HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-1-7, Page 5rliE IlU IION SIGN \ '' 1 JAN. T. t ST. MEMORIAL SERVICE. An Imprtive Beene in North Street Methodist Church It sacral ememm..a tae l.ri,i•e .f nse).hea rase., Late Ltr.ale Iasperiar. Sunday to ening lent WAS'arrthly cold, and there we a shall trnd..uc . at the churches, with the utcrl,tu.0 ..t N .sell street Methodist church, where a spe- cial servrse was held in meteor of the late Stepbeu Yates, license to.urct.•r, stud a leading n,ee,h,r of that cung.e- galluu. The pulpit a.,J platform sere draped in despite black, *awl th : erten opened with -The lysed March it. Saul." The Freemasons, of *kith fraternity 11.e deceased was a member, were p.rimeot iu regalia, and occupied the fr..rtt seats aloes the middle aisle of the body uf the church. During{ the wnicr the choir sang a requiem to the air .1 the Diad March. Thew sae preached by Rev. 0. 1t. Turk, pastor .Mlle comfiest - tion. The text was I..ieh, 6t'0: - We all do facie as Itif." He he- gau with a beautiful reference t.. the four station* of the yrar. lit language as gorgeous as that of the leaves ha de scribe.l, he painted the glories ad de Listed the carted oder* of the ebi leaf. ••Tuniyht," said the preacher, "let one bring you • test (ruin the beak of nature -a faded, fallen leaf -and u 1 hold it before you 1 repeat in the len- gusge of inspiratiur, : 'We all do fade es a leaf.' Men and women aro tiding easy, fading away Herr the preach- er feelingly dwelt upon the Hight ••f time and the changes brought in its course. The neat thought was : Like the leaf, we all fade gradually. The effects uf the autumn frosts are endual, and .o, tut., gran fades away gradually. The leaves fall with • variety uf apprar- ssew. Su du we. „hen the lest falls it is to rise again Now they art torn from their 'Turks and hurled to the ground, but they make the soil richer, and in these laves the sap will rise •,tato. The leaf neter seems sit beautiful aa when the Ina: has nested upon it. ti•. is it with the Christian at hie deathbed. There is a hesuty, • glory. luverirttar..und the dd./tithed .f those who die in Christ. Man fades mei fall. only to riot again. The sicked shall rise stein, Gut it is only to be judged asd hurled back again t, eternal death. /lot, 0, the joy, the otter life, which awaits • Christian. •• Because I live, ye shall live also.- The fullesing special reference to the decease of Stephen Yates, tor many years an active and use fol member of the• Methudiat church ie Huron, was then lade : I wish to say )wt a few words -make a few personal references to our departed brother. 1 hate riot known our brother. Stephen Yates, tor many mouths, but 1 may speak from the iuforntetim 1 haw, leen able to gather. 1 will not detain you by making references to many facto about his early history. He las sixty one years of arts when death carne to him. He was burn in Euglaud, and Arne to this land when a child. He els the question of deficits the lied( n lived for upwards of forty tears in the _4tt,e,time makes a strung point. It township of tt awauosh. He had many ,rya ; "The Tory leaders and *pouters o•[ nes ae enemy re t: the 1 TMIS8 GRu. : AHAM "To hate the .i-, with ail our ninth" .end .till frac . urea I..%c." • • -. • - ... 9 NEW FALL GOODSr Eri:„ true kavas ,.wtbrr 1' atom rut •r. Fashonable t.i...a a a.,__ ,_ amenity. No nor c•. Oil Iui.k upon that lI .._ e, thin leerilr sit the c:.the without rowing that he antlered meek. But iiud did tort fo.rae.s. leer sit hie •IHicetee. lit that strum.. •, .I Jimmit qty, ewer fromall his children holt ,rue,(J.rd was s' :11 with hie. D..nug t•I�j1 c last two. uses I.. X•* J.In polo, ; he .Upend 1x11. wally ; yet Gud was with lou. As 1 sa"I bet ne, he error trued t...1.. los .Lily# Wes ell! WA et. ❑ i. ..h t.. , . 1.1. !Ma at sirs iu the poeiti•on he 1.11e1 1 ley*. r+•1 pre* that 1,.141 14111 ..1,'• 1, h.. 1..u11y in the s tore Let a' .15 Tl:r pr,:Acio.: . 1... *,..l 1.:•well unser especially t .... Fre, 10.11.401.1.1, th.ukei loon. i.. Cue uaveid the frtlhtis of the .1 e..•.1 f••r t!te,r ki• 13t•4t and ayineethy. Il. a!oltt$ its the f attuning words : -1 say to .b Isere, one thing is :ertsul : 1t -pays to aerve God and .lo neht in this world. It pays in tit.: re- spect slid greet. we If"t frau out tsietnls ; and b., and by it will pay bet- ter t40. all the ulan'lits of earth, for we will her iu Ches.'s %seed, grand tunes --those tone, wht.:.a will beef:der and thrill us -•'\\'ell dune, go«..l Asd faithful wireant, et.trr t!rits int.. the joy of the Lord." lll.y we all Meet still our bother, at, I with the Instal and the .rest in Ute land that is fairer titan day. _ oOMMUNJCATIONS. :1•+_•ism•-!liana t.,r o ail laNcw lo..a. j.r wtw.... 1 o-...,,. 1/. - • NEW *3T seeps . seg i '. 'a.�yt�w rags steer ',aali new. UNDER GEO. ACNES: ...re she will bre Yi.._ t.. •.e i. ,. ' . t •° a•l:11.5..•, art a• V. .1 • A CORDIAL INVITATION 12 I'`::'':".: DTC ALL. Cosier,, b. u'.7 .,. .. NOW FOR Li_ mss ass. '1i - %v,/r amiiat, I4e..... : ..ti .iry.• .+.i l4 'il:' Ti]fih1R!t'tt. lirdiVw•svavAT The Genuine Bell O:ga.n, The M1,?c»+ Fischer, Eva: s Pianos. !' •o,. t'. or:!!- t.at,dk a the veil beat ls.t- is ,cot.. L1':r • • • • ... :. ::;e GEN( 1 N k th * arc by :..: tie oa roe writimm i e PK(W. r 1. , 841' - V......,. Ft .s. r. M'itce..,boats °mass; crap At' nsua. 5 . -1 ✓-t, ".: u• cpeon::•, r • . THE CHEAPEST HOUSIIT IN QANADA. S....rick. r. Q.,tstencil. W., do set I QM eeres:Ta rewponaible for tats\ uptuioa* ui w.a ..emvun.tentr. t'un'rfkie 10711 to tris A�yet11te•1 tauet •-unttoe them selves to maw 41east' •. ane be brief. her Madtes ei. To the Edi ors .f the Signa:. DRAM Sin - The young ladies t.f our town would lie very thankful to tee :meltable Y,de's presentee oftener. 011 the north side of the. s lucre, between the louts .4 seism and 11111e uc1•.ek. We think .our town has a 't to a high lass, when respectable young ladies are not allowed to pass between Colborne and Detlor's t'• rner without (wing insulted or a lot of young Llackttuards. Hopisg that ettt.table Y4ie XIII 1•e.k sharply (her this,and make an exatunie .4 a few .f them. Yours truly. t CMS'S. to Open Imes. tses. To Ile. Dr Sexton. t;ta,.-You admit that the earth was hefure the sun, m•n,ta and stars were tuade, and that it brsattht forth crass, herbs and twos bearing fruit before the toe s.rn was created. Now, what sea tainted th- earth in its place such a long rteri'el of time, or what did the earth rev•tve ar..'rn.i before the sun was 1 Peter, iii :r, 'Fur this they willingly ire ignorant of, that by the word of ro4 the hcarens were of old, and the wall standing out of the waters and in •he w,ters." Peter kueu what he was 'alkinst about. t►ltvul•t•e. friends wherever he heed. About nine- teen Team ago he came to t'.oJerich. About ten years lieu he was appointed license inspector for this ndiav, which othce he very efficiently filled, with a slight intern:iasion, up to the time of his death. Let me say a few words about our brother Yates as a man Frnn what 1 have heard et hu n, in his horn.- _ be wall x111 that could be desired -*flee tiosate, Lind and faithful. In the church hie experience was not clays .of the bnshtest. Ls ell his life he seemed to haee been affected by a c•.ustllan...saI Thr Homr ..reef !t 1.•„d •t.; '• •t, f r melancholy ; it sse,tsed as if the music uF bre lits had neer* art 1 December is tone of the !inert r:umhere to a minor key. He was a good and true friend. He might not have beers very demnnatrattre, yet he ever pr prod • true friend. Hu was cont et ted when shout 18 years .4 age. All the ugh his life he took an acne part in church work. He was s class leader, then as exhorter, and finally a local preacher. In those early days local pr••wchers were a necessity, and in many places they are still needed. fir.ther fates did good work, hard work, for the church as a local preacher. His dear wife informed rr.e that he often drove 15,20 or 25 nines, and we know that his services were well appreciated. I have often thought that he made • mistake in rot mitering the lull ministry, end from Uinta dropped from him i believe he tften felt so, toe. He was always acceptable at a 'oral preacher. He could always take old truths and make them interesting,by presenting them in a new way. I are said he was not :one .4 the most cheerful type of Christians. Well, it wax hts na- ture, his temperament. 1 will never forget the last testimony he mad.' in this church before he went t.. Now York. He seemed anxious to speak a. the pryer meeting that evenintr, yet he waited nn til nesse the last, He felt as if he had not enjoyed religion as had been his privilege, and ha was anxious to have snore of that joy. He told us boor he we. going away in confidence in t.00.l Iter departed brother had a w Icrful G nerve. When he made ep rats mind to de a thing. he would go right on in con Memel. He felt the kindness of those who had centrihsted toward heti 'entre He said to me : "1 will read over tin / list after the operations, 111 am all., a:'•t wdf onnsider every 041nr that of a friend to me." There tau a warns op-, in rata "a heart for ail his ft lends, and for as man- kind, iso that matter. i tiara bees44:3 ! that out in his hese. in Wa-rss 0h t" took • keen interest in publics affairs. 1,ts wit an active member °I the temperance' etterety, and a magic/rata. He was a• ways reading to the cause o1 t••Tnpetanc/. :11 N He was at one time reeve of Wadi roes!. •f rd)1 As a politician he was pvenflnncwd. Me that. ties• ( the 111•',+• h. d to his view- warmly, and none wail i„o, s•► . think any the I. a of him for that. Let n1Ie-� 1i eh think of the good that was in him, and eppreetate his efforts for the grad of EN,•y • sseiver. ffiess As took the impetigo,. ----- ship 1 Sisk h. did his work witin et felts or favor. Iia one a 1i1 cap 11.1 Reeihset Yates was afraid of man or d• v a. Be did his dety faithfully. Het I while he did kis defy, he never parse- 1 Wiwi • He ioved ..ew throes who ems VII Weide He hated that trmllie, let 1.1 a heart ter those euge5ed ha it. Si eget aid to ale in eesv'rsetins : have ceased to call Sir Richer.. Cart- wright a master of deficits. Sir Rich- ard is nowhere compared with the urea ent Adwinitration. They have a .left cit df it5,tifkli,5:r4. Sir Prichard Cart - %right's deficits sick into iusi.oiticance when tr•oipared with those which Sir Leonard Tilley ran away from, and with which Mr McLelan finds it insp•ossible to vrsyple. - -. of that popular educati .nal magazine yet so.u•'t Hew the pub 'shirrs can ,fiord to ;,r.. t w hand/ionic a mnathly for fel :.0 a year is 4 mu•vel. it is print ed in Toronto. thedertr tassel. (it.•pnned by Tclerhone from Ilsrbal Stills.5 IioutrooR. Jr..ar tet? Wheat. IFall) V beirle . t0 72 ate t0 75 W Ideas. Med winter) to bteue .. . 0 00 4 0 W Wheat.':+pringf to bush . ... .. 0 75 ,e 0 75 1Vh,•at, (.004. 5 t' hush . 0 el .e 0 tilt vluur..falb»rwt. 1 10 vs 1 to Fldar. i,oieeds Y cwt .........2 15 • 2 15 I.'rnMama.Flour. ng Gaa. iwt c.... n 05 w Y 13 Elmer. tpateat, per. cwt 0 00 ..r o r0 0/ate. Y bash ........ 0 19 fe 5 °,1 Pelt' . tt hush 0 to R 0 50 Barley. i boob . 0 15 re 0 50 Potatoes, le bosh 0 :t:. ,e n M 11a) . 11tea ..... •7 in oat !t .r0 ttntter. Yh,0 it e 016 heelssokeEflt hassle 0 16 .e 0 11 I' crop!, .... _ 0 10 ye 0 52 '3hnrt.. P cwt .................. rl a1 is 0 116 nnlreef' oS:51 0Rt om.sea",'(w•` \oat ,breen,t.s•, p stet 0 M" 0 PO Hider 511•• 61, sioNyukisa.. 0» " 050 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE FERRY'S SEEDS O. M. F[RRY • CO. 111-1 1!'• art ed..n ted t.. for the MUST (111051[5 r ,a. r•.. ,r 0. M FLIRT t CO'S re........ s.. - wt ♦ r.s..a 0 MOM For IMF FRS II role M r1 a sus.. .'crews wittiest er- Mama aosesollsteown ral..00r a.•, PUN w Ptoo. araa•.M.ta a•e le• Arose. a a II. M. W irides.. Oise. 1873 GRIP! • ANAnA'a ,:d1S1_' JOt'ILSIaL ?587 U. S. MAiL STEAM:QS et ill. L1::IC% a•41'1Mts' L't.::H \t.t% ti..atV d 'ANCHOR LINE AMNOUMLESEIIT fel TME CCWIC G Hl I' is sew to tel: Lamem0 a. to rege:re very little of either der. -.pima u: praise. It is The Oats Carte.* raper le comae*. end ,t is furnldted at about ONE HALETHIS PItICB of .itailar ;uure.als in U.o Jetted 3ta:ce. GRiP'S CARTOONS. in &d•ll:ion to being strictly ir..part,al when the) refer to polities, are alwa)..aa the aide of pat nm i,wi and inenaity. The late improvrtwat, are ua,ver•..1v ad - wired. 3'1 r journal he er:terged to 16 lucre.. and it is pnul.d upon heart toned .u•I wall- anleaderr,l paper- lista gores bots, the kn- sraviwr. aad L.. Istter-sten a i.w,••ittiti sppear•noe. And. astwit sliding this ere Mgr meat lid Inspiaveruent, the pews, u! N)y 0? • year ; sleet c.pte.. $ feats. the p:.t. it cumin-m.1e.:., t,ca b of u !.,.,r-t•Wt,: *amt.. GRIP'S PUTFORM : o.,; 1'. ...h.p; T: ,sell .c ... .elle• , fti 114 not be without 'his favor -rte ('aratc- ian cartoon taper. Its price Flamm it wenn.. ire reach of all Addrevs t h - Crew Messes aha PwblNk• hseCa. .6 and 20 Front Street West. Toro -- to. Net .ubeeribers. sending $2, wtil receive the paper she balance of 1,Aa. and to 3155 Il.• es -umber. MK. Atli; Itoneertng. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. An sol•scribersto Gltll'. new or old, are entitled to a ropy of the mauni0trnt ut4o- eiaph "colv.rivarlvcLarn[tea.-or the t rn- panwn platy "LrnalAL Lttau[tu." Shortly (0 ne publi.beel. us garment of 7. cents for post - GLASGOW AID 101433NCERRT. Naw.Ycik. 'iota'. •. - . - -' -• • • r 5a:..' (%H1Net, eat and t."7'- • 1 ' ,-`'. fl'o'w ! tern&.• out turd ur prep..... r)+e. Anc1r•r Liu, f)rs"s, fren.l st bear ' it:. are paid 1t,. of • as u, b n*uis•.:• n. -o Ian 1 at..: I.••,l..t.i. Fur Bunks of T•••t:..'1 :t: r oche -:'.:v: ,n* ion, apply to II •. i r :ice. \ 1111-•Tllaft-t ' .. or A. Dh'i:-ser]. 1'.n' r a• J' - Gu�er,. h Non 17, l'•.. • _ . . THE WA TZ L1 50 Candle Power. Yo 65).'. )7o f`i•'mnei, -masse. No oder. 1I.•at ..round the 0.1 tel._ "us:Lively Nun-Lxph..ivc. r sec:)' Lomt, (luamn't•'. wade in all .tyle. -Table. Bracket. reenact- '0 eenact- 'v l'hand.•licrw, 1.tt.rar, ace . are. PP.ICE - S5-00 add upwards. Wanner C & White Machines Pianos and Organs, «::rum the ::,vee ee!ebra of ta.akere - eb•ap for 17a.:h. GEO. W. THOMSON. Are:•r Rer,denc•'-1'iret (louse East of P.w.•th. PLaing 31.1 :t0 rot 1886NESV FALL &GODS..1886 i gust the public with tie venae s, a ::�:: that 1 have op.n.•1 v at a •':,v:at _1 m,: tu.c..• , NEW ANL Ns\ 'SKN1.MAI, 11 .' l7RB and t.ar.ti Valnatm. I...drrt. A. Inc read -sitesidhentils experweee in .nrrT•no, sr r I.e le iso a position 1. etch r..,. .nth seidakin alt rre- .••Nrt: ' to Film. 51 vleft a t •:"1)11 .t1y1•010■Ni+dOH • t, • "mew. 'ssor.rf Sr ¥LISM SPS COOP,s1 'Suitable for .l•nninn sod Early tit':rater Inc move* Textile Fabr:os are se tarleu to:. wa� a tl..t ,:w. r the rt.•'t fa,thi'rna sea•, Is• SUITIt:'D. PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS, itlack ant, Colored. P::a n and Striped flashes and Y't:•:en. Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Meta:, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. Gloves Fly a :ceie�: T Full ranee. and at pr:.e.: nnprer dented ie. 11.r ..: amigo( the Hosiery and tact r Trn ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE RHINO WELL ASSORTED. An-sn,u.ually large stock of l'anad:an end I'..tx.::ed KNITTING YARNS-BestMakss. KEY NvTi Goods gold or, their merits. no mlarer • e•'- r :at tow made. and strict:; our price Gaderieh. Sept. Eh. luuiR. .A.wZTi�TRO 7 2Ja:- -,e'er tend Daher -lash P U GK DTThDLOF, FAST-1.1.__41ZiZI _TAII-/DE - GOODSI LL Ie flys 5, the time of the peer when l.rcp!e are pre-par:me for Fall and W inter wrarll. r, 1 h' -g •v • :,:i ter 1110101u3 of the p abii,• to my -tu.k of TWEEDS 1.1W COA i I1 GB, • 01en''1.r:-•• tt.• Ise•;: s::•1 P.•••7 1''atte:ns and ''ha.ic, th'• rnarl.e: a" - -- CaII and See the New Goods. a r ew.ember the (Loden,h. Yrp.. 1.6. Iter' ce-Ave.: ere ret, next door to 5.5.5. cf Montreal:4s Travelling $utbe. 411 •N11 T111:NK sabre Re ret. Milted Milted. O•.dere-Y l f.v. i i 00 won 1 11:15 p.st I t! pe. Stratttwel i Ar. I asoa.m 1 ):Ilta.al 7ID H.1./. *teed. sr.. P.as gas We have revel pleasure to informing onr Meal) sad the public trnerally. that user Fall . to.► is as vaaiplete. In all the Ih.part,o.st. our ,co"d' well 1 fouwl of thy tiese•l design. ..:ret t.*1 •,t.atu)• ,11110“11 4NOM, IATI:tl(14a, M %%TIL t'LOTttM. We art .toot lag large ranges in French. ti.•nnaa and Kn�[flora Goode is the acne►t eek••., We hat.• a line of lire.. Mellor.. that will astonish you, at 121 eta. Conte and get ...me of them before they are all sold. Newest things in Trimmings to swatch dress. goods. TWEKDS, Wolts'rEDA .t ND C.rATAN(1:5. a ••,1, 1.414 a:.w.r'n,rnt. aro! at i.rt r, loot. r ..... , ...r. Are our Saito to order at olx.:;. FANCY GOO DB Fam y Wool shawls. Fascinators. 1uu o'Sltanter Hate. Pune Pout cepa and floods. Busier) and Glut.•.. Mimes and lather Mittens, taiitcther with a ewutdct.•i assortment of small wares. 1 dist-oust of Ire ;••'real. will be allowed on all 'ash purchasesof /1r) Good* uf nuc dollar aid user. t Colborne Bros., GODERICH. FALL AND WINTE$ MILLINERY. MS. C. H. CIRVIN 11,,t, w ,nuuul..e that her tto.k of Fall and Winter \: ilis..r' is u..,x complete, and . mprises 1!t•• VERY LATEST STYLES 1, ATS. BONNETS,&c A Lepra am- Varied Stock o. PLUSH TRIMMINGS, .1.1 shades and fatter, -. Feathers, Flours, 0r11311101118, 1bb011s, &C. I, Large Variety. Always on hand • Largs and 's%'4 Assorted Stock of S`lePLEAflD FdecYDRY GOODS A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. XC ,nbcr :be Place. Hamilt.r street. Two Doors Below the Colborne )foul, Godericb. iIF YOU WANT ft, YC1' WANT IP YO1; WANT BARGAINS 'AL1. AT THF - ri) g V 1%1 (40441 gHntk Zn 101 wN N oJ ``f A N u iesim t1fe11•111•1. !W R. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, • Wholesale and Rela.; Dealer in Toronto Cash Store SHELF'.'AND . HEAVY HARDWARE THE FALL STOCK Ts NOW pOMPLIIETTIC_ p all ■ser .1.e.ted to .scan and ^ .r.,ne the quality .'d cneeNth yfaeseabrr the Mand - THE TORONTO t'APH STOOK. P_ O'RWid..E.e, Maz�.ager_ Sederieli. hem 110th MIL 111111-110 Subscribes TheSignal PAINT$, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH.