HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-5, Page 51CST seism Inst, �aE einteat Apel, ENT. ea1.d at tie may to e stere. N, Drkb, Co'y. have lea ,rich CND it In rice able. +dal 111\- 751 sad qts on- us* gee he roe .d me r.l M set ie t en io. a 1 s A BIG AQUEDUCT. How New York ie Constructing It. Weterworks Brat AD. • arepale Reserepeasm et the Geees la- Mei/eking -This Losers T...e1 1■ star World. The following article on the great New York waterworks is from the pen of our tow.•man, J. A. Strachan, who has been employed on the .arks during the past year. •a 0ulerieh is in the throes of a waterworks agitation it cosy prove a p /inter in the way of constructive to egse of tier a(ttaWrl As I believe the .object will be iu,er• siting to many of the people of (i.dt• riot, I send to Tux Slosh, for publica- tion, the following fust outline ul how the New Yorkers are outtatruottnt a new aquedoot for the of water to the city. For many years Tai minutia CROTON lttl: EDt -r, which is beilt on the surface, and con- veys water front Croton duo to the Cen- tral Park reservoir, has been forced to bring much more water than the build- ers designed, and therefore it was ne- cessary 1. provide or construct • much larger system. The meth.,d of building this new aqueduct is by sinking shafts, or holes in the ground, about one mile apart, the use of each shaft being 18 x M feet, and the depth from 60 to 3147 feet, varying according ti the elevation of the ground where they are euzk. There are thirty-two shafts altogether, twenty-four north of the Harlem river, and eight on the south side. After these shafts are at their proper depth, the method of open- ing or driving the tunnel is what is all - ed THS AYEap'AN „K "clINTEU .-("T' 1YNTx'tt. In this system the work is diyit' od unto two parts. 1 am speaking now of coin ins in contact with solid ruck. The first part is the driving ,.1 the heading, and the second is the breaking of the batch. The heading is the full width of the tun- nel and of • height of 7 to 8 feet, in this ease 16 x 8- the bench being then 1,i feet wide and 8 feet high. The number of holes drilled in the he.di.g for one ruutd «r blast is ogv wenty 9•foos holes, d from lj to 2 ia.hee in urn, I411 ' I I I J 4.P, i. ,,, , . about eight holes, and the side roads the remaining twelve. The number may increase or diminish with the character of the ruck. it is to be understood that in this system of tunnellting • "wedge - shape" is first blasted out from the cen- tre of the heading, leaving the sides to be blasted out right after it. The holes are all arranged at equal distai.ces froth the centre line of the tunnel. The eight centre cut holes are divided Into two sets .,f four boles each, in two lines which slope gently downward towards TWE SIDgtt OF rHl TUNNEL, giving the back of the wedge • some -oat trapezoidal shape. The side -rounds hetes are divided into four seta of three holes each The two seta of oentrw-cut holes forts the faces of the wedge, and they .re supposed to meet inward to form the edge of the wedge ; the two top holes ioctine upward, sod strike the roof of the tunnel ; the two bottom holes incline downward, and strike the bottom of the tunnel, whilst the four middle holes go iu straight. The brat side - round holes consist of two seta of holes with three in each point, bo:izentally somewhat towards the centre, the in- dividual holes having e,•mewhat the inclination vertically as the centre -cut holes. The second side -rounds Tenet horizontally toward the walls of the tunnel, thus 'gearing off the heading. The bench is usually fired the last thing. On the bench from four It, six holes, 8 to 10 feet deep, flea drilled for each shift or ten hank -2U bench is kept at an average of Inset from the head- ing. ELA1rISO ly DO.'ls each shift of ten hours, 100 lbs of high explosives being used for the heading alone on an avar.ge, sod 50 Its. en the bench. The Lroken rock from the bench is luted directly into the mine ars, whilst that from ,the heading is loaded into wheelbarrows running on • plat- form laid oa a scaffold stretched across, and taken to the tars. '!thus the debris is quickly and expeditiously got out of the way. The number of men to de this work, "mockers" they ate called, has • great influence on tho progress of the work, as an easily be understood. The ars run on tracks sad are drawn by mules to the shaft, where they are hoisted in "cages' lunch row in the shaft, and the contents aro dumped nn the surface. The drilla which are used for boring hetes in the rock are ran by 1 sir, which has • great ad - restage oter the steam. as the exhaust air keeps the beading clear of smoke. The sJZI OF THE TUNNEL is 16 x 16, but after having the tunnel Cricked the circle will be reduced to a font less, the real sise when finished be- ing 15 x lb. The brickwork will oon- sizt of four layers of Atiek, and when it dose not touch the roof or sides it is • coneetted tightly behird the roof and sides, making it • substantial job, and with no danger of the brickwork giving away with the enormous pressure of '.1 water. This tun:e1, when finished will be thirty -thus mike long, all un- derground except 3,000 fest, which is an open cot, and tests nearly all through solid rock. The whole tunnel is I.toHTxP Cr .T SLI:411tIc LIGHT, where the men are working underneath, and leaks • grand sight to those who are unacquainted with Ging in' tunnel. This work is going no day and night. Men are on each shift of ten hoer" each, and it is expected to 1e finished in about foar years from now. It ia. i deed, • great undertaking. ve also a poliesesan stationed at each shaft in nue of moan acting disorderly. IF VrYOltlt la Wirt 0a 5Ii.I In, the policeman sends an alarm to the nearest priciest for whatever may be needed. Jansen Strachan, formerly of koSalo and at one time • Oodetich te • If t ".1,`r !; .. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 5,18N DRESS MANTLES & MANTLEODS CLOTHS NEW FAIL GOODS ;_' \ .`.. I Mall •-..-r ».. We wish to call the attention of all intending rurchasera to our Stock of the above Ooodt ; also the Splendid Facilities we offer for purchasing from a+. iT , O.r To all Purchases of Thirty Dollars ($30.00), we will pay Return Fare. Also, will send Samples with Prices, and Goods so Purchased may be Returned and Money Refunded, if no! Satisfactory. COLORED DRESS GOODS. BLACK DRESS GOODS. A Good Costume Cloth for 12 1-2c. A Very Handsome Costume for 20o. A11 Wool Cloths from 25 Cents. A FULL RANGE OF BRAIDS, CLASPS AND TRIMMINGS. HANDSOME PLUSHES AND STRIPES FOR COMBINATION. Meura.tles, =)olzn.asis, M tens �C_ Children's Mantles in all sizes. Handsome Long Mantles awl Short Jackets. An Elegant !binge of Dol lnan.4, all I'rices. WE SELL A WIDE ULSTER CLOTH, 000D. FOR da:. WE SELL A WIDE BOTTLE CLOTH, GOOD, FOR lies H. W. BRETHOUR &CO., BRAN •r_b'ORD. M*ntford Ort. ?5,), IAN M kado 188s NEW F.LLG PRINTED GOODS. tileL9as I greet the public with the announcement that 1 ha'. a opened out • MOW NEW AND 1886 N A I R N h� TYLIsK M,ESS ®® Suitable for Autumn and Early Winter Were. Tne range of Textile rabri...a arc sot cried this season that even the Most fastidious caa be SIIITion_ Had Opened This Week - 3 Grates, 2 Hogsheads, 6 Cases, or CROCKERY PLAIN AND BROCADED ATIN 3, —_Black and Colored. Plain and Striped Penh.n sal relv.la Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar, Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps tor uresses and Manner W. have amen r e.r ,.ad the pubic. Mr rail Stovels now tidapiote. 1• Nis our ate •d• Wi!1 be rowed of the a.wesi beiges and beet quality. BRIM .$•Ohio, 11 ■ASTLIL CLOTS*. We aro showing lance rasttea in hreneh.,iermaa sad Ittwlish Goode is the ae.eet stakes. t% a ha• e a' one of fees. Mr1Waa that will aatuuish )tau. at It1 eta. :imagined get mate of them before the, are all sold. Newest Ibises is Trimming' to match dream goods. TWICEDS, WORSTEDS AND COATINGS. t • splendid s.utorlmeat. aad at prices lower thee erer,l Sec our Suits to order at :1171. FANCY 000D$ Fanny Wool $bawls. Faseinnters, TAM iirsh.nter! %f W, Pts• Poet Cepa aid H•,wet, 111.wirry anal it hives.1 Niger* and Indies' Mittens, Wtetherw.tle• ecenpletr i.sortnseat .f araaIt ware.. A discount of Ave per ee,tS wi1111t• .Uwe,d .,n all -'ash purrha.c. of Ur aided one della, and ..t •-r. - tf 0 Colborne Bros., GODERICH. CD C3-1‘.0 rz:s dr, Fire Hosi�� y Fall mese. and at prices led in the annals of the Hosiery and Glove Trade ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. An unusually large stock of Car_dian and Imported KNITTING YARNS Best Maks. KICY NOTE -Goods sold on their merits. nu tions made. and strictly one price Goderiob. Sept. 9th. ilfet. v Mgt- Itraper and Haber▪ dasher. AND Fancy A._ 13_ CORNELL Fa�c� EI1assre! IgA` Till] TWO BEST HEARSES IN TOWN An Extra Arertaest of Library Lamps. No Charge fcr inspection. Don't Forget to -e thea C. A. NAIRN Court House Square. Godericb Sept. 16th, 1N. o g O cm4lie-hco?o, zI N o in/14 tt>_ A F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL GODERICH, Rea, on hand a full stork of the following, eeasotable articles: Paris Green, London Purple Insect Powder Hellebore. Guaranteed l man Mid Pure. and at lowest Priers Fresh Bottled Lime Juice, Assorted Sires. Agent !or the Toronto Nncilagr Manufactur- ing Cos t1ti,'C Convenient and Reliable, and .1 I!ed,iced • lis Also aarnt for Oe celebrated DR. JUG'S Medicine and Pills Toronto Cash Store FURNITURE! Hest in Town. Cheaper Than Neer. 1111tt1H ARRI+-AL OV Won't be Undersold. RAYMOND MCH"E. GIVE ME A CALL. THE COMINti HEA CfrTJRly r. s 8 Hot Water ICI�a C BUNDY RADIATOR. SAUNDERS /Pc SON, Sole Agents. Specifications for any alar Job given on ap plication. Satisfaction guaranteed. First -Class Stoves & Ranges and w full line of _'TINWARE_ The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. West-st., next door to the Post Office. Ooderich, oct 7th. 1951. ▪ u GH D u _N -LOP, FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ FALL GOODS' As this is the time of the wear •-hen r.•ople are preparing for Fail and Winter weather. 1 Mgt to unit 11., latent Ion of the public to m, stock of TWEEDS AND COATINGS, Which compriw• tt a iates: and Hest Patterns and Shades the market affords. Call and See the New Goods. I/itemembee tis• ace - Weer street. next door to (tank of Montrea1.113 (Federieh. Kept. !tr.l. 1+•,.. IF VOt WANT IF At t R ANT iF Y 0 BARGAINS (AI.I. AT Till - - IIAVINO RIII- i1l1 YURNISHXD 'sy shop la the I.Utsl 471e, put In Three yew A.rierslatee, coo of them the 011111• erased itochester tilting l' h a 1 M ead ,irr•1 • *weber, we are tea position to do Reeser w • r 1 than beagle - fore. lady's k Chlidro.ti Ii•ireetttog cod. a •petialty o. W dare exeept Raters asdu 80� crowed. vv ice_ C trti ti', 991t Wet attest, two doors east of P.O., Oodetici R. W. McKENZIE IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SHELF '.'AND '.' HEAVY HARD w ARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH. MISS GRAHAIVI, T;': Wt Physicians' F and amity Recipes Accurately D1sr'nw1. Oat- Pnee and Rsitabie Dunn owl THE FALL STOCK eitiM, is amperint.twi.nt over three ._ shafts whisk wattle. 20 awl 21 r spec- id NOW GO1+[PLET�. rat of the call at arAII .n Invited to rare and ex.salwe Ib. gnallty ■rad pit•_..' t resehirsery at �, dim Owns i. Merchants, Ca _. eh...,,.d.,,,,1h...bewklrlgde w• the Signal and get chef the stand TRirTOOROONTOOeASFISTARiC. I .n. eiss., Iwo. that thiol few loses p, _ O+.I..st.L1 .1 i, M 7.o er_ winp,,... et tautest to 'owe °� zO°r 1 Circulars Printed . oiiiil� *Nit. 11th. „r T9a-tow Ailt, J elf n✓�1..x J. ,.,17„ , Sr i rk:. tr .,i5� -NI :+- • l ".. �'W:.-:. iatilt Fashionable Milliner, Ilse returned frees her visit to Kew Turk. Torrent..., and other cities, with the NEWEST STYLES & PATTERNS and has removed from her eM stand to the store UNDER GEO. ACHESON'S NEW HALL, whore site will b. pleano.1 •o w her Md Customers. and s nntntwt anew, one. A OORDIAL INVITATION I8 EXTENDED TO ALL. O 411 d. 00. 7i1, lou. NM- •