HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-19, Page 44 WHITE LIES. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 18886. Man Who is Governed by Political HInigencies. THE CASE IN BRIEF. Terrible Indictment of the Tory Party in Oaaada a Tory &Noel muster Were Mesa* Am "uric saes Suer? Wan u4 Weems Marne 1 :.gess.., •ao.ld Seal. Is. a recent speech Hon. Edward Frees tk• Montreal wet. Blake showed up the charade' of Hon. Of the two evils -whether to hold Tho. White for unreliability. Messrs. another session or dissolve the house - Smith and Stephen, who prove hue we mchoosehe sore Sir John will ohuuthe least And when we reflect that diasu- Rutlty by hie ova confession, are now •t buboe means, as far as human foresight the head of the ('. P. R. oompany• extend., the certainty cf defeat, we van Their words will not be .luestioued as' recognise the extreme difficulty of the u White'. position to which he finds himself. A Atter dealing with the subjects use' minister commanding an overwhelming and hitherto thoroughly .ubsersmot taxation, surpluses, and expenditure, Mr Blake said. - The question .,t our public debt is one of the unseat gravity. I observe that same members of the Cabinet have been remarking on some supposed state- ments of miue on this head. Mr White is reported to have said at Winchester Springs: - Mr Blake told you that the debt was $78,000,000 to 18137, sod that it was $100,000,000 to -day. He should lave given you the gross debt of 1867, but if he had said it had increased from i7b,000,000 to 207,000,000 he would have been quite correct. Mr Foster, evidently following the sane line, though with variations, said at Belleville: - Mr Blake had statedtiat Me intik debt of the country was $300,000,000. when, as a matter of fact, the grew debt on 1st July, 11183, was $264,000,000, quite • difference from Mr Blake's state- ment. Deducting $68,000,000. of saute, the net debt of the Country was rally $196 000,000. Ncw, I have been either' misreported M the newspapers or misquoted by the Mioisters. I have not yet found so erroneous report. It is possible that 1 may have been misquoted. I am less disposed to believe that, because I re- member that the gentleman who charges me with haring contrasted the net debt of one year with the gross debt of another has special and peculiar notions 81 t) ib. ITMICS Or tviLITreAL COl4T4oVIC.Y ender which the malting of an unfounded statement . with his viewe of his duty as • politician. though if w he perhaps a not the fittest person to attack me were his statement true. Mr White la the same gentleman who, in the anoi- nting and equally important and reopen - sable capacity of • public journalist, was the subject .•f • charge some years ago. The Montreal Herald thus charges him :- We have heard a story that before Sir John Macdonald fell in 1873, D. A. majority ought surely to be able to carry on the business of the country for the allotted period. But the truth appears to be that Stir Juhn Macdonald is terrifi- ed at the prospect of the wholesale ex- posures and impeachments whish he is well aware the Opposition hate in pre- paration for the chair, 81.5100. By dis.olvine he hopes to evade the unveil - tog in parliament of these damning evi- dences of bis own and his followers cot. dismal swamp, when already,unaer such tharupt noMurmal u se• might pr.fer guidance' theyhave encountered the that the 0ortnsl cvuree ..f procedures 8 should be followed, then can he no re 1Oonsters of Debt, Deficit, Rebellion and gret at a ,,recipitatiun which will give Sece•swn the people an early opportunity fur guyernmebt that o •er plundered and disgraced a country. _ -Woethe moment they returned to The Mail and -ill. Prohibition Ar. power eight years ago dowu to the pree- eat time, then has been a constant suc- moor. cession of scandals, each more atrocious than the ether, till they ars haven throughout the le.tgth and breadth of • the land as "the Itotten Goverment and Boodle Parliament"-• came that will go down to posterity and link them in From iCr Lindsay Post.the estimation of posterity in relented iufamy with Walpole and Castlereagh. Eight years ago they caste into pas - session of unlimited power •ndboundless resources. Immediately they went to work to strengthen they went to work to strengthen those resources. Jobbery and corruption reigned everywhere. We have only to mention the patent rascal;- editor was declaring that the "whiskey ties that meete the name of Carillon, wer now setting the law at defiance in Section B, Thunder Bay Branch, Oa- many parts of this province, must be crushed at any cost. if life is to be worth living for honest metes Tie whitest agent of the American whiskey ring and the defender of the anti -Escott senate now maintains that "there exists in Canada• of these. A horde of the off -scouring Fewer stronger than parliament" -(that life failures of Torydom were sent to the is hard on John A. and the waste ; and Northwest, Rapacity and licentiousness u its "• power for evil, utterly planted the seeds of rebellion. The un- and completely. without one single or qualifyingf. azure use function, how happy Mous prayed and petitioned for justice and redress, but the pigeon -holes John A will smile when he reads thus at Ottawa were a gra.-eysrd from which the outlook is grove indeed " And we • ore told that "in Ontario the trade has 3. No tatiatiou life. d. The Beast* to be made elective. b. No sale or lease of public properly, exempt by public auction atter due ad - . t S. The Skutt act to be enforced where - ever seoepted by the people. 7. Nu *seater or member of parlia- ment to be interested puaosally in say contract with Onveremoat seder penalty of dequal i6catioa. h. Absolute i of each pro- vince in t1a own sphere of action. 9. Reduction of public expenditure. 10. Reciprocity with the butted States. 11. C arbitration in labor disputes. 12. The land for settlers only. 13. The right of Canada to wnske her own oommersial treaties. Hen is presorted to the people an opportunity ler tuning a sorrier in their politiml history and sneering upon • n ewer. upward, broader path of national life sad aspiration. Wilt they take ad- vsutege of it, or will they link their for tunes with that senile Toryism of which Sir John Mnodoaald is the representative in Canada, and, under the banner of Blunder and Plunder, march atter the Boodle Brigade atoll farther into the on the Al IN MANITOBA. Old Huronitea in the Great Lone Land. all aeons M be Sappy mad leas: of Them Dasa 81014•1., -Having :..sobs taken a trip to Manitoba and the Northwest, It may be of interest to massy of your readers to hear s,otethiug of the Onset Lune Land, and also tate trip to it over the C. P. R. In my present letter I shall say but little of either the C. P. R. or of the country, but w0l keep that fur a future time. Both of these subjects have been so much written about of late, and have beau so often described that 1 could not tell you much that would be rens to or interest your read- ers. But very many of your readers will be pleased to bar of their old neigh - bun and lriends who have moved out to the fp west ; and to Iaru hew they are succeeding in their new homes and what they think of the country. Well, we will begin with one of the first men that we met in %Vionip.g, nue that is well known both ruthis couuty and also in Bruce, via : the jovial J. 1.'. Currie who for twiny years wagons ofthe sheriff's bailiffs in Uoderich, and aloe county auc• horsed. He bus the sante po.it►ou in Winutp';t, and I am sure that JI of his old friends will be glad to hear that he expressing their optnton on the worst T v T E,i a ljCE ibla.er a1 the True lewardars• et the 1 omNaatlea. The Mad turns for a moment from its crusade against the Rieman Catholics to polish up the Prohibition armour -an avocation to which it recently announced its intention to devote a gird deal of is energy. While its manager was helping Sar John to arrange a secret treaty in Toronto with the brewers' emanation its derdonk, et a!„ stink in the eyes of all hottest men. Then set in the satiated* of speculators, land grabbers and timber sta'era Tha Dudes and the Dewdoeys douriahed like green lay trees. Solomoa in all his glory was not arrayed like one Smith confided hu want of confidence to there was no resurrection. Sir John was the two veld parting at its mercy ;each is bored, Sir David snored, and the Boodle the editor of the Gazette, among other h afraid of its vote and -both combine to gentlemen ; that after the f • 1 I,\ when Mr. Smith was mailed for reticence as to -e h t s intentions, the worthy edi- tor was appealed to by Mr. South acknowledged >✓ theconversation, and stated his expectation from what he had said HON. THOS. WHIT,_ that the latter gentleman would vote for Mr Mackenzie's mutton. later on, when the (birdie became virulent against him, Mr Smith upbraided the editor, and the parliament, their friends and relations. atter admitted the facts, but stated that The public offices were crammed with of - part, exigencies urged him to the course beide, and new offices were crated to he was pursuing, i r., slandering Mr give them standing room. Money was Smith. flung to Tory newspaper by the shovel - In reply Mr White in the G.i-ef,e ful. The public expenditure increased said :- We have simply to state that there is net a word of truth in the statement, that it 1s manufactured ent of whole cloth. The editor of the Gazette Surer had any conversation, good, had, or tndif• fererd, with Mr. Smith, in relation to his conduct in 1873. Mr Smith never up- braided the editor of the Gazette, and that gentleman never made any such ad- ter burdens than the costly wines and missions as are referred to. tine stuffs of the wealthy. Ministers ea - Upon that • letter was written by Mr tered into conspiracies with manufac- Smith to the editor of the Hera:d, and tures to increase prices, while hun- that letter contained these passages : - dreds of thousands of dollars were "The facts of the =maunder diaputeare spent every year to bring immigrants in the main, as stated in the Herald, (Mtn Europe to compete with Canadian though I can quite understand that, in ! workmen ! Oat of a million and a quer- the multitude of his political affairs, Mr ! ter v,ted sanually for the Indians lees horde had everything their own way - let it trample upon the law." The Mail Minister were all too busy fathering pre.umes Sou much on the forgetfulness their own nests, providing fur their of the public. Still gnrte fresh within the memory of moat readers is the reelyd of the two parties. Few can have forgotten bow Sir John Macdonald threw into • state of conks - soon and uncertainty the license system of this province by the foolish and un- called-for McCarthy Act. The Tory premier's plan was ,merely to belittle the province and get • slap at Mowat, Few have forgutton the successful in- triguing in the blouse and with the Senate to undermine the Scott Act, to impair its usefulness and to emasculate amendments providing needed improve - mens. 11 Mr Blake or Mr Mackenzie had been premier such amendments as experience had demonstrated to be ne- cessary would have been promptly pass- ed. Does any one for a moment ques- tionat the rate of =12,000,(100 • year ;the this statement t Can any one deny 7 that the treachery of Sir John Macdonald in this matter stands out m bold relief, e ven in his Machar-eUiae error t is there anything in his reseed et the put relatives and dickering with contreaton ck.:•`I to pay attention to evils which culmina .ted in the loss of two hundred lives and five millions of money i Meantime the men who were elected to look after the interests of the people in parliament, taking their cos from ministers, started on a wild race, which soon degenerated into a scramble for plunder. Land grants, timber limits,ranches, mines, railway subsidies, town sites, every considerable kind of public property, were distributed with a free hand among Con. ire members of peblie debt bounded up to $111,000,000, and every time the clock on the mantel woad a ond one dollar and fifty sends were added to the burdens of the pen- few years to warrant popular confidence plc. Taxation rose from 171 to 40 and in his sincerity in the future t Is not 00 per cent. under the pretence of pro- its honesty questionable 1 Who it there tecta on, and the fend and clothing of the so aim ,le as to be unable to see through aheav- classes were made to beer its game. T . Tories smile and "admit the corn." The liquor members of the party knowingly wink. They understand the situation. They would infinitely prefer in power John A. pledged to his Ispe for prohibition, rather than Edward Blake, • reformed Senate and a renovated House, without a single pledge from Mr Blake but his high cha,•acter. Some White may have forgotten the sonversa- than half • million a year reused them temperance people are even now mealy tions between us and the visit of Mr in the shape of r otters pork and mouldy p, he doped and fooled by'dohn A. (;eortte Stephen and myself to his office, flour, which Dewdney told them to set The 3 ai/'r statement that"'the trade" made in consequence of reflections on or "die and be damned." They e•t•b- has "the two old ernes at its mercy' app my political character which tlared in Itched monopoly by Act of Parliament, the tMrffr, and the, I . he then and .wade the Feeite Reade ay Celanese made. ails 'IN -lined to mak.a correction, a gift in money, land and railways of and excused it on the ground that jour• 1130,000,000 tidies were sometimes compelled f.y;alit Such is a brief, but by no mans com- e -al lrigenri•i to writs in disregard of plete, record of the Government which those considerations by which under is shortly to crme before the people fur Ordinary circumstances they would be judgment. guided. Dox. A. Smith. Politically vile, ecomomically false, I entirely co -cur in the above, pers.nall corrupt, a it astonishing they (:soaor KTrrwlr " should add'Mood runtiness to the scken- Mr. White dn•pped the atbject, and i tag abominations of their detestable rid - hu not teemed al since. Hen then, 1 ministration, and drive Nova Scotia to. have two great authorities for sayine secession as they drove the halfbreeds to that Mr. White's notion as to what rebellion 1 Or ie it surprising that they POLITO Al. x3I*.L *. 1•. - should shake hands scram the ocean may justify, and. in fact, faire, to with the brutal landlordry of Ireland, such ,r u to make it .1 any rate puaable and, by the hand of a recreant Irishman, that 1 wet not misreported by the news , strike a hl.w at the bleeding he*rt of apes but misquoted by the Minister. , Gee, f i1, in her struggle to be free 1 For i frankly aerie. that the political es Toed by any standard that can be agencies ..f Mr tt bite are at this moment applied h•. government, the ministry of very serious in•4red. IAnghter) How. Air John Macdonald will be found utter - ever this may ice, the fact is that I nee ' IJ] &,erupt, unpardonably criminal, er did contrast the net debt of one per di.honeet, false. tyrannical, unjust, be- ied with the groes deht of an. Cher. reit of the last shred , f respectability, That would have been an set of flagrant afraid to face their own majority in Par- diahon.Ny. it would I.are been an at- hament, ministers seek to renew their tempt, arid' a very absurd and shallow t grip on the country by nixing a war et attempt, t» deceive the people ; it would race and religion. This is the let act of have been Si) set which net even 111r political and ought to ice White could effectually defend any more en0nyh to damn them irrevocably in the than his own conduct ext the Smith "flair minds of all maw wit° `aloe the pence and li would have been an act which should prosperi(y of the country above the pm - prevent its perpetrator fn•m appearing ludic -es o party. with any ,i{" n ar.T nuhhc Let os. tarn from the eontwmplati°n platform .Ren+arch this record of abominations anti examine the plstf"rm presented for over approval Tres question today is, n. t the guilt by the Liberals --a platform, every Omsk of Biel, but the guilt ..f the T .ry goo,.elf which they hare upheld and advoeat. ed in and rat of parks 1t a se ernwreat. The Msedonalditas must not follows be allowed too hide their Heidi, policy behind the coffin red tl . t plebe will strike most intelligent people as de- ctdedly coot and absurd. It in a halt truth. it does not apply to the Reform party. But the Reform party have found by ., .- in several elections that Conservative temperanse men will not vote against their party and for Reform temperance men, but that they will swallow their temperance pnnciplee and help to put in a Tory anti Scott or anti -temperance cajtlidwtes. So it is with the Mail today. It tenderly guards Sir John's interests, while pretending/ to denounce both the "old parties." So it will be with the Conservative temper- ance men in South Victoria and in say other riding. 1 he Tory temperance dodge is very simple and transparent. Sir John should really complete the edifice by premising prohibition ' And s me people would actually believe him Tits ttl4*AT. desires its read- ers to go and hear the Rig Four. Rrftwm- ers willgivelthem a patient hearing. We hope the poli - tieal articles in this issue will al- so be carefully rose. N.,ne of is nal* aud hearty, and that he is as FILL IBD ERIK STOUL CONPLITI. JAS. A. REID & BIU). arc now showing a Cualplete Stock of Foreign and Domestic 1)ry Goods for Fall and int- er, of the Choicest Goode and Best Value in the Market. Drees Goods in Serge., Plaids, Tufted (hods, Ottumau Cords, irse., in the Newest Shades and at Lower Prices titan ever before offered, notwithstanding the recent great advance in all lines of Fine Woolen Goods. ALL Wow. FREN(•u Dam Goons, gooi quality, for 20e. per yard. A spleudid line of DREss IIELTOYS for 11c. per yard. S. them. Special Value in Ulsterings and 1lfautle Cloths. A good Ottoman Cord Cloaking for $1.33 per yard. In Ornaments, Clamps, he, for Dressee and Mantles, we show a large stock of very choice goods, imported divert from the manufacturers. Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Tam ()Shunter Caps, Hosiery, Gloves, kc., at Low Prices. 'Tailoring Department. A :Salle stock just received of New 'weeds and Coatings for /all Suits azul 4Iver'oata, which! will be Made to Order at exceedingly. Low Prices. Good all -wool Fall Tweeds by the yard from 40e. up, -cut out Free of Charge. Underclothing very cheap. A »tn;ial line t,f all -wool Shirts and Drawers for 301.. worth 1.1e. E►ttru heavy for 75c., worth $1.00. Call and compare our`Gooll, anri Prices with houses that stark their goods up and then give a petty five -per -cent. dis- count or Nil TROUBLE TV SHUw UVuflr►. JAS. A. REID & BRO• young and Neotal a in the days of yore, Sereisb Elrod, patl/eiom, zttk OM. MI. INK and that he is doing well fioaucially as well u , . . , He, Mrs. Crane and family are in have with the country, or rather with the city of Winnipeg, and have no ►nclinstion w retaru to (lode- tnebor Line -.t. Dickson . rich, except fur a visit ; but they have Notice -County Council P. Adamson. a soft spot for Godench, and web to see Pure Dregs and Chemicals- F. Jordan, it *gain some day in the near future. Emmen seam.-Oodench High School. Deputy Sheriff John Robertson, et*eed Removed to emboli Hlock-43. (•. Robertson. Ooderich's old boys, is well and *epee the cold bracing air of Manitoba, and wishes to be remembered to all old Dentistry. frauds in Gedenl;h and Colborne. Theo. tee, there is Lieut. Thos. English, d Brussels, another of Winnipeg's otficuis, who by hie intay;rity and love of justice has mertted the psttion of trust that he now holds. Success to him sad further advancement. L W*)OLVERTON, L. D. S. Mr Willie Hutchison is delighted with 1- • otter odd Fellows lull. North ht.. the western city, at.d speaks in high Ooderiels. Charges moderate. All workk war - terms of thehalthy, bracmgatmosphere, 109- and points out with pride and pleasure - to nano('7t'om Goderich 1Zhe People's Qolumn. massive buildings sad churches. i p Mr Andrew Darts many friends atiwsai 7 %.w tdrerutNTM .ewtess Week. M NICHOLSON', L.D.S. ��1 DENTAL ROOMS. Eighth door below the Past OiSce. Wert -at.. OOnattien. 1946-11 Smiths Hill and Uudench will be pleas• , rt(jimmie& HIGH SCHOOL„ ed to learn that both he and his family l T are enjoying reed health now, although The vert Entr mos klamiasUes wi:1 be Mn Dart has been very ill during • large helm at Ooderich mad Exeter. N part of this year, They send kind re- I Tuewlay, N -e"'"'"' and 7Jw,,,Jwr ti.r m art, _':,vl an! .114 e f Deceteher, ebical. L. REEVE. IIti.D., C.M., MEM. • . Rett of tie ColFlulege of Plydelaae a.a ttortreees. lit.. ort b Jam.. eferra. tied Areenertei, etc.. fort 1 f E. CASH, M.D.. C.M..M.C. P.S., Wt. IMrsktan, yurgeo.. AooeaMeor, !c. neer-4Thet formerly occupied by Dr. Hutuhiasost Dungannon. Night office hotel - IIS - DR. Me•LEAN. PHYSICIAN, SUR- OK4)N, Coroner ase. Ouse and rosldeace /truer direst. served door west of Otateria Street 1761. 1 IRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON Parsiciaoe, Surgeons. Aenoacbere, lM Dale* at lir. $ks non'• resideaee, sear U. VIM Oodertck O. C. da an wow, J. C. Bunt TOX- - 1731. • C. f1AYS, SOLICITOR, tc. IL. ()Mee. nurser of ileum* awl West street. Ooe1, . orb, ext er telegraph slice. Pri rate roads to Iced at 9 Orr ornt »6 - `EAGER tt LEWIS, BAIRR ►J Oederich. embrance$ to all old friend. C. tiasassa, Jtt. J. A MoaPnr At Manitou I met Dr. Moore, o( bpris•Ing a + a.n,., seas da.. (•and:chi's F. N. Lewis Iti7 must send rentor, not later Slue t)et;ember Exeter, and Messrs. Jas. Houston, of .1st. to either 11. laspettor, at Last::. use to AILROW & PRA. - BA R Oodench, R. Mills, of Auburn. Richd ! the Head Hasler. Armstrong, of the big mill, of Godench, Ooderich, Nov.Iris. mat fo:/->< fieri e .1 T. DAarrow Solicitors.udft. 171 g W. Proudteot. 1TS and also Luke Armstrong, of West VOTICE. Wawanah, all of whom seemed well 1�I AMERON, HJLT & CAMERON, planed with the country, and is pros- The 1'onn,-il of the Corporation of the Cotn• C Barristers. Solicitor@ le Chanes lc.. t of Ilwrun, will west Is the T.,wn Halt. in 7orerieh. M. C. Cameros, Q.C.: P. Halt, meta. Mr Houston says business u far t vtll g. of it ems els, nit wednesda1. ilia O. (•amerce. 1711 - better there than it was in Godench. Firrt day of D••c•stnber. ne:t, a thrre o cluck At Boserain, that w rt a village started P.ra. PE ADAHSON. ss on the fifteenth of last January,t. Clerk. Loans anti insurance. Not. i3r1. lets. 1071-2t now about the site of the village of NOTICE. VIVE AND A HALF PER MINT. Dungannon, situate one hundred and 1 I. straight loans. Any amnvt Private eighty-two miles south-assWilma- u[ ni• Tendon will bereoei•er- l by the underlined funds at the low rate of H Per cent. Per ea - peg, the writer on entering a :hop was uatll MoaA.7. the 2Rb fn.taat [or over hexa- num. eKAOER t LEN hi, Ooderlo\ !,o1 dred cords of green weed to be ttrli•ered a surprised to meet Mr Samuel Coke, who thep o► in QaasaUes of met Mus tbae thirty (T E HAVE PRIVATE TRUSS- lett C•.Iboroe some five save ago. Mr cords per month. cnmputing from January ist t rex Nit+ to lend on Mor.gage at the low Ute kindly incited sine hurtle, and ){ verset. Thr wood moat Ye hardwood, sed at rate of FiVE AND A HALF Pelt CUNT. was pleased to aooept ha invltatios, least one half map{. fro- from k•ors ud per annum. Write or call for backlogs. four feet lona. t'arues may tender 1032- SZAOk k t LEWIS. Oodrrtrh, After enjo-yiog Mrs Oke's!Hast kssgilal- for thirty cords or upwards. The Jowett or it and •good night's rest aad fa sew- an ender not necer"arily a.r-epted..iecertty y' u wt�l be required for the romyletwo of the 'w•� TO LOAN. APPLY TO quireid both before walking over Mr contract �h(.'AMZItUJ: HOLT StCAMICROi17dgale tyke's extensive fano), I was pleased to PETER ADAMS( iN. Ceewty Clerk. take a walk with Mr Oke over his broad No•, 10th. IBM. 1lP1tR VirONEY TO LEND. -A L A R E acres. His farm a.nsiata of 674 acres of Dte URHAM CATTLE FOR SALE-- DU- amount of Plicate reeds fur r rery good rolling land, with genie good 1 A Sew rows and Heifers. also a t w •111"""1,r*". .('° "mt.-flees stags, A meadow land, which will be very vale- good Grades. are offend for sale. I'ri, totltl.)Nt Pk()l'DFOOT •b!e in the rear futon. 31r Uke'e well- moderate. Time given if required. JOH • ttASHINGTON. I.ot 23. Con.072 3. Went W - I).. R,kDCLIFFE, known thrift and energy is beginning to wano.h, Auburn l'.0. • 1072-11 lb,. tell. and will soon put him in a position GENERAL INSURANCE, of eawand wealth. All of Mr Oke's %1ALE TEACHER WANTED, +t REAL ESTil'l<ass family enjoy the eery best of health in holding 5.0054 ortirdclasscertiaoate, to teach school section 'Co. t. West Wawa- MONEY LOANING AGENT. their new home, and are delighted with yeah. Address JOHN ROBINSON. Sec.- the Turtle Mountain District. Tr'ean, S. Hoard, Dungannon P.U. 4071 -It :jots Ftratrfasa (tawspawka Represented Acrvu the sea from ltlr Oke'• is an• 11 Honey to Lend on straight owns. u the ..they of our Ot f cont mer, six„ Mr YRS)FESsOR CLARKE WILL GIVE itTagait' oro rest going, is any way ts bertwn. He, tun like Mr le Lessons in the Term, for Woo. 20TH aTOFFrs - %wont door from Square. + - West street. Ooderivh. 3I(S I t pleased with the country, jt(['\ICIPAL TAXES. _ petit:. future. He, is the `�•` - /� (� 0 TO LOAN AT 6 PEIL d about ' o The Tares of the Town of Oo4erleh are pad• t)1 /,110`1 ever, able at my niece, Tows Hall. 3 per rent. Ata. TIN TORONTO OENERAL TRUSTS CO'T count allowed on all taxes paid In September. 1 r cent. in October ; and after the I It h day are prepared to low. money ata Per cent., m- a December. S per cent• will be added_ ably h>. (yavly, ce l'ey your axes this month and ear. 3 per TERMS great peat in some parts of the country. cent. They are a kind of ground squirrel about JAMES GORDON. Collector. on dratclasa fart: security. Goderlch, Sept. 23rd, SBM. 4 56-11 .1 the size of our back squirrel. They burr,•w into the ground, and are very MUSIC. -Miss COOKE, AFTER 14 (A)iCItON. HOLT t C.AIttERON, li errtston, Dodarlea, plentiful. You will find their burrows years study of mimic. b preperetl to Agents for the Torenio Genera) Tresis (b'y every few yards in this district. They receive pupil. for the Pia". 21 Iesesons Messrs. (•awrRnr. IIo1,T a Ca*tewox bare quarterly. Terme:- IN per quarter. 2010- also. amount of have been more destructive this year t►rir•ts trends to Iso i than usual, on account o us tlnw ass raven security, E the drunk.. HORTHAND.--ISAAC PITMAN Si- tied„rtek Ort. 1. tees:--e-,"'-':sits They would est the growing grain far the I'HONUOItAPH Y. Tbbe moat popular ey»- rem taught. Inetrsotlon Sinks far saleat Twa m..tature that it contused. 0unxai. 0441.'., Eve' boy clad g{r'1 Meat +000 PRIVATE FI MDS Mr Harry t%'•ahington also lives near earn el.Otthand. Ohl To lend on farm and town property tit herr.. He ham a very fine farm, one of set Inner,.' ltortgag.a 0nnl.•eed 4t. the beat wheat farms in the township. muainn rherge.i agents for theTrsat and and his crop this year is very good. But For Bale or to Let. company 0. (.nada, the Canada credit Company. the London Lean Cempasy after all Mr and Mrs Washington have a of Canada. Interest. o ei and ; t er teat strong and longing desire to see old Hu- ron Borrowers obtain gee again. And 1 stn euro that their eaROPERTY FOR SALE - THAT day. it titlessti•ractory, 1 brick building at present I►At•it'N k JO1fN'TON, many friends here will be glad to see ocewpied by the Hoak of Commerce, Wm. 1t►To- Barutrrs, tc., t7edsete\ their cheery faces here again. Kay, mere have,, who Is. retlrinRfrom h pji,K-, the Collector of Catnaie end R. Ra.lel)X'. Yours etc., J. \ . (aaerance •seat. Apply to M. C. CAME- 20.000 and ATE FUNDS TO L><Ii. • RON. 1671tf os. Fare; and Town Property at Nv►*at b +wrart ' Mongeyres pure-ha*ed, es IIU•K ILLf•STRATI(►N.. ,rFWO FiRST-CLASS FARMS FOR N.K.enrryancoh Frrs r�etteor a l 11 It- I .4tls(nran -I)A mane is ese 17 This week sea Rive a timely cartoon sale. One In the township of AehtlelA, if ilrlels aarbfart°ry-1►AVIIrUI�t JOHl1 and portrait of Macdonald's Iionten- ,.Brenn. iN acrr4; and ores`" gest wawa- BTON lterrlentre he- Oodeetch. 731 William Rn s Oke, is well and its pun. happy owner3.j0 acresf first- class land,and Mr Robertson's crops were very good this year, except • few aerek that the gophers destroyed. These ire a TO SUIT BORROWERS. run a • flg wrrea. ver p•rticelan ant., Whits and Thompson. Another I wept) to Cameron. Holt & Cameron telling cartoon will appear next seek. rbcs. 1072 _- 1/sA RM TO LET - FOR A TERM OF • _ li roars, Inti St Ar in the Maitland ms- (alnr ODEI ICI* MECHANICS' INT esseen,oftheTowne1* of oenterich, apply TTl'T. gLISRAkY ANI►READ T by letter to J S. LIZARD ;tratferd. Itl0htt s1100111. cur. d Meet street and Square FARM, TOWN AND VILLAGE- Open Irma Itot p.o..sad trent 7to*gym. That ' newly The Hamilton Tierra rays the recent pamphlet issued by the Dominion Gov- ernment. purporting to be • refutation of Mr M C. C•mer,n's chargee of t in connection with Indian again. was written by the editor of the .lpertab.r, and poblianed at that .,Dice and paid for by the ( t. it is • fair inference that the Spectator will continue to support the Dominion n t. Loudon Advertiser. Amusements. P1t0I'LRTY FOR BALE ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LIRRARYI The ltterutors and Trustees of the Estate Lewditse IIeile, Weekly and Illw,trwkd of the late JNRItI'll If R, offer or este the following valuable Property. namely • I've peser, 3%n»,tzines, 4.c., nn rile, HaiMlnR Las namherw 119 .red 111 is thr MI':1IRe':R`+HIP TICKET, ONLY IiEollla, Town M (tnderlri. •vel en sere g D it Hoorn. Application for membership received W Prof(.ere Loi fronting Mill Haat!. Township I,itwariaa in rooms linderich Dein f 13 In T' y r each. Falsely grasting fm us* of l.ibraey sea R.eroa ?:need. and seer desirable for building t i pert 4 vet . s rhe M it J. H. (/►I,W)HNR, ALE7C. MORTON. land Concession of said Township. Vier Fume renege and Pram, Mable. Pre.aldent. them have been f itis tiwinlank most ?9 diad at Rat swot number 3, South old* of Millar street Gederleb. Much Ilth, 115. Porta ton tee 2nd..n was .reed wlth "g Re Itnlldlnt h..r, nn,n/sra Art aA itn1, In ?tie ---- o Clinton sem Town of intoe of r,tl. saturdty the et b. tits parents 11ve in ns y *hooted on esti side of Iluron arreer Fair' w ritten ..r select- How. J. B. B. Twowrr.or. d ' b Beneilller. 1 of an stare mum frame Aweit. .d at haphauard- Mls1saer orf Jusrlc.. eta,, fat.. Masonic honors in __-'�+ ow 111 i � an ase ser cath froais (en...i,aw • "Without threshing Teekersentb. A parse/mph in the ever •Rake mach draw and chaff that ?altabo referring to hie death asys lex \eve already bees ter, niton under the went reit on rr shooting expedition, fd.il,e• etase in the et... wanes feet that wandered away from his eompaniensand L Manhood ..ffress, with repeal of ' every enemy d !Mewl, on 'with si lead a dew days afterward wee found dad to the water, rejoiced at the detest cf the I tb. woods. '1*• of the bndy Rlake ressleti.ra. ' iedioated that he had taker • gt, the frangible' and G eels. 2 Taxation for remise only y ten PEI The East I et Len r!. con. 14. W.Mt Wawa JOHN RNOX, GENERAL-AUO- nrnh. loo sorra goo. 4501. 50 acres floored •1 TION-Filt and Land Val..ter, oro Jeno t. remainder i eine *d. Atient / Ont, Harios had a miles frnnwyle,•.►. 1 a kne% not) !woo Stain.. th* anrrinn"erin trod.. he Is I. a hath (4,01 44111‘14/.44111‘14/.miles from LueRR For I.irther prink -dap apply' to Aischerim with thtrrengh sat E. CAMPION. 1raRla'�p raord m by well Sleeteedir Auctioneering, ' \or. i, 1fIIt !R! tf Barrister, Ooele.l(h. OMderoek P. ' a seat f M •.•'ar"fslly atpndea tins Ghia KNOX County Anetloatar,