HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-17, Page 4T
John 11leVlatr, .n °Id Gorieth boy, ( SALT AND SALT
who bas fur lee prat tedttrcet years i errs to
• T! the employ of Lica C. P. R. a,uuacturt, '
-fekdet'sawn eyl pe. fa:fu'seem.
' .11 Jwith ell pew! if.- and who at present nut charge d III A God.rich Manufacturer Writer
Pan` of wwrkmeu on the Canelo• It R. A 'Timely Letter
BILLIARD& Opium. as divided as t• the bridge, arrived its town Saturday last, tot
yo.tig Liberals be. isg a Mllard table in thef s& visit hn ru attee,
Inh dram, but all move ;a saylug titrwart's
p*uu oW[rsph• are drat. -lata. Alec. Craigie, the well known fisher- 1
Hurisah ter-- You ma till up to cult. man, who for the peat five years has
Iles alit or T°11 oma and fah Li"' been aside de from wet k by• tumor i/i
OWu . a A. Pr dttun s. Ubrtstuw
ents a variety at i , td►am's- the mouth, suocunibed to the ailment on '
Cnuosr..a. I'wr erT.. ladles and•tle- Thursday. Ne leaves a wife and three
men min and •cho(reaws,rtmteetofhamT«nine, m children, whoharethes th tit the
Yet cheapholiday present. at F. Jertlau s, sympathy Y
medical Mete Nothing prettier in town, community in their Uuuble
Just arrived • large and well •+sorted \Ins Lillie Jones is the finest sole
Wort of New Mork tamer. also . lamp' stork i oh,►ad soprano, its the world, Mein
. t cruckary, canned fruits. aid itenenl gw :ra K •
.rt -s. Christmas fruits In full lines. A call graduate "f the Roston C of
bulfcited. G. H. 01.o. Music. Hear her in the North tit
Trneett•Nes. -Tltls also ine!nd's • good Methodist chutes next Wednesday
arm er r and • •wesmile. and anyone in that y
. um pnates ates • asu
nal suteect r ,Salk.w.i night ion collection with the University
popular cabinet plumes. tall at the gallery Jubilee Singers of New Orleans.
and ace samples of work done.
Twin 1\ urcr'a (HRwnA•i T The annual entertainment and Christ-
( &WIC wtn meet rrgMarty for theloinarctiew maa tree of the Victoria et. S. S. will be
o' business every
Tueeda alterneq. at _'W
odx•k, is North -ie. church. Every ws
one in•
gemmed its the work is curilally Witted to tion( of the church. Parents and tither*
rttepL wishful to distribute gifts to those wisedonna' lair. %INA. During the festive will be present at the eutertaitutteut
are requested to leave them with Mr
Hillier, grocer. King.Ln St. st
J. C. Harrison arrived home laweek
(ruin the State., where he had bola
working on • dredge, in Toledo and
Sandusky with Carkut,Stickney.tCraal,
co itracturs. Fred Crabb, also had been
working with the same ties at
D,clene,u's Landing, dreogiog for a
lo •k on the hand of the Cornwall
Canal, bas also returned.
A Sunday School anniversary •erutun
will be wreathed in North street Meth°.
dist cLuxrjl by Ilan, G. IL Turk en Sumo
day ut..ruing next. The front seats in
the centre ante will be reset ved for the
cnlldren. Monday evening a tea -meeting
will lot held fur the benefit of the child-
ren its the lecture mom. Baskets will
ie thanlfolly re,eived by the teachers
fr. in all those who desire to aid its mak-
ing the teameeting a success.
HAa\caa.-C. F. Sttwuble es rushing l Pot Jon' iMkIF._"-John
'he harntes business this month., Sre •sant, of Toronto, has issueda book of
his pointed advertisement. 1, pitons from his own pen, In neat bind
R i'l Youhill, ..f the %l'u1,thert . sr', ! ing. Some of the poems are most
was in town thin wee::, as witness upt.n'plessing; almost all of them speak tit the
a case at the (-minty c• Er'. heart. There is a spirit of religion
Mr Hodge, the genual !Nitehell low. I pervading the book. it will make •
75*, was in wwn tiunng the week. His'goad holiday book. The work can be
briret smile haunts us di!!. purchaaed at the store of Jai lane,
who is brother to the "Pinter Poet.-
held uezt Tburaday evening in the baa,.
vessoa 1 am prepared to }five sweeping r.ar-
eems in arw g*write.. ('name and see a
aroea, clean. (melt. ata awurted lw tary line
and :.t entre tNt1 ate dauasg all. - M. ]It -
FCa.\ITL-na -As 1 have reeeivrd a 'sere
$ trek of lun.unr.-. I will offer it for the next
re days a1 slaughtering prav+. 1 have *even
different ktudsot bedroom, sets. and all other
kind§ of furniture. 1 sill not tie nt,drrw,ld,
4.. t' I:OBLRT'UN, l'rrbb'. !Pock.
Samplers & Aon Aa•.'r sow open,e two tbNbt
stack of Chriatmes and New Year's goads.
a d have pat dose prices to suit the Woes.
'tory are g.i ins the usual thereon( to
cru-ehe-t, P. boobs and families lyres tie
1,'bristsnas Incu
•,. Evers wclame. T4s•
cheapest boas- under the awn.
-A week teem--1+.•+Rolsow mill- he -
Christmas dry.
Copt. Shephard has settled do wn t,
his winter marten in town.
Notrnan .l.Leotl, of Detroit, is in
fawn visiting relatives and friend..
Dr.'_11cDunaeh will lie in tiode:i:h,
for c,usoltatiou un .1' Lumley, Dec. 18th. 1
George Stewart, phutrwrap!:er. has a )
number of epleu.l:d new winter stones! Rev. Jas- Shaw, D. D. of Toronto
tla_band._and beautiful frames to n tgfl,• preached two j rmuns it
Cnulfre Cot ItT.-The ieer likf two
-Victoria St Church last Sa sat un be
eclairs (appeals) were ad;unrned, A >repai had of the Methodist Missionary society
of the business of the c .sir: will appear Mr Salton plead for double the cont three
A. J. 31cUow •all, Chicago, is the times the amount was freely given, with
out a.. personal solicitation whatever
guest of relatives. He !....k* hearty, and Godny
ech "little" church is certainly
has had many a ,hand-•hal•• from his walking right away from its old position
old chums.
Andrew Gnvepl„ck, and !tiers 'ohne attendance
LIBERALS. -There was a larg
attendance of Young Liberals at th
two energetic temperance workers of titular meeting on Monday evenin
7Hcl►illor, were .n torn this xeek oou ist. An interesting debate took place
mutt bailees'. un the propriety of having a free billiard
Imrie -has a splendid assortment of table fir the members of the club. The
Christmsa and New Years preseets ' n vote was taken at a late hour, after
lsnJ. Santa Clans :Las made his heal-ileroral :nemben had left, yet a hese
quarters there. vote was taken. F .r the billiard tabl
Porter ,t Fra.::r, obliging fsncy 63; against 11. The club new numbed
*aids men, have been duan¢ a reshirg about one hundred. The n, one aro
trade during the week. if you don't open every day except Sunday, and every
behave It ask therm. Mender evening Is used for general
The West }tiding fat vital• and busine and
poultry show will be held in (i.drrieh .•n T6ltO N:aeek MILTING. - A public
Wednesday next. It is generally worth mee:n.g in the interetof the temperance
Deter g. No adwiwu,n fee. came washtld in Victoria Opera Hoose
The 11 nigham !dente. •a has. ohmage 1 on Tuesday evtning last. The night was
hands, Mr Fleury baring soldtout to stormy and there was nut a large attend -
_Yr Newton. There is great room for shoo• Mr Crabb occupied the chair. A
Improvement in the A doerst, committee was appointed to select can-
.:didates and get names to in
*be lbw Mae.Id lid lira lea Winters Tim
mire mad slit Iapare.
M•sen. R•nsfovd and Dr. C.oletuas
attended the meeting of county cuuucd
t.. have a meuwnat presented to the
(iuesrwrsenta by that body t.. tie •
memos weight or standard for • barrel
d s•k to suit themselves. They pre -
muted their views with all the elootemoee
at their c•maund. Not aatnfied
with that they resorted to ut'gentle-
manly means. Now it was the wish
the council that all Salt men should be
preaew, but owing to • snow blockade
the tlodench manufacturers were rw4I
able to be premed. It has hitherto
seemed as If there was only one au:*
to this Salt .aur.tten and 1 ata afraid
from the hasty manner the council bee
acted upon it they du not see both
sides as they properly should, owing to
our G.derich men being unable to be
present at the meeting, I will there -
fine endeavor, with all due respect to
Messrs ltan•foni nod l'olemee, to 51105
that ivate•d of being su,ued .L.utaat as
they wished to prove to the conned
they are the miners.
• The ruotlotl passed by l:,a• c only
council reads as follow.: -
Moved by J. McMillan, 'wended
by Mr Vm. Cit- it, that the Warden and
Clerk on behalf of this owned petition
lee t,.,suruutwtt at Ottawa to pada a law
rendering at a punishable odruce for any
Salt manufacturer to sell Salt in barrels,
sacks or oasts wi•hout having the name
of manufacturer and the net weight of
Salt contained therein legibly -printed
on the barrel, sat .bagor other package,
and that thenet weight of Salt in a barrel
be 5 bushels or 9801bs; and further
rendering It a punishable offence to sell
Salt so branded that does not contain
the weight as branded thereon.”
I understand Mr John Rensford was
the author of the reeelatius and openly
admitted it at the cuuncil meeting. Now
I am strongly in favor of a standard
barrel fur Salt and would be a supporter
of the f,.re;goine resolution were it not a
fact that some Salt manufacturers braise
impure brine, use adulterations, and
these adulterations make their Salt so
slimy and wet (bee would have tw AA-
eulty in putting 28011m, in • "Nail Keg."
Now is it the intention of the ouncil to
drive all manufecturr.rs to use this
$ti, wallow & Murray, $13.0111; Wil-
hams A Murray, r`J.93; Wm Ell.dt,
$4 2.5. Report of publes works menu
mlttee recommending that Huish Muer..
be paid the sunt ..f $'.d 15, for Ina •of
time, mud exi•eases cawed by his ;Karat
accident, was adopted The firemen
were ordered to to paid the annual al- !
loweece, amounting to $.'W. TM Id -
lowing amounts . ere referrwd t, Ibsossse
committee : D. C Strachan, $21.87; R
W. Mchrnzis, 1,10 71; Hoht. Johnat.•n, I
$3; A. M. Pulley, $49.50; Mrs. J.
bluebell, $:t.
A by-law was lamed the
following returuing officers : No. I. Jas
Addison ; No. @ lues Primo No, :t, T.
K. VanEvery ; No. 4. John Bates : No,
5, Daniel Gordon ; No. 6, Hugh
tau ; Nu. 7. John G. titivate.
The council then adjuurutd,
Meese\ water.
C. A. House, chemist of Watertown,
N. V.. who. analysed the water procured
by Moffett. Oedema & Clarke, hydraulic
engineers, sends the (olluwit.tl analyse*
of the waters submitted :-
I find upon examination of the samples
of water eon* Guderich, outartt, as fol-
lows :
Porter's spring water contains 6.5
grain of hardnew to the gallon. and the
test 1i:ows it to be free
from a* y'orgsuic matter.
The water from the artesian well has
but two greens of hardness t.. the station,
and the permanganate teat shows it also
to be free from icy organic or iojunuus
The el the the two waters
naturally giver decided to
the water from the artesian well, since It
approximates very closely to pure die
titled water, and also has the advantage
being very considerably softer. while
the water from furter • sprint, of Co 5
degrees of hardness is a comparatively
very .mall hardness, the .other is suffi-
ciently softer to gine it an advantage.
1'. A. Hoots, Chemist.
.1 %S. A. READ di BRO. are now showinf a (etnpkto
r:te('k of Forei;zu and Domestic. 1)ry Goode for ball and Wint-
er..•t the Choit•eett (Ir.o.14 and Best. Value in the Market..
Dress (loads in Serge/4. Plaids, Tufted Goods, Ottoman
(kilt, kc., in tris Newest Sha(ik* and at Lower Prices than
ever before .dfered, notwith'ttan4ling the recent rest advance
in .11 lines .4 b"ane 11'uulen (lotel.. AL1. Wool. tl. 1' HLNI II I)RE M
11.[01r4, gtw'1 quality-, for 20e. 141'r ''card. A splendid line of
Pato, l iPl.TUliK for 1 le per yar.t. See then(.
Special Valuta in 1'hiterit4,'t; l:n,1 Mantle Cloths. .'a :nx)(i
(ltftiultn Poral Cloaking for Al.tt:. per ) ur.l. 1n I )rnattiente,
i'a,1nM, ►'c., fur- Presses and Maut!.•'. we show a Int;,.• ,.titt'l• of
very e!uiCe Rothia, imported (lir-et front the ulunufa -tures+.
Woe! Shawls, Farlciltatur,, 'I::tn O'1lRtl1'..•r r'ai'n, U'►.:erv,
Gloves, KC., at Low Prices.
Taiorin,.; Department. A !nrrt' stock just received of
New iveetl• and Coatings for 1•all Suit+. nn(I Overs -Coats,
which . ill he Math' to (lrtier at exceedingly Low Pricy. !
G00.1 a -wool Fall Tweeds by tine yard front 40t'. up, --cut
out 1''ri of l'harge.
11* lereluthitng very cheap. .t special line of all-w'u.>I
Shirts 11,1 Drawers for 50e-, worth 73c. Extra heavt- for
75e , w-cth
01 told compare our (ioo(is and Prieetl with house, that
mark t•'ir g.1(xlw up and then give a petty dive-la•r-cvtlt..lix-
count •t. Nti TR(tt'ItLE TO Sillily Gf HH►R,
Jovial Bleck. (;od.•rich. Ilib Oct..ilots:. adv
She eople's Column.
TER POI ALE. to V. inovo'. it
• f the Electors .•f the Town
i sir th.• Nomination of Can-
e offices of Mayor. if-ev.
'ave. sill he held n, th• T..wn
A ewe
of :,t rr
TSE HON.• ROS and peps
Hall at lea is the torrn•noua uaa Slos-
dthe stn
The N.MI• ion for Councillors and Scheel
Trusters wi •.kr place tit noun of the war
day in their '{relate sarda.
Provincial Treasurer, ley Irrecl.l_ Returning Oaken
I,re. 1Ah. 4- 9078-21
and OTHER sPE A OL,Eli+,will addreea tf.e
I TUNIS 'i be received up to 25th Inst. by
the undyiegsa.. i for two Tesrhers fur the
At the (*Hoeing places and dates : Ward 'SoJio_ Uuderk:b. Apply • to us stare
salary r.Is 1. )(r,-ond or Tbtrd dial cent -
DON NYBROOK, Saturday, Dtra, &mama rbc -d. WM. )LTCHYLL_
18th. at 2 o'clock, p m. secretary.
SMITH'S HILL, Saturday, Dec.lath,
"spurious atutf ' tc put up a barrel cd at 7.30 o'clock p m.
Salt such as their resolution requires, XINGSBRIIwE, Tuesday, Dec. 21st,
• ' cr to give every dealer an equal ..ppor- at 7.31/o'clock, D. m.
tunity of avoiding thispunishable of-
• tercet- What tits Salt men et lest •
e majority / want is a properly appointed
e inspector as well as a standard barrel.
g lie find this was the only mode which
American Salt f..und
gave genera! satisfaeU.on. Mears Rens- To the Electors of West Huron :
ford, Coleman & Co may axiom that the (:r..TL/ weY, The t 'mane Lelrulature
would be putting extra expense on the
y farming .. , but that would be has been diasolyrd, and the Mowat Ad-
e nothing more than i a cent or • cent a
The e'awdld■te Is Invited to
(ioderich. Dee.''nd. 1$IC. Art -
Tao. BeavE JonN A. -Sir John will their behalf, and to all another meeting
not meet Mr Cameron un the stump ter if neesary. The eemlnitt•e consisted
the same reason that he did not reply to of Messrs..1 H. Colborne, E. Sharman,
his charges in Parliameut- he is afraid James Mitchell, D. Gordon, Sanford
to. -London Advertiser. Stokes, J. A. Naha), J. H. Edwards,
Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street mad Capt. Gibson.
dentist, makes the pre'ervatlon of the The London Free Prem says : -"Sig-
natural teeth a specialty. Gas adminis- nor Emilio, a curs doctor, who has been
tered from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. for the operating pA revers) of the Grigg Hoag
f teeth• people and charted pretty steep bila for
Rev. George Sexton, 3L A., 11. D,, the !Me, was r'mplained of at the Po -
L L D. Pb. D., will be in Guderich lice Station yesterday by some of his pe -
tor Ssnday, Jan. god, sad two or three tients, who say he is a fraud and chances
following days. Goderich Ilii) flee excessiverice.. His bill against Mr
him a royal mad hearty weleoale if he Thames X4iowlea was $95, and one of
comes. the girls employed in the house was bill -
John H. Edward, wants 5,000 dewed - ter $15, at the rate of $5 a corn.
e1 harp, for which be will pay the Emilio came to the station with Drtec-
highest price going. It will be to the
tive I hair, tout the Chief said there was
interest of farmers having hogs for sale nothing to warrant has detention and he
sot to sell until they have brought them let him go. The fellow charged and
to O. market. collected $12aa55 from a citizen of Goderi&h
Thket. fountain pens sell fast M . for trading his feet for the ills that pot'-
tion of the flesh as heir to.
Cameron wf►aldn't be without tis f
t411r- Four were sold dunng the past At the meeting of the High school
week. The "ladies' geld mounted pen
Literary Society held on Tuesday eve
is the prettiest and best pen in the 'ling et last week the following ladies
world. T. McGillicuddy, agent, and tentlemen were nominated as ofl-
ems fur 11 iaresident,
W. L ReIlatti, the "Glimpse Man' of Messrs Taylor, Truax and".R. Robertson•
the Norfolk Reformer. one of the leg- let vice, Wont J. Dickson. McIntyre
ata.. of the celebrate.. "Lenoestcr Es- and Mullin ; 2nd vice, Alien Ellerd and
tate,"was in town several days last week. Mr Heddle ; secretary. R. Whitely ; sec
lir seemed happy at the prospect of a of c,m_, Mia Adds Wa'ron and R. H.
■pt„lea sale .•f .ome of the property. Kober•tson ; treasurer, Miss A. Sharman
Rev. G. R. Turk will preach on Sun- and Juba Allen ; editre•s, Mies Ella
day et -ening in North street Methodist Dickson ; librarian, Messrs. Hsywar.I
church o n the duties of ;parents_ and and Simmons ; councillor, Misses S.
i a$tdt.c• wi!h retard to the religious Campbell. Maxwell and Sterling, and
education cud tr.nninq'.f oh Wren. There Mr Maleulmson. The following program
should bey ler ,e c..n;regrt; n ,1 the tic• was then presented : Chorus, by the
Onion. members ; recitation, Mr Wy51. ; read
The t-uiveseitp JuF•il.e it.t•n t r int, Miss A. Watson ; solo, Mr Hays ;
)41w 4irleane are fully tip t i the "Fiske”
chorus by the mrrrhen ; recitation. Mr
Mein -
who appeared in Gederth some lean Mullen ;dart, Misses Ralph and Mcln-
ag•, in churus'.ngin:. end in their robs (pre : recitati"n, Miss Flo Ball ; quar-
are much better Ilrar them in North sontette, 3iisses Cooke and Mears Ander-
fft Metho•ii•t church, nee: Wodneday sand Henderson ;trio, Misses Ellenl
eight.and Mr Heddle.
Joate MILL. Coert.l l'o.-- -This com-
pany bas been playing all work HO the
R>ya' opera House. They have put
some o! the play ton very well. Mies
Mills and Mr Rro,wn me very
pies. ng in their part*. They w:11 o.c
copy the boards ag+ni thta eren;ng and
A ecrresp•'ndent writes : •'1 here
seen in Tna Nuevo. that H. ieccrd•s fire
in Manitoba was caused by an ers-
pinyee's pipe. 1 want Mr Record and
the public t, 1 that It was Tint
sautord by an employee's pipe, .h'rt salsa.
'kJ by .parka from the stove etre of the
dw.l.ing house.' -
Ter %Caerea 1.AHP.--tensa•. W.
Thompson has been getting • large
nernber ••f orders for this Mew. ft
gives • hellbent light• and d..e• not
hors much oil ,jp prep, rti 0 to its
illrmin•ting met, fifty Bandl. p• -war.
1$0 law is needed. It is
OWL ler ell whu sec It.
A Teel 4 ..spslg. *beet
The Toronto weekly _Moil is eieulat.'d
as a Tort campaign sheet, yet the Tory
managers wnuW have us believe that they
know nothing, about the organ's tactics.
A aprrlM. Tory ( braes...
Mr Meredith's allegation that the
Mowat l! 1 took away the
rogue• of fir nueeieip,.affities is an mimed in
sly ehestnntty chestnut. it was moldy
•t the lit election. four years tau, and
was horied net of eight and 'moll at
that time Why does Mr Meredith
persist in exhuming the venerable relic.
It 1(e wants to pose as the champtnn of
the 'municipalities. let him denounce Bir
John I. r taking the prepantinn of the
voter's lieu cwt of the hands of the
mwnieipal use*, a -.d handing therm
Tor to his partisan agents. This ,
charge hes time nitwit of being fresh mal
true. •-S.rnia Observer.
barrel over and above what they now miaistntiun, after fourteen yeah cf
pay; and where is the farmer who faithful service in the interests of the
d"es not think the price tof salt of t. Prennce, again appeals to the Pecple
day is ton Jew already o They never
murmured when it was double that for • renewal of their confidence. Its
figure It is only by having an in- rec.rd of Honest and Economic Ad.
apector that the public will be !or_estly
and properly supplied with an honest ministration, Wise and Prudent Legtsla-
salt. Let me ask Messrs. Ranslord,
Coleman & Cu., why they did not have
the motion include an inspector and let
the public know their reasons for not so
doing. And in answering this also let
the rest of the alt men of Canada who
are just as''itnportant factors" as they
tion, and manly defence .,f Provincial
Rights, ought to entitle it to a favorable
verdict. As a member of that Administra-
tion, sharing in, and proud of its achieve -
know why they, representing .only one- meats and unblemished reputation, re -
tenth of the salt men, sr quieay wended ap,on•ible ales for any of its ahorteom-
their way to Ottawa last session to have
the. -matter put thnouth hastily, un-
known to the others ? Are the other
salt men subordinate 9 What we want,
and the public requires, Is a standard
. it men ; an inspector to yner vunfid •- f
see the public gets honest goods and not having, while tilling the more intptrtant
half salt and half trash, the latter of
which • great many farmers can pick up p'eltiun of Cabinet Minister for the past j'
in the corners of their farms already. three years, neglected your intereate. If I
ings, I submit myself to the Electors of
West Huron. On three successive woes -
Mons as a private member you gave me
I think it is the duty of the council to
reconsider their motion and present to y''t1 approve of my past aurae, and think
parliament what we want ; not a I can terve y('u with advantage in the
supporter" of the onesid_ rtial
*eoi by future, 1 reepec.fully 551 you once again
amendments already wbmi
Megan. Coleman, !Lansford and Co., to I to rive me your support.
the Minister at (Hums. but an amend• I am, Gentlemen,
went that will "do unto others that
which you should wish men should do 1"our obedient servant,
unto you." As Mr. John Ransford ap• A. M. ROSS.
patently evinces considerable interest in
the "Bible," I would like to call his Goderiah, November 26th, 1880
attention to the foregoing passage. -
Now, Mr Editor, I have occupied gall
i$Pnsidermble of pun valuable spa, haul..„„4,04. lth Inti., the wife
knowing your willinenens to live of H. McManus. of a son_
publicity to •'.lucltinns of great interest 1n Goderlch,on Sunday, Dee 131h. 'he wife
in Huron,"' I hate indulged mere lavishly , or t:eorge Rhyne.. of • dau:hter.
than I tint intended. in lel
In lemey, Dakota, on Dee. 2nd, the wile of
Y ,
A. K. Glendenning, of a swlFwon.
ntc thank ou
Your respectfully. In Goderich. on Thnrablay, lee. Ia, Ile•6
' Ju•orru :PIP, nip. 1 Ales. Craiglet aged 4iyeers and 3 months. ,
international Sall Works. The Fssersl will tate prier from his ate ro
`T4$)1_ PANTED -TENDERS will
be t+ ved up to the 25th Penpusher,
ISM, for M rda of Invest wood. bet. A and
maple, t 1. long. clear of limbs and back-
logs, to ♦ ells -reed at the Public 1*'bools,
Ooderisa, qua/ShimoN not law than 10
ewe.. ee ,..inti. Wood to he delivered be-
fore Feta. ' 10(7. (; t:o. d W A N:SON.
80:'73 ( , roma of Contingent Cos: mitts,.
The r _ Fat Cattle Sling, nCie ,r aus-
pices t• ,Vest (tiding of Hume A (cul-
turalv will be ht Id in the Market
Hone-.( rich, on Wodnsday. IMc. and.
'BRa. wt.. fixes will he au•rsied for fat est -
115, part et.', P art within see powers,
nr thet• etary, H'` HAYDEN. 'imam,.act- 80752
The T••• of the Town of (ialerich are pay•
able stn Mee. Town Hall. 3 per cent. dis-
count at o,4 on all taxes paid in Areten.hrr.
2 per der n October : and after the Inh day
loslast -r. 5 per cost. w111 Ir added.
Payj. ;axes this month and sate 3 per
I cent,
JAMES GORDON. 4'011e -tor.
Girder?4•pt. Ord.1tIMi. Iliidtf
study of mold,. Is prepared to
rre.(e', M. Is fur the Piano. 21 ir.satt,s
quarkir Terns: $6 per quarter. x'Yl
{{ h4
Iwnsibip of Colborne wall meet in
the lb* nip Hall. Carlow. ea Friday. Ice. r
17th, Fs of 10o'dock, a.m. All persons hold
Ing era . u against the township. will Ocoee
forma. .e same to the mods -missed on or
betels IGth. .1 H. Rlt'H-tJtP,,
X Township Clerk.
-.n,uses of the 8wkwerlber about the
en ,v., a steer calf, rest, with star on
lo• nod white star um haorb. The own•
er Y -toed to prove proppersvtty1• y chnrtrtw
and t - t away. W M. 11 INee. Mater,
Got, 111R7 -3t
jANr borriber.ON THE PREMISLot ES OFCoe`Ile , about It *Sihf ooff Nov •nihprh
!lire- , l of yearlings, two steers and a heif-
er, ' .caner Is requested to aro. a Property,
sees and take t hero away,
inn • B. AU'GUSTINE, Puttgannon PO -
fl i.:E EST/1-AY-CAME To,' THE:
' -, MUM* of the undersigned. Int 1, Con.
10, t, A•hseld. on or about the the of
cwt - last, • hack hoax with a star on his
or- He ie aM.ur 1a years old and will
'soot eleven hundred. The owner is
••-4 to mere property. par es Rea.
w •••• him away. JOHN SPINDLE .
Lance P.O.
li -CAME f i 1u THE
nr.ml.etr of the tndersignrd, lot S. eon.
1 ''• erne, about the 11th November. four
Ia»n, timing two years old, three red noes'
ia!e white and red. The owner will please
W' 1.openj pa ex tons and take thein
tI M t i; .)(A iter. 21070-41
For Sale or to Let.
Goderich, Dee. 9th, 1886. I Mence. William street, lioderieh. on eater r
- , day, I,eremM•r rub. at 2ciclock p.en. Prfends
and acetsintances will please accept this in
01TR TOWN FA.TIIERB. i d"atien
At the maidens* of her xtn•in•iw, the Rev,
JrvCarfy, Port ferry, nn the 7th inst.. Ivor-
Nlssle• of Last Register ssrHlsa. della Mary: wrist of the ate (',.I. Morgan. of
Ooderirh, and third daughter of the ate Jas.
?Mertes. Landon, aged 70 rears.
....lined met last Friday etenin
ins. •, Mayor Horten presiding. Minutes! Dentist
of previous meeting were read and eon-
on- - FV.
Treasurer's report for Nuv,owher : -
Receipts- balance on hand, $4,441 54.
non remain t lands, $395.pG; taxes $2.-
221i.r18; Maitland cemetery, $'25.'5;
mnvket, $4 25; (1 grant to
Model echoed, 11150 O'1 - 87.213.28. Ex-
penditure - Public schools, $414.80;
public w• rks, $248,70; relief. $410.75;
printing, $.,4 50; sundries, $7: South-
ampton tire, $50; water work*, $112; fire
.$562; C. C. 0 . $I ; *operate
54'1..•1, 075. salaries, $104.14; balances,
$5.989 97 $7,243 28.
The sexton of Maitland cemetery re-
ported for November, the interment of
• adults and 1 int' ont.
An api.l.ealion from lir James Craig,
asking • remtesi. n of taxed taw kis pro -
petty nseently hnrne I, was referred to
conn or revision.
The report of hailer. committee re-
enmmendanq the payment of the fol-
lowing account. esti adopted
tate (fen. Grant, $4 fa0: E Graham,
, 14:
4A; X. Graham. $10, T. R Van-erv,
.G 43; Twit Sweat.. ., SA: Goderioh .s,e,•
' `1N II'HOLII tN, LD.R,
1 hEXTAL It001fA, '
Eighth door bebw Ibe 14..Offer, Wlei-et„
)ontRlrH, IstI-ly
• "Mice (Md F'reriwe 11a11, North Rt.
Go-Aeriel.. ('harms, mode•,(,•, A11 work war-
ranted. 19iF
raewtley Irick bu• tllaf pressen
• "d by the Saab d at preY. Wm.
-lHrhan., t. ho is rethN than bune
.hector of Customs and R. Radcliffe
L•u 'n e agent. Apply to M. C. (:AME
• g'rtTE I.Ililt ANY AND iIF.ADiNNG
Ito,a,lt, cur. of kcal street and mimeo cup
topes trans 1 to • 6 p,m., and from 7 tole p,m.
Iw a1...4 IMilw, B'*ILl y !11414 Illw,g,,,1d
!'neper., .Vis•-nmi.sea, dr.,, um fait,
grauthrg fret use of Library and heading
,application for membership received by
Wheat -tan. in moms,
1'rrsudeot. tiecretary.
Goderieh, March 12th. 111$3.
i) C. HAY'S, Kt)Ll(.'IfOR, !c.
t. (Nlfee. eorner n• W;van and Nest
street. lioderich. over tek'graph o*ce. Pei
sate rands to lend at 6 per cont. Maw
• tloderirh.
C. semen. Jot. J. A Moine,'
E. N. Lorene 1157•
T KX$TER-S4 tttor:rss, solwiton, etc
Oodrrieh. J. T. narrow. W. Proudfoot. 175
Itarrbten.. !blieiter, in Chancery._ ae.,
'304. ererirh. M. C. Cameros. Q.t'.; 1' Ht, M.
G. t'amere,. C. ('. Rtes. 1751•
Loans an insurance.
1. straight loans Auy amount. Private
readier tbe low rate of a per cent- pea an-
num. MEAGER & LEWIS. Galericb. 5)53
Ft'N lag to lend on Mortgage at Limbo
per annum. Write or call for ppaann.culara
IM2- !KAU11L & LKWI.i, tJodericb.
Q..500,0011 TO LOAN, APPLY To
rich. I4'IS
1 tlarouut of Private Fumda for inves,mer.t
It lowest rates on •r t.•iaw Mortgagee. Apply
to °ARROW k 1410('14.001
JLi/1LI LtyAAJ21(i AIiLl, 1,
Only First -doss ( amputates Represented
fT Money to Lend on straight loans, at the
lowest rate of interest going, in any way to
suit ate esierewer.
atrOFFI('g - Second door from Square
West Street, 0oderk•h. 104-5tf
$.)(1,000 TIKNLOAN AT 0 PER
are prepared to loan money at 6 per cent.. pay
able h, snarly, on
en Ana:them farm *verity.
•47 •,
Itnrristers &lodlcb.
Arent. for the Temente Geserai Treads ermas Us'y.
Meters. t'aweso,, He1.T & ('AMth054 bays
als,a large amount of private !mid, to Mai
on fled-. lame farm pee urlty.
Otwleriel.. Urt.1. 1103 tail-ttf
et 200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS
To lend on farm and town property, at low
est interest.- Mortgage* purehaaed. No com-
mission (-harped agents for the Trust and Loan
Company of Canada. the Carets Landed
1'red it 1'on,t.ny. the I,ondan lean ('nmpaay
of Canada. Interest, & 611 and 7 per .rot,
N. B. !borrowers can obtain Lunty la mitt
day. if title satisfactory.
1970- Barristers, #r., Oodor,ell
20,1100 I'ltl V -ATE FUNDS TO LEND
on Farm and Town Property at lowest 1.
erect. Mortgages purchased, no Commiesloa
charged Cos e, i oaring Fe.. regrettable.
N. N, f ubtaln tion•} in one da
If title is tatldactory -HA Vimps a JOHN-- Harrlsten. Ire . (amusis& yea
II.. -ale. One In the township of Aahllek ld,
- • - , ning Ila seers ; and nor in East Wawa-
'-•'ontai•Ing 1410 a.-rs. F''r pilrtIcu1rra
to 4'aaeron. Holt t ('ameron. 41nde-
1.` kitM TO LET -FOR A TERM Olt
ears, Io.ti Si gee. in the Matthew see.
'a, of the Township of llndcrfeh, apply
ter to 1 ti. 1 17,.1Int'. set•tford. 1paa•tf
!' teiftgRTY rote HALE.
1 L gyeen,nn and Truatees of the Estate
ad,. lateJ404)(1'II 11F:1:R,nglrfor tale the
vol owing valued'. Prop, -rt... natively :
1r.,Mlt.e l...e numbers /9n end 1i1, In the
T'•an of rtrh 1 of an an r each. lotirl
f- freed. and very desirable for building par
L. REEVE, M.0 (' K NEP• n
• . iIEIt of the t nit Sea
rice of iMtyalelans •N Hay erre loot frontier1(111 1 feverishly
1lswir cwt. .Pr.. Physician. Hu It i:ederleh, ben . antra.', *1". Mao-
Aeeenc* n. etc.. Pori Albert. svo mad Mad (Jon.•rss.n,, of moll ri wf ITownship. the Male
Fraise Cottage awl Fraser Htable. Nle& 1
DR- M- LEAN, PHYSiCiAN STIR-'l_l.4itemiser 3. Smith aide of 11111ar stew
Railway Notices.
Notice is hetet,. gotea fast an appliralen
s ill be made to the i'aramrnt .N (Maeda at
the next Session thereof far an Act to tease -
pirate -The Smith th•tarin Polite k Itatiway
hmmtnany yfrom- witah roopowt ►enr i.tio t cntwnetntrnct
ow riot=
of Lake Fete to the Town of
thewe threes% the Counties of Kest, 1441.-
sex, Id/mitten and Herm. er any or el of
the shl ('4paet"Ls re mets• cosvoslewt pMwt
nn t1.. .note of lake Ni,... ♦Ips a brsreh
lin. of hallwayItoomM(Ml 1lswprtaa. em
M Wyins 15 the t'odd'y of
''H\RLk?t MAt'110NA1.170.
Itid,rrenwn, nee. la, l MIL the A tin
that an apslteafien w111 be made t0 the
awl•Iativ A '
AI\. Coroner iCr. ()Mee and ' rimy rr. 1 of an sett. small frame 4wellimr 14
Rruee Street. C oner doer went of e engem Isis numbs,* an and Ibt In t1, P
At r,, lsk rts : T '401 f1iMnn. i of an *4•rr MCA. itett.44
Rea. r allowed on uth side of Hems start (
i' Rt( SHANNONFs,rlyfrn.wl. tR
& H A M f 1 TOr TM (fast I nt lona 2!, r• u w
rid at Us neat rd tAe Provlsi a of (is
ients. . railway «wade ' for as Art to !Reor-
y ra.mpany to construct a rail -
•y from the Town tie Wnsdstoek. Ip tbe
minty of Ott.rs& ren the Town se Yttt76
the ('nnnty of Perth, tool the 1 of
seer. In the ('nnnt7 of )Maros to • p
Mk. Heron at the Town of Ooslrrleb, N fid
Id Conroy of linin
RICHOW RAD('( -1 Ipotesi,
r.l •t t- -'-'--5, late. IM 1 , M
1'nyslo tans, As nn M) Wawa- F:v
rgenna, A,mwehere, Br Lay lea aerrrL gennd and. a/ metes, nlMrvul 1
nat., at Dr. slhanno&st residence. neat S. Said IMsr'r+t rotnalnArr tlm
ata .I 1:4wlencb U. - h"•'•4t• AbpwD 1 •
r,v C. Awaewow, J. (.Halla Miles from I-neknow and a ales frown Wiser
ilea h"M Gond rvrds
int /nether turtireisn agehto R
, orisons in the Term, E a
B ('A ON,
[moister, 0edork A.
C. RATA. Me Rewire,.