HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-26, Page 2111 CAUGHT AGAIN. THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 18886. DODGING TBB I88U B. to *hie ahem•hM .f she Teel teS Wbsue C. Cameron, M. P., Vindiosted Mae' Once More. tress tee Maness l fest list it is evident, from the course tak- en ft the aialtteri•1 press, that every eery renovate*.ge.ii u w be made to divert attention from the misdeeds of his ti t by ration* false lasses and tarrying the wit Owe of the matters dealt with in the .dw panics. talo regionstae Mitt. l:otretb•r (orrytn the ground where hought to be fought Electors must therefore keep censtautly to view the tact that the on which the Tory race and religion crusade is pro- jected were the direct results of neglect of duty, m , sud downright shameful abuse et pope'. To attempt to divert oenaidentions of these things by assailing the Catholic Church, abus- ing the Irish,•ud threateutug the French Canadians, is a so dangerous, se unwise, so litely t. lead to most dis- tressing , that we are at a loss to 1 its true meaning. if Protestant fears should be rioted by the recital of alleged clerical , Si, must Catbulic aYprrhenatuus he aroused on the other hand. in taking a wore. sal strangely et variance with ordinary prudence, Sir John Macdonald must be aware that he is nailing into dangerous activity forces that can only produce misery and disaster. We think, however, that he leas gross- ly misjudged the people, arid that he wt11 tind them wiser than he thought they were ; coat weir common settee stronger than their pre whose ; and that, elate. document, many thossaude e( which have boon issued (rem the Ham- ilton Spectator office at the iueta,ce of the Indent Dep•rtmeut, ra the conduct ..1 Lieut. Governor Dewdney. It is dealt with in this manner by the hired apologist for the Northwest rascahties: Mr Jackson, • member of the North- west Council and • Ide long Coowrva- tire, a man who beasts that he has been an unswerving and faithful supporter of the First Miouter od this Dowtnioa fur a period of twenty-five years, in • speech delivered ty him at Qs.' Apprlle to January last. thus *peeks of Lieuter- ent-t.overnor Desrdney, and the effiuiels o f the Northwest Territories: "Everything is •luiet, there is nu danger. I say fist it the lndan •geute were not in • pommel mtIon then to tell what was the state u( the Indies mind at that time, then they were unfit fur the pot iti.n they held; and a stronger argument that the chief of the department was not fitted for has post I de not want than that he allowed his Indian meets to persuade haat that everything was peaceable sod quiet, while the whule j thine was a acether{ volcano, reedy w if they have one prejudice stronger than bunt forth at any moment,and Dewdney another, it is in favor of tolerstiun and was the only innocent assn in thmttiunt• non-interference with religious affairs. ry. That shows that things in the Kut, apart from that, property has taken Iudian Department are rotten to the cors and should be weeded out. . Haar, bear.) Had he exercised bis proper functions, and doom what was expected of him, the •Government would have been induced, because of the gravity of the eituaten, to deal with the matter. and thus have avetted this great re- bellioo. " This is an implicit chane, capable of disproof if it be not well founded, hut the pamphleteer had n..evtdence to facet it with, and be contents himself with this so-called "reply" "Mr Jackson's animus arises from Mr Dewdney's resistance to his attempts to apjMalate w omrtaiti lands, set aside b1t arraageaest with the Indians as • treaty reserva It so happens that Mr Jackson is in alarm. Mian who in ordinary times give ,,,I.. III III with dismay the evils which must result from the attempt to divide the e,e+uple on religious lines. All deems, especially those who have capital invested, and whore welfare depends on the orderly progress and development of the country, feel that this new infamy must be stern- ly .. 1. They cannot afford to let it gather strength ; that interests infinitely mors important than the exist- ence of a Ministry are at stake, and must be preserved even at the expense of political a.id principles. It would be a cause of profound regret and a deadly menace to the institutions --which all Canadians are bound to main- tain and defend were any considerable Ottawa at the present time, and he has body of the pectic, Catholic or Protest neem shown the election literature re- ant, to be wrought upon by the• inflam- ferred to. He asserts that the static oratory appeal of the C prsor intents made by the traducer of Mr Mi.(. and speakers t to range themselves un the Cameron and all who choose to point lines indicated. Such mistaken coedudt out how fearfully Northwest affairs have would inflict on Canada the curse that been bungled are false in every parte has desolated Ireland, and produce re- cular. He asserts that he never • salts disastrous alike to the material, latd or sought to speculate to lands social and rel well-being of the whole aside as Indian reserves, and he *gain p'palatron. challenges ha assailant 4r the pawl. t nfertonetely the anarchical efforts Mr Jackson adds that the charges he of the Conservatives to create religious made aquost Mr Dewdney were based disc,rd Ghee no signs of abatement, and uron the rel.ortts of Dr. Edwards acrdlirosy, therefore, be regarded as • settlbe other officiate, and facts which came diverted. Po ive t from which they will not be to indi- ander his own observation, and he saysi�eest6 t they fteeld also seem by some that before the present campaign is over he will be in • position 4o Rive additional proofs of the neatest and mismanagement of Northwest affairs which aided in fan- ning the flames ..f the rebellion. And ss. it is throughout the entire pam- show of success or they would dieonn- tinue the vame. Should this really be the ase, the duty of stamping out the fire and pnniahing the incendiaries be. comes all the more imperative. giblet. It u the must du¢nceful and %Vhea the C party adores hatred o.. -sided document, intended t.. nes- - er pr the Catholic Church as its , —Wed the eablice and the leading prieciple, and we see the Liberal t and state tit albino as shown in the public brwdesot"�preincipleeo nfh �hetgnhttesn and documents laid before l'arlianient, equal justice to all religions, Catholic though those were by no means Gem- everywhere are compelled by the inexor- dtl ragingA tacpoilihas ..been indulged in able facts of the situation to throw their throughout, and snatches from reports weight against the bigots, and work for the praservation of the liberties which are as much in danger to Protestante as to themselves. The solidity of the Opposition under that by themselves convey a false mean- ing are given as chewing the true state of affairs. Even the Ottawa .lo.rnutl, which bas supported the Government In the majority of public questions, is coin- Mr Blake is assured, and strengthened, pelted to condemn this choice specimen as it is sera to be, by wholesale seces- sions Tory election literature. It says : alone from the reeks. of large classes "From a cursory view of this r ''- heretofore ou the other side, there can phlet, it seems that the calm judicial he no reasonable doubt of the outcome treatment of departmental administra- tion usually adhered to in blue betas and the like is wholly wanting in this presumably official array of facts, which is marked by the most prejudiced state- ments lied filled with angry denuncia- tions of Mr Cameron. As an example he is termed the honorable member for %Vest Huron—the italicised word being an insulting insinuation that his rtglit to that appellation is oil—while through- out the pamphlet are sprinkled such choice mamma as: "Again Mr Cameron distorts the fact, eta, and so en. Now, this is not the spirit in which public documents of this character should be framed.' But the chief point which the public roust note lies in these facts: that the alsnderous document is printed by the thousand out of the public funds: that it is not • blue -book, or an official docu- ment; that it is merely an electioneering dodger, issued with a Minister's unpr.w- ,eh,r, with the object of misleading the public in regard to the charge* made against the administration of Indian af- fairs by the present Government; yet withal it is printed atthe expense of the general tax•payer, with tho pnnpect, fudging by the revelations made before the Printing Committee ..f Parliament last year, that a tut sem of public inoney will be thus wasted in order that the election funds of the Tory Ikases may be eonoomizr.l feet ether purpaea it is • nice convenient arrangement for the Hamilton 'lyrertattir, but a know• ledge of the facts will not aid the petite _ in reaching the belief that our city is one whit mere in- dependent in its dealing with public .1ueslinn than was the ase when it was overpaid thousands of dollars for print- ing immigration pamphlets old country workman t.. crease to Cassda at a time when the depression was general throughout the Deana stun. ---Hamiltn Tunes. see Ayer's Sarsaparilla thoroughly eben- ant the bl•xd,..t 1at.s the vital fun etwss, and restore health and strength. No one whose blood is impore gall feel well. When you are . 1 and despmtdeat take Ayer's Raeseparilla t" peed/ and vitalize the blood. of the general election. ter. cameras sad the l: Mr. M. C. Cameron, the member for Huron, has been a source of great itnnoy- aoce to lir John Macdonald and his camp -followers. He has disturbed them while feeding at the public crib. They have not yet enjoyed all the advantages they anticipated. The markets have been glutted and prices hare nut been se gond as the placemen desired. Mr. Cameron spoke with great force and the people will appreciate this part of his charge, that there are nut twenty of Sed John'efittotten in the flonse of Corn mons from the Province of Quebec who can give an independent vote on any questien whatever. Is this true 1 Are the members who have obtained railway charters and the grant of bonuses ot from $1,000 to 812,000 a mile to aid in the construction of • railway, in • posi- tion to condemn a () . that has placedstteh enormous sums from the public treasury at their disposal 1 Are the ten who have received timber limits at $u ■ share mile, which they were subsequently able to sell at =2,000, in- dependent 1 Are they capable of voting fairly in the public interest 1 Are the members who have vone into colonization companies and who have had numerous shares placed at their credit without the payment of a farthing, on account cf their supped influence with the Gov• ernment and their ability to get special favors, in $ psitien to vote f- ly 1 is there anyone so blind as not to see that all these men have been dragged de.wn le the level of the Pacific scandal operatives f Is the man who has had his cetstitueacy so gerrymandered as In make it secure 4e htm rn a position 1. vete in tly, and to lose sight ..1 the favors that the C have t* stowed upon him 1 The present House of Common*, ss Mr. Cameron has car wetly stated, has been converted into • hotly ..f placemen, and is utterly Weep - able of judging fairly of the poMi: in ler.st where that interest does net coin- cide with that of Ministers. L.•.ndon Advertiser. W. take pleasure in ling Hall • !lair Renewer to oar rwa laria 11 rest.,ree gray hair to ite youthful enols, , Nina. Low.* Maroc Mt- .tenth tllear.— prevents Mildness. make. the hair soft Hedamt, .onthine acrd elo.aasing fav ell end tl'say, inset not alma the skits, and eruptive diseases of th. akin. Ihtligbttsl «t' a hesMt known remedy ler her and ter toilet elle. lm P tlborae Neerase en area. *dale. Ila ltmger I lib on top die meth de Wier I am ouavinoed dal de man who woks by your Mirk" Oa you uu credit fur it, while de one who Imes by it sea your mealy. 1 has resc►edNat pans in my private We whet' is ane • naybur steps in to nut my spumes about the weather for the neat tamely four hours I dodge the inquiry an' turn tht am - venation to hard cider as coon as possible. If I predict rain an' hit it, der' may he to much fur hie beans or nut huff tur his 'tater*, an' he am martin to lay it up agin me. If I predict rata 'an u doau' woke, he loses antidence iu my Judgment au' bolds me in contempt Fur the last twenty y'ars I hev been seekiu' de happy medium ail' dates de chief cause of my being hump -backed boo -legged an' laver all upset. I doom' want te be so good that • pussen dares to come aft' Neal my hens in the day- time, feeiin' dal I'll forgive hue, and 1 d..au' want to be w bad dat none of the naybun will dare come in an' burry soft - swap, kuowiu' dat 1 like to loud. 1r* trytie to *title de happy medium my hens hev all died of de pip au' t of de booryd soap has been returned. I want to treat all toy naybun alike, but when Johnsen centre in an' abuse. Seuith, an' Smith comes in an' abuses Johnson, de happy medium which 1 w•reh mound' fur makes enemies of beat, bekase I (luau' agree with either. If I pray so loud dat my btsuo floats out on de night to de ears of de naybur- hood. acgpwbudv I'o1 *.tsI dry wind - power religion may be all right to trace mules by, bet it den' reach the gates of beaben. If I pray in sich • low vote dat nobody, hears it, remarks are made to de effeck dat I has cooled elf a good deal sine payin'dat bill fur three months' pew rent. My left-hand nahur has children who am de terror of Kauutuci. lie comes ober to me in de gloaming an axes what should be done. leu happy medium would be to buy a may dug an' turn him loose in de back yard, but de makes de man my enemy. My right-hand naybur has children who am so good dat dey lay down an' let derselvee be robbed an' pounded. He wakes up in de maiming to al my advise, an' when I tell him to pack dent off to an idiot asylum he doan' steak to me agin for six months. De medium which we should strivtl rpt may he divided up as follows : 1. B 2. Be dumb as to men's faults melees yoga= in de witness box. . B. silent when yea can't raise. d. IIaou advise at all, apes wad de ideas et de passions asking it. 5. A blind man am nebber brought into Court for a witness. 6. Wisdom am not in knowing such • powerful sight, but in leepin' abet on what you loan' know. - Detroit Free Press. The {sat 1111k the tl.he.l. Vhv the first mi- lk drawn from • cow at each milking is the poorest, and why that drawn last, the "strippings," is the richest, has been the subject of Dr. Sturtevant's and Professor Arnold's organics, and together they seem to have given the true reasons, says Honrois Dairymen. Professor Arnold first says it 1. not because the Dow's udder is like an open vessel, oo which the chant can rise) but there is no such thing as • backward motion to milk, K any of its elements after it has once started from the point of formation, but the ducts converge into the one in the teat. Dr Sturtevant says that the heavier, more liquid part of the milk will move through the milk tubes more easily than the solid and lighter portion, much on the principle, we suppose, that a pebble would move downward in a tube of running water faster than the water and that accounts for part alt the _ result. Professor Arnold sayst1�it addition to this caul. the fat of the milk after it has passed to the initial points of secretion is absorbed into the general circulation faster than the protein. is, and so becomes pourer in fat the lonver it is retained in the udder. The facts . 1 witn this view, for it has been proved that the per Dent. of butter fat increases with the aI ortnees of the time between milking*, that it adds wonderfully to the butter . of the cow to inilk her every six hours over milking once in twenty-four hours. We suppose. the above being true, that the cow milked every six hour, if she produced more butter, would need additional food to give her the fat for her system that she would otherwise ab- stract frjom her own milk. It j• • fact, we believe, in most cases that the 1 cows, when under test, are milked every eight hours with the utmost regularity, and this accounts for part of the wonders they perform. t •sadeure 1n newel. Rev. G. M Millittan, who at one time, nil doubt under • severely criticised the policy of the On- tario Government in regard te Cental Prise affatn, has written an upon letter in reply to Premier Mosat's recent straiehtfnrward statement en the sub- ject. Some idea of the preesnt condi- tem ..1 the hon. gentleman's mind may he gleaned (rent the conclusion of the letter, which is as follows: Hon. and Dear t;ir, --I em glad to hear •d your recovery from your recent illness, and my prayer is that you may have wisdom and resolution and health given you for the discharge of your diM• colt duties in such large messore that you -fay long continue Premier of our fair Province and so make it a purer and more secure land in which to dwell, and that when the duties of this t world are over for you, you may receive something higher than mere petitedt ma- jorities aJ sties and how .rs,even from the Master himself the assurance, "Well d..ne, g..od and faithful servant_' Little Miss Lily has been allowed to come to the table •ori the occasion of her mam'a's birthday, after promising that she w..ahl he very, very geoid. l'n- f ly she was seated opposite a gentleman Wien was entirely bald. After some tine s in see -stricken euioi. aplation .d PI , she eneld not 1 sip remarking to her wether in • gait* audible stays whisper "Oh, amento a! see that gentleman. Ile heed is all staked." Judgo. ■e. MM. Sled Cm • r.0 se. t'ndee the heading "A at failwn" the Toronto News disease* the Mails torte* in assailing the Rowan C•t►.rites iu order to try and draw elf saw Phu, tomato. fret the Refutes party. '1►e Mur.' anal the Coneervatives see that they can hope for but little suppers in Quebec. and they are trying to get au offset fur that ru (/uteri'•. The Nears ess: — 1,e p Iiticial strategy un which ' tbey have staked everything is to appeal to the Pndestant and rata - meant of the Ontario (frits, iu the h.ysr f breakitt the compact orypnizeiten of the latter, sod securing enough .4 the vote which has halbert.. bleu eo the opposition site to offset their born. rho far there is every indiceti..0 that the scheme will lea a failure. In the best 'place it is an absurdity on the face of it u raise the anti Catholic cry as s meats .d helping a G.vernw.nt. era of sb.se thirteea members are tlatholics, sud several of wham are ministers• purely because they are Catholics. This fact of itself threat the gravest doubts ou tete sincerity .e1 the new departure. Secondly, whatever attitude any news paper . r individual may take on probe beton, it is a notorious fact that the Tories all x party hoe been ou the -thole much lea favorable to advanced legislation than the Grits. If t#te new departure le to bate any impression ns. torrent politics there ought by this time to 1.e soros siegbt indication ,of its effect on the Grit ttaaasee. The closest ecrut•ny fails to Mveae any such signs that it is serytag the object in view. '. The Halifax (i.resnele Wenn, us tLat the Hon. Thus. White, the Mi•uter of the Interior, matte • held defence .•f the Q s admiuistrati..n .•t the Northwest policy. The rebellion was w holly dee to the state of Mlr-l.ttwleay Result's health. He bad unfortunate - 17 beefiltu his leg and it did out mend Le rapidly as it wail hoped, and the rebel- lion *.s whoUy,due to t►f. unfortunate tact. Mr Lindsay Ruasell's fractured leg was spm.thing that the Government could not lass by. It was an insupera- ble obstacle in the way of redress .4 l nfortunately, however, these were of long standing and if the (1• had only shown ordinary they would have been deposed of lung before any accident befell Mr Lindsay Reseed, The f l.n,r.i.ls says "Mr White is possessed of plenty a assurance. The eutcime of his old con- troversy with tt a Montreal herald show- ed this. His defence of the policy of the C t in the Northwest must. however, be regarded as establishing beyond cavil his right to take tint rank *ret ng the pes•sssun alt unbounded as- surauce. When he denied the truth 1f the statements made by the be had only to fear the cotttradictiou of two men, Mr Donald Smith and Mr George Stephen. When these gentlemen came torward and supported the aanrrttons of the ilrruel, Mr White's assurance de- serted him, and wisely dieouutinued the discussion with the Ilawid. He thea deny, although he had again and •gain previously denied it, theethe conversa- tion which the Herald had referred to had taken place, and that in that conversa- tion he had enunciated tho principle which has always been the rule of }ale titled conduct, that the t party politics justify resort to the moat dishonorable methods.' These observations are not very flatter- ing, but we cannot say that they are un- deserved, — London Advertiser. e'NveatIs A convention of Huron Temperance workers met in the lecture room of the Baptist church, Wingham, at 1:30 p November ll;th, Mr D. D. Wilson, President of the County Scott Act Ash, - nation, in the chair. The session was opened with prayer by Rev. N. S. Bur wash, of Releasers. The President a opening addrees contained reference to evils that had transpired since the last convention was held, and •. as to business to to brought before the meeting, and the course for the temper- ance party to persue in the near feature. He congratulated the I. people upon the result of their application to the Ontario Government for the ap- pointment of • Police Magistrate to the South and East Ridings. He was pleas- ed that the Government had not hesitat- ed tc appoint a gentleman, known by them to be opposed to them in publics, to the important position of P.dice Mag- istrate for the East Riding. Mr Wilma denounced in str,ng larguage the at- tempt to burn the residence of Mr J. Wanking, Police Magistrate fur the South Riding, and urged the friends of and order to greater deter• urination and effort in bringing law break- ers to Justice. A d.scusston arose in reference to the action to be taken by the party, in view of the probability alt early parhamentary elections, and in regard to the hips a.unicipal elections, which resulted in the aduptiuneof the two following : Moved by• Rev. W Smyth. sec. by Rev. A. J. artley, "That the Executive Committee of this Association prepares list of questions in harmony with the pledge, as provided for in the Electoral Union platform, to be submitted by the officers of each rid- ing to all candidates for edu- cational, municipal and positions, and that the association make known the melt to ail f, sup- porters. Meted by Rev. D. C. McDowell, sec. by J. C. Stevenson, "That we are •11 pleased to know that Electoral Unions are being formed in certain parts of the ceuuty, and we most earnestly re.,u.N the temperance people to form such un- ions in all the muutcipalities through the county, in orders that there muyht be • thorough organization, to give the sup- port re.'uired to the temperance arae at the present crisis, and that this work be left in the hands of the riding associa- tun. A resolution was introduced proposing to ask the County Council fur another expression of opinion on the matter of a paid Puha Magistracy, but the Gess ventuon expressed the arovictiun that that body had already given sufficient evidence ..f their attitude upon that ques- tion and rejected the motion. Rey. J. Roe• moved, sec. by Mir J. C. Stevenson, "That this convention ex- presses its sincere sympathy with the Polic Miacistrate fir tee South Riding, Mr Jas. Wanless, in the dastardly at- tempt made on Monday evening to burn his dwelling house ; its strong disappro• vat of the outrage and its earnest hope that the Ontario (. t will use its utmost endeavor to discover and pett- ish the miscreants." The resolution was heartily adopted. A resolution of thanks to W. C. T. 1'. of Clinton, for • donation of *25 to the funds of the Association, was passed. The t of Rev. John Charl- ton to the i'resioeticy of the Newick Branch ess.ciation was confirmed. Some other important matters, which the convention had not tune to deal with, were left to the Executive Com- mittee, the enthusiastic and successful was brought to • close by the benediction by Rev. Hugh MoQuarri.. in the evening • mass meeting in the 'own hall was addressed by Rev. Wm. Burgess. The hall was filled from the stags to the doors with an audience that evidently 1 the lecture, which was at once eloquent and pregnant with practical instruction and satire. a■ ttleleled Writes a well-known chemist. permits me to say that Putam's Painless Corn Extractor never fails. It makes nil sere spots in the flesh, and ly m painless. ikon't you format to get P.tnam's Corn Itstr$etor, now ho, sale by malieiwe dealers everywhere, air diehard t• the %.sag enteral.. Addams te the aseisetb young Men's loin Why, N year pal idea be but to r !! 1111. ,1i1, 11 how ,•..• tram hero the man who has amassed the biggest pile of dollars by fair eueans yr foul, all that 1 an say to you 1. that judged by that standard Alexander Mac - Keene rs an utter fool—Edward Blake is an utter fool—I art as utter fool, for we have bad in our time the control ..f hundreds of mitten's alt the i.eople'• money, and nut one cent even stuck t.• our hands : out it is the simple flat, to my own certain knowledge, that each one ..f us left office p ever by thousands 1/1 dollars than he entered it, or than he would have been of he had never accept- ed it, and the same 1. true, I believe, .1 every tette e( Mr Maekeszi.s other coi- 1 dI leagues. (Loud applause.' Gentlemen if you do net like this way of doing public business, and if you want other models.—"smart" men, who uuderstand bow te, make p .Enid pay --you have not tar to seek. 1...0 will tind them ready to your hand in great plenty among the Langevine and t lr - Popes acd the Chap - laws and the T. m Whites and the Ry• kerset and the Ituultbees and the Beatys and the Hickeys and all the rest of the horde of t'reepine things that purr toad crawl and sting rotted the portals of Ot- taws, ready t» play pander sr.d parasite to any man who has grasped the reins of power, and who is willing to gorse their greed with timber lease. and Gal areas and "testimonials" and railway grants, and permita to plunder the lands and minerals of the territory formally award- ed to Ontario. (Loud applause. • alar .f ibe Time.. Twu of Sir John'. former colleagues have formally renounced his leadership. The Hoo. Peter M atchell, Minister of Mar- ine and Fisheries from 'til to 71, has for some time been actively opposed to the Chieftain,and the Hoo. William Macdou- gall who was in Sir John's cabinet at Lion aud stumped the a obntry with him in 1878, at a meeting in Toronto on Tuesday last 1 that the scandals that disgrace the govern- ment were a mese of grave alarm for the future of the country, and that he con- ceived it to be the duty of every pathetic Canadian, as he judged it his, to do all in their power 4, turn the present out of office. T. carer rata. 11.. means which may be readily end successfully employed to relieve pain are important and should be known by all. We etre you the name of the hest remedy in the world for ptn,and the information that a 10 cent sample bottle can be pur- chased at any drug store. Poison's Nee viline,the new and surepop pain cure,eill never fail you in time of treed. New a- line is a safe and prompt cure of all kinds of pain, neuralgia, cramps, iuolh- ache, headache .Bare always. Ten and 2:) cent bottles at drug stores. e. Ron no risk in buying medicine, but try the great Kidney and Liver resole tor, made by Dr. Chase, author of Chase's receipea. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases '.1 the Liver, Kid- ney., Stomach and Mamie Sold by J. Wilson, druggist. N twee. In a Lewtstt it grammar •choral class, on•dsy last week; the teacher looked O ever the class and said: "Now, can no. body tell me what the word gender means?"' A lone silence was folio wed w by the snapping of • boy's finvers at the foot of the class. "Well! what is it, John r' asked the teacher. "Please, mum!" was the reply. "it's what gees with gems." Lewiston i Ms.! Journal. The First Sign Of tailing ►•alto, whither is tbe lean of Night !sweets and Nervousness, er ls a suss of Weenie Weariless sad leas sr Appetltt..be.kl engem the we of Ayer'e Sareep•rllla. This preparstkss M mast effective for steles{ Wee seal strength to the enfeebled system, promoting the dlgesttua and asimllatiun of foal, rester - log the arrow* turves to their normal eesdbion, and fur puriftiag, easkhiat. sad vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ten ears fisc m bcaha to All. 1 woe twtth • disCough, years tresaltttl Night Swrata, Weskaeas, sad Fereeer mesa. 1 tried various remedies preartimil by d ile cut phase -tans, but became ee weak that 1 could .ot it* up stars witth- eas seeppiag to rest. My freesia resent* a.sdr. rue to try Ayer's which I did, and 1 am now as bract v stream a. ever.— Yrs. L. L. V, UAsms, Aksaadrle, /lino. 1 have used Ayer's !Sarsaparilla. to m famih, for Scrofula, and kuaw, Ir It 1s taken faithfully. that It will the eradicate tide terrible diocese. 1 Wee ` prescribed It se a tusk, as well ae as alter. sive, and most say that 1 bsnsttll believe it to be lbs bent blued aiedkiae ever L --W. P. rower, 1). P. 8, M. 1►., Greveille, Teuu. Dyspepsia Cured. it would be Impo,.ibM• for ass to de- scribe what I eudervd from 1udlgestioa sof Hsallaebe up to the time 1 Miran takieg Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 was under Um care of various physicians sad tried a great many kends of mrdkitte., but pever obtaiarn) more than temporary re- lief. Atter taking Ayer'r ear aparllls for • abort time. coy headache disappeared, and my stutnack 1 W duties mots perfectly. Today my health 14 sem. itaXi_rsaterd. *Mary Marley, epilog- ! have been greatly besetllsd by Um prompt um ee Ayer', 8sstlrporilli. M tortes anti Invigorates he techs, the anion of the digestive sad organ.. and vitalizes the bleed. ouI1 iy without dbt, the most reliable IQ purifier vet di.eovered. — H. D. Juhaeea, ata Atlautk ave., Brooklyn, 4. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 1'np.r.d by En. J. C. Aye a Co., Lowen, Mem Pelee 1111; sin beetles. Ss. Dr Low's Worm Syrup will remove all kinds of Worms hems address or adults. ___. lea satrneles'. ttaegseser. There is apparently a spirit of intense luya►ty am.wgai the people .4 London, Ont. Hun. Mr Laurier has tern an• pounced io speak there and the rest - deists who remember his talk about atm- keta on the heriks ..f the Saskatchewan are highly ttdienant. Some even go as far as to urve that Mr Limner be forci- bly prevented (ruin speaking. Such a course would he a mat unwise one. On- tario boasts o1 its freedom of speech and action. Let it net bel.. its record. Let Mr Laurer have hu say, he i. • graceful and polished ureter, end it is highly probable that wheu he gets through, the Londoners will be gratitld instead of annoyed. Montreal Star (ind Little and ...ear. The times change with them. Hard lv larger than mustard seeds but comp.* ed alt highly 1 vegetable extracts, Dr Pierce. "Pleavnt PurtSa- tive Pellets" have eansed the .14 style, large, drastic, cathartic Pills to be abandoned by .l1 seuaib'e people- The littlm augaraeatd Pellets are a sure cure fur ; for persons of sedentary habits they are invaluable. They ale little and lately, pleasant and safe. ae.aher whsle is.. The Ilaldimaad Adrorvete severely cas- tigates Minister Thomas White f.,r New erne*- , week that "the electors ..f Haldimand are the most ignorant lot of people that he ever met." This is no doubt an illus- tration et Mr White's coutenuen that. as a party man, it is necessary 4r he to help hie ace. 1f, however, the electors of HalUimand had resp.endd in the affirmative t, Mr White's "race and re- ligion" appeal., and had tient the Tory candidate to Ottawa, we do not doubt that he would new he s,eundn._ their praises throughout :he lenge h and hreadth of the land as the finest Lady of men he titer set eyes on. Ano this is Tory •'atesmanahy. 1 r.. man Worm i'owdet■ ate safe in all mase. They destroy and remove Worms is children or adults im The latest remark credited to Ream* Conkling was addressed to a rad mimed witness whom Mr. Ctinkling thought had lied. He .poke of him thus: "Gentlemen, 1 think i can see that witness now his mouth stretching across the wide deselatiom of hie fee., e fountain eel false:.... J and a sepulcher of rum.' rraerr..lre fetertablp. PN -fen tar Rs.rnr (eerier. Rhe What n pn•.r.sire euchre, .inhn • Ile I'm mere 1 dnn't know. The thing 1 in mn*t .ret re.te l .n post now to pr.gr s.e. e 'nurtah,11.. tih.--(►h' what .. that' He W. Il, lot • little while after he ('gao. to pay him s•id•-earr. to her is., comply 'hake. hinds with tier when they ate parting at night, a. 1 hare iron •terng foe the .at nese 4341 eo..i ,s Ther: M however • hula and some night. as he is leari po her, he le hi. i H arae am. -et her raise, like tbie and knees her, e 1 do re. naw. The '• t'* IIh. (tntrsbitrgl .tat watt thing, 1 supyeee, IpeopeerA' z "d 1 THEM "Ars you qu Her outer pe "Deed tore ! .1..ttd the perad were load. d cop two hundred ; day ; hence the nor this moral' gave the obeli •l,e.t ; uu back hate heel' hen ble—..ran with The speaker meta of the u c•.ulracted ka Meilen (racer terce greed wearing out t( Ile peered ea iw.'■ face es 1.. "1 sou Merry ponure. "Mr of .,nor. lir r tomorrow, I costume that 1 bit .1s tel. clan.. me.'. "Yea, here Well, I'm fee five nwtutes' c the holt." A c..ml•lteart.t. it d.tmce but I the board,i It. list • no strife rations. Ta -t As Evelyn 1 the IIIAIL[ig *a intense I face, until sl.e "Goo,i1 plus "Not a mate, engaged to 'i tea.. now I worth a few there is ty! :a , tt rather, the mt And. auntie pressed eager) The meet to uranin in Sao close. It .as had newel s charming and col incessantly at the dreasin blooming an. white held, a everting. A round her to had • smile a1 grand gallery b1.., and sple down the bre shaded light even Shen sly w the open a c.eicert pitch. the carriage sato/ back u light as thretl lips' "So that is "You nee mid the steer leant of t hs dame, who.. her gt.rgaovs as she Panne all het up :h and surely y' "I was no ie. Did you Tala,tt's fail "To tell t 1 thought with the til (.'cern, hi time 11 about hint. "Il... cat and must m man 1 pr'efe pn,bable th. Mr Taloott' "Money.] img it ; but • cookie' ni been since what lmp young itss now-a•dxys you I km ed a jolly 1 must be a be rid .d y' "you ar yid Evell shabby, every adv happy el ! the future. c +mea bac ondafy 1r nutst feat etwttt a so hideossne willingly She u Airs liar ,corner of "(loud little pate lases quit i1, a• deeperte 'ma sail 1.111 nasalablerpl ahaMew M