HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-31, Page 22 rill?, HIT ItON SIDNAL, !'ttDAY, DEC. 31, I8SQ. TOWN 'TOPICS. A eking's am ay N.. Muria' *oats, Am' oafs a'a or.' wt It." The nuw.her of csadldate•e wh • wrote at Gudistieh for retrainee to the Hugh 11411.e.1 was 10:1. OOMMIIUNJCATIONS. Dtlsetats. Nomuati.on day has come mid tone We do net hold ,ble for tae splatter, Of war l' 4 vulr,u,. • {uietly enough. 11t course ser are al tants Miledepartmmit mast tunaae thou 'wished w B.ue.a'e •uh the Montt ghee to Wonky ithastloY, cad he brief. I Sur ornament. A s'•smdhs Weems ree/s►•. Fenton Hutlsy, of Blueyah, has held un view's.to.0 11, his school, No. ii, A Carlton, .4 Wawatsu.h, recently DEAR Sia,- -Having read your report Murru, which wa* u, every way r enc • Id t, a gentleman Meed Iloyd, of of the Uuugaunuu tiseetlug, 1 meat cry 0000 L.odea towtt•b.p, as entire cull fur that I was shucked beyond to K. Burgess has biddy- far, well to his -SI 1100. think that the language used in regard to h•.:h.ler friends for ever. hod hail vett marriage was that of the First MMiiliater tured oil the sea of enatr y, and nue .'1 the I)omuuuu. It sounded more like .4 the fair daughters of Morrie ham lest the impure utterauees uf • heartless Lb- her came ertinr, and that, tee. iu the promoter of virtuous women. Dues the premier re ilmaiser. c agnize uiarrlage as I l..d'$ ordtuance ' ___ Rawlt'aate Tat: CARRIRR Rol' T...n; instituted by lana in the I:aniru of Mrr' chariot, tvifa..u, who l.s been The Toronto Trierrein, Ind , set's' -Mr Mowat's adrnnutration of afters his been predeut and ecenomical, and if las 1s to be turned out .4 utkce it should ase on something mote substantial than a religious cry." StilNaL Carrier Ik,ye are on their annual Eien and ase:titr.d by the presrn.w of keeping h.row f..r err Gen J.1,u, has rounds, and will be looking for timer the Lord .les" st Cut* of. Galilee. and ger„ t., reside with her dau¢hte. in Te- a standard still. hkeued unite the union ruuw. boy,y prevent We were once carrier of t'itrest and Hie church .' Will these At the •uMic school ra.nnn,ti..n held boys, and remember the joy the Christ- ,• 1 use cuing brought us w hen we were mute noble t n Ery ish miens whose immoral !taro ou %V.,lnesday afleru•...n the :artier*. Make the heart of the bots sty Mir Juba 'Macdonald condones take „Ian dui exceedingly volt, n•flu uu /lad,a'Id your'own heart will Is; fi aa, thaw "garage wo'''rn' to the halls "1 great credit not only .,t then,wlves, hu. t o. their fathers and proudly iulruduce them an., un their teacher, Miss (Js. '\ry,whe to their stately welters and miters and , Staten Heal 111i."r. -A uawn I hes taught here for the last. '4 s years, young &leo to the "lure -lost Amy. ' 1 tree She new goes w lake chane, ..i a ,eh.e. named :Nielsen G.Jbraith ens arrested by i not. Society will receive with open • iii Hastings county. She was lucid! Chief Pettypiece, in Wiogh*w lestarms the returned Ands C.uadran wbu res{acted w neighborhood. orighh.rhJ. Sunday night. f.•r disturbing the S&P"'I hes wed • a fortune said endured hard i t on Army meeting. Tbu following i skips in the N .rthlreet, mud the poor lit- - n oraim¢ he ts,•s brought betere the j dlaa wife with het- dutaky rate will be G oriCh 'r0 p. a.ayor, found guilty and sentenced to sonsigunsd to degradation and ignominy, -- .lo pay • line of !110 and t.415. amount- and will only be an unple.ssnt memory The annual esawinatu„ .1 .S. $. inz :u e!3 10 it. all. The money mss to the *carate e..n.cie''ce ..f the rnturord No _' (:.oderieh tp , was held lenday paid. (Joveern•ent etti • *1 amid ''etre cungeuislDec. 17 Mr. Diehl was assisted by his Mr McCallum, high school teacher, I sunoundungs. I utterly refuse to he brother L Diehl, from Stanley. The of Ltstoeei, wen known to a number of ' lieve the statement that those men de- j house .ss er.wde.i with rumen, incl..( u it reader', in a recent speech, said : - sired to be named in accordance with .ug Jho Magges Diehl, and 311w J .bu- •'Tke T. ' . i ., . , i '. , I,. W ,, , I i ,,, I .n. who i.Io mewed Me Diehl- ---- F- 1 **blames ar.•cnd the country and ea- 1 der the fulfilment of their desires, and mem ref,eshmeets were served by the habiting the old man as if he were a 1 shy were they not married axunttttgly 11 ladies ..f the Section, after witch we mere show. He mid fir ancient Greeks, H.,w is it that there are s., ninny envy- were entertainer with music hy Mrs R. when they went 10 war were wont to car- kt.uwltdetd wives today in the land if McCullagh, Miss Whitely and Mr L. ry the corpse of stone old hero in .order the pretmer'a standard id marriage be a Diehl and sister, and dialogues and snug• t.. icstil wane int., their armies and he cermet one! l think it an insult to woe ung by the achol.rs Then the teacher thought the Tories were doing the tame' uuon".J throughout the Dominion, es was presented filth an Ahem and an ad - with Sir John. who Was now only a lie- ! pe Tally to those who are inar:iod. Nor dress by the pup,ls. Mr Diehl making a lag corpse " !John ltIacdonald did not dare to speak suitable reply. The entertainment was The Sunday School papers. Matted i,y of it at his meeting at Gielerich. .t large closed by alt singing 1:."j Jar, the the Methodist Publishing House. Tor- number of his hearers were women, so'l puree. All seemed weli pleased. he wisely withheld his ui•clean coney , - tJutu, for has audience w'•uld hare been I ansae Emmy. eine /Seed* eternise. considerably thinuued•had he done see As a Christian woman i do not wish to! A gentleman, of Ter..nte, Canada, be- /Linke/ is a 32 Nage illustrett'd Niel/mine. 1 speak evil of a "Ruler of my people," 1 lieeiug that much geed may result trout (4) cents • year./'4or,tnt 11 ..rs seat ! but one cannot help s tehtnt that his. the batter educatwu of Chnsttan people 11„dos owl S• i:," ', for senior m^_hohtn, 1 cI &racier war more in accurdauce with I upon their d1.+ and privileges in the are 30 cents a year etch, and .. •. cava , the tones ung .-"He that ruleth Deer , use .1 money, ,.tiers a Prize of £50 sterl- end HnN7" fetes, for junior classes. see !men Moet be first ruling in the (ear of ling for the beet Ess..y on "Systematic 12txnu a year each. they are eopu)uii-�Y' YGUrT, -_-+-ti,rtng ; what rt impairs when consider• - ly illustrated, and hire special itreutiee Ceara -rye i ed in re'att.n to our e.bhrathln. to God to Canadian subgevts, and are saturated,; The following is the language referred' and the It bt of the Nineteenth Cen- tury.'with trintic sentiment. It is claimed I It is required that the essay Iva 4, Uy our lady corrwp,ndrnt : shall be terse, crisp,outspoken and in - that they are the ehespest Saadsy ached ••- two ot&culs of the fiueernuunt' • periodicals un the world. Y uai... and shall cover about 300 pages limn with Indian Women to arae they io(480 wards each. The Pnw 13ss•y is C.t!tanl*N Arrt.e..-.k cable despatch ate not nlartied under the C:ariatiam I an. be the property et the gentleman who soya: -Mr Alexander McDonald .Man. rite. These tank their wives, a the j oBrn the pr -.:c., ,; Inoue: his purple to 1 Goderich, Presu.leet of the Ihutfr., Indians took them, under the pwan rite, ipublish a at &low puce, 4144a to obtain L radon u the Frui l(i Association, k /►n eerie mei ui beth clues the men leer, oleate' fee it the widest pesible . . . It . for the lor,h,rmance .1 the Christian I The competition is upon to the wend, ceremony. But L. was said that these the only conditions being that the ee ay utticials nought the Indian women from ' must be written in the English lan;gusrue, their parents. There eras no proof that I and most he in the hands of Rev. Dr. any of the '•ttic.n of the Government' tt•ithrow, ..f Toronto•, the Secretary of had purchased Indian women, hut white , the Committee of Adjudication, by the men probable had nought them. The first e( October, 17187. The award will Government had no control over a white he given by the first of December fellow- man's actions, and if a man purchased an ing. Each eseay air-ust bear some tnotto Indian wife he was simply acting in by which it may be identified, sod nicest granting thn,uah nu„1 to small ee,asum- accordance wrth the custom pret'aili rag he aec,tttpauled by a sealed envelope, among all the tribes. Hear, hear,) bearing the same mato, and ere eine tip iwhuthae and n would alt i) He did net know how Mr Cameron the name of the wnter ; the envelops art business. immense objects p iceuld complain of that system when it to,bs opened after adjudication of the; )ects to State as- was p acticeily the system prevailing prize. No essay will be pessary reaom- rsted emigration, on account of the class • among wealthy white people in aloft mended for publication, nor awarded of pet.ple who would go to Canada. • marriages, a man having 10 settle a the prize. unless the opinion of the ai- The Jan -nary number--o1--4-rene. • - hsadw.in dnwry en L......e.aka ..L'v ►, luniceturs it come up t., the sten lard .1 :Leo .lIo .tin. is at hand, with 1(h an- ex, -.port her in the event of his demise. I excellence they may deem necessary. usually attractive table of contents awl - charming illustrations The short 'ee,rie@ are capital, and the serial by M. LOILlIff AX1 /IXLr%'n. -- *oak, of the fsrl•*lllea Iaradeal to taota .1 larva ascots. A 1 1 .4 .i '..' , 11e talker t,1.1 rid 1••r.,.,.. tin, lit at a buten, stunk hudlaluuud a, a..tinr lulu the 6,1 oirtatt., new heathy 40 4ch tau early train anti left it there, say* 'a44 -,-1I'. Magazin,. 11.• badly blend to trust w lesee dy ed sir , 1. Mud !tet his initial. 1. H, sleet • hut wore „ \! sltn 5.111 1.4. reg.mrnt ; •tad, returning .n Inrl.egth, welt t.. the -.we tdei, asked ,.r the mom. root... loci fonts' hu breastpin h. re he t1.,.1 1. -It 11. That does t, g say sand. r 0.e cleanliness of 114, lode!, 1 Isms smear oe •a}'.IIY. l'eil.:tl•* not. hit ,t stun. sonw- or' ler the-1,ariotr*t . f the inn wr.,•-r. Ir Ir MM alt sr well sr hack in h.• wrth.■1. il.•re u • sleety .4 pare lurk. A laky. • todr sestet, *rut sloopisiti to the west uJ, lin 1.11 ,sot her hand to her packet for „M ".yr,' prmetrstorl to dimming • dress. 1:e r•.iw,d 11.,o. 11., hu holo who pro- - ..1 to kuos her way., wee sen that site. aster l.ruuurht tiro. tito wari a• err• :.at air had. 11.• wan rightly punished for 1.u. ung w Tear, w,aidr t a11.1 ,lewd, tt..- n+t.u.u. •ilety of choice of .•.4,.r and nuteet•i. '1b, t•t:u.oe rad.• he went .e1 Ir• '*7r 10 the cityj, the editor. lien. t., h, r h.e1u•. ui .sa1Rn1 Wtr,1 .Ir rhe✓ rte .w,ud.ut A. 1,.- 114.0..el Felseystn snit .dung ro.51.1at u.e. s. tis. vehicle 3., r tier Mimes ar.l. .In• (sta•i.,l 40. reetrltnar.d it as 11.e Mute which hal tau - et! her 4n us.••I. She warcl.ed aIle .craw 1.1 lav last, 115.1 tonna her •l.eviack•a uu- beide-% 11 helium 1e snaking -alai to prune the ,ter ' ..1 wekugt (•.r lain *lin, tr het tean nem the • bjr.t of tie. paper- there is not ....khan • aniline w,tl..elt a ...eking. IM *twit tin.hug :.eke tun.4 a.:111 iau.trsa.u'. I Yalu wilt luras • nowt.• that .t Is .till Ilia elrreymi.ti win. i. 1/Ikintr.1 "A fraud of Wim wrist outelp, ', Wier r nn Itri.t.tl to buy • lair .d driving ,:iota* Sohn -tang • lair which ho t1�fhotigltt penni•.w,n to try them ..n. Ile tri..them on, bought and paid for Lhrnt. and tleu ar!,e.l the traie...num whetter le hal 'ter hall c.ru- l.tlu tnade 4, eon .1 the k,.n of a ring im his shots. . Tle last Ir ttef that ilia little finger of the buyer's left hand had wow upon .1 .-s•b • ring. which it had uuwitt,n,;ly withdrawn amen the restess...4 the ch.... .aid whicb, doubtless, hal been lett these I.v . nue former would-be pin•htwv. The *hop wan answered that no such .,wu{d :not hen niale; act the purchaser ..f 0.. closes left the shop with the ring in hi. having t.•hind hunt hu Davie awl ..Id.e.., u, .ASS the lower .4 the ring should es ear r"rn at.' Soule%nut like this as. the h... .11•i.:,..1 toy an officer in St. Helena. He m.... 1 •.•. ✓ ing and Watched for it high and 1..... Is; found it not. Suspicion fell upon hi.l,.osi.... or moldier .errant, but there wee e.shieg to Justify it, and in the end the ''tan Ara.clear.•i. Me out being otelrred home the officer {eine! .ant hu drawers and, throwing u,.u,r tin... away, was surprise! to hear an 4441 kwl gbdy.- .urike nherply o'. she 11..w. ile pOkto4--4e--sup- and there. to its''nib finger, was the mi wing ring nto, and edited by the Rev. Pr Wath- naw, hare reached the extraordinary cit.. :uletien of a ,luarter e f a million of cop- ies for meth issue, The . --,dear Schou: was interviewed to -day. He says -- Apple cultivation is greatly oeakcted in England, while i'. is largely adopted in Canada He *tryingly advection mixed fanning for a new country like Canada. He ap••I.e .err enthusiastically of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the im- portance ..f which in the future. he says. cannot he exeggeratenf. He hopes the railway Annals will sew their way to Jct. --• McClel;and begins• well, and pr.mists • Miss i.ewitt •.f Detroit is 1:ere visiting M. A., ptstnr of Blasor Street Baptist to be on.. of the best by this rising her :wither. Church, Toronto, will sweet in the read - young writer. in addition to the stories, , ,1 ingot the eras s and awarding of the the w"men folk will tied many things!, a sthtet's sauces• in \.'innipeg lava �_ Ad,say lev.and W. H. Withrow, useful iv its well -tiled depertruents, anti oxen the suhjrct .1 conversations aur the Pnal• p.a. Editor I:u.aJia» Methodist .idagr- tbe illustrated bits ,•i fancy work suitable i ;•est few days Titus section of country "cane, Toronto, Canada.[P 8.-A copious for little, inexpensive presents are .!aIle ;,n atm.st aolbJ fur A. Ili. Rana literature on the subject of Systematic right things to keep fair fingers at_wnrk 1 The public examination in connection , with our school was held last Friday 1 frmn the miles of the In the holiday teasel] now at hand. ! y "Christian Giver" Publishio Co.ew "'he enlarged form o1 the Magazine is. a • afternoon. Our teacher was ably egoist- Tari. go. I'esucceseful essays will be returned to their authors on receipt of stamps f..r the pur•po•se. The Rev. Elmore Hams, great improvement upon its o!d style, ed by fesrrs Nevins and McIntosh. A - prominent )' ore A Weddle' remelts tagger!*oleate arse the public u the of the brat of the ;present, wbu esprlseed themselves •s Uf practical importance would be a "Fifiree cent ." was the sneerer. lower cost monthly magazines The I being highly pleased with the ready bottle el the only sure -pup corn cure- '•Pda""' c'ar'ne' ! Goch. 1 ran in Al 1 salt price is but two dollars a year, with re- answers rf the children to the various Putnam'• Painless !'urn Extractor- '1'uy town for fire. ." attar „1. M'ea't.- ouestiuus rat to thein and also express- •due .. .e, lir rj.1 ,. - w: re goal,' tat ..,. it, ductinna and l.reunums for Aube. , F P which can be had at any drug aline. A ' . ,t moat ,o. (�:,1111./'.eu • ..11, Ikll; lu,•• ti h , . r it el their regret that our teacher had r*..• Ample n,piw, tr .n s each I'. c,,ntinwtrm of the 1 and the "Ne,, i d•ee't W,n; no now, n. tent.':,' la,.i Ar•hur & Sun, Piula.ielphia. aro the decided to leave at the anti of the year. removal of corns beth assured ley its use 11: "huh" int. a yrwnmd/. J,.14.." and places the 11 n.' l• beg large number of the rate erg were ltah N /yge flea. ro..rlfa Feasily Afnrpas . Much of the value obtained from mutton' Iep.nd. utast t!,e r• •king and previous ten- derness. It Amid 1* kept till tender. and the time will dii..-nd upon th.' wrmtlov. The to dernee..4 tueat and ita cnoku.¢ ran,,.• 1 the fibres thereof to be Howe easily t.r..ken •o! I in the st.auach: it n thee dig,wtesl s Ith••':. lay. Heef.t,sk should be west tender Is( bring submitted to the procens of r.ekmv. I .ho.uld always be deme -or rather urnte•r.l. n• .err a clear fire of mal cinders .c coke, '. i, 'r letter still The dyrprptie will .1,. a• -:t t•. xise hating and stews a wide b•rth, and•.. :hey are exceptionally well rooked. Ti,i. • an thinly digrated and outset etere lrt.t dt.h. NOW as W t..rk. For a wall It b•. , • n, ,road health, and has the opportunity o f tali. .ruetant errr...n n, the "ten air tlo. f,w•1 n, For Toilet Use. A)et's If air Vigor keels the hair soft Iu1.t 1.414111. imparts w It the lustre and Itr.hneoa of '.uuth, causes It to grow Iaxuriautl), eradicates Dandruff, curer WI *chip .Itrrasr*, and ht the most elven!y •J all hair preparations. arations. AYER'S {lair %!sew g'"11.1".. tvs• me pxrfert .beta ibe. 1 was. warns t►al.l ler sic year., daring whtcll Demi used many hair preparations, but without sects*. Indeed. what ittle Noe 1 Iwd• ods growing thinner, uutai 1 trill Ade.'. Rant Vigor. 1 used two l.ottlro of the Vigor, and wy head le now will roset. ,3 with a new growth of hair. - Ju,lsuri 1:. I'halw•1. Peabody, Mass. HAIRthat has become weak, gray tu,l hotter]. ata have new life said color re.iored to it by the use ut A.rr'• Hair Vigor. •• My hair was thin, lade.!. and dry. and (ell out la large* intensities. '.ver's (lair Vigor stepped the tallies. and restored my heir til. its original elder. As • drreauieg for the hair. rhe, 1 has 114, e.� .al - Mlsry \. Hummuud, Stillwater, Mine. Y16ORsop r.with, •aid beauty. in the , of the hair. may he peesrr. e.1 for :in tndedulte period by the use of .ta•er's Italy Vigor. **A dis- 1 ii.M of the r•tdp caused wy hair to las c..utr hands and dry, and to fall out tr,-.Iy. Ninthly; 1 tried seemed to do any good uutf! 1 1 using Ayer • Ilair Vigor. 'Three bottles' of thin restored my hair to a healthy coedit' , and it is now soft and pliant. Mt scalp 1* cure.!. awl it is also ire.• from dandruff. - Hrs. E. K. )l,lwauker, Wu. Ayer's Hair Vigor, n u by Druggists aid Perfumer.. Itariu T *•emery, prompt action. and wonderful .•urative properness, mealy , lo. Ibrl t r-'. 11. t t 6 tat place .�► f1 a tar os.. of popular rrnle.ttr• for ?lick and Nett- otts llralaches, (' , and all dL tnetna originating in a dl.urdered pryer. 1 have been a gree: sufferer from Headache, and Aver's Cathartic Ytlb are the only meetieitse that has ever get en wee relief. one dose of these Pills wile quickly move my bowels. end free et) brat from pain. - William 1.. Page, Richmond Va. Ayer's Pills, Prepared 0t 1tr.;111141).6'. Arent a /'o., t.owrtl. Lam. 0u La io lldhir E 11387_ t1arpursP Bazar I LLI KTItATZD. Hdrpe Hamar osti4*ars the t' lit eras, re real ,I.r as.'at art !Waters. with the latest fashions ami kpr.Iw f wrrd easily r. s.Ils.g. 1,. stores. polio, and arra) a aro by the beet .t tilers. and Ile bualwuw shelter. are w 1ts tethers ee weld elle queue. decorative .it Iwwe-keeptag la a.l its branches. t ukrry. eft .. lurked Ind.sa.l. album in ttery housebutd, la. bsamtIntl (cab ion -blotto and poitrraaheet supple,wewu ea aple lather 1u save was.) timer the cost .4 set. •nprkm by ha1ag their uses deseemsken. Not • lima ,a edMtt,td to its cdwmif Ib., could shuck the west I $tYiutts taste. HARPER'S'J'IaUOUI('t4 I PIM TaAa: HARPICItvI IRAEA .t' .It HAMPIC1t•tleRPICI$$ N ICk:ICi•Ail r 410 AAHPEII'14 YO(•X0 t K'IPLE. .. f�j HAltWCR'S PHAVKI.1N MQt'A1tK Ido ItAHY, akar Year ISM Southend . .. 110 M 11 t l.P1It's itANI►Y $l HtEff.Owe Vest Ift Number". Po.A'yr Jr. e ro s' l itwisos•1fiene get*. Uel tea .tiuoa owl 1'•o sofa. Th. •..tutors of the Reser In w1Fe Rest \..w1. r rum Jso.u•n of year. to inslieu as uM•utnoire..a 11 fee. wfa IM Kin a .111 t ht• n u.n. i. -r rut rt ail at blase of le •gnat of ureter. Moat V.:;,.mea of flatlet'* 13.rar.'of the.. teas luck, rat neat rl. d1. bin.ting, v..11 ate.. b, limit, pother lull, or by rxtwrra. frt.. • . _'poise pros. idea the ne:gbt dues not carrel per toluene, for �•• nu per ee,ltune. I'b it t'•ses fur rat h \',lume..uitable fie toeing, w .11 3r wit by mail, peeipaid. w rel eipt of 51 W each. It. n.itlane,. ahlield Ise rime.- hy foot OM.e Stoney Order or ►h•an, to at o:,! r:.a', r el toss. X.w-.p.pers acre sed to ep�ytr far- tdr.roisr- 1 «M at without rhe express order . f /I AMMO a'. Ilt.otnr-tu. 1ddn-.. 11.tlt1•EIt 1: .^l:.)'ruK.",t. _ .-_ New York. 1887. llarper'sYouugPeople .IN 1Lt.('Tlt_1TED WEEKLY. I larper's \lung People has been ral:,d '•the uud.•I.4 uhat a prrind ielal nor )ou.y; nsdm ocg) ! to h-." amt for jsattoe .f tt vnimeadat.ot tr amfly su*Isuned by a ,. Mote run ulatton it has attained a home sr.^. in Great Ilritrfa. Thu suur•g baa b.,,. re.telird 1 ur.-iiu.I. that lutist rommeud tlerwa.14es to the judgement or parents, so I.... than to the tastes uf children namely. • an errarat and 5.11 sustained effort to pr, Aide the hest and most attractive re•dlag 1 ,- souse peopte at •low peter. The ilh.rtrarw., s are replan..and of a censpi noddy hied titan. 1o. dard of excellence. An epitome o(every thenal that is ettreetir.i BEsT and girls in every }amilyht�p to lis coy, 11roobtg* L'saoa. t1rilEa K Tl -- Ie is wuederfnl in its wettish er pietttt , in• formulas. and iaterrat t•krisflas Athens N.Y. - TEftMtt : Pottage Treated. SIM her Year. Vol. VIII. . N Ncatatma. Flee feats each. !'y itemittanree .mould be made ht Post-Of!1,- r (seder or i,rwft.to a:uld .A ore so( to ro/�, (Aim admen,` ...14( •e;(*sant tar .xpreaa order . f Haa'an New Teas, HI. .1 A J.' maws , Hvltl'kft R HROTH \eau Pori THE CHEAPEST. New Fruits, New Nuts, and desirable 1.. Juvenile 1 terstnre.- Holo. Mnnr ince G]JSF OF ALL KINDS. 1886-7_ L[I15n1Y1t15 .d srwi moan:tette•, 'ion the iutald and Arm I INTI SEW VICARS •itt,e Wet loose, 11 .d of Hun amt! Isurm, I fl7Epitop nth e,m in the of itlg, 1•..wrr n i+ kot••t- .1 ly e.o.il)' dt;r.o-J 5.. i* pie's liter with1,..,wt; and wk1 jag's cheek ur g•.ol either ata• w breakfast dish t'. those in,.nlit.anI.ealth. After pork *vitas teal in the *ruler ( TO C031G AND $K$ THE T INYITFD G IFTS „I.ge.tltN l , raw .1 „t, ,.e to Ono 11y.1.-pttc oto Irate 11.41144' we, -, Ith th•• esee{.tn-n .1 frizzle) thinly -rat ,a. ..n as a relish in the iw.riino. Sweet.. , ...I•, ."I,e:bar C.11% 0.1. air .l .'.. .. are arty nutr tl' . anti &mist in th. •lugent sen' 4 rethrr G -ds. 'M the whole, th. hralt!•..-.leer. will I" sell to make t!.. fled, of the .beep ani the ..., .n ui•.ler%te .y,unti1l••'. his .talent•, ..i far as ,.enrn., 4 food 1 ennr•nr.l. hid 3.r'mnrt 111.4 coPi-t.o.tly V.1211 cin k.ey game, Lad %lieu In .•-x,44.11. 1 Mae %bend. J eowtAe_traro t--�- ,a -Prow*: Ten Mann .4 matte appr:ttatece te•t.,,ley u Finest Co! lection Tim OLD VFTRit.\X? S UNDER CHI NA et .r opened out in t.,vlrri, h. C. A. NAIRN r Qeurt House square. G..deri. t tw•!. 7ai, Ui. "Il.. much d. you .. 5 , COPIES PER �BBK "How misch do y.ou th•rgr for whim: y, ! publishers 1 allhai. Seines s..sy s. Meson Potter and Taylor held meet - Read whoa the 1'naetry's of the neat•. eves lately through Ashfield, and Hob I)r. Rest/an u • keterer.- 'Dr. Sexton ' ,.rt Porter had to do nearly all the talk- ie •man of wonderful futility of mind, Nearly every c.•n.ervative thinks in fact his mental resources seem le.und !Hen A . Ria will be elrcte b Beware of imitations J..hn til«.1 lots Blas. to the britt,, dogma; 'out half .4 it at a cul{., .'..a.•t•,1 6,. lips, .!1.4 sip his rte.. end aid : "1 /ay. ILII, you w/IHam Turnabout. I .•.•1 tt: chi :uN lea:. win Poen all li•.'.bow. •.1 bedevil," mod he handed Il'. gl... to 1ti!1 .lir Me nth and his stand : !I emetic it mil the two were ...,t ,f ,,. :um 1.4oer 1!.r :..lonidn'4 3. 4k•+•ls•r 30;“. in a ridiculous p,ation un the Scripture ,nt.,l that Is.,:h I.cd lead a liberal e,..nl waling, 1ue•tion when cohfruuted with I ,;,nl.priee lesa. It has never been our prn ilege 7 a their admissions and assertions pion to; la ge rata est• 0 .;,.. n._ l) lIN tau hear . lemur* equal to tie* titre t the a.; ., • aoiasaaw. Ramp, �oilr 1) %, aton gave here (Tomenta last night, A very success( ,il p•riilic examination' Laing's inconsistent attitude to a saw rte , in excellent fri.a14v...f ray*t'•,. i. t ' : • Nowa elaswlation [Mil. sod We.-Lly Ft.. lli IEIM BHT GIASPAFF enLu'.rlr:e;t: P. maw rt 1 t 4.1 1 j I• ratsa t* rrtll t3C SON_ Larger Than Ever CHEAPER THAN EVER EVERYBODI 18 WELCOME FINE SHOWROOMS CANADA SPECIAL DISCOUNTS K N e1F \t e 1•:i; 1.i 1: - T111.. Free Press He made several of the free thinking. 1 was held in S S. N•,. lei, on Friday last. 1 pint, and even Mr Meredith h;mself roc.:.: 1'.t ts.•aar fire Ixrg. fee. u�rfe t Ih�tl►senl•lrewl''•ub a 1r arrw"+'tid ace tical rs,. a w r. w _ A large nnmher .f risik,n wen resent. � iia to face the +1 nn s o Y ¢ party 1 Ise at 1 p d t arse p px u h sn In lir audt . P en Carton f the 1 . d i. ,,l rim unser, m a msuor)ru , n a h:..< hrv. 10 t he tsmea. and rnr.rlw ted by yt r.oaa prat - ence feel an thin but at home.' It' At the chew of the examination two 1 he feeds on thea r uestion with •1(I.rii• htel,otr:dnin til• t. 1 ecru) akuu.d in Faim Wwi.. was both • treat and a pleasure to lutes Pupils came furward and presented their such admissions as this made in the legs- it a hot coveted dirt and k're them en tl,. Is. -rare 1e 11.83. I reel . •saes. „f tea( to the delivery oil one .,t the most r '¢met the right of � .,.r rhn•r amen on«!,. 1( ra!,4wp.,,n•d- '•f fi„a, masterly lecturers r'. er heard in this the end of the year. with a handsome the Raman Catholic authorities to give ani our art a salt tal,M,p.e•t.d.,A Ia,E ; city ;Hamilt..a . The 1MeVA•,d:st _'deg •:bam, a bible and a very nice moor the advice, and to make enquiry with e t cveaw uitt they am a the,' pate• 4:....• says: ,Iteyund any letturer whew ' tache cup. Mr Hackett has taught. respect to what books are t.• he used ins ran otwickh i..r.. s j. u:.d ranee r, ,n • w,IQ se ,.o: t;esr.l• Ur. meiton ie „seem., the 'giving g..xl satisfaoti•tn, for ton years our Huth schools in which their children "' a gtnck fire: v11 oro •s1hy141.Aet1 '.f 1 M1. wont ark.,. rare f ..idly Aft-inaking the ramal profused in this ecletal •aid will now attend the , may be taught,' That was the time t t ",f d. • s.•!1, t«„ toy, re I • n.l fine aafMlaa 11(111 In w l 't ! ! teacher W, A li•ckett who leaves at r ,0•k •d the rstnre. .'civ thin • abstruse ,;•.bluing . f science lucid and ,,',"rlt'a1. lumin .u• te, ter unscientific hearer . hence the Metroi.o',tan church sail some _ when willowy William was reading the .tie mail thick. 'Men n in the let r. end ins e , •tet••• �OIS�s , pried shrrta of Capt. b.trwan•a address we. well iw.trn and nu until ariseoYth• strsu to the Irish Cnheltc electors. in which M w 1 t fin td m►ht a -ter nista W teen that JrtClutton 1, 1 trvw 1 enemy . f the lath ,•tea's and Mr \lered+th :Th.'s.' - e quick oterdowing.- The tees n of this pfop- his infirm. and tier John pieced as their friends ___ ___ __r clarity a that the 1► clam i. thornutbly f One ail the latest heaeri«. hs bees ! in which also. Mr Fraser was derided as $Tlewewrsffsg the Mew. familiar with 1w.,), ,Lae seirnUOe and a Keotehman, and only hal(* l'athulie, i'►era.a.. M ...,nor T. I.r.d:g11 • fine 441'4e n,v the d.y4t«j,; dot., 4 the largest sudiruee ro,•tns in the cit • Mr s- war denounced as the i" m r`"nh with half • tewrlt{4ul of fin. His man friend* will he sewn tr have hewn fill td I y p• , , , e, awl cinm(w •tel 1*uu a +h•I.eatel is rtnll theological •sprats of his theme, anon erected by Frazer against $ .vase wood- •.e.d the promise sea held cut that if if.•Il.x Rni:tenl.' W11. -re. ;,r, y,", g„ paese+ses a power ..t lucid explanati.enwhack is pate •eight to see u s Meredith Irctme premier an iriah eh all thew ..•t.'" nmol u,.+1 an Iowa az.t. lake that ..f Tyndall hum«.If ' •'in hie ' (',stholie would are given a plae•e in holt •'Taki.. •in 1.1,,.•." own peculiar ittbere Dr S.atMn 1... ire; Itr"a. Linklar•r and S. R. Winton», G..yernina,t . • tt:hy _ whet .!n yon weer W I +sn sepal. Iia address wits full of striking al"'ma"'the district meeting "1 the il.estnhre rnea+lort•s •ttJ be , f:, T. heiJ at Manchester en Weld M the iro- ReW.e■ Mot Print .4 the i.,ghest Eli le,h l'uirtn;:y nesday'4kat week. "tieing c•uutr:elely broken down in treiuet.4." The ebnir and particularly ibe, health, 1 was induced to t -v that "rpranist, were p'essantly eurprtend last 1 rideable remedy, Burd .ck 1110o1 Bitten. Iaet•1h1e bet I•.Uriawerwr, 1'Ill ard*y ensuing when meeting f.•' One h. tee male me feel like a now mon, practice, by • nest new organ steed 1 lestorieg me c . npletely w health." All paha "r a•h••g Wilt'Issteetly re- .m „e .latferm bythe ,waved by dl •.i.. f Fluid i•t;honing ap- 1 nntan Rome • I:e .. V. Diller, N•paiee, l ),, 3 .r. •rte! I rb..'t Irlrs.• teal raev null an ,y In. X I.Mu vett.. ,, W..,• lad lt'I,L y. •• '.1kuow it• Itul 1 w going t.. .tact "'What', 11. !swat of •I.;, chart,* of he... r' 1 r.do{atl.e' ' What 4. •..1141 emu, !'• ":Tote, y.'l ter tl.et 1:r {.•e••rhae.1 ui. ng 3.41,4111%3•1s (wog r...•n ,m1 tams h . ' cin• 1.14.‘r4.4 tout ria led over the su••o .Jpee,.n. Nn time �'T"lg"ee 1t hu! ti" ,lane kn. es eh,' ,r 't' t pr agnate . ,ymt no 111/111,111/111,1•003111 Inrtllellte•* nM•le1rleer Maga resent Tadd. MAr ,uhalrn, ais *•*uteo Dr. I' w -_ • f there Ihy war .4 'hetet rt." visited 'invented -. ee p Il n.. inT or using ,greasy liniments. • parish -mere last w ic, and awl►ated at t, slim young min in the height ..f )t will not Water ••r dowel. r the skin. thew ' I fashh,n wee violently sneezing in • .t es Nem tattle b, Gr.,. * t._ 1 Dwron; hu . eat when a e•'ro ni•tn remarked. • tau, Mold •t llfia /u► y I:hsng.. ! stay, he was the guest • 4 T). Lawson, 1"x r•'•ta+mwt. Niro Campbell has Fern 1r. sore w that they tact* river a whew lienal , The infant .t Mr and Ann H hue. dw.ad(ul a.M " "Ase, dash fell&h left ¢"'teit and Constipation, and was in home contains • bottle of timid kasha. • d �•p sympathy to them In their dwe•d1u1 const, it chilled me filmes to wnnld 1 its tau to any person feelifi,g alltfi,ow was. mode to death." eI. t Charles had used I►r. Her. tintolarly emublei. T'hia invalnaMe re S&N A .lelig'tt f .u1 1etldiest Preshyt tr' R T '" end 11 P• Niall church, el Sunday mons- �' A1w very much. F,.r mai! at 1 pet twtttk. $oN at (ieor{ge - f-. 1 (t) Falls R ' dretwist. fiMir,, 4n Slewralget _ twos igns* hearty in. ovine. Ch.wl.., deah tiny, how dye cath that troubled for a number of years with ln- w �{ n fi•tnrdsy and abate was T .r hall tether sq, diced to try McGregor'. tipped; Clare lung (4! a targe ole. � shows • To Awa ray' Dtrnst'rgr.--4.hee'errnw. �pp well Pent Is'r•'a ) is ile duce. IoW •nus d n m can. in tbu lo moat .t the femme; • •;i sewn and in seeking the ivory Handle; s, an.1 found it all that wasnrrd,J and Sil>. , t.w by the Rev. De 1 re, at the v.T • eel tate Gum his c-.ld w'ett b we,t me47 le said ,n every pert of Caned% at ed Im int. tow to,kt. t\ Ii..0 s prwrtip'1 -0 :ra e!,rn,. t eR Rhyne.' drag store. TO SCHOOLS ANO CHURCHES. 'f''- 6 Cheapest House uIvDER THE SUN. 'Ytst.et., next door '•. : ,r at 4 )date•. Ooderie!i. Igo•. t.4, 1964. 1z' t7 ALL THE NEWS ZN Fitt_ 1 Icy Tele•:r'pb. Teleph. neo Mail and cones- /J dent• n to Ar hour paid'. of Mi'aUon. Pon D D aper•.al Market Department. Awre• nitnral De- partment. Sermon by Dr. Palm ag�!e. capital Teter% ale ays running. Ingeniou. Puzzle I'ol- utnn. Hemnr..ua Heading. pre, ''teal lllnstntione of Men and Things ap u•••ar from time lo time, JUST THE THING FOR THE FAMILY 0 IA Q r -a M e e CaAYLEAU 'rc a t,rar.-t Aaad W r to •1 H.al.ltos 1'uura. pt wu touud tial ,,mart'•, eb•• heti cii14t"1 tryltiR t ;g tlsrit (olh,wara b; v,lalW. clad about .Ic11y leer na.uo c i hap•r+u sea. *ouch - end,' the aggrut{at Irl*ell. rh. mei ,nrth•.1 sl Ik,tuvht 1yµ Ise a sell btlw ,f a.eu wbu u.Ya.p 1 toluene t„s.,i.a, alt ,,air b,.'' wla,pani,. oleo t!►+.Llw..t, ft ,umb,t ihu tellu•tt :..aurKewent •sf tl nail 1r Ly lir I taawl>,'r t..r N'rat I laeth'ol ••f doalu•. u+•u Na cal:wb 1 teak It for isolate wdberto•t torsi dr matte:: Nice, rt i e .au, ap • . ue+ttboChhis le.leaudnr tarn hullo that vet. ,•.•^J ubyitl*4klcuari tiW ��I1 chars node en hbe tatter uu.I ,gr.re. rote atom .0 0.e •I,saer t"tie tl, c nupl,cd by a ,Li u 1Inn:Jltattt!i! a,reuukd d"cumeu . o, 1" ILO pu!litl .:.0 wetter, alta .I. Uy the way, 14 t. arkable tint tlw ;.,,I ,tier a Werk at *emu. chiral••* is seer: without too ambo fest Wert t.uuutics,n.•t•1 1•eld by th, M eolce then st ethic been denounced u .u,lert, taw veto !,at their audios took ler them .o tnt,erprrtaut • .11411i. 4,11.11, of the tut %yell, wo .app Fun ii kn,.ws his wen. Ttar,n, and only Ci ple the •trate to are pit in ender' :.f tesp„nmkility ::.squveree0Mt it r ran not wee 31 1, h(. growing •ar the hacking wort, lan,lunl . lee was mirth. • .juytuemt fee a i'. net bat mists :!rouwnda are 1 '511 cured by 1 M .rpases all ire of thea di • r pamphlet an arid'* D speui I:eitako, N. T. Vii -You $u . er Cw o'•unt .. .n Drtut iAow ie it t ray this sc rwi e 14 'tisk 44:S44411 i'anadlana tun 7 -Ty party ' :t ••-,ray trotted in •estent Lone h. when he ktcke.i be whipped. and u Catholic voted Tury. th- a, he mese be and his binge tee through tl.i the French au been raised by with the view • rt "It mLeh drteat th. ' h:tano But C:.r wu.J at; 1 Geo. Andre' Carpet Cor;.or pons. b.f',re a'!setad with form. Its t ehea}hatt the en ha Hr w .rwhanILA. Every member of the household esgrrl) kooks ` (1 ,, • aur (leach wreak. ped I LARGE $1 PAPER O d v In ('!els of four and rat aTtiIIC f/E:?RIf, C r- ' offered in Canada to parties getting uD H Clubs fcr the Weekly Free lints. l ltb = �t her • ropy of our P.entlinn list and se, the e O 71 • a P CORD WOOD. ti x Perrone wishing gond rnrd vowel at theism H , r••t 7 eat rates can has a the cam, promptly snpplird a -i hy PS Ing eir order. GIErO.thOLD�S STORE.. �' 812,000 in Premiers fir most r,' ndecettslreta Siva An to Agents j/•1a� p we ■re oRMring.'' (.1 t ample rotates fret nn appllratien. AAdr,'o W rang rte•* rsIITi*Csta.. �•'l 1 f,•,t•nte. CAwaia Oar meant will roll of the .tire Aslly for rulers. Alar. on hand. a In. of .tot, woven soeh •a abort slant*, edginv", , le All the wood can het* tight at the mill ter deli\ e SO lir but or desires. l'r'.mMwrw gwtaa. tred IAVIBR BAFCRLBR, l♦ • • "serve iMllla Jame bd. Itlt fly • The racket a i the �mkin fr•,m Propria has largely h well as retie m aasfacturea ease with G ft .440....1 Geri f'thirty-mit added to iticl c attaining t ire: erne fifth cert sirs T pepeia and ••ter .n ,tort jprtroubles, ha• t any medic sntsge of is wild be ger and affiliated i:t ctvthaed f 'r 10 seats N ar1oaat gatire avid are mild ad ?Ls Lund been trauo , prevent tLe Lady Ra S.0.0 invitl will he hen. January 1= MMN,r letter t.' th sae of pet co rap,,,, is Jane A Immo sod