The Huron Signal, 1887-1-14, Page 1:;loll
W r110t 1tb YHE SISL
t .
YoGILLWCCttUY NRO.. ►ru.tsuoen
WHAT'S TILE HURON SIGNAL, 11.41.1' -4An HALT. ' TiIB T()R2'('E,NI CONVENTION. t,l S UP? Lhasa well in the topor ties,Kr.t p.., .,f um;rOGi•A : tL':3ER3.
the visa lint, tat Pe•ur Mail b.•hu its
t• u•t•st eMetor creat it at rim KK.Im`_rr e The Oho last weal' drvutral a column The Tories of West Huron will meet
f rhe tees errata* to see tile t 'warn s...
O,w., bHaa.,, at v (;iR1oe, K „[ prisons' aloin. t• one or the editors u( in c•ureutaai wt ii.uuh'a Hill today I sews with the teightest pili ••'.t Itut
kit/D1141011. ONTARIO, glue.• anti £r.wreaaou w tb. usher".:
I this taper- At the start the angry mil- Yride) , to endeavor ft+ brine out a can- +Things That Are 1lalspefnl y'.a, .t aur rill r, ha\C ►ave, out n[ illy•..
. I 1 i,tinu Least
16117. tor Ithe ri.'pn,e,radvJ toanuihi:atr hs didate for the COMM oils w the riding.Around Ua {the (witless ..f • kind •u.,
t .• iiia in haractrrtalie The have no anticipation ..f gettintr any --. — _ lona not „c.. b e sawn ..( melt,'en* Thr 1'. unci net •,+• inlay eve lona.
-- ad rasa) in
he f 1 t c ) Thal Otlr Ticket. I,.i'ence man to sept the uowina:iun who Y a■ wleea.alewee eu.dtaw MlTti
ater ai
rN *Mulw/.0 Relater.
SWIMS Noma is our c.mgases.
1-C: CAMKtt+)i, 44-G.
"The timidly. Brigade /lost (1.."
TIIt,Y 1,f 41t;1:LE" T'tl -4,;f:EK,
Much speculati..n has been indulged
ie by (hits seed Tories •!rlr. in this sec
tion cooreruu,g the upshot of the prole
est disclaimer of the Med as • party
organ. The genteel inapreesn,n is that
•?'ou misrepresentation. Joe. t.ritea tarp 'sutticirutiy strung to reduce M. ('. Cam- Mer, or tilt las r barges Mb•wld aeon
+ head and I.) ttt.wrisy. it is t mal ,u, tf met
.brad ef..ti,ttdnie w'iru'h bee i,eretutute.i.- er'nn s major' y below three figured, but , at Nome.
I sua'M frutu the 'grw,u treat.' ..hose initials we unt r.ta+rl instructions have tttMn
I anent it."
i Nice laiiiteat:r, that. .1r. Mitchell, who received (rem headquarters to not let + \Fell, for stint-claa,unadubenbtd.
ineve it. tellue• it lip by attutnpting to Cameron's election g.. by de,fauli, lis he I) ail arouutt, egwre-toed, llat•twted, uD
bide babied the pevatwinel of the bora• rs twnstaared to be w 4410*«.".. -Jaws hlta1UL.nt.u,l disvouut, 100 par cen..,w,wtJ-
! motto... O1 the private character or roast at'arge rat oldt ine Tory prneen•rs, I pile 1 twennv, coal -stn-ernptyinv, ate ,
Iweiue•. •Li.ity 'ei Mr. M ech.:ha sant- and if lie were L.A. opposed he might ipping, u.,se•btunt. flannel mime, fur -
petrel -mite Can.dun winter, I cheer-
46141tkau...ur of 1'uuouct•• . is poor murk
ere -a beaker in ('.ck .t .n.) he, yet
your brother .till-- .001 .1 t, a sa•r0i0e
roe owe the Master to bid. as for as IN
yore hos, til.. beats, ru. at .1..ww•
tndden of those 1..r •loui Ht d..1 tbat
they might n•• I judorse you, aotinn
-4 ayyiaud 7ouroireconal Cit W- t
toward, your hroteer the n!,oknwttor to
ciat.s ell the commove-, we lute •,sure. tate-.Ily injure t ,t osy cause n ou - i ca
in t,. say. They are gentle -tutu "holm side constituencies. %%h., the victim for
we esteem as men and (elk•w citizen.. the secr,O.e 0.11 be hes not yet trans -
1 But as • temperance committee they pired, out it is believed that the ea-
M.tebed the matter wo•luity. What diol •leputy reeve of Guderieh township—
they de ' %That did they lease uudoue ' who war believed to be first choice when
ti..metx,d blundered ' e repeat. that Dr. Taylor got t o uommatt for
although apparently Cie whoa wee down y [
and lb.. rails have been isa-d het weal as a '' ,,,"+ till , it displayed "coca{ Actty Lr cat-- wdl ou thus occasion not stand a
the Mui: and the fore party, there is, •'r woe... • Atid the cause is net far to, chance. Mr furter, of West Simc,e,
was at one tine thought 1.0 be i likely
mar.. but bWee ilia recent eleeluHn his
name is n••t braid. Wm.. Doherty, a1
Clilaton, is sti11 an aapusut, and
en alas, are, we i.ndereiarnl, F. ` ,
Johnston mid E C.wpiot,, ref our
-town. The name of J.wi.1t Kidd. ar..
.t ase of the Mail no such precedent has! would doiy yoke and pea. h was If, •d Dublin, has ‘alsi, corse up during the have known it toduon any uCNeiatrl
been followed. I. simply says in effect, , "but," " however," "un the other hand,- past week .•r tool but we v'trstinn its the yarn away beak, bat what I do
in i;a issue of Satutd.y last ; etc. On one & "casi.•i Lev. T. M. Cowl. a loather that wou'd •cc. -I t `• aiw is that the ueifurm severity 44 the
•'17otice is hereby given that on and i bell alio followed the wavering editor the nomination were it tendered. Oa past five or a,: weeks has been mops.
sail sen undereurreot .4 sy••,pathr ta. ;; •el.,
tetra the parties con 'ern 1, and that 1 Mr Mitchell had bars a loud chate-
au '•uudse-vrounn nilwsy t the in. i pion .1 the Scott Act wan , 1: was a PI'.
toren .j cath anti 'Lours t.. rand. T•. a ( afar lhtug to speak t•.r. But when the
dissolutions of pastor ship there most I day of trial came his seder cooled. At
always ie .U..ched the siatuatures "f dint he started to back down gently. He
the peetjM the contract, but iu the qualified his statements •s to shat he
I tally ) ie1J the tali to that attach now
?reverts iv snd aruurd tilt ueighix,rhuua
which I hah,tate. Jerusha Jane ' did
you ever Seto tilt+ Ike Noe, I know
I that I'tn going t., start Burne of the old
t heads lying al.
us. -.1 to be op
land Lake Hun
his W1.1•114. 34. ver 11 •riot+ eremites,
mud umbe.a all present
Ue motion of [cu«w
ended .•.ndtd by
h..rus, it was rue *veal., wok the Demon
ass. u
tiu.eri.,eut 1t+ serest an rt: inr.•r 1n
.114.1.1110and rrie,rt ..:. ;tit hest silvans of
kerptutt dot month of the herb•.r from,
notary up.' .
., motion ti,in .11 the ruts.... see mile1 by
r ase y Mogi.,, the Comical ore lard 1 • ;•n. -
tote the 41 •ver lw,rt t to psi! i . S'r' tier
budder.,; 1 .t .w4'e•&t a td p et Al •.• pur•
Toeapreiel e.,mtwit tee retorted that
After w.nsrdertn* the satiate et Mr (li-
r.'.. the teeted rr••••,ntuenti that fox the
twat telt yeah Mesers. I),pttte nod
i uta•hi.w•u pay a tail: of $i)) pier anemia
l property, alt that the
7 tutbuct.,.. Rut he net pnlfr.t up with
praise from l tr and .ethers of the neigh -
bees en this score, f •r there it yet other
work to eo,a,e in. Thyro tt another
or utter a h•. requirra assistant.? et your
lanai, 110 u not ou the . her aide of
au ocean -sit far etf T mhnvt.0—h. is
on fuels res
t Ake A ie ran: iia 1411 for the present
here befo,e the Buffalo within eanh•.t. lir .e rise wrwtoh-wino o1ea,,
wt the cold winters that l
ei Railway was buil hut shivers and is hctiyw ered .tthsrttht •y notedby Ache -vitt. sen... dell toy Col -
if they were to
u r . that the Irlwrt ,tt acit•pte.t —car
of your
your comfortable home---herb+las b within
produce declarations ui
support of their .tate:uuuta wade in ac- 1 .
luted ehiiJrvn. Hts say bay
cvrdiuce with the act providing for the the prodigal's part. yet „sig.
is year leech
er still ; his ',,.very may have r. in •
splen hive threuth vice or in orovt.L•noe,
—he is your Soother atdi, although at+
ern; Oce ;Wiese n(tiidrtn iy nrty'w'
-kis pottiest, aevessbelear h. 14 pilar A M Polley
d .,f the Ise:orime t
super.-,si•a, of v,lentary ami este Judi -
oat baths, I wouldn't be levo them.
Mind jou, I dent say the it artery has
dropped away down wit of sight, as._ 1
tatter this data the partnership beret: -
foto subsibitogt between the Mail, of the
Mot part, and the Tory party of the
wound pert, has hero dtan.•ved by mu
teal c•u•ent, and the old f.autem will.
a. heretof ire, be conducted by hotb
parties, although in separate establish
teems, ae• far as outward appearance Is
rwacereed. "
And the document is subscrihel t%
by one of the contracting parties, but
1 sign manual of the other partner—
.t great Cooeervative party -is lacking.
In law, as we remarked before,
a dN.olution .d peirtn.rbhip
notice wast be subscribed to by all
partnere car the anaouscem.•ttt will not
stand. In fact, as eel! as in law, the
same principle bolds geed. The "'dhow
lotion of partnership natio*" titles Mnil
t. rot worth the paper it is written apt..,
ut:!ess the Tory party ala, subscribe. to
it : and if the Tory party withdraws from
the Mail as thoroughly as the Mail
avows to hare withdrawn from Tory -
ems, two cataveittea will happen The
Tory:party wilt be without an organ,
and the erten will 1 e without a c in-
stitu.ncy. Such • condition d slain
would be • hardship to the Conesava-
tire party. sad would he sudden death
to the feat, t-ttti we notice that Tory- is pro. en to be half-hearted and a
doss pines fox an organ, or the Mail "dodger' su the work lie wu appointed
gives ep the ¢hest, we will hold to the to Co. He writes :
At tao•eri that committee pintos that the nLti. na between the d.y Mher of 3lnche t was orwer.t heowty a short,&eat
ewe are nut at all strained - that time. but b•• stated in language that was sot
wtiwnderstood That he Mas opposed to Mr.
-Timms s are aoi what Ibex asst^.- Tbampaom beim, brought out ma eaadilate
The position of the Med reminds us si ail. c,ad 1urtber that he sea. cot in firer,
Pa't u that tate day. oI trltawt•w out temperance
f the old story told of the dermas :ma costes for either the mayoralty or reeve-
salps T. McO. can verify thew s ateaunu
ew fire on Broadway that wished to do ur Iataeviewfin. an; awe eaamber or the
oowimlttee. (1f the htrther ttoas of the
eowlallt•tee, or that there was is bra coati*
Mal. Nr, Mitchell had no `knowledge- Neuf
tatbrtaed by Mr. Thomppswo.nea, it answer to en-
quiries. a:er that arms le naa had been .t TWO
Moe et. Ogee .ad informed T. Meta. that be
A tri smiler 4.1 tee 'Until set.. rent.
'lou tn,:.uce C•'Han"u rt rep•rrt r.•rn n
.Mad111'S U.. p.yinent ot tile. foil .win*
.Intra sea. a•l.•lttrd : -
ti 1 $
:; 410
14 71
49 i3O
r following
6194. Am 97
10 70
5 00
1`l 50
t4 pit
78 00
130 Oil
:l14:13 12
4. r00 00
31)tl 4Q
1731 03
(18 97
293 46
a3 50
24:+3 33
1t)IS .'0
iii 93
110.2 62
1'2:, 00
47 53
14 00
2e4 42
4049 10
Mrs Mitchell
Rebel' Johtwt•'n
---'it:- .11rl ercare
l.wther, altho.ilis one in mi..' .t tuns, for
0,4 .'hath usa.te of . ti Multi ail itat. t.s
in a manly and cc,urage.•w 'pooh, ea- the whn:e, our Tory friends will have alle!ed in my experience, and I wait qua "[ men." A k:ndueow ,o tiro Ltoth.•r.
deavurcd tc et.tfvt the LacLbunr of the some sifting to find • man who u willing to understand I ain't a spring chicken, will n•.t bong you rite {n of coon
that the de ato•u to the I:mho:t.o
•arrrr:l.rlaeas manic.. Ftva ilat day to he **enticed merely fur the purpose and that I eluted, as the scteittst.
Mr. Mitchel: 1. to Mr. Campbell a e[ endeavoring to keep Cameron busy in would say, anterior to the last thaw. bra kawu.r sahscr,pt,nn list goer you
grudge ; amid he also ber•eme ",a West Huron duringthe orating election. , the ■unount gr:ei w relief will sur b.
+f yes, airree u • an old time Cana.itsn
puhluht'd in the drr+m,nat••ortil nr;ar.
death as an (stater, sod as til:rat as a waster, and an nue who wants to tm•
A TORY TRICK. y of the sect •i.h s:tuhy•ou a:e naiad :
clam" on behalf of temperance Ile was prove on it should betake himself to the h
ua the committee that wasted upon the The electiuca for the Canadian Home North pole_ ilii. white wan'. couutr7 vi the preacher tua ysot ti ass t .'n 's
McCarthy Act comtiwwbere, and was t•1 Commons may be expected •hurtly, ours is no place for him, But,meblre .rail. 7..11r eyes as stands in the =•u , It,
asked to speak, but he shook his head . We would not be surprised to hear the you think 1 dun t admire our ge d, Orl-
ld sail duly aeku s1st1ir. the fa of the
and remained dumb. Erin at the tees. announcement of dissolution before our fashioned Cansdun winter. I1 you bra three.. Nu . this is a este in which
pe ace meeting which chose the "sem- neat Moue. think so, you're mightily u.istekeu. aria the rat hi hand will r ,t '.u• e that the
doo•t )•ca forget it. I wait raised mirth,
aft hit. i g- eth. But year charitable
of the 49th pa ai:el, and am Cenuckact ".iii net go withu,::.wart:, alt!t ugls
mates of inaction a "swath ago, he
could ts..t be provoked to .ay how he
stood upon the question of a Sc,it Act
oounty council. Iu nut paper he has
scrupeisolls d•ttgsd the quest i -n of Lis ;
whatever- -Ve sero t1 s yea or two ago was The Montreal (Motto, Ikon. Thos.
against municipel,sstion by the temper- White's organ, has already paved the
ance pet ple. He had in a Must slavish way. The Toronto {[•.alit professes to
and contemptible fashion apa.logi.ed for take the thing seriously. It gays :—
sad championed Warden Kelly flea ourk- "The Gazette's article has manifestly
ing the expressed will of the county tin" •e-tously csnstdered, and speaks
council ou the q»pti• a of a paid polite with authority. It is undoubtedly no
to sever the last link connecting
.atietrat.- He did se in a n.anuer that the party with the 3feil, and can hardly
proved him t•• Ise a 1o,litieal sycophant fail of its purpose In no other quarter
rather thee a ceuradeou. advocate of will this by better mnderst ,d than in
Mr. Mitchell, out of his own mouth,
But before the elections come 44 the
Premier is to make a formal repudtati.w
o[ the Med. tie will make a desperate
bid for the Catholic vote. The whole
thing has been cot and dried.
sines@ on both sides of the street, and
that end rented a rent store sort..
• way from the old stand. The same
ea of goods were displayed in both wasa candidate ter deputy -reeve. This was
ble arm the ill rsdy marai•g s .loris to the callel "repudiation." Macdonaldism has
the Mad building. Matters have ranch•
ed that point where the Government are stroll, gentle and simple, list ease $
o.mpellasd to make their choice, snd year, and bruai.od aside the cobweb of
that choice u to the effei that the :poll's Aft and sect, and male jollity and good•
upp,sitiuu will be less damaging than its •
support. Events not far distant will feeling re►gn ..?ague ; I have helped to
dem,"natrate that we have reed the resp the ice crop tion the Like's clear
Gonion.'s article aright. The Mail ,.nd bosom, and have worked to put the
bflr Jehu have finally dls.oI.ed partner- gliutiui crysttl blocks in place ; 1 have
Irl'' taken interest in the ice host races, when
We warn our friends everywhere the winged bolts pasted and repassed,
against the trick. The Mad is diad tacked and veered, anti muted on run -
against the Liberal party. It opposes
Hon. E.lward Make relentlessly. It
I u vigorously supporting Sir John A.
Macdonald, and will oontiiue to advu-
cote his interests in the face of any so -
hope ••f reward carted nut :.,r charier.
I coasted down hili on bob -sits •4a Hun:au hearts affil writ forth nerds ••f
o' 1hauk-fainess a dos.aate 1,• /WN'1
befuro tubi,gsaniug became a popular
amosement ; I have skated on the glassy 1111.64
will smile epos the dors•:..+ Martie
surface of Canada's great talcs, and Sou- 'ice e►aw, Inasmuch sa y' di3 it
004' the treat of these ye del tt unto
Baled rivers, when culler skating was„
dreamt of and the ezhilirstion of
an pr' 1 hare spoken.
otic motion gave warmth to the body and
vigor to the wild, and stoves, butair
appliances and brae bands were not ne-
ora•rry to draw the crowd ; I have gazed
upon the old-time carnival, where old
and young, rich aid poor. gest sad
cors with the speed of locomotives and
the gracefulness of Venetian gondolas.
Oh, yes 1. I ve seen a heap of Cattauian
winter life, and I hope I'll never lire to
forget the enjoyment it has given se,
pe, the family [stars wen notices ■„au. tjon, but that fact aconin . laude, me from
the .loosen on both sides of the Why didn't spook out pl` a desperate tgase atgateM the 4 openly qua static l and above -board that the
Local Governtseot sit (lmt•ri . The
the see= characteristics obtain- like a swan at the ;labile meeting. and present ".fetor is *mighty hard one ".pore
in the transaction of loudness .t both gay he was not in favor cf • committee Mea and its sectarian ery was the in -
a, but so that the public would not ilei s toted or any work being "'trauma. The Tory party cannot hark
of opinion that the receipts were- done B.• use he had previously spik•
, each of the establishments had , ad his guns He is now bound hand
.played to brilliant lettering, "We Elf and foot to F. it'. Johnston and P.
no passers.. mit d A sehinflint ofer de' Kelly He dodged the committee work,
way." The Mei/ mai Tories ass,`aid this discussion has forced him to
ren up the old sign. but the interment . acknowledge his shtrktng habit.
is to pool heavier revel fts when the glee- - N- — -
teen returns mem an. Now' THAT the municipal election is
111431.1 f:sotu:a, the well-known
writer in the labor yoest.oc, has started
a journal ailed The Stawrferd, in New
York city. It will be published at the
rate rat 712 :.0 a year. and will be devoted
to the desrenrinstinr of "Levis sad
over we hope our friends who hare fur
weeks peat indelged heavily in railway
agitation will not slacken their efforts.
The railway excitement should not be
spasmodic, but shoilld be kept ap nght
along until the first sod is termed.
'ta ld
back within a single month. Macdon•
aldiom and the Vail are identical.
Tet M.mtreaI Post (Catholic) says that
the Mail's dissolution of partnership
with the Cooasrvstire party is "Tiro thin
and too late -- - _
Ora advioe.from allperts o[ the riding
warrant us in saying that Mr. Cameron's
majority in West Huron will be so sub-
stantially ineraased that the Tory party
in this ridino will feel as if a cyclone fol•
lowed by • thunder bolt had struck it.
alMeenti's strength iner.ases daily,
ir•That's the trey to bre about the bei . -. --- - —
optimal relating to the treat mnvming rs'lreeat, ng mss- t ResIorth Are,.Co,seorvative, Sys
naw beginning, for the emancipation of
Taber by restoration cf natural rights."
if Mr George cannot make such a
je,ernal a weeas, it este needless for any
whet ass in Amstiea to attempt the
Tea ges■tial d s paid ?lige maga-
irate will be elacleshad by the temper.
sees penyle of Reese in convention et
Clinton on Friday next. January 221st.
11 is to Vs hoped that Orwin tieh will be
nacre largely represented than usual.
The wens= of a day and railway fan to
Chntos is nett a tryieg este, yet it is the
meek for many who claim • deep inte-
rest in the 4,sat*er*ne neeetnm. The
cowvwtien will likely artsn:te a
or appr.isaMas itis ! 1'toafar
. c o :hit rl'teolos.
in all senou stew :—"It is generally be -
T a ?•tabesl meeting held in the hewed amongst Conservatives that the
Neil has been bought up root and breach
Township hall, Howiek. a few weeks
seg°. $eeording to the local Tory journal.
"Mr Farrow spoke one hour and dealt
wit% extravagance et the Mowat (1oe-
•renteet fa expending .money so lavishly
os employees of the Maternal est, poist-
iag to the maintenance of the Agrewl-
Ceih1ee .t Geelph at a sem in the
weigh not hood of *30,000 for the bitted t
of its stat sad foreign boys." And yet
Nr Farrow claims to be an advocate of
attriectteral iwtereets. Whet has Mr
Farrow to ry sheen the D.tninies
experimental farms to he formed on the
model of the toe .t Guelph 1 Mr
lint".".'s on speech puts him cont rel
sweet .. se .'pert On tl1rtemlttral
by the Grits, and was ,node to 'ride the
Protestant horse' to defeat the Conser-
vatives The Rte, be it remembered,
is a Tory paper, circulating largely among
the Catholics of McKillop.
Tse put fortnight has bees very sold
and stormy. An imsesa. .arose• d
fool has been weed neer end shove the
mishit alh•warie• for the toenail..
The wnsdw•anees, nay. the ertmin•lity
of the end tat, meat be apparent even In
the moss bigeaten 'Bary.. About faire
time .d earl will be seed in each arta)
stove this sister On that fuer ton. the
tO '- ran'. demands ea kr .bare ti?.
It is s sheml•, • sin, is, 1st =A
any woe who is not properly prepared tat
POOL, BILI.I4I:DS, 13.f':-4rRiuir%'.
The Toronto T+lyreet of Wednesday
•Nitatnmd the fuliuwiug -•
"An act treated by A. F Wwod, of
North Hastings, pr,hibitin,t boys tinder
sixteen from frequenting pool. billiard
or bagatelle rooms without the written
ertneent of parents ..r guardians. was
paved at the las. sessionf the local
Huese. Originally Mr Wood intended
w provide fur the corporal pur ish+oebt
of offending youths, but t::. ntaj• arty
suppressed this feature in til statute.
The bill went into effect on Jaauary,and
Mayor Howland pr:.psres to see that it
u strictly enfortxd in the city "The!
Police Commissioner• ha:e issued
,.rdrn,' ail the mayor, 'Bud
hot{,.fat that enf••rcrmrnt • ,r t1'•r law will '
lead to the closing up of many t f the
anall dens that depend for et,stence en •
the custom of hey*. The trreprietoms
are liable to a heavy bus for allowing
boys under sixteen to lrrluent their
rooms, and I am crtnedett thee she
police will tie able to res the boys hem!
I the temptation• of the pu,ol roma
I It will be seen that ba:atelle is clar-
-- ltd this brings me down to hard
pan, and •hare I want t i stand face to
face with the gentle reader. You armee
with me that we are having a reel seven
wenter, and :hat f, r s m,e time past
most of us have found it tat .mr power*
4t the utmost to withstand the inclemen-
cy of the weather- tin far. s„ g..,d.
Now, you've ■ number of neighbors
around yen, and some of them may be
well off, but there are alert • number et
poor ones. Hew do yon think the latter
are enjoying the bracing air and the tree
temperature t Have you Aloha anyshiai
to help there 1" withstand the biting
blast, or check the winter's severity 1
You haven't. Then yeti ought to ire
a•bamed of yremelf. Here you are,
with enough and to spare, and Too
rejoice with your family in a comfort=
ble dining -room, or library, heated 11,A
costly coal range or an improved for.
aye, oblivious to the raging of Rerun
witboet, or to the other (act that almen4
within earshot some shirring fellottn.
mortal is suffering from pangs of hunger
S•141 .sold. You are a Christian, 4.0, and
liner solos is heard in the asneteary
Itabhath after Sabbath. Your pew "a
not in the "far sinew corner." bet your
*Lies is with the foremost is your
.buratto Wheel • sell is asked for a large
enntribetlnn fir the promotion aI the
good e( the bleeks,n•wra rt Tiwtheeto.n,
• yoga Ministers in • ;-awl, ba: d han•l, is
ed with pool and billiards. In fact baga-
telle nears the same relation t•• billiards
1 that a reed organ deer t•' a piano, Ree.
ti. R, Turk informs it that he was not
I aware that bagatelle was 4• ,sneralty
?'aged in hotels and billiard rearm. in
the ci'.iea, else ire would have put the
practice of the game in s les i.. arab:s
light than he did cu tiund•...ening.
To the mind of laymen. !CO. oar•
selves, billiards and ttaxatel:.- are on all
(ours : hilliards, however. re;»riror
twee skill The hillier 1 n gni is • led
Once fear • loath i.. fre•;•tent. and the
introduction of a bct4ard tarote cot.. the
Young liberal eons. while it has much
to commend it, is, after sit, ..1 d..uht f,•I
pret,riety, from a accial arta plaited
The Treac.rer pre
st..ot-tnent 1.,, lyeeewt
B.. to: November
Ry taro
Aon rwiJest lauds
!tapir s Owe.
Maitland essnet.ry
i`,.bitc $ httwle
Paco .li.k:., ijn.1, 4 a
Paid eiukiee feud, par.
Bails payable
1'ublic works
etre department
Municipal Banti fcad
'• •' let crest
Public Schwas
lpecial .rants
C. C. a:prune•
Watering streets
$11455 12
The reit' r. s report for December
showed the t:.:er+reut .4 :, adults, and
for the past three years . 1,334, 88: 1385,
71, 1ti81:,iii
A creular from the clerk c f the
County of was laid on the
The felluwinq relief reports were pre•
seated ' :'3t. George's, 87.75: ret An
drew',, _;: •.-A.
Reeve Johnster: was theu meted to
the chair, mud the full•.wing resolution
to Mayor N•rtun was submitted and
carried uuanienee•Iy .
Moved by .1. rdan, seconded by M (;
Cameron, and resolved that this count
desire. to place on record i.$ ap:peecia-
non wf the valuable services you hate
given to the town. as its chief maps -
trete, and to the 'anew, c.•arictls you
hate'ed ••ver f.,r the last eve gran.
t{ti hays great pleast:rei ir: ta.t+fytug
to the inti hupsrtiahtp wish ".high you
bate prestled o err . er delihersti.-ns,
arta to• your mat to trying t.• rn.mnln
the test ihtet,et• of rile tows N'tthoat
at all reletting on your succeas,•r, we do
I em heettess to say w•a =ell rata• peer
• guidar.ce and ce•unse'. Your 1. ng ser
rices as cnuncill.•r not mayor in years
previous t . tiller nani.u, lave goon ynut
art elpenence in muntctrral matters that
is peculiarly ralaabl• jest we. when the
towa 1sta.ten,;.lattr4 Lug(' at,J e't►en
sive improvements , but whole , •.u,g
your services as chief etecutt.e Owen',
we are confident the new coma/ volt re-
ceive al! the asistance y ea can i've
them, as . citizen. rat carrying .•ut any
schenv t•• nenetit tie t• at'. We wish
o you a troy happy New Year sold a year's
( enjoyable rest from tree mere score dut-
tee of municipal wort:.
Speeches. ear•r•vwte •4 esteem u,d of
confidence it. Mate r Hurt ,n. were made
by the mover a.0 seconder stet by reeve
Jehnste,,i and c.•!!or Humber.
A suitable rep', was made to• the rear.
lateen and .?•echea by the 'never, who
that.l.e•d the council feet the amt,tanee
' thee had given him to cenductirg the
business of the town during the peal
• year
The owned f.•r loft.. then dissol..d
O3Lsrtab Tewashf;.
Tnavearl is Gees& ruby M a "Diem -
pentad H y/ egley."
Tor (1nnasrastiees in West Hnrale.
were so certain of a Tery ytcto•ry all over
the provasee that they had actually
dividetl the Mires amen; themselves in
adtsince '
The more tinily sympathy and effrr
sr* estenetal. and the most. loamy
they aro wedwmod, the more they Weals
sa.h,net Their ver, Itfw dogmas strum
• .morn..s dintspphere .1 riving
ase 1 taking. roldnw. agger.•. .nspi.
efnn, .sloe, kill them as 11.i blot; frust
kil* the feeder p!t,•'
i- -, »w r . ..."s1 :" ++ rat•'
Ott -..40e\ - .arrangements are beteg
made by the ,erdrnts in the lection orf
'hs township ,a ileo v,♦ f the
1) ang. hell, r.n the 4th r .n , t,, e.tablish
a creamery it n underatn el the near
nese. when .etsbl;el ed, wilt he conduct
led M R. R. Jamie..'. , .•f Ketgrave. it
is the i.te tioe t.• hate the Professor n'
Dairying in con,teetinrt with the Agri
cu:,caret t ,:lege tom, no .t an early
date sad deliver • lecture upon the
hem'hts t . be derived frost the ...tahltsb
in•t of • greenery Jona Hotta, the
well -Amen contactor of the 9eaf..rth
creamery. was in town hintetay lam, and
intended to attend the tweeting '4 pro
mews of the where., test eras unable tar
t • realist ovum" 6- "'If s... • of •chsds,