HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-12-3, Page 44
£BlIDAY, DEC. 3, 18886.
T11E 1101. 1 !. eons
Provincial Treasurer,
and OTHKR SPEAK KRIS. will address the
At the following Owes sad datss
KINOBBRIDOK, Wedasedey, Deer
8th. at 4 p.m.
FIELD, Wednesday, Deer 8th, at 7:30
p. m.
FIELD. Thursday, Dec'r 9th, at 2 p.m.
ST. HELENS, Thvraday, Deer lith,
WAWANOSH, Enda,. Deer 10th, at
2 p.m.
BLYTH, Friday, Dec'r 10th, at 7:30
P m•
WNDESBORO, Saturday, Dec. 11th,
at 2 p. 1n.
Tie t'
Candidate 1. Ia.IIid e•
M it ad.
Godericb. Dec. 2nd, 1686. -era;
.1 ehiers nawwp y., teal t wo'ea,
An. Ind* he'll print ,l."
The town is b•uy talking Imide... at:d even
the politicians lake tune to speak 'stood
about ritewart'a photograph..
The Misused of Wednesday and Thundav
wan a terrrur to all but the men who wore E.
& A. Pridhatn'a oven•oats For fa.hionablr
tailoring. and a good nt. go to 1•riu'nani-'.
11•10. .i1! ' we;l a mried
Moet of New ''oak lambs. also . large stack
of crockery. canned fruits. ars general gm -
eerie*. Christmas fruits in full line.. A call
elicited. G. 11. 010.
SeATIxU.--Theuue•tinn of the steel Made
vs. the roller Is being •(irated once more, but
all .scree that for all round .atisfeetio n K•t-
lows is the place to co fora photograph. Cail
sod nes bis Not attics for the nubile, eraser.
Twa WoM'.'M lata RIMT!A+ Te:ttrrRANea
UNION will meet regularly for the
of Onetime., every Tuesday afternoon at ;•-2S
u'rlock. in North•st. church. Every woman in-
terected in the work is cordially invited to
Make no mistake. but hue your furniture
and fancy a o,.:a at lt. ('. Robertwin't. When
you are looking for Nates presents. rail and
examine my stock. as prices are down. down.
down. just as low as we tan get them. what
we want is to get rid of the ipooel.. (Oa lee.
'mounter is well assorted. Next door to n.
('rabb's. G. C. Robertson.
Don't buy old and shop worn Roods. when
you can KO to Saunders' Variety :(tore. and
get a choice selection of the latest norelties In
Christmas and New irises gins. Next week
they will have their show ruont ready. and a
0�ua.rAM�� staff of clerks to serve star,,bud-
Achouls and chuntbes will get th• natal large
discount. The cheapest house under the sin.
Mrs S. McLean :a visiting friends in
Mr and Mrs E. Rowell have returned
to town.
Keith McLean, '.f Stratford,
Thee Laney, of Goderich tren•hip,
has begun the delivery o1 nails in (l.de-
ne4. He a • responsible young man,
and will doubtless truth up • guud husl-
Fraser .t Porter have had their prem•
ieee renovated during oke peat few
weeks, and have on hind a large supply
cf holiday goods. Ire their adverts* -
Prefeestus Clark and Foote intend
forming a singing clans, and choral class.
A meeting to select some cantata,will be
held of which notice will be given new
e Mies ida Mugs,', of the \.u• Era,
Clinton, and her a main, Mies Tel° Mc -
iKew.n, of the some pis..., were the
guess last week of the Misses Barry,
' Kingston st.
E,ITxer !styli\Tt. - Tins SIGNAL does
not p�yyre notices of entertainments unless
spetffilly requested to do so. and on such
teems as way be agreed upset by the
•dverttwr and publisher.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street
dou,tist, snake. the ,•f the
natural teeth • specialty. (Sia •gimlets-
. tared front 9 a. m. to 4 p. w. for the
painless extraction of teeth.
Deriders entered the house of Dr.
Thea 11 dines, of Brussels, recently. and
stole two gold watches. One ••1 the
rascals helped himself to supper in the
pantry before the Doctors eye..
)1r+ Allan Martin and her daughter
E'sie. who were %uiturie relative. here
: last week, have returned to Detroit
' Mn Martin sneaks highly of the City of
of the Straits as • desirable place of
Vile.. away.
Rev E. E. Scoot, ft rmerly of Goder-
ich, and now of Charing Crow, was in
town during the week, visiting old
fsieud. and . He is now one
of the rising Hien of the London
1 Mrs. Graham Moorehouse, Pincon-
nine, Mich., arrived in 1. wn last Thurs-
day evening to be present at the funeral
of her late uncle. Me. Jno. I. Deaaen.
Mrs. Mouerehouse will remain 10 town
for some weeks.
The funeral of the late John Deactnl
which note space last week, was largely
attended. The children of St. 1 ie.,rge s
• Sunday school marched in as
mourners, in reept•ct to the memory of
their departed .
t:. Cardune, the fruiterer and c,nfec-
tioner, has again taken p osaeasio,. of the
W , iii
A larie stock of new goods has been pat
in, and the store is kept with neatnes
We can commend Mr •Carden,: as a
'square -dealing business man.
� FAT CATTLI AND Pei LTkli. -The
was in 1 annual show of Christmas cattle and
town on Monday. poultry, ander the Auspice' of the hest
William anstone, of Kincardine, i will be held in the market hone in this
was in town bat week. learn on Wednesday the 22nd December.
Mn. Harries, is visiting her daughter I The prizes are liberal, and a eucce•sful
Mn. Best, at iieafirrth. exhibit is expected
A. Cranston is here on a visit to his Mr C. McDonald of Branchtnw, who
aunt, Mrs. Thos. Rutson. ' has been engaged by the Mechanics
Barga.ws are being offered at Imrie's . institute to conduct a writing class, will
elcenng ssle of fancy g(eds. be herr shout the 6th inst, and will
The County Court and General See- •
'immediately start to work. All three
wall open nest Tuesday. desiring to take the course of lessons,
will get all particulars by applying to
The school beard will bold its regular' the Librarian, at the Reading Room.
meeting on Monday evening. Mrs T. M. Campbell, wife of Rev. T.
James McKay, .f Wiarto n, has M. Camphell, of Owen Sound, and two
returned to Goderich fir the season. of her children are the guests of Mrs
Mrs. Rives, of fort Hope, is the Geo. Acheson. Mn Campbell arrived
guest of her sister, Mrs H. Cooke. in town past Friday, and has been spend -
Mrs. A. Kirkbride, who has been in• l wq • most enjoyable time with her
disposed tor atone time, is now remover. friends. She reports the of
ins. the gamily to be enj eying good health in
Mn David Bogie of Glenwood, Minn, their new hone.
is the guest of Mrs John Wilson, East Arthur Knot, hotel keeper, of
street. : Helnuesvtlle was on e%edneaday cont
Dr. McDonagh will be in Goderich for milted by mayor Williams, •,f Clinton,
consultation uu Saturday, the 18th De to stand his trial for resisting • cun-
cember. staple in the discharge of his duty.
Elijah Moore will spend the winter in The assault grew out .of • seizure made
Michigan with his deughter Mrs C. by the license inspector of South Huron
Mitchell. last week, 1 by constable
Mrs vv ' Robertsoe, of Stanley
indisposed for a few weeks past, is rapid• ! i,'R RINK - We understand that ar-
ly ratigenients are on foot for the opening
Mr Geo. Morrow, of Bothwell, was of an ice -rink on Newgate street on the
present at the'funeral of his relative Mr lot formerly leaned for a like purpose
,Ino. I. Deacon. some yearago. The proposed rink will
be under the management of Dim,rgh &
Georg. • last ' Campaign. two young men well and fay -
moldy known to the young people of
Mr Samuel Fisher who is now just Goderich. We wish the boys success in
recovered left on Tnesdsy lest for his their venture.
home to Chicago. Now, that t'hrs►mas is close upon us,
'ere cat the mostnup.rtant questions to
James Hyslop, bricklayer and
plasterer, will winter in Goderich. He be discussed, and answered, is, where
I r.ks as gold as ever. can we buy our fruits, spices, etc., to the
Ridnig of Huron Agricult*al Society,
Rev. Mr Smith of M
pied the pulpit of tit.
eunday evening.
es -
Mrs Capt. Rhyne' has been the guest 1 best 7 1117 cail'ng at the tate• of (Ss* c Grant you will there see,
ap Doyle, Park House
�f the Masers y just "peeled out, one of the finest assert
during the past week. me•nts of Christina% goods in town. in.
Mee Mol'hail, widiiw of the late Mal- . eledierg roseit, etas* enta, peewee, peels,
com McPhail, has been seriously ill fits, and all kinds of nuts. and be able to
daring the past week. ' purchase at chose figures.
Hi. Honor Judge Toms :.aid court
Role. Ke.lslir and Fel. Vanatter,
for the final revision of the votes' list f.nurteen ,ran •d age each, got TH.
for the teen last Saturday. SIGN et i prise of a shorthand bre k for •
!tepales on the schooner 4 )ntarin have correct answer to. the query founded
been suspenled ren' account of the diff- up•n Hon. Mr Th peon's statement
cult, in pumping her out. about the pace of wheat in Liverpool
Too ',wkly.', state trade a through and Canada in i878 and 1886. It is a
journey t•' toe n last Saturday on run- • credit to the bays that they are mon
tiers for the brat trine this season. correct in their arithmetic than the
Rev. Mr tiah'ne �f..rntaeriy of Ben- Monster of Justice. The correct
miller, was in town during the week. amount was KO Fro J3 cents per bushel.
He likes Halton. his presevit +taruon I "`rhe latent reports from License in -
L .t Sunday Iwii 111 ' first Sunday in specter Tates, who recently had an w -
Advent, the nasal e. n No. erre cele -
terns cancer removed in New York, and
1)r•ted at Si. Peters, sed St. Genres's. who a now being treated by phy.
in that. city, are most tayorable. The
The schooner J. G. Kolfage will br operation is and to have hewn skilfully
throe/lily overhanvled, anti al detieien. ( and safely performed, and but for an at•
else by bar recent accident made ' tack of unllemunaton of the lunge, from , tried to be g..nd by being faithful to the
good... which he is rapidly , he might ! heathen grids, but found no s•tiafaction
Miss Rise who has been the twat .r(i have been home by this time. He is ,mtil he was brought t° Jeaus. It was
her aunt, Mn Pars ns.. for the p'•at ' expected Koine next week. and he will i sibtl. in um with C .mmissloner
three mon'h.. has gone to spend Christ receive a warn, handshake from his many Tucker, now in charge of the wink in
mas with friends in Ilrtr.it, friends. I India, hut once a judge in the civil err-
rrWe are pleased to see John :...berta, ST. GE,rR,x's 11AiD er Hors. The vice who adopted their way of llring
who Ms been s' long confined to his fnllowit,v is the proven' .e( the ogee j and rave his life inr their M'ltstiorn, that
ho sae by • broken leg, eround again. meeting in the sc'xutl room tonight (ref. j the Captain embraced the Light. Cep -
He has ad a long siege e( bt.
day) at 7 30 sharp : Song, "Temperance fain Narian Dasa now engaged in mak
pl held their Boys and Girls are We," by weathers ; ing a tour ammo
eget the Canadi
The Huron
an crps.
retail somal convention at Clint( yes- r'cst'tlion, "The Drunkard's Dream," • avid the pruned, of the different meet-
terday aftern.w.n. Both the (ie William Rnhertsrn ; auto, "D.HI't i)rink mire are hi Rn tewatd promoting the
kh , Tom." Nettie (:ear : reoitelurb, work of the Hstvatinn Army in India
knights •.f the cwmrra attends.
"nitwit and Dwarf, or Can and Can't,", The officers ti( the local corps beg In
Mrs Burns and her - !old I. ft arton Sturdy • sons, "Down With the I tender these least thanks to the G.alerich
week ter their h at Ilartf, ret, \Itch , sed, I•ov.. by the bays ; • short wd- 1 friend• for 11.e menner in which they
after a pleasant visit wish Mrs 'turns' dress hy a member 4 the C. E. T. N.; turned cut on the ..ee'rsion.
p.rMita, Mr •ed Mn Blddutph.
o eseobed," George Allan ; (tale, "Tie
T...porsace Banner,.' the ..ashen ;
dialogs*, "Tice Train to Meant," by
three me.bxa ;Doug, 'sleeted, Mai Eva
Wtlkipou. ; song. "Always Ch.eeful,.'by
members. Miss Trtteawt. aea,tapauiM.
Collecticu. Carriages at 0 o'clock.
George Eilwtt, the tank -dealer
desire' us to return his best thanks to
the numeruua costumers who. have
favored hint with their orders in the
past. Fs.r • number of years he has
endeavored to give satisfaction to all,
and he believes that his efforts have 0.4
been unappreciated. As in the puts. in
the future it will be his aim t,. furuisjs
his customers with • satisfactory article,
a•d r. oumfort himself as to merit the
patronage of all old epstomers and many
new ones. Ceorie L thoroughly -.tell-
The East Saginaw M.trtitna N.ntld
contains the following interesting iteut.
The young lady a sister of nor teens -
in in, S. J. Grafton: -Miss Elizabeth
(Stanton and Win. H. Dent were united
in marriage Wednesday at tn. restdeuce
.1 the bride's parents on N'ebher street,
South Se ivaw, Rev. Geo. S, Woodhull
officiating. Then were • number of
beautiful and useful presents given w
the happy couple. They will reside in
Mr Dent's new residence 00 Lyttle
street. Their many fneuoa extend
emigrate tattoos.
at. s.e.rge • r•NM.
A meeting of the business
of St. George's church was held ou Mon-
day. The fol$twtug resolution was
adopted :
That the buWnees committee 4f St,
Georges church desinn on behalf et the
congregation to express in the mutt
heartfelt manner, its sense of the great
low sustained by the church in the death
of our lamented brother, Mr J. I. Dea-
con, vestry clerk, trodent of the
Sunday school, and recretary of the
a,mtnittee. In hint the community has
lust • most useful and respected citizen,
and the church in all branches of its
work a faithful and reshot' Christian
worker. The committee desires to con•
vey to the bereaved redatious its sincerest
aympat hy.
Mr J. t. Naftel was then appointed
vestry clerk and secretary of the com-
mittee. Mr. Naftel's office is with Mr
Frank Naftal, insurance agent, North at.
1 Large Tersest of Soldiers mad 4'lvMaas
monde, Kresge( Tbe -•thread ■lad's"
on Monday night about a quarter to
eight was beard through the streets of
' our town the thudding of the drum of
the Salvia Arwy, which caused quite
•n . . The march was headed
by that captain of the corps, then follow-
ed Capt. !Hanan Das, the "Saved
Hindu') Lawyer," and Capt Cuban, the
••Saved Frenchman,"who has been work-
ing among the French in Switzerland ;
then came three men with ta,
(two of these being members of the town
band) and a how of others wail drums,
timbrels dtc., which trade things lively
along the march. In • short tune they
arrived at the "Barracks," where • great
meeting was to be field. rho meetiug
was started by • sing out of the JV,r
(try which went with • swing, and all
seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Captain Clean led in prayer, praying in
his motes Ianrnage. A song was nest
sung, while kneeling, by Adjutant
Sweetman, who comes to work in the
Palmerston division, the chorus
sung by all. Capt. Narian Das then
prayed, and when the Adjutant had
asked God's blessing upon the meeting,
all arose. Capt. % , of the
c..rps, gave out another song out ,.f the
War (rt, and so the meeting went on.
After some more seats were brought
(for the hall was packed o Capt. Ceuta
. aug a song in French, which was follow-
ed by wise testimonies by the soldiers
and by ArT. eCnA] x
11. 11,1d C the the Army
had to contend with when tint started
in Switzerland, which was so severe that
they had to hold meetings i.t biros, for-
ests, eta, till at last the G
forbade them ten hold meetings at all.
But the S. A. doesn't general., work
things on that principle, s, one day sev-
enty two of them met in a barn for •
proper salvation meeting,and two police-
men came el rug and Gook down all their
names Next came the trial. Of entree
they wanted • place to hoid a meeting,
and they f.,uno the court room answered
very well, so when the indictment was
read and the judge asked then' w turn
•'Guilty „r not guilty'. they started by
saying "Praise (hid I'm saved i I fits
bad sinner, but 1 to now washed and
cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus,"
e nd so 4•11 to the last one. The judge
found he had more than lie bargained
for ; the prison was not large enough to
hold them, and the auth.•rttiea did nut
want to build one for the ti A., so he
dismissed the case and reprimanded the
policemen for •rue.e ng so many of them.
After other in diderent
ways, find Baro them the victory, and
the Army there marches un faster than
then told how (led was working amongst
.the heathen of India. He mid that
since the Army went to Inds., now four
yaars men, ten thousand heathen have
peen converted ; that in one meeting
alone then were one hundred and thir-
hinty. He had been a heathen lilmM'lf,•nd
s.in, (tett and chores, "Have • Glass ,d The meeting el.w+l with prayer by
Capt. 1l,ird' ch Mcf)'.naid, ..1 the j Ruby 1\ inc, Nellie McK.asie and ,.th- Rev. Mr Fergnahera. n.
eabieeserM. el Gordon, arrived home ere ;r.eiution,"MatwrscalC.omplaint,"
er Ste wawa on Ties :1(hh. Ne hid a Levi Pard . dose, "The Gipsy Cosine - Then were 37 lives and 33 vessels
cr,e.l wagon ao, the, seam.* _o nowadays, .ss," Lzzie end Itetae Ringo; recitation, List on the lakes ••w the 17th and 18t1s.
Jsdge Arwsesr•s Opislea ■. to Ibe
a/asdlwa el Seen .art liaidalrenes.
Information ha. been received born of
• character that will materially affect
Om hearing cat the Canada Temperance
Act of 1078 uy"u the a,utntunity. A
(eller cunt ey• the n'loruwt wo that uu
Friday last His L•roet!!tp Jtatne
Armour pew/pawed a very import$aut
opiuton in ref.reuce to tote Scott Act.
He held that the Mout Act required that
• County Magt.lrste •pp,iuted under
the proviaicue of the Aet ur two Justices
01 the Pews were requisite to legally try
• charge of violation of the Act, and
that the magistrates spp.•sited for the
electoral dlriawns , f c.•unties .re tat
county magistrates according i., the re-
quirements of the .tct. and ha, a uo
Jut ',diction in sunug alone D. try cases
fur vi ,latt.nt ,r( the Act The biter alai.
states that under this decision thee.
will be to difficulty ret proving the
illegality of the hires nupwrl by the
I tio,rtt Act magistrates in the County of
Middlesex. Should this opinion be sus -
twined it is only reasonable to suppose
that the tin., imposed in this c eunty
haw g been put cat illegally will have to
be returned. -London Free Press.
An Outside tow er sir Jsba •. Ilar-
From the Hamilton T11114•..
Sir John Macd. nald, in • speech
made at Stratford Thursday, said he was
nut truing to luwer blamed by ap•pwariug
oa_UM same platinum with Mr M. C
Cameron, M.P. for West Huron. This
u Ito be the reply .•f the Try
leader to the 1 challenge of
Mr Cameron that Sir John Macdonald
should meet hien at any central plate iu
the riding which he represent.. and dna
cues the question cat Northwest nes-
t What a down -Dome from
Sir John Macdonald's t -valiant asser-
tion in Hanilten regarding his annihila-
tieu of Mr Cameron's political prospects!
Think you, if the Tury leader had •
legitimate defence for the a been
of Northwest affairs that he would nut
jump at such • challenge as Mr Ca•neren
has issued! He would now have us be-
lieve that the member furWest Huron es
not worthy of hie attention. Why.
then, did he and his lieutenants think it
necessary to devote six out of the eight
home' *king in 1Cuderieb and Dun-
gannon to the bun gentleman? Because
they fear bum. They tint tried to gerry-
err -
mander him out of Parltausent: but the
electors resented that rascally means
and truly Tory method fur Netting rod cf
an opponent; and Mr Cameron met
them in Parliament, confronting them '
with their own reports to show that
Northwest &Mere had been shamefully •
neglected, and that to the mingov•ru-
ment and wholesale peculation that had
been winked at and iu some CAM's en
dorsed by the present Administration
were to be traced the rebellion and all
its attendant evils. Mr Cameron was
enabled tv do this, notwithstanding that
the Minister numerous
papers which they knew would incrimi-
nate them to • much greater extent than
their partial reports do, though these
show a state of affairs thaf ,,ugdt to call
for the condign punishment at the earl
test possible np.ment of the men who '
permitted their
Mr Cameron di" not go behind the
backs of the men he accused. He
stated his case, fortified with the strong-
est and clearest evidence from the olh-
cial records. He challenged the Gov-
ernment todsny, it it could, the accu-
racy of his . , but not a word
had the Tory leaders t., say in defence
of their shameful dealings with the
Northwest Indians and settlers- Sub-
sequently, Sir John Macdonald admit-
ted that there might be something wrong,
and promised an independent cou imu-
siena t, the Northwest affun,
He premised • C ,and
g !et' .i
garbled, one-sided anticism of Jf r Cam
ernu'a speech written in the Ilismilten
1prrfatur office, printed at the espense
of the tas,uyera, and circulated as an
official, and therefore reliable, document
broadcast throughout the Dominion'
After the charges made by the mis-
sionaries of the various churches, after
the deliverance of the 1' (Stan -
oral A.aemhly, atter Mr Camerons tell-
ing and uushsken confirmation of the!
lamentable state of •frets which these o
reliable ageneses have. frim tnue to dune,
borne testimony to, what other o.pitii•n I
c+n i at men come to than that
the charges are true? The ToryIesder
c+nnut c..ncral his lit, by
gnint up to t:,aterials, sod, behind Mr
Cameron's hack, blsckguar'ding hug 1
Alt 1010 siac•tunald were honest in his •
Protestations he would not sneak away
fr • full public discussion of this alt
important branch of public affairs, under
Wryer of en'ertaining contempt for Mr
C.imrron- 'i'Ihe member Inc 'eVeat
Huron is too independent a gentleman, l
tr.t much derotod t° the welfare u( his l 5ROPERTI Ft IIC SALE - THAT
c.untry, to care what °Mune' the Tory{ i three -acne.. brick building at present
leader entertains of him' but h h
JAS. A. REI1) Si BRO. are now showing a Complete
tittwk of Foreign and Domestic Dry (iooils for Fall ,idol Wino
er, of the Choicest Gould and Bret Value in the Market.
1)relw (lauds in Sergeo. PtaiiLs. Tutted Girds, Ottoman
Corks, bice, in the Newest Shades and at Lower Prices than
over before offered, notwithstanding the recent great advance
in all linen of Fine Woolen Goods. ALL WooL FIENI'H l)gtsnu4
t;oot)t, gaol quality, for 20c. per yard. A splendid lice of
Davis IItELTONK for Ile. per yard. See them.
Special Value in Ulatrnngs and Mantle Cloths. A good
(ktontan Cord Cloaking for $1.33 per yard. In Ornaments,
('laript, &t-, for 1)re'sse's and Mantles. we skew a large stock o[
very choice vials, imported direct from the manufacturers.
Wool Shawl., Fascinators, Taw ()Shunter Cape. Hosiery,
Gloves, &c., at Low Prices.
Tailoring Department. A lura• stock just received of
Now 'Needs Awl Coatings for tall Suits and Overcasts,
which will he Math._ to ()Tiler at eiee•t•tlingly Low Prices.
Claim all -wool Fall Tweeds by the yard from 40c. up, ---act
out Free of Charge.
Underclothing very cheap. A N�n t ial line of all -wool
Shirtri and Drawers for 3Oe , worth .3e. Extra heavy for
7:nc., worth $1.0N).
Call and compare our Good. and Prices with houses that.
mark their goals up and then give A petty ttve-par-cent. dis-
count o11. N11 TRol'R1.E Ti' Sling' (bootee
Jordaa', lila -k. t.odencb, lob Oct.. hats; Ci9i
A wood bee was g rt up on the Clark
tarn, Morris. for John Currie. There
were about 15 nr 2i) curds et wood cut.
The object .of the her was to help Mr
Currie as he had been severely iwjured
by a falling tree whi'e chopping in the
al 1p i,i :111 preego's.
Ssw a : Tbb weep.
Creme Astray Samuel Hart.
Mora lna J. 1.
Plwh i:nods, Ets. J. tf. Iu,ot.
List of Meetsa Rme- Hun. A. 31. Ross.
Nuti.e to Creditor. S. Malcomeon.
\once to t'rediton Itob. Oibbrna.
Notk•e of Application R. kada-IifTe.
Fruit aid t'onfectlonery G. t'ardone.
Christmas Comes Again - 'reser k Parer.
res the Electors ret writ Huron A. M. It it".
t'hrialmas►nd New fears inti.-daubder k
Dairymen's A+..w-..ction t'ouvration C. E.
t'bsd wick,
. !C fCHOLSt'r' .
Elgl tb door below the fMet Oaks. Wcwt-st.,
Goes:tacit 1/il-ly
N>�'' L. Wi)inl.VER'I't)N, N.L.
Odor--Udd F .allow• 11.11. orth St-,
hodertc'b. Cbarw•-- u..alrratr. .\!1 work war-
ranted. 1s*
She People's 1Lolumn.
that as application voll tie made to the
Legislative Assembly of tree Province of ',u-
terio, at its went .radon. fur an Act to inoor-
perste a railway e-ompany to ronetruct a rail-
way from ttte Town of Woodstock. is the
young, ret Oxford, Tee the Town of rit. Mary*,
in the fount, of Perth, anal the till:71
Exeter, in the County of Huron. to • point on
Lake Hama at the Town of Goderich. in the
said costar of Huron.
Pih'IlA1tIt iiAD(iJVFt?.
By R. C. RATS. hi. Solicitor.
Dated at Oseericb. Dec. tat, left. ib:•68t
Tbe annual Fat Cattle Of he aas-
Scea of the Wet Riding of Huron Agrk•ul-
tarsl Sudety will be held in the Market
Hoose, OodeMrh..'n l\•ednewdar, loer.11nd,
1806, when poxes . 11 be.warded feu fat cat-
tle, poultry, etc. For p1,articulars see posters.
or the Secretary. BY HAYDEN. Dunlop.
Ont. 1075-7
! Larissa in the Term. for Pc.00. 1 7G
The Tessa of the Tetra of Oederkh •r.
as* a liiilT: T• per rest dt-
ronnt allowed on all taxes paid in September.
2 per rent. in 0 -tuber ; aid aper the 11th day
of l,ecemhrr, :, per.'.emit. will be added.
l'ay your urea tbia ntontb s• ad save 3 per
JAMI;z Gl)RDON. ('ellector.
Gadarleb, S•pt.:^rd, iflL 110utt
1A years study of mu.ic. i+ prepared to
receive pupils for the Piano- _1 lewoons
quarterly. terms: :Pi per quarter. 1e10 -
PHONOGI.\PHy. The uo.+tp,pu:ars.s-
tem taught. Instrnet ion lama. for aide at Tar
SOCIAL ogler. Leery boy and girl ehoeld
earn Shorthand. Mall
Straveb Animals.
`_' ppremi n-. of tbte yn4••nij',rd. Int$..tios.
t i'Mbono•. abbot 1(tr 11th \ovemtwet. four
aoc•rr, rising two rear+ old. three ret ones*'
and one white au•I rid. The owner will phase
pane prop.nt, pa} •:pans,• and take them
away. 1AAMI'11:L NAltl'. X611
Tor Sac or to Let.
a e .s a ocrnpled h) Ili.• {hulk of 1'o:nmen•e, Won.
right t.. characterize as a coward and • Kay mercban, who it n•tiringfrom final., .
rho (:olhrt„r 1 to,na and It. I1.d. tiff-,
pottiest -us n the man who is ashamed and iasnrance altrnt. Apply w -707-3•0••••-...
. t'. Hadi
afraid to make the charges before the ROH• 2gltf
face of en upp.onent which he has made r�l\Vl) Fig'r- ('
behind his hack. LASS FARMS FOR
t t
Rev. T. L. Wilkinson will address a
meeting herr on T•ietday carat, the 7th
inst., when an elr•Cturel union will be
organ zc1. M• 'eVulk,nsr.tt is • goad
Thos- Robert...to blaelsmith, is once
mote in our midst.
D. Cumming ran rip fur a brief visit to
to his family from Stratford He experts
to got th,rt. t with hise.mtract In the
Choreic City by New Year.
Mlrymew•• a••eetal/ae •r wr.ateM5 Ow.
The *annul cont .'.obis of the ale.-eaaMnele-
tins a all 1r held in liar Town ,tf Ingewrroll oo
the 12th. lith and Ilth days of Jammer, sett
Dairymen. end all interested is dairy pro
.1... t.. •re urgently matted to attend. Ar-
r•nirrmeM. are• h.•Ing mails for • rednettssef
rattwar rare . part lea em •tartieg wilt pay AM
fare le 'he pure .e( nwe(leg. sad nM•ie • en,
Ilevee, from the weenier, mottling them ton
radn••t iron ea retro n,
lir Order.
1'. E. 1's**nwx't.
4errerary•s oilier, Prer.tary.
l etter...II, Dee. 1. 'a.
M e. toss in the township et Aaheelal,
rontalnlne Inge at N..; and enc In Ease Wawa-
. moll. ,•entnimng 1m acres. For psnlenlart
`ply to Cala. ion Hot! k Cameron• Grate
tido -
yrara, Int Note, In the Mattlmnd een-
eewdon. of the Town•hin of Codtuleh. apply
by letter to J x. I.I7A HP..ytratterd. I9m-U
n( the late ter5:1'H UMW offer tow ale the
followtpg veleel.le Property. namely
Ru14ding Iota nntnhers 1111 and 121. in the
Town of Il•drr6-h { of at ares •-a^h. Peaty
fenced. and .cry desirable for beilding pnr
Half acre Int remains M111 Road, Township
of OOderirh. brine part of Int x la the Malt.
yewCone/mom. of said Township. Nine
P'rseste ('Mtagr +.A
Lot number x. ttrrath .44...4 Clear strr•l
■siailll,er, 1 of an were, 'wadi fraena dwell)
M Ines arm n ort aid fit, In �-
of (`Hoon. 1 of lin mere early. Rewntl
fen; sdtnMed on south aide of Horan street.
rally renew
Ti. tow t of Is >K (den. it w e.t l\ a wa
nosh, Ire Myr.. gotel kr M1. .h arra (-1. ,red
and tensed. remainder limbered. Agent 1
law. (/ 7 't 1 ...w j es* and a miles from Wing
rM further a -itrnlar• appppl1e to
K CAM1'111N,
tar! 1f larrieer. (lr4erieh
Ser. 1. too
r) L REEVE, M U . C M.. MEM -
. I:P:H cat the ('.dtewe of Phyetet•tte and
Sul -woos. !•e.. Phlatebus. sempias. and
AM. etc.. Pert Albert. )tile
r.. ASE. M.D. C.M., M. C. P.
toot. Ph, SurreesiAeolru-.
d .. OdleTtu
iat fn.ac�arls occupied by ler.
I ifutchiaw.nt Duaylaawoa. Night seat► --Mar-
i n'. lintel. 161(1'
( .R ll. -LEAN, I'HY1ICIAN, Stilt-
- 11 t►KOON.t`eroser fee. geakeandrasldeens
'truer street. ..Read dour west of Yinene
Street 131,
l Pnydciana. sturgeons. Aorowelsers• ke
oelee at Dr. Shannon '• residence. near the
gaol Godench G. C. SUA?%ox, J. C. i 'MIL
roe 1711.
tt. Ochre. runlet or !tyaare and Wear'
street, (.ioderieb. over telegraph oaco. F'Yi
irate funds to lend at 6 per c•eat. 1066
A (:odcrich.
('. summit. Ja. J. A Mowror
E. N. Lewis CM -
RI -TIERS Attorneys. Solicitors, ere
Goderich. J. T. Carrow. W. Proodfooe. 175
VV Barristers. Solteltory 1•ke..
7od•r1ch. M. C. Cameros, Q.C.; P. Holt. M.
O. ('amerce. t'. ('. Kase. (761-
i. oans anb insurance.
Straight loans. Any amoust. Private
funds at the low rate of S' per rent. per an-
nuity. SEAGKK a LKW IN. Goderich. gait
rt: Nlkt a lead Morgage at tie b'v
rare of rl V K AND A H A I.r P'15it CENT.
per annum. Write or tall for p•rtleak
115M- .XAOKR k l.P.
e600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY T')
rich. 1TOe
.11 amount of Private Fusds for Inve0siest
At lowest rates on *rota lege Mortgagee. Apply
too ARROW k 1'ltul'DFoOT
Owl, Oleet-en.s companies Represent.!
far Money to Lend on straight loess. at the
lowing rate of Interest going. in any way to
suit ft. nee -rower.
smorriI'K Second door from Square.
West Street. Coderirb. 11X3-tt
are prepared to loan money at 6 per cow., pay
able loaf yearly, on
--I first -dam farm security.
Narraters Gee rIeh.
Agents for
ere the Tomei* t G
oweral Truce Co' .
Me.. (:Awwl
Rng, FIOLT & CAMO'g have
alter • large amount of private funds to los
on next -class farm an.corlty.
Iid.ricb. Qat. s, ism 1311-ef
To lend on farm and town property, at Isw
est interest. Morieswes windowed. No com-
mlsston charged sweats for theTenet and lean
comps/it or 4 anodic the Canada Leaded
Credit Company. the London Irian company
of Canada- !strewn. 4, 64 and 7 per rent.
N. B. Morrow ern rain obtain money in one
day. if title satisfactory.
1e7G Iterristen, lc., Oaderieh
on Farm and Town
tercet. Mart teased, 0o C
at .owes' la
charged. Conveyancing glees re_
N. I11 P s.'iaf rs ren obtwl - J l
if title Is aarlefaetory -DA it
RYON Barristers. kc.. God
11(11114, cor. of Kist street sad &mare len
Open from Ito 6 p.m., and from 7 to 105.m.
!wading Daily, girlie mut IAwsfrsted
Papers, Ife.:.tsiwet, d•.., ns* /We.
-•11.;M11r•HsHIP T1C1tXT. ONLY M -as,
Iiraating fire nae of Library sad Readtatg
Appl!ratlon for membership received by
Libraries. in reema.
PP.efdrnt. �se•wisgr
Gnderleh. March 12th. 1RM.
J(►HN KNON 1I>�1<A/1L AVO-
' TIONE►:I: sad Lege 11
ono Havlwg had
the somas l.seerhls 1
d til rbeepe edUi
Martin's ,Isseemeed
(lrvlereeleROMR a.s
‘0 X ( aft
eNt7 AMiehest.
one of Skew plowing
curretwe u( ■kick u ale
with delight by the et
young people, took piaci
teoestly. That worthy
stranger in our neighbn
knowing by repe4auou
.quslitiee of the Tunable
had • plowing bee to he
a "party" in the •veniei
encu at b,.th was very go
spared no tnruble Ili n
happy, and enjoy htwrl
You she saoaeed.d T1i
that she will soon giro a
celebrate 1t in a similar te
1 must not forget to r
event which est the e.
young, Ione and short, go
all egos?. Wednesday al
4.liti.l.l, nearly the 1
turned out un holiday al
the w.ddlug of Mr Miele
Kmtail, and Mary J. Dal
bridge. The bride appal'
nibcent hronze-adored sl
mid with plush silk
gr,erm appeared as lie
perfect gentles:mu '1'h.
were ably supported by
brother of the bride, a
Kenney, stater et the gnu
nuptial mass, the party pi
residence of the bride's
such • repast awaited Ib
:take even the most cher
laugh us ecstacy. They
Gintail, and supped at Mr
hotel, where they tripped
testae until alate hour, wh
ed to their respective h..
hody •td his girl dela
to be well pleased at the
time they had, Mach cre
those who cuutributed t.
thing enjoyable, as they
wood all expectations.
ehg Wao w
West 'ai =
Robert McAllister this s
from a visit to his sister in
'y. He speaks sell of, in
lighted with, that section o
thinks that it carnet be
thoroughbreds, iu either
Mr. Duff, a teacher of
rote, has been engeved by
S. S. No. 3 fur the sown
comes highly rece•mmended
Mr and Mrs Joseph Wile
visiting their friends in Poi
Jas. Wilwh, the popular
cipsl of the Saltford echo
^aunt of severe illnees he
attend to his sch.o.•1 dut
week,. May he soon moor
Mu ovale.
Mr Collie has erected •
stable, which Deems to los to
The iron bridge ie at lent
red. A11 remains of the old
timely disappeared ; errn
have been removed. The d
it was completed two of the
Injured ; sue, James McHat
hie ankle badly, the other,
y.ey correspondent did n(
• .an, and although he g.
.ug, was looking well enougl
Our contented little haml
new addition lately, via,
pourer, &c.
('amid ban
Men's F
1=1 IE8' A
...id. ('rorodile, Felt. 1'Iitet
M I53
Hu Werner! from her e
and has rr
where she will
Odsrich. earl. 7th. IFIL