HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-10, Page 3w7WY.we.1■1.. n y▪ es In sympathy with a excellent le sit 1 the eyes beetles and and sere, k le elapse bas becomes for which Aries :naw■ remedy. cared a painful la- c We much at years.. By the outaWaeared taking Atter utiles' tin was •'uwpletcly ydknil l rendition, termer ant ever. - word, N. H. re 1 was troubled aid war uuable soil 1 1. This asrrlelne :,roe. and 1 believe aloud purifier*. .11. sued within a few lirt.,l with Weak r uxd for thew - tat result.. A' pr',, -r It .4 g .rat blood pa, (ik,sir, Vt. with Inlamms- resukrn formed saw of sight, sad !tar trying tune pis.,. 1 mer dually t'.apuifla, and. in g .tiriur, bare been ;4t has been re- alyA of !edemas, eiv rye.- Kendal lige, Ohio. ole, was alerted yes. fearing the • saw Hitet of any highest standing ith no r.crtuanent memoistlm or a t Ir of Ar. ttar- 'hter 1 used tie ,red. and sheets ifll:u.t light wlth- ,mpl<e. - W. E. eLelby City, Xy. parilla; ,4 o., I.011•11, leas.. el; es Medea. ea. ► easy/. {prose. ere, Cut, Burp, telt Rheum.Pjnno Hands or Feat are, namely, We - belie Cerate. If invent* you. It 3 Rhyme' dreg (2) BRUCE ENT COMPANY r Mamry oa Fares fou of hiterert. RCH A SED. BRANCH. .rest Allowed on to wrwawrwj 'fl. 'kismet ••A North .'K KIORTON, 31 arsa*t* ado 'FOODS. 3 Week eatj+. ERL mare! est et Ionia Fete tIRN LE. ctoria-et.1 )detach. f.•HRiDKL o4 part of the on a If start whleh has been d .tate of pee - .ah, ane b.1. .•err. to tlae unlse- i)FOOT, nota for Owner. 11014 t f OOD. nn. ■1 thus less- reptIs.upwlt.d TORE. tarp Salty tier chomp pie. A11 tj. 1 nr S.itvesed. snags r•a8111- 1EBt awry. )Ilii.. 'r►V 1,O,TIJE POOR INDIAN Who is Starved by the Dominion Cov.:rn oeut. taws. lar. Festa. *pat Slrah Mr aay- plirs sad Ore a a t'aa• teem 11e Toronto Saws dtwtepeadeul.r 1 lace been pruwu$ult to gate u,y unbiassed opossum sat the ',elute world.' involved w the atateo.'ut...1 C.eurr.,n, f Huron, and ouuttadieted ey tee -doe. and 11w wk:luwa$Low r.p..rt of 11w Indian Department, .hick its t'aelf la c.,nlirtnatwn aunt stneig the the ln- dwnt were being treated (with bestial, d were w ". •trr.Iw( con - 1.160 d,tu,u." No resort •.1 any iloyeruniuit agent sihteh 1 have earn able t, (Jaime lentos this. It is urge t teat the et viug was dour in the wittier to male theta goo 'le week is the wrists. 1s ,hal the .ay .r.aaust, frosts tau Igu.uaut and idle the:winter 11i ulvil,z.• i ni ' No ' It .s cuestdered a c•:rite a;,%Iost dec-s 1H y .ad in the sight of .lee te tut a hu.uaii .wing starve. An Indian say be toile 41...1 vicious but he u l.unien, gid n eat t. more, "a/ wat.l lot the ti..yerti u:a it. AYuu, the tai payer ot Caua- !a pay fiver a .illi.,u "ins h,usdird thew Ned dollar. 10 suppo'1 the feelsens. eterutwa la to t tutcuded aa `-sIirv*Sisw .also?—:s weans pigsty' if it te honestly conveyed to the red man. It is like tic ecu cytuc, who, at a t•Naiousty ,sae -slug, put on the cullet lion view a d":Iar wit strewed wound .. cent, with ties friend attached, "Ilse coast as for the hraullun, the dol- lar is to get it there: ns Callao& we as nasally tale a uu.Luu tine hu'idree theus- uuddo!lars to the Indians, the 14.►uured t'sousat1J for the redskins and the mil- lion dellen t • get it there. Even 11 the lesadred at/WWII 41n4. thine it woullt4 1 be so bad, but Iran blamed if I (lout be - '..re that every twenty-five per sent sat :hat I. stolen by the way. v'sseada hasn't been mars -it- -;n- e.iae W voting money or he plig i.». Tilt Sir Ieie item pe • esp- -triers to send the scum of creation .a grata, and has himself appeinteJ Dewd• ny,with the rest uf th.'•Furty Thieves Ye, ;(ubole up the stud, grew rich,oeine East, gat out, society and a lash losable church, and le, they are re- specta',:u : able "L', the peer Injune • beset whites the Nor- W.aern plains, and the 41rwns of stere in, women and tee walling of dying papooses make enemy: the carnival of death. i am only wuchau g one branch .rt the tr.:eel:^1 treatment of the Imdlatos Ly the (orerrtmen:. There ars many •others. Delete you eel find the un- ..rleed a,rreapenslenwe sad the wlute- e•,.hing letter which closes the retort. -ehrve lCAmeroa, of Ileum, whose ::achyw sunt,tisss datendtd aimed one the pat and of Lisette/ant C.4.uel A. O. Irs'ule, Ctet1 1441 otter ..1 the 1'ulio.. Au moiler Some of rations ha. been made, the .mount of prevision emoted being beteiy sulti:mut to. su.talu There are at present three huuslreil lodges of Celle 111d1Alls .soaped herd ; these lodges average about eight soul., snakiest • total of ab'41 2,401) soul& They are in an utter state of destitution, and aro merely 0autiug 111 • mem elate of •tervatiue. You wall Dereoise that were a regular issue to be trade these Inde► s, that the supp y en hand of dour wouko twat shout e the 044(1 of present mun,ih, and that fit meet, snout twenty slats. 1 have the homer to be, sir, Veer etwodlent KYr.1.1, (Signed) Fetes NOUN IN:, luslre.t,r N.11'.M 1' , Actino Agent two ten. Tu th, ian,Otenivissiu oar, Wtunip*g, Manitoba. "%.tAID AND !RAIO le(j." !Copy 1 %WAI-s,I N. tW• T . ( )ctuher 19, 1882. T.. Honorable E. Dewduey : - Over tee thousand 1,xloans here a1 most naked and serge of rtervatten ; hove been • g theta for ase days : • n satisfied many will perish unless rare ly 0.setance receiered. -110111119 instruct .tweet McDonald to come here at ogee to ttuk0 pty.neet I will &manes G !rive money here in readiness. F040 WRITS. '•STAiivaTtotr ALUrw..','Z." (euPY Four W'ALs11, 1st Februlry, Bore iota,- I have the humor to encf4ee ■ Meiwraielem i am in receipt of from leu4vun ICcbort Millet, of this piace,with r. orvDu, to the wudlteen ut the In• d ices. (This Ins. was net published in the r 11rt1tiLat!m which I obtain my inter- mediates I► is no doubt moat iierilni. netts*, or would not have bora sup. pressed. I have inf.'r,ned Surgeon Miller that It as net in tuy 1, ower to ieerieso the 1uantity of foe! to the Indians, as my Instructions from the IsIndians._ _oa•nes- *1,urr are to keep the Indians et Fort. IA.Ish uu "starvation allostence." I have the honor to be, sir, Your obedient servant, Slgnee' FAIN): NoltSt48, Inspector N. W. -1•L Y_, 1 Acting levet. A Etre, tel tont ose OeetteitieAmo, Via,• q c der ettt..g 41, 1:i a ,eel;; ilt.. . � '•'.: s't I1C" I t 1 't' f ars k`,•. tt"':l w T I�r�I$JflID LL, &T• DEC. 10,188& sad beeashirl irritation 11001141 imitate u aw nearly always awpeulwl by hem- orrhage from the lunge 4104,411► develop- ing 11110 quick cooauptiva, and 0( course twl a fatal Lemons' werr i. aelte4 w tau they are .tut sufficiently ted. I here- with (melee° *toilette/ fur this wedt.wl sere lee. I have tho.bopur to be, sir, Voile obedient servant, (Hiened) (1.0 Bow'A1w, AI. U. HAYTse Riau, A gent AYlstaut Indian Regime 04(ime N. W. It. THC WUIT•WL *(HE 1 goei motor the report of Meet Mc - Denial, who was sant out, pn.ably with Mc - , h a view of whitewasher; the whole bust- ! ogee but -his rep..rt •boss that eve:l he i could out cover up the busies of the starviu44 tribes, ', . icetrs• I I% 1.. IN 1)ran-E, 1no1.\ HEAD, 20th f'etiruary, 1831. `SIR, In aconrd.uce witty Iustructinna contained In your letter No. ,;,'*2l; of the 17th Inst., in referunee to Dr. Edward.' report on bio visit w ('aapot'a and Assts 1,.buine Reserves, • copy of which was attached, 1 berm the lemur to state the'. owing to press of business w toy (Ries, I nes unabes toe - fore to MIL the saute reserve - fore the 1:rth inst. On toy arrival at Paapot's I went tubi. house, whore the majority of bis iii es were a.sewbled, and with them segue '•f the stet. A great number of the children are suffer.ne from colds ; sine have reeevor ar e(1, others e gelttug it. What the Chit f and • few of the loading Iudieus aril was that the cause of their present - illness w4. feels accidents met with years black ; the want sat fresh meet has reduc- ed thew to sem,' a i state of starvation while Iu their weal- state they are uuaule to est lost"Irl. m ''The Standing Hue," a young mar- ried men, 4epurti s►a Tlai1n 1 iter two - ribs .en his right side and his left show!'ler blade when a bey by falling back on his peck whey running down a hill ; mot since he has been In the R.a en's, w:•ile i atandiug en a pertitlhly built wall, his 'Wife t,w.k 11•'!(1 ..1 hide•,•, which l,r.,ueht 111111 1 1 the {round "u his back. He Isar teem ei:1 ewer sista, soul has& Lad mottle Little Blenket, tread 1101n, knows he 1, flying, lir knows ghat it is out thr.'u.h starvsaon, but thinks If he hal a little fresh meal, tett and sugar, he would lest 1.:ager. Threes are the went ca.I , obi. 441 014 reserve. 144 .,I4 -'r 1'44444-.. (Beal during the week through neglect o ut the part of her lrieula. Tau yid._ u women were li.in4 In a hut tot•ether; in Weiner". the morniter word was sent le tone of a:WDNKT'. J)t:e, them that her child, who was with • friend a short distance away, was very ill. She left for the place, but fou:nl that her child hsd breethe41 its last. Thr'u{h grief she f• eget her u! I friend; when she returned throe dace after- w ards she found she had breathed her last. Although friends were near her she was not theuglrt uf. Chief P,apot said w,thine about leav- In41 tee reserve 10 the spring. One of his head men came t.. the instructor's iu the evening; he told me he diol not know whet the ludians intended doing (iu the span,;. On the 17th instant, 1 visited the As,ivalx,ine Indiana, I found the chs! 1- • en here ale, snlferaug from a olds. "L'og L,d:e'a band look. much health- ier thea "Tete Man Who Test, The C et'& " I suppose fig account of living in their Leder& Long Lodge informed rue that jt was not the want of fed in the tire place, that Int laid prostrate several poor Indians It was eicln:,a, het had fresh west, tea and sugar been issued t0 them while ill, they would out toe so Low, they would hare betel well ',dere this, mud :wog about These who aro sick are nut able to eat boceii; rabbits we cannot het, as we have ne ainmunitiou. ['he 11 un Who Took The Coat" in- formed tae that an .11 wan, "Cut Thusuh," kit thinks+. diad ti Nervation. 1) , l's ettt t; over tl.. Neese tread. tx. tine family during the past geonth I found that he with his faafily, numucrin: three, received the tame as other fami- lies of the aau►e umaoer. 41 young mea a few doers tr'em the Chief's but (woks as if he was starving I gest him to take off his clothes. 1 , ha barber. rah Bourbon, Ind., y . TO SCNOOIS AND CHURCHES. must contras ho lu.ked like a skeleton, the sciscors,' replied the customer, and wife owe our bee* to SH1L1)H :S CON • - and I would have &appuse.l the cause silence fell on the place with a gull thud. i SCMPTI('S CURE." For sale by J. The Cheapest �o1lSe was want of Gxxl, had I not sawn bases i a %usage 4.141. Wilson, druggist. Mr Hebert K.ewk. ,.f Coulson. Ont.. 12 t3HiLOH :S CATARRH 1:El1E- UNDER THE SUN. and mother in very healthy c'ndi•ion. I I F.ea'l a:l.l sax where Dewdne: sue - grants that two th-'usen,l sterwIog Indians be fed and cl,tbee and braced up with too hundred p wailh of tea Mel fifty pnends of t..bacc r,' after havioe let the poor ere -doles •car.) (r..,a Oct ober, leis, until Fetir.i try ''2I;, 1433. jC•,py T.leguts Dee %tTeterser[%frith &rV%17s. (►stew*. Feetuery'Siith, 1'41; To F. Serino', Fort Weise, via EVA of Trawl . lours of February 1.t reeslive3. In- crease reit one supply slightly. Pur - cease two hundreol lbs. tet, fifty lbs. tobacco, and dtstrinute Jedtciuu.!y and where m"st needed. Signed F; DEw oN E'. W./$S A`a1' t1A•:Zm.' t., tics "11�s o1 twalatn'o. Ina 14814 04th• And, licho'd, on February ;alt a cogs :: 44 tutlhe l}� K— 1. 1�n �jisiuner was *rut 4,411 to revert on the t+e TRUT*. -, .endittu of the Indians, after Irvine, Nass at *Dm bilge's nowt : ' Norman, White and 1),. Miller had re - /I,: arltateele .tqW wftrreus'e tcotrit• ported thee% as sic. and .l;int of 'terve- /SOX' tion. This repot, wade four o..nths COW] ' atter the rxuplaints were made, shows :"e•:raarsT YOCtrrst' P.'tr E -) how singly the Cover -um rot hastened Hi t tw,lcaarrt:4, Fort 1bsish, 23,4 Sept , 1882. eveu to tied put the tenth of the fearful ,low' ' as � boluses. } 1 1.,the » tett ' ,a, I here the boner t , enclose _, copy cf $ telegram asst thy. _ It PY day to the Department. The messages i':'t%N Hese. N.W.T,, froom. the Indians. se regards their an- February 7, 1334. ceity and , I promised to Si* f have the honer of r.,oruug, sand to you and the Drps/talent. A that w aecordence with your request of reply thereto the Indiana now 'wilt' I January 211, 1 proceeded or ['lapses and have also to inform you that on my re- the Asainabeino 'Reserves. to inquire turn from t1u Apprhe I found some two into and prescribe for the illness pre- th';ua•nd I:►diaus here. They are all in railing. a starving and wretched ceuditlun for The time occupied t three days. I sweet of clothing. could not accomplished it in two ;the The Indians say this is their country, time yon considered sutli•aent owing to and they intend t'e remain here. They i the large timelier requiring meshes! as. that they receive sad by the issue of treetmeot, eud also' from the fact that a previsiota, Will you be goo 1 enough t, im- smellier of thew were continue to their part to mein the forst of instructions what i hones, tax, ill to move, nec.sait•tin4 • your wishes are ? In the present 'hi"' house to -house visitation. This wa. 1ta1 condition of the Indians. I fear if no eape:Ially the vase ea the Assinab,tne food is given them that they may here- iterecre. eater eomsaii dspeedatiess wheels will : In P1*pnt's camp, prttsrrlhe.l ff►T 33. bring them into collision with the furor. and in the Aminaheinet ming for 37 In - 1)t aurae, 1tt case 01 4117 depre.htiona diatie, iii all 72. suffering from phthisis, the . ttenderw must and will be arrested bronchitis, hemorrhage from the lungs, nd punished. It is always possible that dysentery, opthslutia, menonh.e(ia, •b - • ..h punishment might be aceurolanred ergs, and enlarged glands of the neck, oath bloodshed. tumor', suppurstIur inHammattun of ear, The actual power of the Indians no- hemorrhage from the bladder, chorea, .'.ere, in view of future hostility, is ver- R„nnurh.rt, and starvation, if the last •armye not great. But, 41 it u •uperflu- can b. recorded as a disease. I find that :a to point out to you, an outbreak of in the Let three months 13 deaths have tt y kind would be disastrous, and taken place in each reserve, in all til, a rests universal alarm throughout thseere,y heavy death rate ; said from all I can gather death has been accelerate,', if not immediately awed, by the sant supply of food served out to these In- dians. At the present hole this condi- tion of starvation is more evident &me44* the Asinabointe, as the Cress herr Istei7 obtained •applies for cutting amid. 1 saw severs! children in the As•inab.tine Camp worn and wasted, and unless pns;.erly fed, mn.t die in • few div. The oke Nedieine Man salted ms if I could give him some medicine to have by him that would be helpful when the Indiana fainted, as from their scanty anal entry. As enu will observe from my telw- t ram, the supplies of year Department viol not lam more thus three weeks ; even for that tune the i.ues will haven be made sparingly. I trust you will be good es8wgh to tee y to this hy retnru of maul. ::ala t«s 48.10 .r to be, sir, 'Your obedient servant, (4ignsd/, A. (1. hens.. ('osmieinner. Th. Hnnorairle E l)ewdney, Indian Commissioner, Battlef.rd. Wouldn't it here been well had'th. above warring been heeded, in view of the bloodshed which did (elle. ' IN rTT41 I('opy..I Foxe W Alen, N. W. T., 2nd llbtr.ber, 1AM. Sta. 1 have the honor to eneloes hurt' with a statement showing the amount of proourens rowed to Indians at this pont. and elan th. •moons of in eros here on the 10th September jut 1'sst Thee. eases have not been made en "7 non responsibility, hot by tred.rs i e1 received fro -1s the n(Meer c.• terns d• fors supplies, to the t.o reserves, with iwstruori.ne to McK*..00. and Tyler to lmave soup sna4• iu the Ionia houses said under their supervin.n►, rod to report (row UuW to time ou the health of their ludiaus, l ba.s ad.•pteol the plan as the adroit wry of thew guested. having full bsueht of what boa beau semi. N ere it issued in the ruuulter wet 1 fear they would get tattle •.f it. 1 hope the ammunition applied ler some time sauce will s.e•u soon 10 hard. It will no doubt go r lour wey wwsnds adding to their dally diet in the way of rabbits and naltug a chaetae for them. Whale at f'iaput's he told ese that • y0urty man front the Aetneb..ine camp celled o, the user g of the 14:4* rust., and rrp•.rte.l that one 11 poem had been uu their reserve. and tu14 his ehief that he hoard "Tite Reader'. say. "Never mind, there's a groat 11.4n7 ind:.ts stall on the earth: when spring Collies we will make it sharp fur the white matt." He further said, "The white ul.n can trust ou 100 mud uty' followers" t)., roseing the .',witul, i,.r' veep i had this :..out( awn brf..re sero Vm'Ming questioned lee .aid, "1 did not say that Thumpa.0 told the Chief ane- -I Ville at Tr, y some same al Dee; 1 heard there that "The Reader had made the remark stated." 1 harm the honor to be, 1r_ Year ebedwit servant, ieigned.) A. McD,Nat.0 Indian Agent, Treaty No 4. The Honeral.le the Indian Commis - teener, lteeiva. 1t haring toren asserted by • velem 41 the press that the several Reform speakers, 111 yuotiu4 from the edictal records c of ernine the trest meat of the L►diene by the D.ui:uiuu Guvernwent, had ererblel such re:ports, I have gone to the trou'.ie of Kettering true copies of the leeuru• eud upon the table of the li•.uw ..f Ccwmuus by abs Secrctstt)vmt State last amsei.'n, and the sleeve give, without tae cl..::,g4 of a word, the pre- cise i.u'4uage of the official ...pies uf thew a..omunications pewter between ethci&II of the eleveruwent cannot be sail to be bi,ee.l by party prejudice, or C1O F N' TY NOTES. A Common Coli Loony New. From Many Sourc en Wens Irene .it Pass. of .&area get ea lb *fww �elew40 Last weal Mie Mary Fitapatrwl left Brueseb for Brandon, Kati., where she is to W married to Alex. Elliott, a furuser resident of Morris township. 1•i :aa i itxpie rick Sade the trip alone n)., e to ere her u,teuded hu.l.aud a double y uruey. J. D. IC•.n&J las received an order to sh p ao fintw on. ,.f hu beat •Wavier., too hose reel carriages and all the urceentry appliances b' the greener city of l'algary, *t the base .1 the (Cocky wour►twms, N. 11', '1., emote StiO molts west uf \Winnipeg. N hale hers (ie... Turnbull, of Eliuls Illo, was serubbiog the fluty on S tur,cry last, a throeart_ ui1* .hied eccidentally fell into a tut of hut water au1 was severely aceldel, aha child teetered in •stony odd Monday, when death put an eud to it. sulloriter. 1 some. "I never feel ante to be without lltlyard•, Yellow (►11; for a re thrusts, colds, sweeten glands„ rate.. It hes mot failed to give relief, anti for my children at i. w easy to uduou,ister ' Mrs Henry Dobbs, Bon'idale 1'. 0., Ont. -First Wayfarer : -"Welt, hat if you're a Dublin man, how C•.'no you 1.. be born In t'xk f Sec ,rid anew - ...Shure it was just this, 1 was s!aylug there at the tuune." 16 A :: ASAi. INJECTI 4)1 free with each bottle of Shiloh'. (•atsrrh H. u.edy. Price 50 cents, For sale by .1. 1: tisuu, druggist. Tbr Separate Kis.' Qer,llea. lair •John elecrlonelJ'a Ottawa 14g*e claims that the 1'-.ry party .ata"fished the Separate settee! ',stow, wive:, Mr Meredith .sod the Meal new wale t . de - this u true tat Tury forty should be inuieted for ar!:u►g to tui their own offspring ' The Separate 1 awls lite m was d while the Lob exec erattd u, ardor to incriminate t eel* were Irl poorer in 11:0 ..Id prt:wer 1' ufl vn *ho 1..-gnnuug # 14",, art. two. (.1 to• 'throat, 4:<.....1.).) 'r:.hb-.. mud l.uu;'. T,.rrrf m-. • In iurs,rtauw c early mud ceeeti4e t:'•aturt,t•c:.mot L• oyere.u;nateil. Ayr's t Iwrn• J''rtun' may *1n at. he relied n•r•u for tyre .;a -c.. clue of a ( old or eurie1. Last January 1 w'a• atierteel r, ill It P etrie I "HI, which, hr melee, slat (re- quiem expwurn.. iew•aane wnr.r, Mete welling on my lune. .t fernbk, ,s.iprla w on fuhuw.,1, s.•cumpanh.1 the eters,, tlr.•w wipe'. I •nA. real futenwh . Atter foetus: rarsats remedies. vs 'emu( '',tarots,; relief. 1 remuu. int. •! tektite A), is t !troy y 1'ce I . ria' , :,sal w :i t Speedily Cured. 1 am satisfied tLat tbi• remedy •:l.•I wy lits. -J80. Webster, Pawtucket, It. 1. 1 contracted a severe roll, which stet - drily .kvel ped Into Por,imn$ia, present - int dengervus mel ots.Uwate .y nptomr. ley ployaieicul at once ordered the use of Ayer's Cherr • Pet -tend. ilii Instru,tio•la were folluw-e.l, awl taw remit w.. a rapist sad prnnatwnt cure. - 11. E. Simpson, Rogers Prairie, Texas. Two years age I suffered from a s.r.rt Coll which settled en 101 Lungs. I con- suh.d 05r10114 physkians, and took the medicines they prescribed. but received euly temporary relief. A friend Induce.' tate to try Aver's Cherry 1'cctoral. Ager !Aim two bottles of this medicine 1 was curved. Since torn 1 base Rrveu the I'ec- tvral to my chlk r.u, and cultskler it The Best Remedy tar ('nl.1.. Cough., tine all Threat su,l 1.011;;dkenn..,,eler0.4,1 In my faal.li),-- Robert t'audvrpu.•l, e4eads ilk, Pa. some tun,. 4410 i t..•!'. t •Iivht Coll Witten. I.•tne uegk.-t.,l, ;;rear %torte. ao•� *nth -of ou my lune., l bad a backing rough, :eel was vert• \vara Those wise knew nae beet ,Nou•i•4•r -4 ,ni Itfe to bet in greet dewier. 1 centimes' to auger until 1 eun nlaue.vl u•inc Aver's Cherry l'ectmal. Less than one bottle of this . mF treble tie -divine eurr.l enc. and 1 feel that 1 owe the pr•.ertallen of my life to Its curatnr lw,wer..-31ra. Ann Lockwood, Akron, New York. Ayers Cherry Peetersirl eoneelere,l, here. tin- one prat Et ns,,)v for all diseases of the tlarnt and Ind:,., and 14 more In demand then .101 ooJo•r m,•.hch..' of dais. -J it'. kubert,. Meet: lis. Ark. A Cherry Pectoral, !smeared by DN. J. C. AVerb Lemon. Kase Boer Ly forage/4s. Treat 4i. sit basks, * ac n t pease , t JLul$try. They tie doubt prevent the silver side of the shield and tone down the story of starrati•on, •ufferiog, and wrong which any prejnaice.l realer can away itti:iwitom the tepoteii - &Write se s ra.w.rtssver. On the appesrrnee of the first of Canada. 11 is true that Sir Jelin Dlaeduuald voted for the bell, then►ch the Tory party' as a whole did nut. but now When we ..y Mdire:c ,'s Speedy Can is�h* only perfect cure f.•r Dyspepsia, ti.r Job, r followers who are seeking Lorre' (.'••':'t.1.os.t*. In.iigesieiu :.t..l hr. - w dost.• y the tsclar.te aci•wl syrtew ore caref.`r14..er tu�,r$aw. Sir u to roe h baa), opus ton. *4 cif n tes- helpiug to establish it. It u the Lobmeal tits, 'who, hard h....a to perfect patty au•i lee M''''' t l,,. teff:r.eot sus.' health hy els trace, N'e -would therefort are attacker'. It Mr Jlowet anti the edeise you sloe I if you are a subjret leasener • Mi.eed, twee. sywptou s - se general debility, loss . f ether le furaera opposed tie iutruduc- of any .3 ilia stave troubles to ggive Jic- •ppetite, paler, chilly •ensatieuu, feller - :tui uf the Seper.te ■.:haul system, why Gregor's 4per ly Cure a trial and he leu• ed ray nittht-sweate spa cooq(li-prompt .lora the 41 .: aver sees to turn stintvet rinsed It is wild in ii0c and >tl battles measures for relief should toe takes,. ..f .thee because that s ateei u K►il in I y At *a Rhyrtsa drag mtoee. (21 Coosumpuen is scrofulous disease of the existence . But then the T. ries having Iang.:-therefore use the great ante adopted the "race and revenge" try as ---y acr.,fula or Moony purifier sed strength- the ugly h.•pe of g•ttitg into penes to restorer. -Dr Pierce's G !!den Medical i (Memo., must assail the Separate whuiit' D.scorery.- Superior to c.4l .,c,'0 uu aa 'system. lin the other hand the a nutritive, and usssurpass.d as s lisiorut.ra ..and by the &mi :.radon pectoral. F -o weak lis::*v, .pen ins of , compact, which stipulated float the ' blood fwd kindred atfectle,a, it has not prr%,lrltes euj"teal by the l'ridustrnt equal. Scold by drueeista the world minority bis t2•subec run tl,e Ceth..ite . over. For 1): Pierce's Treatise en I m►44un'.y' un (outstrip, at the toile the - c.asumption, send ten ce:ate in stamps i Cwtfe derau.0 act was passel. sit , ld l,•, , . N c:•.v- 1-1 t.. World's D:apen•'ory 31e.bcel Amo'cta- Gout inuel and qu*rauteeJ. --' 1t'a'c_ tion, Butiil.., N.Y. 1 886-7_ Free I'. ass. AN E.'.'Eortic' BEL vac Jos. D.•mp• I • In arf.td Nark. ster wits a well-known cuaracte: in Duo- - I:4r.I.oek Hood [titters :t.1s .tt the dee. of which lie was Millman. toe day .soar now n?.r! the liver, the hiweds. h0 h -td to make a curious r.'!clawatiou. 'f1NS �� Vli?1<RA143 P the :iduey soil the •lin, re ievu4 or It was nothing less than the serious I'sa curio. iu every case. \1'arrltuted sti•- factory or money refunded. GIFTS! by a householder in Dundee t f his wife and chill : "Lest," cued the eccentric bellman, "belrmgiu41 to a luso, his Imre and child, 'Whoever CA14 41(44 such in• futmatiea as oily lead to the recovery of the chill wit, be hao•Iwiuely fomented. But," c•.atiuued Joseph, with a swine round, and great euaplia*is, "tilt wife's no iranteol " t)n•- J.•er ..f r Chem', Liver Cure tall etre Sick Headache, Donne,* ani Sour Si,.mach, 1 too `_ biat:es are warr:u,ted to cute Liver C•omphiot. 10• dt41rs ,en and Bilto'lsness. ,S..1.i b J. %'.:l..en. A statue of Richard Cehder„ the crle- brete•i free trader, was unveiled at Stock- g3,� 3ON- port. England. --.- - A!! ERS T'te latest remedy for Coughs. Colds, ('roup, Whooping (:ouch, Ilronchitis, etc., is Mctre;er'a Long Compound. There is no remedy in exi&ter:ce con - telling any eine of the active ingredients c Jamming Mt Ciregor's Lunge nm;mend, .eO dao tat toffyen every thing wed you have Amor'i(448Um or your cell or : e.uieh and your opinion will be the *atne Larger Than Ever CHEAPER THAN EVER EVERYBODY IS WELCO�[E FINE SHOWROOMS a1 all who have seed it, viz . that it is• - y Uehest. eas druggistbOe and . •1 t:ca by • SPECIA1 DISCOUNTS ''How wou1'1 you like to hare ;lour J THE REN . 1:1+.4 t. H. THAI }..11. of it cul ' asked the bar r " Wi says : "II'.th myself *o4 and bann•x:ks in the hut and the father! I had • piece et bannock slice d and roasted in fnount of the tire, a little bacon grease sprout ue,tr it; the poor lad seemed to re'ish it. They .1l com- plain of a lump in their stomach, caused iso doubt from heavy bread, and 'settee ft suite it•,t. ` I have sent 10 boneds of seleritus to.a. h of these re- s.rrr& Th.s chief says he intends working in the sprint *Ott trusts they will he well assisted. He said he knew they would get on if they bad their old instructor, Mr. English. He cannot say whet the Indians who train horses will do in the Wring. if nut better fed than *1 present, ty relies•. Croup, Wheopi11r Ce,t4h, and end especially when spring work ronchitis. For sal: by Jas. Wilson. has recently recovered from a re,ulre- 1sT-• p"aiure cnre ter Cei•trrh, ): aisle diaease-a tumor of the splen with Carrie and Canker Mouth. Fur sale by ''4 .test-, oval done to ter Post litho.!. dropsy. The tumor estirnatee to we::h .1. t1 ata.n•, druggist. about six pounds. Has merle:al comtew! 10 ARE Y1,1• MADE misernbie 1'y gave him no hep., but Beedeek bleed 1•I,i,41e•teel. Constipati.w►, Dizziness. Bitten cured him. 2 Loss of Atopetite, 1•ellow Skin ► Sheeler'. A sueerrr by a tree ria#war stet—Ace. L'eralteer sea positive mew e IoW oath lir rushing wildly 'bete, woos asked if he J. Wilsey, druggist. was e.:rt. "Nu,` he said, "bo: 1 can't Fears are entertained at New Ortestitts find my umbrelice and I.,.Ivr•'on of the impertate n eel 11 WHY WILL Y(►t- couch when vlieler& fr on Busies Ayres. Shilult's 1.lura will Live immediate rebel. rete 10 es., bei ct& , and pl. For Y:'1 by J. Wilson, druggist, 11 S11HAM'S CURE will nn'nediate- m,mmenees, he lean, many will m,•vo off 1 r+td-Prost. I.ec. Tt.d. Illi. [4 A4 To ilfeeo•:r. Deeoeui'r. -C'ea'se the 1-] b MIR •ca:u with Pref. L sir's )logic Suip1ne S ete. .\ .letightful medicated soap fee x Z the t..!rt. lea %'abet True Merit,. Its •e. ruga feta The neereeedentoel sale of IDwI,'.'. , u to lice un vamp. They want the sugar r) ►� .a and t'.h•ee' in addition to floor and A cotntry woman, who he) nicer •••ore",w8,.rop w1thn, a fpm years, hos �1 a = bacon, dnrir.g the seed time, before been more than Eve mile, fromsat•.nNehed the were!. it it without f'1 `l y The D.toartment should he Lber*l, her home among the hills, happ,n.t'l to . J. ode the •*fest sod boat re'.. -JY oyer ( / and feed these Indians as well as the one. rare .acasian to visit • sant-pn(t. di•ervrrel fAr the .;'awls end elleetu*1,0 e t new Indians at the ('rt ('ranked and the Observant, grime olame f the lae v..4n.4 .el. 'rob cure •4'.otgd ba, I'•,-..,►tl the aerrr'at I J`d seed Is an the *rootlet i1 will, in n,y Mit it's wonderful to see the war,e deferent principal front the tonal pre- 1"4 Hemel Like.. from this ont, until the a small boat in tee, .h.• acid . -''E' ' lone freebie*. li 4044 on nn entirely , Q - c opinion he the last expensive way .d o'nature, ton ; tliwery stops to bac scrim' me viten l.' nhy«•Inn.. as tt does getting( them bask to their reserves. young; *nes tad Ary 1'p a owlet ,rod leave the (basest. I Should 'Trout Man and other Indians . Tb. aysd.er..al a Jo•slse.--- Ilett ►u tsar system. but en the c•ntr*ry rI located at tea --- tilts rasa-► Id She tfnwM_ howls this trusty M at Papist's Ilhquore Py'lto11, .d 43tww iisait. they shoehi lief ,reed away and made to Michigan, . 'e1. n e , ' h a imitate f the the parts Atosted alba rwraiia them in m N psat'0sea crimp en their reserves as loon as the Riven up to die with malaria Ho• timely h•alt!ty c..nr':tt:,n. A Mottle kept 1 weather will permit their tr.velhng, /reitie' to mire from flintlock fthionf .'0 the ►len•* lee nog what thy' losses. r lusoA NAM matrons, many of these suffer .oeherw,se I her a Rood nurnlrer of these Bittersafter physicians anti .other 'uske the!. at►poarance, will warn doctor s I C s in that way. It may not come with- who name in la*'. senses'* and fall will me.lictnw fadwt. 2 hill• and 4 lea/ *pill of swoons abuse. 1 in my province to report this rondo- go and join him. He and the mrjcrity tion of starvation, hut f am well satisfied of his followers belong t•. T a c 1. --Mrs Campbell Ilse hewn that if they were stiflic eptly fed there kow's band trnnhled fore number of years well In- t M t t Im(51efNtnl Sens a trod will convene. Tim ' 1 these festa. it is positively sold by all dtwgvi•ta and re.Ise,. rslarse .r dealers in • the land. boss, 7h F -1J t would be lees tendency to illness •rn'ng Fern inquiries an 1 whit 1 halm seen, Mr, •.,..w � is theta I 1047oho add that treat the i am of the .'omen t44t '.boa .resent 4eeeon and Qmein•itf"n, ane was *r - • 1 F dua•e.l to try Mdirvoger'. Speedy ('etre way they have been allowed to starve, a s •erase state of some of floe Lotion* at and found it all that w.. nee,lee.i, and leeb Mes' clam determination was expressed by the Indian Heed Renes is in Ilse first ,r,ts11.1 1 it* n*. 4" ?•w,i lr re tear friea'r S.wt, 1n'n 4151 van,' ..tee, both Piapo.t anti Jack that as tion as else the .eeh the net(Ieet '81 relative* or 4"y tl. ten ?implies, rnu'M nee ()ea.:. vt'ra. «y'tt. I v,r the could travel the would font. the friend'. their not beim ilrimed similarly .old„miill, This r of caide ay'. ; 51ePe, y 1 t properly rneA7 ie n.sld in wvery tart of ('an*da •: i AKl ns am M..!'.Airis have hewn 7500 i4 h..l resters and go wast again. when they lint fall ill, and seenndly M48,. and pi hot ► Sold t I' Nibo;tenesr. (irk hwiacM : O, war 51,on r beef, ' • Since i began to write this word has emus in of *b. death more. They have not been to live in hones*, and test their too war:a then go r,'i' an•1 each reap, et from want o: mooro noorishirsg food than of two batten. 1►, my rstorn fr'm the reserves i sent houses what little beef I bed in mare, airiest cold -- 211 peones, and 30 r meads of rice Ire's ref tor. • If !yea.' dreg ■toils. 13 "11A('KMETACK.” • lasting and tolerant u.rfuenn, Pre • 2:, sed 30 car. F : saes by J W1'am, druggist. Vow t. `.v to (00 .'ilia ..x -h lerri ale Iu.. Whirl I,r J ,x. mrdH•inn awl ievInrbee pi W 1' . A. ,rellm .- . nn+ ,ehalwor. ti Iw. ' Or no mstt.r now lone taa,tlaa •lot eae• d. We. ern to the d one .' .epnpS!ea, )'. wM is fl.,4erwee by t•wt0.1 I.il{ts►S aq m f+ tII A