HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-31, Page 7Lee (Ira's. John Andrews, .f (lutein•'. Christmas with irtquds lure. D, )Icli►lll.rsy, of /�•al.ricl., College sludeot, o..uductw.t aur• I. •u Senday, riot tunneled au itosse•n ganga. :T APP! IMODILLITI•S. PHE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 31. t-'86. 1 -- .1N tot• - ill 1.'.r •.urbg r'edaapgtsr. 1e Yarm row Their Etas. !"a• t h• -re at,:,• bete will be joy the week •eiet.irl the yiWllg meu and women alsoatlme.de.l t:•r ul.•Jel schools at Ii.Niertch sod Con Iuu m •116. All the caailidates palled. Forty per cent was resiwrra of *nth sub- ject. and sixty per emit of the eg t-wjate mares. Peas were 30U. ..:rLr. ICN 11 M ►FOOL .tikenhe d, Kate 423 lieu, K*:hlreu Eerily 395 lilacl.well, fieraph.. .. .. 371 Campbell, lief ritett.. 414 Y,tusun, Mary Jobe 4LU Mceuzir•, Ml,tegiei ,.40 McDougall, Penelope. • 341 McLauctihu, Ellie 411 1/'lteillr, Agnes Mary .. -383 I'..ttrr, Etta. ..rid Viol, Mary 368 oelluws, Annie 492 ol:atu.au, Mary Elko.. 404 Thotusou, Jessie • 421 W►lliaars, neonate 1S 421 Wiggles, Edith. , 3't3 Anderson. A Icon ...... :I(;; Brest., Copege lis. , r... 4::0 Deihl*, Donald 40.. EIt4fi, Kdwuud :� d Ienkies, Bagels .3r;•; Kilgail.n, John ..3141 \1cFa.lxeau, Johu. 396 McLe..d, \1'1tlltaut .378 McLeod, Henry Itedrt ick ..372 NTe&4, James.... . ....... Jett 1tuhertmat, Alma. M4ot1at ..419 ylaS .1588 JamM 431 J. D. McMensa and S. Bulk mind that they could not be happy st Chtist- oem, iu the usual fashion, an they /*towed Si! • 1Lvltate n• ..1 foetid* to turkey and plum yuddm:, and enliett' et the army of Iienetlt,ta. Koch had a bappy Christmas. 111 Tut Wound. -!u the heart .d the to ease wised' D. Alurru, It. l;.'dhs sad i thirsty Green have er.-ctuJ • lies glen while thupplug. The last uatutd acts se .wok, midMia trteuds chalteu2a any Kul .n the tuwrshtp at • laking emitted, the winner to tat the looser s phut. irratai. the u 'bedew not the substaee. The Dunlop architect is t•, be Ill., tape it: this cshoary cuutest. The worry prat of the Litt bell earl• sd together a ,•umber of trareets and frieuels to the church u1 spite . f the r./ugh weather en Christina* Nee. The uccaa/•wt wase S•.inday ached eotrr• - ainuteltt. Upon untenng. the eye fell upon two handsowe (lutetium trues, loaded with choice fruit, is hi. h bad sprutttf up to the ch'.ir since the previous sauday. Ila the left were to he 'ern •he 4eamwlt laces of the chi siren, in :hare, of John Lieklater ant .'.Liu I;Jttll Hotton, sad oil the right were the • teachersand officers. As the ebatnuaui- was late, the hbranau a.aed as presiding ,iAioer pru tem, ando1•rned the pro• readings. A hymn from the choir ass� follower by a rondo's/ by S. 11. Williams, and a solo by Miss E•inh !torten. U. t'umwi,Zs Chet. aptwared, anti t..uk the madechair. He made s neat address to the little "DSO, and pointed theist to the beautiful uuott..es prepared by Janet. ..olkleter. The report .d the school was mad, and nude • most favorable Shiite - IN:. The rendition of the ambits by • •he children was splendid fret* bey;u,uing •o end. The bell-nngiug piece was '1caroti In roost pleasing style. The kirk . bell could not resist the invit'tien reed 1 cllttue.t in its deeper cheesy. A uutuber 1 , f reciter .ns were well rendered by the ..ttle fulls. At the close A. C. Mec- duuald, the superwtendant, was present ed with a silver cake basket handed to I him by -IL -N. Shaw. aceempsnied by the 141c • iot ed.ress read by ]Lits Ellet. /fortes: - Mr. A. ('. .1/.1k.a/r41, :iuper,nten-- dent Lucian, S. S. We, the c.. and teachers of the Lesbos Sunday Mchoel, rec.guttint s the lung and faithful services you havest rendered to the S. S., feet der.•ue mimemimeu( giving you e tangible pried of oar appr.oistiou. We would not have you :00)4 upon oar giftasa reward of yogic • services, which we feel alto ether be- yond our poser to reward. We hay. rust' ;t pleasure its presenting ,•u with this shall taken ..f our respect and esteem. As the value of our gift is olio irarstively small, we hope you nay l<N,( up..0 it as comingfrom the heart. And we Mope yea may be long spared to go in and out am..ngst us ; and that you may be cheered and ... 1 from Jay to day by the progress and spiritual fruwth of the S. S. And we would still Stalker, Joseph `4121 Smith, L'!! victor. 4:'3 Struthers, 't tam 385 William', Kt. l jutntin H ...366 Willem, Mitt Jackson 4.48 /*LINTON 14.11001. l:srr, hells .411: l'srgil, Jrunie .39.2 Campbell. Ma.oite .Mkt Cash. Maggie Fe 406 l'luitsliauk. -tette 450 Lett, M Emma 422 Whiten, Jean A .404 Halliday. Plenty A ,.366 Plummer, Amelia .. 437 • Plummer. Ida .367 Rath. Sash J 367 Snell, Minna L399 Williams, C us Gertrude _409 Agnew, lt•.bert. ..380 1l..attie, Henry ..426 Clark, Duncan 310 Curnyn, John 376 Davidson. John . . 399 Haply, Christy \1•m .. 385 Hauler, Jacob :13:1 lultn/u, h.n.es Alex .396 Johnston, Janes 401 Keine, John Maar. 391 Kinsman, 41. Franklin... -407 Lowery, John H 'til L ti inesteee, Robs, 1"......413 Miller, Nt'e.ry J 3910 It: Fran, Alexander.... ..:153 }M. Diar.uid, George .. 141. ltchardsen, KG,bt. J .let': klchinoad, Elliott.... ....'0 Wean, Jobn M ... .376 $teeart, John ......... . - 38•: fttnillie, Benjamin. .393 Wood, Freak ...........35'2 \\'byte, David 449 further bops that moo) n►ay beagle to The fallowing resolution was adopted MISS ORAHAM,N Fa81]SOLal10 Milliner, t.' r s ...1 to Neer Norf.. Torun. and other .lues. with the NEWEST STYLES e. PATTERNS and Las reawrrd trunk her old •tat.•. R. .'o•e UNDER GEO. ACHESON'S NEW HALL, where she will he pleased to ere he- cl.l t..•tauten, and • nw•nbrt of few unee. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL. l;alerich, Oct. 7th, tlW. .1 NOW FOR BARGAINS 1 1 111'1:34 ri: SlftPORI!' 34. F tI� oA/ A� % The Genuine Bell Organ, The Meson 8L Risch, Dunham, Fischer, Evans Pianos. Prof. C. only Hfiadlaw the very best inatrumeeta. Why b•►r trash when you can but Ike iI:EXCISE going by .'along on or writing to PI•tOY. CLANK -N. Violins, Flutes. Fifes. Mouth Organs. bbcrrp .[:bums. Abort Made, Music Books. kc. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CANADA. t... oats. acs Yedeelea. 1873 GRIP ' 1887 • • .\NAtiA .- 1'.IV1•' J..1 kNAL. unoustEMEtT FOR TEE COMM MIN. liltiP Is naw so well known ss to rer,uire very little of either deser 'mita' or praise. It la The lastly tenants raper In teneaa. end it is furnished at about ONE -HALE THE. TRIC}: of sheliar )uurtab is the l'.itvd tltatee. GRIP'S CARTOONS. in addition to being strictly impartial when they refer to pont tisk are always •n the side of trirwistu and morality.The late lni . are universally ad- mired. The Journal is enlarged to 11 passes. and it is printed upon heavy toned and well- calendered paper. Thar gives both the en. Knits tugs and the letter press a beautiful . And. notwithstanding this eq Vrge meat and improvenient, the price dT (1R11' is Only et a year ; *kale review, Seelig.. 'clic price it commanded when but a four-page sheet. i GRIP'S PUTFORI : Humor wit! tit Vulgarity ,,Pntriotiara u•aA out Partiraash.p; Truth walkout Teuper. Kr Do not be without this favorite Canad- ian Cartoon Paper. Its price ptaces it within the reach of a11. Address th- CN Mattes and ►.husk- lna Co.. "1r and Y9 shoat ht rept West. Toron- to. New nubsrribers, sending lis, will revei.e the paper the balance of 1391, and to 31st De- cember. o-[•ember. 11117. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. All subscriber' to GRIP. new or old. are entitled to a copy of the magnifcent litho- Raaph -CoNag ts•ri%a LIAntaa.'or the com- panion plate -Liar-Ital. Leanttta.- shortly to be published, on paI meat of Scents for post - ?.wk tack with pleasure and gratitude by the Board of examiners : 1'gr• t, their a..4nection with this S. S. as n Rast/r.vin,- -That Mr J. C. HaMone, til* plata free which they tailed their I B. A.. Head Muter o1 Se5G•nh Hii;h sawn towards the hea.w817 Jerusalem, Scheid, having resigned his position, Ad, in owlclusnia, we would earnestly and Loring about to remove fr••m the hope that when all your tabun hero ter county, this Board take the opportun- ity are ente.l yuo nay hear the Mee. of hearing testimony to the utlicien- !er's 'nice saying, "Well dune, loud anti ey dili••enee and a'urt-esy which hate t thyLord " We have great pleasure in we wish him the sucoeas which his ener- faithful servant enter thou into the jay always 1 him a• a .uembe of the hoard. In parting with him ar prenliutl you with this ether fruit ballast. $. sue church. ey. azd kind and genial in..uner so well Its . ! S. .1 Ages LI.AtrT>ta, E ?t. Sitio Mr Macdonald, taken thoroughly by , , surprise, at first could not find words t.. ' express his thinks. flowerer, he soon I found speech sad in suitable terms , thanked his friends for their kindness. The stripping of the trees was then in -1 (bilged in to the great pleasure of •11. A well known bachelor had the trees la.1r•1 with apples for the little folks. Wcst Wavaaoth. .'l ELI. bl'9eN/L EXAMISATIn N, --A very sutcessluland pleasing examination treik place in School Section No. :1, West Wawannsh, at the end of tie term. t large attendance was ;,u lent. Smone '•,esr were five teachers, three of whom • • part in the exercises of the day. Ater the -firkin atettemts were newt * c:•lanman was appointed. and a sheat but interesting , was carried out. Just before the close the pupils pre- sented their tescher, Miss Jennie Mc- ,-.nnell, with a -toy beautiful i•resont, 1 with the following address zeta by Albert 11',,o.l': -- Iftea Tar/ Hen.- The time has /Mme ' sen we have to leant the sad feet that the hest of friends must part. You have brei more than s friend to us, and we car. not let this opp•'rtunity per with- eut expressing our deep regret at hone - one who has for the last two years been a friend, s counsellor, $ teacher, s ::/+del fur us to follow in the ways of right. We sincerely believe that you mute it your grottiest effort w dtacharse the duties devolving upon y.0 an.: if we have failed t.. develop any /.f those nciples and truths whi,-h hare been 'me to instil in our youthful minds it mint. And that :he secretary be in- structed to Coward a ash this e- ti.•u t., Mr Harat.loe,-QaRtiM meek - t Antibes asks. A:1 parties getting their sale bills printed at thin Alec will grit • frrr nosier inserted ID thin list up to the time of sale. Auction sale ,•f harm stock and imple- ments, the ptcperty of Mr John Mal- lows, • n the prem'ses, lot I:/th, con. '.'., %V'tst Wawan..sh, by Joseph Mallough, sactioneet-, •••nnmencing et' 2 o'clock, sharp, on Wedieeday. Jan. 5th, 1887. See pesters tut hat of stock, terms, !c. 7 The Bret Ig .lite rem la Eke Warta. The "Win" fountaiu pen ie the hest thing yet invented in the way of a self- feeding Oren. Its has s gold nib, shades just as a dipping pen does, and never foie. It is a writing wonder. A Mtn pie can be seen at this ..(lice. Every lawyer. doctor, cher y man, schoolteach- er and hu.incas man should have one. Thom. Mc(tillicuddy is the local agent. Wastes lieu. W..,,..n jump •t eonehlwnrs and generally n.•n rearms thing* out Labe*Ily end genes ally miss it. N hen a woman lwr•ete• Owned ahs (eels tee • tank when a wan lantana. ferried he furls f..r a cigar- a millinery store Some grimiest can't pia" T w itlaa/t Linking .0: .None niers 0.11'1 pee. a /*loam w ithoat going in. woman wooer uses a tiahy without want- s. ran to it.: a ease never sees a Irby w till rex int waotitag n' run I,'" K. ,erne in her A woolen always carries her 1 :fatal an that .•l:.rr women will ase it: a Ar ne-• i,i* in hi. ia,ide pocket so that his ate _ wont see it mai .d fashion Fates the rain 1.eeeete it 6 I greet the public with Ilse an Iir'l Street. ANCHOR LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMERS •\IL CIERI •ATI tots mem \Etr 1Otks Tr GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. ‘13 W FALL GOODS We have muck pkwamre la lo(urwtlass our frusta; and the puhlic generally. that war Fall Pluck ha now complete., In .all tb. Ibpartn.rnu our goods will be 'tuuud tit t6 • o.'- .I drakes' and hest %wilily. O RIJN 411•100, 1 LtiTKII13.:8. 11 tliTLE IL0T1116 We are slowing large ranges In F'renl•h. tier 411 sad F:ngli.h Wed,/ 1U the newest soaker. We hits .• line of Ilress that w111 artuulsh )0u. *t ►_) its.- Cut.ie ,trod ,tet some of Then' before they are all sold. Newest things to Trimcdn`• to batch dross gouda. TWEED:', WORSTEDS AND COATINGS, ' r1,1,•ne J r.rortwtent. and at prices lower than cv^r.' •••••e. our nail. to wrier at FANCY 0l/UDS ss Fauey Wool 'ihawls. En, ?resters. Tatra trdhattFe' list,. P..e, t'oui t'ap.. Ansi Il/ral-, il.wiery ural llla.es.. Nie.. and ladies' Mittens. tag.•t1.tr vith a eomitetet 011010r110•118 o/ ernall wpm/. t discount of Ave per rent. will be ai:owe/t On all p t.•eha-.- of irry o.a •1 suer. Colborne gyros., GODERICII. FALL AND WI1lTTER MILLINERY. Ii.atre of reit/ Passage to oro (ran miRs Nee York, Glatper, hrerp5ol. Londonderry or Belfast, (..,„INS, 1145 and $:.3. SE:coN b l • tats... $ t5. Steerage outward or prepaid. erre. Audtor Line Drafts. issued at Lowest Ita.c. are paid free of charge In 1:ttgland, S o'Irni awl, Ireland. Fo: Books of Tours. Tickets, or other tutor - Dial ion. applyto HENi/i;KION HitOTHEttl. New York. or A. DICKSON. PunCedlet, l;oderich. Gedericb Not. 17. Th41. MU -3m . C. FI. CIRVIN announce that her ctbikc o[ Full and Win!, : '...:inert' a now complete ....' cornpr1 "* VERY LATEST STYLES Titrww-A--wzmilt HATS; BONN S. &c LAMP"- 50 Candle Power. No Globe. No chimney. No Smoke. No Oder, No }gest around the o:1 well. Podtively Non -Explosive. ; Every Lamp Guaranteed. Slade in all styles -fable. Bracket, to attach to Chandelier,. Library, kc.. kc. PRICE, - 65 -OO *:..: .;. xstsIe. .1 Large and Varied ,tori. of PLUSH TRIMMINGS, \::.'La•!ra and Pa -c77.- Feathers) Flouers, OraaJeuts! Eibboas, &c. in IArge Variety. Always on Eared a Inge and ! A.sortrd ;tock of Wanser C k White Machina 3TIPLB EIn MOT DRY GOODS Pianos and. Organs, all from the mow .•e:ehra•c.i make. cheap for Carl. GEO. W. THOMSON. Ilea.dpwer-Fin•: Hot:•e East a wlsastklt Maim: Pi3L A GALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. tlerltemembce the Place. Hamilton street. Two Doors Below the Colborne Motel. Goderich. i 0'1 FO W 7 N V Q t that) have opened o..t a Ch.)ice Aesonment of NEW AND STILLSM 'MESS GOOOS for variAuted i and season Early he;n�u, '• .•rr. _ Tae taste N ?stile 1Yi11oa are so r arird EMs season the.; . •.. ,, i.. tacit faet.a'... c an be rr PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS xfl r � N C Rock and Coloreel. Plain and striped rusher and V,'.ete. Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses aid Man!'.cs. 1 Gloves c3z Full range. snit at prii e• unprecedented in the *twists of the Hosiery and Glove Tra.:e. r ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. Z A -� Aa unusually large stock of t'anadian an ! Iml*,rtrd KNITTING YARNS -Best Mair.. O 9 1 KRY NOTE -Goods sold on their rerritt, no tn:trepr esentations :read^. and strict:, one pr.ee ,, H Goderich. Sept. 9: h. IOM. 3161- Nasse sett IiaWrCasher. H a C4 -11"u SOP FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ FALL GOODSI As this i; the time of the year when people are prrpa-:rig for I' 1.; :.n : '•\',r.:e: w, -a*!.• 1 beg to rail the attention of the pnblie to my -•oci of i w £ i. S AND COA'TIN'GS, Which comprise the Latest and N st Patterns and :shades the ::,aria CaII and See the New Goods. the oe-West street. nest door to liar . rt Met Iry . as anderieh. rept.13rd. Iatts. artt�gre�� tits art .4 lir panlaloontst a wieesn TI ToC WANT as not no account Itf your insetivity to ui.ro "Mr *461"..$611* impress Own. We present you with 1xn a w.wnall ,rants 10 now" 1lhaatee thin 'nook, brooch and writing (leak as . „• wan a Ina: • lent a aw wards 4140,11. a slight token of nor esteem for you. ..', ei hue sial". taro hewn min It .,. 1f trp treating that yon may be long spared to et t.. thr,ed • "'III. joy there gifts. and in the future - yoa look back to the time you t ►s 8.8 No 3, may you find th:.t meed then s .wn he. formed or reap a bountiful herteat. Wishing yoo • y Christmas and a Happy Now - We retrain your pupils aigu•d behalf of the school. Jessie Wordy Mary Jane Woods he crowd then dispersed and • . pry t time wee brought t., a close, Qreabennit Mss Nestle a petwan- redsslies el 30 per eget. in the rent ie forme es Kest. Irish L*d (•e,t1e,fuls. taring pest year mated aft overate :• n in the pries el leads of 11111 fat Aucttoneertng. I OHN KNOB, GENERA1. .-'t'r •I TIONRItR and Land ♦*Inner, t:,.' „ h. test Having had rnnwlderahie prp4,..eo. o ,t, the ate tin neering trade. be is In • patriots to dlr.karge with thorough atilt/action all com- nmittaleaS entrusted to him. Order's left at Narita% Hotel, or sent by mall to ey n,tdress, tiadorsek P. 0.. ar•ehltly *1 to !nl4N KNOX °•maty A.otienwer. tf Erauelling &uiae. eltsloal TRUNK ease. Ar Agonies. h'lMliste4. Weed. erk'L.' 1o•'u..' :71p. Minot Mired. Enrols. S u Th e S i n a l It:1lMi:1 ►: pa 4i 0 ke t fes! ..ar....., ennenewilLensAikenrkein.. I� two too J 4 R. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, itTR�AIPtS NT l r YOi: WANT i 1'. RGAINS - Qt1Lii AT etes_�- Wholesale old Retail Deafer in Toronto Cash Store SHELF '.'AND ': HEAVY THE FALL STOCK HARDWARE, strA❑ are int-ited to cone aid examine the quality aro•! ; .. 'al Remember the stead '-- TH/. TORONTO l'AHH ST011E:. P_ , i,roitir..ageer. Dederick. tiept lath Ism, Ion to PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH.