HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-1-7, Page 2• • 2 • r ' r ht► was right i. suppwe " el "444%"444% 1 A RIDE llL 10 AR,R1Z0tf • "Yes,- amid Josh ; What did you think r IIs JOU DOwa iu to we aD thi/.g except that .• had we were 1" "Well, he did out know exact) It was to, dark when we came Qavalry Brrrget► say thing Impreneionn. peek mules with us W• might be smugglers tar something weirs." Thi, _ ___ he sand was a very quiet much, and Tr,a■ mad we*lr s serener, t enders linear, or very seldom, salted by star 1e ■ rr♦l,a■ swear rse arb••t soldiers. Having satisfied himself ma to a,amssis• who we were, he sown took himself uff, to tall the rest tf the ranch. He soon returned with others who brought souse eight or two bays with thew, There November Nth, 1886. We wen lest in Ilse chaparral, Well, we must keep, moving. tin un we went, I( doting to luck. The sun was mount - of the mules got hese. 1 caught ham, I p higher and higher, and we could till and was just tying him up t.. the brush •by the heat that p was gain. t1. be - (mace when Maine one said quite close to fiance wr. After amen on sum, die- use, "May l tet through here, please r tunes we met • Rreas4t on •Puny, who iefurmed us that the road we were oar 1 $Tr...=..I arelegI. led to the Rancho Concho, sod That the east nod to the right would bring us to the Ltluro sighs. This bast we decided •o take. After an innumerable numher ••f windings u11 tur t,, in which the path seemed to double on itself. we ..merged on a good road on the t op of r hill, this we knew must nae the '•csmrno real" .-main road From where we stood we had • magnificent .iew. ltpfore as lay a beautiful valley, theel.th which :he river wound it* way. Just ov)e the lull, that nee abruptly on the other side 4 the river, we could sew THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. 7.1 8S7. Imd$ .•a Toa...... All ctvtltaed sountrims are cursed with to amok indirect tazatiuu ---a gigantic fraud, luveuted to keep wit o! sight the eapelas.veoem and eaelemoew of rxt.ttwg 1lovernrmenta. The man of property Or the worker. tamed indirectly, through datum ow this of th.t, never gees what his burdew any uut to, although the wale worker feels that 11 takes all he n earn to support htus.M and family. lie does wet know what hurts him. He tolerates a multitude .,f politivaara,office they stood wslchiug, our every wove- holders, and Bother useless burdens lie - cause he does not know what the oral omit, as if we were a circus curiosity, or y sraaethaDl of that laud, .lust then one blm.Canada, equally with the states, ehunld agitate for direct taxation, as the mans of calling >tenerrl atteuti.•n to the frauds and burdens of what is called "Government,- and inducing extensive changes and reform. What does this It war a a wnan's roam, and such Yrn•d ••Gorernmeut" .lo for ua r \1 hat better English. ^Certainly" said Nick, who elf are the people ..f any country for st nerd oboe to her. He olearod a path having • ' (i•nrnunuut" i It ',ever for thew between the horses, and two pr ,t•• "geed tunes," nor uuures women passed, down the. Pith to+ ijIO against "hard times.' When not au river. As thea came back I could see uvergurged and ..Irrl:y 'a it is a de the one carrying the 011e .jar of water, •,tractive tiger. Sim are never ser suuc was a Mtt icon girl, this other, who like devils As when they hare routed of was Letter dressed, must la an Ameri- Government. and its civil and ['tlttery ran. The anon soetne►d to be urging machines. And the filet step to wetting the boys to s:...ak ) ntliah II'e G.und rid of it is to make every dollar of one or two of them could steak a few property, and .every individual worker words. They told us they hada oligo,! sees Red feel what the gigantic (reu.i here, and costs them. ter 114.M Ton Fa. A aim/. Akio indirect taxation ie a cumin:. device nhininv domes, and white walls • ( what 11 teach them, and that the yours girl to keep Its robberies out of sight, It just •seen, was her daughter. blued* the people to the enormity art seemed to he a large town. This must toe we had Kier. We sl»aly abiabeuded that to. We were aurDrised to rind any American. their wrongs and burdens. It keeps wards the ranch Lenon, where we halted to rest, and to make inquiries. 1'lne natives seemed very kuid and frieuoIly. They gave us water to drink in • gourd. This water they had made very cool, by banging it in au "elle'' I fodder /cont stalks) Ger • ur horses, and living to this out of the way place. thein running after false issues that Presently one of the boys ptosed for- remedy nothing. Direct taxation is a ward and handed me r platter full •d broad and comprehensive issue, that sausages with the madams compli leads directly to reforms. Under personal meats. ( line of the men offered us seine c.nditi.ms government is the boos thief, boos tyrant and the curse of all nations. Compel the people to see and feel what it is through direct taxation. W hen you talk to the politicians about this they will say • 4 Ih," the people would not stand it. They would rebel, and vigorously tow, against the extrava- gance and waste which snakes high /lar, in the shade They also offered us in every way tried to napless on us "mescal," the c..mmun leverage of the that we were more than welcome. I country, I ascertained frim !hem that went up to thank the school .ntstreas for it was only six miles from here hack to her presents, and return the platter She Roma by the shortest road. 4 hole Sit was living in the best house in the miles, and it was near noon. Well we ranch. it was built of atene, and had a had loot mucin time, and must now try concrete floor. It war small but neat to make it up. S•, we atarteol off on m and home. like. We found her a most taxes necessary. L'ut whet stronger !.rider path that lel t•. Salaninia, the retiuel, gentle, woman. whose husband argument can we have hr direct next ranche of importance up the river. had leen killed twelve yearn ago. on taxation than this same claim that we h I 1 later l awl down this boarder, while doing Inc duty as have to steal the taxes from the people ur pat es up cep rocks 's a i u ,h tow into deep arroyos. and once over tare tip river guard. She told us she had not in order to get moult pp y our seen or spoken to an American for two wasteful liuvernmeuta of a hill, from which we twu l see the river apresd_unt aLHu.t_like a lake, with -----fereijii•4ela*iIi•in-itarentrS .. Y OLD CANTLE month., exempt her daughter, who had Taz the people directly. Let them on a iuit. They mere siring in paytbatirtaxea monthly to their tnwn- a day or two to Corpus to anitiff•Chltial treasurer, and we shall have the moat lightly taxed country is TIM *line!, ‘41 -*Ti the world within a very short time. in sal decay. the empty walks of which were used as • *beep corral by the her- der, whoa. family were huddled togeth- er 11 the only inhabitable Isom of what were perhaps hu ancestral halls. Thea we passed r collection of mud hula be Anmeri,an, at least in etlucation, perched m the midi of avenin( arroyo. The teachers who are working to im- crlleoi "Cow !Banco' (white hourrj prove these natives deserve every praise th• ugh there WAS nut a white house and encouragement. Mrs. M. told us among them. When we struck Sal that the people here are very quiet and enema, • oilers rot p ethsps • dozen 1 welt dist'"", and extremely anaiuus houses atauduiil near the river, although ; that their children shall receive an it was late In the day, we only *turned 14) wstur, then pushed on again English education, After a most enjoy- able evening spent in conversation with c(. AN TO MAKE (AMU", State is excellent even in tine The present system of tazstir in this n M wild border. Wherever there are enough simply legalized "sealing. hildten to warrant it a school is estah• --- c relied ao that the next g,muratiuu will I these ladies, Nick and I returned to sixty four mile. (ran Ringgold, on the . camp, where all HAS still save F.,ley's third day lei woe went. Here and I challenge as we appnoched. C. C.a *even triad. there could he seen the Msngney ur' Mescal plant, century plant •, struggling' "I tried all the doctors in this i-,calit y for nen existence •m g the rocks, where Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is recommend- for laver and kidney trouhle, which i ed physicians of great eminence, on had for year,; with no benefit. Four nothing ease, .Iva the sane brush and cactus world grow, it was now near both ides ..f the Atlantic, a the asst ' buttln of Burdock Blood Bitters cured sunset, when, deeeerding a hill, we reliable remedy for colds, coughs, and ; one,'- says Lemuel Allan. Lislie, t lot. h heft a.wd. esslvsr. Prom the fearer Tribeae. lady Mande lfjddie, the lend., Is* ih..- .a.gh F:rylb.h wuuah4 It 40 lode. 1..•••• . •'•• dost. and all outdoor exercise* hhe i.... '. .ttaer,ra tau years ago. chiefly for the ...le . the Hun. I.yuljd. (1g,1,.e, to when n In .a• , eta » warmly •tterie d, and al.. to ,7i et of t . 0.11418 love ofad•euture •hist. et iuh,-rete o:. het nature. She arrived in (;reeky a oils 1.44. guard unexpectedly to her brother, ado. not lore that she ant Itwaain at the Motel u (lree:ey, r his eabta w.a entirely tats ottani :.r her w live iu. Nothing daunted, how ever, Lady Ogilvie note gut to the ranch ,a1. tliss rile ut ru•tt mud . ur-pyrrteed lore K`iier i waatl h1. .ether I.r.nutive t,r oak( ser natural c.r.p.gr, •1 aaa 414",i1h.1,•.- +wuwhat dos -owes trod at tiding r,erylk' '. di such • tie • ,tat.' awl moon retired too a dr. ;rr+dr feet ,wtude the door to "think It now u her own way. She wan a little gray 11,., morning, but sow regalmed hes uitur.I sport. .tihe err settled that else 1a tAfter aa little tum :he Howl. Lyulpb fltidvis built a new hos. r. •n1 Iluues went more pleasantly. Lydd 'Kande saw to e*erythiwe to the swa!! bee., uokf per...malty, and has often been seen rip dog an oil chum teacup and rttgaat+g polities al •.atedly in a d,.a ue,.on on F.ngli•h 4e .:.une tour, by %loch .t will Ise seen that .1w :s .it once learned and domestic. chest* Tose own tr.ew-41••••• P,ocurrwirtr mouthed glass gars. To fill ,wrr quart bottles take two large perfect head. .1 tsawliWwer, divide thew into .•tn.11 leo !lately piracy, so as to leave • little .4 1144 :.+wall unbroken o, eseh one. (hie .Inert d .cumlwr. I...t o4er two inch..rdr in len'gthu n. kneel email green pepperI arl .p garb'• clover. are tiny arta', 1or11K r. f....A.A., .l .111 a pint of nasturtiums may t,. tole for gut, as Yt$l fancy. tttteY b ...en tyfwlr Lwin in briar, Co' rrahnls tie 'arise IN onwns and It.sting then. 111 salt irate. .y theneel,rs, Neat morning trot •It W ether and let thent dram for two hears m • ,.la,wier. if they are tau ...lt W the tart.•, illi a tittle hot water o,er them wtule still is he colander. Next put thein u, a torreer.n11 •.-ttlr over the tire, sprinkling thr_`,u�1rl. them, tb.o hones of turrnrroc. two want t*W4 r;.00i, ohs d cayenne pepper and a quoit... .1 a pound of .4 F.l.gl,.h mustard, mixed ',,.sots. with* teacup of b.nl11 water that ha- d .n aloe -eel to grow hukewarm. Add moth ...ant eider 'itrrgar to cover well, and .acus' .1.4,1 the vegetables are tender, watel.iug au• a 1, null from nor tot.n,. A llul« ,u;at to. y ..,...,d, i...t the ,mneme d has now. Health is impossible when the blood u Iimpure, thick, and sluggish, or wkeu it is thin and inrroverished. Such conch- tons give tow r e roils, pimples, head i aches. neuralgia, and tither disorders. I Ayer's Sats•palilla snakes the blood pure, rich, an.l vitalizing. - Tom Acrefnnt is the apptopriate name of a Kay Wester whose feet are *littera inches l')ng and six and a half inches wide. s- e rel. Ptw*i the Arkansan' 7Mevhr, Backwoods Scram.: Teacher (to boy. - Iron far 1 ave you gone. Bey -Ain't never Yana eery fur, 'bout tel utiles from Iwds,, 1 reeks. . Teacher --I ureas how far haw Tun sr:vshm d iu our book? 11..y -Oyer ter tl.is hen jjppictur. Teacher -Why, that's where the Erst lemon begins. YoucaretdoRetn' an ,,„,. THE CHEAPEST. &,y - Ken .poll dig an olmm, but sins eo " great shakes 1.n bird as tnesfty. 'I'ea,•her-You little rascal, you must tee 1887_ The First Sign 1 7. a Q.r:y Mixt, Of f..ilIna health, whether ►n 46w force of \,�ht sweats and ".rrieusae,», or iu • s. u.e of (iraeral Weeriw='1 mud Lusa of Ate •titr,.lhottid suggest" Jr ueeof -1 er'. Sar.r:arilla. This preparation la must eff:•,•!ita for giving tone meet strength to fliw enfeebled system, promotiu„ the digiot ion anti s-.iuiiL.iIon of toter, n•»ter- ing the nervutla turves to their uurival eoilltion, mal for purifying. estif*killg• and .Italisiug the blood. Failing Health. Tel years aro my' health began to fall. wa. Iruubl..1 with a dtstrrsdutt l'ougb, Night ".r.n., N'ra►u.•••, ail Ncrruw- ..... 1 tried various n•tuethe• pt'r.a•rtbrtl Ly differ•ut ploy ieente. btu ►'illi isomer SO wenA 111:11 1could not t'„ up ort stopping to rests fly friends Iw•om- reowl'•1 tom to try Aier's alar• rtalia$t wlik•h I did.:eel I am uuw' as ,lltlltams. won.: a. eter. - Mrs. E. L. Ak•iaudria, I leave u•r1 Aver's Sarsaparilla. In my fawily, for eleredula, and know. it It le taken feithfulh. dint it will thoroughly trade -ate thie terrible disease. 1 base else t.rett'riI,, d it as a toile, a. well man alter. more, and mint say that 1 Iloir•.11y believe It to toe Ike. Ir•.1 hlaosl tu.diente et. r etmput d. W. F. Fbwk•r. L. 14. ` • M. 11., 4. reru. ilk, Trutt. Dyspepsia Cured. 1t would leo irnlso•..ible for nu' t de. scrit.e what 1 ..utfen.l from ludig.•.tlon and Ilriulnrhe up to the time 1 Imran taking Ayer'. Snr.apartlla. 1 ea+ wa.1er the care of various phc.kian, wad trier) a great many knele of medicine", kart never obtained an.re than temporary re: lief. After taking Ayrr'. Sar•apmrills for a •tart time, my b. -attache disappeared. 1LLCSTItATE!i. H•rprrs M.trar ew.bia,s the timers' 1h. e..' ore and dos I ..M 1441 dlustrw,twin the Ieu'.t /banner mud tin- Mo.! essvtwd •. .s11.,a. 1,4 50/11'.140. 1«r/n., e,. dl r..mt• aro t•.• tie.$ sfrtteell, awl its 1 uwur..y, „Ihr arttahas etM�aorstiive tart �lwttw+kre u aortalmak .i• bsarhett. tamaaer eta•„ wake 111 tail -maw s�tbbkk b. rxery boo Its brain 11111 11si- kw•t•alea rad pmltrrw•••hren OSP111•neers ,,, •plr ladle+ to pave many 1 •mew the rues •( etc rlpdwn. by bring Bich' ews arlwsgmk liana m her as adsmilted lar its es4i. . rte' awsid.0 1' dor usual ►aatldietw Imre, that 11A1:"::R'S PFRIODICA[.8,, eon %LAM: jt.'. {l'1,1:'"4 t:AZ'.lt.... ......., v.. ' II .% lt'-t \t' F'F 1 I. t:Altl'F.II'•" Flt %SW{l.lk I'AUR • I(A k f (lee Year *I1� H t1t1'Fi-Irt HANI,I' 11k1t�� ♦ 1 .. .,...,. Tsar w1:1 w r\. f'osletg. fear to all serber.rdere Mike Mad ed Maus. mrd (ureal. The ,.tww.a et t br Item, h1gM with tbe Mot Naomi). r toe .1 ,r.uary of earn year. Wheal nud use a I•.snf,.•or•t .nbrr'1"•ae. *1111 be, gin with (L. ,,warn.. 1 r urrrul at taw: of re es he so ur.+, r. .haatt ",.1usu.•»r.f Harper's Harm. 'Of o.-ur. Iwo 1. •1 RAW clod binding, a dl he ur 1•, .,lain. portawr Imo*, or to r4p#t-*•, Iter o •tense IVnovide.. 11 a hriitn1 d..r• not exceed si eels r *ulnar, for 1: led ter vulne..' l'leth 1'450 for cat 5, Y.,.1.ti.r• auusbde ter b tut1415. w .14 he • ..I by ill. postpaid. upas . rim of ft nv rarb Itemitt:In, r• •i.oeld hr nark b, IN*, (Mee /loser dor. ,•r Itratt. to r. cid etre a of tome. �'rrwp•,ptw ors rot le r•u,,yrke• •deer*.• Meat er,r4ue/ lar ,.epees• order rtf HAlteant U.snurue. Adder... Il.tttl•Ell f; BltoTHRhn Viva TKk, 1 1887. . and toy stomach performed ata dart s mon I j% ll111llf11's eld.lass. llu I have been greatly benefited by the prompt wee of Ayer's 'at..•p»rilla. It :cadent and iuvWWorater the arstrm, rrgultlea the action art tlo ,I* '.1i. r apd a,,.hn►tlattse organ", and vitalizes the blood. It hie without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier vet diseoverrl. -- i1. 1►. Juh•seD. ins Atlantic sir.. Bruuklyn, N. Y. Ayers Sarsaparilla, 14vq•vM by Dr. J. C. Ayer R Ce-. Lowell, Iles . Pates •1I al be. , T-1-4-E-13ES- that way. Ly:d your father ever hear yon, u.lk that way! 're tiny- Nu use•', talk n that war Ir(o rb.d. !: r 1.' a abet. F:( er I«,.. wua ter fling dad 1.., o i.Ir. t hear li.w'f hit the ground. Noy -Nome. New Fruits, her Then I'm clad that flier's some [l l e 4ti Nuts, I.,nn dart rrl"at I �f New Teas, ' AN ILLI' 9'RATED WEEKLY. Harper's Young .People has lora called "t1.1 mod.l of what • perk dical for volute r•ae'."rs ought to be." and the jnNiee of this es nn,,,•ndrrion i. simply sustained by for large sir obotie.n tl i.as attained at house and :u 4Srat lantern. This •ued.re* him been leached 1; mrtuor!a that mu.1 eotaw•n,t thratsrl, . s to the 1 udsr••lrnt art tercets, no ler,. than to 1b, ta•1e.. of, hold ran namely, by • ,.n earnest mini w. 11 sustained r,rtuf to pn, % ale alae heat end n.m". at tract is r reading for y •wag penult at low pro.••. The 111.:Nrwtioes i are iepluwa and of a conspi newly toad etan- -dried of ratrlleuee. An c?itowlr art eteryt I,ng that a at tract iv. end d,r.uable o : ) u, reale literature, -- bestow A -metier toast of gond thrums to the hors 'aid girls in ver, family ahi, b it vwb. Irrnokiwa ("Mos. It is wonderful in its wealth of picture's, its. , formation. and Interest. 1 M est tow AJrewlte, N.Y. TERMS : Postage Prepaid, "2 ie Pee Year. yet. "111. commestrs November 2, Urs, T. a sur RSeMera, 1f you sutra from headache back ache, teliowueaa or Iuwors of the blood, NEw gimps try Butdock Blind Bitters. It n a guaranteed cure for all irregularities of blood, ::ver mud kidneys. :.' t rare ear Dere. and I'rs.4U,Irq. I. ,aa Is, Lewin .Ur.tironi kc'v,- Ur. A. A. Lul..d writes is a k,-•.•• '.t1 andel that. ha%...g tried petite.- 1:111110lli •,.0*emote in tape 1 d stay nese.came upon A wire tendo, sunt R sethe road f" we asked acre another, "or without it. ,wd l•i.•us: fl ....... ganate of pr»:ah, Tri COME AND fl E THF: all pulmonary dtwrders. It afford•1 rod fn at -M es, he Yea* arr..ed at the ie.:. a..: j prompt relied. `o fen:Jy dv;uld lie tier rine*, strainer. t OF ALL KINDS. ban to dispute our prozress. ''i. this rtxr:l is Nr-egrew Fire Cents eatitraestianre, .houjd he madeby]coney a order or lordt.tn avoid r\'eve,;,•• • err nnt to ropy 1Aih ,de 'f. . t weal r.lgoer tad prow• eel. r of Haw mit t letomirm,.4ddrrea HARPF:R t HROTHISItQ, New Terk 1886-7 CHRISTMI� ----------tt 1 F'.1'' G I FTS 1 air M. C. Cameron, M. P. having) ,Le *herd frequently chdnged a. coir• been accused by Sir John �laedonah! .f I ilulrn or hyRn.rt>,,ic ana,n•wor.l rpwk.•o, Flirt we ►,»t oar: way again f' ream ( Finest C I e Ct I o [1 let w be m.n•ing. If iiruegibigktanot reach g the Hutt soon we willhave o make a Thr (anaAfan NethodirtMagaxlJwsterl,isana-grctIIsar'a3agera1urwaengin+si'tt1Having left Une bar* •mil.hrhinJ, weEuunuprr puml.rr.7metaMexican,whndectewtake'fha twenty-fifth vulumc .d tots ponpu- too meethim Ecce b,fat's, when, he de-1ler 'tuxvdr.fIhr first read tothe lt, wch- he old larMag•ziwe upoela with a brmlluut num-eta►'"•. he can make go•.d nvery chargelwould lean us totheriserThis weThe numerous cuts accumpoanying he lips preferred. Nr Cameron forcibly turnuiyinto i2juutsunsankLucy ltraaaey's `'in the 'fade., theh�Mh�tinaYarhamtheinhiirrJohm1}Tmptcs, and the Il..oribg Fortire,"which �Pi* the west, and fur %w umenU lityhhhYth'Prerencn iuAcari►,that theums did highest style of the engravers set. The IP!rhe traiella re.vt,L.:;slowly the ce1*aatynawaStt..the leader of the (;ocanuuent had all_ dr cam "said . o owe went. r•Y R abed a letter of challenging the Yremier d 1 ft in darkness SI ►wly we per• itor begins a series entitled l /ur . .^th3tmallt at e+lr ti �� ' t aa,, 3tiaMM. ils.,aerfletlree Makin false statements regarding the "n1,44'un.4 .na or two greea to en mite's .4nrforan.management of Indian affairs, has publi•coos,firr�t a,d,� ,r•e„. Y1 •pet,,.;oti,.n ails as •lwasettll u1 Irma •f tt• : , - 0- r.•e. ,fi t i. ul in. •erofir1 degree. At all •-.eras, t e p'-'- - „Alt:1na:e •es,n rapidly re:.toes-, .. r•••.,.d blisters at.e! 1'•"n, aeon rare'.• ••• anti•.it w hen b1:,vers reh.a n �nti.c•. dl, .rat•41 .e car..+ i• stip ..Ile t' ' 1a weaker we t'•c, 'telt a •1, , • s• 1. ..-,•nut rare • gue tall June, and that though • +''v'•',. Two p,re•s torrIlan Country," which promises10 be of that time to refute them, he did not great i►iatri.ttic interest, ella I• the ad nurnmert he ablished • •r.. leaihdlaapgeinrlto the tired men and horses to stretch ,emtdy 1nr hu.t-L,te no the horizones if it as ':n ire. Thep • • THE (►LD V TEI .tN4: I��SAUI�DER9 f3; sON. upenrdOutIr.4rnl.rich. 1 tC. ,ge NAiR'N, •t arg;,r Than Ever CHEAPER THAN EVER an a u* o r*eded towards the west. The two u. roe breast t•. r',e f 1 we had to go from the main road se stetted t d rod n•hs d t h fully '1 even attempt n u ss is t to , -• 'u •etw.rn t a. s, 1 • 'g 000 COPIE P the c ed paper un hu recent trip , Ste- after l p 1 •. pamphlet Shed with lain,; statements, "l :.rAtnel of the Iaerwsnlral.:•t•-i, 1 out into six. ER wEEik EVERIBODY IS WELCOME FiNE SHOWROOMS the comment. Dr, T. roomers Ste- I W u 11' •I I1. ru.1* Lagan to peel Swum . it n1at moa Daily amt vt eel i) 1 re. bled extracts from p b'i • r! cv•nents AYTONIAII PIO THE :+ATI ver, phenr.n, late delegate from the British ger ex vac .. i o p 'ILII"" rk.ew dei.. A,,,, Prem. *mild the Canadian conference, also begins!and falsified reports cnncelTming Indian t • •,unity eof the f:i,+ ,..:.::. ( -_ --_ - - As we filed i Ito the rancho Kamer:mi• an illustrated series "At the Antipodes,' lames. Furthermore, Sir John went deaMed r cavi te; ef, t :. 6 -ST FILLY IIEHfplifa IR 11kA0A SPECIAL DI • t ! e although he was r l erg. n1 (such I heard war it. name 1 c•euld "•e, describing hie observations in Australia, I into Mr Cameron's riding and assatled 4a•:ultt r week. ^ 1.=T,nLI•111'-1.11- YEAR, w 1 rode ahead of the mules. nue "1 Ow 'I'aenuitua, etc. "The Preacher's him. inInc • »enc , grtrrwuwrwt :w asp 1 inhabitants heathy enter hu how, and Daughter," a story of York-ehire Method- afraid to face him an Parliament, l;on• wen �•*p« y I can recommend Hae amp's Yellow tut 1rt•vvrasr• 1 li d T another1 h M A E Ba h strongly ndenne these facts Mr Cameron chat- y close the our. 1)4,11 anti •1 ; ism, y r. Barr, w rise s reng ' 1)i) ve highly It dural toe of emu- s would peer at us from the shade of written ",Ian Vedder's Wife' attracted : lenges Sir John to meet him before the : .. Y I elect. f H t t' d h r Dun rDatrsun in my fingers when 1 could not red my hone forward, and leaning et er, ' the General Superintendents of the t Old Chestnut will pt -k up the gauntlet lethal nee in all sinful complaints. TI F fen • crowd of his own chcosinoo, to • rounding glomi. Ile was so frightened ' Also a brief amide on "First P,inaples 1 winch he can say anything that Putty I: 1 t roam. • will, and dunk •wR Droving exir such attention, ins with a chapter of ora u Huron a ro enc 1. • perated at this strange conduct, 14 spur- 11'6.00,11)4 inter begird Dr- Carman, one of i galloon. It is hardly likely the (:rind I Ibend A medicine G1l'lank, St and hrry, K I N l; OF WEEK 1, i k: 1 grasped O.I. fellow by the arm, lust a1 Metkrrdist church, ha• a vigorous articleI That isn't his way 01 fighting He pre. e} ! Anew Ma 'le•erIslIl). he was about to escape into the aur- ,tri "The Sunday `khted as a Centre ! I ewwld pet uut1irut nut of hittt..Dilalpt. that the rover was just ahead of tee, be- low the t•illaae. We scrambled down • steep rock path that led down to the raver bank, and here, nn a level 'put, some few feet above the water, we pro- ceeded to make camp While we were . She. Haw, lir.. (sank'&. gilt h to without fear r f c,ntradiection 3 At't! Vis.° gttdai tfttstt p' t t4Ett* i , " a i-- • LO�l 11 l! N. . croneartille entitled "Why 1 am a `tt•t i tie i.r'rt 7tf a ciieifnul�iii'ii�"" ' , moo, anal lid• W104 11400,4,401.0 and d,felioteit i Methodist," will attract must interest. I Muotten! Post,. • r. nei r..«a..ar at •:vitt ..f :ter. T'.*' night 1The Agricultural Department .5 o ,dare, •' Dr Iturwash write, on a subject with) • taayr"1sart:.•.tly for thew. ifareof 11,e r«•w. %mere or the ''Free Prras" being el* .,* tit Tlmia1i*tore. ,•ear►. FLis•aunt. who. wua patting fru+t• to tMttans.Mid (wadMt.dbypmesa care, which hr is favari et The Science of 1 fixedly skiable la Faris Work. LJucatiot., A variety of New Tears 11 you do not value your health, and ed, r1B;rel.d haw that he load we •,.ked tlr- ame i• ridr in (.,•ria bledanl, ow lin mother. F,,.m, tar fled.'. ree Press =-K , kelt door to the fust -ole:.. deg.:lac Mg, • courrs TO SCH9�!1S AMD CHURCHES. Cheapest norms l i IER THE SUN readings and poems enhance the season- , your t r 1 w th snyt* thin p our faith tri the "annulntin it or '(I4l. ed, 1 didn't; " anti d,rwn cul went oil !:i- ' busy msktng a fire,leeding mod glomming able intermit of this numt.er. The let 1 y g ..,t-.n,afrain. "Ardl nnw,l) Y'tn4,"h.•prty..I our tired horse., and preparing • meal year has great)]J Increased the circuli- the mortar from "Knock t Itipet,- But -Vs.. nemein . Make her A .h..) maniac, Lit onrm,.ye•, the in:. on began to dispel 1l of this 3iagazmr, its fine an- If you do value health, awl have not era make 1 mindflaxen-- lint Nie 1.aby'sg.c it little "f the ebony derkness that en nounc.•ment for 1'187 should lead to a time to wrote ill %melee+ experiments, 1,i 11.1114 1." >` NI. Imo./ Desert. ! f the first I • U th •ultra! the• ramp anon we first took toes still greater increase, •.'1441'• is the tome I take Ur 11. V. Pierce's "(:elle* Medical "o res en r t we were recover n e a .ry rant .• , t - toss: g.. 1 1 ,til 1 n• ane the to subscribe ) al.:romance Richard Rowe, of Hartley, ,... °twain ,••f i,ete«ut t+ro nru,h fences, on WILLIAM fiRI(1GS, I sympt•ems of c.nsumptirm ; which are a was afflicted for four years wl,h dys Twu etprurnced doctors the other •1.,. ,, ..• inn t! 1 f whloh r111 star 1'uhhsher, Toronto. loss of appetite *nil flesh, tl'euergl deh111- ident, with corn, oni••na, eabhagc, rte tr, sli:hdot. , hacking cough, etc Peg" treated him. (letting discouraged. These gardens ware douhtir.as placed Trrfsreal I•.amfsul•r, e•1111edy, Every day you defer treating your case he terse! Burd ck Blood Bitters. He here si as to be easily soil fr••g,n•ntly Nervillne the latest discovered peen in A rational manner. males :ha drseaee!lutes that tie.) nintles cured hung He watered, without whtoth they would n..1 1 rreardy. grow We old wu,u.•r.4 whf the Met, ( r - do..,.sided. that will Al poet♦Lly antit near, Medical y ever, uvea safely challenge the world harder to c amhal. Send ten cent• in 11• now doing hoary; e•ork and as well as •tam n to W'orld's cans were so afraid . f ria, tout could m't t.n.nipiiv check ,,.tiA,mn•t,ry setunt. 4se'•,•is'i',n, Beff.tl •. N. Y. for Dr t find wry sat,.f..ctnrt' mos w. r. Wr .t.s.d The L%i(hlq prnetrmtr,,r prgertw cell Pierre • Teethe". reale". en ;-niaumvr ite . A rnuy wig Mwww•t. tnoun .n•i nus mane i too r u u.g watching with the Leon tote *eat of 11•111 Caere of rheumatism, neuralgia, cramps, A "1""111 "14 ntf,l.t in e•* Harrn - the +.,•.•.t eaeasien d the anniversary of d, waitnig (ear Inas cuff •r t1. f. .Il end N t t I I in all Proms 14. Pia/ Alar: Nee:rife. • r men. for we . 1 eaten nil hang sauce wrsgh* only a p•.nnd end a half, Her •,,.:weeroit of the Sultan toth. throne Censer t the hack and gide, headache. q y pants m e early mornin2)eserq movemtmt of lumhat eft• it pn,awesars n.arkwd nelght is thn'een Inches, her wrist t„radateromondoaltewed hie loyalty byeffer- est* .'dodo stimulating and counter winged .roper(Mann-rlyhth• •,t Inch In clrcumicrenoe, „r Ili• \fap.ty • n.aRrofwwnt 6.14111,4 d tie., snd at o1 ce subdues all In anima- ih ter, action. ()emend & Welsh, drag got*, l'e'fetb•.rn', •tit.: ' Our nwatoow ere 'peek well of N-•rril,ne " Nerve tn. may S. tested at the "mall sure of ten •entit. as you bey * ean.ple h.'ttlr4 fur ,1 R F.ithf.l, of iitrnnd, Ont„ says ,reed the monster Isemitet in the ,,.I..e to as he bent over the fire. Wr• dol nod have to wait lona, ani were ..on dein* justice to his shill While thus busily engaged we were t i.ited by a (ill, dark 1lbttiean of uncertain aro, •h•. took off his wide eombrer • as he appr.•sehel us. He wore a very abort Mack jacket with silver buttons, a red wish around his waist held up • pair of tight fitting, bream pants encased in fancy, patent loather toop,oed, high heeled Motets. was undoubtedly his holiday snit. pet on for the swearers• "Homo* Boehm," paid he bowing ....itely ''(),..A •von kit the back of her heed mru.rre, enc inch ; • .,•!y four rat in height and two and shelf aerosol. 'toil her foot is one inch awl one • • mr undrrene•. The stnlnnn r•prrwteNed Her v,+d,1 rally;rally;.t u ...noon tree •ormnsnted a cremes* imb- ibed ismer hang • •std t.. he bre; class. _ -1,Frenchitwd with ti Ili.e . manes Sultan aens in FonandAT.,er in Tartish. re11*M Il.. Sultan erste greatly toadied by this *ig♦ is**,n.ou, and eaneegt Ude •,glt men that rim at any (Ire's( •(.err i.•re• tont hr ■u errs from o ar, it1 1 u ey 11.r Mrata'..-___,f t a derprately rewarded 'ilw e.wwnrn m of n tile• Yu rents. Tr. N••r.iuue the Sold great non cord by iicaywrd's Yellow (ld. » 1.nupadt aor,{ tow - rea whole internal end este. oil psi'• cure rherh medaunr as • •poecSe taw all pain, .seek, and sues, no d•sd.t, a ironer& of art, +N 1 g far into the- •in& ellen the marvel. by alt dnptgat. 4441 con•,trr 4 r. res,1111 complaints. toad, err daily put Wow. the era rd; •h•, • •w1o.n tsihtw in tie show windows Hare ,•••u rv'r trawl Mc(:rp.,,r A A Rosw.rral eovgae. ..• «fol irwi•wa e• (anrh.hc (.reefs for serve of any The larzest organ, and one that play - _ I' I• to • uml dount Ihr very hest a contndhne part .ta the health .1 the Peeing is believing. Road the tok intro" we enlimget Josh \gslt.o. 441.1 69 Pr.*.e#' o nu ')'r matke•t for healing 1 h dy is the lover. If torpid or inertly* monists in the flee and pamphlet en Dr A d sod ears Sores, Burns, Bums, Cots, Is, whole eastern beams. Dr I Barren's Kidney Cote, then buy a bottle 1'nnpl.a. Rhetchsa, and le eh. out, prop- 1 Chase's Liv.t Ciro is made 'orientally avid relieve rotation of all thaw distreen- rr method i( spplying O•rbrlie Aced. for Liver and lidloey driers., and et ung pans. Ynwr nea=red cast te�ll I1.�11 S .14 .r fl Rhyne•' drag *tore for tae enaranteed too erre. R.eeeipe bolt and all shoot it. Bold bail WYibpldoisri0h per boa (1) ' ttleoicin• Sl. So:d by J. Wihtlia. 1 _m or►ER Sb SIM TUN Weak? ha nee sitting on. Br•ililll himself, be serweaed w all fora few manna eta, thee tarwiag to *altos, herbed ha Mezidan ALL THE NEWS I]' FLTLL- ey Telegraph, Telephone. }fail and o rare portiere ...Ili to t tie hent of I.ubnest on. epeeist M»- ke t Report mune. AR ietli1 nn, 1" ,»rtamt &•rein by 1►r, Ta:norige, t'ap.e.., !,•,,.• always runnin►r. tniteMon• Plater ( mon. Hnnwr•e:s heading. Pre.' *1 llh.'tratinns of Men and 'fl .1. • At from time to time. tzj f.'z7 z NEN 03 r = •J/nn.i.,.- V a7 V • JUST THE THINi FOR TNI FAMILY 1-m Y-rer7 n'.i'mbe? of for household eagerly lor4 , !1 ,, for it eat h wee -k. I 11111111 LARGE W-�*. PAPER 414 :13 :::: 0 In Chas. of Nor seined r' -..r .., ",r. rad h, h': $12.000 In Prole- Thr must titrrral (t ; +iL W Prole- inda,rn,rnts ever 1` Ns r etlrred In /'a to pareira getting n' Clubs ter the ssklr Free' Prem. $end • fess 'es, of.. oweP.emiwia 1.lal. mid nen• Mr' H s a aser4444{rwtsillflq A�ai AtfIRts:.: APIT P... 4. ('e\':re irrer en applirat.un. Altadreel . (t, v Montt rtlii* PNS%TI*C f w., fy'( 4 = 1/,Y1Rea,t'A.Ab n CORD WOOD. d 0 x dI a`3 by I.•r1Di lbs:r.wrl.r. at Catil • Termer wiahlalr good rued wood at tMlnw 1st rat., ran herr IN! .44 I:n•mp ,s 11 GEO. OLDS STORE Our ages* *111 roll at the mbar Awlly for Asn nn bawl. a lot at /dose wand .* *Meet wane ...finer,. et,•. All the • se tie hou,fbt at else will or deb, reed. r haver desires. 1'estnlxwsr 4•anse- IIYIBR BIECHLEB, rails Reserve 31111•, Jigs !CUM lleMs .4 0 ef . .