HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-5, Page 8„ •°"' tl
cs arorrr*-i-sinsry
?ITh HURON !GNAL, 11Tha. NOV. S. Mt
bhek$1114 likeffffeirt11011.
141.1041• ,4 .0% I.. k to
learn the him s. foie 'dni, of
J. Brow so
Wee M•tei M ..:•!. bed a me ;,1 ..itack
of illetem, Iwt oos et• gin/ 14, are her
seeuesti &gum.
The home howl lib. t.o.ope Uncle
Tom's Cabin. pea i tour oIRoA ,0 It WI
to. ful.$111, r . show
in this peyt .114ti, attracted • minder
aWe ...toed
Lco ort.
John titoornit t i.is room .10 Woos
again I hi. ...eosin
John If. it.... and .folin 11.dokh.ter at-
tended th. ket ;aeon,/ at 1>wi-
gitunoil Thui,..lAy hot se. k, and
took part in the timot11101.
Miami Agee" a.ol Lanai StIr'illt°
it'd friends at Porter. Hill this week.
An entertainment viii let hold in the
tomprraier haii on Fraley ',triune next,
the 12th test tooter the saloces of
I. 0. G. T. N... 213 M.sro. H How -
tate W. Murdock and J. ItiAards,
Dewdrop lodge. Patationnotoii: .mist an
the prourani of the rellit/Ilict. Of
J. (lulu to and John Ltd:lati r,
be the leaders in a debate. -to salmi -
Mon fee of 1.5c., chttdten ander 1-1 Ilk ,
will be charged. The peneeminies will
comm. ?vie at S o'clock.
John FraXole. 'Ph') "pont the ..mer
hese, lett 441 tl-r 2.-ith wt. for Tunable,
where he has secured birth aalionammi
an a dour
and will be .,ouch noissed• in the suctial
circle espocialla by the ladies, with
whom he was a pnme favorite.
Mies Kate Cumming hu Kos, on a
visit to Stratford.
- L.A.:. al r..1
was the guest of Mrs Allen last week.
our tow:)oman. 11 K. Allenorho went
up the lake reoently with a shitment of
horns, had quite number of perilous
adventures diarne: the Mg storms -rich
his Cargo, but met anh is., losses.
11. Horton a and 1.#7.7:k. A 1 Itvi Wera 011
the roll of the patients ((the IIC eon)
mittee this week, lout as we send off 0
prom are discharged as well.
Seettiel Sheepertl . •.•,..
from tile injuries he received by his
horses running tie -toy. ---• -
Some of our you- a men hare gone to
the lumber woods an Nlit:Iiigan.
J. H. Pentland would like if the
friend that borrowed Isis whtp that Sun
day evening would bring it back.
Hugh Girviu is able t) be out again
on • crutch.
The Sunday school is going to hive a
Christmas true on Christmas ere.
Win. Morrow has the job ut shingling
the church. James Young i Auburn,
has aie contract of putting U. 510 11011
fence around the church lot
Rev. Manly 13etison is expected to lec-
ture bore about the h tel.!. Su hject,
''Men Wanted.''
The Scott Act convention at Denten
non was not very {erre!y attended from
the Nile. We are told some of those
men who talk temperance at home seem
to be good to stay at horne.
Aheut • loofah est, Mr. Joi. )(elipse,
rick ftiso.1, pa moat Loa form hones to the
house u( Jamie* Thimble which be has
!rented for a tone. After ono•ing he
missed two of his calves, and aserebed
I neat diliesioutly fur thein oil the adjaeout
forum mid oio A•141144142 fur several weeks.
klaknig mu 1. se mind to try advertising
iii the pre. or them, he went to catch
• hos... to come into town. 'the animal
went around the dairy house of his old
naidesice, into which it was trying to
push its way (Ns approseloseg the place
be was surprised to see hi. tw.. calves in-
side. They had Mopped in and the door
had closed OU theso. and they had here
imprtsoned 23 days without food. They
looked • bttle thin after their confine -
anent, but under careful care are thriv-
ing, and may yet be sold as beeves on
Cie mai ket ais* af Oodencli.
Our eider nt11 IS on full bleat now, it
axons to be doom the bast t!isaues• in
Thos. Nixon, has sold the mate to
"1 -..uv -y- for *good round figure to D.
Ling of Itluevale.
Role. Mel'herson, has eon:ham-ft a
rhat spirited little mare. which carries
the name of Nettie hIcKeuzie.
Quite a number have berm improving
the exierior of their dwelling houses,
Mr. Burgos' has paniteal his house, dohn
Lardner has built • cellar under his
house, Jai.. Th.ompeon kis added a wood-
shed to the back >1 his house.
Rev T L Wilkinson, agent for Dom-
inion Allimice,preached is the l'reabyta-
n Church in the int .1 ,
on Suede, evening. amil00 Illoaday
addressed a clouded house in the Mit-
hodist Church, after the meeting en
electoral Anion was formed. Rev. J. le
Cook, PtVaid t, .• Kong, Vice Presi.
Steirsa, Sect. io 1(11 ,h
Mir, is certainly being felt in tamper -
COUNTY NOTES. ,„ , , 11114_11414
. vas she Cohens et Physeetees
Local News From Many Sources si=f1 l'ato,. 861140046.
. MM. Pert Albert-
Stems tress all Part. er goo ea ibe
bows ILsrliarae.
Rota. Itell, jr.. of Hay, "hot a tine
large deer ou Friday last, III a sweuip ou
flay township.
1) Yule baa been re engaged by
the Luoknow schooet beard et a salary of
.65.0--150 of an adrauce over last year.
Mr and Mn Paul Seittitzer. of Ash-
field, arrived home lam week from •
visit to Inends to Vernoillien, Dakota.
Mr John Manatee is about to build •
creamery at Korktool. Mr Hannah has
made the busies*. a atievea• in this part
of the country.
Michael Stephens, of the township of
Stephen, died recently in his 6iotl year
He was an old settler, having coolie to
Huron valeta 30 years ag„.
0. W Holman, has been engaxed to
teach the Winchelsea sehmil, for another
year; this will be his seventh jeer in the
David Henry. lake short. Huron, 1-st
• colt last week, it having broken
through the covering of a well, and was
killed. The animal, one of a tootin had
been sold to John gentles for $210, ani
would have been delivered had u.t the
accident hsppened.
'1' Z. CASE, M It., e. m., Ni.4' r. s.,
▪ . oat. 4.1..ricsau Accouultenr.
4-e• OM.... 41 hat tortintrty 4.40 towed by Dr.
Hoot -Masan; Dumgausiosi. Night of/Aso- Mar-
tin's hotel. 1161 -
GNAW. Cur...tier St. tAktit lane resieseeti
Hence vitmei. second duo: .it of Victoria
Strect 1751.
• P10ySiCi•1111. earerese Acre...where. ti
utfirw at 11r. tiltaaatin s residence, eaw the
gaol tiuderieb C. StIANatni. .1 . tisnil.
Ton 1751.
RC. H AYS, houctroa, ae.
. emee. corner of Square and 1% rot
.11ect, Goiters. h. over triegraph caLcat. Uri
, sate "'undo to ler.d at 6 per cert. nes.
ICLY.tiGai''ol'irk:!-Jhti.F.. v. 1.,.v.o. J. A Mo•ron
i El istritE 11i; .4 it k 1:, ,,Itr n0.1: ..D. rst °Kul!. i .,0 ri,I.: A, IF:
J. T. tiarrow. w. Proudfuoi. 175
--- - -- - -
/ 11MER4IN, .a..n.r a cAmEao.s.
• , RarrisTs, neneltoni is Cheerer,. &r,
..,..1.-r., i, M. C. cataircii. (.C. P.Molt. At.
0. i Amer.*, C. 1'. Hum lit -
Vt'.0 1..r.krailligyAk141162.rimienberodditil.a.,..austi.w, ta,
•••••••41111111 --
grants" Prunalashissips. -
keno uov. enlisted baottow a uumplers assortasent et
:411114to oaTlalisadti isoail4thaesNliguiekew Shadow rod Styles.
• A., ...nem variety of Eseglish. Irish
An iniumoste stock of New •4441 Stylish
comedian Twords.
oar Bri..:ebare.
attser..11 • Good* beriabt b) lb. ibad f2
u 00
Roderich, Rept 33.....1C4oCormac.!
tredo;:s- '
4;e to 1•1.41.1.)“1". C that hes Sto. 1. of Tali .tool Water MU:leery .5 now eemplete. and t
comer...es Ore
The Clinton New Era says. -A num- Epps A COCOA
- -
her of parties here who purchased au -
e ery stock frotn Cullen & Co , who clam
to have a nursery at Itochester, have re- ! 11011fAldFAsT.
fused to take the same. and raced
lively racket with the agenta this week;
the purchasers sHeze that they have
been deceived, and claim that no suto
nursery exists.
am Wilritnesz.
Miss Halliday is engaged in S. S
for the year 1887.
51r. Wm. Robertsoon is n the sick
Dcbtaller. list this week.
John Ellis lost a, alisah'e mar* on
- -
Mrs D. M...Ilutcloy,whoi has le -en soil- Sunday list p.m
O ieriug from cot:ohm:stint of ailments
is improving, s !tnewhat.
O Mrs Adam Hurst. who has also been
M likewise recovering, wo are pleased
to say.
• Mrs Roht Stewart, of Clinton is visit
tog friends on the mainland coucessiou.
u---11fre Geo. McCabe i.e. bee. oo 600
seek hat during the week.
Miss Clartsirmag;-0- Bey Civ,
the guest of hs, Miter, Mn Harry
Hobe!. Since Use arrival or the Young
lady another little miss has taken up
. her aboole at the listed mansion to 0,Itad
den the hearts of Mr and Mae Harry.
Jonathan Miller ',old his black car-
riage team to Mr Forbes of Stratford for
Mr Hobson, of Ontario co , purchased
the fire•ei farm, consisting .4 50 acres,
from Mr Hardy for $4.800
Herman Tilaedel. of Staforth, is home
to attend his father's funeral.
Mn.. Win. Treble, while getting out of
the buggy. caught her dress and fail to
the griund fracturing both bowie ot the
left fere-ann.
Mr Tom. 1 P.S., visited both dirt.
sons of our school on Monday.
Pen Albert.
W. J. and Elionbeth Hawkins left on
Monday for Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Elijah and Gilbert Lorrie, coopers,
who have beeu engaged at malting apple
barrels for Mr Mahaffy during the past
couple of months, have returned to their
homes at Lucknow and Listowel.
Farmers in this noighborlkood have
become disgusted at the prices of coarse
grains in G.,derich. and are oiog to
Lucknow and Kincardine inst
Mn McMillan is steadily rogoisingher,
Mos Nixon Dougherty is at peanut
writing -Wednesday-- very lo.w, and is
Dot expected to recover
John Swale, chimp...41st. who ha.
been malting a tour through the States
during the past year, returned home last
week. Besides making a potful (of mon-
ey, Mr Smale has increaaed his avoirdu-
pois some 40 or 50 pounds.
117est Watranoeh. Miss McConnell is leaving S. S. No.
3, at the end of the year. She ia engag.
lel at Riversdale for the ensuing year.
The trustees of No. 3 have not yet sac
canted in wetting a teacher, although
they bare had several applications. One
the trustees /teems very hard to please
in $ teacher ; perhaps because his chil-
dren are unusually hard to govern. ano
he wishes it done well.
It seems as though the people of the
tith concession of this township are very
much in need of a church and minister
in their midst at present, as mom of the
young men in the vicinity de not know
what 10 010) soh themselves on Sunday
afternoon. An it as. they all seem to re -
afternoon meetings. Now one would
sort to a certain [muse shoot two miles
from Glecrs Hill, where they hold their
think on pestling the house ovi that day
that • picnic Or •••,,,rt of revision was be,
ing held there by the crowd penitent, and
and the am aunt a bunt le. Minden uhese
meetings often last very late
hour, sometimes onr, mid two, o*cl rk
Monday morrovg bo ,tg reached. Should
,not ankh as this come to • close itso„
the yootoomt men ..f the line riore
t for thetmalvell than 1., envoi* on
auThir %Vhere is the mat.a.cer or head
.4 the hoonoos when .u.h as is is going
on 1 It surely is high limo. for hint to
rill* and imeert his control. and not hare
his house hrnught to much as this. If
such fellows do, not knew when to goo,
jest rise and pniot. It will not need to
be reposated.
A CARTS? trade taper tell• a aim.,
salesman who seemed to he
unable to suit a lady lifter nerolline
ails, 01 hi. streak. When the „
siseiged to her , !Bah, likes
ops bins roll them out, and at *
Man 10 take the train yet,- be sa,.,
Another old settler in ths person of
Mr Maodei passed off this stage of action
on the 30th ult., aged fiff years. The
deceased has been engaged in the tanning
business here for a great number of
years, and by anduitry bas succeeded in
id*. int • competence to hos family. Due
respect was shown to this honest and
whole-sonled man by ritirge cone ,urse cf
' friends who followed his remains to their
last resting place.
The f .11owing officers were circled for
next terin in Court Bennsoller 1).
C. It.. Mr Hunks ; V. C. R., John
Brae's. ; Chap., Wm Blake; Bea, Thos
G ledhall ; Pan. firm. , W. Yenstsms. Treas„
W. , G. McCurviar
Jr. 11., A. Robotism'.
Mr John 1'1 ilson sold to Mr. Shaw,
dlrover, of Wingham, four two year (Id
steers at NU a head,
A Sunday School has been oreimzed
in the Luton Church; it will C.,Mittenee
Iros:111.r. .4;!'initt compistiogy his blackstroiffs
sto. Ile isitesda to do all his on7.1
siaithing otter this, as be hos do ne in
ier7114award Walsh is Ohm to dispose
of his farm stock sod implements by
public auction o.n the 8th inst, Mr.
Walsh intends living Klyth for some
John gently in building a fine
new house and will soon have it com-
pleted. fie will be likely getting the
bard as oo ,n as he hu the cage completed.
Mr litradnock, who has been sick all
summer, is getting no butter, but rather
worse. He as growing weaker every
day. His trouble is dropsy.
West llama sesta Art tvevirlatlois.
A conveteion of temperance workers
was held in Dungsonou oh the 2$th ult ,
to organize a Teinperance Association
for the West Itidirtg "form county,
to work in conjunction with the -County
Association. The attendance was not
large, owing to the heavy rain during
the entire forenoon, but those present I
were earnest and enthusiastic workers.
The association was formed by electing
the following officers : Presideet, Thos.
McGillicuddy ; boot vice pres., John hlal- !
lough ; 2d vies. Dr. Williams ; 3rd rice,
M. SIcQuarrie ; secretary. Rev. W. F.
Camptell treasurer, Thomas Anderson.
Arrangement was made for a series of
meetings throsehout the riding. for the
Purpose of forming electoral untons on
the lines recommended hy the Dominion ,
Alliance. A committee was appointed
to try and secure some suitable party for '
the position of pulite magistrate for the I.!
In the afternoon Mr D. E. Cameron,'
of laicknow, gave an excellent address
ibei‘ mama
and nutrition. mid boa (WOW sP1/!loM1/16
t laws which govern thesperatiesis et 01.0stlee
o Itc Are ProPerties of well -selected 1ox0L Mr.
FLO'S tasprtivkled our bmilitast tabies wltb
# #1elifiliely Savored bererage winch num sere
mini hairy detainWU. 15 Is by the
polo:toes use of smelt arincies of diet that a
rumatirution inaeryattestle built tip until
i ARNOW $1144#10 10 reKst. tarry tem:racy to
ilaitdreds of subtle maladies as
if!e.ltbg IXUJaIL
‘,us,onsta to attaek revs
w th pur, *deg emote t wete fortri
• proper., mittrased
0.5 'viwa • l'alf 441.aft Lpai. DIV: efts ma
! frante."-eoirrirein Gazette.-
Made slowly with boiling water ca
sold cat) In narkets by Grocers. lal=
1 Jamturps co . liouvegmathie Chemists.
! Losilon Emearld
A leirgr and Ft•ot k of
Alt Sheds" am: Paaarsi.
r- Feathers Flowers Ornaments Ribbons &c,
In Largo Valistg. Always as hand a Large and W.I. A sorte.I Stork ut
afrffellienthee Ike POW, nontition street. Twe boors Wow the Wears* nod. nollorlaL
I ; 'RAW libis how"
. GLASGOW AIM temenoila. ,,„, numicathER .., 4.,
TOSS. Thal A : V...1.:e .• kr:. e-, ••
! Currants, : Coal Oil.
Golfe* a. Cheese, Oat meta!,
SRugilice,"'. , Spices, Potatoe.,
Confectionery. Soaps.
Rates of Passage to or from
Yr", Geneve livermal, Loodoetleery rr Befa.t
CABINS. 1145 said .716. SECOND CLAsis. hasi
Steerage outward er prepmd. !Me.
Anchor Line Drafts. :Wled at Low !Litt,
err paid fere of ...barite :n England.
scoilani and Ireland.
For Rooks of Tours. T...krts. or Mher it.for-
:nation. apply to HICKIt2R00N
MOT ERM. New York.
or .4. I tICKSON. Poet Oce. tioderarb.
Goch -r.. -b. May :at. 1.06. Alaa'sns
Lot No. 668, on Victoria-st.'
in the Town of Goderich.
Occupied by THOMAS FliBRIDE.
This lot Pt situated in a gond part ef tt:.
Town. It has ereeteil thereon a 11 story
' home, with *eche*. anaebed, whk:11 beim
painted lately. and is1u • good taste of pre-
6e471211:111nti OF SA LK :- Ralf rash*: and be
: -
area on marts/sire to .alt pent...her.
Fur further particulars apply Pa the wader-
G A.R RO W PR( it-DP.)0T.
Aseats tor 0 v.
GiC•ileb. vent. Oh. Mk Iteit-t1
l'emon• wi..h.roy grew! cord wood at the low.
eot rote. can h...ve tt r name pride pt *Implied
hy fraying their et.rm.:4
on some of the present aspects of the
Paramoust. temperance came. Evidently the West
Riding tem erance men mean business.
John Cook left this week to spend the
winter in Sll'iarton.
James Smith has bought a farm near
Blenheim, and will Moro tot his new
home some time in the spring. He is
an excellent neighbor, and we are sorry
to lose hint
Miss Anhie Agnew left on Wednes-
day for Michigan, where she will reside
for some time.
John Rarkwell has rented his father's
farm near Lnedesbor..tigh, and will
shortly remove there. His brother, Jas.,
nark well, will take pessession of the
homestead here.
The usual sports of Hallowe'en were
indulged in by the boys here. Milk -
stands, gates, chimneys and fence, seem
ed to be walking around in •Il directions.
Once a week, every other menth. for
some tone past, Rev Mr Shaw. church
of England minister at Lucknow, has
preached in our schoolhouse. last
Thursday night, after divine service, he
was very much surprised by being pre -
seeded with the following addreu and
$6,0 in money --
Rev. Mr. Shaw.
Si We. your friends at Var-
mint ))))) t, desire t express our sincere
and heartfelt gratitude to yell for the
great kiiidnesa anol self sacrittettoz merit
you have shown to* in condlicting re.
lignites services in our midst.
As a small token of our esteem and
Appreciation of your kind service*. N e
ask yon to accept this purse with our
beg. wishes for your future welfare. %Ye
know it is impressible for us to full re•
pay you for your earnest work, far our
spiritual welfare. But we believe God
will abundantly bless and richly reward
yoo whets you have finished your good
work on earth
Jeep MUMS.
Vas title Covet.
soloed res behalf of the whole eosin -
Mr ehm,. aithouith taken by surprise,
thanked the people foe thee! kindness,
5n4 one, more 'lilted them to ',melees
at calvary, w ere all might leo freed
from sin, and by faith in which he hoped
to meet there all again is the New Jeru-
90# verr
[Reported by Telephone from llsrtc.r 11111v.;
Wheat. 07a11111 beish • . • • 10 70 * SO 7 1
Wheat. tred winter', hualt 0 00 4 0 00
$pri ug bomb ........ 0 70 710
Wheat. 01'1)0.'1 V bush 0 00 0 On
'lour. (fain IP cwt. . 1 140
inour. mi red) ewt .„. 2050 4 ° #
Floor. 'armor bakers. 111 •wt.... • 410 * 2 15
Flour, tpatenti per. CW6 0 on 44 0 ot)
Peon, p bush 11)
, .
Barley, V holds. • IS 0 • 0 30
'01.474; bomb
ta . n .
.1't 4 I ; -
Pluiter, It . ..,... .... o 15 Of 0I$
Rasta., impacked4.11111111 ........ 0 1.10 30 0 16
0 In .4 11 12
Shorts. V ewt .................... 0 di 0 0015
Rran 11 eat 0 36 a 011
(hopped Stun'. IP err* 1 0) " 1 00
'''''revniiire. V cam
wood !I: °: 0 :
, fi NO " 4 -,-,
Ride*. ...•••......... ....
shasitoso .....
ivories To citEDIToRs
_ -
In the matter of J4,7112. Ernot-olt. of the
v,01as. of Exeter. in the (ount) of
!faros. Grocer
Notice is het -et, en that the ohne. nom
Ja'i.., ha• ander the ;movie
ion. CI 4.•.. chap 72, 01. an...ifned all Ina
...tate owl effect. to me In trust. for the lane
fit of his erecilt.w.
ltirnEtlT rallITtONS.
Sheri tr of IlioNwt.
Gorterwh, 11,1 IV&
81wrilf** Offfice, 2072
ROOM. eat • of least street sad Square les
Opea from I 0555 m.. sad Irmo 7 to IOp.m.
ABOUT 2 000 V01, li IN 1.111RARYI
Lesaiim Dade, R'crkly sod flhistrnicil
Tmessorrer Tore or cookriee.
141011112.1014RIP TICKIKT. ONLY WINS
'tepee , taines, .1-o. , asi ' ..
TRI4::4I•ItRh'S OAT1TuaR'Iriih. nu.
graining fres two of 1.boirtibrairiyi, and Pred00414111 .imwebinte____•• am as
min H..48.._111111111111___Letter___,
Applicator,' tor MOM
1.1brartan. is ~MRS.
hill. Mere thi. IMF SIPTIOrillIly my for ibis
Raids. Ike.. ibe. yolotel at oho. ernes for very
J H C0L/1011 la It A 11.1 X . 1101taLOrielli. ary;
paper. awl It hells tro adreri tee theirbea
‘1•44,11•10, Marsh 1111k. WOK
Call sod fee amanissaad pi prim.
Our agent wiII en:i a. !he *tore daily for
o ilers. .41mi on hind. a lot of cheap word
such a. short slab... eepOnftr. ere. A.I tie
wood. au ttv.siebt the sial ord.-dm-red.
sii the buyer des:re'. Prom/purrs" guartue
Fal. Reserve Nliilo.
Join. 3rd. irait. *ttsly
T.k X KS.
ITRoVI NCR Or ONTARIO. By virtue of a n•r
'f owx rant owlet the hanti
TO WIT: I of the Mayor of the
Town of Oodericb, end the oral of the said
Corporation. bearing date the Twenty-sixth
day of July, A.D. I. to me directed. Cora-
woodli14 me to levy upon the leads in tha 101-
lowinn Hut for arrears of team. doe thereon.
notice is hereby given. that naless the said
taxes, tooret her wfth all costa,are mower peel.
I shall pressed 40 .511 the said lassrts by Puhite
,4 notion. or aa much teepee( as may bo •41111-
eient for the payment of the Taxon and cools
.,,00soa. at the TOWN 11All.1... la Hie mid
TiltIVN 02 110100tICH. on TU RADA ihe
TWENTY-T*11RO day of NOVE.MHElt. 11016
at the hour of TWO cerinck p.m.
Int Jamie netrated.S
• - -\-
Streel 1 Mt.11011117. g
3 <
140.4 4 It mininipi.Mamber ; t."4.01 2:1011' rti c234;
1.112 22 03°5 Inn 1777
M 37
131f1 " rev t 1
11 Ger.. Wilion'e Sum ey
0.71.4 W:ivon'slir y
I • •
I V. • •
I r
• µ
311 3u 2 i7 10 77
1;• fla`11 1 9411 NMI 1
Einsr Pt' BLit' A TION.
1 ail 1 56 3 VI
-. 1 131 1 ft2 R II) S 0 ]Liks,,TG-s I
.1 3 IR I tie 3 IL ,
.N% 294 it 1 " 17; ! "I C
N 1 41". 61 5 RR annot Help Winking My Eye."
1311 :: :tenth 1, lite t 33 Si 3.1B
l LI ' I 40
1'3 Oil : 11 : :1.1
• IA Golden Chords Waltz.
3 4 IIT rl .1 01
- I fra, , "The Charge et Batoch ik"
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Mikado Waltz. ‘.
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hark It liar wood's .
4 More'''. Huroa It'd .
Syrups, r Clothes Liner,
Vinegar, Brushes,
Canned Goods, &c..
.i0.T= CA-RC:-.34==?.=S-
Goods ail New Prices
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MR13. SALANgka)
130 OTS_
Our ,Ctock is .,Votr Com-
plete in, Every
Ilan new Oil *of lb:tion Show Room •
Irtni assortinea: ot the
or Itats snot Fall Mallisea7.
}'elt Hats Trimmed Iran $1 co upwards.
telt lint* Trinsisod_6..with Astrachan, and
Astrachan for finmaking Purpose
A cordial Invitation is extended to all.
WINTER 1111111E111
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(lot Hanoi had aonsodcaralla e
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!_,!41111017.1. ratrratad to hien 4 terlor's tett at
31 e time er seat by mail to my add
Owdeneh P O.. vareeem atieweed i 304(31
a Knox County Auctioneer 1011-41
fit g. of 25e, Bill 1f4iPrmte4 it kw