HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-1-7, Page 1�1 lig r- t lMTlETH YP AR. t It N U M MI: it MIL • �o C NEWS s.. HEAAL INTELLIGENCE CE lic �I. is Yf.r►Rt1 .tl+hthDo GODEh.lCll. ONT., FRIDAY, JAN. 7, 18b7. y Rick," the entir.. council was scoops I. T RPER AN Cl'a TALK. HURON' WAti 1{•101. t'L.4 4.iJOUk\.IL1.•J1. I WHAT'S UPh1 TII E HURON to tG 1 a H`,r curies, bear the 4CA., last week line , f the ethameterutice :.f the ante ! Is puWisi.- erect 1'rl.ta! Norsit. ort M y' A 'ter;( duos in the mat• i+ this ,mmeuse xt'ua'th of class journal. AN res w milling stud, and some of ' _ _ ,__ .r ..n •.f the Roman tftu.toVOOr States.. at !helm Odic*.r, ,t. .Ire to lel 1 (lOD6KICH. ONTARIO, ,.., ..t .he PwvitwiAl elm:mous by surds- ism. Nearly e.ery tutereet Iiia now its Things Thot Are Iial.pen iAle n.,t rite defeat of the Tury party to the special orxan. All the trades and pro- 1 Around Us. /j[IDAY -J Tw {)la'f I fwt.•.i$ see repr,r*s - CNt1u 1 ' m porrttslea aMrlNw• "um ale Ja!■ 1 f thecouncil gut their wall• D ` a 1.814 one ILA( party, and Cites :u an tis- the puoiicattuna devoted to special in-fj {pec tT,lti'tt$i.+- 1"` ) termite, soca as the scientific, agncultu- llrierd,eaw•v r sore.• big ticket. .let Iron, leather, I The fall of the old council is attributed to the far: that new 1.511ot buttes were Hon. Oliver Mownts on ee.dleaely purchased 11 the old c••until, forotnueut of the Scott sect w that a card could be worked at the howl elections. There was nes neeesst Teo weir of L.reveo•ss Ltrs toms tee tWrial..e .""' .••ret 1 11/.." ilio' ty for doing •o, and the extravagant sato. eau s ••a• lose Mr teed aw- wr 1♦ulrlpl warren, members te CUUUC aelaf,tra4H.a. - 1' l Patt..tn's little dts - ,._ rr.nsike wee.• roust!; tiler . Iatee Remoter. HON. KLR'AL'D 11L.1KY.. tee.. Berea 1e for taouser+• t IY. C. CAMERON, Q t% "Toa Decile It...... _ h{u.1 11 • Th. Twat Riding of Harm foruat•.ed . rel law, C .mtnerelal, c list this clectiun busineo. ArA\. Mme,, by I. t, race Jl.w&t. hooter N . •-,tu.tily strong Proof Uf our statement, haeuttere or Glamis journals, are ex- _Heights : help them either. •h t •aoslg. of aiulLJ:••i.. *titch ►set eee.itugly proeneroua. One of the new- sppcan to be coming on fast and turf- of tlutwc•. \\u mould Ike' out rraden twel t...• fate l47 ••i . viejuriIv for Mr eat cl..►s journata u of a eeeuliar wet. tro. We just got through the Legit la- Mss ()lltwIM'+ sulci.'1 wajority in East 1 t.. carefully c .urih•: the "^ mire* H ev+. th a !into gewnt Ititl 0114 ytalwrt It kis flu ativedisetuenta, for its readers tiro center, and haJ of y um.. to rot ty An error of iU inHullett's work : - de out lived t>, ays1: t!teteSe vee a the ballot Loxes when the monist Ther. it the shone wftich 'tom !Wan P.rh.pa a :jute !edit sail kasttery cos. •lienal bargains.'• It has uu subecrip• vulia2 took place, std no• the .agoras of luwvrer, we are of opuuon 1,: I E al k lose.' us place the ma- aiwer shout the rotors lists didn't The f.1 Huron is 41' id;uses last josity at 513. hat 341.01 through with taker. try the Dutaint,ih li,.Ytribu tet tit ' .- tett-w:th Sttltill•.l• tuwnahil,'a sots• •r the seldwttun of the Stir, woe:4 out sort THE I)Uilf 11CIu SOW T'1(+:�; t i test of place, The township politi- Aa "ole iso p/e.s cute loss brto�0a11 is steely evet.ly diride.l, keeling MN* NYt to au almost immediate mol tnanage t., w.my erten•..•.• to pada ; -it has s lt,.tited hat of pat �oss : it u for specie!, not for tenets), leireelati,.u. It, eel:tor:al Tull never metered that tb. Uwu,roa ••1+.•tU . ..rdsu>lnly Witless L0 votes ether war. writes strut "the fr.eduw of • the ell likely be heti the first we••k is The 'Shoot test of the political strength pre The escluuge list u small, but February. The .•16.-ta1 siito tsnotmw,t I of the t• wnshls was made in the elec- It o eLoe•ditt:tly west. Toe Pa' that .4 106:1, wheat Mr ►icJ1116n was parr is a prison journal, sud the read- bd,+,ere ha • b ore as well a* the editor, aro *,evict*. has not yet huhu mals, .... i her parhau•tttary honk n y :III"' rat•• I old rr "3• Mr Shannon, who had been an 1 Somme; -p little doubt tet the secousey • t hq ingot. Let the l:.3!orniara. of W. -t i prewotattve u't M.Ktitup at the county prevail in its a.lutura. The mentor u y Huron close up their souks Rtr1 welts i cher .ed t.umrd. Ou that eecasion, nut- ccontr veru! is Hite rtphet In nJdurance. pen - tor CU! Blake and Ca..lenit. • TI+•i Th lite t TO diss,Iutiuu ..( Nue D•.muuton Parliament. a majority. All along 1 hare taken the view that Sir John wuul4u"t face another session of the present House, and although I have been t' ,h -p. rile.! h31' both Grits and Tories, tin goint to hang to my proR- nt..tia.tom until the election comes off. The cloud that f• rewarns w tet the p .li•ical storm is as large as a man's hand. but when that hand is the hated of Sir John Macdonald, it will be easily \ E cuueratulate t alts M. Dick, of the Kniaardune 1:. porter, opus his els t- ttun it Centre !true.. He come. uuf of the contest str,n�er sad with tore friends than ever before. His inductee kms silent for the (uterot d original poetry l had better p arc ken tut that Mr SJauu„ti eras an Tea London .wire-rtaa. r My. miry p intedly : -"Now, mark this, as a teat of is ;wit sat . whether or no the pretended intlepea• eh ,1 old an.l Ir.p•.i:.r '°�ea►4.. tet of the town- tttsu.t+ip is of a rn..st cteditaale Cherie- stern that it can easily henry onward this I duce et the Toronto Moil u not a sham, ailed uh oMale. ter. This Novel west is called the E. Ty, ptdutcat the cud is not of :sir I; C.1S4nA •^�VPc1r t?• c '.T, the Scott A.I, a D•u,reu ht um Actt. When beY en- forced. rho potpie +.lost ht, It Y forced. (A1ptauer). It n'••r the l.aw- 11 pro to,eray its every tou.,t y oh, 14,4 they i ilial! have the Cr•aa.ks Act or the Scutt . Act, ea.d if the Soot Act is introduced u, t enterced rsrryoody knows that laud dimes are tory ,soca w•.•nee than they mould be under the I.ta use .ysfew. I'rae- Uraliy tort adu;,ta.i, of the 1e..tt Ast, rte -re ht hate not been enforced, has bees' that all restrict.uln upon white light<.r have hero rrnn.c, d, tial there lir,. rno e rritu,anoua as to the place ehete, pt•tu.ns by whom,- !:laud is to Iia Sold. 'flys is the ca..e where ti e.Aet is cot en- forced tit , end (•.reel soil the 1 agitation. and it is nut in a if wtnaiut: tight. T..r:•• w iron w Wr M Mali to time Islam. . n remarked ria Central Prtw as I ren a receive a terrible blue' et tl.: ae'at 1 juga Mitsuo wsj• y ei 7 teat klo and is F•uL.tsked in the C -la liun•n, John -the 11 Prottuus to l�ht tme'Sir (iib• Tt,rnut••. A nuwber of the tlrgest and elites, the S,unrr the elactiow ere wlutiun of rho D••muhium Howe wi;l ail• wt l aims til, r tint iatiatatiun u[ the dt.- ,plvctk.n. d p l they tom_nal I uterM tower. 1 most., the sooner the elections aro Lrouxht on the quicker will Toryism receive iia +parte* in Heron ,1 te crime, and imserr. ural( immure t' are .test coi.dl ctrl pries+ to .tinCriC* brought . e the err 1 that sheet." DOM �•I •k KLbtTWif TTHEDf)3 •• moi p tel* from the tubo sud SU -We ki hila t-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gr.ry ltdic..tiaS PAM. tO M e.rty ( hares shitty saiJ, !)Lel; iitt' waa count tetters s f --p++ n•ra shoat e.11ma- Jartdetiee d the Do,uu.iun Psrliauseut i rd u( at belie; pretty everill divided liar. is improved bit remain.; end writing F kik i t-- the prtwu paper. Fr on a ,Hailes at intim Ministers are sow oro the tray 1 h 1: t recently wows Ube j�larattroa Prot ta.xs on starring touts, ind these efforts to influence pular upiui tte wow,' taut be restated to, did the Goternweut cuteud to b.. d back the elections. Thera is &mother reason that portends early dtas•lution, and that u that friends of Mitiatcrs are g rapidly shelved an (juveruaeet Ohs, at fair salaries, lest in waiting billets, jeopsrly would be ire should tae paella deliver es of r vote adverse to the t iiiaiatty. Aa third reason -y au sleetlea ahuu:J be I'"'sed ► the shou:3en of :los. E. Hays !greater than star tether one thing cuts _ acc•mrpit.k •I temp t t...eluTWel. We f,.'r bI C. ' Tota Mwe stet,. •.t the het. 1 nate kuru doing out brat to euft ice d - Cameron. M. 1'., and Dr blecduuaW, 1 liut it is u.,t our Act. f' tinct rent et that was done on Dec. 28th for Hon A. ,,.ter con.titutt.•nal ter fetal duty to en- force it any rutty than it is the duty of I eorhtary i county. All my Toy neighbors admit 1 kl• ;Rosaand at Gibson, would give a � any tetthprrsnee organization to dew Thus E Hoye was a Tory casdldt4te [ter s ,nwe should er of the paperflat a is no earthly use v. oppose Came-' Ref.rnt majority ..f 189 in West Hurn, ' but it is our moral duty to enferoe it. laetislatwti humor+, and it is Hort ad- • us, we should think the issue of a .'t1_ its East Hurter. Dr William Applause It a our moral and relig- tuuted the sol Mr P. Kvll�;. of by prisoners for prisutters, under the iron in West Hur..n ; it is also conceded i and t! men. H will h t !luta duty to e: i ace :t. !Repewed ap t s supervuiue of the authunties, u f. r the that Lr )tlacdunald is gotug to "snow ; P plisse Alnt. y• p on iy a Blyth, fla;tui debauc..e. • w Jure h !tassel! Holmes moi oto u . e is he dut • of every gerrymander the county again. hudiridwl to help to enforces it. (Ail ship eirt orate. t •u the '27th of Feb toil tiK Huron , -- ! planes. % And our nasi duty to sr.f .tee rusty, L8. . it yeas that a utajop, 1 t 1 LET'.s se.: won't it • get,tletusn the Act n ail the greater %hen AP - which had the gest bI4ts a giros s utajurj ty o: 7 in tarot of $.korai, had it ins I ► P named, ,lac dotaid, whose handle a Ttts Lulue:os trots se t no rot Lt T7. d Sar John, who claimed at Hamilton some i.;pplauso) I brow.' Mid time and al;ein 147 for al prey and us S. Hay • are e P 1 b *tutelage that be had just returned from , that there w r.ot a aingic cause in the 1'he Lioersi press of the only did not Pr,as.� 1-� to sepsis puMtcatton uu sr British North American Act which re&boot Cot abnormal result. he, - the in ,Dunte?%hereleaaaof ata t°a ler[ editor, business to Huron. They hold • meet j Huron county where he had killed-.:uires us i. eatttres tt. Rhe ruforce the abuse airy class or crest. r bring z i N e .hilt bee stewed rn bear of too tosses- I our es- In hoderifsh, soil the town •xraror • ;t11 : ! Matc.,lw Colin Cameron h,htical:y : ! cnmiosl Iso- 'Cbere, •rhe obs . rat.nary put tloa yid to wOlaoehe rat stain aon•ryt`I Me ; _tante_. het we true our edhtotuot friend We think it was, Lit trim the Cameron 'auris end ct a.hio•ry, bit wLsa an ct t ;impose ., to bis ole oast- they field another, nieetuv_ A. Dungan- that esnnuc os eufurcea by cur te of extending hi* (vane nun. and Ash tied an 1 the Was -an -shell boom in \Gest Huron we can assure Sir is passed greatly increased previous Reform ma- John et of that Malcolm Colin Cain- ' •ordinary wacf.►[.i s sail rr_uires special mact,hnrry for les we tkteo. there is on jorities ; they also held a meeting at Isom is the liveliest corpse in Canada to ; ubhtstiut2 to be f•,ucd upon the port ..f Wingham, anti that carat while Tory town I day. West Huron Cameron is neither ;the Prot iatts to moms the reaPonsibh • went (frit, while Turuberry • tncreaaed � dead tiny sleeping, and our Tory friends (t) There are rho Excise and Custard Laws which the Demotion passed and which and which have been in operation ratins 1 We are nor called upon to thein. Nu answer has beer. made to that. N••bony bas f. uad, since I riad° res j the statement. • single word to the Brit iso North America Act wbtch rwl•tirea the euforcett.ect of the mw by the Pr.. O 1 rimers. if it to still said that there a s o = 1lest reep•twbiluy cu the part cl the e S ' _`o, i Pr,yiuce to xarOltelt TitE LOMIKI):1 :.alts. b•tteri tf the class interested. The tt:,r seems to he a man of a cei,s,•iera- amount of culture, andnot a i t e or. We append the following pat- h as a sample of his style .- ec ourenntentporar7• Tar Pr mow under' Mr neutron Farrow is t and it is generally accepted that John McMillan will have a , walkover in' South Huron's Grit "hive." You, see that starling trip of Sir John an hie colleagues a short time sine.. chi the ..;, . , -. tar imsuediately is b•oaua. it a eon- Kelly -and trusted to r dwy of reckon • - Kilultonal .b.t< owing to the recent ing. The day came. 4'n the 28th d TM vete to List tiara. • ;m•ut of the franc:d u, an appeal December, 1386, ~leas» Gibson amt. be, made to tb• loeu:.•c bei .rel Hays again recoil the vlecton at the ! i -,The following seethe complete return fsr *.er session of Parke:net t. But 1x,11, and cld McKtticp w-: eI the stain I of' opatittietiutiality h.. not always gttern- d 1btL front at eseutc!,e.•n, by taking ed the actions of Sir Jubu, and j were it its normal place atrosast the toiruahtps, sat • the otter orite .Ccs ..1 dissolution with a Reform majority of 2S - not 1ti0 M • we Pare .11.4.1, we would be has beta.rrw:e..M:v stated by the :oar No. $ this ridging, as otrrt ti d to by the rw ,la lteforcn majority ; and Morn from - hary already iwouvered that fact. til ' being a stalwart Tory tee',ship went Liberal. Some .4 the Huron Tories who 1M reM le Weis Nrew. X • nicer Gibson. asea.aio 46 52 to beliete that expediency ir. the psngrapl.. ge.•tel McKillop is t Ito, 3 .\ 41 ictate to tilt Premier a sluitted'.�y the 0-LIe t•,rrahip to Nest I -- :icy. In the peered cant, I Huron in whic!t the Roseau Catholic I Maturity teem (3ibialp-1.-• he has nothing to seta be dsss*ot of file electorate promos to say ott�t.. • Liberal party tI day by i perc•ptittle 'Vest, yet! the ntks tooth; . [.ew friends and gatat.g ships - - the P:,teetmr t towns- lista. ti . pfe the ..4-.;• .w•-.ld tyke t•. use that „ 103 teed -Pare ovally eat are it their et n- . . 4 34 �.. .r 69 mit• of the imbecile :reed crusade ,3 Pio. - t of the Mau:, -the S•er and the :ort /4., 7 74 Hoo Edward Bake has do- 1 tarry The str•..0 t!raaif• town• , ___ gth. and another seylon of would only furnish atom to with which to 'slew u', Govsrnmeot. "During cite t.r power as a leader of ; shit of I#t,sick was no mat nilly espooent tet Labral thootfht ef� cted in the natter o f its vote, as fon : Paterson, Charlton, . between 1183 and 13d.: ; Turnberry r, Davies and otheta, have raised it. Preform trajerity of LB11.• from presence felt in any l.arta 160 to 100: Grey from 144 to 21er. Bair . 11To :t No.4 ,y2 40 Hays. .•,.t worahippd Sir John al 0 demigod when , hie following are the .utiles! hgu I he was at a distance, head upon close for this Ktdang : -- acquaintance that he more nearly re - 1 sembled a deu.i John - that as. they 1 found that the idol they bad worshipped Iwas only clay, and mighty ordinary clay at that ---end they renounced their puliti- -}-sal idolatry and joined the true faith et 1H I Iib. reliant. That is how the "cruise tet Ys ' the Jamaica ' affected Huron, and i haste 47 ! yet to barn that any other section of �=pj the c..uutry n juiced in a different eipe- ee.\ I 4a± 283 Mkjurtty for Gibson- 21:• moan!-. No. 1 0 • No. r i 30 5: o• a y - 3 )lural.>.paGty 1„ l,, 1 am willing to, pet the question t' the courts (Applegate) 1 atm willing to -try ihlTiett� Tuna 1 4150 w er w I Lays .2 444 ;,a; I the merit conrtirstiet►si la y ', 3 b2 48 tried hum before. _ l:enewed applause ) 4 61 3a Ism willing to agree to taceriw to have, 5 45 47 the natter disposed of by the• Suprema 6 5(i 47 Court, sud, failing this, by the Pro.? Council. But. soma how or ot!.er 1 I canuot 'names Sir J,• to Macdonal.: t•. agree to a rase upon .nyt1.14. (Laughter Never 1 ale, fatlwi h. undersand what the cncatitetwtul law• yer sale with regard to actual other matters- lauebtpl--sial I am quits !hopeless of gettiml ham to juin t.MO Iwith ore in the courts open this. (ass. newel Isuzbter ) This ii!ustratea the difficulty we are an. in deailog with. the I Dominion l..,teruu r I 7 3'3-4;2 '2 39 And Lere and now I take the op- - _ a1 pt' .unity ..f stating that the rumor Drops . Tp p 1 30 6 ' C. C.uten.0 11LP., has invited)• 2 38 73 4,t 1 • r r, 41 42 V\ umbinatiun" •to return w Hunte' sire further increase his majority at the j eta' 1 57 64 - - Coming election is entirely foundation -1' fa; 7fi less. Mr Cameron is au trtiatisd that i 3 0» 4d 4 its tilt 1 the Oat trip of the "Chestnuts' was the 1 means of putting his majority up in the. c. 1(1 1.i hundreds, that he a eilliog that the i li,r 2e; ()id Mon should not be troubled with 17•t i another trip to Huron to make s further, V. Wawanueh 1r i1 3•. j Before) increase. They suited us all to a 75 G•2 a dot un the last ,occasion, and we are 30 ; willing to be benefitted by the increased; I majority end forgive all bad intentions. • E Like the sen of Terre of old, sir John learnt to curse, but blessings to the Re- 1 form cause hale followed in his train. And M. C. C. rejoicett rreatly thereat. c -In muni:ipal mstrers i didn't take i ia great interest, owing to the fact that !whichever candidate was elected mayor, ! t I was sure he'd du his level best to locate` 42 , I the new idilwsy station within easy 11111 • !(teach of my domicile. The deput;-i idiot not much. if aicKet•a'e had stayed jot the held against Cameron, and i Thompson had ran against Johnston, there mtgh: ha, a been a straight ease, but as it was. Thompson heel a hopeless ' fight. I eculd 14,1.e the teotpersass moody, however, to watch the +,sae of both our reeve* on temperance letjiala- 1 tion in the county *odium' during .ha l the ensuing year. and if the Ire*. sof fees st their hsnda, to take hold of the matter sufficiently early to tine new ' candido.•• r thew. And Ise me whaper • worn in the t•wnioerafte..sr, .t a the . Keep the rimptevs .tit ..f your eouimit- ter, sad dor'. attempt to make fish 01 one dereliet reeve ani flesh of another. In (inderich township, with the . tr Deainion, in driving.home truths; seta fr•o n l to 14; K ruseta. frost : tc 67 to the incapacity met imbecility ! 32, and Morris which po* 31 of a . Ne. 3 tin 11.., � :r0 7 3 Ale policy of the present Gocern• majority for Hays to 1i.i.',, changed tie t ; and last, but by to, means least,' front cumplat•ty, and for the first tiro ,y 331 -- C Oam.r„t, Weal Hart•n s able! in its i•lstory 9'1itself ••n tko side o M.h ,rity f. r Gibson -"0 reeaber, has by means of file John's Reform o• the event t! 3'W ms;nritf. flCLt rr. Blot Book's, posted as falai iers and V. a Lore goat tiros deeply into the f No. 1 61 tradition each and every member of the dela:: • 1 the rote of the murteipattttes No. _ 63 N. 3 4•: ••(11°111ao/Cumbinattun --"1"•• P"'"'d in 1,6a: here& to show that the eta, N•.4 42 they lied, and the troch was net in u entirely wrong when it attrabetts the - -_- l'nder thea circumstances fair , Chat,6e , f sentiment in thst raiser to (hi 631 146 John dare not face another session oil try creed. The Ptefcrteers .yarrow!• ;Majority fire Clibson-11:t. the House, and meet Blake and Cao+I *Coe with 1•leassrwthatevtryeelf•respect- ' x sit: -,t. eon and their trusty associate. He will; tun Renee Catholic it: the three ridings No. 1 -e 45 Y 8o to the country on his past secure, of Huron c --ted with them en this ecca• • No. Z iii Witte than be donned by -- revels• ; stun. &tot they hope for a wntinuance i pro, 4 26 47 ions in Ha wan rd. 1 of the friendly bond in the tune t., come. Nn. -, L{', 33 Liberals le up and 'lett Hold to obs i y 4•1 but there were ran staunch Pretest Iola. 1, �� 27 ittaiion that gave you the victory mots who broke sold bindin;a and camel; o. 7 1S on the 28th of Deeeniber hat peso manfully forward against the creed I -- psea..r whist. fur want of ether cauw, dr tense shoulder to shoulder, be oil stout , heart, keep eP your d .ipline, and the I Was raised- by T.'rydrm In the recut Majority he Gibson -23. ajtsd.I at Ottawa wili be .occes.fully 1 j;uc.l elections. W e .,!reins then: aC ' ;i.,. 1 'stir' A t a. stoiletel. ' -the ;self respect:nit Cstho:ic and the ! No. _ i l - ilMseneh, s•'.: reheat: Prete taut, -set: &a� xo.:: 61 Tint Il+omjnitbe elseiinns are .t hand. fNa. 4 i vas stood ithnnldet to shoulder on the I65 47 The Toronto 1I orbf,forfwerly an indigent - on a t- �t!t of December, and joined in resole-; No. d Cw dna jetsrssl but new in the c,oi els of leg at the victory. so may we•ali tort• , th •inty leaders, ort \vedresday tst'e base united when et1»r tattles sn` MO the (ollowin[ pointer Tee nate •z• ( Mai..rity for Hsye-1.10 foaeht sere other viCt. raw win. eeassent will be over the Drom.sion 1. -"r.'"71.'"" --t w/ottITsa. *lacteal, or tether tho preparetion there. '\0 1 2" All reports of the contrary not M" tcea*at !gest : -Tit' Yoh t,.reat.re SI toe."' legal proceedings against Biliep ('Lary.. �Iajurltl for album -3'2. rcawsanRr .ityvlandin;, it Lu not yet 1'K'^ . of Kingston, soil gloom the ht. retire 47 eleiaedl hold another seamen at No. t +� oats .fudge Keough to beck up its detrand N , tat 4Y There helot• feeling ng e, the srawtry. for the feppreesit.w sold pueiabment of ! Nn... de 4' Tjam is u feelirtt sift. tiles' �' N. 4 5'3 60 Illie Lordship The Catholic Chunk afteres Waders that .tie titins tit qgp 1!10 1 be farad u+os M late, be the toss ting attaskod &a+d t 41.0400°4 by the Tory WY theestgf. The KIS. and Bishop I Majority for °them -101. ih.say. The 1pnred would mit ►'• Cleary did his simple defy is Wring the M bur .Vett leg drop it 1 w ley On p/eq/tlun 514 de- �� tk ffirat week. !tet it lire -sect fce4a list MAI tf els folds. RR 4 93 3t; • \\'gram. oh 1 77 3!t 1 81 Si 3 64 43 4 58 37 104 olie me 1 84 51 2 24 52 86 11 4 47 54 Wingha•, 1 36 32 2 XI 3.'1 .1 40 46 ' 4 59 4u In Cant. a' 1 27 24 2 44 2:: 3 :17 30 4 41 37 6 :10 2:t t; 29 33 7 11 37 s 41 34 17 Hallett te 32 31i 1, 5732 7 63 fat - - 31 A 113 73 6,3 48:t ./feveahip contest caused a little Nutter, ' lupi'. 1 3b b3 2 37 40 - 21 2338 sow 414 6; 76 rat, and tote .,1 the 1 grounds on which I arrsrgte Mr Meredith 1 before the community ie that lit taker the U.+utot..0 suis -Me 41 titsgliiiS/tin. ' and dsc•sres that the duty belongs ti. his own Prunuce site the burden sed expenditure .•t 1t. I dotter that. I . defy uiyb.xlr o, establish it. and I sot 1 ready ti, go to the c,'urta. tL..u4 so planet It beano tis duty ct the I Doanatuai p ..ren,u.ent i., ref• tie this I Act, their &pithy is A ,-Ri 1I".t armor. iTheir supineness an sortkgvxv44 i411 41 smd wicked .ea,inteess ertoe eossegnent epos it. they are nail I ty and should he eharged with. (Ap- plause., Notwithstaadlsx that our duty is not a letter but a moral and rstiti"aa one, we have been di tug amt beet t•• eta - Icharge it. i hope that we may tee shin f to do inure to that direction end get the i Dominion (:uvetutwrnt to help t:,. tip. phone.) - i M. ('. ('AW-U.*0 e, M. P ..i sec •orated !ed to the e.edial support of t•mpttsuoe 4 fen try the Slotttreal 11 -.),..aa, mol'.tli has cl.eely examined los votes in Paths 1 mens. He desert e+ will tet the trot or I .nee people He has voted the mitt soy (every time the question cone to it the House. Forte Inc M. C. c'atn•r•h. tt•1r veer T ___ sae► Kent ('Dunt; esrvjttt tlhe -Blatt Ad by a majority of over IMO. Mr �!• T„ry candidate, refusedto wake+ lite pledga,len.sn.hd hey t i Coet+ty tem*: Aet A..oetation. Mr D,llew. tit* fibers candidate, gave saltation, r•r•taiads. OWI Mr Cbttey was *Woe!. Kest mutant Tory tewil'er+nce '•, tea Tote isejority fait Rees, 327. iRepined pallets. 22. Opw4d bathes, 14i. Teadera ll ballots. 11. ?Mal slatted l for Otheoe, 2,3 t cote hieof oke redoubtable entseetllor legeaMr /tl eases as sig, `,al 1,1163. Total unto polled - Qfirow, 2,30vi. days' I. Ysinoftant b1Mr knows se "!Mer It1r111bor of trees ,moi, 4,3171.