HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-26, Page 7T I l E H1; BON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. xG,18S6. 111.11c1DGorl wlllt7arLoma 1.4w4ow (b•. oN N. En.. The sudden and terrible +1.114 .4 Lead Dal Muth creased a gnat esnarjas is N, "deed sad seteng the Inside eland atlltllslse. tamale aid retainer* ret the hangs et litsseleadThe amass et the heir of the halm of Wase minder ht 1114, wan neither .o tsesp.cted Dar w greenfly depd(rv.l, he Lord *;rata senor was a dissipated rung man, who bate likely to r.4kct n, credit un hi• under and *An really kilk.i himself with drink. Hut l)alketlh acs a very d.'orut fellow, Iran all a.axsinla, and wreak] liare merle, no doubt, a very tolerable heal for the nowt expensive aristanrgtis r tabliakalent in Europe It i. rad that a1 other Deny ret the e.wW, for that nuttier..ye.de as tniteY intoes annually sada the bumisuema The fluke Lae 10 great hall conks, .r hunting k.l ata tared through England aaai Scotland, besides Montagu Hone. in Whitehall here in town. A11 them plane aro kept up the w Ii.4r year roundround with full ..teer.1.erraao. I,oarw kr., with , suppin+l, furniture uncuered, fire Wrung -in r•adu,e.s for occupancy at a esw•aasa•TO thin rule a,elrrpI eI is alio. .1, .w artier how far away the !Luke n sy 1rr► He kern an uio.m.e .4 about $1.200.4416 a year up.,. attic,. to e6, thus, awl a cant so practically .paid it a1L The tam estates naw only to art fowl the ui. .Py Monmouth. who, as all known, wog the Int !take til Wiccletich. Be Pun w..I the (wires. .4 the Heol a, and .1.e Iipe jh.t 1 much wealth mid lead, only a 'onion d winch was Ion in the wtempe.,t attainder. slut hugraahun, the mead duke, married the Winos .4 the tl.reMM -rt.. !let their MMI in turn weld«d the heir.-.. ..f *Lr. greater Mordsgur Thu. the LI.a.l .•f throe fu.auu. ducal leaven .4 .Ade., i:u, L.t..l, a. well a. the royal Lod ,t..4t nn in the ..-O,. .4 the I.and.nue r,.uiy( I.-ar wl,.. •hot 'outwit k• dsatb the ether day. Storishowanoniese Lands. $*melon. wiar►.►Ie ►tech. 1 bat In hear l ulrlieu Sat sol *alar. Travellers have told gaiety "Mange stones about new c.wntriee they have % ootel. A great meaty w. udertu yaru. hes... haat •Luta by satl.rts and trader. seat are efteu lea 1Kuu11N.t to tell the i truth about what they raw et en it (Ley can resist the teaptw..n t,. tall a a•••d Nary at the espouse of accuracy. Here Is a str.ku.g instance of the d.Urret.ers that may occur ii. the ace.•uut. Marro Ly *D Igu..raut and 11. u.t,l;t. out Pani .•f the muse Clung .'apt. 14ucaster, maty years alt, , t .Id of a w.,uderlul plant lie teo.nd u1t tl.e sea seeds sit au .*deed u, the E.st 'utiles . Ile' /. Mod be lotted the ILI tea warred a tlh seal. (wilts emuiug up like )ow. tree*. N lieu la triad t.. Lull thae up he was astonished to find that they e111.ak down to the vreuud and urn shrsi.l out of sight mains be held '•u very Lard. It. the moires of time Mr Dowse examined the w.r.detful products et nature shica Capt. Lancaster had do neer!. Ile fuut.d that the supposed plant did not beluug tc the v'rwruh'e kii.gdom, but was a species of the amnesia ki..'wn as zoophytes or seapeus. "At low water,' he *tete, "hundreds ..f three zoie,hytee *night be seen projecting like stubble. drew theiesa VUS with fu N hi a hushed ur pulled they suddenly with fondle IM (tense Starer People in terwnt. nearly sir q,,..4 . r ,. r ,• - Frew the Nese Fork Tribune. One .'f *1a. 1 'eat stores that ever Chatting aleont country . ' Mr gained wide circulation was that about the twine -eating trees of the Leuutade Heath said: "it a a.t.mi.h,..g how nuns arehipelagu. The.tory fru?. that during ler..en■ them err throughout t the New lire u►gbt the braoebea of these trees lout who. are taking Area in the nr.arkets in New to the ground, and that the leatks, like York. Por m.tanan+, 1 have Ir. -n spending a tbue of the fly.oatchtnq plants, ck.ed l..m$h u. Rutland, V'.n.nwd. 11'. a place o4 ab.,ut all bits of bone or dash that they 16,000 inhabitants. It baa twee wealth. 1 be happened to touch. Before morning all bras, than any other place . ( its War .n ow traced of the litotes and meat entirely dis in the t. TD.r. aro nit .r .-tght miUewu.rrI ■1'le-aled, the trees ha%nig cowplete;y to the town, who 17.511 their grey mostly in assimilated then'. The natives worship - the great marhll quern-.. There are a seem ped them u deities, and placed offerieg• of 11«71 earth Leif a main* lark ani th. man ,•f bons and .lean near them to appetae worti a ..,oras e s wilbww, are aa thtrk a` their a its. This story wail doubt- k.ar•. m c. 0(f. Yerwwt is a ,paid and ,.tura pp1 old stall_ Yet I have known .4 n,h nen .4 lees derived from the fact that many of Rutiasw1 ilr"11"ut "AuO n1 1 .•n14 11,1 .n the Pacific islanders place thousands 01 Wall ,treat althorn ......n •. mon h as a whom bones to the crotches of trees, and iu the p,. what wreath. you think .4 a t,wt-n .4 bbo of ¢Ivwtb many of thew become that 'Ore and in that atneeithere of morality wand, tike the hursesI.n. / a pw,krr gone played awe -Imbedded ib�_,._,. . . 1 wbwch MMI.• man canoe the few r sit P1100! which has keg been on exhibition 70 A . You. du.notseta.auy_Atnch gams. aatbatiat_ Nassau atZs ltinduw. the city .4 Nell -York. Thiry hate prohibition The imagitative elrmeot is largely up she,. ..Lich makes ar.ry drug 4,....„, w Immo es4•.n. if a man is arrested for drunk developed In most savages, and they are .nares and te fined and ordered to t1he work- always happy to entertain thetr white Iesw, he can mate by dier1winy; the name vieitaors with wonderful stones, Dime of of the ie1 'n wh' •old 10(17 71',"1"1',",'r• iA.- which are afterward repeated in civtliz- e osure ns fodluwed by hung Iglu .Alar. Tao• ed lands 1a solemn ruts. There are aro an in th. h.&.4 ..hat i. knouts as a state'. .tax- many .atlurs who Lake'. 'otitis day that my. When 1e walks into a drug N.M. there is a tribe In Ceetral New Guinea .ad asks for r-,0 to f100 Ire R,•ta it every which iii ad, reed with tails. Some cf tune. The drugged know. that n is chem e•r the Pallas of the southeast wrist are aha° to wind A rd au of mo a when ` Th,„ willing to swear by all their Keds that . s ease .w rearm Iia V& ne.nt where..(.. o, had Mold liquor for a Mont number ofyen to they have seeo men fram the interior ,f a man who Anally got natal .t her. He kept a whose anatoiny tails area natural and doily sword d the drinks she had Mata him highly ornamental feature. The milers sales • drank w. new offence. He went into think they ought to know. Jack Tar the court and disclosed r they call it, and hassle, circulated that other interesting .woe* to all thenal..... hu She was.entenred for teems til yarn horn New Guinea to the effect that which, in theamounted to ninety Dome of Ili. natter" bore holes through nine rs. y1.1a57.11:11".`" tardooed die' their left Lauds to bre arrows through «h,e had served.. me tine." them. keenness heed Keough Per rs. "Carp- ter. (Vreeland Linder. The day for cheap Mopping ,n Europe for .Americans is fait setting. Nearly everything .old here can he taught for about the sus. n the .anted States, and New York city, eith the esoeptem of a very few articles, such as cloths muse. plectron .ells ae cheap as Paris or London. 1 think the American goads ae a rule are fully ao gon1, and except .n the came of articles upon abr.). a very high .duty ia charged, they give more be the money. Cloth.. for men are cheaper id Loudon than ,n New YC k. but the Lambe'. father cannot wmpare with his American brother. He giro yang g.e.1 .tuff and • .moderately roar. Rt, bust his colt lack. the nnisb cad the styled the taalor ole Semebtay had toed The mend America seethe twat droned Mel. If the 'sixty n the world, and (ear American /isle kn.,n utter how to wear Gorr cloths than any ..thee women in the world. A walk in the aft. Moon in the shopping iarte of New Yoek will slave yen icore dr;tautlydrae•ed moon••,- Than a whole Sunday ,n the (lump" Ely... .,r Hyde Park, and snare of one servant g,rl- ..n throe dollars a weak end a better Haute on `tundays than their Korh.h and german • .ter. who dame of hushes well to-do in the. ..call. Newspaper editors u well as state. - men sometimes snake curious blunders on soeouut of their limited acquaintance with out-of-the-way parts of the world. A while man some Englishmen were in .one of the New Hebrides Islands. An Austrahatl , in a burst of in• dlgnatloo, advised that a gunboat lying in the harbor be sent tc draw a cordon around the island, drive all the natitea into the interior, and there exterminate them. The *untwist force available for this purpose wu sixty men. The island happens to be fcrty miles long and ten miles wide. A mountain range abcut 4,000 feet high runs through it, and it bas a tiuhting force of at least 1,000 men. form the propeed cotdun they would probably have made a bad mess of it. Mr Romally says that a few years ago a traveller who, was addressing an audience in England which included many scientific men .olemny steered them the natives of New Britain mend- ed broken legs by Insetting a piece of t.ertotse shell into the trere. The shell was ue.tly fitted into a grax.ve that was A sekeel user Mb. Wa.%early NaltgMA• cut in the bene, and the ends of the In the autobiography of the late S. !psis' n" bnlsen bode were in this manner kept :'mane, now being published in the New Yori. toeether. His hearers never thought of Observer, the writer tells of a scholar..... questioning his veracity when he went to shool to him in Sing Sing. and w.'- surp•nad them further by asserting that . ather Nein.) at first eta be blundered ov. r h.- the science of des,tutty was far , .t 1! Ca the day Mr. Pi doe sated the strati" advanced in New Britain. He said the ' t y in the middle d t!.(e nems a•. pare..i natives made beautiful teeth of mc thee of pp�1g���. The 11.11 rope hying jn.t tl'rn.t l th!. • Irl. wbseh they attached to Ibe ]a'r bj leashes in fan dripped • d lh fine threads of 'linnet. Luer visitor to New Britain have failed to fir.d any evidence of these a-compliahments. Load There h.prend to bream. bort in ale' hall shodt who milled the new, and tin, little I.11ow *1 ..a'e went toward the oiling. Th. teacher grabbed the rape and rolled, which male the Lny• mill all the hander, and the .tnld was in danger .4 Icing hang.d then and there. But Mr t'rin'e attt,re•l"d m *•Pulse ing hill, nays the Mcrae dor the hanging. enol . ftarwards write : "He want .m with In. . tertian, became a capital speaker at public meetings, studied law, beranti• recorder .4 the . ,ty d New York, and .nlecip..ntly governor .4 the state of New 1-ork, nay lite -foe* friend. .lobe T. 11,e[man." Lf arty'. Toni. tier, eke '.rte 1'nrk lien. Th. torch at the statue .4 i.ilerty ail" cam tun Eve electric lamp. 44 11000 candle power. the light d whw'h w il11., rren'trn beavanwar.l It r believed that the light will .oillntninate immune rkrtdt that they will he visible at r .Instance .4 1410 miles. You electric light. .4 •:,000 candle lower each will he p aced at the lord ret the .tate.., Noma t.. illuminate It. The Market n11 t l tam 1' let fps, o n the effect will ff contain lewela Two tiled. with • Nnal1 TaewgM- p ..' T!d Pit. Brattier- %tint .o. you Handl of MO marry lug pretty Mie Peach) ' lush! Brother+Yea, thea'. just t. bat she said. A 11and1, Mr- floy-'Basis, lin !on wantrrr hire • boy' Yousg Dater What ran yon ci : Reed write. entire! Har.. rec.watnead aline 1rn0/1 rime Inst eiripoor«! "Nn, Sir'( bill .. et I'm a doodle' 1i, owl 1 koro. every bill rollerlr nn the .sty. "Gonne arrow' to neon..* neo -mpg at 6." Natinssal 1111s err unsurpassed es a tale, mild, rt tbwneugh, plr1Stite, actin[ epnn the biliary organs hints'," and ef- fectually. 1 11 Cheep** and beef antelopes ever sold Onlesicb, at the *setas ease. • t PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER Is MCCOVVt'DLD IIT PAu•i• i rr1s, },'i„ia►., t, Misetinenries, ►fon,Wevee/ !...to won. N--er.-u*ops, J'Ltnldion., 1'r►ara iv Il..apUu11, ort, rre.tyl.al q everywhere KJ/ -J his tsar puce, tt triuL TAKES INTERNALLY MINED M IT1t M"INK .•LA.,, or POT MILK' AND 114.A&. 1? wILI. aL e0.1.111.. a amiss r1aM.N A crag TO; SUDDEN COLDS., CHILI*•, Cl)N- IiESTI(bN OR STOPPAGE OF l'llt('CLATI•)N, CRAMPS, PAINS IN TIIE WFOMACR, t;L MEII AND RIMEL CODMI'LAINTS, Bolt THROAT .&c. AYPLILD EITEKUALLI, EIPRR(-NCI KA" 1M,T5N IT TPN weer ser*r-rtrs Aw t. ntaT 1.1<IMRIIT ON &ARTY IN KLMOYINJ TML PAIN "RISING t1OM SPRAINS. i tuisy'.S, RilF:T-MA- T1S:4. NE1.11ll.GIA, SWELLED F.' CF., TOOTHACHE, 81'1:Ns, FROST BITES, AC. , ileo -:Kees. ler Bottle. Sir Beware of Imitati n& "In CAMPBELL'S. CATHARTIC COMPOUND is effective in !mall dor.', acus without griping, dors not nc- ('a.I:,n n:i,lse-:t, and trill not crate irn- tation and dip -soon L( do many of the aa..tal cathartics ad- ministered :n the form of Pills. Ac. Ladies and Chil- dren having the most sensitive aur- taacbnt take this medicine without trw- bie or complaint. CA MnISLL's ('ATnARTIC CnMPOTeo is especially adapted for the cure of LITSR CurreattT6 AND BIuors ORnaR.. Foa A. to erne vett Ax: loos, or Ar - r77175. Fos SICK HEAD.r'n* Ain Desearat.t. Fon CO.STIPATI($ OR C(5ITI tato. YIl1t ALL ColinIAtXT* *Riau.' rat* A DISORDER/in 1TAT5; OF Tlla 1lt0- MA('H. This medicine being in liquid farm, the dove tan Ise easily regulate.. to skeet the requirements of different per - RIMS. thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little child a* to the adult. Put rep in three .matte bottles, and wed by al: dealers to family medicines. !'rr,-c 1:r!nl. _.i Cents. Betides the travellers who wilfuly or ignorantly distort facts there are not a t few who could journey emend the world without being able t.. tell much worth 1 hewing of their travels. A while alto a man who hsd travelled s good deal in the Western Pacific was asked to describe the Salomon .,glands. All he could say I was that the water there was very blue, that the bathing was excellent, and that ho saw many lovely sits for villa resi- dences. It wu learned that he had lone been • real estate agent in Melbourne. Mr. Goodman, aged 71, and Mrs ire - lend, aged fill, of Farmington, in., had to anon away from their children in order to get manied- A half dozen rich young men in New York hare handed together not 1'ear oovereat* this winter, providing pe for breaking their vows. A 11,7 O► Coln COMPORT.- A me.lieal journal says "the appliestion of a bit of we to the lobe of the ear will atop hiccoughing.' All a man who is to bie000ghing hu to do then is to carry a bit of ice aneund in his vest preket and he cancers himself instant- ly. New Yerk Graphic. MUSIC JUST CA.LL 1.14T AT THXI MUSIC ..ED YORIUM, WEST STREE It ds akar* )uu ono buy the V dltY BEST ORGANS AND PIANOS Ihal err ....de, tar ('ash or on easy i..lalmea plan. Why bay instruments from thus alto know uotb.iy of anon', when )uu use net thant tented by the beet minor Mall w the world. na yell and bear and nee for yetuaelf.t* "it_ 4 iratvw the rebelled . cared teat do ot'dra.dws ▪ .nmdawc ,pol •aloe, a .seedy eke et tfl.eilef rrs, and Walby ..� d die Vert WPawnee reedit Al fourw its or in brew 1 %ddra E.1anwiss .rime from Lova of decd, Acute et pima Diwarn, sad is the evoke= that bwariaMy acoamperlie, the vwoo fy 601111Wasti.g rerwL No remedy wilt set we a.s speedy relief in Dllsiyed food. L..s Apprt°! 1=fer S pendency, sad le all ca-. mare efe a„ an serecrrvs and aureate reit sweetAIIT Ie ` w ELIXIR ell be �` the Soundi .At.• . 1 Eight Pieces of Music for 26 Cents. and Organs Tunes.. PROF. CLARKE, God, r.. h, Sept. 234..1, I>/11:. t.a- Ikuprietor. New DRESS GOODS • OPENED TO -DAY A'^ J. C. DETLOR & Co's Uoderuh. Aux. - 141, 117th C. L. 7 McINTOSH, Neal du.n • I1I,)WI.' :WOO Mare, kerne sown it.'1. middies t,. Air wall 1, .1 ..tork.. hose Fresh Groceries, whkh *111 'e. Lound b' et.rnnaro faior.bly. Lott. as r. - quaint 1115•1 nice, with au) . „k'u 11.. ter tufty. TEAS AND SUGARS .t s1'lsl'IAI.TY. In return,.: •Lala u m) custunun Olt theirpatn,t..._.. would slog 'Pelle aur Ol en who w ill wuA Inepet 1 m) •t... -k. C. L. MCINTOSH. ,s e, tt .wi » de sit the sy ere. Gedrricb. Farmer s' .Lt tendon The limier. 7'ur•. t trail S .,1 Srl„nun of EDS of the follow eta varieties: White Duchess, Lucerne. At. a.•. 111.1041; I'eu Vine and Ked .'lovas. Tim,' . Lawn and all omelette* of tires.•., rotatable ear permanent pasture. (tats. LV oral. Pea.. Berle.. .. Ilya, than.. but h w haat, torn. Tares and !lea ; ; ala-. Y .c:.l and Garden Seeds of last yrs(• growth line to name. A full aeons inn at ..f Flour and Feed. The Cetrhran. •i Vanua .'loam the lent la the market. A wuaytnrnent of Choice. Fre.h Tear... - ...t,ur of Ina. 5 1;recu and J.aianr-wWio- rale and retail A large aluuunt ret Money totem'. 2\21 SS w .1.� i.NTS ON'_ - • M*.o.. i• 11lock, KAMl street, Mar -h 11th. C ODaJA2Oi3 i PI_ANIV(Dl�11> HATS, BONNETS Feathers, flowers, Fancy Trimmings Etc.. kat Etc. The Chicago House. 1KNb'1'M'Ttta'!f?; I.ii., is. ;,.._ Galeria April M. 1111 2042 GEO. H. BROWN Successor to DR. WHITELY.) 5 .1 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added a Fresh :,tock of Drugs, Dye tuffs, Par fumery, Etc., to the already well -selected Mock. begs to inform the citizens of Oodericb that be is now able to supply then, edit PUIt? Dltrititi and 4'HkIdl('ALSalRamona hie Prices. Sold by all Dealers in A/iduiart. DAVIS &LAWR®roE OO.(Li11ltedl !iota Auasers, NONTRIAL. P. Q. • 1.. . ..tea se Are Swan: to t :tee. l', . • :1 thereon Pwrattet.-TatTide* - c:::1 ef.Areril) doolow er t wwrwa.7R Vvrarm.r.ewer hies PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. 401.K AGENT sFOR SLOAN'S 11V 1J ..A N TON 0, KaTbe ()realest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Bottle Guaranteed. 4+unday )tours : le to 11 a.m.; 2 to 4 p.m.: KOe to fie p.m. .4Ibion Biock.Ooderieb. F, b. 41 b. lase. 150341 .DANI= I GORDON, CABINET MAKER AM) LJCADING UNDERTAKER. Buchanan,Lawsen : Robinson el AN tiraeTUNS IRV 0 Sash, Doors & Blinds i,RALtttl IN ALL L17De Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder • material of every de.. optima. SCHOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. Lora Jrder promptl)fatte.ded$to. Godericfi Aug. S. Nasi. 1-ty The People's Livery ‘sfeEY 6TARte Anyone (-an advertise, but 1 can show the Stock. 1 hart mom ata k on laud than any two houses in town to select Iruta. FURNITURE. Iliac? now on hand 10differeat style* of Bedroom Suites. 1t different styles of Sideboards. 3 Parlor Suites, and almost anything in the Fnrnfturr lin.. all of which will be sold AS CHEAP AS THE I'HKAI'RIST. AND DONT YOt' FORGET IT. la the 1: NI*RKTAKINU I give per•.mal attention. en 1 the benefit now of nearly 40 years experience. 1 think 1 have the leer Hears in the County of Huron --1 will leave the public 10 J)udge. ! Dave everything ..wally kept in a first-elses establlslnient, such as Oilskins. (...eeea., Shrouds. Habits. Uleves. Crape.. re,. Embalming done when required. dill Guarantee to give satisfaction In every case. OLD STAND B ..WEEN 1'. u. AND HANK OF MONTREAL. Godertoh. Sept. Kph. Hie. 13341m W� : '..S. ..''. • Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runciman Bros., Proprietors. CONTRACTS TANEN FOR STEAM ENGINES, FLOURING MILLS. ANO OTNER MACHINERY WANTED. JOHN INOI, Proprietor. The enbecriber is prepared t u urnish the pub tic with The Finest Rigs AT RKASONABLIA PRICKS CALL AND SLR CS- Oppoa the Colbor Hate tiodertcb. G.derleb. F e►. 14th HI 1.1O0 GODERICH BOILER YtORES ata. 8t Black, Flouring sills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, (:rain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Parietis, Motes, eta, etc., at Low l'ncea. .411in 4 o `!stings Made apo "tier. J. B. RGSCIMAN. Ooderlch, Nov. 1e, MN NOW COMPLETE! HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY TA,a lermf,ernq is 1.e,niny liftmen un i'.irie Swstrify et L. ne►af hulas 4Iufmst. R. W. Ruirc Buba afa. 1 nrrrof all kinds of MINIM . MARINE. UPRIGHT AND TUWLAA BOILERS. ALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kinds of Sheet iron work. NOW COMPLETE! A CHOICE STOCK OI NI LAM A%b MATR 1MPm rr7TIACs tams...(ly on hand. Ori hand. ready for delivery 1 :es ■.r. sew (Merl Koller. i a ■.r. %ave Mailer. EMMY ill 00 ENS al'].d.-roceriec_ SPK('i.tl. LINKS IN Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. A Complete 2od-bans Threabing Outfit !toiler. Engine. Separator. Ste.. all In good working order. Will be Mold cheap. Mad orders will r,-eeive prompt attention. Merits a Opp. h. T. K. Mutton. P.O. BOX 361. Galeri,h. Mf.r 26th. 1106. HIGGINS' EUREKA �x.a� FOit 1'1' i1ITY. SWEETNESS. lk FLAVOR IS .t.,u egUALLED DAIRYMEN it will greatly improve your BUTTER & CHEESE. t .\Ken. ) fur N ...tern 1 *nada OakaniFs Jer'j y� HAMILTON, 011?. 1 k !ML. 111N. ' s i Send for Free l'Irctilkm' MORTGAGES PURCHASED. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. Oar little niece, 4 years r.td, was visit- •AVOWS BANK BRANCH. due he: grandni'lher. Among other 4 and 5 r .,hemi. /nf••nsf Ailment 044 thing. given he: to else with was aper ladle, old-faahiorweel coat. Ma.td tnok ibu.n ifa. s..,wins* le.suonit this tipmeditatively and viewed it meditatively for 4 .e (tear left,_-- snore time. Then she sedttenly ex alairn W1nLM wt mark---;4 !.green and Perth ed "(lrandne*, 1've horn tbi.kiwpl it MTestt, rich they .sed to have gush be cents •eHORACL HOD TOM. ills, their dollars saga hay. been Masons' waropsr•," Gedarleb A. bub, tlt1. Mt - GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Ood.rleb. Apr111ftk. tp HARKN1 SS NAIR BALM Nur Restore- hair to i.� n. - tura] color r' Proves Dat*.:', f, stops the hal from failing ou*. increases its treertb, and 'orii Met sail the .'. As a bait c!ree sing. it las n. Guar !steed harmless Prepared by Harkness & Co Lowden. Ont. •.M ky alt rrnrrrb sal p hM M-1. ,.