HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-19, Page 6s r T• TUE linos 8IONAL, FRIDAY• NOV.-19, iMl. the Poet's Corner. .area. as !teasels LI ■UEa.•wab. 11t.•LnOJI.. Tb. folksier tribute to the lslartd of Lewis, is neat touching, and will be read with pk.a•are by u.ur (late:ie readers : Th. Luu:thas Lheag' rublasch, - bha 1 ramh 's au Tenbh Tpath, - - Muir traglisi.IS ane Jwnaidh 'g a h -ad hadh tau 'n cuairt ; '1 uair a dheartrsas i ghosts oirr le rattb ladh o'shuaas !their i fan ter gach seal air son biadh alba' n t-alua•,h. F'oN t. A chiall nisch raise van an Fhrauich, Nein fiadh, nam brad•n, . ran swag ! Nan °Iochau, Han oian, ran caul Eileen innis tram bo, 'a 's uidh Ilan leach An t Eilete n. misisus.i h, gur pailt ann am biadh ; e Eileen a'. silly air ':, d•, dhealraich a' >;I:rias El o Eileen mu ghr.eidhl-a e, bha 'I:hrid- hlig sun 'iamb ; 'Scita 'n fha'yb t eu loath Ran an traieh an Caen Sian 'N am eiridh ua goatee air a ahlsibbtibb bidh esty- Bidh 'bhataarach gliushtach .• a [Attar. Itch 11 a •Burn, Ri gaehail a ,hiatal{ 's l uattach n..0 aro, '' mac-talla ran crest; ri tour: free. airt 'bha a Eil. rani teach{, laa•4 vert) '9 a,te cwnhn- a a cq'.L Air feargar an t-sautbraidh bid!, sound air Kath Bidb heti.:',_ s : ,'.n •.tu' ti ..ran di fain ; Bidh aisesq tr lou ague +meunaeh air /wig, If, air cr lic ,!il43 a'• I%Mult:ear train oga ri !emit (inch duine 'bha riamh aun bbs eiM.Bab ac.' dha, l;aeh as gu brath Coach run 'thrid air seaiatth sats bu mho. ;hit lets ann tau.h kin mhiunn le gach taw a bhi'eliathadb ri 'thraigh. Na'm fai,ihinn mo dhuractd 's u 'tetanal Llai oat, 'O gun ;hnothaeh aig anis riutn fluid 's a dh' tha..dan in bh► bee ; .n bhtlachaill' i l;hi `n .. air airidh fo abed nam beano mor' Far ant faight,in an cans 's baiune blsth sir son oiL ha 'n Piaci* :air tal.:.t. :eatu :i_a111.114 is boidheh' Na .ghrian a' dol si-•s sir ts:.p,a, air Ed. ten Le, ghan& 'N eaaln-la.,id't anus an luachair, 'a atu buac1a;l 'n all tour, '(Ban nonan gu atridh to al be lsuidh ng'. Air leaner a' gheamhraiih theid tionn- dadh gu gniumh Ili Wirt eoisis do Wotan bidh gach seaun duine lath ; Uach 'await. le 'shnathaid ri caradh a lion, (Barb nigbean ri cardadh 's a mathair rl suit n. h. I!'. ► :dirnn '. ran b.d1•e 'a to chleachd tai abi e , lei Crew/ na11 creag 'ants an neadaich aaa h•rnn ; (En t.".aiuyp mi '(;hlaschu the M. aigtaea to bhrun, mi 'call mo chuid clatstheachd 1e gla- rich nen ord. • leoside Presse. The papular remedy, H.Ryard's fel- low till, is used both internally and externally, fur aches, pains, adds, cool•, rheumatism, deafness rad diseases .f as inflammatory nature. - Chivalry 1■ imam. Prom 12. Nicholas. War is always brutal, always terrib l': but there wrens iwmn thlny alrtu►.t e.wardt, in the ror4om of the brave "knights *1 old" in crawl .Beg for safety into notes of steel and iron. And the finny aide .4 it all i. that wenetenlsr knights thus covered with ,late like modern ironclad' would fight an day without being hart. In one te1 the Italian tattles of the alt teenth eentnry two armieaof knights,sheathed in the tent Milan armor, Bright from 1 in 11.. scorning until 4 in the Alterman" without on. valorous warrior tieing killed or even h..•ic wounded. Tar Lae Tran. 1.111. After the above year is ended there need be no person suffering from ithen- mat.msut, Neuralgia, Toothache, Head- ache, Lnmbuer, or any acute fain, if they only purchase s Brittle of Fluid Lightning, as it cures instantly. Pun cannot stay where it in toed. The name is Fluid Ltghtnin.J. gold by (1 Rhynaa', drugg:st. (2) “Whir . the matter I'ncle Ref..!" he Irked as the odd anal owes hmping in, "got the gout f' "No, Nth, !1a. got de !,iii f'.' flat whitewaaiin' what i die lu' yer les' yeah." 2 Will Von Suff, r with Dritte ilia and brier Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalises is guaranteed to core you. For sale by J. Wilson Druggist. Why re rrearhee. •ID• 7444) mew,. fret trot..•" sale sl fl. deems .,f an uptown church, du -m,5 the esr„io0404. a an algdw•nnt for that polies ..Waft et, no -not er9Mlr,' heentatwU... at. i preach for notes -leek 1..4• • snwlwnaity wxprnyro-l. The hero 1 •wtbaubea. The bast o•mt.tuathot 541 (..Mid cieaus- u.a), redttlaua,t, lo•Ith gni umbo, nuts and harks outer Hato Hurd' .k Bk•..I Batters a purely vegetable .e „rely that cores dwases of the blood. liver ao.1 kidneys Y 'TWA/ tits ear.., •f.lei144 r ■e i reerod /hr see le she Beetle sited w a. LIW al 11. "Win the t' £lust. latert),eda. It was their fire wrd,1111g. The gnarl wa. "new," iso was the bile, and ti.. (:usigrrga teosid clergyman Rad committed matrimony only in his Flu X11), howrler, it wet all over : the twain wa, war tlwh, and I. loth yllr we. weepitur to the *rens d the order. TI.• groom dipped up W tn. net%04 master, and at flirt get th•ma:. aro stint to t.w ..19 into ti,e u•ght,'mooed a roan into his hand. ".t 0140 gg••-1.1 piece." thought the rein, prnarhrr. Nu lu••,t bent Eater ,.,w thoui whrn he ea, officiating at the netting. He -,.wd.•4 the- n.otaoy . much. ildeeed, to .•fern u..hr.) 1.1s meager .alary was telh half Ila .w•, i..- had suclh difficulty in collecting .t. And ..'w t.. tori. all at "nee. Why, t Then .t oceuryvd 4, him that et was o,tomarr for the n inister to make the butt . rese•nt of h,s first marriage fee. The good loan sighed a. he eem..v.d Iris N.in overcoat .rut retunovl to the nroan where the, guests were nlfer,ng their Nagrittdottion. to the :team ly wedded ,•,stile. • •t forgot ext:.-thing,"said bea.hesmooch. 1 the arid••. "TN+ .s the find n,aernter fee 1 hare iter ,+celled. It t+ y•'u-•. It slued.' kir kry,t as a mileder d 1111. . mama." Tist* y..unrg bride stretched out b.'r hand And the coin rase at it tonehrd her marriage ring The {,roots 1•e.died u.: His mesmerism wife b 1 led . Lr n.•r haul lapel the Utrent p149. that Isy there, and all sAn' it. The minister n A. glad :t was hi+ fire marriage: the guavas 91144110 rprear as if they did not now the half dollar, mid the ter piietly Moiled, awl net u:s in b oy tet irutee. Fore Trade. The reductios of the internal revenue and the taking of od the revenue stamps from I'n.prtetary Medicine., 454 doubt .41111 .9 -..t� .4r III'.. 4. .dal (41 9414 44. ii, 1141 well as re:Bering the burden of halite maudtacturen. Especially Bas this the a.m.. with li4Y.h'e As.!N.t "l7o:r••r and /Rost.'.. fief/Hi I. S'mtp, .+ thio r.niact .' of thirty-six cents per d.ogen, hal been added to lacrosse to size of the be•ttlio ao94tuuung ILese remedies, ',toothy gar i►1lt one fifth mitre medn•ine in the :.'. ceut sit A. The .1';'t.l Pl.nr:, 11r Uy. itepnia and L;ver Complaint, and the ,•,,.1,4 S:tr•,p for Cough and Lung troubles, hare perhaps, the. largest sale of any medicines in the world. Tne ad- vent*yya of increased size of the bottles will (w greatly appreristed by the sick anal afflicted, in every tuwn and viltaje ib civil zed countries. Sample battles for 10 cants remain the salta size. yeow Y t1if7 Anti. 1. the .lTh,,ny Argos. F.n4;11-11 a tr.-.ee now got their interviews all prepared licher they lea;e E bt.i.d.fur an .ln.rric•an tu:n. '11.ey invariably begin by -acy1ty5 that they are s. ttervu+sr, b.cau.e they .,- Hooter inters ward to their ow. notary. The abase! aka Creat Merckawt was that a slut disease male loin look like a drinking min. Dr Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" is a cer- tain cure 1,.r all die/rases of :he blood and skin. It shou:d be tried by all afflicted with tetter, salt -rheum, scald head, blotches, spots, eruptions, boils, , tare eye., rnugh akin , throat and b.• es, ulcers of the liver. atum►ch, kidneys, lungs and uterus. Purify the blood and health will return. lay druggists. N'E SELL ENVELOPES \yhol•sale and Retail. ANOTHER LARGE CASE - -ter-- - writ]✓ Business Envelopes !.American Make. high rot and well fin:unteil. to be opened out this week at u 1nr; SIGNAL" CHEAP PRINTING OFFICE. W, hast also received during th! past week • large stock of Ladies' Envelopes, Ihy in 41 money. Good (Jollity ladles' Square F:nrrl.lpe. 5 Cents a P'k ge, 25 in Pk. Fine Q•ta l:ey Ladies' "failure Envelope 7c. a pk. or 4 Pks for 25c. De e. Tear reef d. Dual allow • maid to the head to slow ty and surely run Into Catarrh, when You out br cured for 2be. Ly waste Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applica- ti.N,s lure ilIcipteut catarrh ; 1 le 2 bozos cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to f. belle is guaral.tee..1 to cure Airflow catarrh. Try .1 Only 25e and sure cunt. Sold by Jas Wile..., drugti,t ly "Now. Seaver Il irot, guppies 1 sho..ld save '1 didn't hove•n., fun at the 'nettle,' ho. 5.0114 you go to work to c..rrvct me !" "1 •huuad say you'd better study graluwar." 4 Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath se•ured, by Shil h* Catarrh Its- u.edy. Prete 1.4.1 tents Nasal injector free. F•.r tele ht.1. Wilson, Druggist. Ont your auction rale ',ills printed at TII 51,: v A L odic" Th. -y are al ways done proulptiv and at low rates. Notice is drawn t., sales thr.u>;h THE cloi4AL free of charge• which e4 resit hy thuuwnds. A RAyenn_ Uf ung dozeu "i'Qallrn E v" to any 'one sending the best four IH rhyme oIl • latnaner, tlie reteukable little gum for the Teeth and Eat:.. .Bak your druezest o.r oddre•a , It. the history of medicines to prepa- ration has received wieh universal eora ruendatiou, for the .,Ile•ecu:•m is affords and the permanent etre it effects in kid • airy diseases as l►r. Van Buren'• Kinney Cure: Its action in these dia:rtesing oumphunta is siu.pty wonderful. &old by J Wile in. 'lnl Were Brie. Its Great Britain the question of Home Rule is eor0111nedIl.9 attention. Ti. the man safes* Iith a celd in the 'cheateiad or h way t.. u Suri• IL over ter e sa mold is t • have •.n hand a bottle. of Dr. fiare.ev'e Re.i lino Gum. Fur sale at J to' 4..,.'. l'ro..criy)l.... ,ir0d_uilie •c IarL:ds' ht61. ori Srrgloxi Iia'Jtuta rte.! et r1at.•ee. sar..rw..-i aid alat.:- 14.1 rUJcta.. sad earU.e.. Ala Cii.113#41C OI1E41ES A orretAi'Y P.•te••ita inat.d here or N th.sr Wawa. A;• o., treated M home theut gh cornea• • . Year. ea .ma.-Multy or It arra in pommy 9 • eat. and Nee or send ten ants in atom!. I. our "leasids' •vale -Rest." wak91 anti. stn p.. Boat Wears. Adder's: Wosius's Dta.••.:.ir7 tort CAL AthICIAYt-w, an Saha Fa., Bad.. ,. N.V. i haib•h'. Vitalizer is what you weed Itar comet ipat Ms, lows of Appetite, i nr•sm, *oil al symptoms of Dyapelala. Price 10 aryl .) crests per butt!,. Far sale by J. Wilson Druttst. To the Medlsea t'►Nsw.., awe: 011 wb..s 1 M may rowers. Phe4p!l.ltane. 0t Neave }vuu, a Ph.as 'hate bleuwrnt based upon $cientitc Facts, For.uu:ett,.f by Pride/our Austin, M. 1). of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Cott • 1. un. Sick- Huariache9 t ..us..LuacJa. -.- iap....and..-Neuralgia- and all "tasting diseases or the., human system. I'ho•ithatine is not a Nedeeitse. bun a Nutriment, because it conte1� tto Vegetable or Slitters!' 1'ouona, (Ip1�s Narcottc,s, aq no $tiryuiagta, but situp! ly the P)osphatic and Cedric Elements found in unr daily food. A inn& buttle i/ arl!f{ciunt 1.. convince. All Drumetit sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Lowzsrt & Cc., sole agents f ,r the DJs.,iii?n, bb Front cdtreet Eat Toronto Wanted 1/ le Male& Aje.t-"What kind oda 94,811 1.•rrs would yea like for yoer departed 1,11.1 adl" -Well i guea i w ill soot a plain marble +1.a1. as alt my former l.•.dands hate that kind " Shil'.h'r C.pu¢h and consuunpti n Curr • sold by us nti A guarantee. It c.:res Consumption For •alv by J. Wilson, Druggist, DUNN'S BAKINC1 Frog " w.rA.,.ut." '. row here; Wei alshoul hanhent. tal.1$nev a selttr,,yvtIERn, ��,,.lip,ee.rea. and on:rase-sod w.tre.t gore .19. Dr.lttesreit Ylv.rs.• :'r•er4 dos $ tt:'• 1 -f M all nwturatist•4mos. 11 ts me +••(' .r4,44411.- Ant :'^444N."Mn ..Irl ably (1.:11k a shot nese of p urvo.•,. 1!'!nlr a most poses* eltersi'm for all et• .r t'hnn W W ,slower'. and Jitenwt. lir• d' a t_-' iteteen. Th.' t.eatra4'tt est nun.. 'Bast:•3P• 1 ret tooth even, at the 1n:8'149' 1144 , -s... • -- 49INK*,1 I91t at • haw leo'.$ v1 a 'matte tee, 11,E • u a'ta:'nnr r•tnertlea tow Co.,' .9115. nn fr. Pitrt!'s I:avor L f t �';=•; I. 1'..• n•w1454 „i 91'•4 t 4.1•, ,: ••roe Internal rengl'.11014. 14.11 :49:99 1,(91) and ulcer tilos'. 1t 1. n s •• 1.• .• 9 p404..441c"t4.•'r:1, a. w. 11 a+ i .. •ran.. n •.- 4114 tt.rvh`• tutjr•t4e , t. o aura ► .. . . yt�.n:a, ! , ::r.H4,ot. n t. •i%llaw''�s c. •. r , ,• s r\o.pr.•.Iratnm.Paiute• .ai."' • s1.eopLsworwa. W .ntla•r - r. I ev.•a 1 - ti ,n is sold by d •.aelrl•.t.'v1• r ••,•r 4.. , . ru.0-unt.':. 11.-c wra44 48-r a..m:, 1 .t:'.• nn PI% err -rata PRICE 111.60, :.'.at;�.au. Seed M rent' to - .:'p'• for l •r 'n'- ••• • :'i dol• .4 S:. N.►1•'- lel-, • il.aitr Mir .... a . W. ma.:... IItQ:a ,. 1 C. � L-� L'TL '''Yr ANTI-Fu2LIOt s. :ani (-VICE: AU 71C. anion. W. sdnrhe, ! + I�lzal news+ t',• u.tI,'•a- Ilon. Indltestl.'st, 47 - sod eiHws.Atiwra8, p44 n:ptly can't pierce•• Plearatat r.root re reticle. s+ errs vial by Drug ilea. SICK ESCA" f.C>"F NEW MUSIC 1 flRFr PUBa1.ICATION. SOOG-S 1 SONGS I "tI Cannot Help Winking My Eye." "The Charge at Bato h a•�� Golden Chords Waltz. Mikado Waltz. Tlteer'are quite sew. and of a lively nature -retry {retry. PROF. CLARKE. ABRAHAM SMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER. i c \x7 C mod..s, Ne Styles, Gents' Furnishings, Hata and Caps, &c e If you want r c:heaps yet sty lel. *.:t.. a:1 at J33EASrl91C BMITEC'8tiOs - 6udericts, June 3rat,VMS. FARMERS. AND THRESHERS Use on your Machinery only the Well-known ?EIILEZS GIL. SIX GOLD MEDALS h... hr -.n ;lin' " .led *1.lurirrt the last three 7eare. Tr: .170 our rrltsh.sa alLE ti�Ca.g fur your Naas-tv,m. and 11, .e 1'..n , -n. Queen 4 Hy 4441 Werk.. 1.y SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. For Sale b} YATES & ACHESON, Goderich. Toronto. jun.- 10111.1-r.' :.t:`t ly bat Street Meat Market. Allth'os & JohllsEoll. EATS Care Attention ad Pros►' 1)eilre A CALL SOLICITED ltsc tail) lbs.S. 1 i here now on stand rt in Go-lerle6, sad comprsre every far c• sally fo'ind ,a a deo-class oboe• more, from the ltnesi ..d. t4.rougl. 111 she .).tetmru.ate grad' - tu the hoariest cowhide. I will sell at Ton ran do :hie at a ter) Intl (4:,0st 1.y I BOOTS & bizLOES AT THE STORE OF E. DOWNING, C1' bb'c 1.81Z - G ODERICi-i WOO LEN Tu OWD E R the R"..ref lirot&ers of the 3 „mere R e ihk to•aay that we are prepared to take your Wool in ecohange for Goods, or work 11 tor you in'.o a. of the following article... ria Blankets -White, Grey or Horse. Shirting. -Grey or Check. Chths.-Tweeds or Full Clothe, Light or Heavy. Flannels White Qieey, Colo union, Main br Twill. Sheeting•- Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn -- White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT It; wrar.ng the only FRANK LAZARUS !let •f the firm of Lazarus k Morrie Rspo�n(d Spectacles and Ere Clams These Spectacle. An I F:yr GIm t ee have been need fur t .e pas: t; tear., and siren in every Inatome unbounded satidactpun. They aro inti: timer 1\ Tile: w'.414W. They never Barr.' and last many year. *Ghent chanty.... --goon eau *1 - Yates & Acheson, 1111111116W tit/ M5Bt-2t*Tw GODERICK- \\ arc 9. 9Mrnl to {gprly Ent. lop.'. in any ' quantlto, at t .e following FRANK I £7ARUS, jANUF1CTURER LOW PRICES : ., Good Na''„ White Envelope at 80c. per M. or 2c. a p'k ge A 0004 No. R White Rntelope at 81.10 per M, or 3c. a pk. A Mond No. : White Eta.elope ai 81.25 per M, or 4c. a pk. .a Gorr! No. 7 Whitt Envelope at A Gond No.: White Ent.tope so 81.75 per M, or 5c. a pk. 1!.:101 (lnar4.r Thm,.and. •4 +*me rat, a. for Th.. -,.and 1.1... Ther Rneelop.a •twat of V HA 4 la.. gnat Hr. and are actable for Hankers. Iwwy.,. sad Rosiness Men. P.M.firtrusu limb's MAOSE aunt cleansing finer. Can and Moo i JA wgad►1n /urd d++nsi4sg LK all ,1/ ee lissom of the skim. elightt.l .ger Ilia am sA >iaryland T.na arm natl. 1.4)NIM)N, ENGLAND. 'Lat.. Leaarn t Morris. Hartford l'onn.t T;Nu connection with ant other firm i. the Itominiou of Canada. Jan. 44th. 1 R15 COT 1 y The Canadian Pacific Railway TME GREATEST CONPONATION ON EANTN. The \toil Direct and Hest I.:.luippe.f Route bei w.en MONTREAL - TORONTO, QUEBEC OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT, - OF ICAGO, ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY, AIe 41.1. P0145114 RANT AND WENT. Before pn1cheal•e your TIekH• elsewhere' MIl net R. RADCLIFFE OM.orrice Wee Street. Opposite Telegrapl. OIIIe.. Datil Peep° the Flare Oide•eb, rent. salts. Hill O.Meb. Jett lab. 11111. Ml• ROLL CARDING. (Dar faciliti.nfor thin work cannot be sur �aa•eaf We will endeavor in mut &saes to do ti the day It is brought ia, If required. Custom Spinning and heeling. Spinning on the Oat.. coaro• or tine. ham or soft twist. as required. We are la • paaltlrn to do all kinds of can tom wort, await)- dune in a fall set custom mill. and we will guarantee to dolor you fully equal, it sot a little bettor than any in on •urro,tediegs. A espectfully incited. E. McCANN Kam End W'eole. 1J t 1 �o1.. May lath. RAS THE -KEY T LrhH, TInloske nil the else keel aveenue% et tole Arrwwla, Kidneys and (Aver, marry ingoff gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of rho se eretlona' at the name time Correcting Acidity of the 'Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Constipation, Dryness of the Elkins Dropsy1 Dimness of Pinion, Jatmdit�.''ee,, Halt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- erfli Debility ; all these and many other similar Complaints yield*R� 1 II�.�ap�rp+yy infamies of B Iwo asrrrrita. T. li1I.i rine • Cl. rieseedm.. Sidi BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATION* II A. thin we many inf rinr 519,.45*, eord.d w him t by .mow sa- s9r�lnlp,lan � ttlrsrvhaanp Bitot. 0.1 p.w.NenptEaat� ' we m• n I41. Wee apis.a swish imprl:ton by draw. Ins their anisette' a thm emestlt, of •soles the/ the name MNPTON CORSET CO.' Maaget es Inner *Idea et, 4 ens1111 rank WttNW wick] nes ars genie, Prices that Will suit Everyone. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, flora $1,00 to $5.00. Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys dot, ;1.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. 1 can and will suit you, both in good- are! pr:, D 0W T1 Crsbb's R!,.ck, Corner East street and Square. wet.. Leather and ns4&.R,1.. _.., ..pert Is ......rem moor . EASE AND SECURITY This cut represents the double truss WM►.vt the belt. Note the waiting, of the M• •har)'ee.m1 spring situated In the Pad. by which • CO$ MT A NT but easy 1\WARD and U P W A Ray Wemium supporta the hernia rhea the -treat 4* adjusted. GEORGE RHYNAS, - Druggist, SOLE AGENT, Ci-ODERIQ_ Yebruary sth. Balis 1111 Extensive Prem!4es and Splendid New Stock. GEC). EAV, (2ABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich A abed asawtment of Kitchen, Red -room. Dining Room and Parlor rrrniture, finch as Ta 1Meo chat,. gag woad soared,. 1•onboard s. Red -steads. Maitre vaeat Week -rase• Lounges. Sof... What -Nota, Look Ing Glaser• N.11. -A of ('oMn+and Shrouds always nn hare. also Ilea: sae for 1 :in at reasonable rates. Piston Framing • specialty.- A call wlieit.d 1751 ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER 14551.44.44 (hp. it you wish one or two Otte reams at herr, to est Dot ha t'.nein raref . No has ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful tailors. and at prieselese than very meek Inferior goods. Ca)i awl see them. The are the Haat velvet 1n tows. and tare be eeld, Thc LaIest pi'mg Bazaa Pallorns & Fashios, AT BUTI4Efl.1$ 1 Oct/ MX SOX XIX* Brie. Bert' Both •IUs ---. -- • mows et Aso •tsreswe tAltw Mr11 111 'TIN• sotlur.lte rt. n•," wits tar N.' wnwag IR•ra '.9411.sou.4s..J,.t Jmpr Eamhrg d W•baah sierra, wm goolet vatly' 4: rk d 811 111/40W11 119 Te who to I.Miyryd. ,appeaseH. J4 a6ubmr.t,,ata.s&j.rt tr.•Ik{lHt.'laosvrotiaoi.cti/ ,. s•Breenwµry ., w(Hate W ta•w ,eer eleun aruptukardws tetlaie.r bast'r•ndl:being a mothe,,.trs,dy na►.•t4tt5dahiyall, 941ehewRd k p•iei tlwra 'ekrt.Ark;♦stdwba•Aaeidw1elt.ksow h • neat little story &hon• him" a7.i1."lIur7 W wbua 1w 6ad riven lite added Kurh.sga•or. '•1\nt long ago Del vial Wh nnipun the 9 deu4d say 19itepi tlu9 d 11.., 1 wee ararellag,.s a Nise i...um river streakiest. 'Get *909be► 11110 bill,' tout to a aid was shot 4. ■ to a awl 1 said the L )" M•*1• dicker 'Hod go, accompanied 6! • friend, beck w.s :ovirwfted .dol9.rer,stdBitestakeA•thnvel. Apologise to the clerk fur yut'int •ll, graJ.ally iwcwa.el w Bite ha,t kir say i1 was • defect .1 a,waory: up.p as i upr Wwwi the uctlisg, '•i4'• rt 4, drink 'r die presence •dtN•.. d 11/1/454 phiged is °notable Tuck aa.d bat 4ts. r n� filth i1► for'retina• „(t ,r .1.1.4117. 11110 salter iuw 1r4 L.. 6.54.1 and orale lwck to ere' Th.• ay+u&d r ',twin be mate one held elite., Letter. '.t ^'1 .la oyer ort• W the ver. - letter. gash um ca till taw etwljunr had lit 1FTW ' n 1 tIe layer, hack awm to tie (r doer, ..arty all lb! 5N,ney b. lead in tar frd iend baa !e7 she 0)tit e a it! ,t !hal ,aro , asd a anal 5654,!, reponwite4* taw l ate the immuiNap ben. m rem, r igen tltakMt ty'our toga of • lung boor lathe Wrist and Yrn,t6 with y -u neat da ap(sorrh the elect weet4.rn Ktatea It 5a. Hair at the I.at fa tluti111U, add r minute that be dusu+rred that be had I,e.. doses up try earl sh•rfr Ko:tgxsie( all Wo "".r re-etp,t .1 ateee•aod b.11. 1... sin In ante lbat • was ply,lnr wlt6 geytlansa. n"1 t., r94'Inl the 111.1 •1.V.' Tia our p it • eyuar• pas, Ae 61tf n.wisw1d to tare &d- "mut. 14t'k 9d n at. Tb• lawV; e +antere d his art as • ciwsrht d-haed pee. )'. It esu Box • l e of 1(110.el (orr•.r. aid had played Moeetly thro #.,tl Now, boss.,.,, 1,..�etrwsnw9 upon ,e..ri(, MrLt.asr a if arf•e y flrb•Ika a rrys niton gong a bad he",rist to t►• Purim and Have y••u •. told y4.rr. Cu(, 1 alurchae.d assry dick d marls u the •441ak. Bruise. evil), Bunion. Salt Rheum. e eat all night in lou Omicron,' d.r•4ra1.r tlaaae olyds rad in atm morning t..,k them fie• Blofehw. Rough Hausa .•r tack 1.. the Defter, along «Illi a 54 I.i11, and I1 w, (here 19 Lar • un t'11 r. 9 Atwell. lull that worthy 4, tot than. hack in hes sock. Gregor .t Parke • Cat b..oc Civets The purser -whoever knew a purser 4, refine you but try it, it will r l t meg yon n L.oeret pe'n.y- dwd a9, 1"4 dor hraa1,faa eolith but 2) ceut. at 1 : R!i las' 14114,.,, b teteted 051 from the vantage. by y pour,, up hie watch, awl un nod Um *Warta Kure. .1 10 renew play. In • few saim)t s Uwy wen rt et B•wdln W'H4 the 4 krose' Bell lerstle.sw,'said ihthuu, '1 award than Fran( her lova Vale Itrgf.ter. Hue rune Ina not 54,+•15 last night, and that at haat ".If my "mu" ear wow fevwt esu In nosd Daeeneert's fashtrnabte clan unfairly. 1 am sew ping 4. make as elfin s afro divine had arranged w deliver •tel to get even, and I dull Owlet rpue sling • once leetun tart 9und•y .ven.gp. TL ▪ fresh dealt of cards after every .1st.' that he would take for his N t N entree, the gobblers had no objections, the wbtt :l-krww'says, "Wine u a m.x and the {stir arNvi.itee.l with that elder was gr etatt by the genii teed ringingd . .otaad,ng. Debts, lad emery deck fixed, and Wal baW in the heads of a cumber of d the way that XV pole of bat grew wa. a An attempt was samba to ansa the deans caution. In addition t. I.t decameter d the whiriismugly .•ards. Ile�^•� lialr« tali.( in on them all d hi. 5uwder(ul .n a fret held. •lwrht-uf-hand kilt, snit, rh o.prt. Iw wn. one nus agaiewt three, hr rirtnally clra,N•d n"4:917:1.-1 u9for Thr *1 51 ts.7. winner besides.tick, •,Nl yuit attars, 11.e only prop,rr way to cure a cow to bot••eu the tough numius terphi B.e►e's .ave far the tarter. that clogs the bre 'withal pipes Th In the decline of 11r. Faun les: life. 1.14P91 o4. why Haggard'• Pectoral Hamlin is wet tit Use iso his (arm at RwaerrisfielL the most successful remedy fur coids,c,u tomer went up to London that he had {eine tlrwt and lung tro.shies. i,ad. A friend, • man u( nnfin.,rr and rank _ 1•aeteeed to R.*con.fiek1 to learn the truth. MMIh of theJIIIte Bride, F'nr. Mrs. !Barker he. teem wed tbi. p.tb.tie at - lrrrttw nor. Net,, Fork Tribune. Idanattie : lir. Rmrke'e .ret.- didd, a lwk,ind It ,4 wit ..fte1 that the death of an ac had, long before, dent leaving • f*4.r,t, •w son,wstaw. •slew. each sympathy as old herr,, which was kola 1n the ;ark. lir. .f Covalent, Eicher. y , ) husky, in hr raining walk, a geld nts.n st..p 111l ama.g the feminine diecyiles d A ,Ad caner the howif 4.myed. thtn.e-.ea.- ' ; 9Ta ate. n pnlut, aid Br WOW carom iw sed Ate Morel ata dsetanoe, revodser ha. 4a* us ghostly wack far 1r and Ink erd4.i awn that he wa moults*9rd br dais,,. )tut this Huurariae girl, what. 1 the Morse. The animal drew nearer •a.1 en.., followed to the guar. hr hundred., hearer 4s lar. Make. Homed, ...FM hint. 4..r 6, 4:114,.. rmI n•,utaaiu,. # beau with a .nut 4.1ead,415 look of trcm ltioei. r.r.au,,ifteol watt. rwrw ord 4rrtg, r •rider ro plainly' NMI. ten" and then tar attnauterl tL.. tcrut,wa of .t.ay y,utsg pea dumb beast di-ohentely Mal his heed •a Mr. Burke's bonen Struck hy the ..nen- lathy et the occurrence, tom ed by the recol- lections el kis a,14, overwhelmed I.1' the Beater mer of the animal .ap+we.t en 11w mute ear tHiner of buly nature'. tint s-awal Isssgrage, he illustrious alatemen fur a moment lust Lu self-paresi.9t, and clasping his arse 'round the neck of be stn's faetwea animal. fitted up that sake which had filled the arch.. a( Waatn,i.al,e Hall with the notch. .trains that e+.r taxied within thea. 149 the it Shalt. . f hes man... fin A■ Itee.amstanl Barrier. '9*'- t l.sttaons •rrnoiri rs. He titan Prom /k. Ohre.. Herold. Ina -1..r ,i tier in t0U1Mln, and proelaime/1 "(ire in sad sets the fourteee•font 1ws ea r-rf•Yl1" t 4, i'Isi.ra.,kin Eric . law ...sada eat b111 WS well for ,malt mostla." soil yl'u•-/•Irl health (aimed him n j ,ern -y to It M,. kohl Tuesday night, •s w ray up the ;and a (. rs he return be h•wan relations v .reps d to. museum an Clark sweat, with a ,mist mevelle . .4 the• Walhalla Theatre, * .looses I9.t14e 301111.5 oath .141.7 M bis bask J,J not viiia 191. inteanl.d fur day.. The The est pay m • soil a9 me• and d kr 1 1 the •jilted !ride, littleidledr.. m� Jiro their d r1a.s da. thea ase d 16. att.o6ee opa.ad Ib 5.9141 b.so upns Use girl 519., soar ft door d Iha but ayd t the • big plash wakes -1 to the lsuprl•errwr d her c.rldii 'irrwg c4ieken into e.e Ouru.r. bar? n1 • *44.19.' -,le ..b'ect alt th. lstastrnun, left 111 m,0snent the 1..sI..71.4 *1 Thee e7 e� gar clatter u( bei atnpaui.rta, urd in a►'pr,rra les newt seas ei the park hal. frequented rested on those tt theanaeonds. She traced moan. 'nit Uw rev arrr W her brr,n anal -54 the die m • 1lerrew• sort d way, 9911 0(4*- 1..- i.:.. in.lignstnon agninat Isar 1wtrw-rs .4,9.•1)7 mad. • tirwid hap The .nate swrer b,gh n. 11er1111, wine but a work ar' art .4141* of her sw9vewlwla He n. bu 6ig W.r..14 ht. riltia d,aru,ed the aiid races t'-.laf.d head slung the door of the den the Walhalla until at was within two feet of the chicks. and lbw be (mused Int. etlovah hr hi. Ural Iwt.ea. anotia to saak� • Beattie dire agaiss* Use RRias A uoime M Vtdr ilalgre e,. gliste14irg Nothing bot pure extract• from pial I.da. b�r.ee�ss 1•tlts.il imab Itir..r- and +.luta ars ulad in preparing 1) lpent's hese mug. tumour se its prey tapl U,. Greitor's Lung Compound, the mode erk.d Bonn.. *Lltil bad 1itd,u dartoig right . and now lar remedy for Col. aid 141 itlofgg.ba •data mrrvh, tauebed the POpn y f,athen d ibe diicknt. Th. awl..asst Cou¢hs, Bra a- Croup, Asthma, a {realyiwd .-41foot. fgse ee1.ld a.itbor jmwp all .flectiolis 0f the throat, lungs a n,r 117. Th. .rake ran hie heed , nd.r the chest. Alt miner.) 'sutra and elan{ bream of hes prey without warintering soy nu• substances are •voided, which n r.oasstanre, a5d . s.cA,.d later the fowl la, den it safe for children or adults, S. Aral m the Dean d • ..ariv.cusb. Tb. !•tai eq,r.a•, 549141 wa. glrwo s0 quickly Uat at llOc at 11 per bottle at (; Rhyn no ONO res it, broke the 1eg. 0( the Lin, . drug store. (j) well as .navy bone in her 'body. A few min nue hoer the s•rpsst seised the dead pallet ... .as ..os stay u. rent. 1.y the throat. and. wither waiting an pluck A Spanish .hrpoherd killed by lightning Is.r w cut 0Q 41.e f•erd, (91)9 h.1 down 5111 rent y was orad. talo anhject A ► sciruu real ((991.1 Thi. was the third chicken We nada had eaten ia three day-. H. will Put mortem W 41.tvs7r 605 the elictnc b .t nate food again until about Tib. L had dorm its tasat warlc Hi+ eyebm«. s .yeisahes wen bsrsed 02, hu eyeball. w. Tix Is ewA Table Bir Naa.e. dried up, ail its left side was scorched a P.ntl Blit. A'etn reek TYtwea barred in spoils down to the ankle, while t BY the way, tb,n .a";la ..o on fallacy right rid. d the hmdy sad right lag w.te un aloe Fr4l sen satiea fin ass eairrw anJ jur7d. 9991,1144 a th... ,11311117. were, 54,1)4. ice I am ams th►t r a solitary ve(eea1)b, Ihsn ap,,a,,,d .aticiest W hate caused I c.k s ort w 8494 .r. ie ire .unpin• baiievf•�Datartt 49.141 it4t Y wr91 11 the• beraat feiessq M even when dyrnifi.d a..o,ibisa, 011.9.41 the cane 0t d.atl, 589 apparent. T lung* were frightfully congested and the hoe was enormously dilated and titled with etas Lied Mood. With all this d tee t man his cinching was levy little inured, t only trace. of the lightning upon it being small hole harwf thl.itgh the nm of 11). and • alight singeing d the .hitt collar. w pen :.•tn.-hell 191rrs comp...wt. ,' 4.f'4 r!,u..ct.•r. An. .ng ti,.... M elu.1 o1 .o„• ,d tn.- preruinest Dr famine., shoe.. .vtt.-nt;ons soot, behale ner1.4. F'-un,g 14,449 he woe 501 --7r.-, the ;-ou g:r. d,•etw.d hie o>d.•rs, 4 ref .,... 1 0• „owl . q dmarriage. 1 4 Mel • t th.-, and tulnb.d by ,is r rade+, he tart. mooed L. gain hi. prise tn.%elyd 4. t:,. Hunysrsn tamers W ono oo ..-a.: u( the parent.. They, 4r,, .Bracton • :,,,e.. hut , r hie p1oteltatiors, and I d, er by other titles, it is mit shown ONO lel medaea 1t is put into every bit it is renally withdrawn, like an en- oblwali. before presentation. 1 once a reitlellalla at • .sande resort who re QM spis.der o.1 the table d'i oto and had 1.ok, first to avoid the see nr onion l. in anything. He wa. a married lead in his marriage contract article etipnlated that nothing of the kind ever be reed in hit. hrwssebokl. He M- OM that it was quite ;loanable tonbtain end eaquisit. Marra wiII,nnt the di.rs, we of Ow perfumed ingredient, and vet me armor soup to demonstrate the t, and the sop was %wry bat. The *dm do eat kelt., mint. sed garlic 4o resit' dry. hand breed -for they always the 18tH at La.t isle day cold : it go.. Ike., and 11 I1WW rs.nm911Ifl . A txo+rd is ams unl,wrabl. rn the se- Canty at I'pton-cum-el.alv.y. By way the 4aonilroar* inti des sew Aryl to shown., hi. anplwratson d the cha.:gw h. re silk al this, .rvr (avn.il.4i9h of about to make he to,k few his test Luke is hyisA 014111 19 n•aw saes aver here- jA "And in hall he 1i4t top Bus @yet heir{ AN &Me LIMB* hese.4rment+, and Beetle Abraham afar 41. sl I,*w.1..Inhu 6..a.n." Prom the linw.rri lv Journal Ill, darling. 1 here Dome to may gnnd.h7 *In 4re5er • wtlnr.dy (are. betie while.- laid yawns Perg.ass, eaday Worn we my McGregor'. Speedy Cn Mtn bis 1Nels►1'e eye& "To my r -d is the only perfect erre for 1)y , . psi Mabel wonderingly. "Why, Liver C plaints. lndsg.'.lo.n 1 is orle,wetdra1-1M ,.'ogni w5 ngl mea s&M,"OiO4.9to4ly pwnin' 4 " ,o.nildiw.s a.re1310 lMhnndprl.adin't ur . as he missive "Junta little Mee fife 44'.ro herr restored 1• 1"•rte yon ktnw: lett?4*twek - "Oh, hof 1 4 nes. W. would rl f•• int.m,pt.vb thh.antlful girl dm e71'...114''.. Y . .*runty if ton ares oyer --Are row really gn,n( to New .,f • ,,. *1404. tn,,d,Ir Wally and truly. Archie' "Why, (in • 7&d Carew (t fti,l &• •n ors 1 am. my Atld:. h . 01444! 1 yyp►7:::11114":,,'A.W.hilie*:04. y14tftin1s andelity(heen at.dtw0't,/@. at(. 4 dn.7 rami,•lithe feere Boreal1situs, hes m A. 54*5 fJhMnms•n reprrw k d o.1rie, se darlin(, 1 will' bri4tsl&nk M t" :,i•. + .. 044. 1 n wash e. • eA1..en4 to 114.: sa� 11(^ eh. hta,,w &Jaen., 1, MOspo'! ltb509.gflfd5 oa!file 1to9ery 1w4s'hlwell-1eg,d-o. ,901 egk ns 3 Sleepless Night,. leo,. ...w . that terrible aaugh (MO k'. Cut. tl res los. F••r s.I.• 07 J. \' sere Druggist. • Common Saprws•es. "1 was troubled with liver cpmplai for three years, tried many remedi4 but haver lowed any that has done me much good as Burdock Blood Bitten James Higgins, Templeton, P. Q. tri.•s we ea. ...ea. hew eke /madam 7'5' A. Tear Sunday week the W.. Rudolph As .it preached ht+ farewell *ermon or (wring .sad I will .b it borer. I MMMT What i. 15 yew want mote -•1•&01 *re ...wui, Arabia' bw'te.ly, while her rni• 115*4 M 1 Iasi- * t guy hest .a it, to jump d .t the IInM`•