HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-19, Page 5INT. rivals tr t•- 1110! N lees 'KMT. re. once, T1► Oode 11 toad_ — �• CNT. sled u the *7ts D are. PER eo'x .pq- tS, K, notch, (b'y. bare lea h tt Lose aided pear •• woe a - ••le at• see tM PROTESTANT RIGHTS Hon. Honore Mercier's Noble Sentiments. an as.wer to the vst•as of the este rte Tory eepas. The following patriotic words were ut- tered by the Hoa. Mr Mercier at a din- ner of the Letelliur Club, in Montreal Int week. Every Prolestarit should read them Hun. Mr Mercier, in the cnurae of a leugtty address, said : i cannot repeat it too often tial our victory was o0 merely a (»trty one, but a triumph of the people. We do not look upon it as s mere victory, for it was fought out under the dag of the national cause. The eke - lions of the 14th of I lctuber were carried by the patriots of the leo parties, who fought fur the same cause and who are ready to follow the saute programme. Theaoelectioos resulted in the condem- nation of a (:overnenet.t which was as reinarkable for its as it was for its faults, and which was, et the same Gate, unable too do good or to prevent evil. The elections were also • con- demnation of political misdeeds and hna•cial of three successive Ministries. and of their organized pillage of the public ouffera. They were finally a condemnation of a ( . showed itself to be nothing but a weak tool in tier hands of the Federal Mois- ten, and that did nothing to protect the provincial rights against Federal en - croachmenta. The defeated Ministry are trying b, all ratans to remain in power %game( the verdict and will of the electorate. Nobody dares deny that the (►pponitluo has won. It makes no tidier - once what may be the comp Anent ele- ments •f the Opposition, the one great fact is there that the majority of the Min- isterial rwudidatea were rejected by the people. Ia the majority that we claim there is not • single member that has not been elected as an opponent of the t, while in the minority which our opponents claims there are four membere who refusal up to the date of the elections, to admit that they were of the Government,and who declared that they were indepen- dent. Aa proof that Hess is in a Ion. ,'rity I may state that 1 hold • dxu- ie.nt owned by 35 members, who declare they have nu confidence an the . And why have we signed this document ' Beaune it was oe- smeary to answer the false assertions of tishoneat persona who stated that the verdict of the people was n.,t sufficient- ly clear; because systematic attempts were made to deceive the country and ch alarm the public mind, the majority of the thew deemed it ne- ctars., to take measures to place the verdietof the people in its true light. That is all that tour thirtyeve members did, and it was right to do it, and as leader of the Opposition I had the right to receive that document. Notwith- standing the sad lying of our opponents, our fight was not directed in the slightest d the rigbtof the Protestant minority in this privities. There is nut one amongst us who does nut entertain the greatest respect for the rights of the Protestant minority in the province. Thank God these rights are not imperilled. Hut if ever they were it would be found that they would be safer in our hands and would be better defended and upheld by us than by our upponenea I am pleased to ay, to the honor of our i'rotestant fellow -citizens, that the appeal 10 their fears met with no sootier*. be re- sults prove it. Our opponents to Icad Protestant opinion astray, to arouse religious prejudios, and to create in their winds • tittle idea of the trite cbafiger of our political t. These mis- erable attempts may have succeeded in certain places, but I have too much con- hde•oe in the good sense and iatelli• gents of my Protestant . ...I to believe that, u a body, they will fall into the trap_ so openly set by our op- ponents. Tey will not remain long without the spint of justice with which I wish to treat all races and t reeds, and that I desire to be the loyal and sincere friend of all good citizens, whether they speak English or French, or protest one religion or the other In the words you have addressed to me you were kind enough to allude to the for- m•tion.of the new Cabinet that will sown be called to govern this Province. I do not know whom the Lieutenant Governor will esti to form title Cabiadt, but if he follows the constitutional usages he will select hia chief adviser in the actual majority of the House, and will know how to resist the indiscreet and indelicate that may be made to him to go outside the Legis- lative Assembly to seek for a Prime Minister. To repair the faults commit• t.d by put administrations, to improve the state of our finances, to introduce economy in the administration of aflAirs, to put an sad tea regime of tal and legislative imp,tency, to assert and protect oar provincial rights, to unite all good citizens in favor of a wise, moderate and impartial administration, such is our , and one that will do honor to our new Legislature, and justify, even in the eyes of those who have hewn '"mime us, the victory of our party. (Loud appleusei. TIIT Ilea IN S!(:\.lL, FRIDAY. NOV. 19.1868. 6 MANTLES & MANTLE CLOTHS NEWFAILGODDS We wish to call the attention of all int•tn(lin't ulrobailere to our Stock t'f Cie above Goals; also the - Splrndid Facilities we offer for purchasing from us. To all Purchases of Thirty Dollars (630.00), we will pay Return Fare. Also, will send Samples with Prices, and Goods so Purchased may be Returned and Money Refunded, ie not Satisfactory. COLORED DRESS GOODS. BLACK DRESS GOODS. A Good Costume Cloth for 12 1-2c. .A Very I3andscmo Costume for 20c. All Wool Cloths from 25 Cents. A FULL RANGE OF BRAIDS, CLASPS AND TRIMMINGS. HANDSOME PLUSHES AND STRIPES FOR COMBINATION. Mantles, =olsrs.exis, - Z71sters� mac_ t_'I:iIIreu's 1bluntici in uIl uua Uunttsou►l Low SiaAtloid and Si►ort Jackets. An 1".lrgant Range of Dolma:ls, all Pricey. WE SELL A WIDE ULSTER CLOTH, GOOD, FUR ,;etc - WE SELL A WIDE BOUCLE CLOTH, GOOD, FOR 63c. H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., BRANTIP ORID _ n",,'?n rl. A ' "oh lean T1s Net Fowestale Pea 1n the Weeld- The "Witt tountaw pen is the best thing yet invented in the way of a self- feeding oven. It has a gold nib, 'bade.' just es a dipping pen does, and never tails. It is a e nuuf wonder. A sam ple can be seeu at this ofbce. Every lawyer, doctor, clergyman, school teach- er and bueenese man should have one. Thos. McGillicuddy i.. the local agent. Mr J. Medina, o4,,Bruoelield, has teen prrsrwed with a gold watch for his efforts among the church congregation during the pastor's absence. lien:boats syn fret their Hill Heads Letter little ware thatl they igrfeeaenly per for the �apsr and it bolus toadvesai.. tl (all and see samples sad [et prices. (Set your printia(f .4 TB/ Siul(aL. PS'S COCOA • HRLAgFAST. '-Hy a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operaoonsof digestion and nuts -moo. and b • careful application of he One 'weren't,. of *.11-eeleeted Cocoa. Mr. F.pps has provided our breakfast tables with • del.ately flat ored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It 1. by the officious we of sock articles of diet that • may be gradually built up until *trona enough to redo every tendency to dleea... ilundred• of subtle maladies are hosting around as read to attack wherever there is a weak ppootta�t- We may escape many a fatal shah by keeping ourselves well fortifi- ed with pure blood and a= frame "('irit Nervier ( Node simply with botliaa water or milk. 4oid only is rockets by Grocer, labelled thus jAfaEf1►►7 LondonS t (�., $miot oeChemist Kngland. f • gy _ —J My. < pC=oirc 41s 1 A = MRS. SALICELD Has now on exhibition at her Show froom a Full Assortment of the LATEST SHAPES & STYLES of flats and Fall Millinery. Felt Hats Trielta.d with Aat rac t at. , sial Untrimmed. Astrachan tor i rimminj Purposes. Olt Hata Trimmed from $1.00 upwards. A cordial iueitatil,n is extended t. a& INTER EERY MISS GRAHAM, Fashionable Milliner, lies returned from her vto:t to New York. Toror to, and other cities. w:tb tbs r+y "tWesea NEWEST STYLES 61 PATTERNS Alllnx':s. Rev. Mr Pritchard, who has for the pest wise years occupied the Presbyter- s's pulpit at this place, will leave next Tuesday for Forest, where he has ac- cepted a call. One of the eldest issidents of this sec tine, William Wiled, ni., died hire on Bosley. Nov. 7th, in his eflth year. He bed be.n a hard worler all hie fife, and died in harness, havi•g been stricken down by a paralytic stroke. Witham McDonald, of Cakforn's, a (tremor Auburn boy, has taken up his quarter* at the old bomeeteed, and is quite sc amisiatlioa to the neighbor- hood. Willi•ss (lrala'u, formerly *Sive of St•eI. ! was visiting friends in this redinw lest ween. At one Mtese M was • ewideat of Ashen, and kalif dent is the village. • m pa IL rn pa A ►7 O A 1 greet the public with the 1 that 1 hare opened out a Choice Assortment of ° ,z F1 /�► NEW AND '�'/ �/f/� 8 0 U ST EL/ tat DiwsAs 1 o s M Suitable for Autumn and Early Winter Ware. H Tne ranee of Textile Fabrics are se varied tbla weans that even the most fastidious i.c be 2 EITJZTED- aPLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS, and l.sa ream, ed front her old stand to the .tore UNDER GEO. ACHESON'S NEW HALL, *hem doe we les to xa honeer s. esellold custe%Mull a lrarr of new A CORDIAL 1IrVITATION 18 EXTENDED TO ALL Goderich, Oct. 7th. ea 1886 A u�w r_►L� � iuus 1886 —, d' lida e F o2 I1,11 bi• 4144-4 e lit it r" um V V W a Black and C'obred. Plain and Striped Plushest and Veleta. f„f Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. r O O ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. 1111 x El .tj. u G-11 D u iSf I OP, Gloves F'in.e Hosie y Full range. and at prices ed in the n!nals of the Hosiery and Glove Trade FOR SALE. An unusually large stock of ('anadian and Imported KNITTING \'ARXS - Best Makes. K};Y NOTE Goode SON .athetr merits. no en tion. made. and strictly one price Goderich. Sept. Oi h. IPA. 9061• limner and Haberdasher. Lot No. 888, on Victoria -Bt.. in the Town of Goderich. Os opted by THOMAS IicBRIE)K. This lot Is situated Inn good part of the Town. It has erect"' tbcreov • li story Anna,. w•ih kitchen attaeJted, which hes heath feir.ted 1atety, and is in • good date of pre- servation. TKR.MS OF SALL : molt ease. and hal noon s• mortgagenu to gpurchaser. rm.farther particulars apply to the under signed. (OARROW d PR(N'DFOOT. Ageeta far Owner. Onderieh. tiept lith. plat. 1111-1? CORD WOOD. Pelson* wiling geed a wd wend )at the ped rat rates can have ti_ .Moa. prompt T strop by leaving at GEO. OLD'S STORE. Ozer asset will roll at the More daily for seders. Abe se kata& a let of cheap wood sorb ee short slab. Arius, ,t.'. All the wool eaa be i riegat at tow until nr deltre•red. se the boyar dodoes PromtRwite gessoes t owl IAYIER BAEChLBB, Pall. Reasrve Nita Jw 3rd. ISI. fM►b FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ e bassi notch pleasure forming our friends, land the pulsate ur aally, that our rail Sa Stork is scowl cum tete. In all the Department., nor grads will bel peed of tete Worst designs end best .ivali•y. reran 1:eetict. I LitTitsallea. ■a&TLW tub roe. We aro showing large r'a)lisivi in French German god hughsh Goals la the car rets nu/the.. We tate a liter of 1trees liellons that will a.lnwa► Inn. at I:} eta 1 slur and gel meow of them before they are nI1 sold. Newest things in Trwmiaas to match dress goods. :, WORSTED'S AND COATINGS, splendid assortment. and at priers lower :Iola -•T.•r.• $c.- our Suits to order at $13.;... F.1NCY I:III►DK 1 Fancy Wool Klrawla• 1'aw motors. Tam li'SLanter ,Nate, 1' Pont Ceps and Itotal% hissers and ti lora: ht loses and ladies Mittens. together with a cutout. te aaaortnwnt of swish name. • A dim -mint of Ave gerend. w ill 19' alinw.d on all (.i }i puri Marrs et 1tr1 hoed.. of ono dollar .sod o.rr. t; Colborne Bros., JAVINO RI - 1 1 F I' R N IAtIEI) my shop in the latest style. put he Throe Clew Barbeee;•Ya. two of them the oohs - heated Rncheater rifting(' b a ire, &ad hired • journeyman' heftier. we are Ise pos'lion to do seetew w o r k than hereto- fore. laity's fi Children's Ilaireettine made • .pe•.•I tlty) on all days exerpl Saturday. Razors and Scssere ground. vvei�_ si�hu`I 1�t rara�l, wet west tercet, two deers east of P.(►., Gewlericb A_ B_ CORNET.T1 IIA'I THE TWO BEST 11EgRSE3 IN TOWN FURNITURE! FALL GOODSIi As th', is the time of the year when people are preparing fn. Fall and Winter weather. i bog to call the attention of the puhllc to my stock of TWEEDS AND COATINGS, Which rornprisc the Latest and Rest Pattern, and i hades the market affords. Calland See the New Goods. INT Rmc-jr tes-Irestibeet, meat door to Dank of Montreal.71 Goderlrh. skeet. Lod. It' Sol WANT IF Yf t' WANT 11' Yrit tt \N.l BARGAINS --CALL AT THU— Toronto Cash Store THE FALL STOCK IsvrCrcir OOM[PLICTIE. _All are invitee to come tad !Willa, 51.e quality awl erfeein Iti ,,. Town. 1 •heaper Than Ever. Won't Icer t'aderooid. areas •111141%•1. up RAYM0ND NG MACHI NE , GIVE ME .A. CALL. R. W. McKENZIE Rrwsemberlb, seise • TML TORONT(o 1'AnH egTORK►. O'er=AI, l\..Caxiaeger_ EeMeM. aupt, Ia. NW 1111141m II4PORTER, 64, Wholesale and Retail De SHELF ': AND'.'' HARDwL PAINTS, 41. 119, 4 OILS AND GLASS. GODERICH.