HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-3, Page 5rUE 111;110N SIG:1rAs , .FRIDAY, DEC. S. t'86. Ehagebrtegt. (hoe of thugs plower* events. the cortisone of which is always l.a•ied upon whit delight by the ssejurhy of our young people, tools plasm at Mrs Foley's teosetly. that worthy lady, although ugh • stranger in our neitthir,rh.uwt, but sou), kuoWMg by repatalIou the ueiKLur y dualities „( the inhabitants of A.hMW, had a plowing bee to he tersitrate,i by a '•party" in the eveniug. The attend atom at both was very good. Mrs !Soley spared a. trouble to wake ly happy, and enjoy htmarif, and 1 aaaure. you she ascasided The writer hopes that .he will ...a1 yivs aoothrr bee, mid eelobrate it in a similar ruaruer. 1 moot uot forgot to refer lu another ,•tont which set the poop's, old and } ,.ug, I•,om awl short, grave and merry, ail agog. Wednesday was a f; fir -day for .t.Islield, nearly the whole township turned out in holiday attire to attend the weddiug ..f Mr Michael Kenmrv, of Kintail, and Mary J. Dalton, 41 Kings- bridge. The bride appeared in a wa1- nihcsnt bronze -colored silk dross. trim- med with pluab silk of the saute. 'Ilia zroom appeared as he always doss. a perfect gentleman The happy ample were ably supported by Mr J Dalton, brother of the bride, and Mia Ain** Kenney, slater 01 the groom. After the nuptial mass, the party proceeded t., the residence of the bride's fatb. r, where such a repeat awaited them that w,rt d duke even the moat chronic dyspeptic laugh in eeslacy. They then drove to iiintaJ, and supped at Mr W. Kencey a hotel, where they tripped the light fan - Miele 110111 slate float. when alt dispers- ed to their respective issues. Every- body ar.d his girl (briar* themselves to be well pleased at the very pleassi,t time they had, )1ooh credit is due to those who contributed to make every- thing enjoyable, as they succeeded be- yond all espeitatioos. INC Weo WAN AT B.,-rtt. West irstrzaosh. Robert McAllister this week returned from a visit to his sister in (lalord coun- ty. He speaks well of, in fact was de- lighted with, that secti.•n of unut,try, hut thinks that it cannot beat Huron f• r hor:,ui;hbreds, in either horses or ca: - lo. Mr. Doti, a teacher id much experi- roce, has Igen engaged by the trustees of S. S. Ni. 3 fur the ensuing year. H. comes highly Mr and Mr, Joseph Wilson have been visiting their friends to Perth aunty. Jas. Wilson, the popular young prin- cipal of the Saltford school, his on ac- '.unt of severe dinar boon unable to tttend to his .ch.,.•1 duttee for some weeks, May he soon recover. Elm ovals. Mr Collie has erected • neat looking stable, which seems to be loth warin and v,mfortable. The iron bridle is at length complet- ed. All remains ..f the old one have en• tirely disappeared ; even the Webers have been removed. The day on which it was completed two of the hands were injured ; woe, James McHardy, sprained his ankle badly, tie other, whose Dame your correspondent did not learn. left • awn, and although he get • bed shak- .ug, was looking well enough. our contented little hamlet has bad a tris addition lately, via, a este re- pairer. S'c. - _ PRICES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL 44/4 5 CRRISTNAS COMES ALAI. '." C3RE TIN' A P O1•[ Fraser 111. Porter. -1s esteemed mutineer sold to us the other day s u OU DO ..L BETTERS WHAT IS DONE_" Th►t we feel to Is it tt hate made creel effortand sur thinksuotsssfuDy tun. to put to The Finest Stoci of FancyGoods for the Chrisas Trade That has ever bacon oR.md iu the Town of Goat rl.h. Our `tock is now colnpl.•te In Plush Goods, Albums, Writing Desks, Ladies' and Gents' Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Toilet Sets, Wax. China and Automatic Dolls, Violins, Accordions, Harmoniums, Toys of Every Description, Children's Sleighs (at Cost). U ISTIYLAS CARDS From all the best manufs,turrn--t:aglislt. German. American Crock's full varlet, i, and t'an. Luno PRESENTATION BOOKS in all varieties of binding, Bibles, Church Services, Children's Rocks, Annuals, School Prize Books, &c., &c. s 1 177" W A = Tea Beta, Cruetts, Pickles, Fruit and Butter Dtxhela, Napkin Bangs, Knives, Forks and Spoons. all guaranteed Quadruple Plate, tot at lees ciao Auction Prices. j7SPECIAL LINES IN WItll'ING PAPERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS -`U Our Stock is so complete in every line that eusrnn,ers c•naot fail to And somethlatl•.nitable for prreents. We have bought all k for Cash. thus ateurinj the best prices. and will ,tier our roet,mrrw the advantage uf.._iLeci►1 Diawouuts. .epos11 of111111111 NEW FALL GOODS ` We hive mach pleasure in .nformIsiu our friends. and the public enormity. That oar INN At.s i, is sow complete. lu all the liepar•t„ents our go•..la will ',rind of the io•aest deaittu, and brat quoin y, -.ewe weer. l L*TKM111ti. 11 /aTLE CLeTIK' We are ,b••w:n,; large rant. a n. Preach, German end ).Ji$ .illi Goods .n the ,u•.,'r.t slake.. %%'e have a line of Dove >ttrltons that will astonish rims, at 14 eta.' Cuue and get sunny tuf them before they are all ,..Id. 1 Newest things is Trienniums to match dee...gouda. j TWIIEDS, WOttSTEUt1 .App C()ATINUS, a.Jlendtd assortment. and alri.•es lower than ever• - , ice uttr snits to ore. rat 1113.;5. FASCI' i:OttDS Fancy Wool Shawl., F..w :mosso, Tani (►'Ah•ater Nair, Pons lin,. t'-ip. and Hood 11..elrry .and Moira. Nimes roil Ladles' Stine..., tug.-lbrr with • eintipicte aaaurtm.l.t .,f sinall wares. discount of Ave per emit. will be atlnwed on all Pooh pun:Lases of Dry (:tads or nue dollar and over. Colborne Bros., GODERYCI3. FRASER & PORTER, � Oaderlch. Dec. led. Ilat Sbrppard's Oki dame. Cur. North Street an.i Slit* 'e. r 1 fk-s F DRESS GOODS -' ] V MANTLES & MANTLE'� CLOTHS �;o n n nb Purchasers to our Stock of the above Gotxi,t also the „c44 Q n' r`l-r7j poi 0w vr"1 n zap H-'1 Q; �I A �o We wish to call the attention of all i tri t 'Il Splendid Facilities we offer for purchasing from us. ttsTs?.= O.= To .1 Purchases of Thirty Dollars ($30.00), we will pay Return Fare. Also, will send Samples with Prices, and Goods so Purchased may be Returned and Money Refunded, if not Satisfactory. COLORED DRESS GOODS. BLACK DRESS GOODS. A Good Costume Cloth for 12 1-2c. A Very Handsome Costume for 20o. A11 Wool Cloths from 25 Cents. A FULL RANGE OF BRAIDS, CLASPS AND TRIMMINGS. HANDSOME PLUSHES AND STRIPES FOR COMBINATION. Ma,:atles, 1)O1ane, 'twTlsters c_ Children's Mantles in all size,. Hantlsom(t Long Mantles and Short Jackets. An Emalegant Range of Dolmans, all Prices. WE SELL A WIDE ULSTER CLOTH, GOOD, FOR 33c WE SELL A WIDE BOUCLE CLOTH, GOOD, FOR 63e. H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. BRgN•t•r•ORD_ xrantford, Oct W, tt111. MOCCASINS, Overshoes and Robbers, t'anadian and American. Men's Felt Boots LADIES' AND SLIPPERS n * ..1d. 4'rorodile, Felt. Plush anal Carpet. JOHN DO}IING & Co MISS GRAHA M 1 in FALL ;'10113 1 klI ipet the Public with the t that I have opeaed out • Cosies NEW AND Srrzrs i Ofilieses &Woos Suitable for Autumn and Early Winter Ware. The ramie of Textile Fabrics are ao varied this season that even the most (altidicmt ran he Blavr>ED_ , PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS, Black and Colored, Plain and striped Mabee and Velvet.. Buttons from a bc. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. Glc t;:s Pirie 2-3osie.�,y Fall range. snd at prises unprecedented in the annals of the Hosiery and Glove Trade ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. An unnrtul1I large stack of Canadian and Imported KNITTING 1'AItNS hest NI /110.4. KEY NOTE -0111140 sold 0* their merits, no misrepresentations monde. and .torus one price Rp Fashionable Milliner, Ha. returned from her visit to New York, Toronto. and other Mies. with the NEWEST STYLES & PATTERNS and bag rrmoted from her old stand to the store s UNDER GEO. ACHESON'S NEW HALL, where she will be. Wafted to ser her old (',.etomen, and a numbel of new Does. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO Al.!,. Oudsrnch, Ort.: th. Rat. 1! e t) pj L 14 W n MRS. SALLEELD ao Has new ni sibIb1egn as Mr • ILMow Reim I e 0arm- 4iot s YnI1 AaeaAa.ont it heSTYLES FalEiucrl of Hats and Fall Millinery. Felt Hats Trimmed with Astrachan, and etrinimed. Astrachan for Trimming Purposes Felt Hata Trimmed from $1.(10 upward.. A cordial invitatina is extended to all. SINTER RY Oederleh. Sept. Pb. 15*1. MU- Droner and Haberdasher. 1-' u Gu D u k\TLOP, FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ FALL 000DSI As this is the time of the year when people are preparing for Fall and Winter weather, 1 ben to call the attention of the pnbtic to my stock of TWEEDS AND COATINGS, Which comprise the Hest and neat Patterns and Shades the market affords. CaII and See the New Goods. OPRememMr the oe—West street. next doer to Bank of Mastreal.13 oeAallet! 14P11/4. assort. ilia 10TOVVWAIST IF 1 -CI RANT IF \ot 1t ANT BARGAIN S ^AIA, AT THE Toronto Cash Store THE FALL STOCK Ifs WOW C7OMpL1MTE- strAll are tainted to some and en mane the quality mid pet/m.114 N.A./ .L\/1._ +(►11 HAVING RE- FURNISHED my shop in the latest .tyle. put in Three Yew harbor Chairs. two of them theeels- hrated Rochester ri l t i n►r ('hairs• and hired a ;' Weber. we are In • position to do 'legate Work than hereto- fore. lady'. & eh ild ren's Hain-utting made • specialty! 011 all day. except Saturday. Razors and Scissors ground. 1.111.11. Giro mi. , %Pest Street- two d..,r• oast of P.O.. Gym/retch A B_ CORNELL HAS TIIE TWO BEST HEARSES IN TOWN FURNITURE! 1:. -: .n TO,.. Cheaper Than Ever. Won't be t'nder.old, 1,kE1it .malt At. or RAYMOND SEWIINNG MACHE. CHIVE ME A CALL. R. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SHELF :AND ... HEAVY HARD w ARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, Rernemher the saasd �TR[ TORO!rT0 CA�1 •TORfi. - �'' �� i-� GODERICH