HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-26, Page 41 4 TOM HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 18886. THE BIG FOUR. West Huron Visited by the Tory Quartette. • and the party returned to (rode- sal set that a i Joe *yak kaki up I nch h the House of Cuesesoes a rap of rather late tar file meeting them. ' THE GODERICH MEETLNG, Coeur, Hutment which he said there was! v. The Tories of this town worked uuthiag luketbeemiutu Nte 1Cemtn the earth. "MI' io 1881111.r'foot and hard to tit up the Palace kink Burma was returned to its former shape, fur the meeting held then in the one Messrs. Biala, Cameron said their Ding. They deserve credit for the . taste friends held up their hands au holy err ■ ad Alden nabs a iese ase and comfort nI the ammtlemeuts Naar- horror at the uuquity of oakum such a Pram • ss 0 Peru" uocrp»d mast•, Aad pro. aesstlM 111e e/td torr • l'rr.eserr• iy LW) cheap They rebuked Bur Juho oil eau roasts hese bably betweea 500 and 1,000 had to hu frit divided to political •ympatlr, slthuug Gerrymander Act of last year when h Luring the minima three weeks great the old and reliable Torres ware packed changed tea boundaries of last tat t.b.i five had Wee made in West Hu- in well toward the platform by the t,i,stitiseneros to the interest of the preparations when Fluw•n amd e•ergrereas, with ltofwm party. Oue of t .planks of Mr run o the local Tunes for t reoeptiun buntins, decked the platform. ani rho; • .p the "four great bige blue o nein Blalu and hu c,Ilseguss ■as a re- .xteoaively billed in big blw ! en to Union Jack and the American tlag owl lervaauott of the S.nale. Thnro might wrtette b gal [meatier occupied seats os. the d h 1 Theed the ids for the Act of 18tt2, but they - stand. The a ad,euce was about ersulg had net • word tr.. say about Mr aloes' • roatrum. The clergy of the t,ae I to sowethtag in that cry, but what was 1 sP"c the mouton of these his an u stat aides, Hon. all of which wen borrowed from u - S. 1). Thompson, Hoa Thos. White, doe were the tolbwtnf'riuce Edward Ikeda, the issue on and W. .11.. Meredith. On Thursdayr :-- which it was fought beteg the abolition aftWelcome to N'setern Omen° ' "Our ,l the Legislative Council or the second the a "reception" wee tendered Honored Chieftain," ''Thompson, Nora of thechamber. The C n unit r party were t!le parf+y at Climtou, and considering the &suite's Honored Son,. "Meredith the t iu favour of he Ce abolishing the Council, sod short nonce a very creditable manifest•- Hope of Oatartu," "Thos. White, Mon• l they were defeated iu the ala, ani. tiou was made. The palace car •'J& tread's Gift to Onlariu," "National 1)e Such, ehrwerer, was the the elec and maim- eoatsiuiug the Tory leaden tame we4op,mest," 'Y)ne Law for All," "Prase cant of the Grits that they actually were tofu Guderich ehirtly before tem o'clock with Progress, Jur Inland bliherise,' ting the Prince E.lword the same evening. Between l50 and ..Pr,trotiue to oar Salt industries,' Island Rrfurwen fur achieving a victory 200 as were present at the station : •. p h,y_ Farrow Still Holds the Fart,' (!1 ,Ni the carp yuratten to which they but as SrSir John A. Macdonald had gone and an illuatrsted C. 1'. II streamer. themselves took objection. Mr Men- to bed, au speaking was done, and the F p' Johnston, the defeated candid.; . dab tai c,liclusiwu referred to the Riel shivering lathe crowd departed with ate for the Legislature m 1$$3, .occupied ; cry raised by the Ont., and appealed to their e•thuaiasn at a Inn ebb. All the the chair After a brief but rambling I the electors to rebuke teem emphatically visitors, except Mr Meredith, oho ac- speech, in which he irreverently r.m communed F. '. Johnstonto the Brit- at the eusum.g electiana. t pa rad the Young Liberals p, the lar. di_wl nth Exchange Hotel, remained on board sou wenuuned in the scriptures, !.r w Mr t . Campbell announced that the cars. Sir John remains un board tr,.ducrd ths 6nt speaker. would be held at Swish' nearly all the tine --to keep himself from Hill next Wednesday tor the purpose :lid t. meat Wes cad tees the electorate. q gentleman ! An comprised Sir Jelin A. Macdonald, and latform. Anionsthe mutt, s, newly elrntou had resently been held 1k t faithful d [Decd J p Lo - harking for apples I always looked for a trar'thst haat the moat atueks and stones tattier it ; for the twy et the neighbor• baud Imo. that that was the tree that Imre the beet true. (Laughter. i I no proud to say that not eyes my foes• while they have beim abusinr use Wee able to charge We with 1 pecuniary ny met or alvy/ing my fairs. It is kdown that I am • pourer man today than 1 was theme y 1 assumed th public ottice in Canada. y cannot accuse we of putty larceny. they charge we through wy relations. Due of :hese charges u that 1 have a brother - in law- • brother of my wife. Well, 1 cannot help that. ',Laughter.) It is said that 1 hrought hum tutu the public servo.. The speaker then explained that he had no personal acquau,tauce with Col. Harvard, the gentlswau 111 questiuo, at the tent, and it was nut sett' teu years after that hs had the happiness of knowing his sister, and making that arraa•tuweut with ner that had since made hum so happy. Laughter and apptuse.' Cul. 1!3nruard's health fres tuuoe broken down, and he Inas been sell spoken of by the Liberal leaden upon his superannuati.ru. Major Mc- Pherson is • relative of mine, but he was appointed to office by Sir Richard Cart- wright. Mr Cameron could trot say I ' gave my son au (Alice, but be ands out Ij that my sou and his partner in their eapactty u 'dickers wrote to the gov- ] ernmeut for what they had a perfect a right to ask fur their clients a land • limit at Fort Mundy. But they f . never gist it. And my ttiduence with t !the 1. t must be very small it being bured by offiq seeit re, On Fre troy. MK. THOMNrn . .electing can o cin ss clay morning there was a crowd of sightl;on. Mr Thompson said trey were i Henn int lowest.j they didn't get it. Well, thew charges seers a couple of hundred, alure been disposed tat ; they were rot P thereto give an account of their steward• HON. THA.;. 5%HtTa- considerable number of whom were Lib- ship, and he thought they amid do tt orals, to see the "Big Four" start for with satisfaction to those present 0 e Dungannon. The descant ..f the Chief- of the great planks an the Consetratiae tais trim the ear was the sign for some platform was the union of the provinces - tea u e,a 1 1. 1 1 o, w Xt Contearrsnom •our . lents of C t favus to raise a I amounted to thirteen million dollars; chaser, but it was feeble and disappoint- neo day it was two millions. reg to all ootacarned. The party then 1 Our revenue at Ctwe hundrednfederatton um thirty the promise and professions of the t•,uk carriages, and headed Uy • band millions. He asked theta, therefore, Reform party with those of the Con - moved around the Square in procession, whether the Liberal a party 'creative., and lie thought after such east the le w . add continue to Hon. Mr White, referred to the flattering reception given the Premier in the various places of the Dominion, evidencing that the grits old Chteftan had still a waren place in the hearts ot the people. He asked them to a,otnst . • FILL OD ETRE STOCK COIPLLTI. JAS. A. REM & BRO. are now [.hawing a Complete Meek of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods for hill and %'int- elt, (ai the Choicest Goods and Best Value in the Market. Dress Goods in S erges, Plaids, Tufted Goods, Ottoman Cords, &e., in, the Newest Shades and at Lower Prices theta ever before offered, notwithstanding the recent treat ndvsnce in all lines of Fine Woolen Goals- ALL WOOL I' ItLSCH DREW Goons,Rooth quality, for 20e. per yard. A splendid line of Dimas I =was for 11c. per yard. See "hem. Special Value in Ulsterings and Mantle Cloths. A good Ottoman Cord Cloaking for $1.:15 per yard. In Ornamental, Clasps, &c., for I)reiees and Mantles, we show a large stock of very choice goods, imported direct from the manufacturers. Wool Shawls, Faiteinators, 'luta O'Shaftter Caps, Hosiery, I. Gloves, Sic., at Low Prices. Tailoring Department. A Tate stock just received of New Tweeds and Coatings for fall Suits ayd Overcoats, which will be Marie. to Order at exc iedinirly Low Prices. Good all -wool Fall Tweeds by the yard from 40e. up, --cut out Free e• of ('harge. Underclothing very cheap. A special line of all -wool Shirts and Drawer:[ for 50c., worth 75c. Extra heavy for 75e., worth $1.00. Call and compare our Gtwths-and Prices with holism that [nark their goods up and then give 4 petty five -per -cent. dia. count ori' No TativaLE TO SHOW Goole; JAS. A. REID & BRO. Jordan'. [tock. Godrnrb, lith mt., ldet:. LYUt strung enough to kill we, and w Mr Cameron attacks my department. 1 prehension in the country that the Gnv- addresses read to day bare tented some have a very important department, and eminent were supposed to give the .4 the reasons which invited your min if you believe Mr. Cameron it has been I Indians fwd when they needed it. That 6dvnce. 114 J we went out tau the Pact - very badly and very iuhuwanly carried would be • burden that would greatly fie Soaodal,w hat the people say since was out. la e arch he recently mase MB embarrass Inc revenues of • you've o.....+- Paeitie blander. The people wen was very induetroua to look up facts ; try like the Dominion of Canada. They then foetid in good c uilitiuo, and trade w eouutr and had the wan d. urtahirg. We left a handsome and his induatry is only squalled by his were it, their own y veracity. 1 have held a portion as head I same oceans ..f livelihood as they even sum t' the treasury -for our successors to of a department for .b years, and 1 have I had, except in this extreme west where butanes. with. They had a hewn held to be very successful to the the buffalo had disappeared. All that clean slate, and had every opfortueity a nine vehicles in ►11, and • laughisg-stuck had not reason to be proud of the io a coot peep were for the irreverent Grits who were nut Dentition on its banners. On the other surt the He entreated the style of attack ed the manner in lowhich remier th eo nvari`rua affect iinawy oaaprpreciahle ddegrre the ..f !tallithim( ate theurtprSmisse l eiudkmow k, •t least equal numbers with the Tor hand, the leaden of the Op,txsitton were power. ,es. Twenty persons cowpnaed the fol plating with seee•sion; they were anti greeds on the Government by the Returm Indus trestles were uresis. Timm In- game of the country. They aro jut as what the course of the five years of their lowing from l:wlench. At diflerrnt tow w break up the uuiuo, and for the party, an attack not an the Gcsern- I diene had different languages, different ; capable now in 1b86 of thew- s was. You know that , points along the line the 'rhe • peenple et Csnadr would c.11 tl;em to went s p•licy. but us. the public and desires and different id calves as they were 10 1776 : iuvernor from '73 to 8 the country was getting baracten of the urn own. They have to lee treated with sip- l Morro employed by Mr Mackenzie had worse and worse. 'Tim surplus melte.i 1 j; j was joined by a few waiting %chicles. At account. Ai:uther Conservative plank Preva n a the uuWtuts of tho village of Dungan- 1 was that ..f progress. To the Conserve- posing it. A system of alanaer had been arately, according to the peculiarities of , put in an unf ,rtunat• clause in one .t kitr.duced, and nue of the leading men their tribes. After a caustic slap at Mr the treaties (with the Blackfoot) that in uP• :ter party the country was indebted for much of the prosperity it now ae]ayea. ah. had adopted it was the member for ,Camerons bad rrc.11eetuom, Sir John the of starvation the Indians should and taking the horses out of the prem uon some of the Tories warmed fisc. earrtae., unada doak"y. ' C them• :. -be lioa.t.,„ told that the *is••er••a•ent that111r Ca ninon. That declared that none of the treaties had be (ed by the Government. When that selves by hauling the vehicle into the 'foil not nised the price . i +heat. The Kenuaauo ns •1 the Go•ern- been roma° by & t' Govern -1 treaty was sent down by1aq•prntar 111or- Tillage. price of wheat in Canada and eaerywhrro "'int with having distributed timber went Mr Cameron had disparaged the j rie Mr Mackenzie censred him for itn- THE DCJiCA\NON MEETING. `else was wheat governed to a groat limits among members of Parliament. men sent up by the as j setting that clause. It was not oblit•t- Ithe market in Li•erpool. ( ApP that may two members of Parlumenat There was a rather big turn out at ere by keformen prevent ; Ws. hate urcer y dell abed w listen w the speeches i p>eeteuded that we were able to control had received limits, one being a Grit, About three-fifths of the assemblage are ; the foreign nurket, said he. All we have the other a Tory. Mr Cameruu or say said to have been ce.mpoosed of Liberals. I ever sand is that although we are not able other opponent . f the 6 t had been chewiest -41 to name airy single away, and became a deficit: Trade be- came peralysed, and capitalists were shunning the c,untry. We had the great goer or nein: the sees of Canadians mane to the United States. to look fur bread. We called upon the Oevernment to do something to relieve the distress. Sir Richard Cartwright, who was the finance 'attester, said it was impossible. "What can we du r said he. "We can du no more to relieve the distress then a 6y nn a wheel can turn the wheel There were a uun.brr of Induce presentto . contro eitet t by The records of the department showed officials. N e had difficulty in findine l ory, but only a claim on the humanity of lau•r Ind fit mea; but the greatest care had beau ' the ( where these other In• taken that proper and efficient men diens were found to be s$aariug, to were appointed. The cuurtry was a feed then,. One of the charges of Mr wilderness. Few whites were there. I Cameron's was with regard to acme There were half-breeds, Indians and' Stomas, when, he aid were found in a trader, but not many others. Mr ; starring condition at inc er Cres • l forrign priers, we shall keep atoned.- They were then called the fly The hall wrs nicely decorated with ever the prices in Canada f, or the farmess of 0.. ti r, oi Yani, whether or suppottec of Pincher k H on the wheel Government, and the parr greens and mottoes, and the audience 4 Canada. The speaker then the G , whein or out of Cameron did Dot refrain from calling ' deliberately suppressed the Information pie were unkind enough to say theft being composed largely of a Liberal op- . b, prows that . in ...... sheat was aa.ez.to Parliament. who had ever received from these mer, ruffians and all kinds .1 , that these Stout's were out on • heat they were paying pretty dearly fat aka enation, the order was of course poerfrct I is pLrove to and >{1.04, in Canals, that the 6 in connection with names, and charged them with being it far from the reserve. acid that Mr Puck• fly ,Laughter., 1S. had faith is eau ,1. M. Roberts (erupted the chair, and tai at the present time with whest at 81 lis umber limits any favour elect, was not , euilty of all kinds of im natty. He lington, the agent. arranged to give them country. We sew no reason why • oomm a few imitable words welcomed the to Liverpool, wheat world be only 61 open to the world or given in say other ] tad described two of them as brutal try like this should be left in daspairaai , ! wa them iu with ordinary wretches. He aspersed the memory of insolvency. We asked parliament saddle Premier and his party to Dungannon. !ands a bushel but for the N.P. (.!) JMr The speeches of Messrs Thompson, opposition speaker claimed that the of the t, two of the men who fell duriu3 the out- country th [mutate that d St euumttT M White and Meredith were identical debt of Canada averaged fr240 per lankily. Cameron made his attacks . ti certain break. Payne was an Englishman, and pass h ed hat the south, the United States 'I with those delivered by them at the The public accour:a showed that the ssembern oI Parliament, they were Delaney was an Irish Catbuhc It was trS country supplied uta Teeple with [Vie Goderich messier titer in the day, and public debt truly averaged ilio per er,mp'etely refuted on the tdonr of • calumny of the most kind. no, salt perk -and t t it was killing own goods ; and when they had does we give our summary .1 them in c rnec- family. By the of railway Parliament, and yet despite these proofs, These men were good, faithful public them. instead of giv-iug them beef, that this, and soup kitchens were opened at tion with the Gederich meeting. Sir in vastoua parts of Car:ads • sum of he repeated hu charges last week in servants. Riel had aroused the Indians they are fed with this mantes article. Ottawa to workingmen's wives and cbild- lohn's speech was meant t, be identical, wiles million dollars had been saved a, Tor.,nto He proceeded to refer to the to madness. The Indians when they (Laughter.) In my country in Sa,tland, ren, Amenoan goods were sent Ude Can- John's • kis failing power of memory identiid cal, he (tar freight,ar,d that, it should cases of Messrs. Taylor, M.P., H. tight apare neither men, women or the agricultural laborer would consider ada, making Canada a daughter market, permit his to repeat the •ams language, not be people lutea, !mute than Macdonald and Tupper, and others children. The Iodises robbed the store k a luxury if once a week ke got a bit of and ruining the remains of the few of and the [nater cap considerably changed interest toon the iubhc debt To the which Mr Cameron had mentioned, and hou.es and tried to get unto the psblie bacon with his porridge The English our factones and industries that were i1 the two addresses, although both theesrnt C , the country was he affirmed moat emphatically that stores. Payne and Delaney restated laborer would ask for nothing better than then in a I bine condition. We were to run along the same lint. iadrbted for the National Polley, and u ' there was not the slightest evidence the breaking in of these stores. And . bacon and eggs. Laughter.) Mt Cam said we must imitate our southern neigh - At Dungannon he alluded to the pre- !appeared that the Reformer had not lis the showing that any of were murdered for doing their duty. Aron would doubtless oak that we put bun, and hare a natiu.rul policy for Csn- sertstion of a diamond necklace to his i yet got over their antipathy t , u. It these gentleman had applied for faros The two priests came to hear their con- with each camp of l•iians a butcher 'bop ads. The people rose in their might sod wife by the C. P. R.magnates. Sir ,was contended that it injured the pier for themselves. Mr Camera charged fission as they were lying on the ground to furnish them with fresh meat. i expelled these men who had a system of John's defence was as follows : 1' Sir • man and Itis family. `agar, try Aad the V t that they had issued and while preparing them 1.r another geoid give you many other instances of , and did not think we wealthy mem, in order to signalize the coffee entered Ist Ge1y into the comsnmp 115 licenses to cut timber in the disputed , world these men were slaughtered by the utter want of truthfulness of Mr bad the nam: desire to improve ourselves, of the Canadian d'aeitic nil- tion of working people, and it Sir itrch• sernp,rp. flue hu,dred mud nine Indians. It was adding to the pangs Cameron. He then advised his hearers that the Americans had. We brought of the family of these men that they to read the pamphlet "issued from the down the Nati.nel Policy in the first should tau characterized m Parliament , department of which I am the head.' I session, and Mr Mackenzie said we had as brutal wretches. This is ons ( challenge Mr Cameron or Mr Blake to carried out our promises, and had ''tans specimen of Mr Cameron's falsehoods ; saythatthese statemerta are inaccurate. the whole hug," and that we dud• 1 cannot use a mild - ly are sixty misstatements in tbn et five a sham pret•ettea, but a real to Hon. Peter Mitchell, Mr Cameron book, and only one of them should net protection. We find that our people have and be got his infornp,tion from a report be charged to Ur Cameron. Mr Blake no longer to go to the United States. of Hon. Lawrence Clarke. The Hon. a few days ago found hu error, and said Smiles , Every man in Canada can Lawrence Clarke fly denies be threw himself upon the accuracy of today get a day's work for • good day e that he ever made such • statement as Mr Cameron,and that all should suspend wages, (renewed smiles and so Canada is that unputsd to him He affirms not Iodgrsent until they heard from Mr t; day prosperous through the beneficent - only that he never made such a state- Cameron. Mr Blake must find himself influence of the National Policy. In meet, but the statement itself was in very deeply humiliated and degraded in every branch of industry thereisa dark - his own mind in the unfortunate eositian o,pment and progress, and in all the hab- he is before the country in making these itable glob. there is no country more statements without looking at them him- than Canada. Yen triads • self, and trusting in Mr Centeno' ; -red mistake last time in West Huron, but I he must hate swore -if he ever se ears--- think you will retrieve yourselves nest for trusting to 'cooed hand stalcoeute. time.'',d send • supporter e f theNational P. . . parliament to support Sir John A. Macdonald. We confederated Canada, and eetwblished thellunion. The Mari- nette provinces had turned in their in- terests with us The Government have heart throes seaside profitless to. us by the Interc,lonial Railway. The Domin- ion 1 t at my suggestion hal paid £300,000 for the Northwest ; today b you cannot boy the city of Winnipeg alone for that sum ; yet we were told at the time .of the purchase that it was el• travagant One of the eoonditions of union with British Columbia wse that we should build the Canada Pacific Rail- way. i recently went over that road, and at every station I was thanked for building it. Not only was the building of the mad an enormous enterprise, but we had the most persistent and malig- nant opposition to the onnetreetion of it from the beginnine to the and, from Mr Blake and his supporters. He was • prophet of evil from the first to the Taft. it was "Woe, wee, woe!' Bet then is no "Whoa" now. You don't seem to be miserable now ; if you are you don't seem tt. (POI it. we have thw e satisfaction of knowing that that railway is ening to be an immense oomm.retal su cele Mr Blake said the traffic would never grease the wheels of the loeomo.. live. He said the rant would serums - late an the nib; and that the company much like offering similar lankuagr to would " scamp' their work, and after Mr Cameron. This veritable chestnut taking their twenty -fire millions of was told in a racy style, and was receiv- money would desert the road and leave ed with loved laughter. Haying disposed it on the hands of the Gorernment. The d ¥r Camerm, resumed the speaker, Government hes had that road be g .Mepleesetly, and bar'tg conwine..l you equipped and running. and !".•• also hod all of has fitness to represent West Her works of every kind started all through nn. i will now go on to other matters. the country We hats s.baidiaed • We are now approaching the end .4 the number of railways We sr* helping (tae present Dem(.on parliament We shall partially brans& hoes in the Maritime shortly ie. to the reentry, and we shat' Prosiness, Quote* and Ogtarin, We silk for a renewal of that amfddenee are Beteg as far as prwdenee will alb' M gtren n5 in 11478 and 1*2. For the to go. It would be rain to us to allow purple. we have came Mane yam.Ws the great credit we have is the marbwfe ask f..r a renewal .,f that eonMestee, for of tee world to stain by nes -steins[ w. helm,. in one eoneciena+ that our credit anti war revenge. We have we deserve it. The hied and orordial ,gen. es far se we neget to do ; we bane provision for their present and to suable them to proceed ap their huntingrounds through ('tae's Neat Theca Mr Cameron charged t the Indians were bet fed ..n bacon: - way, had presented Iady M ecdonald, and Cartwrights 'fared of 1878 were net. one with a bracelet, the ether with a poses an place of the present one, it necklace„ and Mr Blake and Mr Came- . would mean that they would wring fruw ton had t saying that - tl three and a half ma- chete Canadian Pacific railway dugnitar• 'lions of taxation more than tfie ?tautest tea could not bribe him, so they bribed , Policy takes from them. On the poor money, as they did nothing with his wife. Later in his speech the premier man's breakfast table three and a half thegooney, lauds andat money had gone into the enunciated the following abominable million dolars had been tared annually. public treasury. 1'had Mr Cato the doctrine We clip the language from the (L,ud chain Io the freight chargee tacked the 1; t fur giving Veil's sport, without (tangiug s un tea alone we saved 4c. on every away timber limits, as he maintained, word :-Mr Cameron bad then made a pound of tea carried over the Canadian be had nothing to my about the action moat unfounded charge as to the mural Pacific Railway. And yet these people cf the Mackenzie (1 when, character of Indian agents. He assert- 1 of the Government taxing ed that "a young Englishitun, unfit to the poor. With the exceotton .1 an lu- do anything in his native country, was creased tariff on articles of luxury, the shipped off to Canada, conaigned to the increase in the general tariff which the can of the First Minister of the (amts said was se enoriu'us did not Dominion. (Laughter.) He was pro- I amount to three-l•uarters of one per cent Tided for in the Indian service of the in the whole eight yeary. The Censer- North- West territory, and he had keen retire party was aloe, a party of peace. loving there for three or four years, 1t was a fortunate thing that the rebel• revelling in the sensual enjoyment of a twuws successfully overcome by ('an - western harem plentifully attpptied with Ades can's. But to day a party existed skeet twilling* from the western prairie is the suuntry whauh cundsraasd the lowers." That statement was made out ( t for carrying out its iravit• .1 whole cloth. It was wholly untrue. able duty. It was said Riel was extent - Only two officials of the f t ed at the bidding of a faction He af8 live with Indian women to whom they are not married under the Christian rite. These took their wives, as the iedians took them, under the pagan rite, and in both cases the mets hare asked for the ..f the Christian ceremony. But it set said that these ntlicals b -.tight the Indisu women from their parents. There was no proof that any ..1 the ..Iii. ere ..f the (1 had purchased Indian women, hut white tnen probably had b. ught them. The had no c.ntrnl over • white (tan's actions. and if a man purchased an ground that he was not to he trusted be Indian wife he was simply &c me Io cause he was a Roman (Catholic; that no •neiation, with thanks. It is • great aec.rdance with the custom prevailing reliance could be placed on his oath ..f solace t., a man like myself, advanced in among all the trees. Hear, hear,) Ake because of the religious flews he years. approaching the termu.•Uon of He did ,(t know how Mr Canien,n held. Seth WY the politickduhooesfy bis poohtieal career, to he greeted by inch could c"tnplain of that system when it e,( these so called Reformers The an assembly es this, and have my hum - was practically the system prevailing spirit which Canal was showing in I Isle services spoken of in the language of amen wealth white 1e in moat eulogy whish you haute addrwsse 0. m•. g v D'c P (hese magnificent mmunetntiom was I It would he nnreaso,aable foe me at this mareiranse. • matt hawing to settle ■ an index that a was still true to the old hand.nrne dowry o• his intended wife L' flag of the Chieftain, and under it meeting to address you at any length, support her in the event of his demise. would march un again to victory -even if nay strength w.uld permit it. (Hear, Misr " That nem could be found W. Can, hall thio raid • [aurid •d• Ij Yst 1 anq say • few words at this late in flume 1.. applated s.. ,eau a moral dI' b. the leader.the ►maOpp..I hour enn•rerning the great matters with view of the con]agal readiest is a ress (tin n. which 1 have been nested for the P's. rnfnl evidence of the depth to futon, who repbed 1 to the (dluwine e(• e :n ] pest thirty year. The gentlemen who (Dot orders in 1'ouncd were passed, but only 22 licenses wets granted, and all these licenses had lapsed giant the decision of the Privy Courcd in respect of the {orated: But while 22 obtained licenses. 27 more each paid $250 advance( two days after its defeat at the pills, it fact the reverse of that. Ile always granted 200 s.(uare miles of timber held the murdered instructors in esteem, lands in the North-West to Messrs. and that he was ready to make affidavit C.N.k and Sutherland, with the power to to that effect. On the 22nd of May, select them wherever they choose. While 1886. Mr Clarke wrote to Lieut. Guyer- the entire revenue Mr Mackenzie mor Dewdney as follows: - derived from the timber resourges of the "Cameron's vaporing" are unmitigat- Mr Cameron says thew .,temente were ed lies, and I wired our never answered in Parliament. H. country was $7,000, the present I:uv- rernment had received the large sum of the day after his utterances to gine them knew that for two months 1 was confined *675,000. What then could the electors to my nom, and I have nu doubt about of Wog Huron says of such a repre- sentative as teeth, entree role qua.ifiCa- tion t.. a plans in the Grit ranks was his traducing of the characters of his poli rated, however, that from one end of tical Canada to the other there was nu at- [flare Mr. Wm. Campbell again tempt on the part of the Orangemen to adrence.l to the front, and read and at iuduence the Government in its action. times chanted • flamboyant address to only one petition from as Orange lodge the premier A young lady named Miss came, and the members of that ledge he Bailey, daughter of Mr. James Bailey, was told were Gvita. Cheer.) While Mr hotel keeper, then presented him with a Blake and Mr Cameron were attempting bouquet. ] t.. catch the Roman Catholic electors, heTHE rR6t11r.E r rrxx. H. could tell hie hearers that in Prince IEdwaSir John A. Maed.rnald said : i re• Blakethered Nand the ed th Mr ceive this kind and warm hearted and Blake emieattacked theRuman Caths- cordial addre". which has been preaent- lie Premier of the provitioe on the Liberal C As which Tory pditieians have sunk. v a raasuirH. The difference betwset a dower set tied npon • wri/., fur her future Mr Meredith charged Mr Mowat with ..earity, and $th .r $20 Paid • pecan • deliberate attempt to centralise power have proceeded me have referred to the policy of calumny which has been pur- sued toward me. 1 have hien so reed to it that it now falls off me like water Of a Indian father for the es .4 hs daught.r in Toronto. in advocating the aM,ln'nw I dock's book. (Leughter) if you want rt for a few mouths 01 yeses, ie se apparent of the portfolio of the Miniater of light matting, you can find it in the col - that even Rir J.,h•t was ashamed to re Rduestin•, he said that a pap'r in.. oma 'r1 the (;l•J.. f.r the peat twenty-five pest it !elute the audience that greeted Toronto said that nn the 29th of Dseem- Jean, wh.rw 1 have been tented to •a him in the teeming in t;,,d.rieh. And her the Oh.1w's mantel would be, "Phase% rno.aaing attack ; yet hen i am toward at i)ongann•wi there were men and aro. Papeete every man in do his duty the nut .A my earser 1reetcd by snob an e.,itnr. and Christian training Doubtless that was a rood wet* Ito the • seably. and the ra npi.nt of addresser whose feeling. revolted against the 1.1.4.., as Mr I`elnwe .4 i chid sock as you has• presented to ane. f alt.miaable practise• eowdoned by the stnekhnMers, had don. well 1st ftatlecoN have beenme gnus earel.ss of any attack preswier. The meeting broke op with cwt of the eeM+ot bn.,k erne• l : Desi- 1 here rwesi..d n( late y.ars. 1 8..-. neral) via at such math- in with the masder bark 1?eiat' nft.n esii that .hen I was • hey .ot t hw ampere generally R+ C gefry my must unyualitied denial." Loud cheers.) [At this punt W. P Davis, of Mitchell, a Tory editor on the platform, wrote a message and passed it to the premier. It was to the effect that some one had said that Mt Cameron had not action in using Mr Cameron's unreliable greetad Hon. L. Clarke but another tdatem.nts was not ble. it Clarke, With a dramatic wave of the was striking below the belt. Mr Blake hand Sir John called for Hansard, and hal quoted Mr Cameron's statements, there found and read the name .1 the and must rum feel ashamed ..f himself. Hon. L. Clarke se Mr Cameron's an- The renewing story will illustrate the thority, amid the cheer of his support- situation. A matt had been prowling me, who thought some Grit had been around a church, and secreted himeelf in replied to effectively. The dishonestyof the sacred edifice, not for devotiens,bet the premier was never more manifested. to Meal bailee. The door were Inked He knew that Hon. H. J. Clarke, s upon him. and hating taken the bible. Tory Attorney General of Manitoba, Aad he 1 to get away with them, made ,the terrible charges quoted by but the deers and windows resisted all Mr ('aon of ha mer, and that in the oq,00tingr les his lase a effurta At t httempted to climb up the belfry rope, but to his ter- areat speech the member for West ror his weight caused the bell to ring. Huron had confounded the names of and round en alarm. The sexton and the Tory Hon. Clarkes, The (Vote, at the authentic. hastened to the church to Mr l'amemn'• srgiteetwn, maan early find out the cause of the alarm, and cap. correction of the very simdeple error, lured the thief. looking up toward. thmu,ph sinular name• : but the word• the bell the criminal mid : "Ah ' it it attributed by Mr Cameron te Hem. H. was nit for yoer long tongue and your J. Clarke are genets. and cannot he die empty head I would not have beer, poled, and the for and fairness of Mr found out." Mr Blake mu.t feel very Cameron's charges remain. The dis- honesty of the premier in hiding the fact that the words wen not Hon. L Clark.'., but Hon. H. J. Clark's, is characteristic of so unfair and tricky a debater. 1. a (brit bed written a mes- sage alone that lies Sir John would have found ditseelty it aasweri•g i1. - Em Tot Or 8I01$AL.1 Kir John team t.e.k up the mat ter .of the cattle of one of the tribes. One ret was old, [tad another was Mind, bet Mr Cameron left ,out that Penton of the repot which mid that these mitts had been teed by the In- dians fee names years' worries es an Indian reserve. Then was a wiser it that many ardent prayers were offered 5p by my peliticl for wwyt'^- mediate recovery. (Laughter.. Mr Cameron, fur fear of hurting my sensi- tive feelings in my weak state, made these charges behind my back. Mr filake s • Misted du all t trust that mt 1100. i.odatiot sour[ have a as P,.eitic ltsilwat us is the quests meat wM right law to go into murderer and did Mr. Mai was set from e did nut dace offered a rows since changed Beaune av lea diem hare pre ung, fruw a wi their ituqulsirt were told that sure ott ms h] this pre•vince. mint .tt quoit ousted and tut that senseless has very near would hare be coaled 1 lip t all classes and country have 1 tint beliefs, peace with on, situation to anent. I hat, in the Cabinet would expect this cutter ; ' and theydem their nglish Mr. Merrier but i can tell cast. the prei trent and ny mint wilt XDalority of Canadians elect ion. 1 that after all pointment wi they have sot men and has -all upon the adherence to Given you fir von do this y kenzie said petty and a untry." 1 do itlewi•e.' resumed lea At the cm meeting be. a hearty el with the res John 11' ,schon, die lshphening, He had bee Alert time . • awnahip h, *go. He e a widow tr Bis leas. about the s 11e was a thee& of 11.wee al this plan. -- e. woo tea tea• e' t Uarr tekv rear tar. Mna.g to On tre eror, :ort in yon Clederic0 To JOB'S axx'rtal w Itsol '' ttyeuauMeiJ ezestra wwhs nc M $i .inter t!►e ,t 1s •et a • Assisi. Few .. leveled t our tows t:oderl< :o the 1, :.0 .a : milia. .,e .1111 a.didat t• t u • rinR i 14c,atd. ii Kit,' •tar. •,nag. in, I My 'seer of rreeofs nod pro' 1 have f ,n hvoe 1ars .•rentao r nllw pros b :wee, wilt le, put tr .M.h .afar .+ *5 k puled t vantae [wench ro heli. ,,ehta teanelwi taw W/ring rick. a mails 1 to pen new 11: ha• .avatareokra1 ne5- s.rsa that tea Rssl noes ao 1 1 Hat Parr n" a he5ni to do t r 1e rival nnnp 15(51 Medi deaf Ie1.A. a -ell nm te,wt of to