The Huron Signal, 1886-11-5, Page 7THE H U ROK SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 5, 1888 Faun an tbar en. As snoe as the ears have been taken from the sweat our the stalks Agouti be cut up sod ted to the cues tw w Owen a coadttwa as pusaible. 3 Sleepless Nights, made .0 table by that terrible trough. Sbduh'e Cure is the remedy fee you. For sale by J. Wilson, DruglgisL Io baying pigs fur breeding stook the `sat a the cheapest, tlo ueh it cost a little more money. The reason why breeders justify themselves in saving runts, u be cause some men are thoughtless enoatb to hey them at a low priori. 5 Fur lame back, side ur ,Seat, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. price 'l3 ueut.. For ash by J. Wilson, Druggist. It is • question with souse good wheat growers whether the manure aho.uld be applied before the first ploughing ur of terward, but the prevailing tendency is toward ploughing first, then to draw and spread the manure un the surface, and afterward work it lino the soil to Ruh«, fluent cultivation- The tnanere is thus kept nearer the surface, where it is be- lieved to do the most good. 4 Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Re- medy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. For seta by J. Wilson, Druggist. Mew a ttt.d. (.sgts toad. A slim young man in the height of fashion who violently sneezing in a street car, whets a remarked, "A w, Cherries, dash buy, bow d'ye cath that dwesdfsl oui." ••Ano dealt f.liab, left my cane in the lower hall (other day, and in sucking the ivory handle, s• dweadful add, it chilled me almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har - Tory's Red Pine Gum his cold would Not trouble bits very much. For sale at J. ption drug store. `1 The idea that chickens ch kens bel g to nthe herring fam. y seem to he generally pie - valent with shippers. Trampled, bruised and suffring front thirst, must of the poultry that assess to market is wholly unfit to use directly from the coup. While it is not practicable to sand chick- ens to market in palace can, it impossible to ship them with mime regard to the comfort of the fowls, and for the stom- achs of those who pay for and who are to cat them. 7 Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need "ma. nese, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by J. Wilton. Druggist. The meets of the ranunculus can be .et in the open border if care is used to pro- tect them with litter from fret. A clue somewhat shaded is preferable. If there is lack of protection, keep the bulb in the house unrii there is a chance in early spring to pot them in the ground. The bed should be rich and deep, not dry, poor or gravelly. If dry weather should set in during the summer, a mulch of grass or hay will be found better than cunetant watering. Seeing is believing. Read the test mooials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren'. Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle and relieve yourself of all those dustress- ingparr Your Druggest can tell you all�sbout it. Sold by J Wilson Guderich 2m Gapes will seldom appear when the water supply is Dere awl . The continual use of sulphate of iron in the drinking water is almost a sure preventa- tive atiainst gapea. Take one quarter of a pound of sulphate of iruo and pound it up fine in any old vessel strong enough to stand the pounding : p.ur upon it one gallon of boiling water, allow the con- tents to stand two or three cloys, and then use in quantities sufficient to give all drinking water the characteristic taste of iron. 13 "HACKMETACK," a Nadine and fragrant perfume Price 23 and 30 ata. For sale by J. Wilson, druggist. As many of our readers may not know the value of the different kinds of feath- ers, we will state that, like , else, they will to quality, at present prime live geese bringing 47 cents per pound ; seized white and grey feathers, 40 cents ; damp and musty live gorse feathers, Meanie; mired geese and duck, 43 mints ; good duck feathers, 90 cents ; dry picked chicken, 3 cents : scalded, 1 cent ; turkey, from body, 7 cent. ; --one. damp and poor, 2 cents ; turkey tail feathers, 10 cans ; turkey wing feathers, 8 cents. These price., of course, fluctuate, but they will enable our readers to form s . of their value. -(American paper. In many cases winter wheat obtains too large a grcwth in the fall. Pasturing is often augtiofted ase remo this evil, out one difficulty is that it is not si- n" ways easy to get enough of the right kind of stock. Cattle and horses trample the ground too close. Calves will do much good and little harm, hut few farmers have a sufficient number of these animals for the purpose. However, it excessive growth is being made something should he done. Rolling or harrowing the wheat in a dry time .ill generally hare • good effect. These operations bruise the leave., which checks trrnwth as certainly as if they were eaten off by .tock. The peach "curl" fungus grows within the time the peach leaf. The fungus does not ne itself to the leaves, but works in t e young stems, causing them to take on strange shapes and unnatural colors, and to finally wither or turn brown, and at last to die. Ths test, though somewhat different in it. manner M growth, is a dose relative of the black knot, so destroctire to plom ani cherry trees. The only remedy for the "curl' I is the knife. All the branch,* with their leaves which are affected should be cut and burned. This disease is propel .ted ivy means of small sores that are found ie the leaves later in the ssasnn. By burn- ing they are destroyed. Those who have I had plum orchards ruined by the black knot know something of the way in which fruit the fungus Bas. destroyvaluable trees. The peach "earl" belong t.. the same destrnetire class. The First Sign Of ta01RNleeleb, whether la the term of Bight Swede sed Nervousness, or to a stems .f OiWy Warless. and Loss of Appatito.sheldilliapaat Me use of .tyers $aregartUa- Tb ',Operation is most effective fur glviag One sad strength to the enfeebled eyt1A., pn,moUag the digestion and arlmllelillei el food, restor- ing esterIng the servos, forces be their normal eo.dttloo, and ter perifyleg, seriatim', and Vitallatsg the Wad. FailingHealth. Tat years as siMeaw s I wttk • dl�t• /all. Night Sweats, Weaka..s, and IsT nom I Wed miens remerlhe riliad by 'o& y!deisas, bat became se weak that I meld not co up stake whit- e.� ai= oded pia( to met. fly friends ment- ion to try Ayers rareaparUr, which 1 dud, and I am now as baltkr sad strung as quer. - Yrs. E. 1.. WUdaas., Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In my family, for Scrofula. sad know, it It 1s takes faithfully. that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have ale prescribed it as a tonic, as n ell as as aker- wive, sed mast say that I homed, believe 1t to be the beet blood medicine ever - W. F. Fowler, D. D. 8., M. D., Ureenvtlle, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. 1t would be Impossible for me to de- scribe what 1 suffered front Indigestion and Headache up to the time I be as taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 was wader the care of various physlciau and tried a great many kinds of medicine., but tater obtained mora than temporary re. llet. Atter taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a short tube, my headache disappeared, and my stomach performed its duties more perfectly. To -day my health is com- ppl1sstel natore 4. - Mary Harley, Spring - 1 have been greatly benefited by the prompt use of Ayer's S3rsapartlla. It tones and invigorates the system. vegetates the action of the digestive and assimilative organ. sod vitalism the blood. It is, without doubt, the meet reliable blood purifier yet discovered. -H. D. Johnson, NS Atlantic ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer L Co., Lowell, Hass. ort s 01; els bustles, SI, HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT AOMPAM Th is C.ompaay u Lwsw>w Money cow Fever /Security e4 Lonesl Betas of hammed. NORTUAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS (BANK BRANCH. 3 , 4 mad A yer ('eat. /Merest 4Uowaf ua Deposits, oft:onionyto .0WMnt ,.sd time kft. OF'FICb;: Cor. of 3larbet Square sad North Street, Guderkh. HORACE MORTON, Mawaits& UoderkIt AWt Sib. HOW liSI- J U 8T MUSIC QJLL Il'a UBIC IK2LPORIUM, WEST S'I`R A•n It is there 700 cam boy the V. HV BEST ORGANS AND PIANOS that are need... n.r Cash or w easy Iketalaseat plan. Why bay Irvin thane who know uotl.in.a of maria, whoa you eaa Res them teethed by the two. wtrictane to the world at►Call and hear sad sec for youteelf.1141 Eight Pieces of Music for 26 Cents. Ii Pianos sad Orgaas Tutted. • Ooderii14 Rept. Ord, Ii11I. 1080 - PROF. CLARKE, New ,DRESS GOODS OPENED TO -DAY yj;\/ J. C.DETL'AOR & Co's dsep A:� raSS w �ii�TSON. �ti. �►�� The Latest Frouch and Americall Styles ! HATS, SONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings Proprietor. Wises Tree Mo. The unprecedented aisle of Buarkee's Gerwwt, :syrup witi.in a Ire year., luta aatuniehed the world. It is without doubt the safest and best remedy vier disa.tered for the apody and effectual cure et Coughs, Colds and the severest i It acts oho an entirely - different principal from the usual pre- .criptiots riveu by phy.ciane. as it dose not dry up a cough and leave the dtsese atilt in the spasm, but on the oentrary removes the reuse id the trouble, heals the parts effected and leaves them in a purely healthy on.i ittion. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases nuke their appearance, will save doctor s bills and a long spell of serious ilio.... A trial will cunvinc. you .•f these facts. It ic positively sold by all druggists and general dealers in the land. Price, 75 cgs , larlte bottles. yeow The ground meat that is used by poul- trymen and purchased as a fine powder is hist pressed with powerful in order to extract all the oil, and then greuud. In order t. derive .11 the oil tbe meat must be thoroughly heated,and steam is used for that purpose, the pres- sure being applied while the steam is paring through the meat, which thor- oughly cooks it. The bones are allowed to remain with the meat, as the marrow is ala., extracted, and that which the poultryman procures is really just what he desire• -the oitr.genous matter The meat is the refuse of hotels, the offal of slaughter houses, and even the pickings of the slop barrels. all of which is tbor- onlhly disinfected during the process of stamping.0 Look Ueve. Leek hers ray Mend don't ton np year nese. And my 7es're mar 1.01. W Well, well. 1 nip POW A•tbeset bripselltie hare keep you 1a bed. RII asek Wire : 0. my peat bead ! 1f.iw w/b► greets terrible Il1a. W'bee Dr J m.Aletse avid lens/eatM p1 will aid. eine whoever It be. or no rafter how Ioag earmg a naias elaasge.. 40 yen reel row to e~•w theaof .r a ftilr sltair*a J +osalt e or PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILL 1. *ZCOYYE%DLD PT Pity.;• -halo, Ministers, Missit 111 llmumyers of Fu$urtes, P4.r , I'lawtntiuua, Norse/ in 11 -ia abort, everybody who hasearyawnit4 TAtir' IWTRRNALI.T 5,115 WTSW h w i. w ..LATS or ROT MILK AMP SLO*R. iv WILL Ma MOND A tla M wawa CORS trot SCDDEI COLDS, CHILLS, cOK- • GESTION OR STOPPAGE OP CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAiNS IN TIIE STOMACH, BUM - MLR AND BOWF.L COMPLAINT'S, SORE THROAT • Ie. ArrURD IITP*IALL1, Ia%CR RAs earning IT TIRE MIST Awn MUST LINIMENT dig tAttTM IN kZMOYINO TRK Valli ►*1510. ,MOM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST BiTF.S, 2:.att per Bottle. Mr Beware of Imitst . -II* CAMPBELL'S • CATHARTIC COMPOUN D is effective in small doges, acts without griping, does not oc- casion nausea, and will not create frn- tation and congestion ase do many of the usual eathartiu ad- ministered !n the farm of Pills. lc. Ladies and Chil- dren haying the moat setsiitive at. - macho take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint C L's C rc COMIOrwD is especially adapted for the cure of LITZ& COMPLAINTS L*D BiUo,s DI.- O*Deas�iSTO.�� Foa ACID MACR AND Loss Or Ar. Fon Sick HRADACRR AND DYSPEPSIA. Foe CONSTIPATION OR C. 7O* ALL COMae.AINrs ARISING ,ache a D (TATS OF TRU STtr MACH. This medicine being in liquid form, the dose can be easily regulated to meet the requirements of different per - sous, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little child am to the adult.. Put up in three ounce bolder', and sold by all dealers in family medicines. Price Mail. s.; Crate. C.A.3s11r J=1-0-1 -L-i1-1.43 }i5 r -q �r e.. taatf✓Y.1 o1v.Rirs um omen aP • Ioaa' meor wl tr- ening now Loss of flMod. Acute or Chromic Di.aess. d to the wsakne a then ieraris$ty aoaaepesi a the recovery fro. Wareing Inert. No ready will give wore speedy relief i• n (�ep�ena or ladige.tion. For Ise er lysIygietl plood. t.aaa or Appraior Der p,A,d..ry..nd in .11 caeca ,iter. �•I tut .,Yawl Iva and . RUT Ale or, .-..nit ANT i, required, .b the ELIXIR will be found .nrAtc- Aar a. spy e e4 S.I.i by all Peale. r ice Wrdh ler r. DAVIS A LAWBENOE 00. (Incited) Bout AcaaTS, MONTREAL, P. Q. HILL HEADS. NOTE HEADS LETTER HEADS AND ENVELOPES CH EA PEST IN OODERICH AT SIGNAL OFF1(1 37.17. L A.i.$4 4 is wort:.‘ PCWD Eiile 0611101110811: t : o Cr'tete Sheer ewe M etl-e. it a ants, s^ a.,1 rotwresl tAsrxnt!ar et siring 1.1 C-ii1 ,Ret Ar11R Etc.. Rte •3s. The Chicagp House. waxtr nrnLICT. UOD t aedaa . AprU tltb. 1.11.1 101: GEO. 11. BR9WN, Buy:error to DR. W IIITILLY PHARMACEUTICAL OHEMIST. Having lately added a Fresh Stock of Drugs, Dye tuffb , P E rfumery, Eto., to the already well-seteeted Mock, baps to inform the eitiaene of Godericb that he is now able to supply them with PURR DRUGS and CHEMICALS at Reams Die Prices. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. BOLE AGENT FOR SZ/0A1NT'S -1...s.v iJ'...A N TO111f0 ., ramie Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Bottle Ouis eateed. sasday Hours :-10 to 11 a.m.; 1 to 4 p.m.: SJI 1•11111011in. Albion Block. Ooderic4 Feb. tib. 11111. NOAH DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER UNDERTAKER. Anyone can advertise. but 1 can .how the Steck. 1 bare more stock on land than soy two boas_ 1n town to select from. FURNITURE. 1 hair now on band 10 different styles of Bedroom Slates. /A different syl.• of Sideboards, Parlor Suttee. and almost anything In the Furgture line, all of which will be sold AR CgHHEEAAPP Atl THE CHEAPEST. AND DONT YOU T'OM:ETgITT.. f r�g� ex n thence DI tbiak I lave the m t r t� fit Rt 1 wmewill f IeiT6ttse to Jcadge i w .wes7lh6iig tui ! f tit ie hat, each ter C$sketa. 1)Verie yj�� pewit: CoMea BYeNi•,16LM4 OIavM, &c. l� aim w rpa4el. WI Alwasmiaws to glee setldaslha i every •rasa. OLD STAND BETWUN P. O. AND SANE OF MONTREAL Gederlok. Sept. l,t , ase•. -211 -ami C oderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runoiman Bros., Proprietors. CONTRACTS TAKEN F01 STEAM ENGINES. FLOURING MILLS. A10 OTHER MACHINERY W:11TE0. Flouring Tills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cotten, Agricultorkl Furnaces, Stoves, eta, eta, at Low Primo 411 Kinds of Castings Made to Order. J. B. RuecDUN, Oodertth, Nov. le. 1••i IOM1v R. W. RCrt:1111A24 7 (ravelling Solder UltArh TIIVXK RAPT. . Repress. Allard. H Geeseteit Yad v. 710a iii MIS ns 3 Rt I IAr. I •.N *as 1IM3:3• p.m 17 > £ warr. Hued. Mixed. rzpre s. >itrattord1.v. I doe ate 1:16 p.m a p.l i glade,lc► I A r 10'laa. m I 1.3.p. ei I e:4•p.m HIGGINS' EUREKA reit P('RIT' n .. ti'tzt. dt ILAVOR IS UNEQUALLED. DAIRYMEN It will greatly 'Improve your BUTTER do CHEESE. Anent-) for Western Canada : Oakland's hrsey Dairy HAMILTON. ONT. Knead Ow From Otrag r.7s March SM. MMg. •1►ly amusements. `*ODKRit:ti AlICC HANICE' INSTT- Ulf TL'TIC LIBRARY AND HEADING NOON, vet. el haat street and Square Isp stairs. Open from t to I p.si., sad from 7 to 10 p,m. ABOUT 200Q\OL'S IN JUBDAirm Leading Daily, N'reldy and littNr.Nd Papers, Md.•.tciries, d•c., ins Fits. MEMBERt+llllo TICKET. ONLY *LAO. mating free use of Library and Readtas Room. Applic.tlon for nieu.benabip received by Librarian. to roams. J. 11. COLBORNE. A:.F:X. ]MORTON. President. Secretary, Godrnet,. March hubs IFltt. 1q• - CAODERICH PLANING MILL K81 ABLiRiIRI) lath, Buchanan, Lawson : Robinson MA\e'rACTI'at,. or Sash, Doors & Blinds DEALER/ IN AL1. KINDS Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's material of every deeenttlea. SCNOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. 1rA Order p .o ided to. Oodericb Aug. 1, Will. 1.17 The People's Livery NOW COMPLETE! ! NOW COMPLETE! A CHOICE STOCK OF JOHN KIWI, Proprietor, The subscriber Is prepared to nrnlsh t►e pale lie wltb 'The Finest Rigs AT REASONABLE PR1('FS CALL AND SEE U8-Oppos the Colbor Beta ti dencb. Ooderi, 1.. Fel.. 14th 15 1••0 TO MACKINAC. The So.e D.iisbtf.l SUMMER T ! yew Russe, 3'o.r Trig. w Week 354..55 DETROIT AND MACKINAC and Beery Week Day Peewees DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write foe our "PIolursa es Mackinac," MseMs1011. t mamas Pail Parnesi.... Masi re«. Detroit a Cleveland Steam Nov. Co. c. 0. WH ITCO M B. Orn. IAM. Aar., OCT/WIT. MICH. COX & CO. COMMISSION .4%1, STOCK BROKERS, i llemLcrs Toronto Stock F::t-hangrl, 26 TORONTO -ST., TORONTO Direct Wire to Montreal. New York. oil City and Chicago. Stocks, Bonds, Grain Provis- ions and Oil Bought or Sold for Cash or on Margin. IM W ' OOCIElegGODERICH AGENCY, -WEST ST., R. RADCLIFFE, �Irry Jely Ptah. laf axed. 0-roceriec_ Si'E(IAL LINES IN Dress Goods, S h i rt i n gs, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. M1Oneieh, April 115111. iSI GODIRICI Chrystlr Mimi. • STATNNEN1, IN • B. GALT PA? . and ■11 lore aTrt■ A1. cm On hand. Frady telt del.Tery • 1 eh U.P. Now Reee1 Nkt�ae► 1 a .. P. Sew Mike A ((writ Pel -heli/ TUr111Rt Kotler. Engine, separator to . all IA week NE order. WI11 he wild eh. a Hail order,. will ,.,.l,. promps .ties Worts t M• .i. T. ■. aeaeles. P.O. BOX 3e1. O.d.rich. May with. 11011. s