HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-10, Page 6Ilemliellellesefellettaroweremslempeawegoolow -4 • .22,/, utif KINAY, , THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY Din-to,ust_______ Fashion's Fanc ie.. Pale poik teals are lore - T. fronts "I Imagoes •rat 0,1,,. Ned. Ki!k nigh.gowils.,re mow oi lie .4 bol t ....• dr, Are V4it 11,04,101 Lt • ; own 1211-1 ,v• ou Gt. r .ot loon. Seal iur ta stal the fev..tite 1 ough there is • ua ai Hit t t •r rek - hen. Msny y•••ing I IA.,* It ore s v wil 111 agreuelefat 1.. tore.ar no ea ore ocesk their hats. The taste for ero edimt rooms with all so rts «1 .,r,..it. oaiI. b't ' iOsa awl kisick knacks is eta the wane. The c.ipo id ilia mai", 414 tom to the Ne trio tilde. The 111.111 comeltmates -ape 14 preferred, tleictiolt • le.' .114'46 are aeon. A much eJaiirod tratoiett .1 .4.. er2411.,Ily is of dastard ;its sot, taws so lie vyr factuag is .1e-na....16 t or patriots slide with l'ernsill g...eal astim Milt tato certify that 1 7. 'vu 4*- (4nes's Speedy Cure for D., •11.1.1 0.44, -I • 1Y NI, that if it est en • .1.* li... !Mbar (1100, bottle I 'iso,o;o1 Lua . if 11, Ms it hes deo. iite eF • •• • itea the itied.dne• 1 ever we- f• ; 1 • ....I -A. a tt.. 0 ...II -104o: Cer•dott 0114,, r..,• . oattir 10 tor solo et bOo *1 iter et Ilbytoia* drug 31;ite . tl) Llt.-targ W-Stos 4.7.assedi4se 4•010ose4ist •At firfr11e fist 711W7•• , 11114140111. 2.0 cent. len- uuniss.r. Th, number, winch tits a h•odemste 044 cover, . ernitatom three illustrated, ar1ic.44 c•oup eiea the 24ta volume of thm uLor f ix , The eittor talked A 4111111.111. .0,i 0 .61..C101141.41 f -t --i 1.• 4 1 / • 1'4 I., .1. • SJ cot 11 11 • i t•••• • „ the Aitit ' 11 .(ryt....• e• 0. .,* oral tima gtlei ALL' It) 1..•..4• 1., ▪ ' '1••• o' 'Dor t.i fru - •-• • . • f tIto ni•ot a. oo, _ • e 4., and ".• • 'it-. y• load ' • ' • oa Yeti- ti,r, It aalway , • oy die toad..., oti "Ao:r• the .01 ; by of T Ho- ore, rort. -in "Tee N•irth Pecilic 17,44 414 Ala.. ; e lt .v. Hash .1 . "T 11tver sgaenay," etc • trate.' art•cles* will b., ' L.it.att 1. • -iti-A1AA-.S.A.st.1***--01.•••- . t ere for ilepheherta. Li:eddied of turproutese (oleuto hinthotait retistication) said to be aft infallible veined, for diphtheria. For children the demi is one letaapoonful in the moruing and the same at miming. Adults should take one tablespoouful. Afterwmai• drink • lukeer•rni t.) allay the hurtling ta the throat. For children the second dose can b• niiiird with aids, which will render it easier too take. The result 14 really marvell••ue. The oiitlationation of the *bourne! dipkthe role sputa in the throat groom lighter at the whirs, and in this way they gradoislly shrink until 1.1 tweet,. four houra they .11sappear entirely, leaving no sign. A farAhr ••f chlorate of *stash may las used with advantage every two Imurs het ort.orn the first deae and the second stile ounce ehiorste of p•dash to forty ounces 0110 - 'Meal Wailer bl Air vtiLeia cures are said to hive been wrought by tins simple remedy. Seeing is beauty/my. 11(!sd the teat monials in the paitiphlet on Dr. Van Rieren's Kidney Cute, then billy a ledlle ind rodeve y..uraelf of all those diatrefie- ing pains. 'tour 1)ritg,tost can tell v•ou ilf wanst it. &Ad by J Wilson (;c4tricia tius The /fail has Rosie In fyr poihihition and ha• Ilarrened with Kir .J. -1,.. TIao- .aIIwr lista disowned the {toil Vet 11. managing director goes under cocer .00 night to counsel with Sir John ie•fattimg the eittotions• and the Chieftain slips .way tenni his cowl:m.1.ns durni•s his visit to ritytmtoo, to hold a coliference vial the executive of the licensed victual:era . et the osteneble ouoiael is kept tip and the psrty ie for hitaition -until after the elevt isms. -- Luidon Advertiber. The tan Sear. 14314. sk-her the there year is erni•••1 there need be no person sufferim; from. Woo inattani. Neuralgia, Tos,thsche. Heat • ache, Landow, or any &cafe yo.stc, if they telly purchao. • horde .11 Fluid L•gfatning, as it cures matlat.fil l'etai cannot stay where it is used. he mons • 4 Fluid Leshtnitig. ,14,,id by CI Rhyme, droirgies. (2, _ - esteemad aintaniponary the Nre,t.stor c.a.!, tenon s tLat .o-oirtiinity W41 given !So. .1 •••••1 to reply to Mr. Cameron's chsrges Iris- eiverument oath& I'tir gt.11m.HAMIS3-- • Antipodes; Aiming the Smee This to utter rot. There are a mouse of - Islands; le 110. L cod ot the Sky ;r '44 ' Her Moj •ey.s Titter ; ' Elm_ Premier eta get ttm ear el the11 ;Ise If burgh • :old many others. The Kenai lt• al desires flr John di! net reply Story ill •• fbe Preselect's Ilaugh- beetuse the charges we trig. y ..I., • A. Z Bert. sith vr ..1 that eatillr alio* b00k “Ja1. 'Vedder'. Wife kty coritparitono. it. cootents the Maga- zeta for 18e7 will contain &boat 100 id• dittoing! peen of printed matter. N.*' ie the time to Bulgiest -ha N ST1ONAL P11.1.4 are the fav.•::te • 4437'O 4001 and antotubous melia le: they are mild aid thorough. I 41 .-- t Silas of Beauty. In past y %no the riga: at t.".rt.tniat t•ntir Mr! loll; before has beat the purchasieg ef Christmas cards for friends abrotil as I. uvenirs. 1%4 year &change is taking place. The Montreal Stet is „ . bringing oat A supnrb Christmas:lumber Bill liagg Printed at Signal a 'vermouth vapor of svoildrtus baastY, , with twenty-eight pages of magnificeut WE SRLI, o lustretius, ittcluding a fee aincle of Entslopii, „id Smith, at the Morgan sale, greaMettirpurcha e sedIr . by IS EEOYork, at a *At, .1 forty-five dollars, ate it which the curi- a whele continetit 'has been The engraving ea the St,rr's th. Womm., often oiestr .y children, bet Fre.411114114 WOrtto l'uW I -Ir. Destroy Worms, ancLekool them frau, the eye tem. 1 m Tits Sri* lett .1. (mime, otd 'Dar. Mu 4neth,' thet, followed 'My Dor John; •‘,.•.. •Nlydarling ihn,"My OWA darliuf tea,' •My darling Johr,* ' Dear John, *Den Sir; Kir,* and a I was over. V t: m 31 ta,ted OA say in Why be wanted to got into the Rowse 'Arey.ei a Home Itulerr was make(' of 'tee of the candidates st the 1st,: election. A voice front the back seats eed ---Nu, but his wife a.• 1 .Nt w thou esity ammo d picture. me mg f a tare 1 Ie &widen _ th !satisfy eight imzes ..f illustrations ere are goyim, sketches and poems the best authors. , Imaoweitten- a tie .erfut -estieleo• • Prefeasor Grant ..1 4.,Cteett's icb every Canadian in. woman' and child should read, while t era is otoniething from the pen •4 deraor Roberts, NO4•4 Scotia, (kettle Mu Ay, Montreal, absorbing stories by E. 1. Tie .(11 11 Toronto, poems ly P.0 Linreate Fretichette and " them. teinch with a large 22‘28 plate supplement, id to be the most bewitehittx envy..n evee„.hiseed on this aide 01 7101 Atlantic. The whole of this paper, which competent critics Nay eclipses the le.nd.dt Grop).;.- ahd London illustrated .V.ies. ill mit to ati4\ address for the amazingly small Ruin f 11.1. cents in eostaze stamps. The publishers ate Graham A Co., Montreal, who are giving beautiful ptizes to the value of poo to the little folk 7*ho write the touot faithful short letter el.out eine paper, 174re el wonders. Anybody who was fortunate enough to get • ceey of the lautt Carnival Star will net be no. much eurprised at this latest pieee 01 gigantic enterprise. - - 15 FOR DYSPEPS1.1 and Liver I 'otitiplaint, Joe have 4 minted frarato tee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitaliser. It never fails to mire. For aide by J. 4.yonewellie. F• rat . an introdnetnry online of p010F nt, and Nab 'sem et with dumb liens •rei Nit See121111, 16.111t - inc the horizontal bee -n, vanities? (hat end horse); ilt,cd, pirellel bare, trapeze. sw.n•-fr,g ri att, bidder% lotriz the plank. escalading: fourth. climiune the role (tiled, slanting and tinning • the pair of isolea, tho ropIl. the human, and mast. Ily one hous's abaily emessise for eight months twelve mon, from 19 to jgy y re of Mr. 11,14ier this system art.r tze cf three ei,•hta ••1 an inch in b ight, ten pounds in weight.lan •.-.n richt, irthee in chest, thiee fourths inched. sipper atrn. il-ranbartt is en excellent ex - *moo., tr.. much bairn into, (NNW', and lawn 14010013 I4 rine of the Nest and most graceful of *II. --Popular Nee. eesechl Not Pm Irma. There is no trot:111e in ascertaining fro•na any drciegiat the Idle virtues of Hasten-1*a Yellow oil, for all 'manful and inflematt.ry trtubles, beetere, emirs, or,ntrect•ct cords, stiff a, and Soo frb.0 siourslea. lumbag,•• frost butes, burn.. C and It .tail ANOTHER LARGE CASE - 13-f-C-suiesslinvapes Ametioan avaircpslar est and 41e4 Rummell. te an oat thla weak a' "TITP" SIGNAL„ PRINTING OFFICE. e I,•ve ale° rennived during past w •ea a Is rip` 6.24/,k of Ladies' Encelopes, th,.. •asw amyl. suably in 1.41, Markt: fur the -. \ \ 1710111e7. . 00401 Ili ' ity Ladies' :4 tC lisr.• amels.ot'. 5 Cents Pleige, 25 im Pk. N le:ne Quell', I 'SI isr.• 1 c . a Pk. or Pks for.25c. _ We are praparr•I t•I h,.;•..elon.. in any ottani,. y. 4 .•111 NH ye 41:1 LOW PRICS: A (1.30.1 Po Whirs Hrocr•losai 80c. per M, or 2c. a p7i.'b A I. NO ri kr ..• $1.10 pt'. Ai, or 3c a pk. 1 .sel No 7 White i.nvelope 50 $1 .25 P6r AtIff *At A (Bono No WIcie Illeveleatt $1.40 pet- Al or 4c. o k. .11 tio.o1 No : Whoa 1.'ssel tee at $1.75 per r or 5c. a pk. 11.7' 44•Ise4er Thom.. o I s. *sine rot.. a, fee 1'hourso4 1.ots Illoahhaa Ube la. "I was nearly used up with a hoary add. Irmo which I it.,t to. relict 1.111111 1 tried lbseyard • Pectoral itslatien„ I found it a sure core. There Is nothin.t it, say' Llearal Cowan., lians..ti (Jut. Hare you T....Altos:he 1 (••• Fluid Light fau4j. Have you Rheumatism Use Fluid Lightning. Have you • StiffJoint 1 1 se Fluid Light- ning. Have you Neuralgia I l'es• Fluid Light - Have you Fluid Light• Are yeu to,ohled with Headed'. Use Fluid aa i oo Mee you any Pain / Use Fuid Light- ning. It Will cure you the instant it is applies& Try it. 2.5c per bottle at U. Ithyitai drug *ore. ' • 1 - Mk eta few sheen. sll..w • cold to the head to slow- ly and surely run auto Catarrh, when you ean be cured for 2:k. by using Dr. Chases Catarrh Core. A few applica- tions rare incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary eatarrh : 2 t•• 5 ty:ars se guaranteed t•• cure chronic caterrh. Try it. I Silly and allre cute. Sold by Jos Wdoo., drugist. ly del %our auction sale nirai printed at Tu Si. .2 at 4IttiCtI. They Are Maar. done promptli and at low rates. Notice is drawn to sales throuzh Tam SeiNat. free of charge, which M read by thousand& A 'lawmen -AR One ditreU "TgABblt IT to any sine sending the best four lin- rhyme oota • as az n v, • the remarkable • little zeta for the Teeth and Pat:, Ask your drugseat .or address lo. the history of medicines no. preps raeoe has- received such universal cam nientlatiou. far the alleviation it aft ords and the permanent cure it effects in kid isey distemea as Or. Van Buren's Kiuney, (!ttre. Its action in these diatreasmg conatti.aints is simply wonderful. Sold 1,y .1, tVlisen. 2ni - • stymie In Great Britain the outstiott of H.snie 11.1i is egoesoldiez at•eution. To the wan with la cold in the head or chest th.,! safes* way to cosine Wore Itu:e over a I ce:d is to have en band A bottle ef Or. II Levey*. Ited Pine Gan.. For sale at J. WalsolCs Preaription dm.; store. It To lb, Mod's.* reateestoot soa. all whims II may esserew. ---PTTePliatine, -Yerve rticot. _se blowout- base -I tiptet Scientific Fact., /..00rmulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston. Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Censuiuption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo. anti Neuralgia and all waating diseases of the' human system. Phosphatine is not a :`-redecine. hue a Nutriment, becauae it ceitains no Wegelatle or Mineral Poisens, ()Mates Narcotics, and no•Stituntonts, hut gimp: ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A ainzle bottle , is snf5ziorit to convince All Druzgists sell it. $1.00 per bottle.. Ieratnut & • Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 115 Front 1T:trek East Terento -- ,Y4 .112..1.44 400 71114...1 .:Z 31, t 1717 0 It B2 it. Ciii71) rizzE. t t t Cr....tel. the!? ea --a ••:4 r• !iis eke 2•Crer wJf:-111 12 a or GO ''DiscOVERY CVItailA ilif'110KilA lie Ow "tuna Ser0/111111. mats- veva, frown a 4.4111114.44411 istoseb, Erato% so Fewer sores," Sealy or mesh 111 •64,1f, tilwaws tut:4A led .blourt .11114124.11,02 2h111 1141/W411U1, pers. ty tog• awl toy tgorattlig Wren. tatIsta Ulcers rapidly hcol wake Ito 1.- 010711 ulfhicory letocctsny ha* it titasotti-.1• Its potency io contr.; 'Wetter. 1111000 illaah• CarbautIoN oars' IA' .14 lel of - u lou• borer sus/ avvelllotta, 11114.- Jolut 1161.easswe, WIie asa•-1111amts 41 uittre, or This k Neck, sod 1411.1 rows. G lauds. rs rot *co alias In 1441.4* ler a • tnistkoe, with colon .1 solely., .41 Shin O 04011.Z044 .S. th.• mime fo...r (*7 4' 0.10 ." IIIILOO lb le TIIE. LI IF." '...-.-..01111o1k. Al" llom. Th...,*.s.u.• a 1.4110 11 lions Ye. Pierce's I:olds-es )(rolls -al good dliseaslon, fair akin. hussy ant •pira ; It•, awl Olaf mire loath, a ill Ise rst.uhvAi NEW MUSIC VIIINT PUBLICATION. SCD1VG-S SONG -S "11 Cannot "Kelp Winking My Eye." "The Char ga at Bato h ." 411dilen Chords Waltz. Mikado Waltz. Theo 11:1.441111141111110811i 41. 8 they nature ..ry peen!. PROF. CLARKE. ABRAHAM SMITH, CONSUMPTION, , TAILOR & CLOTHIER whieb ts !scrofula of the Lunge. is .r- • T., st, .1 tuet ,es,,i 11 1111/1 14 1111.,I) 411 talo -ii 4. fe tla• last stages Of 1 114. 41111111W 1412. 12 .04.1.4 oi ' Irrfita MI niagye.h.ths ro4ve4T ‘114er tn1.1 len ill....a tate' disessie, wh...1 My often!'" Om now 1.1. ......„, a• A•trralval ren.a0) 10 th.• pitt..a . lit. a -K.77 ....,,-0C ci..,_ th.usest wrionsly of veiling it 104 C01..- .. e usilesitess Curve' mit tosettonest oso mime me I..., 111E4441 floe A 111.41:1.21111.` UN. 1 . fr11111 04 WoilKi. 1 711I 4I2 tutilualtion of tor,, or mestarthenner. akereti4e. rw idomil-s ...moire, awisontiouo peetorei. 111141 ni.trolve proper- :t."."..o-77- 15ric-.=Eas H.... i. unequalled. inn ...13. es • mrsedy fur ... •-onamwption. but ft,: all *Atonic Di fut. canes of the Liver Wood and Lungs. • f INTow-S ty-le nue ▪ ai feel dull drowsy. tl....bIlltatest. herr sallow colow of skin, 100' )1 flow ittlo-hrou so si .44 on lace or body. trequet. it headache or ti.-.41- uctei. Owl Lesto inwith into -stud kcal or chill& wino tutting wit:, km[1111441* e. low et, f.'s g_t_oott!I forebodings, tecestihir i•peet.t. • and cootr•i unarm,. )iiu are Nip. ring 7.4•14.3 Natalie WI I se Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, or "III ournesa." In 1141111y 1.111122 oilly 74101 01 flew recitiptoma 111, • revisal As a retue.'or tor tel mien eta* , Dr. Pierer'.. ttolden Medical Lia- o unsurpsess.i. fillood. %hornbeam ot Brest tiros. per_ Weas Lunge. 04p1 ii of chitties Asthma, severe to e, and handred trectiutte• It 1st an tige,..1.1 ten.1. tiv nautemers, at 111.00, or SIX INMICTLIEti for 111.1.00. $end tom omits in steams for Dr. l'ieree's twot. on Consdintition. Aoldre..s. Worlds. Mile rosary Wiesilleal Amos .4: laid ism Ott ant !street. !Wes A IA). N. $500 REWARD le offer .1 11,• prop], t•rs of Or. tissire't. atarrh Hein, ly for • mile of catarrh %bleb they cannot cure. If you hare a diseltare• from the DON-. otTerldre or otherwise. smartie kris of itself. own% or hearing, weak eyek dull pain or pf21*11r2. In beast. you harolktfarrh. Thou - N M& of 1-zusli to mutilate in consumption. Dr.rialre'a CaT410111 11.113101:13Y 10111 1404. 121.!r. rum" of entairrla, *Cold tit the and catarrkal iliessaarbe. •o.850. West Street Neat ilarket. Aldus & Johnstop. Al.:. 1:1N1).4 EATS Care Atteattca ad Prelim Dents A CALL SOLICITED 'Vet14 A Z A k f /.;%'‘.:41 PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT 115 r e 01.1f FRANK LAZARUS II... of T. oztrus & Itorr:s RADMPid Spettacles and Eye ilames 1Vo nth lint. 1.60S_ 01-001:3MRICI-1 WOOLEN _ To the Ifoa Growers of A. Cow Htry : We wish 'user that *0 74.' prepared 00 7817-,' yoar Wool in exchange for Goods. or um'. for you 1010 400 or I!, • following art t .z Blankets -White, Grey or Horse. Shirting,s- Grey or Check. Cloths --Tweeds or Full Cloths. O Light or Heavy. Flannels- -White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. ; Narrow. !Stocking Tarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. !Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our ice for til, iy.•r. • arviot ie stir- ' passed. M'e will endeavor in moot ictscs ludo at the day .1 1. breught in. if required. Custom:it:tinning and Heel:rig. or Spinning oa the rap. comrse or :1.1c. 11.0121 ur suit la ist. 111.11 12.1 11: rrd. We are in a pert11..n to do a!! k.ruis of rill tom work. usually .torie fi.11 set citation mill. and we will goario••-e to 4,1 for you fully equal, if not • little better than any Su tau surrounding*. A ca espeetfo1;5 i..d. Thr ••• z,t_pr•-t.a• ir6dtke °Nevi tare ima nmorro ;shit Sleet, er'eff ' instance tin n de sat is(ortion. The) 2re Mit Mt*? IN TUX WORLD. They never tire. and ISE many )ears ttbuot change. - 4,110 041 Yates & Acheson HAKIM IMF 114:1141Meays Gap Ei0H_ FRANI UZARUS, JIANUFACTURER Zs 7:43-7 7.11.1 Howl 1.1111-71211r 1:112.1. LON liON. EN.; 1.4 N ft. 11.501 11*. & Idnerta. Hartford 4,01111 .1 Igiutogoggeetion with RD% otl,er atm is the Demisters of t anada. Jee.Nta. tots ar. tr :4-171747Akit Tlw Canadian Pacik Railway TN NEATEST COOPINIATINI N EARTN. M vs, 0, .'--' n., Reit E 1,111.tied Route Iwtweeu MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEC, OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON, DETROIT, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, POINTS EAST k4hI Kin?. rlevhsetast your natal* call aso reerrioses are sli oiarra ,1114,4 am, Sty, 454aro wringers 1., ker., lAwye•• and Phossnews Neu. Seim to, settee, poise aad wren's*. 2 da,„1,04„1,, aw„, 504 R. RADCLIFFE °ern F. Wad 'street. (111p504e Mee Ilasn't Verger te, Macy. (war'. A, Jell MI. 1144. 11181 ad.' E. McCANN F:ast Ent Woolen Mil Mar 14,1 Ors W:LL CURE OR FiELtEVE BILIOZI3NES3, DIZZINESS, DYSFEP.::4, DROPSY, FLUTTERINO OF THE HEART, Ed7Y9IPILA.0. ACID(Tr OF RALT .-HE STONACH, Ebt7TRYRN, DR. VES8 NEADAME, OF THE SKI14 And 'eery aporIes .0 0.1 moo arising Nam altasseslarad 1.4VER, diteet ye. TMACOlb CCAMIELO OR OL000, 1'. MOURN I Kt. P-vr'smorre - ART DESIGNS los 'WALL PAPER BL w ARE Gents, Firmishinn. Iisits and Caps itc If /1 14‘ op, : .1)144.4 64141, at .A.13 Ft...fh.1-1..A.Att S4IT8.. 0li4erich. J ane • • 4 044444-.4 044 FARMPRS AND THRESHERS Use • your Machinery only the Well-known PEERLESS OIL. SIX GOLD AEU A LS 1,,,..2.,'.'.7',..'rirs'illte.,.."711,di'all.::::.1.11"/..."7...:I' D aart Honor Pow 4enufacturisi at Queen 4113 OH el lot Ls. loy rorSallpviVEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. YVES & ACHESON, Goderich. Torontn.1 Mlle 1* Irv, MC: ly eep Your FeetDryL You can do this at very lrithng cost by boymyg your BOOTS & SHOES AT THE STOPE E. DOWNING, Cralolo'c have adw os, -.ad it merest. 'rock eve!. shown hi riederich, and enowprieetc carry Nee ow rat!) brand in 01 taro *tore. trona Hie 101581 kid. t Strut -0 NU Ito intermeduit• Urals* 10 heaviest .orti.•:e. 1 will Prices that Will suit Everyone. Ladies' roots, .in Butten or Laced, from ;LOB to 15.00. Lases aiill Children.s Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys do.. ROO, up, all other limes hopottionately Cheap. I eon and will sUil 3 oe. hoth la &W. ' .1' s • r. Crabb.s Block, Cersier East street and Nuare. 142. -Te the 'rade. Leather and nadinits in any qusnt.ty at Lowest Prices. EASE AND SECURITY 41 This els' ref rlliellets the doable truss wit haat the holt. Note position of the 7i %Myra Weber .7,5054 in Ilte Padby whirl* a CONSTANT but easy INWARD and 1. PWARL1 Press 4. -Airports Oft. heren nia whthe urine la adjusted. GEORGE Rti.r.r4TA13,- Druggist, - SOLE AGIM1s7T, GOIDEXLIC b. 187'• 19131 Extensive Premises and Spler41 New Stock. 03E0. 313.1TUEVIT CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich A se. -.s s..ertment et Kitchen. Ile.l.room, Dining itootn and l'arlor Furniture. such el/ Te o Idea, ...r. • ha Ir. ..ane and wood rested I. 1 onboard.. 004.1-steede. Matt resat*. 'D ••1,411.144 Lotman., hat -Not st. Looking (1 issue a. N. II k envie et reaseloine mot, IPicture ['AMOR e seetiaity.-asmasagemeg, °Wont** and ihellthia shear* Mt bea47aise 101.1.10 fethlir --1111111-- OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS Now 0. 'ha Here or yew 'deb tree er *W• Mee 700005 57 home. Unrest P47707', ?ft VI !Agri. He has over tAipsli;:th....rvasn. mizianit:ndinfelijuszor i 20,000 Rolls nhielplait inerehanta Oa& m• Cawallow hy Non* .. rof the Latest Designs last 000 nio repstatins of - Illsaittihtl mien. sad et prIceatees than very ranch Inferior roods. cantata *esteem. The eve tt.• beat cola* hs tow•. awl ina.t be soil iyeenellar we warn ths 11V11,4 egpilrni smelt itnyineftion by draw- ing their &woolen bn the nonewilty °goosing that tius 1111111141 CROMPT011 CORSET CO.' Is stamped OD Mee side of 61R:oral** plods I without IWO an eseaden. Thc iksi 4611001 nliAZ3311 Pallcros FashioRsf AI IlL-"r1.1EIVIFS .M.0016,