The Huron Signal, 1886-12-10, Page 5IX did Pel IOW v rick lode NT. 'dr the p10 are. ER O'T kb. 414. 041 OW D M - 1111 D OI kik 5D Itt doe bit. 11 on • Of • 0 o re nt 5... 0*' eat ia ieh ste Isaac Cassedisy. bac &gout en si th. Watson. Goderioli, 14 rustantiug at the old houiestead, Auburo Man. -We regret to hats to Mate that Jackson Stitt, well known //1 Brussels, died us Wednesday night of this week, after a brief illness of about 10 days- The cause of her death was tollausation ef the lungs. Mr Stitt had haws a resident of Itrussela fur ahoy' .0 years, isnot ing from Auburn here 11e was unmarried and lived with lite other. - Brussels rust, 367gMilti. A large three mated American weasel wait ashore at 6 o cluck Thursday nom - Ong three miles south 5, ( llayfield "dheit hailed with NO tons of pig iron. rhere were nine men on Guard e( her. It was three in the afternoon before they were all wit asho.re, The t.ts !silks were tut -ming very tut sad neo abed ly meth a Wall 1') fret high The tnen were brought a,hote in a chair from the ertvistrees of her rigenie, hut in such a storm it was a very hard pit. 'or the men. Tiie Captain was the 1.st co leave. After loitering the risk h, had to lower irAtii made the attempt Liar tiocs fro suc- reding. Ile had a hard time indeed sad was not aide to hold on till le got en land, but a couple of Gallon jumped into the water at:d lifted him out. TY:ey are all well taken care of by the neighbors. TUe Capvain • 514/115.1 itt --II...teasel, the vessel is the ti W. Davis. tug was up I - the St. Clair river Tuesday to lighten the vessel of some 01 !leg cargo. She lies in an 0111111 posit and will likely he got with„ed any tery great injury beteg done to her. Itturrale. A political meeting was held itt the :own hall en Wednesday evening last by Mr Gibson, the nominee of the Ilteft,rre ..:onvention of Eut Huron. Mr Gibson spoke for • time 4n the administration of the Mowed Government. He then made room for Dr Bethune, of Wing has, who spoke in the it terest 4.1 Mr flays. He gave • very comical ad- dress, and kept the house in roars of 1aughter, *specially on repeating Ms sasertirne the third time. Dr Mclam_ add then took all the point* claimed to h• nude by Dr &shone, and showed by the books, how Dr No 1 was wrong. But it appears the C•ineerratives are not zoing by books this tune. The Dr then went on to say that he soon would be before the people himself, thin:store he asked the privilege .1 &bowing IntlirethiliK the worktnws of the Government at Ottawa The Lust of teen's prevsilvd. Two ministers were in the hall, and Just enough opposition tomato, things lively. Sabbath school anniversary end en- tertainment was Oven lest Sunday and Monday in the Methodist church. The services of Sunday were well attended, and on Monday Aherne -Km about fifty *cholera took part in the 'sermons, con. ducted by Thos Yarrow, Mr. Tea was sieved in the Orange hall, and after. wards all repaired to the church, where !Se, were treats.' to • tine literary en- tertainment. On Tuesday evening a si,vcial was held to get rid of the scraps, when a.,,rsiti the house was crowded. The receipts aelounted to about /1.Z.9. OD moven Moat Itaa been expelled 'ram the Fentsti Itintherhood and es- 331R0A-1\lau.B101:t nounecil by Michael Weill. Reaatdord. Ost. T. Akt.S.Su'i.' T 7rwm,..A • ,r 'Alc ii-x114/W• 214- tLIO 174r1Sn'or."VY'Atelliifir. ;'1111A JiigA f,crelor" urricitar:fewsolorwil &.,,;'!`"1.,,-'14v1 ' 4 1111. HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. It ie86. CHRISTDIAS COMES AGAIN. 4- (3-}smitirrxigcs irrtenkt ,", Fraser & Porter. .i esteemed customer *mud to us Use other MO inrav-r, "W -AT .110T..7 DO samm, IS DOM." This feel to he true. hair made every eff,.rt and we Udall soccer.' WI) too, to put 15 Tho 'qod of Fancy Goods for the Chrislins Tilde Plush Goods Se 11:41, : olt.trcd the Town of Cioderich. our Stint is AIWA complett. itt Ait.nr,Writing Desks, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Toilet Wax. China and Automatic Dolls, Violins, Accordions, Harmoniums, ToOs of Every Description, Children's Sleighs (at Cost). hi±ISTMAS CARDS en &A thr ore nt.ti.lifacture.i. l'lertnain, travels:an *Toier full varlet, I. sed C'anadian. PRESENRTION BOOKS in all varieties of binding, Bibles, Church Services, Children's' Books, Annui, School Prize Books, &c., &c. E • ii0Ve ytp.*, FALL GOODS • eve have meek Measure, oi informing our frleada 111.111thc Public seto•mlly. that oar Pill Ntis 5 is now. insamplete. In .11 the Departnieuts our goods tLiI be' found oil Il.,. newest designs 111 I hest totality. FJOI 11.11/41111M. I IIJITILIILIM‘a, 11•11TLE ILO sr- ing Liree ri now in Freuch. Derma/II arid Doody itt this ne.est makes. We SISSO line of Dress Meltont that a 1.1 astonish ) 0 at lib cis.. Conte and gct same of t before Owl are all Newest t Mao in Trimmings to match dress woods. TWEEDS, 1VOIISTEDS AND Ct/ATING8, splendUl assort went. 40,151 prices lower thea See our N'tits to 0. ler at /IL. Ney coops • loamy wow st'vvvis. •.a,!tors. Tam D'Yhanter Hair. l'unt 1.0111 Cites mid I 14. DottierGloves. Miens %linens hiz1pt5.tr with .111 complete aluri meet Of tenon ware*. A discount .4 five per rent. 11 lie allowed on all rash pur‘hasta of Dry Goods of o dollar and over. Tea Seta, Cras. Pickles, Fruit and Butter Dishes, Napkin Rings, Knives, Forks and Spoono,.. CO 1 at'a guaranteed Quadruple Plate, ta at less than Auction Priceors. ne BIOS. s--40,1,:i.IAL LINES IN WRITI NI PAPEIN l itt THE III 4.1D-ArKIIIES tesh, thus set ' Gust Of:tab. and ,51' Mlk t.,,,i4040.4.11 the sals ammo- of Our r.toelt is stzkri:e 11. every line Mat euslemers cannot fail to aomet Ajar mullet* lirbrebbeell& WO bees hi mastit ad ear sleek GODERICI1 FRASER & PORTER It • (italerich. Dec. Uri. -tiepp..., I s Ind •-,1411/i. Cur. North ettest asd Square. Cf) 1 I DRESS GOODS MAN -LES & MANTLE CLOTHS E+ 0 . fi W e wishi the attention of all inteniling Purchasers to our Stock of the above (;oods ; ako the cb IL Z El kik NI Splendid Feted 5? 511!;•1* for purchasing from uvt ..icd o N Cli r.5='=C-24I-4.1-.1 0= = -r-.d._ :L , - To all Purchaf Thirty Dcllars (S30.00), we wiil pay Return Fare. Also, will send Samples g :.: Money Refunded, if not Satisfactory. g 2 VI Prices, and Goods so Purchased may be Returned and COLORM DRESS GOODS. BLACK DRESS GOODS. 04'4 il g i ti A Gi.00dstume Cloth for 12 1-2c. h. Very Handsome Costume for 20c. Z[LI All 'Wool Cloths from 25 Cents. 0' g i A FULL FiGE OF BRAIDS, CLASPS AND TRIMMINGS.LI HANDME PLUSHES AND STRIPES FOR COMBINATION % Z 4 '614 Ma.11es, =tolx-ra.aoa.s, "t7lsters, dtc_ Lt Children , Mani all •-ize, Handsome Long Mantles and Short Jackets. An Elegant Range of 0 1 --N, Dolmans, all Prices. WE SELL A 1 MAUR CLOTH, GOOD, FOR 55e. WE SELL A WIDE BOUCLE CLOTH, GOOD, FOR 63c. \ H. 1113RETHO & CO MOCCASINS Overshoes and Rubbers, Anordtan end A ito.rkaisk. 1 Men's Felt Boots ..A.1`TD cimmq-rs' SDIPPERS Kidd. Crocodile. Ft It, flush and 5 JOIE DOWNING & Co MISS •1111•11•= .3 1886 NE.v' .1 "I J L GM...1S 1886 "ea ekr peliMs wisk 411111111111111111setall Mat I how• agested ant Choice Assortment ot NEW AND Srrizsir Pniess Goat's Settable for Autumn mn.1 Early winter Ware. Tne ranee of Textile Fabrics are so varied tri, season that mien the most fastidious can be f3T-7I'l`TD_ PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS, Black and Colored, Hain ,siooi 'ne. '1 Hughem y. id Velvets. Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. _ 0 -10'v -es dt rlirle 1---Iosi.J.,_y Full range. end at Ms/ , i 1 , ...I 0 ild DI the annals of the Hosiery and Olot e Trade ALL DEPARTENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. Dim hi fillInk FURNITURE! I 'heaper Than Ever. 11 on t Is• I adenoid. 1 An olluouallY large StOck of Canadian likild Imported li NITTINI: 1 A I:NS itP115 Makes. KIKY NOTE -00111‘e Obi Male& merles Mb lailltlirrmeniat innm madk. and airiest, esot 'see G VRICall 4RRI% Al. OF ai&II:711410 ‘Mld OANNTIZO, Ooderich. Sept...Mk MIL MN- Draper and Ilaherilatther. . GFIVM 1./IM .A. CA.I.,1_,.. 1.4 RAVI Nt; RE. Ft'lt\ 'SHED my shop In the latest style. put in Three Yew Reeser maim. two el them the ceie- bested Rochester Tilting Ohs ire. and hired a journeyman Varber. we are in • position to do getter W •r k than hereto. tore. Latte's Childrene Haircutting made a specialty on ail day. except Saturdakin. ors 171175,0 ,1104 Se 2044 v4"INTIG-1-1T, West Street. two dams east of P0. Goderfeh -A- P. OP/1\TM 1-1IJ DAS TIIE TWO BEST Braun IN TOWN Fashionable Milliner; Hee returned frous ber visit to New 1 ork. Toronto. and other c NEWEST STYLES 61 PAT 53 has ,1 front her old stand to the store • UNDER GEO. ACHESON'S NEVIL, where she will he pleased In see her old Cor:omers. numb"! of new ones. A OORDIAL INVITATION IS ExTENDEDL. Goderieh, Oct. 7th. OIL -••••• F1 Mil MRS. SD Iles now on exhibition ift„.„, a 'No .‘silortmeir LATEST SHAMES of Hatt. and Fall Felt Hata Trimmed witkna Astrachan for Trim Felt Hats Trimmed fel,. 1 cordial invitation is WINTER 11 MONDSEWING MACHINE. i -i U G -TD U L\TLOT) FALL GOODS 1 As this is the time of the year when people are preparing for rag and Winter weather, I beg to call the attention of the public to my stork of T w razar)S AND COATINGS, Whl,_•11 comprise the Latest said Rest Patterns and abodes the market &nerds. Call and See the New Goods. the ee- West street. next door to Rank of Montreal -11g Doderii h. !-epi. 'Med. i' IF VOU W.1 r R. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, • 3 a lf ••••24% Wholesale and Reldil Dealer I F. VCI' WANT VO4 WANT sHELF ...AND • .• wax," • ----CALI AT RGAI -NS 1.14TP Toronto Cash Store THE FALL STOCK ("Olaf IMAM_ //All are Invited to moms and emininve ihe imallty meg eisealg• - ft,,,,masiber the nowt -11111 - rAtio STORW, PAINTS, OILS AlsirD GLASS, ".",1.*' I-IARD w IZP3 , t.? 1\4a...1 -lacer_ Dederick Nona MO Maw --#