HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-26, Page 81 • THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 26,1886. TOWN TOE' 1 (`ti..�l11 MSM... Ho. W 4a t. a SMOLT Tian. 011 Ekters sew mg we, kakis mete.. T1 otitis) .1 last reck, 1.1. McLeod, Jut. 41sfuUAAtli 'west it: '►tclh.ual.t. M booth and Maladm i "Men N anted.- or.. and women end noire and girls, t.00 festalar their pie 1u.ers tekaa in vs.•ellen, style h) t:, , "1. wart. The trip to Ilu'.:an• . uu t .,lar last by' Sir Johr. w .. a In .1 ..r ...dura,te r, but fey. WIC who w*1:1t, a 11'43 tar, W11°01'1'40 vitt cx ert.•ue . no .lid!... •jai( :he. .,,M u,.w /1. ttallu w a. it is quite pw.161c thou the n n irk* of lie Utile/lath and hi, cutlra.ur- .1.. •.t tout 1.11 their bearers, but 1' 41 A 1'144 uu tau anU all !heir rusloutris t.. r ti...... 1 they de It right along. Jot arrived. it large and w.'1 aassert1Yt stock of New Tort. tams.*. eke . lerae spook of cro.•kery..tnu,•d Iri,lt. wn4 ,r,;ptr:.l Ir-' ceries. t'hriaturas Ir1174. le foil :Lots. A call ,olkit ed. 1.. 11. Otis Tutt Wotaz"'s t'HK)*Ttap Tt:HMERUts•1t !'suis will wort regularly toe ti.c tares's-1 m of bu.ines' . n ry Tw4Aa) ah , t.•°+,u at 121 ueto,•k to North-el.cburvh. I cern w..tra ferreted in the work H surd::.' Int lead • attend. All pictures and trsta'•s that have' Mea tett nt O- t'. IA:'oo•rt Sion'. earl-tr.for over a . ear will be ..dd nM:. all•.! tea a Irl dmloi item flu. day 11 i..tr.day. Nov. 25t1 1 Ore& hartptns given to furniture. Ile ma a MN. No trouble to ..bow goods. ~ria may. 'tis strews *ad •tis 'cur. 1. I134l 410 a N"rstk p..in: t.. .ren. It will prom a hiewit ..r 1.. )..,I. Thr uoi.e•le.. IA' ant.•r Mw.:,i.. Sit *ample and ca:•v to ran. .The like of .t :r,• err wad ., n 1r . • •,•a ..' ,• Is thio '.t'...,., . . el • Ii W. roltS61- . 41•1IKat. The your _ is t era(. 'ae•tt ton Monday night. Smith, w .!lie -1 10 t .e faros ••1 Th..0 •s ,allows, a dlat:lue*. of halt r *file, ,awed six cords' 1 store 4•..•11 (r... the walked lack u_ at'1, the %ludo tale or. ,Cot tied to. t•.tt pant two h..urs and a half. o Whto rs,, Ih nt this ! atOt I. la (.,I. b i•....ash:e. on the- :nth 0140!er. tbe 'sift ut liar Mt as, ofaam. As li•aforrh, on eriAa). tee :Rh iva.l,. the w{1M of J. .I. Ii.•st, t.arr:,.'. r, of.. daughter. M LaRli:!•. 1 the bride. bolter, on the rih ins!.. br the In liot'rri.•b to atoll., p. at the n +idem. of Ite)11 U. 74, eel... Mr Angus MatIh**ron,of 1tiu4,n.'a, t,, 1:1 :&beth, eldest daurhlerof Mr Wm Af..Calw. la ii..itford, st the reeldenee of Ih.• bride. father. ... the :5th lest . by the Ce' . I''. t're. /leak W. thind sin of Janie* 91. Uouagh. Carton, t Et.t)11. s•voi$4 d.uttit.•r of Hr•t- IrT Ma: t;1. 1st roe Pa 11. 'er'rlt. m1 N'e.th^+da•', \ ,r. 2471:. lJolts 1. 'beacon. are.[ :.tyr*n a•'.1 2 months. The fuaeral wail take place trlas the nos - *We of hit ....'.•r. Mrs !Ivory l •to... North 1 mese[. G.wh-rich, nn Fridu). Nuc. [bah. at t:Teo'c!n•k. p. tu. 1'riclui.and u-.ltuiu lice* will fdease ar,vtN this intimation. In (t.(elevirh. 110. Yr..1at. No. emir.? lath. lit Jame. I:irui •. eh.. t 11`,)coir. .11.1 10 I . iut.tiie'c."i iit , auk, 8; NICH*.i.aaw LDB Alla* )Jamin, of 1). r• .s. in town 11 AUCTION SALE EXTRAORDINARY ! I�IRIE'S BOOK STARE Fancy Goods, Silver Ware, Knives, Forks, And Spoons, Plush Goods, Dolls, Toys, &c. o ALI. St'ir.1MA: 1'ttl: Christmas and Now Tears Present. N0W 1S TOUR CHANCE TO SECURE BARGAINS. _ -- SALE 20 COYENCE SATRRDAY, NOV 27 this !rook__ Efe t•..*.._ri, ,. Mannar 'Al itl•CM,h :ISA t la lift -A• treat, t/l'tre h* e.'l I. •. �?I} during thew Jamieson 1tri l A' .' t+•'' • have returned h•»tta..rrar • • ('se wt.* stork at Lint•,we1. Alia Reya*l.la, .•f :';.;:...:, , t;; t. wbn had been 1l a oast ..f le Dares, left h.cn.• it.,t +eek. Rev. 4.1 IL Tu.k wt'1 gat•• a 'steel,l fiat? u•ao t•• , -. at {b0 N..411 Ian ea• y-. cveaing u('tl ala„' '*1414 \ # a spend- ing t'.: Ii J . i' •; o ,n r. re-• tura. r eh !' • a dirge Tues!..) !a••. • Mr.. J. •V.. t'cet .. ... u , .metal( ter. returned home list Thursday fr. I3ratttf.,rd, after a fire nuke' wait to rereti zee i1i re. :.,,-ronin„ 1..:,.s fr:to Sergeant Charlie Croft., from TexAA, atld D. R. Met' 11, fr..nl .tu-'r.Jt:) hare been ertaw.le:l out Ilea week. W. Anthrone Colh-,rue smiled upon • 11- his friends during the %tisk. He is now `• ' J5, UI:NTAL ROOMS. 101411: n ,our sem. 11.41 rare. ..%.. • Xr-t..t•, 6onarttrn. 1071.1-1y WtN►LVERTON, L D. S. ll . (Iffier Odd rcunwa )(a1:. North SI„ I; erten.-... Cha . c• hosiers! ,t:t w'ork war rante.L MOM. She People's Column. AT CATTLE SHOW. The-aenuall'at Cattle Show under threw of the West 1:'dmg of Huron ARrket- turLI &rieiy will be held In fh.• !ala kat M . ItwM inh, ea Wednesda , live, Ned. MK It teen prt•ett will be awn for tat cal 11e. ioviltr)• etc. For plot. a wire poators. or he �eert-t r,'. H'1 HAYDE'*. Dunlop. (/U/:E ICH MOH SCHOOL. l The neat *arran.•e k:xaminitiue will be held at Qoderiayh alt.!Rxcter, usTenuity, -lir' IY!(ty and TAY rarfi , tAt :till .'d?nd 3:4.1 of IA.yatb..r, beginning nr 9 a m.. each .i*•. l' ia4144tee mast send not:ce not later tl.sn 1).cember 1st. to either the Inspector. a: Kart( r. urs. to tbe Bawl Matter. Ooderioah, Nov. 17th. 11(wt. 2071-:tt 'p 0TICE, iocated at iners *ll where hr a.uducts' a branch business her the lirin. Yucti.: LtbEKau.--The relfllllar meet-. tog of the Youog Liberals will be held - ,.n Monday night. A big ratty is• elpect- ed. Chair to ba taken al eight o'clock. 13\t.rArnim Attire. -Capt Naritn Uss, the converted Htndowo lawyer, and Capt. Clan, the laved Fronchu:att. will be in t.oderich Mraday, Nov. 29. h. -Cart. ZlltttCRIOAN, Dr, M. Nit -lotion, the At Sat street dentist, males the urmlertstrm of the natural teeth a specialty. Goa adtninia- teaAd from 9 a. no. to 4.p. tn. tor ti.c painless extr*,•ti-*n of rbtth. An 0ptn 'isocline of the C. E. T.1'. tarifa be held mu Si. lUeorye's achtsd house tis Tuesday evening. Ret'.. W. Craig *11.; 'woedelir-cr, an address, and there will be a full musical pregnant:on by the Prof Clarke Concert Co. A collection will be taken up. S STRAND CLA,a.-This class started Hip OU MO day evening, under the tuti*.n ..f two t en. The class meets to -night for the nd Ieas..a at 7.30 o'clock. It is n• • too to to join now,, but after to - :tight no no members will adwittcd this tent., lee predominate In the clam %%e regret Hearn that our towns- inan. Horatio rd, has met with A great loss in actio cool watt► hrr farm in the Northwest, His barns in which were housed 3,:500 bio hers o1 grain, to- gether with his stuck, and implement,, were totally destroyed. by tire, which originated_from an empl.ixee's pipe. Rev.Mr Sutherland. formerly of Caper Breton, will adtniniater the sacrament • in the Gaelic church 1n Sunday morning, tl and will preach in Gaelic on that "ccaaton. lie wall also preach a dea- r course in English in the evening at • 7 o'clock at the same place. The ttev. gentleman is known to be a fluent and eloquent speaker. g FORToky RF.AU[R* Eeral'IALLY.-Out report of the Connery,tive detopnetra- tion hal crowded out minor local matter. Those Tories who usually grumble about g 'tour much political matter in Tills g StnNAI." will be satisfied, even if we dr: • give a ala column spread. it all • depends upon whose oz is gored. Our report of the speer he* will be found to ho cc! y fair, t and Sir.lohn .t. Mactl'nald'a is a t .•/arty verbatim rep.art. It will not 1'e so fully rer.orted in any oAber paper. -THHANK...1%1N.. .:I 1•11-1i - A finer a rei.d was never made in li..dench than the table set before those who attended the "Harvest Home" at the North St. itllelh'.diat church on the evening .1 Thursday the Intl inst 'rhe decorations of the church were very tasteful. The the forest, the orchard and the garden were laid un.ler tribute. The concert wan Tido succeed . The at tendsnrr was large Thr •flair was spit ndidlt managed. tt a regret that the length cf our report of (Ito conserva- tive denu'n•trati..n hs. erow.Ied out a fuller reference to the "Harvest Hume.' Sl:nieN Dr.ATH. - Mr John 'Macon. one of our most popular citizens, die 1 suddenly from apoplexy on Wednesday e . afternoon. aged b2 mean The deceased served 24 years in the ring's Royal Rifler. and was in fictive service in the C..p.. India and China. He hore three war medals, and also a medal for good conduct, and at the time of his die - charge was quartermaster -sergeant of his regiment. ile came to liodench thirteen years ago, and was empl..yed in venom reeponailde rapaeities. He was a rood citizen, and made many (mod*. He was perhaps the most active and woeful layman in with St 1)e•onte sharrh, and his place vie be bard to fin. Ile was a har.lhcr to Mrs. H. O•a ke. whose bookstore Ire managed rat time. .i ITose Camara cif the t' .r+.ora�on of tbe Coln- ty- of Norma, will. meet in ttar Town MCI. In the V Thaler of Beinvels, no. tt nratiay. the. -t'irat-day'of t>vcr+abar. next. at o'clock pita. PBTtitt A11.1 11S Nov. 13th, Iasi. 211;1.2! l :eek. 3saictlt. ! Legal Sales. 1e L WIVE, M 1►, (' M., NEM. A I'CTi•IN SALE OF VALUABLE v BEM sf the Collette1'h rtte of y.Irian* anti FA 1: 5i PROPERTY. 4urgeo41. .de,. 1'w r'+:Tian. Surgeon. and 2074 Acre nchet. Me.. 1'o-:.%lbert. , AK. T•L CASE, M.U., C.M., • Oat. 1"h.►trian, Surgeon. Accoucheur, IV. Ogler . that formai •*•cuplal ilu*rM4* •1uo U11hael•r.un. N1444. untie Msr- tlb's hotel. 101- T 1'. . f. I.,E tN. P N' ,ICIAN, 1 1 UFO.'. Cerooer 41*- Oacr and rc.ik iter Driver dr. (wauaiderr west of t ioeeria Strut 1TS1. I%Ks. s$_ NNOON& HAMILTON {`n).i •,aaa. Stsrt;e urs+'. Aerow:ba s, go Dara at 1)r. She nub's resldaoue. syttr the gaol Sadenckt U. '. Satan nose J. C. MAIM. L Tux 1:5I. 1 1) C. BAYS, SO CtrOlt, -kr. t. ORk•e, earner of se 0144 t% ret .. r.M, (in-b•rio:h. Durr !el ual.e. Peri ' vase Fund. to lend at 0 PereMt. A60- 1 Rd ! `tEA(iER A LEWIS, BARRISTERS, 1....7 Code: ieb- 1'. S8.wr)( u, J. J. A. oorrna 1. N. Lawn Imo• 1 ('ARR(1W k PROUDFIOOT, BAR r ItIsTEH.3 Attorneys. Salsoitan. qe Oodertch. J. T. (Jarrow, W. Peewdfe's. 17>! Under and by virtue of a power of eVe .,meta to a ettlaln mortgage, paten Mt i n day of th•tclwr, .til., Ira!, which will be pro- duced rodu.•ed at the time of stip. and mad. by ouc Jove Pick t.. the Vendor, there• will be sold by Public Auction, 0*'I'HCIRSDAY, 17.e `e(void !).sy .. IAretaler'r, _1.1► IRRri, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at Tippet's Hotel. 1n the Township_el Stanley. in the ('ounty' of (lune., Or It.t-t.ryt 11AHRh.08. 1 Auctioneer. the fuliewtet valtsoble farm pro- i pert), tamely : - All and :wig:Our flat certain . or trset erf tan.{ and prrhiars situ&te. j$yt a 1 brio.• In *fir Township of St.tnley. ! in int (a. tot) of Ilutwo, and befog composed j id the• est half .d int Number Sia. in the (tat th 1.1 Roan. 5..nb l'ne,•ewi,•n. in the laid Towurdup of Stanley, . not atntug by &dweAft- .Iremle•nt ninety. iiia acres of laud. be tht manic 111011• or Iran The above pore. t) is writ s . , . . a t) st-clan. farm in every rr.paw•t. There'.' a good two storey lint•k dw on the premiere, oleo a haw, ham• tarn and ailed. Tbt•rr 14 also a good bearing or.hanl and a good Tenter hush wt the premises. The'r.• will be et•ld with the rbo.c property 19 acres of fall wheat. TERMS : - Ten per cent. down at the time of wile, and the balance in one month. Fur further partic•tllars apply to ('1xrenr. Ifot.T t l'.rttvttos. Barristers, Guderi,h, Jail] Nowa%, liay)llrld, or to the Auctioneer. Bate!:•tte Nov. other. A.D. I**44. ('\MFt'env , HOLT .F C.t3IERON. W M. H.t it It 'SON. t'etidvi,. ienet:ur Hayti, ! I. A p. t loncer. :tilt -3t IC THE 11IGH COURT OF JI -S. rlr CD (1) c (D d, 11 slrllll ami FIIv t TAILORING ! Gouts' Furnishings. 1 ant u0w prepared to ohne ... ••n.; 1. 10 S.....1'1.11,A1 of FALL GOODS OV1.1a'e1.{TI\his in all the New Shades amt no lea. tt. ca.dts•s *windy of 1:14(1184*, latah and A Wcb S*IUu,•a. .11n imutt11111e 1114elek of New and Stylish l'a..adian Tweeels. CHEAP ! CHEAP ! I CHEAP I I I tel:,• oemlrer. all bloods houghs by the pant cut free of cbar.:e. B. Mac Cif ormac. •_Redsrke, Wept. sn h, Ma. _ Mei I REMOVED TO ;r: .:i"t .,.. '.! .'1 A. 1 1..n.• •,••-nn•1 .••'ern-'•• pr..n Cot 7,3'!3 F3 LOC'_[, t a -u now auu,.rd to VI uperty .,.play nay lama• a.wk of s.. '.1..411. 01 UJTWE! -*1 , 11 tt --- • Bedroom and Parlor Sets, DIf4INGROOM ANO KITCHEN FURNITURE, In *yet,: inp t.. [!,••,loot r, 11.41%, Isi,1 in a IAN,' a,•ortwent of Toys and Fancy Goods for the Holiday Trade. A di.eonnwill ler, allowed to parties getting up t'bristnW Walla ttf> .:ill t the acro stated et Crahb's Sloe':. aa trifle are. G. C. 11013E!ITSO11. • Tot... !`tA)tEBU:Y, I JLT s CAMERON, I)l'1.H'11N CATTLE. Ft)It SALE- j l� ut•._rvs acXrH pntAlov. Blvristees. Nellltttees q«sl Grade.. are offered icor wale. 1 '..k serer rr�tw.wne_ A few ('sew• and Heifers, also ,lira CS • P Nath eaeca.ro. a. _� • iai-4TEI101'. r'. DirE FIL moderste Time siren if rwt4 owl V WASHINGTON. Sat *. Con, 2. Nest W - -- ---- -- Pnrenon' to the ju.lirmrnt and nr ler for sale %,,Safi. A Oases P.U. 11071-4t.1 said fearing data respect anb 3nsu*once. [Telt'p the 1rd day of Man -h and the 1.1h day made in this cause. �/lAl.l? TEACHER ��.�_ , of October. IP4, there will be snit, with the i WANTED, lamentation of STarttr_s JArtrx JUNE.. F• -•q.. holding 'wound or third claaseertMayte, , 1J71 t E AND A HALF PIER CENT'. l Mastrrof thinCo. rt at lirrntford, to MRJon' t'rst Saar- a [ 'lrsi Asp tatwsast. Private K!iux..\grLtx.rrr. at *hot ogrt Houerr. in tbe b teach rh .ars h.*d section 11i n, I. rteeh. Adder -as JOHN HO1111t3UN. Sec.- rued u um! Tema. S. hoard. Dungannon P.O. 1071 -it I num. EA [)ROFESSOR Ck4RKE WILL GIVE E AVE P R 1 V A T E TMST the (allowing lttids stat ' 1 Mpre-mines. namely : era of II A y p y MUNICIPAL TAXES. 7 met Sum- Write or tali fur 4,trticnlan in the Const) of Ronna, containing •9 1 11�Tj1t AGER & Litwin, Uuderieb. perces. he the name more urs lea*. anti 44*71 The Tam:* of the Town of (iod.'rIch are p.) - yy,, more particularly d. s •ribe41 hy metes and able at my oaee, Town Hall. 3 per cent. di.- ��,t TO �l7A3. APPLY TO bowels Io'tlir deed thereof to defendant, copurnt alluw,•d an W tax••+ ,'a" I .n $eptrn.b rr. CAM OM iiIttOi LT t CAMIiI:ON, Godo n ttt.1 ry Itt;esrie, whit h said Aced is mete- AN. • December. 5 gni, will 4.1 added. tt h its: day 1 47_ 1:'� .- leered Dry.as Literr'_'**7. for the said Township of Pay your taxes this month and save 1 her i L At - R li E i Tb! p•,•panl will he sold anblert to a re- cesL I served b 1. he fixed the Mader. J 1X11$ 611RO0N. l'o:lector. Goderich. gept. •3+f, 1t+i. 14151.1 w rate of Siker cent. per an- .Town of (twiref. b, at the :*our o' t wo u *cock, ft t LKV11.., Qodertch. 100! !in the ahem-ion.on SATs ItUAI'. 7%' 4th 1 by nf" Vonore/ inst.nit, .0 4 wroa In the Term, for . (` YEN N - to lend on Morq age at the low 1 That pan of feat N umber Twenty-four. in FIN AND A ll.t Lf' I'klt C1:1T. ' the North tiomldar of the TownEt.i , of May. ONlil' 1'O IPA amount of Private %slowest rates on Aril< toDARROW Sr. Ytt0CDIY Ids for nscsttm-nt i. to w hy t ai There lea ,toot! frame Rote' oft the Premises. ottgaifes- A94113 also a burn an.l stable in a gond state of re- pair. jlf l•$IC =MISS CO OKE. ATTER 14 Tt eclat. 1TRADCLIFF� Ten per cr.,t. of tile punehaae money lobe years study of music. is pr.•ywred to *,, pa.d u, the Ih.,iettif'1 Soli -Iter. mit tune of receive pup�t air the Plano. 24 lessens* • ale., and lb.. 1x1180,,• into court withinDday. quarterly. Tells: --1a per quarter .AIL GENERAL INSURANCE., front date of tale. SIP tItTiAAAAliik-ISAAC PIT -MA ER ItlsAb B$TAT�.tt.•' PHl►N(NiKtPHI" Themostpopwlaraya- MONEY i.('.tNiN0 AGENT.. M k safest THE pp 0.odrrien, ern H Mo K. Nitron. Q ('.. knnt- fruA.urea IIsMp W:Ik.s t Juue*, \"rn.lots tmlv.t,.-b ailJ�.u.•t, gad�f 1.!1M nit y4 s n prw+,a•s`iun u(Il.r `rnurY, w f hi• drwt4ij tem taught. Inetrutlion hooka for sae (May Fir.ef-efn... t'.•mposi„ Represtsf d rnr other •erre' $:.l eond'tho*s of este. aid all twrtictlaa'-. ap ly I,I *hr Auetionwr. at $.ioAl. hare.krury bo) wet .t1 should a r Money to Lend on .trsight horns. wt the 1 rare shorthand. IONI.. r..-.. ..f ;nr.•rett in ans. war b y suit the narrower. - --- - l swot-v[/'E--Second door from Square. J(tNl.~a, )ROPSRTY FOR SALP. -- THAT 14F For Sale or to Let. 1.t Street, Uoderit•h. .v'Slf @@. 6 ER •7� 00O 1 LST. 1t'e• threes-.trey t,rirl' building at present ; THE TORONTO liENla'AI, TI:1-STS CITY Han nt t'ummerrr, tt'ui. 1 ttbtT, Itra .ord. Out. binder at Nran! ford. Nov swab T() Lt)AaT .tT Y or. trpa, 111113-3t•�t Tvded at Brantford. the Ikh dry of ,. rnpted by the are.prepared to loan money at s per .•ent.. pay -1 Kay. mercban., who is retiring from busineaa, .bb• halt) earl), on the Collector of 4'untonl,. and It. Rathlift-, iruntranc.' agent. Apply to 31. C. ('SME-- TERMS TO SUIT holt^OKERS, ItON. 2073 t on 9I'3l- buts farm security. r 1W(► FiRST-CLASS FAItMS FOlt' Applt to I. ate. One In the township of Aihlteld, l'A)IERON. 1IOLT & ('AMEiRON, containing 110 acs : and one in Kant Wawa- ltatrintcrs, Ilalerleb. me nosh, containing RM) sere... For particulars' Agent for the Toronto General Trust. Co'y. artily to Cameron. Holt it (',moron, °044'- Me -sura. ('Aak(w,x, H.q•T It ('AY1R0V hare 14011, 907* also a ui�rrg�ee am0nnt of private fonds to los t g�t. iw farm .01444117:-�..,--.TltMf AIM To Ler- ?Mt A TEItM s years, bon 5* Ace, In the Maitland con• , �s ovation. of the Township of (in,erich, apply l $ .000 PRIVATE FL ND.K by leder to J 4. 1.1ZARS. Stratford. 1960 t V' 1 To lend on farm and town rro1crtt, at Mw est intrust- Mortgsgr. purchased. No com- mission Nutted agents for the• Trust and Loan Company of taped4. the Canada landed Credit Company. the London Loan Company of !',nada. inter. -.t. 0. ei and 7 per rent. N. it. nommen. can obtain mosey in one day, if title sat tabu -tory. i'tltM TOWN ANDViLI.AGF. ( I'KOrIKTY r0R $AI.E. The I::ersiers and Trustee. of the karate of the late J0'10'11 IIF:It It, offer for sale the following valuable Property, namely : Minding Tots numht•r. 131 and til. in oke DAVISON t JOHNSTON. Town of LoAerirh of an acre rash. Fairly 1p, 0• Hammier.. als..Oollerleh fenced, and ter, dyUrsltic for building Nur- .- ____ .- __ _ $20.000 PRIVATE FUN DS TO LEND 07 ( f arm Lot (mmHg f L t in theTownshipt. on Tarn, and Town Property at !Sweet In a d l'oneei Oona tart o/ toot 3 in the Main tensed. MorIgngcs pur•hraed. no I'omo.(wion land ('un•emm.' a l Send Ton1,1,' up. Niro charged.d'on%eyaneing Yees r.slr.nahle, Fran... unit .e and lei-ann. .11.t Stwbl'•..I.1 iwat n'tmMr ;t, S.'uth ,tela• of >tillsr str.4•1, N. M Yorrowrn rag obtain rash's) in canedy Itembitler. l of an erre. smrgl frame dwelling, if title 7. mitiatactor, --17.4. V I1405 1 !UHF• 1 -Wilding born numbers NO and 101, an the t�N Itarristen, ke,. (t.wterich. 111 Town of oily.. i of an acre each. Hewitt. I _.._- _Y. fully aitnated on South side of Huron street I Fairly fenced. Amusements. The Kant { of 1.0tnCon. 1 i, West \Caw*- meth. Intl sorra, goad land. 1*0 acres clewed r - --- =�•'. and (.•need, remainder timbered. Mann 1 �11I1RRir'H Mi4CHAN1('Sr TIENTi- mntrtfrr,t l.n*.I..wand r;roti•,Iran'tying- rT1'TF.1.1HIt lIt Y ANIDRF..tD1NO heli. 4.144 rnw.l.. 1trM*M. car. of Lan street and Square Inp Yoe farther p.rtn nhrv, apply to Stain E. l' \ M I'II IN Barri tier. Uodrrtcl'. Open from 1 toll p.m.. and from 7 to 10 p.m. No.. I. If•lii. 10721( AR1)):T 2000 VIOLS iN i.iBItAltY'I •- -- Loading I►ailp}t, Wcr41y asd Illwafrated P.sprrt, ,Ila;0:iwea, Ar., ow File. Hy MEM HKRTICKET. ONLY $I M, granting frete use sae of Library and }trading Roan'. Application fnr month.7sh1p received by Lllrrwrlan. 111 rooms. ted J. IL l'(N.HoR\ 140( ALEX. MORTON. President. 18.1417. II. March 12147. I11R,. 1 100 Tons Timothy ; 100 Tons Mixed Timothy Clover, if good. intik to CHAS. BATES, &Ctioneering. • or jOHN KNOX (GENERAL A(C- t T1011(R tR anti Uteri 'est osier. (lode rich. Ont. Having had enwodAerahle rapertrore le the Isom trate. he 15 In a petition to &.char%• with therms .% aatld5M*ne all COM mI.al0ns entreated to him Order's len at 1"1"6""'" alN1.a. 41.4.."4"Mar/IA's Hotel. 1w malt by mall to my add err�a� lirderle% P. O ..ears[ I1y attwded to. JORTt • Nev. !1144, rsea 1075 11 KNOX ('runty Anet tsaae•. tar -11 Legal Notices. ADl1IT$1STRATORS' NOTICE TO C'RKDITURS. 1. pursuance M Seetina M of Chapter 1177 of die Revised Statutes of Ontario and amend- ments thereto. nosier Is hereby given that all creditors and others having Maims against the estate of Tuor*a RHRarr, late Of the Tow nshipof Asbfielel. inlheCounty of Huron. Yeoman. den -eased. who died on or about the qts► impar September A 11 ora; are required to weed by poet, prepaid. or to deliver to Mears ('A1lateon, flour S C.$Eaov. et the Town of OoderieF. in the County of Huron. Solicitors fou the Administrators of all and singular the reel and personal estate and ef- fect*. right, and credits of the said Promo. Ratonr. deceased. on or before Th. First IMS of January, A.D. 1RR7, • statement of their name. and middlemen Sad the 47111 particular,. of their claims. and of the a.•curitie. Itf anyi held by them. and that after the said date the amid adminiatraton wlll pro- ceed M distrihnte the ,,Sets of the acid de - tweed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which then have then Wader, and the administrator* w Ili not to liable for the e*ht assets or any part thereof 10 any person or penmen of whops claim• ,,Mice shall not hare lien received by them wt the time of RUC diotribut ion. Dated at Gielei hit thin 9:h day of Novem- ber. ova. CAMF.nos . iU)t.T k ('AMI:RON, I •*tenor, for the .tdnunietralorw of the rani Twos AA Bi*touT. 2.473 Travelling Lbuibe. VERY LATEST STYLES A • , sV I'• CRABB'S BLOCK .,,,.arnere 2;,. t,} L 3 cr (./ a) c moo D, ST(_.7E i rest 1'" 0✓u. Fe tNpl awl 5.-' nalin Some t IL IA Nrtwt agile et ilii to be w{ that h and wl ble da est pea come up dui sib cr nJC1,lI num %Lite n. 01111 has 1,e. mlu '• fu Prue% for a r record ministi Rights, verdict tion, el Mosta 'Tonaih Ings, 1 West II Mons as yoor el having, poetti01 three 1' "iM, all M ti a 1 Gads A mu est I Wwho i/ Hon. 1 s a Nle no 47111 I •t when 1 vincial run aft a .e1/ satica edifier' chosen rnewil,e hy cert dolagal went o Dem h [Vest 1 semi F. JORDAN, Keep. rw'tiaotl)- .m :.and a Seer t Mabe,). till, as` Godo the Stec: of Druz.. Medieinas, Chemicals. Sponges, It: studio, Perfumery kc.. k. Toilet a,1 ,'lie to great variety. Physician. Ileeerlpiona'a td(t•eielty. BOOTS_ Our Stock is Now Com- plete in Every Respect. THE COMING HEAT C+UR.NEY'S Hot Water Heater RADIATOR. MINDY RADIATOR. SAUPWERS air SON, Sole Agent*_ tlpec idcat ions fur at, star job g• t en on apo �liraliun. K1! irfai 1:0l: rrtarinIee.t. First-C1asE Stoles & Ranges 31.1 a fun line of 'TINWARE. The Cheapest now* UNDER THE SUN 1\'e*t•st., next dower to the lest !!dice, 'Ttderr-Ii. Oct 7th- 1904. • Co FALL AND .1n d Our Prices Suit the P, -r1 h,el►- gree SHOES_ WINTER MILLINERY. MRS. C. H. CIRVIN 1111.11 Ila SMSL.00 that her S:nrk of Fall And Winter Milllnrry is now camplia , Sad ...marital *he (.RAND TRCM= KANT. FeIOa, Etat.. Mixed. HATS, RQotiertrh i 1. j f0 a n. I It:1S p.m ,, es.,n.ONNETS glta*font . Ar. I tlapa.m . 3:Idp.m ; 20!pm.WSW. rpLp Nisa.M Id5pm af5ym GeieeNh 1 Am.1 MA 6.0 I $10 9.4". 4:444 p.m S ANCHOR LINE U. S. MAIL STEAMERS RAUL es mar ASTIRIMT FROM taw Tana TO GUSGOW AND LONDONDERRY. kat., of 1laawgr to 0r from N tical Glenne, Lewelirel, L•rbaMny er 11.110.1, t' A R I N 1, fla*f nd *at tbu roe n ('Lafia. Oak ftt,er.i[rnwl ward or prepaid, eve Medan. Line [rafts, !,rend at lnw..l Ra.ea are paid tree of eharge in i:ngland. Heol las l and to land. roc Honks of Town. Ticket*, or weer Infse. mall... apply to H2'IIRIt1 )N 1�IPr1iiTTRRtt, 5.w 1nrk. ars A. i 1C' K1ON. prat race, (io4..rirh Usaerich. Mot. 17. 11111 !Mt 1m A Large and Varied 'limit of PLUSH TRIMMINC+B, All Shades sad Patterr... &c Feailie, Flo*ers, Oruamouts RuI1ofls' 1 , ics in Liege Variety. Always ea band a Targe and Well A...Ted Stock M SiIPLB LID MAOI DRY ( A CAi.1. 19 RESPECTFULLY SOLlcrT'w, 11IReteember the Place, 1111111.01101 stere,, Tws Dean lbtsw• rte Colborne Rstet, 0&,,1C44