The Huron Signal, 1886-12-3, Page 7wall', AND mustier. Mir Iti$Aa sti..uld M Tawas Wsess PrlsdMw and sahib. " Every girl .w tremas," writes the author of "Julia Bails, lleselle.am, " '• who is now r ..t,nly drpedeat un hst aisle relamase-s paretem which, aussidwia, all the ups awl .Mie as at his, the sos.w .lr gets out .t ass urlltkt by doe time she is old emetiegk to pusses any seamy to know exactly bow much etre hos, where it is turreted, aro) aha it ought yearly u, Muss se. By thio canoe .taus eke should have unwind nitre knowledge .4 busiasm-beak b.Meres, referrlag chess. di. ides's* and se ase -ural a, wu,,h ei.w 1i..ary hugeness she ems. T.. her Inforntalean of practical kind never comer 'sirs especial!) *La three gulde.n rules which ha..• tory ret. •''-i.Nl.ae: N.. invr.tmeut ever.. percent i really safe; trust au one with your nrrry w dho.t security, which ..tight to be as. .m e la -teems the memos and dearest friends a. be (wren mrd, Isamly, keep all you.char. fetes day to day is ae accurate ...rater e. if you had to die to- .uuruw. The escudo ..f dyurit .utgreat. m.ud, . .rrerweity - r awn you err .1 year..! alto make your will. '...0 will not die • day the ....ter; you ca:, alter it whenever von like; • h& t1... ore .1 nasal t sell 1e to you and the troulde it May .411e to tk...e that c..uW after you are ley.rad telling. It cannot t.' toxo .utesgh• nn wryw-d torsi et ere girl who has .r expect Mal not r..atrwrshlr. thing, "a little income .4 ler what a turttunite r•''I•eo.iLdlt) that hal how trr(ul .her may make it to oth.ra flapper than the 1.4 of rally u.arri°•.1 worm,, Mil .4 the " 1 Ideesotr " r 1 ;.... !wand as .441 taunt called. who has her 1.«nue r, le.* or near, in her man halals, and sear ere it as she clear/ask getoer tellT ase wisely. • without asking anybody's (rave mad beiiig ac- sedatable for It to nu one. Had 11-w'...l.e nand have trained from her youth upward Tow to car it, the roust 014 apart any wuuunt d1 --.- _- treolde ratieming et it, aa. . *.le hrruif for nanr a I.ewIy regret se are Lett human. all .1 .is'- w its the thought that.4* h•. !.errs :meted t. Ie a *toward of the Greet .teat. -r Luer, an old unapt Mum Mamas Mahalh g..4 in Ler g.w.eratio. a. twenty married women POLITICAL NOTES PHh HURON SIG. Al, FEUD I)F^. �. irq6 The .pile'oi chators of morals h.. 'loot eha..ged u. m•uuer► 11 •pca►s of Hun. C. 1i. Vise' r "diarepulsle... 11 Mr i Fraser mere fit to hit back he will tout need to look long for a tender root. Turuatu N'ut1d, Rebellion at one end, seoissi-u at the t loftier, sad a nor and tentt•ous milli. ,o the tenter -this is how the Tory la'.•y has suoetedtd t. c.oeolidetiu4 the Dominion. An our a,nterup..rary well ..beervee, the )arty that is ni swami is furthat kind I.1.,nsoltdatlul. la 1.1.t the party teat does hosste t.. IJ..rd . !Slake Halifai Chronicle. "n should like to kcoe •i.y, "1..n ' Sir John Macdonald visits Torii): 0. Jit r Hunting, the matteging-director .d the Moil, .bould tont brit Kir J tau nod I be d• .s1 with hi.n--•hatrvrr that they may warn three times durn.v the day, or dotty finis if It ie attreesble to 1..tb parties, Of aowt.e It cuts a shade of doubt upon the ailment, of that repudi.- ti..,., but then is there any one who now I•elievt'a touch im that f-Mw,lr.sl Her- ald. A !lila aur Jfat/.rat a. dtrl sr. ►•i .' n the .\'r re Fork Medical Broil. pp*..d nein at engulfing with ad.eratty i. a whichlooaht to awaken lively and .-o, est/wile Were*. Sank .. sight I. ps.esned b) the New York Medea/ Ttmw, which. fes robe . ear.. hits born manfully elate.'eoriiin to rid i..uaarapwthy .4 its .e•rtarranJrur and d iat (net i. a; name. *bile .i III .datnllag that r represent. ..w. .( the mow 1�effaa, of therwpentl.-al )rsneipk. In / .4 1ta course it .. r.• •.1,111;1 art ars ern chews (n,nn tawny of it. .n.ondeno brethren. "All, h es.*. a .err ase a hearing tress the eegp,,,f' erbaeL Fur example. sere at i.11w fohuwine..'vp•.resey unaware tier the Thene. has Woo salmi tire same Thiess fur several Yana: " liourinithiets Getting Their F -ye.. sips., The f..l.owieg remarkable pimageap `..soli Ina recent imam .4 the thowero .litho ' . 1 Tb.s-.: 1111.11111(1b your aM-Wr- .an.d.urse. u', re tM•t.a,..uf Il•hresu toe. if r•.e a ill. te'l.> al to the t.... bu.a...4 your ranter If mai meat, lot .hut not Your sleet.. the feet that .centre ba. rendered .,Irdet.- many tenet. of I. a) nein and relnorr4 the teat t e.ttj•• tot au .•true fur m.UW..In11.K . ,, oryaniration .d phy. .u•tuu ander an etelu.i. a Ulla. .I .tt.. t alwl •e•tarate torn the medical profession at "Me ulrraarbani .ti. nwdljnhas fulnll.d ** • .an piety meashre of Its mwhtlainei in * astmr- n! it. in.ah) to truth ■1d pse.- e r. -e. now dernauda that a ..hall drop its nar- row. seetatianlianie and no k.aoer.e.k to keep N• members .a lead.r...rrit.ga In the nature .a4 things liter• can be but use .yet ens of merit- . ire rYtasaireel by ...lens Either hons.npat by .mud .h.orh the '44 school or be absorbed hyo " It woe d be !.atter, we t4i .k. to give ,rb sentiments . hearty . with .oeoesa to thew who utter them. INe wasted se Bet naeher. .A lank indn dual, with a beard of a week'. :r..wth t.,rrrir.g tai° fate, was met uptown • .eterday. He wan hardly wrier, sod yet net lie approached a well dressed coal .1,11 "mud "Say, p.niner, would yer help a feller'" 'That depends.., •tat ie wanted," Warn the •-tdy. "'lay. perkier,- he rwltinited, "T ain't rev : ety.vr. 1 a. wrtl heeled, Int toy funds are Al tied rpt Her tele," and he drew Iran hie •.+let an order on a mercru.tile company ...1 fur ttliD.r thereat..•it, "Why dot. 't Ton get 11,'., 4.I..1'" 1 can't." mid he. "l .e I..,, u, thio Hare. ,',..11.41" cal hese. •u' (Ley my I'm ,imus; nue hack whets 1'n. .holier. 'Now, 1 .ain't .-..t .hul.rr until 1et drunkaa , ' f ain't t •'oink till 1 gt.' et drink, . 1 emit (Intik tint et winner. Can you ked me .roe nickle, I sat. 11' unite.'. The geutknun gale I•;tn ten emu. and tee -'toil to get o.,,. -r in 4* . own 4.•.•ulisr way. A New R.IIer. die..var•y which. it as r-laimml, yeromiaos r et..t.ng m.•few tit gener.t• r •tree,, has learn made In Mr. Wen. ()ease, tall owner u. Mie:ane I'..mty. Hie recently .tented steam gesierst.r, M etymons the - *ter more .. ciently to • greater estsnt .1 »-.unit apac.-..4V,.$. an economy .1 tone -half • •el: in other •..rd.. the work .rise• by ohe -hoary toiler with tee tone .4 ..a1 it dowse t Mr. (`else's with on.. The water, ilrste..d • 1 encit•cliag the tuba. a. )n the ordinary -.ler, sr hell within thein while tie fire .n • . • Inti thud rxd..nteg each tube to a vertical • -read of a ti rta.t.tal fire. Hie itaH.i'. i..der at prtueat working in Iiewrey a foundry. Terre. riven• a apace MS ft., whilst the .s;-• misery Lawler til equal opacity Dovera a groaiel e1'•ce o1 124.1* It. The Might .f +hew., '*What do you un.1e•rtand by 'he w.w.l ...vat" Thia is a question that was asked no t1.e other day. "Why ! something we that ams narurrl.lt 1 asgyeee," wax say 'hut do von know Mr brew the w..l nn etre! ' 1 sea• .rhhgwt u. rmfea. my IRn.rssr.l and tanayt Of nay young reader* may 1rr a. meth - th. dark, will tell them my friend's M- •nirr explanation, which .he said sin sauce $i•rn.• in an old lurk, printed lot WOE* Inn Or 1 were born. N,y,ni ki.tnv,esta.rli for mat ; E:, for at : W. 1.i. west : sad It, for w rath ; en the four letters were c.mhnned - t.ogether M tows the wird mew., now trrd for all that ie blapptrenng north. Math. east, and wast. A nswsp.aper. thrnior., tolls ano t.y its seri name that it is a chron,ch r .4 er...ts an all parte of the world. The fill/sr Got eke aatl.1ar1/.., (`osntry Editor -A stranger inquiring for met Groat Bonet! all averinea n1 swaps are elased. 1 meet hirer, it out t Enter niy.teri- a •tr•tts...) Welt Or, a hat can 1 t4, for Mteanger-I awry' to demand malefaction. ))onto, ir-- F.diuw---Thank Hun mei i am wined' i wa• (raid you had come l., demand money. Pretty Carpi es the mtaltar. Mnar of the prwitnvt young lady clerk• in the national treun.ry arm said err lase emu honored l during Secretary Spinner's i i1 hating their features given t. 'nit the the that (none the comet y; pretreat td Martha Worthington and •n idealised hind of Dolly Mahlom are the Wd+ a portraits of distinguished dathave hes. discovered. The Hamilton •ticrrhitor reqs that Mu Male be a'rod p.•tuts to his House Rule record tuheer out its .error now Whatever may be said of some of Mr Blake • followers, we do Iw•t thunk he can be charged with 'wing • mato of that kind. He has almost t+nraraleutl7 •h..w himself t.. be high spirited and wtth.•ut , . Mx areal K:ar,lod. The Tory doctrine just now seats r be this: Because • number of Ise , fore .4 the (i t Miser tone int.. , those wh.• feetose- ly opposed the ( t should sow core to its support. Reformers are ask- ed to discoed 1 of a life- time to uphold a C t they have -always c..ntended was corrupt. They are t... dear headed to d.. anything of the t mod. -- Loudon Ad steamer. GOOD MANNERS Whim An 1..Ita/M. or Party fan h itle•elte. In that invaluable book. "Don't," Mat. Bene 14Ile ahet not t., do In conversation and manners. L. reference to that common and horrible American fashi.,n of saying "I am through," when Goa means that he u done or has finished, " Ih,n't" says : "Don't say I•.m through, when you are announctog that you have finished &nom or breakfast" "Are you througbr' asked an Am- erican of an Englishman, when treated at table. -Through!" eiclmored the Eng- lishman. looking in •n alarmed way down to the flour and up to the ceiling - • "through what 1" Attain •w„i "Don't reject bihof M.:*e and other , by spitting them back int., your plat*. Quietly eject them upon your fort, holding it to your lips, and then place them upon the plats. "Don't eat with your knife. Never put your knife Into your mouth." In a foot Waite, Major !Stone says, about the direction not to put the knife into the mouth: "Thu advice has been declared,for people of any dearer of social imiate, but the fact le that while eating with the knife is much lees omit,..n than formerly, iu.tancea of dimity still be witnessed." "What is Mc(7regor's flpeedy Cure tux T" p• . d -. It is for Dyspepsia, liver Complaint, Indigestion, Biliousness. and it is the finest blood purifier to the known world today. Min "Does it give satietecti(x. r' We cannot( to setae instance whete it did not Iwo 1eWhere does it have the largest sale )" Right in the city of Hamiltr,n, where it is manufactured, there has been over one thousand dollars' worth sold in the last year retail, and the great maturity of the rales are by one recommending it to another. For sale at 50c. god If l per bottle by (1. Rhyn..a. druggist. a) N w III fosse. Xan the'Vaf-dreee ems. " flow don this natural Sao came'" Ire asked .4 the bald•he.Jed titan car the ,Deaf in front u( hint "It mileage in °.ride. in the earth," wan the reply. • "How- hes will it Ma r !!lith! the enfipir id the pnrltit .w aAviiy a. .,ail up. The all IrP1.ure will maw.- " .\aid the well won't be good for within Thy '* shut it" "Thanks. A naMir o' mine has rat a gr - well. aid bee noised pity( het, .ink dr...... mot W.ferhory watch.. t,p tl.'dnaen, and Iw'. w, .tuck up that he won't even borrow my h.. e nv tier.. Tin goring to watt for that e*'..ty to lamp out wort hes well to peter, awl t!..•,. oily hell family will *it nn the fence and grin ✓ he roan whet'. res' Natter Wilk Ism Grego Pur? Pop the pulps ...t .r the skins into, nee VP. - r4 a•.1 pot the .kene into another. Then um• Deer the pulp a little awl ren it through • col- sdry o •rpoeste the wend.. Nett pert the .min. a..1 pulp nee.* loo and they are res, he Ouga-ing, or tar Ins. P,.. prrlervl in this *.y oro nearly a. gond as plum pus, oriel that '•..ry gtwld. latae M • Rae4*-R...e.. remit Zelda. Midrin torn! i,si.dal., t-eam ter and trareh.pt ens - foals 1• Mia. Y' -d. -t ('.moron, Free forked tit *e Si.atOwe 1,' Whitehaven ordlinrs•s, "Intl" to Oar r••Y :.g r10 asrwr to au unfair rv:lttetlml iw Made aeebh wase*. Thug the poor wsrhles under the earth awl their Vivra aro) diddle* ire to ire left u. 'terve, white lewd leseiak ca I d , ,re `t11i .*p•nnaty. spat as • .lwowelloh and n ittlg.. dh Me whim of ehapeeag Aeu copy, s- star.. star.. tv*r•a and IMM. Proms '.este Perk " Wbe,• hove v.'•- tree .Jus r "rem bees so a meeting • •• the flirli' iftirie.O. Msisty, mi tn.." Wilt, ..d whet dirt the lady say to ).., r "Yali•1ret nrt'tte, an said 1 man t us en.e Mut wwwiwv. no 1 swum to. MP said 1 was to leek men p.w re my doors Arid hear it r mew Ream s. "}los that girl over there trying to "rash . r." mid Jo... to Hensen. Wefk .hoe's lasing her titer Pyrite M math von." tetdind Hare•. Tour soft enr..gh r Isrsatsw Awn the Arse )'e.# Sow, i "Do )M hew why Lard Iramit ls ,.n, the "Ns. Why dsom . Rs *Oohs ksui.a~will Wes eat As asses' • w uaMa often datrny daildres, bit Freeman a Wirt, Powders deritrety otitis, sad etpel thea) firm w ays- - lm L.di.s troebleot with Plmplea,jtjpt.kok o Rome • t., Fare. ell porn. ref. any ammoipiw.0 rhombi ate McOregr.. !' Paries Carhe.lioc 0. rate it will iakve the .kiR i„ prefer* haahh, sinnoth, df.a and meed role*. E. sure sad Ret the gentle**, made ley YeOreia, i Perko. Prier Ilia awl at (3.n. R6y...' Dreg &or.. (2) ) r\de\fr � / r(//j�ti /� e ht1rPieces of Music for 25 Cents. M I R /� PROF. CLARKE, MUSIC JUST CdL1. 1 INT AT 1' L 3 MUSIC 11:1MLPORI LXM, WEST STREET. It Is there }oto tvs 1,1; the v F:Itv BEST ORGANS AND PIANOS that are ,*..,I.. Tar (`sdi or on easy !n.tatment 3: tan. Why buy Instrume.ls from these who knew 1w14isig tot roues.„ w 0.-.,) oto can iter *hi tn t. -•ted by the brat musicians in the world. [. ('.11 .u..1 I ear and sr.' for 3 outsell. lb. r��� Gude... h. Sept. 2trd.:°.•4. art is New La' PERRY DAVIS' PAiN-K!LLER 2f IIRCOAIVEND!D rr PAaa:''iaaa, .Mini.ler *, 4fiast»narks, li.t.wten0/ Futicrles, H'u►c-a Yr pt, I'bral.Ufnaa, is -ia everybodygigot if trial. n J J DETLOR&Co's ■! TAaLe IxTtax ALLT MIRED w•ITII • *lila SLAM IMAMS MILK IID ato•a. IT WILL as WM:ItD • strait 1AILOIY CURS rut •ICflDT ij COLDS, CHILLS, CON - C. ES ('ins OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMP'S, ] M t IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND 1SOWEL COMPLAINTS, BORE: TIIROA T.Ec. •PrLILO CRTERN•LLt, RIr.R,Cert It*4 P*ovEw Ir TBR MORT k►/&CTITI ARO Dia r LI!rIMtltf on III 116:110VIAll :aa PAIN A,IPI%.) room SPRAINA. ISIICISES, RHEU1tA- Tiaal, 1ECILA T.*:I.t, (SWELLED Fahr!:, Torent.tCfg, Ent x *, FRUST BiTi:S, ac., Le =beta. per Batik. tea.. d I:I.11ills. aq r, tp• OPENED TO -DAY I'ruprielor. CAMPBELL'S CATHARTIC r% CoMPouNii is effective is Rtasll dowel, Arun without griping, does not *e- rasion nau.ra, and sill not en ate irri- tation and conge.tion ae do many of the usual cathartics ad- ministered 1n the dorm of !'ill.. .4c. Ladies and Chil- dren having the most senmtiye sto- machs take this medicine without troll. hie or complaint ('A.rretL,.'. ('ATiAaTTC Cnwpor'rn Is especially adapted for the cure of L,.aa CO*PLAI*TS ASD IIs L.101,1 Dlt. I ORDER.. FOR ACID STOW ICH A'p 114114 or -AP- PLTITa. FOR Stolt ITSAD.(-n. Ax,) DT•Per..t... Fon ('oy.Tlr ,rLo' OR /'noTITLRt•,.. FOR RLL ColeRLAIXT- ARt.i'.:.•ane e Dino aneaao P TBC bro. earn. This medkine being In liquid forms the .lose can be easily regulated to i meet the of different per - sous, thus making it equally well i b) the tame of the little child as u) t e adult Put up in three ounce bottles, and aoid by ail d.Alers in family medicines. Price Retail. 24 C>enu. CA.�rt.rt�l'iLs-! w7 t trTee ' aim 40. apof. a►•w.. r ors. ds we in tamed 1sad•a Exhaust,m miing from Lor of Mead, Aril or Cb.o.ia Digger., rods the weeklies that isimi.tly he recovery frees Wards( Fevers, No remedy will aloe new sva.dt ...Win Yhe. Bloerodl,wLess oronA. r 4*,, 14*. { potency, and in all case. "bare • �*a s►►a(Tlrg end (11017011W .TIN.LART n 44. the 4LIXIR w.1 b. Read hrv.lLl/• \ Ami 0, Sal! y ell Peelers it. .Nadi. imes. DAVIS 6 L.AWBEJQE 00. (Lista) Sots Akas s, mogul AL, P. Q. t' - H AG Y/-1. 0,s : YELL -OW DIL tip_- ,Rya L.1. '.4 i. • . ritztatjurS Woltz! POWDERS. A a t %rant t o elks. (' ear„ Pm- ti n. i. a •-:'e. seen, wad .fast.& deetreyett or w..rw a is C...Id.en cr • dada& HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT GOMPANT mi. C+nwpewy is Loma" Mosey tin Praise• Reewrity 4t Lomat Baba eJ /ntrrvat, MORTGAOBs RVRCHASED. SAViNOS RANK BRANCH. 1. 4 dm/ h p'•r (Let. I.krwrt AAewd e. Deposita, ~artisan te nmeneed p/�i� � aignd Iiin.. Left. 8{rse Origrar Om~ rod ?hems s'r...Rso x, A.NR* 116010 Assi an .AMI, M1 - • • Yediseic t. A •..•. int t. I •R. C. L. McINTOSH \eat .t. ..r 1.1 1(11) 1111*. 1)1"Mui,'. keeps .uuetantly adding 1.. errs is. 11 srlectwl el•,4,.!tulle Fresh Groceries, f which. will be found to eegr+e fay.bl . Ducwoa h se riga-d* quality and price. with any ether alm k ill doe vicinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A srieciAl.rv. In returning thanks to sly customers fee their.also .,.,.:mgr, 1 would aInv lie any eth. erg who will. tu.•ali and m.peet my .lock. C. L. MCINTO$H. South U est lads. ui the square. Goderich. Feb. I•tth. I.-*. Farmers' Attention The undersigned has a Choice Selection of Pure. ('lean S EDS of the fnllowi.g varieties %Vhlte Th.ehea.. Lucerne, Alsike. Trrtuil. 1'.. Vint and Ited 4'lotcr. T.u.utb). 1.a.., mod aU varieties of - Grasse. suitable fir p ernaoent tetsture, pats. Wheat. 4'.' ., Berle). e. Beans. Ruchwheat. Corn. Tarte and y'h.. ; .Is, Field and (torten rir.'d.orlost 3eat «.rvweh true to tame. A full assortment .•1 Flour arid Feed. The l'elebrat,u Client 1'hurn the bent in tl.e market. A yon.,y[nment or (•hole., Fre.h Teas, ron- si.ling uf.Nlack, I;ra•ru end Japan. whoit. I &.l.• and retail. R. Esti,, - MMonle Block. Ea''t street. Osdrieh March 11th. s.lggf. Sires S/Zits.Z5 w ON_ 3CliiIB$ The Latest French and American Styles ! PLA1 ;�(D ILL HATS, BONN ETS 8uchaean,L L = Robinson 11Aa ('tactAC1LLANA 4/ Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings Sash, Doors & Blinds ,AALL Lumber, Lath, Shingles he Chicago Hous&aadDuilder'amarerialufeseryder.nptloa. moot FURNITURE d3PEElAtit, N. SVA Jrder prom ln'}tattendedtto EST .TkF:r:T, 1.0I}EP.1CH t .4..i.. h Aur. _'. Ise 2•17 Goderke April9tb Rile. A142 GEO. 11. BROWN,! Suctesror to Dit. WHITELY.) PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added a Fresh Stock of Drugs, Dye tufia, Perfumery, Etc f or the already well -.elected stork. bees to inform the citizens of Goderich that he i. now able to.npply *bent with PURE D)iCGS and CHEMICALS at Rr.aonehie Prices. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR SI.OA'T'S INDIAN TONC, t3The Greatret Blood Purifier of the age. Every 13ottie Guaranteed. Sunday Hours .-I0 to 11 s.m.: 2 W ( p.m.: !Alto 9 -ID p. m. Albion Block. Goderieb. Feb. 4th. I6fiS. 2033-t1 DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER AND LEADIVG , UNDERTAKER. Anynne can advertlee, but 1 can .how the Steck. 1 have more stork on Laud than any two houses in town to select (roes. FURNITURE. 1 have new y hand 10 diQ�rest of Bedroom,. 8 'stint steles of ''debeerdi. 3 Q\ . r . ,p"CHI-tot too: a wut'i'i`'U *4. ¥IFoUwhich will be sold AN CHEAP 8 THE ('HEAPEST, AND 1)t). T VOT FORGkT IT. In the UNDERTAKING i give personal attention. ani the benefit now of nearly 10 years tiro-slatesperience. 1 think 1 hare the best Hearses in the County of Huron 1 will leave the public Judos. i have everything tonally kept in • tiro -slates s establishment, ateas Casket. Coss, Phro.ds, Habits, Gloves, l'rapes..f•e. Embalming done when required. eI1 (7,serg1Slw tegly, mtitfacthos in etrry cane. OLD STAND BETW*KN P. O. AND BANK OF MONTREAL. Gsderick. Sept. 11th. ISIS. ' 21064-3m Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runciman Bros_, Proprietors. CONTRACTS TAM 10A STEAM ENGINES. FLOURING MILLS. MOTHER MACHINERY MUTED Flouring Mills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System, Boras Pewees, (train °timbers, Strike Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc., at Loi•w Prices. .111 Kinds of Castings Made lo Order. J. B. Ra'lletll•r, Goderiok, N.v. 0. iSM 1910-1. NOW COMPLETE ! The People's Livery 1.>•e s'= mete - JOHN 1110I, Proprietor, The subscriber isprepar,A to ernieh the pet lie with The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLR PRiCES CALL AND PEE US- Oppos the Colbor Mete Goderich. Goderieh. Feb. I(th 18 103(. GODERICH BOILER WORKS Chrystal & Black, Manure• t ns..•-. or all kind. of STATIONERY, MARINE. UPRIGHT AND TUBULAR BOILERS. ALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS mad all kind. of Sheet Iron work. $TSAN ANN WATER PIPE FITTINGS constantly on band. 0e Man. ready for delivery : I Na R.P. Sew Merl 1te11,,. 1 is N.P. New 5.11... A complete 2nd -bans Threshing Outit Boiler. Engine. Separator. &c., all in good working user. 1A 111 be sold cheap. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Warta : opo. 44. T. R. Media. P.O. BOX 361. Goderich. May YRth, INK. R. W. Rt-seis*x HIGGINS' EUREKA SAS.T FOiR 1'1 MTV, SN I 1.1 \FAN, t FLA�t I8 UNEQUALLED. NOW COMPLETE 1 D A ill RIyY ME N BUTTER & CHYE' ESE. A ('111)1('4 STOCK OF Amer, for Western Canada : nrtY - c}clevicogs Oakland's Jrs' Dairy, .anal C-�-roceziesn. 1P4('IAI. LiNr'N Tv Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. Highest Price Pal for Butter & Eggs, GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. APPIUM. NS ossa. issir HAMILTON, ONT. U4end for Fns ('ir.ular.' March 24.11 , IF/R. °n10 IT NAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its ria tural color, re- moves Dandratf, stops the hal from falling; out, increa•.e*t it growth, and Tris not soil the akin As a hair dreg gErt has neon* • (Ger harmless. ' 3 Prepared M Harkness k Co. London. Ort. Tai p. l