HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-26, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. NOV. 26, 1886. (hs Port'$ Corner. The Maine .rale. Near the alseh belle, ban eke ehataew With her bean! New else chatters, chatters. el.•lteae, Of Iwnusner•Me amps.., _ While the horgora heel trrapallrra 5frr al1111 seas. See the ideigh belle with hr,.:f►rer • Hue they feel! Libra pair of .•une hl clog re Tideawcra *Irorta bell., and t, r loser. Underneath the Maser) veer of Ilse real. Ser the people stated mud Marc At the belle. As. with loosely nowinghair. And asmile beyond romper.. gibe at speeding through the ear Witt .s swe il. TM nimbi Wily. The tally proper way to cure s eottttb is 1.a loosen the neigh use. u. ofleges Nat clams the br. nrhjal pipes 'This 1. 1 why Iiag *rd's Ptrteral lialsslta te the atom succ.waful remedy for cosda,eourhs, , thrust mod Juni ir,•ahles S 1Tom Acre fa .,t t. the .pprupriate nam. .•1 a key Nv.trt *noise feet aro sixteen 1 violas long and .aa and s bail( such.. whir, Rendon. why you slit uid purchase rigid 1.ashbniiig to pi...homier to all other remedies are • Rapid reeult- 1 aures inmate Ir. Ie is e•.t•v applied --no I trouble- 110 het mote. It doe* not re - knit's) on(atabt use one appliC.tlwi ta rd/el nal. Otire bottle will irnauere mere train than any ...her remedy dra ematen e. ' 'ft v 1t fur Neuralgia, T•w.theche, Head - eche, Itheuuaatiet.. Held a' Jar. a brittle lib! .ach weather silts for rld,ag, • by la. 1th1 las. Druggist. a) Though ti- neigh. ' Mr. Ahl, of Appbug con... v, (;s., h .tad the sleigh balk i•otet the gliding. i daughter net quite 8 toots old a And euett merry. carry ,•teal ,,l, weighs 1:50 pound•. with bar Stumm dermal, 11 der„ r la her Inuit: ! Seeing is believing. Read the teat at, 1 u.. rlpecta ae. { monials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van as Ito I Buren's Kidney Cute, then buy a holt• A wow, hetw.r I and relies•, yourself of all those distress The pepul•r 1v.s . a.. 11 ,_yard's Tel• ing Fmina. Your Drug,est tan toll ye low (►t , t. tt•r.t I . „wily and i all a ...at at. Sold by J Wiloes Iludench •Lure ally for aches, I.«,.. •ds, criw,p. • 2re rheuuutl*w, oe..lnrsa :net ./i.* -awes of ss I N ,w, 1lsrer Kirhr, a•iptr.a• 1 inflammatory teres.. 9 should nay. "1 didn't have ne fun at the -- --- i picnic. ' boor w.nl!A y,. 1 ;j r L. CSri. 1.. Houscho;O i1tnis. corr.rt mr t' ' I eh,.,. j ••n• a.,µ'd better study _r•nrnaar 1(1A NAS•. 1NJECl'(ill free with , each b•ct:a 1.f oat 1'..a_irut Rennet►. Nisei al risks.. N,othir); trot pure •Strada frau plants Prier t50 mete. For astir n, J. Warfel dr at "What is Yct1seq.n'• Speedy Cure fur r 11 u for Ilyspepua, Liver (:vwplaint• Indieseti,.n, Rdi,usneee, end it 1s the titaeet blood punier lea the known world Lida. "I)ue. it e,tve satisfied '' N'• oeru,K point to one utat.ice where at del not. " Where does at hate the largest sale 1' *tight is the city of Hamilt..,, where It is manufactured, there hat been user one thousand doihra' worth tw,ld in the last year retell, and the great majority of the sales are by one r.•a.wmendiug It to another. For .ale at :.Ile. ailed 11 per kettle by G. !thyme*. druggist. iq) A CatuJa tier -keeper naw chloroform instead of f,daecco. in menagtng his siren. He finals it a very valuenle aid in r'enloo- nog old queens or in ietrrlucing new onea. These °tarot tons are perplexing to a novice, but a few whiffles! ehloh.rwt* blown into the hive enables them to Ian purf, need ws'iaout diffi._uhy. Re ea rear Guard. Ie D••n't allow a cold In the heel to el,•w- ly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can he cured for 25e. by usin_ Dr. 'u Chase • Catarrh Cure. A few appliwl- tioia cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 biome castes ordinary catarrh ; 2 to L boars i+r guaranteed to cure e•ht trate catarrh. Try it. t►rdy gds: and sure cure. Bold by Jas Wilson, druggist. ly Get lour wartime sale hills printed at Tat 1tux.1.l. office. They are always above pnamptly and at low rates. Notice is drawn to sales through Tee Su+o-tl. free a.. of charge, which is real try thousand*. n A Rt:w too if nue delis "Teepee s, RT to any ••ne needjn. the hest four bu- d rhysae ole • tot %Beloi." the remarkable d little ••nit for the Thee h Atha P.t':. .Ask your iku:;tvat ..r teldruse an 1 r„ is are u -cal in prepitu f .rc.:niia I. ing l •..p•und, the um der In, usin ! e!.,trs f.:r !•sets, ter pre- land now Iw,pular remedy for Cold saws4 the+ hlos.•in rid n...nlid Ire rel• l'.ou.hs, lln)rctuns, Croup, .1,sthnas. ati mucid, a. ,bu d.uw••n. • .... :.luid a itl• .11 atl:ot.ni. .•f the throat, dunjs au which it I* co, ..L,-. chest. Ail aaIitatrial p.pia.*• said dsn:!er 10 ARE 1 ell 11-t:'L :electable 1:y ..us substances are avoided alaich ten /a !tit* ctiiiIJriii or u Loss of Apl.rt.t.. 1.1..d a,na 1 Shiloh', lat 0e, at $1 per bottle at 0 !Mynas' V'Iti , t o z r i , l c cue For .• F, r sale by deers stern. () J. 1%11, •, .(r A brtk petrol rem addld to tl e water Pr. rtv :- r i •• for the wish which waxed ..r Hod.. o Co. Ira err peeltet are .i1 ••i• . t e1t•i , tat toe form of washed improve their Iranate:r • 'f:tr .tors epi the flower are Water is sea scarcer in Cetlyaberf, worked alai. •ft... a ,l k. 1 Minn , that it is ad.! for t•.•i,tif to forty 12 S111Etl1t'. l t.T.t1 I:H RENE centra barrel. 1►tC :t la,-i•.ce valet r C•aoirra, Dip- ,i:r Fon E'Y PEI'sT 1 and Liver theri.t and t' .pale. r Mouth Fur .ale t.y Complaint, you.- have printed rumen - J. Natant, trel-tgtet• teem* every battle of Shia•L'a Vltaliaer. If roses are w•i:!,•.1 hr.'• rr 1 ,,.y can Pas It never fails to core. For sale by J. placed in water. uriu:erw• the ends of the Wilson, druggist. stalks in very hot a.....r (.,e ..1154- _ _ T t we, and they well iteoen theme pristine *i � e faf brown c ; ." oflranee. �reaktunis� A good-sUM loaf: Tann r�:'N of ranee. 9 THE REV.r: ' ►, 1*dun meal, one'cup of ren flaw., one ht 11. 7'IIAYF,R, of cup ,.f erahaau dour, one cep of New Bourbon, hid., say.: "Betli myself and Ilrleans molasses, three tea,p w.uful• of wife owe our limo to Mina►H'S CON- hakjne powder and milk en wgh t., make $CMPTIUN CCItE.' kor sale by J. a stiff hatter. Pour ins a buttered Wilson, druggist. mould and steam three hours and a half. A little hoz of mualar.l laid on the top When dome brown to the .;ern. of the pjckte"jarwill prevent the vinegar - - - from becoming mouldy if the 'pickles Leek Were. have bees pat tip in vinegar that has nut I.ann here mr friend don't t•.• n ,ip roue no=.-. been boiled, end sap yon're.tear dead. Cell. well. 1 -.np .Reader,, i�t inforrinQ you of this h,mu• and h eonr 'ti s have keep yon in b d . anew web headache ; err poor healwonderful rruely 1 r (ouh*, Colds, Now. why depot suffer much terrible Asthma, Brunchens Constr.. 4t 'n, and When IM Jtrgs meda'•iur and antaluabk pi three'd lunge. we feel that we are dein:: you a ••rent kind affections of the three' an nems, as if you have any mfr the above complaints, if you willowy try it we will !guarantee satisfaction in every case or _ money refunded. Ask for Mc0regor's Lung Compound. Price 50c. and $1 per bottle at Rhyme'. Drug Store. (3) • N -id aid, relieve• rare w Larrvcr it hr, Or no Starter how long standing the ease. '40 you ser.( Sow go to the druggist, inn 1• aerordinz. Fur oak la ()pdenrh by En ME JUlti.Ar 13 "HACHiIEETACK," a lastine and heaped roof erne. Price 25 and 30 eta. For sale by J. Wilson, druggist. Flowers of sulphur sprinkled on a hot Bill Heads Printed at Signal shovel, and the Gums inhaled while - - they are frith will cure c.•Id in the head, , We NEL1. A tedue.a hal . / sulphas is sufficient, and dues not mute disagreeable sew• atsons- A loped 7ntestrsrst. 5Vho:essle and "1 suffers• 1 with eruptions on my face for over tow yeas. 1 determined to give Burdock Blood litters a fair trial. ANOTHL'R LARGE CASE After tskiio four bottles, 1 can say it was the best tnrwtu.ea,t 1 ever made.--- iSU Claeey.-Beatlaejuur, Maa,ir,Je. 2 'ti - - Cold cauliflower makes a palatable Boil it half au hour in salted Du3lness Envelopes ter sad let it drain until perfectly When cold break It to pieces and tn,erieen make. high cut and sell gmmts,. 1. it, stalk* downward, in a salad to be opened out this ureic *t °over it with a maynpnaiae sauce "THE SIGNAL metre. n There. 1•a \.4btta Lite It.HEAP } There is no one remedy offered t ; auf- PRINTING OFFICE. 1 Eying humanity whose use is s., mover- Illy and frequently required as Hag • - ard's Yellow (id, for rbeumatinn, neer- aria, colds, sore throat, deafness, croup, We he.. aloe receieed during th• p/-: terek Imba.to, and aches• terns, lameness and a targe at.. -k or ,renew of all kinds, when internally . , id .:smell,• lased 2 Ladies Envelopes, 1 A simple chicken pie may have for its mt.datime a fowl !bat has served fun- the very best emelitT 1n the mar.et for floc tisomme. Mince the chicken very motel. im and corer the bohont of a buttered O,.,;1 Owoe).',.dfer'square I.:..rrtae,. kingdish with part of it: cut the liver thin sheaf and lay ever it, Jut the 5 Cents a P'k' e 25 in Pk. • et of the rnincd chicken in the dish, ' asuniog with salt and topper, adding , Eine Quality fad am Square Eng ongh gravy, trade from the bonen, to ' Moen ('..ter with plain pantry and' 7c. a pk. or 4 bks for 25c. k• a .lrlient• Drawn. Try 1t. wear.. prepared to supply Ent' lope. ,u any Fero ' f the most tr,ulaleseme roe- q.rslatit T. at the following lints to relieve are within* and whoop • dough, but Hagyard s Pectoral H.). a seldom fails, either in those, or A Go,wt Vu. •5i N•hitr F:nrrinp• .t eF prevailing thrust and lung troubles aside. elers in medicine have this rented,' '80c. per M, or 2c• a p'K gre 'his diah of ap ,lea is nice for lunch- ' A flood No. 6 White F.1%0.1,1111*. at 0,: Peel and cr,re twelve •psi": pot I11 10 per M. or 3c. a pk. ,,i, a lackine ern ami fill the eatrj. , • with sugar, Poor watwrnver thew A Seed X•• ; 54 i, .• Egg, clop- at it will be -about lied art ieeh deep------ Q he diah, hake in a gryed .Ten. I,r 1 s`0 per M, or 4c. a pk. an omelet of four eggs mod four arateo gloms of milk, and when the A Hee Neg. ; N Irac F:nrelatsa• at les are dome pour it neer theta Ile- !1tette even and hake for ten men '51.40 per M, or 4c. a pk. Merv. hitt, ermine.tilt, womenw! A uo.No ; % tote Envelopea Envelope €• the apples. 111.75 per M, or 5c. a pk. aloe yoenc marl 111 the 14 •:,•bt o Halt or (Juarter Thousand. at am. rale a. `,M was violently sneering in a .treat for Thon..agt Lot.. -when a enaspaninn remarked, " 1w, lap, deals buy. how d'ye cat •h tli.e dial etude" "4w, dean fella!,. left tam is the lower hall tether day, seeking the ivory hand!,' • . fel esitl it chilled me aline.' t.. l isadea had need Dr. 11. • 8J Ptio Omit Mia (told would w••• dWflllaad. For ..N at J. hi deign Nitre. tf LOW PRICES: Sawa stale Canada read. 'rr F.n+elopes are all of regal l'lain y„al "• and ere .witab. for Itasker■. IA erg ere ant k a.lnra Men. c�naitiSee Thom trench, *apt. f>pa, l 1 le the history of medicines no preps ration has received each nnivered ane uuendation. for the alleviate.") it affords and the permanent wire it effects in kid- ney do ttetsrlt as Dr, Van Burma Kinney Cure. Its action in. these diatreasing oomplaihts ja si:a.ply wonderful. Soli by J. Wtiaitn. 2nd t7,.11se Clear. In (:rent Ltntau, the.lueitien ..f Ii'un• Rule is comt*rtt)dti:; attention. To the man with a cold in the head ..r cheat the safes* way to eneurr Wore Rule elver a ntirnta-N-nte 14 - Harvey's flit line Gum. For wile r t J. «:.ilrnp's Prescription drv. @bore. •tf T• the'frdltal Pro(e.uoa, ass all whom M may rearva. Pdl•sphatine, .,r Nerve toect, a t'tnos- iihtate Element based upon Scientific F'act.s, Fonnlulsted by Professor Austin, M. 1). of Boston, NLD., cures l'uintor. asp Cmnaumpti,ti, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertig.. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the; human • stern. r n I'h .• hab) ' y p Sou not a . iedecine. but a Nutriment, because it toutaina n:o Vegetable or Slivers! Poisons, Opiates Nircetica, and i•. Stimulants, bot situp! ly the Phosphatic and t;artric Elenaeuta found in our daily food. A single bottle 1s •uBciont to convince. All Drug:oats sell it. $1.00 per bottle. L awuts & Co., vole agents for the lfomint„n, 55 Front StreetEast Teroitu DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND F :LAZAFe Goimi)E,NoDicALi CVNLIfiff AL.•. NIC111011811. (none a ewaaww, ■1. ek, or L^rw stew. ti. the went stratum. taft.rarwt.. Feeer.e.rrs," 'scaly Or Baugh MIN. to sestet. all ,Wear-. ralwd Ly ter. tale«d are conquered I•y the peened (•.In- 1)2Ing aid inttsoraut'L dieme. remit Easing Cheers r,a v L n 1 coder Or /be- nign in�tictn,'. i'at.at J)II. h.... it lua.nli•wtw) U. ptt.e:ry ,nuric Triter. 1404 Balk. (' Boll.ti arbuncl�. Carbuncle., sore a y r., IIe�M aloes Pierreand *wrll.ta�ty le Dint Dtaraar, V Ile Swfe111■�p. Lustre, or Thairll neck. 01..1 k.nlaeg Liam.... At fed tau mule u, sums. :.-r r hiring treatise. with ivk'tod pages. ein Skin ',u.,u....• or the some amount for • treatise en torottrk,ee AV.•1W1... •• THE 01.0015 1 1 Tuft LiE r.” T1t.x.n•abl. 5. .1 •1 •+ 11...11111 Ile. Pleur'. gold:•►. torah -ail Oho oeery ,.,rlgood dire*slow, as their *kits. hoop was •r• r. ! 51.,aud wheel slreuglh.aiU te.wtat,lrnt i - CONSUMPTION', whteh is Scrofula of the Lwtsa.. w ac n W. -I utwl r1.n4 I- 5* i n•rna4). 11 tecr.l... r, • rg. one h,t Plato. •.1 t,.•• .lasw5' are r*ehr.: Ihwn rt. mart .i.,t 1 •,...•r etre the senile tat:.l d;.as*'. who -u 11-,11 ..R/• r•r.R t twin r a.ta.r:W 1 rt•nwal)' 10 554• pa•wik-. iM.J'trru1 tboogbt act 1,144 4.1tviina$ it ht. (4,&% . wpampaiw (fisrresp, belt adeenden*d fret terse es ow tlisilel for • ►ncdh•ine ibTrh. t Paan Na wonderful coin:neaal•oo of 11411, ..111 atrerie1b•n.nlr. Otto:slit,•, yr th«rl..•w.a„suir, •n.t•ndioaw,• pectoral. at•d nottit ve preys•►. ntilwM.b.1putweqiva , 6k1" ,'rt tao1 1) 1a•aroeur- 4) ito*w eases of the river. Blond, and Lung3. 1f gat '.r! ,a: rt, div,..s., ,. air 1, I. 1...ce llaiktw ...hoc of rlah4 e..r ). 'rm •de4L,ir .t. g et rb of. tfu.• . r t..ty.Snruent Model. or 141i4tio. may bred taste In pa*.:"h. Irternal hitt of l'rt n1t.•:iatn:ini• wit -1 or. niu.nt'a.:'W Ivo•.[• goal gloomy tenl.aknpw, Ittegide-r WgwM1•. and mated Litotes, )esu en• .apotn�:f tete I.d$Oesrtl.w, yy�at'e'I'ala. 104.1 T.rpld > Livers to "iX(etsaaese.e• in wan! 1rw.e cab. tart of these ayl'mpt.eu t 101, rient'a d. Sea reeve 6v for Intl 1.-'.5 est. Tierce's Golden eleJ(ial lea.- 4 Wer Weak - Lea nolo, $pttflap et Itle.d, %betimes.. et Breath. Urau. ISltls, .1*11, as, Nevem Cowahs. .ud k n ;r,.1 .'la.•,•,ga.. tt r, ail art' 100. et. , ..•, ro err. 6t ifwcaw:l+v.o ti illYd. er -It DOS 'SIC fur #S.00. iernd 1414 tr MO in stunr for br.:'. t h • al.on (' ,•.-uogatiwl. '.'ldr• ea. World's. Hiap•eiry Wledlcal Aaw,. red Ilon. 1 . \!anus..- v -•.t at 1♦aerel t n) ell W erba. by . rlatl.as,ecsllstt, rt,-t.Iwtra�,...h.I SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. $500 REWARD For -a:,YATES & ACHESON Goderich. NEW MUSIC I Elk" 1 1'1-545.1e'A'fill\ SONG -SI SONO -S I "I Cannot Help Winking My Lye." "'rhe Charge at Kato ." Golden Chords Waltz. Mikado Waltz. Thirst a:e quae new, anal 1d a lively saran -req pats). PROF. CLARKE. ABRAHAM SMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER e i•C•' 7• CTcoa.,r, 'T`'CTJ" ►StSTiCe". =:O'CTT P`.•: ices_ Gents' Furnishings, lIat3 and Gaps, Sic. If ya,u *ant a rh,..;i ),• .!);.,:I •.-.t,.1.;! *t 1L I3ii1�1-1A INC SIIT I'_'1f'S- hurt, J .••e ".nf. 11 id FARMERS AND THRESHERS Use on your Machinery only Lha Well-known FRIILESS SIX GOLD MEDALS :v'`14'':':";;1-au.+.,,rtes Taut U,•e" years. Trc tut our.I.RI Cr'i lt.Kia.L A,r sur %%ateru,,. • .so,t,ndtv1M•n'-,. r f Lr. tiro' sl uarrh k- Torunle - sthur'•y a Gwnt*41• nao44 ,«,5*1strrn •ser, - •. •" have a diech:trTe from the trust.• a.¢rgsjv.e or Alterwlw.•.t•artite, her ..• ...ell, f* . nr to er)ng• Weak •caw• oT4-t! Via;°: er pn•rlun• in bad, rou have t rrarrh TuuL- I•r. .e• t.. itrattttn s•un<tbewrn. !'ncarrh. ••fold lel the 1Wea l," and Catarrhal Headache. :u .rnLs.-- --- West Street Meat Market. Andrews &7 Vol I 9 2021 t) cat. to this at a %et) trifling east by buy Ing yo,:r I BOOTS Sz; SHOES err;! :i:.; E. EATS DOWNING l'ar.• Attention nd Nraalp Letrte A CALL SOLICITED brei tai CA -CAL) R I 0 i hat. now on nar-d the !try -e' stork ever •;hewn in (:arerieh• aid compr:a... •.y, one re- -- wally to :.,t • t & t..•►1w «r,..• .lore, fresh the siva kW.:iruaa:le gin tn. ar1t.•rmaed,lir grad-. totter to ,...st cowhide. 1 wt.' sell at WOOLEN MILL$. T. (11. 11'.•v! l:,o,r.,, , f l:•. .�arrpu,ot:n!• ( ••'tr.frv•r We wish to nay that we are pre ro take your Wunl in es-hange f' -r 4. 5, or work for y-na nn:o an of eft. f-altow•Ing srttok i ria Blankets -White, Grey or Hor9et Shirtingn Grey or Check. • Cloths --Tweeds or Full C1cth,•, Light or Her-vr. Flannels -White, 'Grey, Colored l \ Union, Plain or Twill. ' 1 Elheetings- Broad cr Narrow. van• , Stocking Yarn -- White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. ntE. . E Carpet Warps adr to order. Prices that Will suit Everyone. Ladies' Bootstttol ems, from 111.00 to 85,00. Misses and Children's Strong Scho 1 Boot?, from 75c. up, Boys dc., 81.00. up, all other Lines , i opertionately Cheap, i can Arad will snit you. hotb .n goods ars.! tri • • E_ J O w N I IT G - i Crabb• B'oek, Corner feast street sed Square. 'rots-. beadier andentemm 5* alTCusatuy a1�Iterat Pie,, - - PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT It; ar,.rr,p'he only FRANK LAZARUS OLIO (I! , :..- ft. :, of l.,eraro. & ,;e,rrie ROLL CARDING. ()or facilities for tau. work .nano, be our We will snde. s or in mint twees to du it the d•►T it is brought in. i1 required, custom Spinning ar,d l:tering, cr •ainatn1 on the Cap, eases ur lin,. nava ur so:: t twist. as required. We ere in • peeitisn to do wlhkInds of cue tom work. 0Pually done to a toll .et ,.estom i mill, and w. rill raaran,re tet du loi you fully l equal. if not a llsdr better than any in ou . surrounding.. A ca s.p.,•tfnily 5i,:•e.!. E. McCANN EiteRepo, red Spec r afi a n wilco ?I. Ther g,•.•• la. 5.-. ant Eye rthoor, hare here ivied for the 1, year-. and giant in rvery anstx n., unlw,nnale) aati,lartion. They are' rot, tt:.r t• Tor inns(.- They never tin.' *nil la ,l ninny goer. wit' 5 change. rnit .•15 ng Yates & Acheson, NIRDtttits: east ntam. C31-0 IDMRI I-1_ FRANK LAZARUS,JANUFACTURER _4' air) land It farrow Road, LONDON. ENGLAND. flair Lazarus k Morrie. Hartford Pons.) t'*.Xoconnectio.n with am ether Arm fm the IMminion of (amide. Jan. t+Ih. ISM WNW MSE The Canadian Pacific Railway TIE GREATEST CORPORATION ON EAATN. The '4o.t Ihret•t anA hest F}inippe4 71 .5. hewers MONTREAL - TORONTO, QUEBEC, OTTAWA - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT, - CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY, AND ALL IOIN•el! bADT ANO IV EAT. 04fare yew Tickets elsewhere• ran en R. RADCLIFFE ) (wenn 1. • Wes most. • T (NR* -e. itew't Veee,'1 u the lace. M OT9,trio,l, Ja, 111th. IaB. >N1► WILL CURE OR RELIEVE e:t�IOJsNEsS, CIZZrNCSS, DYS?ci':IA DROPSY, /.Yul!:EST J.7r FLUTTER/YO JAU!DfM OF THE HEART, C.?YSIiELAS ACIDIrr OF SALT RRCL'.::, ••HE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DR, NM AND SECURITY ailleN.sirs sir_ u ui This ern represents pr.. saner lappen• the 1 ern -a when the truce ,t *0).gated. t Millie t ca��r t tram 1 W Dt1t. tit•eastr re LM .�.e•. . fW. 7fliiiii i tr, •! AAT but .mill ADD .16d A GEORGE RHYNAS, - Drugggist, SOLE AQEN'_T', GO.DERICH- Pekrnary SIh. Isla fel Extensive Presses and Spler,d:d New Stock. QEO• 131./LIRJEtir, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich A sped of Kitchen, get -runt, Iha'nz froom and hirer 1tnn.ttnre. mica as 11e- Mex,Chairs lhe.r •-an. *nil w.aaA rea(ela, i',inboards. Ilett -Nears, JllaltrtsaP. West erase• Loargse. t3of... It tel' • Not.. 1.a,•,. , I.g (:lasses, • . HEADACHE, W THE 81(14r A..4 0~1. .pale. Pans. arts,.` free--- d'soruer.d 1. VER. KtD.1€y$, ST BOWELS oft BLApO, T. MILBURN & CO.. ART DESIGNS IN WALL P.4PE11 ron.ristea..aortmen,ori'ofllnsand Uhswa ee)sadnna1He'araanettIte at resaonaMr ratrw. Pbttire Framinq a specialty.- .e&2l ..l,. 4.1 BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS Nam Mlae Derr Ifyens WW1 One ortwo flies rooms athew..toM.r..t;.t •rs,nToter, Ile kms otrr 1110 As there are teem) ladmier psw'�R rw�l4A with Jute. b..r.+ J► .tc-• nn.r.A sea r•i•t a. t Gratin* AT won* un iriwdd b pi.merehaatrad- ng on the rap�/alon of our itaeeie. e�4re$ee. Ina warn aha Jia l(es against Carib Irnp.rltlon hr Aran. lag theIr stientlon In thx . salty of owing that the I ONSET ate In 1 ►. .1 s eafellr...,tlwt,rwrls IMMsat w1Ms Nag ire ramie, 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs are the test vele" in me e a, and roust he ThePatten's1a Bazaar�, fishiols, Rsautlhl milers. sad at prices loss than vary mtuh Inferior goon_ r a!5 and ►"t tbsm. 711. A'F }JUTI.EH't�1 IVICIDCoPA Laudon (w. The sudden and tet beak areaaed a gt• sad eareag the Ins' aad retaiaere d Neel deeaew d the keit n ewts, i4 UN, wt w ar au V.era[f7 d %onto was • dumps" likely to regret no or really killed him ltalketth was s ver . owautm,--ann1dwind ,eery tolerable bead arist•erfttc remade. said that leo uthaa diet .latter, am* Ma buce uck. Wk. aeetks, .w through Esypland Montagu House no A11 thane planes ur round, nub lull std Math Waters supply fine Write. g -lit mu n wxlaer•''.'.w�•.. 7 altoe d, ., waiter r: ,) La. il. 1w tl1,2ort.epfl a year u is said to practical' .slates c.o., only N1.r:nwut1, who, a I brim .d 111s,x rw'I .1 the Scut A. ate wealth mud lend, eaa fait in the su heaves/nun. the ■ 1,.50,4 111 the tin•" tin wedded tie Montague. This. t ducal lessee el 011 Io).d A..1J itself, I.andenue gout 1i death the ether day. same gee*, 1 Frown far Chatting about !testi. said: "ft ; perrxn. three err rM. r York. Y,r mete, t..anth 111 1(415lan,t. 151,000 inhabitant, liter, than any ..t1 country. Torr. sr :n the town, who in the great inutile qt e1 men worth half s worth a .loaner at lore 10 ('!.tar. Vr dd *tete. Yet 1 Iu Rutland deeming t µa11 .tress suborns per, What soon that sire ail in dr w' s .1 wbirh tow• wan c Yate da -.oras - the city d Sew Y, up there, which Itquec rebs,'. If stares and is fined hour. he can rural .4 the person who closure is 101lovro err what is known miry. When Ir and alike for fr,0 tame. The druggs than to stand 3. we t. a case on record lied rood laqu.w fur a man who finally daily reeved of the Every dnnk was • the court and die .wore to all the ■ She waa snatetteael which, to the afgi nine years. 1 heli she had served ren Amoebae a "Carp- re The day for el Americans is fast sold here can M can ah. l'niterl tt, rich the eaoepti reels r clotting Paris or Lunde goods as a rule .n the Mara of at duty i• dla+sed, money. Clothes land.. an to taakM c&athn. i c brother. He gig ,todrntaly ra.4* htt.b Rad tie ata The men ,d Ams n rhes w.,rhl, a letter bow to w , et her w.xns0 I n .It. smear 5o e rant sLow 7411thm "hen a whale Si •.r Hyde Yak, ..n three /loners IMilan d•ys than . t•t.rs waw, came w,lrhl. A aeMef Noy I n the sntnbiu l'rlms, now bejel ( olhoover, the . emit to whoa rather stupid at I A B Ca Oete d 1.i, n the iwitl t�1, Th' Irll rrmrher in nun dr l,001 thee.- i..i hall about whit p 1. hoer at „n,+ w. t,arher grahlxd nils tl,e 1.'7. Mil was in dant Heiler. taut Mr : �,,g him ran. ti aitrrwird. wr'.t .t.wlia` (wrsn,5' ,,sett�p� .tixlis Its of l'a•w YM .4 the ,lata d .lain T. thew. LI �5.r.t Th. teach oI t' nun Ree electric the l•ght„f cab'. It t. trlarvwl t1 1.er*14 .bard. 115411,0. .4 1n0 ,;,000 emrwdl. 1• I,rt of the.atn Minder* ,aa 151. G 1� Twe /Iasis 1 geotlr-tYh !Ki• i,i 7Aistor-A5*' gigs -Y•5 Boy -)[hire, youNIT slot*" a.* 114.4 wriu soon inn hemi arra* XA Stir, h b ani every l,tN -Gum wean :gMinod I atlas itdld. nlpOU !be belie f.eteallr ch.•peal ai in °adrejch,