs mho worm 4ot • at -rower hard thou hi. 1.e4) the whip.
That 1'81,,) was ba w doe* the Moroni
bite 1,... 0811 u/ test 188.'.+1 •n' w.rurn v) err
When Kitty wail little girl there was • div, wIl.4«• 648 le,ht•sl ut41.•, uv.u.'rt
she knew of
hk.e1, info- 8.e heo le tan.. n• tio: ! •: rrr'.I lU4 cJ-
iwtskt taoad lad w hootw Y
lie wwm laugh tworrdy at her fun url 141 a •..4l.ut(. r8.
W rtdeice-hrhar. d, • . +I ! *mast'. 18'.1
Lked e hon. tom his curly Iwo' 8.r he dud eiertvetr, has rest luau! l4 v• .:• fy. It Lha
OIL He bad gee brows eym sed cheeks that old king lives W ace (4.• tend ae 11 law the
wen not greatly unlike Wee 8.t 67461 LW and lryiun:ltg 8.l 1,i. ,lr Wes;y, '." fa114 t t• Vivian
blumpos, at(1 Gewalt" woo.ustrtl:titg ..f a n., U.S !.Last pose ,d 4. it moat twa.t.en the
.et" *Wows the huy., for h. Daum skew the history .4 I!:nnnean s,iu.4n l.8.+ te. *how.
f.steet, run the fleetest. )uta%t, the I,yglwwt and ('l8...• ub'e,i*,. v. leo limn watched tiro am
inlay hall the b .t d *sly of Own., argil the her., bNas. calvrr ed the. Danish poen arod know
of the boys is pretty sure W tee the hero of the how int. newly the neither's 1'•sion for ruling
Karl. if )4e is let afraid d thtmt, sad how a u scooted in ti • character ..i the isighte t
good o dor a bright eye awl a Jolly laugh. .4 her d*ugh18•r•s, the wile .4 the Itnem*n ear•
Then, what kitty owl Gomm became ..bter lu•e • shrewd ...socket that the hands if
And erre restrained, .he mead weed. (..r h.• ties! two hate mums! tier meow .t'iftgs rel
menus in church, that elle might edema 118• the ltul.ariale lameree In diplomatic me-
taa and well *et figure, and hi. handsome foie olm in the old-world tlaintals it l.a. long twee
as well: 1hik he he del the "AMC $8.t an upon eeerrt that the 11*088m to often the
U-444ge 14tedtmati at last MUM* 40 glut 44*4*8t 11. real germ niter u( Rte Wien arose 011 ,h. I+dtti
Ilfe when It rr time for hum 4. barn 111, Lyse c d Y,,itoi , 518,1 utrlis i.4 gives
trade or bu.itrea and he doorh,rwnoi• Mora her for a dnat:u,nat- tits tact that leaKitty n" 48.184. air1, slyly w*it„is her ,)lone than ,wee coped stwrrsdully with the
aatuumJ, at last learned w 8.t had become alircw.lnt .tatrcnft. Hrr iLAuenrfenw..► (e
.int. hither .he had liow•n fairly imtalied wt court .e-
Hr's working in your father's mill, Kit," t bride .4 111e gamewitch. It was not long view the tu&rntalkan rho 1140.4• that Prise. (l•rtach•ktllf, when 0o"
!.rein. the bait tided there was to her half a emit* 8.j twdiav, rwfu.etl to accept
day spent sI the great mills. Kitty went, pion.ktta for hituarl(, and openly gave the
to.,, and lasing a quirk rye *r well r • bright credit\4, b.. imperrr! tei.treea Ly wh.w Corti8:
ore• die rs.ily dinon.rr.d at ono 44 the Ire*% eel he i.wt Gam guided. The wring bo.00rs
of riding more than her pride 8..d
\V4th all the beauty and grace of
of Wale., added to her mother'.
. to wh;rh h(r English niter u a
r.seetw• the ismer ad J4 hire•
• Met days to charm: all she
the circle 8.t bar personal robs:
trly lr•aitched the old kaiser at
4 ►8.r d.y doer*. was a y tit Peat toner._ j elated srire re T ip dlpksnst' oa ti , loan Beton 11.5104 to into *lir 'toy'. falba, argil r8. 8.l tome 8.t' m►tici,lal)' IriUiiud
and 4.rrib1y buoy loom. a pecan* whoul slur vu the
will knew, clad Y he was ,n blue pan and ...Iv melon.
aur were boa face and ha8.1.. But Mus Katy Almeria.
preceded through the oil the bre (ratans of bright v.
gaster Stedman, and was delighted with tltr .tracer r. .
pleasant anode with which ht greeted her, and ie A'aputrt
with the kook of mock renew at his oily drewm w d:oi
land• aa though thus W apologise for not rile.. Kee 1
ugaring lege ter I.'8, poietin: o.1 the ono pervert.. and even
Brand by, when Kitty howl an o,pr.rtnntty, eaet 4,... .Intl, it ,s nod, ,.ver the at.,„ 11.1..
•Iwdem:urely take.! 1»r lather it .Ire had toot elatus:it1 to the extent of extracting from
1141 Geogr. 11444) ilea amuse the workmen. limn a pereatal promise of fr:esdsinp and
••Muter µsw,hk. 111' a thee., ant) a very peace,
remarkable man he is. He Iwgan at the bot •
tom. Doi tu.lay there ire's a nail...Aro eau Me Wasted M TesA.
spoon!!. ,n the mill that he dm" tart know, ('nst54.51. tin . tettrr to t'Aarirwtow\'ora.
w bole Iv hr rem.arkahke talent se a designer. The mitotic whom! omen) d Georgia is an
favorite dot.. (.rids of our product 8.r iop,verieheol institution It contracts with
wow d."Migt.•.1 by ).,u. •
X.4 lu.K aitec flat �(iww 1Ctt%7411I'•*ty'l ht its teachers fora term amity -hie days at lire
a diem 8,t( the identical utaM,rial she maw :Tied delta par day per capita and role* with ilem
wad making. and (sound Sans W let hint +r at about sixty ore dents on the dollar. The
.t; and a year Ir wt later, ware he had beet. „ado. must omega this (r trams)a ter
made superintendent dent .4 the mill, it was se ki41 I.eartasi patron 8,O pay the remainder. 18..o many parties Mie Kitty made
u , 1.1 Kg1l, team 1, the mmanufact�ury. always Anyone ra)0yle( the !,,dicier eah .,.•18d a
under the o loose of the w4.eriltrrele1t him• healthy half boar at certain of these rxalmita-
weK' %iota., especially when the trmmmiwioner, as in
Well of coarse, thew two found memo of do. t ase, puesgerm a natural ve n of IMWerw.
„8rlrrwtam.lirut (aur anther, but what w tern-
ermtele, tenthly slrrk )e) Mr. Park'. dignity au.' .he ap{di.aut was a man of about forty, w•.th
(ef ••. rice ..r when Ise t*ro, un acheap Last ..1 feature. And * Wilily half 5*
.leriaond tit. He wan 4., much of a KeroNtntau )road ea beg. He e*id he dd,,'1 claim leo
io rant Dad Mar, lout be talked *rnotrdy W know all -wasn't a graduate. but he didC IRCL'I.ATIt )\, ('RAIII'S,
\1418 King. enough to torch tem Irath•n Mown at %PAINS 1K T111. 4T1)MACII, SCM-
"WeIL if it wasn't to le, G44'ge; it 14,4,1, hag eaii„. h -.I toadied two fourdam'J E1I AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS,
This t areeabin yet (anent ptrep Ire-
Cb.0 it eA1.•ea!!y a.laptud for the relief
nod cure id that clam v( dtao.rde,s
tattoo:ail hpr,u a lour or redid.. I auto
the e1.tood. and 41*uaily VC4.s. puti.r 1
h 1'wl•r, Weakue,•s *4,4 1`18:..tau..0
of that I1rnrL Prompt UBultn 48111
1 .:1 „r i8. 41 o in c ,•c a 8•f �u,h4•n F:C•
L: Bose) I ardaitte Jago I4rct of Wood,
Acute or C 8,u' ,1:;r. 1 tibeat rot, a d 11: 1148
Weakrierw that imrarial,ly a• • • coop gturs
tl;o.4r'11.4 from %}'bating; 1 ett.rat. lire
y.r,s.'dy wil give more wtwt-lly n Clef {n
ity.yalpnia or Imlay -at lch,11s Del 0'8, OA
Nie at. notch tiring tint o! 14 kr..tle awl
h.•farfr*s.••'ile, e-xc`tine ," er,^.n* of
di;. rt:up W a• lose, alit thee* ado/ding
iulmtedInta and !atonamrrt Jcli.'1 Tho
carminative 4,18(1'4 ilea of tl.:s Jiff* PPM
af•.w84li' wilful► Ili' };!/A,r rentlilina
4i.Rdtt:.ku+s ful it Flatt::t'4t l/yaep ids.
18, a vah:,rble snowily for Atonic
U1' Tepain, which is apt to occur i8.,
1n•rttons of a pruoyy character.
f or Imp.%cri4lm'l L'totwal, Lota 44
A`` petite, 1)c i.otnlency,a>.dht :41 aura
wln•rn tut tIfertive and .v.•rta:u .411.tu•
halt ix required, Leon 1ai... will .Let
found bto14a'.uai'e.
In Fetor* 4.(1 \I:,:nrial Type, and
time Titrit4le evil teen:La fo:iuwuig 8-11'0-
.mr to the c..l.l or wet W*-:gl,er, it esti
•-Ia(i% a V.duable
con,b.ileu'.h oft 'in.•Mm t Ca.imya and
Nei -pentane are uI,,vrr4:,.iy triviiaui8Mi
ad spteiCu fur the 44hu4v Aa44144 tl;ar-
Su&1 by all hoofer* in Family lit;icinfa.
Price. $I per 1:0?! ft. or
tm1.: l: •tors f•+• 3.8.
Dsvis St Iswri Doc Co. (Limited)
reit- PERRY DAVIS' -dill
IS RSConeceOLD 1414
I'A4eri. irt,u, M .ilerrw, .L.*.fonn,ir.,
.31 sttuysn g8, at/wee , ii'0rk-wop*,
I'tuwtatiusi, Fusagi141t6Igitrtl9,
*Aorto tseryfr►dytfrresaltr1
info Ads seergaga itatow.:.
14A1R1 I•TI M%.tLI.T 1•t1[D wvr• A
wren 4.01 -teal a) ROT MILK •!4D
1114.41.411. IT **ILL Si Pot:7D
A 1A14.410
L t'CR 1'08
Ir lei oar rlsr, •Int .std, .481 7.rrnm..1 ten' 'Ir- the didn't know notlirn yon. ll,e
. edly unrtidartory repay that it had better rwid he'd 8..k a taw primary qust."n% and
be noon* than be. goo with:
"What is the obiect ion '" • Wtut .• a lett.."
"My %•him, it is ha family. He 1s nt4 .4 " A thing crooked 'meet.meto and .met 111 s
Rood family, and that coasts for user than 'taia•L '
t'uu can tell now. Hie,w,.ple are rtsMeb1•, „ Whaa t i. lith# !•
ion i*of ..•81184(4*, low. origin. pelf it's a wood 44.111 In two.
"And our` - " Idle ask.d How nary parts tet +)sw( h'"
"Yogi Lam awe is oar es the oldest famtili(.1 •. ar.•. ) i:e 471 superfine
.4 Boom, and that we dose d the mine !.load „ W Iat i.`: tvrh' '
as the Earl of Merrick in Englazad." " Hit's .,thin' that taelhet onto within', els'
' Mew Kitty iris afterward visited RtrM'am. aha.. that bottom' umic.e.8.318, bat."
She earned m her !euro.. beekl 'a a greatly roll „ Whitt ,s reeding Y'
.4 money. a little mpa8oraodum which Dewar ,' if,t'e tale'. fossa a 4.84.
'te.ln'an hot written for her •t her tregtr)wt. •• 14„w 81.. )•181 84.1.41 ,....1,,,e •,-•
Whom wee retunwd air• sax! to bee f.tnar _sono*'. Lu•.•a "y.aerr. 4' *2481 ..onetime. i.y 1 ,
that stir had e**, I leer faanily Det t*, tw,artt.4
4.r, Inukrd up in the society's r.a.*da. 1. '\ ., Khat is r... v*0 4 4_ •
Park* well 1101100, 1'4••'t•d• 11. let 'w glut " li .,n• it.. c1a....s in that."
cooper or e Qstbanaw wood.' rusher Inn► „ ilut 1400 (.144111 ►ami. Huta wood 7.18+ i
much .l8.' Iia iu be poundal in the w•s,A-batt. (r T-. i -i-'' _ - the eel, em tlusetinne ' 4
.1 late hoed it all writ.'" tats. Fath"," 14". "•tOJut are the fund. ental raps orta, i
f a
mad. prodecing • papa -Yon are none 1484(14''
rrrht Meat the Earl (t soatelh8ng or odor. oawhat •..
Vast t or six grana r4 r ,e ruaet:::71.l natles."
ret ter .w that, hut 1
fifth 8,k 1 8,h r war the
til Job liar!
(.rens m lgoh knot. hew
',ain't think pia over i.dlo'e) 8,,p the Parks " 1 hail no refoarice to any ,nd.violtul. t
side I k 114 Item a 4 d 8,hNew s:' moan% the principal rues d arithmetic.
-'1 bei the oedema.'
and orae this: •0 Yon n,�i Nee 48.7
••l8, being .,t„lo"t•tl b ye Frrrrallw mart w 1 �..
:hat John Parke i*' droit twenty lathe. and -� t 1;.' rrn.rmtrr.'
wet up in ye socks (.4 a ..lake are lying, o el 140481 ', 1• at exoet.tic4tal rnhj•rt (11
Y." .w4n,.hmrnt aur tett day done b ye high bot the public 1nhoao4. teacher+ 118
�* r Parka
t�ebaa8 trots
tiewHaim-:w lu(•kwods aro Iwo l4uearleal for
�g Warks *41! !age (Pira ter triter at his t:+eir wore ltarn'ng Their are ww4 4' good
.la,l coo ,o molly *tel an reproachfully bit that .'h.4. 1. 1.0.4,4141, mud ter 0,tn811 kir... 8,w„ or
•he Daum act help fettiatf a tow. bat *ll, was ,ions• .4 * lowh•a reside. The high 1'1.'4010
8.-xu+mtty, 1*14,, 8.,d she *art : I..•r i. wooled over by a c:e44f voting lawyer
" 14, you father, that white there woo an * t i•■xT:an mud a K,mtle•m•18 of tv!4rMli
rayl at are end
falld throw was a w hipping-isost n
the ttl.rr, and 11r 1'ariu r1o,L taste.
Etre' Limn he could net reply. But rhe had Ny wet, tensed.
a *till keener wooed hr h:m- /fur. F I //al. a l'd lir Cent.
'Wow, father, do you linter who John
Witham*, the sterid afro dol the wl"i•ping.
f) r .Ind not, nor did blear*.
"Well," the, nwv•, rt. -towel... „h. mss
the anc+v.tnr as the mother s 0441..4 Ge"rne
::0.d1118*n. 1io, you um that hie g,. t anceet.w
room as the ,4,I•fic w1"1.{4rny•{ee:t.
\',.s onl.rri.nd eh ate U.. d-.,rrlobty of /,•...I
ling Dee I dip net atop with ant
family. and T not itnlrttarne) that eveakn- '-
thatl:(*.rgrs great -great -.redo moa • •haler
of doe 1 kclaration .4 I, .,.-pnolence : hu*
KraIldtether aur a i. w111her of Co' amuum% and
diet. • • Mt mote alrr1t his folks that 44,54'.
these of good blood in this c*intry."
Mi. fork. humiliationcomplete,
nitimatrly .urn•mlend, 8.M when
Kitty .Yid : "'Pohl )0u .ee haw old 'rand.
father Parks gets even ant. the •b• reR for
w hipping him ' The sheri f ,. great rwuotlsin4
8.r other .41 hs* s:$ t.. ,1)" care n( and iii
R'*el 4r the whnlpesl plan's great .umethn,q at
.4hat daughter.
It is rather evident from the prosperity •4
tt,e Perim mire and the hammiest .4 Mr. .'.d
Ire 14twletast at 4 y thatKitty Lotto!( iso 1
fur«) by •'►7
-he ow.. that sloe la going W leave to that
.1.'ar Mi (lrnoalnKidsl Society a legacy 1.g
emagrt4 4e go.. it • hew to five in.
l *sari *t solosistimeliwo.
An eminent I*wren WOO fin a cwt In Mint.%
he h(mime ,d the amnia ~lot that name,
'Coil rr8y von west to is ),.Litt- Lot night
rd Tun Ir %Ire. Smith, an o1.1 friend, 144•,0 7[1*1[.
Foh1 6814( Ii[Att*(rwtt AIM 1)T0rTr41A.
v.,8. b*4 Ort Drew •once 111", "d yr0(r,i•t.f
}8.R ("]*T,rATI"t on Co*TlykXRN.
Were at school to(ft4r. 141 had a yrry Ful ALL COMM. eta 111 *teelxu 1.44.1 A
{.Iraayit talk until supper, when not R•"' 1r'' Bt*OiLaaaD IT VIII 04 Te[ STtt
y.wr inn anti utak her to supper. When. w1Li'. NACU.
ono carne thong with s few (Loam of wine au This medicine twin t pre ;fluid (,ilio,
Oar. an saw h„ the tin.. can be t 8..:.s w e8. 1 to
■ .!siert .red offered her a RI y F ��
-shedder. 8.e she said. "Nit!'" mei you won dee inept uta wremtl)14 (d d4,1,,,,..ff'_ _
why Min, who dichi t 8,w fo le to '167i '1er.ii.i/Ilkhifr it QNn'
):color ,'*4,8, such thine, pctt mar nd•ee•el, clamed to the nee of the little child at
Iron abidofered wlwn rhe rid, "No) You to the adult. Put up in three (mace
cannot tell why' I can tell why, l'1u 48444 brattier,. and wild by ad deaiery in
yo with y4*4r talk, acrd a Intl. Striatum did fatnily tuedirdrw=.
you! I men say you dein'L Woo. was very r 1lrr.ri{. .i ('^r!<.
gay .red seemed very glad to forget herac.lf.
dhl.ob.,' \'elry well, I em very Fled that y(
*Zraala1C[ NA* r*Ov114 IT TRC YOY?
LFVKCTITtt Ann Beat LI%I117*T ll1
1A1Tlt IN *anal 1‘..: 11K PAIN
•14214(140 TROY
1(14)t, K1 CKALGI.t, SWELLED
FACE.. T4'W'TiI AC1Ir,
BURNS, FROST 1311'};1,C..,Ec.
t8.. p.' 1: Vie.
BFT Beware of 1rn:rations. 'VA
I. effective In small
d• res. acts without
gtTiptu;, d1.p4 nix e0�'
r:Winn n8.,:was sy
x;1) not c7 -ata /Me'
and" ,ngettiline
out do 31.141.'(8,f(
a:lal rathaftlt•
mini*tett d ',n
fort of rill.. At.
Ladle* and CA
dren hav'r:� the 1n(rt Mir Ittpa
darns Like this luedietna 48'
fie oe G.mpiEflI. '
CAnro. ,.L a ('AT1tA4T1C (
b1 j*ec'ally a(Lanr,-.i for tl*a �tte
'L,tT1tt Cow ILA*ITs eau Stu �'•a'
ow Pisa.
Pas Arlo STOYA11t AND Lie. nr .4r -
DRESS ® Presh *roc cries,
wt.i• h will W loom! r4 oum raur F�twrWy,
boll as regards uuelity end price we..
any ul1..r stook 1* data eh 4 ) .
C.. -L. McI TOSTI,
Neat ' .' ' , Sarno* ! true '48 ore k. • p•
• •st*u,l, eddies 10 ate want
re len it .1 •i. ileo tLui.r
OahslnM, Ana. Nib. IV&
S IIsS 4T'.53�2.1�TSON.
The Latest Frelioli and AIllencan Styles!
era Fancy Trimmings
Feathers, Flog �'
.. t+I'i:l'I.t1.T\.
In returnira thanks to my inanition tar
their patronage. 1 14,40:d *hw iia Al any eth-
er* w hu will, 8 u rah ,:red 1,1o. t u) elm 1.
Pau' h 11'1•1 de 8.t ' 4.e
Godarlch, ret.. 4(111.14
rime Attention
The eadewi(std Vita a C'hotw Orderlies of
Parr. ('Moa
1 of 4',r follow .not m'-(:it:ir..: White Itw'M�
l.ncerhr, .►.Iwo:,.•. T..•tutl, I'e* 1.118• at:': !j
('Mut.r. Tim.aby. Leen and all verletieeof
Gnr.r•• su8tshlc for permanent padtUr, Oats,
I.•c.. Eta: Ste. W heel. 11•rs. Ihnrl•'.. hyo. Wan*. lhu•hwl!• it..
caro. Tar•• and Flex; .Iwo Wield anti turtles
�{t•1 . 1•. O/ I•.r ). *K 44-0rla true to nater.
*o.44(l... ret e,! h loctr *t,d bevel.
'l't.e Celebrat,wt L'n:ctp 8,'t tire- .4.e {left lit
'he mark. t.
A com.glimeut of cbd•4 Plegia Toes.,
nls4,nK of Mack. (acre. sad Japan►- chic•
wile and retail.
A lenge auwuol Of Nett y tot-pan.R. PRICE
_�` \Irwnnfo Mark. Ram street. tIodericb.
The Chicago .muse.
Agent for Domestic Patterns
tieder)e Ayr '.4 ,lie. lt,d.t
- C:1111-11.
March 11th, Pee. ,444. . ret
thARti-1IF.1) WY.
AgT, Buchanan,Ilaws&n Iobiusou
V N D ERT A K E R. ttA]l'tA8 Tt'aK/8,Y 04
.S�rsil, boors 6-' Minds
..ayona ran advertise, tai I can show the Steck. 1 have more stock OP hoar : 11,141 8.r.) 1W0
bonfire to e.—. m raw f from.
gat• her that hour .4 Limo eiening. 1 can trll '- - '-'•
r ns where *he went after tet tarty'' .• over.
!{lie wane home- the last perms trap the
poity 1 4.. wag glad it wee late, for her into
bawd hod not none Muse llhe sat and re
for m e hour, and her highland did not pure+., j'
\1 l4w1R'h l.114.4n 3 and 4 . chock tit.... was
., 1
04we at the tine* end two µ81+0•r.541
held loon in their seer* 1(h. knows them
1.,th eel' by thw hone. It happen. ...often
that she krone. rv,ry I.tire,nan ,*1 the
tem_ 'they hada her gcald-nirtit. $44 4841
locked her ch,h''s prom, that he might not
*lour hunt She took the *bow a. he fume
1•,mseir ori the Levi. Irke dragged tiff his reek
fn tcloth and no.', Dal sat there **ti. h. dwrnm
and * Mit or twolodewe the beerier .d *n'n' fall into * stuped sleep. She is the w.4nan
tea.. c*s+• in which he heti here retain,( as Who Mtit ''48ilttaMghr .4ee owl wwithta shudder
taws•. H• had hnwitht W.he d, t t pot Mian !woos..► 1 ono lolw m,tureet They
of �fy,r„ ,ve,e ' 8'4 with 1M sort to nptrt.r4n; h*vw a tweet .krt*4.n c4eeet, which it
„ad , ...'.e to too: 1. 1154 0 4, - •.r7n•*n. *re purto,AL.r1 4' om and you are het: And,
(4 the following oar In' i ochm e""M r" when we gee that skeleton, do you wM•4Ks
181 wench wag. '4 that w.' euro elitnre ry i'n'n y '�1
where b► le, h•l. ire ain: an I et erten nlwwrt ne tiers,* drinking said the temptation',
emir-. wee I•, twit e{niln to into emit .'th•aet heel at parties!
*111 r „ la..r.te had to 8,[(o * o8. 8,)v
it. 1. ate t+rd wdhr.ut any tu!,nr t••.. Ib Slave yah stet triad Kett 4e(e,T
tree.• 8,g o ••40 1,44 nine .gni.. Ito:
,.twee 8,r �,«ti'ae e'* Car ludic C'eeatt for sore* of any
Mem ••I 48, lye ;the Ir.l eon. The kind 7 It as le pod daunt the y(.►7 tint
maw a fig Dori d he ewoole to -o e the pry ! si i 11 to the m*e k,8,
for healing
r ,r
i„Ip 418 8,M d•.•..••1a ta'r' kora. Burne. Burns, Cuts.
rel t„ M,e.(wtiole•8, end eut,ne
`sifasnw 48., am ha hal 8,* 4 4. :e' h'. i'1mp1. • R1ot.•M., *nd is 'h. only prof
ret where he
Thy ��
awFtry and 7'
of t at,k r 9.• ord.. ran t
�rw cpm a free or tedire d
cele d of 8,++M stye.
and meetly at -
=Vita foe. * . and p.4
re,.it. Drill
folk,. n* ear ie 441,.114 Sodden L.h..'*isw
*wing Irmo 1480 4f ohm Acute or chronic
Ihsesva. an/ in the w,84*.• tat iw.riaM4
scceemediee tee recovery tram 44... 1.'...r.
.rosin 'rill sire ware meaty alfa h
rpm r 1athiren;wa Tor m�sfr.
gborf, Low d At'pet(r.. D!
Alb ,e.d.eey. *8)44 i* all Dass• matt
mw sorer+rt* awl (urea �.,.
�j .ttrrtANT it 'Zed,
4 *h. [LZYIt will ke
�fwad rwvstc-
G'd M .1I Ilopiet :a yr,iirir '
DAVIS it LLW 110L 00, 41,111 d)
1 have now on hand 10 different *t):ee. of Bedroom 44,)4 a. 8 d3Leeent styha or 1,4telw:rlede 3
Parlor Suttee. and almost aeylhin* {a 1M' Furniture hoe. all of which w Ili be \
In the UNDERTAKING 1 !rite persona' atto�estioa. ani the benefit now of nearly el years
experience. 1 drink i have the bast He.t7Pr i* t 11iO4.41'y,' 44 lloronho irellshare
8,t the public
to }l18S. ( 1 bane rvrryt 4414 *. t r14 Inept isEM�ln.uoK dune when rcyuiret.
Chas. Shroud.: ibhiti,Wawa. i rape(, !a
WTI Guarantee to give a•t(sfactlaa to .shod W:_
Orderlch. Sept. 9th: phi
R)' nearing time only
dent of IF'- r.rne of Lo taro" S Mur:..
Renowned Spectacles and Eye C1a,se3
918• a A.... .,
M,'$TU: At, r' ..
' TOW' -g,r(•t.. ',,. and Eye Gloms i,ate beet]
Weed for the pa,.::L. %rare, rind *41*4n id. c.,•ry
instance ,intaonnd,•d wisterias'. Th.•4 *Ir
• Tile s*et le 'rn* week!.!'. They Incur tire,
and last marl) car+ wtetlw8t elrt�I'•
.8.4 eller 8,t" -
Yates & Acheson,
t•u*w*rr sEt*4M4. T.
--Mar) Line {harrow Road.
��R,Me Laura' l: Meorr,s. Hartford coml..
.1,f :,WRnection with any other (Iran in the
I)otnlntos of caned/.
Jan. lath. ISM - tr. .re_
Fil��i1� auk Coictioucn.
•1r.t .rent. sear tat ger omee, 44.4 efrelt
Las the choicest assortment of
..18.1 • , t'Ia "l 4,'' 1.1.\'. The flock Is now.
Fresh Oysters I
The 4x -t ;rend..1 I4) wren. Al bulk or by the
. an. 4." 818' *11e &tock of l .t ]DIE:s.
Mhos to 1) low.
Dad, 1111, ;rrdtf
11 Obtained. and ►11 Imminent' in floe 1'atest
• Odie alte0ded to at A11114311.11- h: i' P.E.S.
Our 048*15 hi opposite the U. P. Patent Of-
fice, and we ear Obtain Patent,. in hews thee
I 8,h** those remove front IVAN/I/•\(oTf).Y.
Send MODE:! ('11 Dil.) IIl'/ V(i. 48,', mol
viae as t0 pwrentahiltttyy hecto of charier : nod
we make AOf'if .IH(lE 1'\'LF04S t1'EOlt-
We refer. here. to the Paon,nater.rbe Snot.
of Money Order II v.. and to offleial* of the
1 . Patent Ot)t.•e. For •welder. advice.
tow and refcmn•ra to actual client.. in yoar .
own Mae OtfmttN7. w41eM.
C. A. **IOW t VIP.. -
(•ppistlo l'*I n' (once. Wa•hinctoe. D.('
.... . !... .i
.* 4 n.4t:�ck.(8. t-
it. - tt!e. ?) .. • �. o, I. 4 cC:. 09119
rraRe4Trr or ~sow 3 C,..13..:a or B�L4► 6,000,000 PEOF1-E USF
Il ALL L1KD* or
L14 giber, Lath, Sh in g l es
sad builder's materiel of titry .'.r,. 1.It.o*,
Mr.). Jr(ler proluptl) fa: Int-dLlu.
Guderieh .tug. 2, 144.', t•ir
The People's Livery
JOHN KNOI, Proprietor,
The utacribrr ,w prrpo, rd to nu nigh the pub
lie with
The Finest Rigs
CALi, AND SEF CS --upper tka CsIT\
Hate Godeneh. \
Mderleb. Yob. ilii 0 >l
.lfsnnfer•furer* of set lira). of
Aud ell l.e.!- of 4hot Iron work.
1- .148 -SAD ►Gist rmm,. ffiit!lt1
1 ono/ ant*) on hand.
Op head. ready for .telt% try
1 IS N.V. New aro* I8.11,4.
1 * N.P. %.x Dellen.
A Coal;letc 2nd -band Tbreskting OatItt
moiler, 4.nginc. 1,epara'or. Sc.. a:l .n soot
working order. Will be wild cheap.
Med order will receive promptlttthtlrt.
Wort. t Opp. G. T. t. *5.81...
D. M. FERRY CO. Goelerich. af•y 3lith. late.
. e .d04...t t.. M the - _-_ -__ .� —
1*l1tfT 1Lt*ttts
•e U....+8,!
�. M. FERRI a CO'S
11,•••.•4.44. Dw-
rr,pgw a r.4..e
For 1887
UI 1••, wais/
Fait to al
baba allatall
141144 444r-
4Mnis 8.
8,.w M
tan Ire.rr
sr. ameenJt�s,/� r�lr'
17 *1...e *s...�' tanaP4 �i.fol
«.docs... A/deem
9. M. yterf MI.
W indoor. Oat.
Berl PIN gi _ r __....►.�-
hitt and bowed floor" iia •-r method ..f applying Qarhtlie Acrd.
.rw wen 41i.mva+'d. Koff it 41. 1(byn*s drug store for 4he
84 • he ate'
), ,oter.t
toe. gr, ea to
4 *. It ego.
e1 where
too i per boa . 11)
t114"1Illiperae(e lel Rhjediee'a; they *4e eats,
l •" . 'sr' N• and •ws, s softens are filo trap,. Pre -
i<o jwhew" r rasp 'o N.i1y, (tat it M doubt
.4 .•( rw`w• 8.l if they ,err fe( ung.
'*d8, p
"OS ``
nwt.ollr. Ai I Pnr,•rty and , hara,ify sow mite int,
..,rd The Map 1 to Mtn who esti at elven 4,47 sod
.d by (1 *liTta 'e ask- a v j*nins 44 81
(t) *i* own skarn toe sad that of alma
A CHOI('S 8'1'Ot'K bF
sa(i iwiimr cess
mit Pt'RiT1', 4to'F)•:'r'N Ego. 4 F'I,A\OR
it will tr.-kitty Repro, ,• your
.bins."' for Walden ('taM. :
s imisev Dairy,
0-:rOCeries_ t HAMILTON, ONT.
1 119 w , t ) • Cirmeitr•">a
hose.310111 MOO
Dress Goods,
S h i rt i n gs, NAM 81.,;1.
Rest- ea -.r'
and Tweeds.. 4., - rt
Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs.
OtliwMta. A.prll AMID. WV
Coral color. re ;e. •
mores Dan.lr9lf
step, time Lb -''
from falling out. (let .
Inc * * I t a {Jj�,
growth. Dad tad.
Dot *0,4 1144 aRfi .
As a Mir area.
8t. it Ata no
a fed 45nnke*s
prepared 1.y
Harkness & f c
Lorton Ont.
data ley .8 new