HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-24, Page 4 1
TOP' I Sct,oes Dstru_--It is our sad duty
1 111 ". to announce the death of Mr John. It.
Gardner, of the 13th am, of Ashh.W,
.4 ratera •sissyyr. tot.'I aorta' wh4c1► took dace on Wednesday last,
-Ia./mita At 44 proal a. ' 1
tho result of blood poi ..ii se. The
'1h.bo:itlayseasonwill tespent by George diseased, who was widely known, was
1°•."11111111115 pbututrapbie rooms for these wily ill about • week. Ifs was to his
. m
jmodation of hie pogrom. A Merl ('br•bt•
u as los.% fiftieth year and leaves s wife and seven
Sion we all taarral. children to mouru hn untimely death.
Hlltbd) aad gal. Lucknow SeatlneL
Get your lotbilaments Dr. Seaton. ,late of London,Fur glad New. Years nay.
At Yndhalda England. now of Philadelphia, t .
:at arrived, a large amid well assorted has just received the gold medal. which
.ioct et New 10': lamp., also . large ■tuck has been awarded to hon "Som-
e, the "Su-
uf crockery, eanaod fruits. and general Imo-
. eriem
eer.rriea Christmas fruits is ru1111nes. A can ty of science," Loudon. England, for
s •Itetted G. 11..►cu. his labors during many years in .bowleg
The compliments of the season are hereby the harmony between Revelation and
1. ndered to his anwrruu.u. omers by 11. K.
Atlluwa, the p►oograp iter. lir wishes many the lat.et disei,vrries of science. Dr.
happy returns from all w au have previously `coat .n will preach in Victoria street
cabled upon him tar photos
church S _
on unday, January
Tits W011CM.uarIAs TsnreuA,(s Csatarii Aa Tete.- lite annual
V me
tnoN will et regularly fur the transactloo
of boatman every Tuesday of ernoos at 2:31 Cbriatinas tree in couti ctton with the
o'clock, Is North -et. church. Kerry woman in- Mimtun School will be held in the
temeted in the work is twrlWty Invited to
Church on Christmas •ftern.u,
)1tOtu.n-a*t'. Caen Hroag. -here is beginning at 2.30 o'clock. An admission
veneer tar ba tams aro elven this week. 16 Nil of 10 mute will be charged thaw nut
lbs..o[ar, else: rowel soap twthine to beat a,ntiectod with the school. All are
1a the market : new rear coot -es. .piers,
fruit.. ro.lectionery. 5... ic. A11 lines are invited. The entertainment will be
tilled w,th r.: w good.. and carefully .rlretrd interesting, the teachers thank frientle
for the 1.01015) .raven. I omit see and prose
above. ''let good digestion wait on •opetite. who have contributed to the school fund.
illad health on both, tithe wish of M. M'- "Iron (fop :lean Ilona Arlo Name
e.:!ivray to all his kind patrons Latins "-The W,cners's Christian Tem -
James Irvin i6 home fur the winter. peons• (wino salutes the citizens of
►.d Metirtgur was in town last week. Ontario, wishes them • Merry Christmas
The weekly prayer rneetiugs have dune and A Happy New Year, and entreats
yn;tch good. the mothers and sisters of our land, no•
W. H. Ridley, of Paris, was in town to offer intoxicating liquors to their visit -
tilting the week crit, because the social customs of the
fast are no longer gaol (Am in the hest
society, and because the practice un-
dermines the gad resolutions and noble
D. McGillivray, M. A_, will preach ipurposes of our young men.
is Koos church un Sunday et ening nett. SrnwoNTOPARENT Aaul:('asouN$.-
Hamilton and Fred WygIe are spend. Rev. Mr. Turk preached an able sermon
ing a few days in Lown, the guests of on the training of the young on Sunday
I:en. Calx.
Jas. Rwht..n has returned (rout a
t lett, to Praetors, England.
Captain Chambers is building a large
two story frame house oo the south side
of West street.
We hope Radcliffe and '.Lacer will get
a good site for • union station for their
evening last in North street Methodist
church. His thoughts ..n the training of
children were timely and wise. Toward
the sloes of his sermon he made the fol-
lowing reference to the trainiwg of our
youth :-"I understand there is an Inst►-
reepettive railways teflon in town, no matter by what name
it is called' I believe in places where
The overage municipal candidate now
young .nen can study the p
iscoursea : "When I get the charter tar boy
fury .of the country and discuss the .trues
°f the slay, but what in the name of corn -
M., McCort", of 11'annipeg, son of Mrs mon sense is the ose of taking gambling
ItteCars, (:oderich, has been appointed tools in the place ? On ancient of this
aesastutt registrar of land titles. some half dozen of our young men have
J. C. Hareieon will open the Palace had to step down and out, --no, up and
Rink on Friday night. Band:in attend- mut. No young man in such a case sae
mane new surface and new agates_ go down ; he must aro up. Fathers
lava new members joined the Yuun¢ should use their it Hoene. to keep their
iibaral Cldb at its la.: meeting. The sone from the temptations •f such a
Mils are now open every evening.
place. Yoe may say 'it a 0000 0f my
The New Orleans Jubilee Singers,'
business. I have ne interest in the
who appeared In north street Methodist matter. ' He told a striking illustration
church this week, are excellent singers on point shout •men who had no
interest to putting down saloons until a
drunken engineer had wrecked the train
upon which his wife and two daughters
were trarelling. "Are there not traps
enough, -places which lead down to
death and hell ? Some cf you fathers
may not awake to the tact till your sous
come home intoxicated." On account of
a wrong ' . having gone shelled
as to Mr. Turks attitude toward witti-
est clubs. a further reference will be
made to the matter Sunday after next.
r;11 railroad, I will, etc.
Charters for railways we now *overtime.
Aad more will Loom deme to the birth
w"r'll get every mayor, reeve and deputy
',.'hen we owe the whole of the eattb.
Mian Georgie Martin has returned
groin the Hamilton Wesleyan Ladies'
t.ollege to spend the holidays with her
Conimuninn service will be held on
the third Sabbath in January. It it
expected a number of youug people will
partake of it.
Mr Vi. Wallace, •,f Gederich, is at
:)resent aasietiug his brother, Mr John
Wallace in his jewellery atore.-
:.ucknow Sentinel.
11. H. Burnham, Liberal candidate
for the Legislature in East Durham, is a
Tb. Beeves and PMlary Provided for Ms
Wednesday last the regular Christman
brother-in-law of Mesar. C. A. Humber I fat cattle show was held ou the Market
and G. Evans, of (loderich. !et thderich. The cattle exhibition was
And caw it is the nidi which has been meg (sale, bog the daplsy nit putltlry was
caught wailing the Indian reports has, MY llfmil. Tb. following L Ha
ing added a sentence to try and discredit tau[ LIM
Mr Cameron and magnify Sir John. Fal ox or steer-Robt McLean, end
A. M.Polley returned from Oxford R Furse, 3J (:orlon Young.
county Wednesday eveoinv. He aye Fat cow or heifer --S. Andrews, :ti
the election fever has actually struck u, 3d S. Andrews.
Fat ew o
that county, but that Mowat won't go. Fat ewe r wether- H. Shell 1st and
2d, 3d J. O. Stewart.
Harry Reid, moulder, was badly turn- Fat hoe dressed - lit and 2J, - 8.
.d about the face last week. When the Andrews, 3d Win Andrews.
bottom of the copal.. .0 dropped out. Fat goose --Tho. Fear, 23 Jno Gorier,
the flame rushed out and struck his 3i Isaac Salkeld.
fare. Fat duck-Ist Thos Fear, 2d I.
The Bible selections , 1 by ilievier, 3d Isaac Salkeld.
the opponents of the Moira 000ern- • Fat chicken -Lase t;alkeld, 2d Thos,
ment can't be such a bad book after s1 Tear, 3d J. Salkeld.
as it has been adopted for mss in the Fat turkey -Tho. Fear, ^cal J. Goviier,
school. on Manitoba. 3d I Salkeld.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street Table butter -A. Allen, 2d Harvey
dentist, makes the , , .. of the Howell, 3d J. O. Stewart
natural teeth a sppecialty. Gas adminls- Crock butter- SVw Swalbcld, 2d
terod from 9 a. m. to 4 p. n>_ for the A. Allen, 3d J.C. Stewart.
painless extraction of teeth. Jades&
Calling Mr Cameron names does not Cattle-Hogh Garvin, James (learn
refute the facts which he has stated with Joseph Spooner. Poultry and butter
reference to Sir John'. mismanagement ---D. t' Strachan, C, L McIntosh, H.
..f Northwest affairs. Yet some Tory Horton,
:.apes seem to think it doem s sae remises.
The Tory touters who were canvass- Dftt Enit n. -i. it not ilea.• that the
ing against the Provincial Treasurer on temperance people were astir in this
1.unday have been .potted. If some of Township. Although we have the Scott
them would mind their own business and Act and only one tavern, yet 1 am 01117
toy their debts there would be more re- 141 say there are sorsa who are spending
apcted in the community. their money for that which is not bread,
1,1 its retort of "Ye t Ode F..lkea" and that same old house is the present,
c„ncert in Brussels last week, the as in the put, is giving some cmeern to
Brussels P011 say. of • (:odench singer wives, sisters and mothers. Woe is not
"The imported vocah•t., especially Miss only pronounced against the drinker and
Wynn who has a clear, sweet voice of him that retell t.odriek,bstalso tothose
great compass, won golden opinions who are at ease in Lion. What right 8 per cent., Fearing certificates by re -
,it the pergola' present. thinking people want to doatMammas newel certificates bearing obly some 41
The Provincial Treasurer and Dr.
Taylor Named
sea. for ta/ll.• she epp..UbOa The ewe-
p/a• a Seamy Tetr epp.aHlea 5 ands- f
Mite Mabe. a Lamentable a:tiblbeseea
.. the roasters.
The Nannies that aasem►led in the
Court Howie, on Tuesday, at the nowt
mama for osudidates to the legislature
was comprised chiefly of respeet■ble
farmers. The Liberal* largely outuum
bored the Tories, Sheriff Gibbons, re-
turntug officer, presided.
Horace Horton, mayor of Ouderieh,
n omluated l:ul. Rao.*. Provi.iutal Trea-
surer, and Johu Morris, of Colborne,
Win CampbtII, .o( (itnicrieb, sea+ended
by R. Medd, of N'awawsh, uuuuuatad
Dr. Taylor.
An arrangement was made between
the candidates, by which nose out the
stovers, seo.,sden and the candidates
were to speak. This caused the early
withdrawal from the moetiug ut wteral
able Liberal speakers, who had .sten
held in reserve.
Brief speeches were made by the
m:,wrs and seomdera 'I1'm Campbell,
flew off his handle. AAA made a violent
and absurd attack on the temperance
Liberals, knowing that no reply would
• be permitted.
Col. Ross was rewired with loud
cheers. He maws a rouatug speech, and
every sentence carried cuuvict►on. He
settled the school book question in •
way that literally oonfounded his oppo-
nent He showed how the Ontario
Government had given large grants to
theoountiew, and had taken upon itself
the care of the blind, deaf and insane,
thus decreasing local taxation. His
references to the agricultural college
drew repeated applause from the farm-
ers. He held Dr. Taylor's alleged ad-
dress op to the audience, and with •
smile asked the Fry candidate if he
acknowledged at as his. "Did you writs
it, Doctor I” was the plump question.
The 1)r. was dumb, and turned pale.
Win Campbell *prang to his candidate's
aids and tried to get him to hide*.
"Campbell, leave the Doctor alone,
Tit him speak for hiiiu.lf," said the Pro-
vincial Treasurer.
. "Sit down, Campbell,"
"bit down,"
"Gree the ); .'. efampbeil;
shouted the audience, amidst loud laugh-
Campbell got up, atammeied and stut-
tered, as pale as a corpse, but no one
could hear him. The meddlesome fel-
low was at leogth 'deuced, and west
crestfallen back t., his seat. Dr. Taylor
appeared to be reltevt-d, for he gut up
and said :
"No, Colonel, I didn't write it."
"Yoe put your name to it, though,"
said the Provincial Treasurer.
• "Yea, I signed it ; but 1 didn't write
"I thought en," said Col. Ross, and
the delighted "whence cheered at the
The bon. gentletnst thea took up the
question of the surplus. It had been
contended that there was no surplus, but
the contention was falsely made. The
best evidence that a surplus of between
sex and seven millions of dollars existed
in Ontario was the fact that the public
accounts showed that $279,000 Interest
bad been received from the Dominion 6
per cent interest hearing securities. This
with the $50,000 received from interest
n o cash made • sum of $329,000 annual
interest, which he had acknowledged as
having been received from Interest on in
vestments, and those who know him
best would not imagine that he would
give credit for having received that
amount, unless he had received it.
L•eghter.) He was re.p.Nwhle for that
$329,000 to the people of Ontario, and
he must certainly have received it, or he
would render himself liable to the prove
Ines for that amount. (Cheers and ap.
pause.) So much for the surplus oiues-
tion. And now for another phase of the
financial criticism of the Opposition. It
has been said that if there was a surplus
how was it that the Province had been
constrained to borrow money, and on
the face of it. The question looked plaus-
ible; but when the explanation was made
the dishonesty of the contention would
become apparent. When Mr Blake took
upon himself the responsibility of the
legsey of railway debt left by John land_
field Macdonald and additio.e thereto,
he con,etved the idea of spreading the
payments over a period of twenty yeah, I
in the shape of certificates bearing el per
cent. interest, so that the oust of build-
iree the railways whish eters to benefit
posterity would not fall wholly upon the
people of that day. Some of these cer-
tificates were now maturing, and as the
money market was easter now than it
was years caro, he, as Provincial Treas.,
urer had undertaken to replace the old
0• Cl k kr f T ha municipal election a to run 1 t to t d by d h
Dr. Taylor ea applatial by hie1
(*mods. He started to speak tit a gild,
ftaghtrueel tune of o01ce, and Rot tem
NI mixed before he had gone on bee
uuuutss He tried to isnot• that Sir.
Juhu A alaed..uald had not been detest-
ed on tb• Streams Bill, )Soundary Award •
and Licrnsiug question, but Is. got s,,
involved un the school book question
that he had to read the latter mown of
his speech Colin bola. from his "retest-
ed 'address," 1 mora pitiable eahtbi.
tion°( political and platform uoapscty it
has never beim our lot 1,, witness. The
editor of the t... seemed to feel asham-
ed of it, for during the latter part of his
candidate's address, he left the report-
ers' table and read the duly Mod in a
moist corner behind the speaker.
The doctor aske3 Col. Raw if he
wrote all the campaign Itterstuie for the
Liberal party.
Col Role rose to reply.
1)r Holmes shouted, "Ile mustn't
speak. Sit down, 11..."
Cul, Rom I bare been asked •
straight yuestio:i and I will give a
straight answer. Cheers., I have not
wntteu all the campaign literature of the
Reform party, but I never put my name
to a p.thtical d..cwueut that I did not
write. t:rest cheenog
Dr. Taylu: collapsed about that tune,
as he had read thruulb all the printed
Dr. Holmes wanted to till up Taylor*
time, but as the sgreentw.t was that only
the candidates should speak, and Dr.
Taylor was pumped out of matter. The
meeting closed with cheers for the candi-
dates and the queen.
Hon A. M Reams wieng.4 J. T. Garrote
as his agent, and Ile. Taylor .tamed- hn
Davidson as his agent a aniag the caat-
Pepeta of ('eatral se*•a.
Promoted to First Division, Principal s
room, arranged in order of merit.
Clara Sharman 417, Ellen Melrer 406,
Era Smith 31:0', Eva Ausbraok 375, Robt
Kedslie 373, Mamie Black 366, George
Wilson 365, Willie Babb 3.12, Peter Mo -
Ewan 360, Lissa Fulford 369. Flo Rub-
inson 334, Geo Creasman 353, Carrie
Parsons 352, Elswood Campaigne 3.0,
las Strachan 348, Jennie Lee 344, Sarah
Buchanan 344.
Promoted to iI Div., arranged ia
order of merit.
Rachel Heeley 375, Francis (:rant
37'1, Hector Hays 367, Eddie McGregor
$K, James Creaaie 363, Clem Penning -
XL Christie McDonald 359, Amite
Carl 367, Lewis Adams 357, Martha
Andrews 367, R Bndget 355, George
Wetherald 353, Rachel McSwewt 346
A Saunders 344, Jou t dd 344.
Promoted to Ill Division, arranged
in order of merit.
Nellie Strang 379, Hugh McEwen
369, Seeger Vidian 349, W Coutts :148,
Jessie Robertson 346, M Ticbhourne
339, 8 Dickson 3glt, P McPhail 336,
Joe Heals 331. Len Embory 328, M
Sheppard 326, A McKenzie 323, I: Me -
Vicar 320, M Nicholson 319, J Frttzly
315, A Wilson 310, A McKnight 308,
L Cootie 307, Nettie Crabb 306, Herb.
Naftal 303
Promoted from Junior Second Class,
St. David's, to Senior Second, Central
Harry Clucas, Eva West*erald, Em-
ma Johnston, Angus Nicholson, Floe.
Bate", Ida Graham, E Marlton, .Min-
nie Disney, Germs Graham, Archie
From Junior Second, St. Patrick's, lie
Seiler Second, Central school.
Sloan Martie, Aggie Knox. Jae Mc-
Pherson, Thos Kneeshaw, Mabel Rut -
✓ on. Harry Juhnetow, M Craig.
From Junior Second, St. Andrew's,
to Senior Second, Csntr.l scha 1.
Jessie Coutts, Colin McPhail, Chas
Babb, Rubt Edwards.
Thea .. , , . t with regard to the
promotions lee Nis sewed class will not
, be made Bahl Jammry.
J AS. A. ItF.I1) & BR(1. are now showing a ('t ulpiote
St.s•k of Fort igui and 1►onnt•aie Dry Goods for Full babel Wint-
1 int -
I r• of the (1 est flood, awl Best Value in the Market.
Dregs Omsk in Serres, Plaids, Tufted floods, t►tttnetas, 9
Porins, &t., iu the Newest Shades and at Lower Pikes than
ever before offereit, notwithstanding the recent greltt advance
in all lines of Fine Woolen (noels. ALt. Wool. FHENl H j IIt4 M
1lt►tellh, good quality, for 20e. per yard. A splrn.1N litre of
1)RE.'•s Mtt.Ttix' for 1 le. per yard. See thorn.
Special Value in l'I,terings and Malitle ('loth(. A good
( )ttouiaus Cord Cloaking for ;01.3•' per yard. In 1 ►rnttlrlents,
t'la,.pet, Sze., for Dresses and Mantles. we show a l*rgt• stock of
very' choi('. voile, imported direct from the nuu,ufaettlrerM.
wool shawls, h' otoinatnrs, Tom 1 l Shiinter ('ape, Hosiery,
Gloves, dtc., at Low Prieto..
Tailoring Department. A lark•' st"c•k just receivc.I of
New Tweeds and Coatings for Fall Suits and 4)vercoata,
which will lx• liable ti Order at exceedingly Low Prices.
(l.o.l all -wool Full Tweeds by the aril front 40e. up,- -rut.'
out Free of Charge.
I i Underclothing very cheap. A special line of all -wool
Shirts and Drawers for 30e., worth 7.e. Extra heavy" for
I ' 1 ;:►c., worth $1.00.
('all and compare our Gawk mail Prices with towers that
mark their goods up and then gibe a petty five -per -rent, dim -
count Ulbt off Nii I'it'i1'iti.l: Tit SH. 0R' (hail)\
Jorlans Hitck• (talrri -h, 1116 mkt,. lana.
tr r b.1.w*.1' SC,
Eighth d sire blew se''s at Woet t..
Uowalsacn. 21M'.1
1! • onloe (Ml Fellows Hall. North St..
Goderich. Chargee moderate, A11 wart \W -
ranged. Mi►
She People's Column.
it1)011, cur. et East street and !(quare lop
Open hoe I tot p.m.. and from 7 '0 10 p.m.
• lesson nit Dodo, 11•. eli1, and J e4trntrd
/'.•w ra „11' -.,:-n. *,
ate., en: f'ih,
MEMHKttotilP TWEET. Uxl.Y ewes.
granting free use of Library and Heading
Applieahon fur membrnbip received ty
LiIwarau. 0n rooms.
• President. Secretary.
U.isrtek. March 111th. 1MS.
I. Highest rash price paid for all kinds of teem,
Md shr.pa►in.. Minto( ground hog. do
Mt and dog included. -lbw tarurd alt''--
dremrd w urdt.r.
_ .. _ _ __ at ,mth's Tanrnvt.— —R — d A) 3, SULIC[TOR e,
r*vt n.tm.row_ R) jy t iVe eefarr of
Vaare aaA whiter,
Utllexr fur the asst I:idiafi Mr d De•
viae to ileal et a ter cent_ no&
1 tit
l'onay e1 aro.
Mx. Itkareby appoint JtrR+T. flau.nmo%
Esq.. of Uedericb, my staucal Wens In the
election for Ilse west Riding of the County
of Huna. a. which 1 am a candidate, as pro
seethed by ileo. letl of the Itletc000 Art of
yrs t('opy. A. M. ROSS.
Retura1:igtHa.erfur West Reding Coun-
ty of Iluro•
SIR. 1 berrbv 53,01.[ Jur/s DAt'Ir1!d. Eaq.,
Hamster. of tl.dererk, my finttnetal agent in
the Election for t1.e cart K1dmg of heron.
is which I am a candidate. as ptwcrtewd by
ice. Hoof Ow Medial A. t of Ontario.
i 0117 .Cop) i ALKX. It ', 14)R.
1 1 or YRS TUWN111tne or WEMMT
Laorlm AND O[nrrtsn,re. .41 the retlueot
of • number of the prominent electors to 4i1
Orient parts of the Township. I bee to offer
i myself as a candidate for the Itrere•hlp for
1 have been a resident of the Townithip for
' upwards of 3u )ran. sod have repmtrnte l
you as Councillor 0w *everel term. some
time , which .rrt ice 1 think it will be ail -
was to the interests of the ratepayers
of tit Township.
ant beau[ brought oat as the represen-
tative of an) party, but 1 will ^sdeator if
elected, 10 eco.omically and e^nta-ieatlously
serve the beet interests of the rowashlp.
There are • number o' .salters ronaected
with our municipal affairs. which 1 roneider
requires our onions attention, but as 1 will
shortly hate an opportunity of mor fully es -
Pimping mterif in pabbr. IJ do?he meantime,
ask you to give my claims your attention.
1 remain.
Your obedient servant,
M Lamm 1a tbs. Tem. for 1111111. .N
Rout Aeon*. - Our architect and
H alf have returned with a new hand
from the classic City to learn the system
of the plane and in the person of Gilbert
Writ I our architect has already put up
3 houses, and has 17 ahead for 1,011,
• simmer itt Stratford.
For Sale or to Let.
1 three storey brick budding at present
()erupted by the Hank of commerce. w'm.
Kay. mer. hart, who is ret trine from brains**, •
the (,l .-..tor of l'.stora. •.d it. Red .1 n'r,
iwsarance agent. Apply to 711 C. IA.ME
RUN• 2073 t f
OGOIIIISOMIl .ale, One In the township or A.h.pkI
nosh. containing 1g 0atacres. For p rtoalars
surly to Cameron. Holt t t as er•,n. (iu4
years, Ler St live. In the Maitland eea-
minion. of the Township of OO4erICb, Ape,y
87 letter to J, 8. LIZA IRS. 1tratterd. ---
NoI1 eatWit sierra ra,
A meet!•[ N oke Kireton a the Town
0f i ,1 ori. for the Nominat caw of l'aa-
rodate* for •.:.e offices of Mayor, Reeve
*tad Deputy -Reeve, will be held in the Town
Hall at 1e o'clock in the forereuoun on Mon-
diy, the 7th inst.
Tree Nomination for Conncillur, end School
Trustees rill take place at noun of the name
day in their re•pertiee wards.
W w. Coef•aaLl_ Returning Officer.
Der. 1dt 1.. INd 1078.21
TIONS will he received up to 248 inst. by
the undersigned for two up
for the
ward Schools, UndeMrh. Applicants to state
salary required. Seemed or Third class certi-
ncatoarequired. WM. 1/1111•H ELI.
717 ::t ftereetery,
be received cap to the 1618 Deo.'mher.
158. for 10 cords of green wood. beech and
mueple I irot lolan, dear at I}ptl+p sad look
smirk i0 be dellverr. at the `•ublir School*.
G.wterlrh, In quantities of not 1.a. thin 10
unrde. as required. Wood to he delivered he-
ron. r
e4 td IIta7. O to t\'
K H .. NtiON,
711t7•i l'la lnsae of Contingent Comm'nce
C. Iasoa►t, Ja. J. A Mntrox
E. N. Lewis I1MP-
1115TK118 Attorneys. Solicitors. etc
Oolerich. J. T. ()arrow, W. i'ruudfoot. I:S
Hamsters. Solicitor, 1■ Chancery. Ike..
"oderch. 11. C. Cameron. Q.C.: P. Holt. M.
G. Camerae. C. C. Items. 1711 -
Loans ants insurance.
II'' etewight loeaa. Aay amount. Private
funds at the low rate of 11 per oent. par an-
num. SEALER ik LEWIS, Uoderich, 9157
FUNDS to lend on Mortpge at the low
tate of YJVJ. AND A HALF 1'F,R CKNT.
per anneal_ Write or roil for particulars.
MCI r(CAOKR a I.EWid, Ooderkh.
.100.000 T() WAY. APPLY TO
rich. 171•
amount of Private Funds for invostmer.t
4t lowest rates on tore -cI.a. Mortgages. Apply
to OARItOtV a YROL'Drot•r
Only First -dose Companies Reprraenled
ii' Money to Lend on *freight loans. at the
lowest rate of interest going, in any way to
sod t1. nnrrower
ar (►Frl('F. - Second door from Square,
West Street. (oderich. ".MStf
:)O,000 LENT.►AN AT t3 PER
are prepared to luau Loess -y at 6 per tent., pay
able kelt yearly, on
nn first -claw farm security.
Apply to
v11.0N. HOLT ft ('ANit RON.
itarrister., Underkh.
Awes:. t.,: the Toronto General Trusts Co'y•
Meseta. CAMeRoN, Holt & CaMEROn bats
also a large amount of private funds to lost
on firwt•claea farm severity.
Gudench. Olt. 4, INCL. 1411-11
Toi lend nm tarn, and town property. at low
est intere.t. Mo too, ,a Pur. based, NO dom
mien t, charged semis for the Trust and Loan
1 • many of Caned*. ( he 1'anade Landed
1 r.d1t ..omynny. the London Ivan company
A1` NiG1PAL TAXES. N. H. Horrowert, can obtain n1 7 in one
L - day, if title .ar(.l". tory.
The Tale• of the Town of Gnderirh are par- . DA V Ii,UN t Joust TON,
awe at to, oat e. Town Hall. 1 per cent die- M"1 -
of Canada. Interest. 6. 61 and ; per tent.
.nun' as„wed 0n all Mxee paid in .•+eptemb•r. '•
Hamsters, encs, fyoderieh
2 per rg r.t in (14•10her : sad sitter 'he Uth da ♦ — - -
IP, are u., ^ uruntu, ve per sen an sea . as so nine a of for ! )
isioiesl the Canadian Alumnae for 1887.
This is one of the most valuable cols.
radium* ..f information published in
Id demist /° . m ere S per rent will be 4, On
temperance men who woo had *fleeted a gain to the province, and
sympathize with lawbreakers. but who he fait pride rather than ducredat for
would rather aid ir. enforcing the act. having done s, The Opposition had
the Domino n and is almost a necessity N •,Reformers, talk ..1 the groat reform° contended that ha should have di.p..aed
In every office and place •d business. 1 we hare achieved in the past, and never of the 5 per cert interest hearing I)•' -
It is "n rale at all the to, ,kstores, was there greater need of reform action minion 'securities to liquidate the into
The Brussels /'•. a than in this particular. Where are the turfing railway certificates, but he did
says that the county ilea to jump into the breach ? not see whets money could be made by
•nonoil at the Dece•nb,-r •sesame in that
Truly yours,
Amin, MCDocoat.L, money (bound he had for 41 and thus a
srerikcing 5 per rent see•tuitie-a, when
vtllag., jus sat les., bays an. a good
r a time was • en up in see- . 1
The Etecnt.tn tad Trngses 01
the Is*tate 1'"y) ° Ir twee. this Month and .ave 3 per
of the late Jalual'H 118.81, ,i1W for sale tM rent.
fulbwing valuable Property. etnely : JAMRP GORDON, Collector.
Nuildl lots lee Hed•r'.•t
ag num r* ire sad 121, is lee _ e pw thtl 158 72(1011-t r
Town of Goderieh, 1 of an acre .rib. rai y - - - .- _ _
fenced, and tery desirable for betiding put MUSIC.—MISS COOK E. AFTER 14
flail acre Lot treating Mill Rea!, Township
0t Goderieh, bring part of lot 3 in the 9.q.
land Conc.-trim of mid Towne/tip. rite
Frame Cottage •red IF" Stabtn
lot number 2. South aide of Millar •treat.
Renmlller, 1 of an .ere, shall triune dwelling,
years gutty of monk, Is prepared to
reoelve pupil* for the Piano. 24 lessons
gltartrrly. Tenet: M per quarter. 7010- Railway Notices.
•20,000 IRI VA'f B F1J
0n Farm and Town Property at lower 1n
tenses. Mortgages pirehaned. no Comml.sioa
rimmed. lnmveyaacing Fees r,au.nable,
N. H.- Pot -rowers can obtain money in one day
if title is aatbfectory-DAVISON L JOHN-
STON Rarri•n'r. ke . (Joderirh. 741
Eltra Animals. ” rTOT'cs'.
qa t f that t k 1 rt Hill. HtuMfn` 1 0r. n°nbrn Mp and Mi( i the .. -_•Ise.. windy clap trap talk about "boost• —('1 L tITRAY>it ('ALF -LAMB ON
in" ':,' :.obit Act. For this session of W/aL Wapf►LOIIb. tarso, supposing • *din farmer 1..d Palely
f es' Neves l - the /rami« the Sub.rrlkw shoat the
two Jaya the aunty is put is fur wbwtl}• -- 1 of Lot Mien. 11. WoeNov., a Meer call, rid, with gar on
$200 besides mileage.I:t: t en, th. veteran reeve ..f ,Ob out on a i per tent heenng sort- moth. 1M arrea good red, so sere* and white stair on haunch. Thenwn-
aa[e,rennin over ten tan,and 11P f°ural and fenced rents osier limber. d. Ay.at d eta rptneard w parr pro n y char ea
The following veaseb are wintering in (A est 11 awsnn*h. will be opposed by Jas. g y miles from l,urknow and 6 miler Innn Wt •w tate n away. f')
u er i I saving of per cant effected. To firing Town of !nano. 1 of an acro each
n --
• it down to a common financial transac- kalif situated on Itueth Ode of Horon al
Johnston, and i►urnin and W.11wood
will e..nteat the deputy reeveshup. Well -
w. ed i. out straight SS a t . aa -
di tate None of the Tort are .traitrht
"oto although threes has been the best_
,lohuseou has been against the Act
op to this municipal election, and 1a not
now in teems of • paid pollee mag.
Lee Vara.
\wt•. Ev.-\t•'tll be msrked with the
amoral Xmas tease in the i'r,"t.ytertan
chinch with an i ,rogram 01
5.0,4 by the 8. 14 ehikinee , reed togs
air `illus+ rdleetinn to all of school
funds. Doors spewed at 7 ; pIwr-,e0od•
inns to sten a• R p m The Rev. Mr
Pargshenns will preside.
that to make an addition 1, his hones or
1t M. H N11 On, Miller.
ham. 1&sod rade. God h. ypyy-yt
this port. Schooner, Slugs. J. u
Kohfa[e, (larabeldi, Ariel Telmer'.
Jane M5-Leod, .1. N. Carter, Evening
Sitar, Pinafore, and Mary S. Gordn.l,
and the steam telt .fames ('lark., The
J. G. Kolfage and the M. 14. ()onion are
being 011 .roughly refatrwl.
Sr G.. oa'ti Cot -eon -Servics with
holy crmmnnion will be held in Rt
(}•orae . on Xmas morning at 10.30 The
Peones subject will be •'The i•oesrnati..n
of Christ the Mystic Highway itetween
Earth and Haven.- As booth the
choir and congrw[atton aro each in thief
nen way making preparations to mew
end ` we doeht not the
church will be tilled with glad w"ship
pear. Tim R.fli treat •a being arranged
for New Years Eva
barn he required, say, 11.00 cast . and
suppose a neighbx of his had $500 in
the hank drawing only 3 or 4 pe. eat.
notarial, and was willing to lend that
amount to hunt for 5 per Dent ; would
not the man who held the $6000 mon-
ogamist 7 per email. very foolish if he
d1.po.ed o1 his large and profitable in-
vestment when he could buy the use of
the small amount he required at F per
oent 1 Hear, hear, and applause- That,
gentlemen, se the sem and substance mf
the hooey atrhmt harrowing money in
dwhneetion with Ike railway annuities.
iRenewed cheer) After able refer
roues to other leading gtsoat►e,ns o1 the
(lay, the Provincial Trea.srer concluded
an ed.irew ..f an hoer sad a testifier's
length .mud loud ap* aim
Yoe further p.rtienlar., apply to
Ramo. r, Gp(e
Nov. f, 11Ma, 101111
L RI/VS, M t) *' !tf. • MEM-
O . RZR d the Collette sof 1'kyeteisna aw.1
Merneon.. Iv., PtivtrLn. elegem. and
A.roerhe, . etc.. Pert Albert, y
GKON, ('eerier a.. t Mire and reddest.*
fire.. remit, mooed deer west of ekterla
_P5T* .nil Purrone,. Ar
eget its Dr O. :MAN
r•eidesio , maa'
G• C.:ItAN% WI. J. ( . Haim
the Aukeeriber, haat half of Lot 7. Mb
Can.. A.haelti about aha 1Sth of Novitia ,
Hine heed of yearling*, ten steers and • loot -
et. The natter M re ue*ted to per%* property,
,expenses asel take thele eerily.
B. AI'OI'AT1NK, In'ng.nnes. P.O.
premises of the onderwigned. Lot 1, Cm.
10, W. It. A•hneM. ton or shoot the flet of
Iktoter hos a bin.* horse with • star on hie
forehead. He ns *bout 16 years old and will
weigh about .le.ra hundred. payThe owner N
ngmr*ted to prove property. 1.1%Kens'
and take him away. JOHN RMI' 1 4 ,
W7 7t. Ione. P 0.
pperoenns=•• . of the nwderwlgnel. Int a ere
t•oiMwwr, afoot the 7118 ! ovemher. few,
r. n. rityerr t year. old. three red oases
..se white ._1 ,1 red The owe., w111 pees
Pee&Mall. SAMLj,L 7atel j•sj,rhea
Notice i• here►ty given that .n •pplleatioe
it -3 he mod' to the Parliament of f'anada at
the nest ltnasirn thereof for an Art to ineor
pirate 'The i1.,uth (hoarlo i•a.t.6e Railway
('nmpany," with nowise to ronsrnet a tine of
Railway from • t-onvsnient pout nn Ike More
of Leslie Kele to the Town of Ridgetows.
thence thrnngh the Counties of Kent. addle
tier. Lamb4on sad Huron. or arty or either of
the er14 1 •orintles, to some coaveelent pole.
on 10, shore of lake Huron. Ake • beach
one of Itailway to (Mi Springs or Wyomla.
the (:panty of I mMe..
( 'HA R1.Kt/ MA('l)ONALH.
P"ltr!tor for the A ppll1eemaet e
rldplwwn. Dec. 1.t. I. Mr7 R
N011011 Is H ERllifaT til V R1
stoat as appllea1les Inn k. trade to the
Leenttative Assembly of the Promise d Os-
tarin, at It. nein .esalon. for an Art to Intnr-
pnts • railway earepany to roma reel a tail -
way fr..m he Town of Woodwork la the
('0151547 of 0.l.rd eon the Tows of et, )
In Ibe County of Perth, and the Vi
Keller. to 'h.. enemy of Rome to • pe1N
lake Hoorn et aha Town of Ooderkg. 1.
mid Comity of Huron
A ppllestl,
A as aat Mi. lilt SOW
_ iusouaE a sss*
t !