HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-24, Page 5lifilitfRON SIGNAL,, FRIDAY. DEC. 24. INSIV-.." r• A (;001) METHODIST. i IMwxnlsldlea. Lest Friday evening the member, of the AI,atel School howl U,ama asarusblr.t rat (he ren!. of a of t heir t.•set..•r, 4r LmI.uoy, tor the pun.. of tlpres.n1g t•• hum, thea .i. .oar apptortart.n „1 ILO a.•rt lc I.e h.d reuderr.i t l.. w do -leg the tr, es, and 1.eir thrt.L. t. r hie ouo.easu,. labor in their Ia-hall Thew erre. ...r.ltwlls HP:tt.'ed 1.y Mr and Mr. EonM.ry. in sol • u ..f the some. ay .,f their feelings, the prwt•mteot hien with • hat da.s,n• fn.it•oadiet a.xl the f.•lliovieg is Wr•se. Go:ow:ref. De. Irish 1841 1)r.ttt alt: M:X1r1 tt., 1s.•, the mem- bers .•f the Model Class .of 188., tale . this oppotluo.ity of addressing per is. utdrr tm eaprra.lo Vida oar 4iuc'ere ape p'rerlatlU{t 0t/ he brio sir■ v.(' 1140 e dea:. t.l from your tnllchn,_+ dutief th.o ram trim. We, each and id: recovetze the uniform kindness aro.' r, crtesy that 1..s m•,' a !o:4! lighten. -.i ,aid utmil.• pl.psun the labors ..f the tern. a,.', which ar hle, may be examples to all ..f us ..1 the relat•oas that should suhsiat %alveoli teacher sod pupil. WI! else rets gnis•• sit!' gratitude t1.e unflagging interest and w -al you hate ►hoar for our educational welfare. the puns you have tekett to explain our various difficulties. and your muccess in nu,s•'hiog the p th, of rapid and r • tedlivent progress. We hope and believe wsnr connection with the (l derieh Model School, its teachers and pupil.. will be a loon:; and utu.p,-roue • n.. foil of p!casamt rennin. sconces of the past and of happy omen► tor the future. As easy the shiest pispenser above. u0 longer he left upUuual with tallier - universe, and :rosters or teachers, but shuu,d be wade in the hearts of 'nen, guide at.d pn•eper ,rdmarily imperative. The dtacussioa ! yes in the calling in which we are fel- in our interview with the Attorney -tin, tow workers, and make it ever redound rral, as well as in !ha public .spar. • 1 to Hu !moor and glory. 'he day, turned chiefly, sit far as 1 tart 11token ..f one good wshe, and el_ remember, on this p•.tut of making: the I teem we p•rr•.rnt you ttiia fruit -basket, rrl'gwus exercises a rtqusre.ieut by law j not as c•ommensur.te will your merits. s distinguished Iran the plateal leaving II or our lively sense . f there, but se eci- the matter optioual with the local auth- 1 dance if our eisie.rtty. •.rifles. And our c,nteut waa that I We impala Sir, yours respectfully, the Education Department should . R. Stitt 1011.N, frame its instructions as to. make the re 11 R. M.Laois. ligiuus exercises the rule, and that in i KAT, Ala[NltgAn, .ase mf ..tathg.uce it should be in the Fume.ce WILLIAM., •n,sur mf every parent or ratepayer to Et.utt MULAt eiHII . ;dead the expires reeuiatwn of the De ' t►n behalf ,.f the Mods' claim ..t IBM ;srttneut. In a word. we wanted a tae To Aldan Ernhury.{ - . hat would servo w co, rect.1'riseiprl litsdench M. R. and not • there recoruweudatton that la reply., Mr lathery hery tbked thein might serve to excuse it. This is what a0gss __ mit M mire hilts kind iddrees the representations of the Churches were ad apet Ms mid he was well se beet able t, a -Tee upon, and what they plead with ihillthrrl of the ease der - chiefly urged upon the Attorney -Gene ing the term. and hailed that alt would nal- I wan Dot prtweet e1 any mbar he suncessfu1 at the 1 a . •tuent meetings of the deputations . r de then incited thea to remain and committees, and hove therefore no per- oejny themselves for the ,venin,. The notal knowledge of what t....k place, but kindnees and cheerfulness of Mr and we know that the Minster of Education Mrs Embury made everybody feel at . dial subsequently so modify the res- br., and all spent an enjoyable time. elation' as O. make obligatory the About elcv.n o cloak. they dispersed ty duly reading of a portion of Script- aingtn¢ Auld Lang Syne. ore and the use of the L rd'. Prayer. This importaut , has thus been secured, and in view el its importance, as well as of some dsftieultiessurruundsag it, I lbiok rather scanty credit has been • %tlrrlwe rlrett.g as arerrartrt A segs• ,hien to the (1overtitoertt fur ita actrou it• , this part:cuter. As regaria the use of a book of *elm Bons instead of the whole IAbie, there is •ertanely room for honest difference of pinion, hot we have bmf .re us the hollowing rather decisive facts in lust* oration of the course which has been adopted : l. When the book of selections was submitted to the Church repre•eoutives, ia sub -committee, it remitted their ep- Forsl and asaset. the committee demist• rad eE lessu� Ta 1i iKjahEt wNatwy and staadiag, and repretseatis1l the lend- ing denominations of the country. I _ether also frim the "Meuneraadum" Wished by this committee, that they si the authority of the larger Confer - Mice for adopting "a hook of selectiors•• sa hew of the entire Bible. 2. Thaw eminent Protestant diviner, in their "Memoranduo., ' not only ren- rrate their former deliberate judpltneut, Trot state explicitly • number of good adbstantial reaeuns for preferring a book' • f selection., and vindicate the charac- ter.,f the book now to question as "fair - 1y representative of every portion of the Scriptures... a. The I'resbyterisn Synod of test, by a formal vote, expresse.l "ia gratification at :he action of the hon. the Minter of Education," and this rote wits ''unanimoug,• and we all know the prof mod and i, re. erence • f our Presbyterian brethren n for the Bible. It there be, therefore, any blame to be attached to the Govetnment in this transaction, we of the churches must share it, and in a r"e:ter of this rarticular kind I think we mould take the larger share, But the fair inference seems t.. be that a work too prepared, so eisnnned, and so approved, is sort owes to any senous objections, nor the use of it in our Public Sehoob • ground for turnable complaint, much less • round for attack upon the Government as a matter of personal opinion what- ever that may he worth. I hold the frequent reading of these beautiful and appropriate aelectiore to be better fur the children of any school than the reading of a wider range of leas suitable passages, and far better than any hasty Of chance selections that might be made iby the timelier, especially a young and 1 teacher, and i may add that 1 have for some time used the b -,.,k ui my own family devotions, and hays found it very convenient and useful for that purpose. A number of other ques- tions have been raised in this contro- versy, but, es i do not write with the of going over the whole subject, 1 1 leave others to handle those Miestios - Twill nttly add that while i would enmasend the watchfulness of those who, like mygood friend, Rev. 1)r Laing, are 6.1 te alert to resist inn- roper . 1 influent's, i fail to nd, in this particular inatusoo, any TrrliN tIMX fENRRAT, AI C- pmeitive proof that lhw eneeulta• • TION RIR aad lewd vstee ter. Goderl h. tion with His (Grace, the Arnbbah- net- HavhttleA .owsiAwnhM wsperles.v I■ of Toronto hal had the offset of the• h.rg.' with tr ug M Isfa ' lw.ittwn ter Aiartarwe with tisnroagh satisfaction ail cnm- anlsding the Bible from our Public retrainee entrusted 10 him. (►eels', brit at ',hoods, or the effort of modifying. in Y•rtln's Hotel, ew serest y, mall re t sAAr 1 ray way. the seleettone an wisely XsiNr•eh P.O., An it lly, attended ter JOHN swede R�A7t (`,Doty Aa•-1{m1a,r IAI7.1f by that Protestant and (:o.neervatire scholar, Mr W. H C herr. Hts Grace is laid to have apemnreiI ed the selections for all that. and the wie of theses very settleable : in witness whereof we have asst. the testimony of !hots eminent Proles Rvpr.+a Mlwed. Mltad. tent divines, and ff that •lltrnetwnrtb Godwei e I Ar. 1 • aoa m 1f:1ip.m I 1 Si ss. y eltes•texd Ar. t P los to x lAp.we 1 �m Presbyterian Synod of June, iRK, WOO? K, ti N a .i.as e .4 Principal Telit•e Speaks Words of Wisdom. !•e Mowat t.everwmeest Karim; tat Principal Nrlles, into whope leandslhe klrth•dut church baa committed a large number of its young ministers for traits - ie...., has wrttteu the foliostu! tuaulj and vitriolic letter . Sta,—i have little desire 1.. t.ke part in the contrutersy now mould( on set ref- erents to thew soloed yuuatlons, but u 1 was one o1 the representatives who ratted on the 111. 11.e AttorneF'- lietirral niOct. 11182, I fed it my duty to Jo what I can to slim nitwits' of just ice and fair play toward the Guiern• went. And first of all it mem* to Inc that the chief matter ths1i prettied upon the at- teutu,n of the Government has been somewhat host atgbl uf, or thrown 11114 the background, io touch That has been recently written. It ems understood at the lime that the Ilo1y Scriptures were rot btliag read in • i 'ssetdruble number 4 i'uidse schools, and this we, believed to ler largely the result of eec;lt- :encu use the part of school trus- tees and teachers. It wait therefore urie .d by the deputat that the daily read. ink o1 sonic porn. a of Scripture ebuuld SOUTH HURON. T s'•edidaie, Mr Archibald Biabcp opened the cam. oaten set South Hunan, at Brumfield. in Diem's hall, on Mossday evening last. The meeting sae well attended and was composed largely of Rekreseles, Mr Bishop was asstated byMr M. Y. Mc- Lean, tot Seaforth, atMr Swinerton, who was pressen, was assisted by Mr White, barrister of St. Marys. Mr Bishop accorded his opponents the same conditions he claimed for himself and his supporters. All the speaker received a quiet and respectful hearing, not one in- terrupti-n having occurred during the aiming. Mr Swinerton made his mai- den speech but be apparently knows very little of political affair's. He claimed, however, to be a temperance man and a candidate in the temperance interest, and made a gross, personal attack on Mr Bishop by accusing him of being out only a violator el the 8sup Act himself, Isnot itdaeiapl intima M uiolat. it. Mr Bishop to reply gave iitd charge a flat c)ntrs.lictton and defined his platform on the temperance ,question. He said he defied any man to show that during his twenty-four years public municipal and parliamentary career that he was oppos- ed in any way to temperance and morali- ty, and he was prepared to rledge him- self too continue that (•owrsn. He did not claim to he a total abstainer, but in that respect Mr Swinerton, notwithstanding all his professions. is no better than he is, se he could pine, that Mr Swinerton had admitted to having very recently drank a glass of beer in • private house in Exeter and he dared Mr Swinerton to deny this statement. More than this,oa the Saturday previous to his coming net ass candidate Mr Swinerton had accom- panied s t*stktatinn, oospeeed at leas* partly of hotelkeepers, to the tnwnsdot► of Stephen, to ask Mr Itatr,the Reeve of Stephen, to corse nut a. a candidate to the Conservative interests, and Mr Rata wa4 and is one of the meet bitter oppo- nents a the Scott Act in the county of Huron, and had Mr Rats accepted this offer Mr Somerton would not have been *candidate. In view of these state- ments, which he dared Mr Somerton to deny, he'waited Inc Mr Swisterton'a de- nial, but Mr Swinerton made no reply) her thrught the temperance people would have n•. difficulty is seeing that their in- terests are as safe in his (MIr Rsahop's) bands. who is not afraid to state openly and above hoard what he will do, as with Mr Swinerton, who snakes land prides - pious nne way and who acts another. The meeting closed will cheers for the Q•twen. and three for Mr Bishop and the Mowat Government. Sesforth Expo- sitor uctioneering. ISSGRAHAM,tNEVII FAIL G00 "^ Fashionable Milliner, ••." Ilia Warned from her volt w New Turk. Turooao, aad .1br. ,'.:.r.. Willi ll.a NEWEST STYLES C PATTERNS Mod teas reams ••1 freer her add s+aael to the Mose UNDER GEO. ACHESON'S NEW HALL, where +I,r will 1.,• plwam+d to ser leer old Codeine'''. •ad • uuwlwt of new wee.. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS coo a Ams+a+'a�i+J TO ALL. tli..'e,,c h, (let. Jth. Mti. NOW FOR BARGAINS AT HUM' F:ii'ORII M.J.I.' �r GIFT e'i d *YratreffiAr l L NTLI GTE The Genuine Bell Organ, The Mason & Risch, Dunham, Fischer, Evans Pianos. Prof. t'. only handle.. the very 1„0;: fooruutrnt., Why but trash when you can hut' the 6F:! t !hit thing 1.y railing ori or writing to i'ItIIi . Ci..%ItKE. Fifes, Muth (waren.. `•'rap Alumna. •4L.•at \l�c.. \suede lia,'ca, kc. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CANADA�ami ��e� r.•. r es..lfisi nesse,isa. 1873 GRIP! , Amapa** ..4111.- .i.,rt\Ai.. i 18871 ANCHOR LINE AMMOUMCElEOT 101 TEI C 11 TEAR. GRIP is now so well knu•vn as to require se.; len le of either deacr.ptius, or prwme. It is netball cartoon taper la steads. and it is herniated at ennui ON k-HAI.V THE PRICK of siiiYl•r Journals in the tailed tltalee. GRiP'S CARTOONS. In addle n•+ to Acing strictly Impartial when they refer to politics. are always on the side aosff patriotism sad morality. Thetas/. improvement' are universally ad- mired. The journel la enlarged b li {ages. pad It is printed upon heavy toned and weU- letedcrcd paper. This gives both the en.- tiretis's' and the letter press • beautiful appearance. And. notwithstanding this e►-_ bargemen' and tinprovrment. the prior of 01111' to Ileo fit • year : magi, &'•plea, srefisr-- tthe pr:.* it commanded nib.. but • fosr-psae sheet I GRIP'S PLATFORM : Hamar ',dhow( retp.rile: Patriotism trite - out Partizanship: Trot* rifAeret Trooper-. Tr fro sot be without Obi. favorite Canad- ian Cartoon Paper. Its price places it whin rte reach of .11. Addrw.,h• GripMsrrse aad rwblw- Maelua. 36 sad 31 t Street West, Toro* te. New subscribers. srnd•ng II will receli e the paper the balance of Rials. and too 31st De- eeiahor. 11M7. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. All subscribers to GRiP, OM or old. are entitled t0 • copy of the magailk eat litho - epitaph "Cowe4vairig L4.Oe,'or the com- panion piste "Liw.at Lammas.' shortly to be published. on p•ywsest et t yeses fee post - U. S. MAIL STEAMERS %%IL L1E�% eiTIHIRAI ittwl %LH least Tia GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. Rotes of Passage to or Irom Mew York, Glasgow, Liverpool, Lcr,dosdexry or Belfast. CAIRNS, 1149 and text Sicortn ('LAP., RM. Steerage outward or prepaid, /1e. Anchor Ione Dots, issued at Lowest Ita.es are paid tax of c1� to England. Scot tan ) and Ireland. For Books of Toure. Tickets. ort other info[. 'nation, apply to BENI)EltldoS BROTHERS. New York. or A. DICKSON, Posturer. Oodericb. Ooder:eh Nov. 17. lam. > THE A.11,7 2: R NA •• have muck pleasure a aturse.int our frtrnds' rad for public. �,sauralli. that oar Fall Steers i• an. complete. In all the Ih•pari.ueutr our goods will b,• found of 1114. mrwest dry/u.,•444.1 t. -.t .104111). MtRGM reek, 1 LMTs;ults s, MANTLE CURTIN*. N'e are she)* Ind large ranges in french. Germa•t and English Goods an the ..•w..t auk.•.. Wr l.nrego Ulm of Orem Melton* that will astonish you. al Iasi CIL; fume anti get ..nn of these. Adore the) are all ashE Newest things in Trimming, to match dies• TWEEDS, WORSTEDS ANI) Cl1ATINOS, • splendid *snort meat. and at price, lower t1aa Amer.! See our Suits to order at 115; S, 1- + Every Wool Shn.rl., l'.r.4inst..n. Tam U'hlanter (Hats, Punt 1'om erne And tle•,•1.. Ilosirn and Gtuvrs,t Mimeo and ladies Kittens, tewe•t1.r w.tl• m completes ?tees moot of small wawa. t A discount of Q.e per tent. will be allowed on all; ash puretta.ea of Dry Goode of err dollar and ever. FANCY GOODS 41 Colborne gyros., GODERICH. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. MRS. C. H. C1RVIN 5OCandle Power. Ido Woke, ):o Chimney. No Smoke. No Oder, Nu Heat around the oil well. Positively Nos -Explosive. Every Lamp Guaranteed. Made in all styles Table. Bracket, to attach w chandeliers. Library-, kc.,- kc. PRIG aid apwarAa •6.00 i:.•.;. n ..nnounce that Lei r+tie a of Fall and Reinter Millinery is sow complete. sad comprises the . VERY LATEST STYLES HATS; BQNNET&-fie A large and Varied Nosh ell PLUSH TRIMMINCIrs, All Shades and Patterns. Foili8rs, F1oers, OrllaJiiellIs, Elibb011S, &c. Ta Irsrge Variety. Always as hand • Large and Well Assorted st,ek of Waltzer e � White Machines at�r�a �n Feet DRY 000 D S Pianos and Organs, A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ell from the moot celehra•ed makers cheap pitcmewber the Place. Hassiltos street. Two Doors Below the Colborne Hotel. Goderich. for C•rh. GEO. W. THOMSON. lgent. (i) Itesidenor-fMet ileum, Bast of Smextb'a �/1 1-4 --1886 0 41 tvirt t the entitle with the that i have Seer D opened out • Choice Ae�ortment of NEW A.I. Planing Mill. fe7iaf 1886 V� V FALLJ STYLISE S ES 6''OO)S Z Rsttable far Autumn and Earty Winter Were. O W �} To range of Tensile Fabrics are so scarfed tnist that eves the most fastidious can be 41 r PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS, Black aad colored. Plain and Striped flushes sad Telerate, ; ( ar Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dolle P4 U C Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. (A H r7 ; (,)[4 t >j Gloves c$� Flir_e Hosiery' ti Full ALLrange DEPARTMENTS eWILL dBELFOUND t an. mils f WELL ASSORTEDthe Hosiery and Glove . ,%..�. A -114 An unusually large te,u t of ('anadian and Imported KNITTING YARNS Best Makes. ^ O KEY NOTE- Goods said oat tMir merits use ml 1aas made. and strictly one price O A_ S1je v J�.NTRO Z 1422 ail- ► o t41, H Zrauelting Baia,. to RAND TM NV Mesesi NlwtM. ti Iltvgferd Lv. eta•.a pts S$Ipp.s Victoria C iuversity, Dew 9, 111119. uodwtcb i Ar. I te�la.m I 3: p.sa I thlh p e s''/07r14 Godrrich. Sept. 9th. IME limper and Haberdasher, u GH D U .STI 0P, rASHION M1 T1�ILOR_ F 000DS A�.L As ills Is the time esf the year when potion are , pnbilc Inc Fall and Winter weather, p beg . cK N Z to cell the uteotion of the public to my atex•k of E TWEE$ A1WTW OOATINGB, 1..1. rompri1. tt,.• Latta+ snot heat Palterers and Shades the market affords. Cail and See the New Goods; Remember the ea -West letreet, nest door to Bank of Montreal Goderi• b. ..pt. MM. flea. iF YOU WANT T1 TCU WAX? 1F YOU WANT RGAINS IMPORTER, *' is r ` Wholesale and Retail Dec Toronto Cash Store SHELF .AND '. H THE FALL STOCK - HARD W A; AT THE ItS NOW COIk*PI_. _ allAll are invited to maw tad owamh• the quality and ,Ammo' „• ' Remember Ale stead :-THIt CAMI SIOR=. 121_ O' �A, Maxa.a.geeT_ Goderteb. Ohms Mb IBM ons -in 151 el.. PAINTS, ' OILS AND GLASS, SubscribeiTheS'gnal GODERICH.