The Huron Signal, 1886-12-17, Page 2} THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, DEC. 17, 18886. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. •Seas.s of tee pee •labs ueestee etre art of sealer uleeses. The 1)eceiuber srae,m of this bide as- sembled in the 1'uwn Hall, Bruisers, owl %%eduwday after/:.r,w sit this weal. %Verden !tate ni the chair. The following members were present: Messrs. Griffin, McMurchic, Struthers, Kelly, Rogers, A. Slcidurchie, Corbett, Black, Rollins, Itiaaett, Johiatoa. Ceuta - 'roar. Elliott, Beacon), Strachan, Oliver, Itryan, Raunie, Kalbdeisch, Keine, Cook, Jaapsp McMillan, liftman, !lays, Maoly, `%Wray, Howe, Wilmot), I:rattie, Turrauee, Campton, Matz, Lrilber, Black, McPherson, Ata siker, Nrsillir, Kay, Horsey. Currie, Anderson, 41irvin, Doublet', Clegg, Scott, and entwine 3, 1 is • tan e.utenced fur as- Rte, oOXMUNJOITIONS. sortie at illicit duuUugt, 1 fur peddling without licence, also spier seriteses. The : rernaimeg are 'ragtime., L of them able bodied wen, who work very wil- hugey every day cutting wood. They have a sesiteoce of 4 months each ; the third is 83 years of age he will bosh , hie tens of 41 .,uM is uu the tklr of Dec.. and their he will go out probably to be scut t• for another term. (►( the ei fe males, 1, Sarah Henley, is iusaue. Shia has now been to nearly 16 months. She is quite harmulees. tier ease has been duly reported by the stent One of the others is under mutinies fur threat. and abusive language. The remaining t sir are vagisets, all under aeuteuce, 3 ft.r a term of 6 months each. They are a another and tw., daughters, moue of them sentenced to hard labor. The condition of these three when brought 'indention. in was such that they had at once to go The Hall wag decorated with the mot- to the oath, and their rags fr•r they tors, "We Greet You," "Friendship,' were literally clothed in rags- had to be -Melamine,' and "Peace t.nd Plenty.- taken from theui and the greeted portion T.im minutes of Inst Couu:il inertia* of them burnt. These theu will have to were read and passed. be clothed when their aeuteoce expires. The Wardell addressed the Council, I was under the neceauity of getting etaiug the petitions urlrred by the boot. fvr Sash Henley, Jam, Sarah Council had irecu foreaedeel to the sod Mrs. Halliday a. they were actually peeper quarter; that Ilenmiller, Pt. Farr( acted. 1 al.., it.1 a pair of brogue' Albert, Epnnud.tile, and Zetland for 'Win Kelly. 1 have had t.. iter !Wine bridge* had all been rebuilt since last repairs dote to the cell used for insane muetiug. Brussels bridge should have persons. The doer and window were been finished by 1 Oct. 1st, but it had completely destroyed, so much s' that it nut yet been c..wpleted. The repairs was f.•uud necessary to put In new to the Co, buildings ordered by you I would mak that i be allowed to get a hate been carried out. i beg also to few p.unds of pout so that 1 could tete elate that defused' have been made upon the yell twf l be wainscot has a use to pray over the proportion requar d most .welesn appestats°, ; we have from the County fur the enforcement of done all in .or power to clean it but the Canada Tewpw't'suce Act of 1878, failed, and our only remedy is to paint it which will re. ;Una your ataention. ever The . following cuutwunicatioos were 1 leve the honer to be, read:- Gentlemen, Froin the County Council of N.rfo'k Your obedient servant, ria r •• u • • 1 this Cour-— Wx. Drreeeat, Ga,.le.- ell to petition the Dominion (:..cern- The Indian of Dr Itollius deferred anent to repeal the Scott Act. Referred Iron, last session was reap. to the Special Committee. 'Moved by Mr Wilson, seconded by Mr From Mr Tutton requesting the C'•un- Strachan, that the motion of Dr Roiling oil to pay the proportion required from I M referred to the special eommittee.und the County to carry the ('.nada Temper• • test teL report early tomorrow - Car- snee Act into effect. l:eferred to the rind on a division by a majority of 13. Fivauee C ommittee. Moved by Mr Kelly, seconded by Mr From the License CWwamiasioners of I J ,Austen, that the treasurer nuke a the three ridings requesting the sura i report of the expenses of the %Verden'! of $1327. 28 as the proportion due by committee fur 1138:, and lav:the same the County for the enforcement ..f the- before the council at the January meet- Hleott Act. Referred to the Finance, Ing e f the council-Csrried. 1..ved by From Mr Keine in referentre tii an iI n- %1r S thers, that the Girvin, that coo,umission- d i pent, insane _ tetson. Referred to the era be instrucied to examined teceridue ythsnee relfAilitlte. ' on the Lucknow rued, known as Nine From Mr D ckaon, governor of the ' Mile river bridge, sod report at next jail. Referred to the Jail Committee. i January meeting -Carried. A number of accounts were read and i Mused by Mr Cook, seconded by Mr rufertvd to the Finance Committee Jacques, that Mr Ainley, the engineer„ The tenders for County wood were re examine bridge on the byline, How -1 (erred to Jail and Court House Commit- ick and Wallace, and repair the same, tee. ' as it is in an unsafe condition -Carried. lfnred by Mr Strachan, seconded lay The report -if tivauce committee yrs Mr !McPherson that the Jailer be in- read etructed when reporting the number of ; Moved by Mr Johnston, seconded by vagrants in the County Jail, in future, dor Cameron. that the report he amend tost.te where they are sent from and , td by granted $10 t.. Mr Cr ; to what municipality they belong. Car- instead of $5, when the report as amend - lied. ed was adopted. Moved by Mr C'r_g, seconded by Mr;Moved by Mr Kelly, seeonded by Mr And -mane :het the assessment rolls of Beacom, that the council adjourn'tu the several municipalities be wlualized meet at ten o'clock tomorrow -Carried. in future during the January session of this C •unci', instead of the June session. ; FRIDAY, Dec. 3. Carnet!. The council met pursuant to adjourn- • ment, the warden in the chair, all the \loved by Mr Kay, reconded by Mr ; members were present except JMesare Harney that the Co. C',mrnisaionets for I _ellen and Ewer:. instructed by this Council to examine I The miuntea of yesterday were read the two _ounty bridges at the village of and approved. Report . int ;s Moved by ler Wilsow, amended by Mr McMillan, in amendment, that no, action be taken in reward to the second clause of the repot t; .f special conunittee. 1'pon the tames being called for &Fere voted for the amendment Messrs. Bur- ney, Britton, Kay, Anderson, Scott, Oliver, Sandie, Cameron, Bryan., Soother', Torrance, Blaen, Girvin, Strachan, McPbersen, Ssunders, Cor- bett, McMurchie, Beattie, Walker, Campbell, Wilson, McMillaa, Griffin, Currie and McMurchie-26 For the report -Mears. Howe, Wray, Durnin, Manly, Beck, Johnston, Hays, Rennie, Kalbfriach,. C Either, Cook, H Eliber, Bissett. !Collins, Rogers, Jacques, flea • c•,m, Kelly, Elliott and Keine -20. The Thursday, Dec 2. amendment was carried by • majority The council met pursuant to adjourn- ' nient, the warden In the chair. All the The report as amended, was submit - members were preset.: except Messrs Allen and Eason. Moved by Mr H Silber, seconded by Mr C Either, that then= of two hen - fired dollars be paid forthwith to the municipality of the township of Stephen for the building of a lock up just finish ed. the same sum having been hereto- fore granted by this council, and to be paid ermpleted. Carried. Moved by Mr Strachan, seconded by Mr t Ilrver, that the county engineer be instructed to have bridges erected nn the, boundary -line between Carey and Elms, 03 can. 4 and 41, lot 35, in conjunction with the county of Perth. Referred to • the read and bridge c ronittee. Moved by Mr Clegg, emended by Mr 1 fie it. :hat the warden and clerk lie in strueted to memorialize the Lural Legis 1•ture 1.. &mrnel rata taction 2, *tuition" 1.46:, chap. 18, .4 the Municipal Act, w. that it will rot be co p.leery to; publish the notice e f bylaws for stop. j pit:g up, slowest!. widening, diverting or selling any road a'lustsltoe or etreet,is s paper published in the county town, when a paper is pnhlished in the muni gtpatity ..r neighho,rtug municipality peeetne the by law. l'.,rr led. The report of Mr .%tn•ey um read anal sefeytred to the r'tad apt) bridge edam. 1 militate — - Letter front the .heri8, tt,;uesting the t pie of coerthnuae foe bidding remelts -1 tonne eanitrs- tonna fear Writ Huron was rear!, (:rant i ed. Moyed by Mr Roger'. seceimed by Mr R'-. tt, that Mr .%:nley toe instructed t' lay the tenders 1 .r the st.r•.e.•,rk , 1 the Brussels bridge. and see, f•.r the iron- 1 work, twfore the road a,od Order, cam sitter at all nest aittiez. t'atnrl. Kirktnn, on the boundary of I'sburne and Blanebard townships, u they are not considered safe for p iblic travel, and that Mrd ('onlnliMtuners communicate with the Engineer of the county of I'er.h in reference to the examination, and report to this Council at the January session. Carried. Moved by Mr Clegg. amended by Mr Rovers that Bylaw No. 10, of 1886. in- tituled a By Lw governing Hawkers and Peddlers, be amended by=incressing Ole fee charged ` . with one or two bones to $25.00. Referred to Finance Committee. Moved by Mr Sanders, seconded lay 1Sr Dornion that this Council adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. to -morrow t': hnrsday'. Carried. ted to the council and adopted. Moved by Mr McMilian, seconded by Mr CJege, that the warden and clerk, on behalf of the council, petition the Gov - Imminent at Ottawa to pass a law render ing it s punishable offence for any salt manufacturer to sell salt in barrels,sacks, hags ..r other packages without having the name of the and the net weight of the melt eontained therein legib'y printed en the barrel, sack, bag or other packages, and that the net weight of salt in a barrel be fit is bosheet vn 211 IM. And further rendering It • punishable offence to sell salt so breaded that does net contain the weight so branded thereon -Carried. Moved by Mr Johnston, seconded hp+ Mr Horsey, that this council take n.. action in reference to Mr McMillan's t un tion until January session of the county county council. Lost on a divi- sien. Moved by Mr R.•gers, seconded by Mr • t Bissett. that this mimed do now adjourn to meet again at 2 o clock. 2 o'clock p m. The rnuncil resumed, 11e warden in! i the chair. Afoved ley Mr .1•.hn*ten, *ee•ndrd by ; e Mr MiMdrebie. that the usual grant to 1 the model schools he paid to-tbe respect- N boards ive of (Tiderieh and Clinton Car - tied. Mosrd be Mr K.Ily, secrnded by Mr Jelinatnn, that the treasurer's expenses peel when he has to leave Gnderiedi p Tits rant %TY .Ia1Le.a v Rinner was then read, aa f..11e•ws : * eentlemee, i beg t'l whmit t -r sou a leper .1 the inmates (1 the con:ay jail At present there are 13 prisoners c• ratio•en ed 7 nuke sed 6 females. to the 7 males '2 am insane. sed both very emu bn twereee. William Kelly has now been here neer two years; hue ease los+ brpn duly (reported by the sheriff. The other, ►aa prat te 7 Mnethe Hie ease baa ale. been repealed by the aorta. Of the re W II M Hf Ueda t ism M. 'well is visit et r in London, township of Beverly. He has out hese well for a few menthe' peat, but :1• is now reeeperat mg. lla»4Ua.. liter Fisher, sr., a well 'omen elec- tor of this section wea presented with a a,py of the T. ry pamphlet. This is what be says: "I read 1 he boot through, and when I found that *brie wait nu ewe weasel to it t•• bink up the as. arrows it contained, 1 deemed it worth- less, and cut it up for *bovine paper. llucemeuta without signature are good at neither the bank, the law court, nor at electuma. Ashfield. n who would like We do set .*h hold ourselves reepoelr ter tree w upin1uus u( our 1 urneopdrst. 1- w•trll 11 s lyre o. this depart.0ii 1,15.1ua cuu,• 1 ha rs arises to pubs••• unr wake's. and he • &etre Wrens allennebe. Mr Varcu.'s I.44., n• Manitoba, whish appeared in your roue w the !Dili, ult., as well uuasUIw euver.with his weigh - bias manes h his rrturu, as caused uututd- erable enquiry rotirerriae real estate in this country. I have received several Rot letters lately o parties down there thy;' would luveet soon utwir) up here if tory could be sloshed that It would be p,re•htab'e for them to du s.. 1 wall answer the letters already reomired, alai "0.1 yet .eerl.rdrw " in the e.we of a few days, but as there stn no doubt • satins nor . t )•our renin to have wy opinuus 'tt this 'sent 1 can early say that if teepee mare a taken it. srlretiny laud there fait be no possible danger .1 a lues at present prates with the chance un the wear future of all pur- ' chases termite out profitable. I will woe the urines of two reliable real estate agents Ila the city who have et the pries• est time on hand several desinl•le pre - perinea fair .ale at "away down figures," .iz., 1'. T. South and W. Langmuir! %Vett, both well sial fave ably Lewin in Huron and Bruce There are other agents equally as reliable oho would furnish Lets of lands and urices on app i- catton, but 1 Inentien these parties' names un account of their being known • here. Cate child be taken when purchasing to keep clear if any municipality, ue matter what its natural advantages are, if it is overbur- dened with tsars, as quite a Humber of the 'beat districts here ars in that unfor- tunate position. I will gladly assist any of my old friends down there tz any way in my power to select desirable proper- ties. lion truly, J. C. Ci Prix. Alesers \Vm. and Georgy Soothers have bought Mr Daniel Atom'. naw mill, on the 8th cone*** , and e.!! res, it after New %-ear's. R. E. Brown, an old teacher. hats been engaged in 8. 8 , N... 5. f .r ti447. He cones highly recommended. Hon. A. M. Ross Asa hcrn ho:dueg meetings through the township this week, On acruut of wnttug at an early date, we cannot give an account of them. Ashfield has always done ouch•. and the nujortty this time 5111 be increase l 1 .r .l. S1. l: AS Rah for Rose Eb.assr. Harm Cw ill hes been engaged to teach in S. 8. Nu 2, West Wawan eh, for the comb • g year at a salary of $335. The Fagan rothrn have vacated the old homestead. and g•' im to reside in their uew perm u the banksuf the Matt laud. The Rev. A. J. artley delivered a lecture ort temperaut- and the working oaf the Scott Act in the church here on %Wednesday evening. s .1,•Ihri Wash- ington occupied the chair. The attend- &ne!e was small, .•wing to thinclemency of the weather. At the f of the meeting an effort was made to feral an electoral union, but without sit: na(f Daanere To the Editor of The signal. ng DeSit,-Would you kindly alto widely circulated paper, to ask s few questions of the Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, and his worthy lieutenant, the leader of the Ontario Opposition, W. It. Meredith, who haa lately been w paying us a it : I. Is it, or is it net true, that at their last visit to Dnr.,;annon, their set drank fourteen bottles of beer' II. Is it, or is not true, that a number . f bottles of whiskey and brandy were ale, drunk ? • III. Is it or is it not true, that a lead- ing member of the Methodist church act- ed as grog buss at that meeting 1 IV. If these things be true, are we to 1 item as samples of the man• en- forced in which the Scott Act would bo en- foed by those who are wailing so loud. ly over the failure of Mowat'. Govern• ment to strictly enforce this law 1 TallissAra tt. Pllramonat. The Grange agout paid us a visit on tt ednesday hof. He reports business bask. rJohn Murray, our genial sheep buyer, is still making . in that line He has bought a greet number this fall. The members of Dewdrop Council had a grand time in their hall last Friday week. Oysters, salmon, and taffy were there iu abundance. and all were more than eatistie'1 with the spread. Smite of the young ladies after eating a few of the oyeten, took • glass and started an examinatioe of the tiny creatures. The soiling counten- ances and the winking eyes of the oysters were all that was necessary, and of course no more were eaten by the ladle* that evening. On the contrary the boys were used to winking eyes, and did not hesitate to go right ahead and put them away in good style. After supper en excellent r.f speeches, since and was giver., and the entertainment came to a close. Every orae seemed highly pleased with the evenings entertainment, and lo•,k• foward to another such a haply time in the near future. On account of the storm en Friday last the concert to be held in the whoop eau postponed till the following i Monday night and although the notice , was sit very short the ach..o1 was jam. Intel so that a great number had to stand. The program wit long and varied and all the pans done well. The School children in their di*le.gnes,recitation,, and kindergarten songs paned .11, Mean Campbell and Kerr and Alia Martha Murdoch supplied etcellent imtrumen- al music. Mia Ilewott, ltivlry, are "The flowers, ,' the invest" in her usual rood style Mary Stewart in her ..It.'•Dcn't sell the flume" was encored, which she, responded by singing the "Spring beside my little Cabin Door." ' Sir Richards, as usual, pleased •11 and was lordly encored. Mr Gihs'.n, ..chalsh, Mr H. Matheson, Mau 11ag• gie Murray, and twiny .then gave ex- I .•!lent selections, and a long preren s as brought to • Mess by uagiog the atinnsl Anthem. Mr W. Maclntosh filled the chair to , the sahsf+cti.n .4 all. Pr'.ceed' nearly , $25 to which the trustee+ sad five more all of which is to be expended in buying rises for the children. to attend on county hw.iesa - Corned. Itetten of gad and bridge committee wan read and adopted. Nimrod by Mr Varier. seconded by Mr Kerne, that the council do new sejeurn. T5. !#lamer) et ttw.dr,4.. Mr John MoKfson, o' .81. Amu, N S., was en seriously ■lfbeteel with ■ douse. of the kidneys that drepey was deveh'ping and his life was deepsiredd '1 Fen Mettles •d Bsrde.ek Blend Bitten cured him alter physeisna had faded. 2 7 Shiloh • Vitaliser is what yne weed for cense/ration. leas, r1 Appetit., Dime new, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia Prete 10 and 75 sesta per bottle. For fele by J. Willem. Dreggist. ee•eub Is m\e tart\ Weal Know from that l'utntm'. l'....Was Corn Estrsctnr a the only rrrsr•ty to 1e relied upon f. r the retraction of corm. This ie the more ercr)ehere throughout the D.w..ini.n. 1:e sure t, Q. t Pntnam'e sore -pop can rue.. At dealers everywhere. tse6vree r Poet.'s a sa.elt►s prwtr. Harp you an old gorse Cut, Burn, itrurae, ('ern, ltnnion. Malt 'thereat ,l'im- p1e, Blotches, Rongh Handle or Fees 1 if .o, there ,* but 'are cure, namely, *e- arlier it Parke's Carbolwr Cerate. 1f pm bet try It, at will neneine. yon. It Deets bet 25 estate at U Rhyne' d, uz stele. 2 3otlarlch Township. Ho! Mt.% ILLY, Dee, 11th, !.•keit;. Council wet today pursuant u. ad- jeur0enent. Members are present. Min. utes of last meeting read and passed. By- laws 3 and 4 of present year read and passed. Move' by ,Johu McLellan, seconded by Edward Acheson, that the follcwing accounts he paid. Wiz., Patrick Cron n, Kneel and nadway, 82K": AI- Naftel, 80 reds wire fence, 1st con. $' $1. boa of cloe 40 rods dleton, oar vrllsge black.'wfeb is kid up with a .re ban.. .Lune, lilt %.0 Is a ,la to b o out again. 'Ve rt•'tiae rico . t ser young turn with htauk ryes. Werinnut say hoar they got them but it don't ba•k well, doe. it. f Tb' iter Nt Wolkieson, presahed an el.rpurnt myogen ea 1 Sunday last. The church was crowded, as it e.nrrally is. His wit wall Matthew :1 10 The N'le I'eriry and John nut sr coyly has opined again for the sinter mo,•th. thee .tit 'cornett. haven debate neat Teesd.,y, for suh'ect is "Hume Ruh, for Irrh.nd " '!'ficins Alum, tykes the alhermitiem and John Water•n. the negative We are hurling toward Neely !,coma Barre his papular .acture Mee W ant,..l, in the Nila Church Thos. wh• mise.•,1 it nusaed a treat. Miss Het`eriurt. es has been appoint- ed ortatais, •f the choir. It is either • :owd mere/sr • halt one, beeeuee every vown,n lady ibat has leen .rx.snist has :et mars in a very short time. The p ie seh•eol children suieted by same •raide talent gate a grana) literary a' musical entertsinnirnt. TI • pwpils cath •d out their parts well, an0 reelect vett credit on the teachers F,verythi$t passed off well, with the exit: otion of same grown children, tan saw fit to try to in- sult some the young ladies who took part in the en L %%e say let t them gait hey don't know any tetter, ; 1. - "Rem!. in inferring you , f this wonderfs remedy for Co•i_he, 1',.'d•. Asthma, ronchitis, Consumption- and all affect'. • of the throat and pins*, we feel that r • are donne you s creat kind nese, u i' you have any of the above cr•mplais'• if you sillonly try it we will guarantor satisfaction in every case or ! money go. aided. Aek foe Met:revues Lung Cee wnn,d. Price a and $l per bottle at h3iynas' Drug Store. t3) A cesieel:1w rot the Aylmer /repress ' the dates of the first fall if snow for the past five years 55 follows: --1882, Nev, 13rh: 1883, Nov. 1st. 1884, (ort. 23rd; 1885, Oct. 28:b, and t 1886, Nor. bili. Ladies •roubled with Pimples, Ch itches, Rough Hands or Face, .,r sores of any ; Thom" Jowett, 8 rids wire fence, (testi-ion. n should use McGregor a Wm Dunn, indigent, oue • year at Wm. McCabe's, 552 : one sui es to same. 513; Charles Cole ire fence, $n; Charles G. Mid rods wire fence, $17.20; Geo. Sturdy, 4neis wire fence, $8; David Orr, 80 rod wire fence, $16; Wm. El liot, for got 1 and ruadway, 516; Al freed Goodwin, 1 rods wire fence, 88 Robb. Orr, 80 • • wire fence, $16;R.w sell se Hutchinson, Toronto, for munici pal blanks, $7.-: R. M.Kenzie Godench, for stn spring locks for ballot b,.xes, i cents each $4.20: Donald Junor, 7 i Is sire truce 514; Francis Hillock, 44 s wire fence $8.80; .lames Stephens, 1 rods wire fence, $'22; A. 11. Nesbitt, 41 r'da wire fence, $8; C. J. Nesbitt, GO sols wire fence, 512; Chas. Blake. 411 n • s et fence, $8; E. McCann. wools, fac- tory, taxes refunded, $17.25: John 'or ter,60 nide wire fence,$12; Rich"d 1 ton, gravel, 65 yarda,$5.20; Will Creek gravel, 80 yards, 1640; Andrew Curtis, 96 1, 87.68; Mn W. Tebbutt, 40 rods wire fence, $8; John Porter, gravel, 200 yards, $16; John Catbeck, navel, 343 yards, $:"J 44; Wm Murch, fa rods wire fence, 1155.80; Henry Hints, 107 yards gravel, $8.56; L. Manning, 90 yard. gravel, 87.20; Andrew Curtis, 325 yards gravel, $26; James Connolly, 270 yards gravel, 821 60; Mr R..•cbler, 112 yards gravel. $8.96; Wm. Wise, 677 yards gravel, $46.16; Geo. Cantelon, 32 riots wire fence, $6.40; Samuel Walters, j 245 yards gravel, $19.60; Arthur 1 ' Whittingham, fur week, per J. Hul- land, P.M. 12: Fred'k Tebutt, filling gravel on. day, $1; John Trewartha, 23 yards gravel, $1.84; Thoma* Pickard, i 112 reds wire fence, 822.40; John Lind- say, 40 roods wire fence, $8; Andrew Drysdale, :13e yards gravel, $26 80; J.mrs McDonald, 120 yards travel, • $9 60; henry Murphy, 60 yards gravel, 54 80; .teseilh Proctor, 40 reds wire fence. 58; James H. Elliott, 135 yards gravel, $10 80; Dr D..wsley, medicine and attendance on J Fitzgerald, indi. gent, 810.50; ILebt Sterling. 273 yards unravel, 821.84; John Weir, gravel, $19 - 04; Peter Perdue, gravel sod readmit., $C30.70; Samuel Rathwell, 230 yards gravel. $18 40; Thos. Meech, 10 yards grated, $0 cants ; James Alexander, 110 yards gravel, $8 80; Arthur Curry, for Trine of buggy broken in road alleged to have been defective, $2.50; Wel. Hethison, 80 ode wire fence, $16; An• iirew Mc•Greeor, indigent, was granted $25; Thos. Potter, gravel, $3 84; W m. Curry, .Sohn Elliott, Wm. Starlet and West Mugford ween e•eh refundee: $1 dog tax ommitted at coon of rev lateen Council adjourned to meet again on the 13th inst. JA11as PArra•x, Clerk. a Parke's tbrhohic ('prate. It will leave t the skin in perfect health, smor.th, dean and g'a'1 color. pie sure and get the - genninr made by Mc•(:rrgnr S Parka Price ::,o. tit.ld at Geo. IUiynas Drippy Store. (: . The lemalr iter Was Ser.■. flora. A. M. Ross, who has faithfully repreeereed feta Riding in the L•cal for• several sessions, has • pers.nal ree•'r.1 of which any man might be proud. Not a single c'*rre of any kind can be Istel at pia dna r He has dote his duty faith- fully and fearlessly. In the administra• - tion of his official duties as Finance Min- ister, he hes proven himself to be excep tiotsally well adapted then (-r. and -there is not a member of th. eppciitins heneh.e who could supply hu place. He, has been known i.. the people of Hare•n, having graduated fn m the position of a mechanic tae the office he holds t...isy, and We believe the people .•f the West idin, will show their confidence united m for him, by _mug hint a reusing rite on the 2$ .f the 1 resent t - Clinton New Zr*. N acidosis reek J. U, Cs eron, of Westlake. Ainei.. Cape n. had inflam.natery rhevn.atiss hich Hagyard's fellow • Oil cured after I other treatment had fulyd. die _ ttatae... Poem ratable , /ne,yrr•rA, l inierstan.f Slaj,.r . no -a a. r .r:nirgfor 111 L.-zlalatinas in y011r 01 •ty n• ane- .:.aa." les, and it i...ka as the hr w,.. c.•.nr t.- i,i•y • big mai wee - • that's --uri"te.. The• tun, a ,yrs ;• a with MOM Ague than any grain tv- t1 • ,• are his drama for !lira •illl.ort •d t t •:.:•essee ..tris'' lie says be does more n, dwrr.y 1 , ., it.,opat it away from the sight of pinny r t- any other half d•amara wren in the !to dose? Well, by thunder, 1 CUT. tight. That's t h. mar t re Free Troll,. The reduction of the internal re: envie and the taking off of the revenue stamps from 1'Medicine's, no dunk has lamely hostilities' the , ea well es nilievine the burden of hood. manuf eterwn. &specially is this the ce*! with (Jrwn'a Auvo.l F7nv.r and Lt-..•,".- , Gershon warp, .. the redeetlutt of thirty six manta per dozen, baa beers raided t.. aurorae to size .4 the bottler- . teem remedies, thereby giv• ing one fifth more medicine in the 71, cent size. The ,4 woof F7anvr ter flys ' permits snit Inver complaint, and the /:.rouse Svrop for C.•agh aril Leng tombless, have pwrhsp.o, the lamest sa!e of any medicn,n an th.• world. The rt vantage of increased tole .4 the bartllcs will be greatly I by rho and *filleted, in et pry town and trs- rn civilized countries. Sample bout,.. for 10 cerate remain the same size. yen• Leek Nese. lAaola tern• mf fr.-ni don't too n np rnwi anon, And MO r env re near deed. Well, we41, 1 .np. new. RAA"lii*a nnortoint shrnnrhitl. harp k„ep ynn Ie trot, Ui w eseis'-he : 0. my poor brae r by to ynn sager torts terrtet. Irl.. when er Jme'• mrdleiw0 anA inghrhts %A 'II old. utter... can• whstrrrr k ts.. !. •• n,arler how Iowg abadlaa tfA►anmr. M ton we1 • n„ g., to the arrtt r I( aim ft Foe tale In Oodwrlcl N tsswt J x ma WO. n hr • pews„m wby you should purel:a se 1-i., 1 l.iehtnieg in td a 11 Aker remedies eta : Rapid reettit --- 'tures instantly. It is easily applieel-no 'r'-uWe no lost time. It doss not re- •,•iire constant use one application is '•tlectual. One bottle will remove more ruin than any other remedy in existen-.. Try it for Neuralgia, Toothache, Head- aeha, Itheumatiam. Sold at 25c. a h.ettte by 0, Ithynt*, Dr omelet. '3j Coe v,e, •p.-ak 'fagot, A: As Stnek'q• ,.11.11, no: not .,rot.. But 1 coo kine tiro •, •,nab I ►•yawn 6n thty'iano. e 1 w,e,,an alwaes felts a avert to some tette ••.awie.he i. r(rnud •hw /night dip sand third •iHto5,1111. rr,.norleft t km.. It. !ft. PI,,lip hlddt.r, o.( Clarion County roe. eremites' 0,u .4 a tiew,rand .101an last wick i r /breeeerd maty limen Ah, ha! played on i.nr4 dol tiwy e A Neave Load. N hep i ate, my fond np.1 lewd in way oto t:'rebek Wrier' Ritter'. t.• .k. the more it helped 1 new nun n.ew,” rays - C,oyne 1'. (1 , Township was irk. a mesh. 1 t.e.k Tie more 1 , I am like Ears Babcock, 't*rrie, Ont. 2 trv.wawyr venae rte ems Pt.m ter Rwf..vf r I't.I PrIfmsai.wlal.h.en lows 14e.rn, ha..l,s.,i wr.vk tdn ✓w*'.h • rtpl.rrint air "roam. a4 a nerve ' !'hae, l l niTrs Tradition mays tlimt &b. r.werl wan Arne.11pave '• Aegehip. awing* trw:rrr, nml e -a. Isine•.1 fo net Ir fir! and non, rn t water's Dyer ant rapxnlp. Ittleaa ate arts, err' :Ji t w h t 11wy pint. we Se**ia heiiprm Road the feet anemia's in the remit nn 1)r. Van itenm's Kidney t'utr. then May a M»,le relieve y.oirwelf of all thou diettreaa t plena. Year 4111geeaM cam tell o all about it. Sold 16CD 41 Witsnn (.rpike; s NATIONS*, Pir i.s are the favorite per r+ pears sell t i billow* medicine: they r horo4lt lip The First Sign of tithing health, whether to the forus of Night retests and Ncry"uetees, er 1• sense of General Weariness and Lone of '4: t'tlte.sl..tikl slnr;e+t the usoot Ayer S.ir.,part:la. TWs preparation 1. effective for giving tune and stwgib to the eufr.•Lb l s)'.truI, promoting the d3;r.tiou :,rel :a.4iggliatiuu of food, restur- laT the te•r.ous torree to their normal wudttion, and ter t w•1!% tie;. eerie leg, ant v Utilizing the bawd. Failing Health. Tea !ekes age Nov trerlth began to tall. 1 wet tr•..rtt.l.d with a distr•.•iut ('cage, NI;=itt 8ut'•als, Weaknea-, anal \rrvos.• res.. 1 tried varlutes rrw.d:es prescribed I.v different pbo.lrlaus, but b.-esrse so .,yah I i. t 1 , .ul,l tut ),;_o up ..tarn With, net rte((.pin;; to rest. My tiered s recum- memt.••1 we to try 1oer's Nor'ap•reIla, w les+ I acid. 'coal l r'n note u• he. •,Itt,at asd wrong a. iter. - Mr,. Y. L. WLlltatar, Alexandria, )pini. I have need .trey'* 1-iroomerlIle. le sty for ri''n,fula. and knew, If It Is i.... of L,ithfull), that it will thoroughly ,t sat. this Irrrilolr !i..:,-r. 1 hate alto p res rila•d it as a tarn{.. a. Sell as an aper. .:h r, :.nal tined say that 1 lion -411( bele, it to tee the best Mood nreolk'Mee rove 1. - W. Y. t'owkr. L. 1). 8., M. 1'., (1. eeutilk•, True, Dyspepsia C ured. 7: w.saI., h • intpp..e.-ibIc for me to de. eertbe w hat 1 suWF-nd tri as Indlgestwoe and Ileiela.-be up to fpr time 1 beleau &akin. Airr'a Sersalaritla, 1 wee under the oars of oari.wa ph)•itiane mad trw•i a great many limb cf medicines, be; never °b :d r.] more then temt.orary re- lief. After taking Ayer' • tiara-apartlla fav a ,tart time, uta hea,tat-be disappearr.t, anal tisf stomach performed sit dutir. more is•rft. t ly. T••-ob' t .. to-altb 1. hon. plrtel reetert.L--Muy llarley, Sprang - do Id. lla... 1 base been p;rwtt' trn.etmd h the gnu`s twrssp+artlls. It titre etidtnv atratha.o.tem,n•eulats, the action of lfie.ftgertire and n..lmiiathe orzan', ecoJ oitallaes the bkrri. It 1•, .oitlr,ut ,butt, the most rrli:d,le btieef 'milder tet (limey *Ted. - 11. 1'. Jotwsuu, fi.3 AU•utic ave.. Bruokl)n, N. Y. Ayer's S Prepared ►v ter r .' rale* Si; rsaparilla, A Ter k Co.. Lowell, Kama at: battle.. Wt. M.M a'e.s\a rata. turn iti the height of roily anef: ne in a street remarked, •'Aro, tri) hew ,l )e cath that ' • %*, deah fellate, left e leers hall tether day, ng the ivory handl*, se , et chilled me altnwt to Charles had need Dr. Her - ne er ne Gum hie cdJ would nix eery much. For sale at J. . drug stow. tf N.w a A alien .v .uu.: fashn.n sea .1••1 car, when a Charles, drab dwradfr.l col! my cane In th and in sucks dwead!ul c 14 death." If vee a Red Pi tr•-1.11 I,it,. %% Moan's 1 7J G S 886-7_ ILSTMiS AND NEW 1'l:Alii IFTS! THE OLD VETERANS: AUNDERS c C SON_ Larger Than Ever CHEAPER THAN EVER EVERYBODY IS WELCOIE FINE SHOWP.00MS SPECIAL DISCOIIRTS TO SCHOOtS ALIO CHURCHES. cheapest House NDER THE SUN. Wes -at., next draw 1.1 the 1'.et O($ee, (,ud,r, im. Jae. :IA. a O ' 3 r =' t \` W Y d0xp .. d' c tai 0 b .•s 1