HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-5, Page 44
d(d'a fatal' seeks.
/ w'!o(tli kr' U sorest if.
hetzed pephotograph cannot be excelled as e
trews MI the eell
Mat(`all at Stewart's and flet
Indian 5i., to deUehttel. yet 1t ts the
iswtad. ie Winter. The webs man will ..w
seder W overcoat from F. a A. !lithium.
TIM newest styles la cloth sal eat.
I. Burin lautu a bas tensed a deed deal et
b"' abfoa. out there ea • uaaalmtty ,>: age -
haws are of tea flat tb pbMef►aph. mewed eat by Sel-
t sneers -ea mesa Powe. diameter. tic
!'blterwrag, !p*,irr ft- Balers moving
be Crsbb's Moak. i will sell say fur.ltvra at
east. New le year time to se`as to all
kitsec"Mo.. East street. bedroom wC.
. 0.
They •ro game Gad, three "Aar GARLAND'
dusat *launder& & Sores.
The only ly stove which vie glare Ralv.te.l sssls-
faction. everybody well pleseed. Deal mkt -
take the name. ~Aar GA*LAxn" at "TM
&heap's* how under the sea'
Tile Woomea Cus.TIas To.r.sawc.
1' n we tent .beet regularly for the tousseetlse
of btiM.ese every Tuesday shoe.... at 191
o'clock. in Nortb4t. church. Itverr wsmsa la-
tnrested to the work is cordially invited to
Mia. Lillie McGregor has gene to
Mr Rightmeyer, of Kincardine was in
t •oars last week.
Ei-Reeve Hardy, of Exeter, was in
Iowa this week.
Mies Class Platt is the gust 0 rela-
tives in London.
Mrs, P. Lynn has returned from her
trip to Port Huron.
Mrs. Riddell. 0 Illinois, is the guest
of Mrs. John Salkeld.
The regular meeting of the town
Council will be held to -night.
Mrs. Noble has been spending a few
works with friends in Brantford.
Messrs. J • Jackson and J. Fair, of
Clinton were in town last week.
Mr Weise, cf Colborne, prea:hed on
the quare last Sunday afternoon.
Deputy -Reeve Hy. Eilber, of Stephen
woe in town on business this week.
M. G. Cameron was in Toronto during
the week attending to lead business
t A syndicate has been formed to lease
Acheson', new hall for a temp of yon.
Harry Dennis and wife, of Brussels,
visited friends in Goderich on Thursday.
Mrs G. R. Turk left on Thursday to
spend a week visiting friends in Luck -
Mrs Cooper, and daughter Emma, of
A guests of Mrs Geo.
Mia Seegmiller, wt.0 is visiting
the old
Mime Sault., spent a few days during
the past weak at Bluevale, as the guest
of her brother.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be dispersed at St. George's next
Sunday morning.
B Parker 1 the
members of the town band to an oyster
supper Tuesday night.
Mi.. Smaill is visiting friends in
Woodstock. She left for Oxford's
capital on Wedne.day.
J. R. Grant, of Brussels, the affable
Postmaster 0 that flourishing burl, was
is town Wednesday last
J' was Patterson, gardcuw for Hon.
A.M. Roes, has returned from Toronto,
bringing his bride with him.
?dimes Fox and Farr are
for contribution for a Catholic bazaar
shortly to be held a1 London.
Last week Rev. Father %Vatter. as-
sisted Rev. Father Keely at mission work
is the lower part of the County.
Capt. Jno. McSwain has returned
home for the season, being compelled to
give up thus early by • severe cold.
Rev. W. Johnson, c f St. George's
church, exchanged pulpits with Rey. Mr
Steele, of St. Stephen's, on Sunday.
Th. propeller Mike, well known to
many yenta of Goiseich, sank ID
Kingston harbor. Nc lives were lost.
John Fisher, formerly of Goderich,
now of Manitoba, has loot .11 his grain
and farming implements by prairie fire.
0. N. Davis now rejoice. in a light -
running tricycle of English snake, which
he brought with him from the Old Coun-
Rev Dr Griffin, president of Guelph
will preach educational ser-
mons in Goderich on Sunday, Novem-
ber 14th.
Will Wright, law student, of Brussels,
combined pleasure with business here
during the week. He keep. up his
a .
1tl ORTH AND CLASS. -.Several !adieu
and gentlemen have already expressed
themselves as desirous of joining a cisme
in shorthand this winter.
Mrs. Garin Struthers has returned
from a visit to Woodstock, where she
was the guest 0 her son, Mr Joseph
Qotck, of Kern's organ factory.
Justin McCarthy will lecture in Sea -
forth on the 23rd 0 November, on "The
Cause of Inland. ' Thi. gifted Irishman
will draw an immense audience.
Sint and Kidd, the young men from
Wingham charged with burgl.ry, were
Let week sentenced by Judge Toms to
Mine months in the central prison.
We understand Mrs Ger.. Acheson
a trip to the Southern
States this winter for the benefit of her
health. For some months past she has
been in a very kw state physically.
Robt. Moderwell, ex Sheriff of Perth
county, and many years ago a resident
0 Goderich, died at Stratford on the
23rd ult., at the ripe age of 81 years.
Elijah Moore, who made a trip to
genet Britain thio summer, has refereed
to Goderich. He spent • month in and
about Montreal before he returned
A. M Polley shipped another load of
hear) horses to the Michigan market
W Eel. The animals were
shipped by palace horse ears from Gode-
triols station.
George M. Sault., formerly of Ter
$JnWAL job room is now r ns ,f the
proprietors 0 the Winnipeg S.(tieor
1B . • gnasipy weekly, and is edited in a
ted bent fashion.
The Wirt fountain peso are seknnw-
liketi to be a eseesss by •11 who wee
them John Diek.nst, deputy registrar,
Y much pleased with his. gold only at
'IB. SO: MAL °Mos.
Hamfltos M. O'Ous.nr, eldest nos of
H P. O'Cunaur, M.P.P., of Walkerton,
died of diptWeria us the 13th October,
1 bawd • !aril* yssstaty 0 Americas
1 Witter White Oil, which I will sell for
Ithirty Bests per Hellon. A reduction
will be made on fuer gallon luta ur ber-
m/ - 0 N. Davi&
Mrs J. A. Hies", of lighthouse street
left this week for Welbad, where ebb
will reside with her brothers, the Messrs
Campaign*, who have mostly started -
bakery in that town.
Arthur William., of the American Es -
pro.. Co; was in town last week. His
handsome Waldo moustache wag much
admired, and same of oar swell. are
anxious fur the recipe.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street
deotiat, makes the preservation 0 the
natural tenth a specialty. Gea adminis-
tered from 9 to in. to 4 p. tam. for the
peelers extraction of teeth.
Mn C. W Watson, wife of the post-
master at Molesworth, committed sui-
cide by hanging. She had been sick for
some time and was supposed to have
been dersuged when she cou'uritted the
Mr. Wm. Bowden, of Goderich, has
purchased J. N. Hooper's residence, os
Jamerat., paying therefore • fond
figure. The residence is a large brick
structure, and is handsome.- Exeter
MLCUtelot, Ix»T1n-T, Bong KserteO
CLAMS -A meeting to organise will Le
held ithe clang -roots at 8 P. M. Tuesday
n ext. Course of lemons, terms Sc will
be fully stated. All tnte,e.i d mviteu.
W. R. Robertson.
Law business brosght W. M. Sinclair,
w hetter, and Con. Vanstone, of Brus-
..ls,and Duncan Fergusou, of Stratford,
to town this week. Manitoba property
is the bone of contention between `'an -
stone and Ferguson.
Tsaluezz Acrtutw-r.-George Edward
Wells, eldest son of Henry Wells, brew-
er, Saltford, fell into a vat of boiling
water in Detroit, on Monday,and deeds
resulted i° • fax heu
rs is remains
arrived here yesterday fur interment.
G. E. Phillips, of Brantford, is so -
gaged this week in making t.
for the publication 0 a special business
edition of Tits Sweat in the interest of
. Those wishing to obtainspace
can leave orders with Mr Phillip. or at this
The rout house habitues have been
chuckling over Inland Revenue Inspect-
or Cavan's with the ■wamp
angel, Hooper, who escaped last week.
They thine the duff
powerful. A sample would prove of
James Wardens, of Varna, was last
week sworn in asfor South
Huron, end J. D. Smith, of Gurria, this
week took the oath as police
for East Huron, without salaries. No
let the in thou ridings ma
things move.
Messrs Farr, coopers, are rapid wor
men. Their staff is composed 0 rube
kn order for 200 barrels came in u
Saturday. 23rd int. They got all han
to work at 12 p. m. on Sunday. and had
the 200 barrels ready ja ten hours the
time specified. Het%*here they can
do it.
After the usual busia.si routine 1
Thursday evening, Huron Lodge N
62, L 0. 0.F., was treated to an exce
lent literary gotten up b
the • committee. The pro
gramme included a well written assayfriendship, love and truth by Pro
Abbey's Uncle TIM'S Cabin Co„ pe
formed in Acheson's Hall on Mond., t
• crowded house. The unfinished con
dition of the hall was a drawback t
the piece, owing to the lack of prope
scenery, etc, nevertheless the play neem
ed to give atisfaction. "Tops" w
rather amuse. adder's &err Acr.-An addrt
the Scott Ad and the I
question will be delivered next Frida
in the T Hall under th
auspices of the Scctt Act Association b
Rev. G. R. Turk. A among.
choruses, etc., will also be rendered
A collection will be taken up in aid of
the association- Keep your eye on
the date.
Rev P. J. Shea, of St&forth, was in r
town Wednesday and Thursday in the
interest of Justin McCarthy's lecture at
Seafcrth, Tuesday, Nov.23. He disposed
0 e good number of tickets. The even
ing train will be detained at Sesfort
Dr Berne, President of WeeleyRemedios,Lediia College, Remedios, w.. the guest
of Wm. Mclwas, while in town. Mn
McLean, and Mia McLean, • grsduskae
,d the college. were
tnroyal in their trest-
eau' t the Humor and • few other
trwho ewe •seelnlled to meet
Nein Transcript : -"earl Mrs Ed-
ward Brown d Adders, with Mr. eplt
Smith, her aunt, Wire bees sding •
s Momenta few days in Pario guo.t. of Mr. J.
W. Powell They are ere route fromri
Oodech to Ingersoll, where Mr. Brownbeaus.cee
who was formerly in the soap beaus.
in the termer town, has -pted •
sit whoa..
R. N. Brett, formerly of Se•forth, has
pun:hased the house and lot of sevenn
ace neer the O. T. IL owned and
formerly occupied by major Jam..
Metopes), of Dakota, .t a bargain.
Mr Brett intends to remove Lii family
t.o Goderich, and become a resident of
the town. He has a reputatiuu of being
a good citisea.
The Canadian Sportsman in its stallion
trotting record for 1886, says: -- "The
black stallion Goderich Chief began
trotting early in the essson, but L can
only tial es three roin which he start
ed. The first was at Mitchell in May
when he won the free tor all, beating
1.4 Van and Jessie R. The around at
the Woodbine Park, this city, in August
in the stallion race won by Wexford.
He failed to get • plea. The third
attempt was at Seafutth where he is
owned. The race was fcr stallions only.
Coldest and Msticiac started in the
same race. The straggle fur
however lay beaus the black son of
Erin Chief and Oold°et. The latter
woo, but not before the black fellow had
placed two heads to his credit."
Smoot BOARD. -Members all present.
Minutia rad and approved Principal's
report showing on roll, boys 373; girls
347, with on average attendance of boys
268; girls 283, was read and file
C from Miseee Henderson
and Wilson stating that they would not
accept their present positions unlessm
their salaries were increased, the forer
by 860, the latter by 1I'25. Moved by
Crabb, seconded by Bali, that the
resignations be accepted. Moved in
by Marton. sec. by Acheson
that Mw so
Hendern's salary be names -
ed by PPO. Lust. The motion then
carried Moved by Ball dee by Nichol
sow. that Mi.. Sharman be appointed to
ieaoted tr► Miss Hender-
son -Carried. That Mies %V-tann be
appointed in the place 0 Miss Sharman
Carried. That Mies Britt be appoint-
ed in place of Miss Watson -Carried.
Tim Cralrxd CLcaa.-In the schedule
for the competition for the Royal Cana-
dian District m.d.la adopted at Toronto
lad week, Huron clubs are to play as
named below: Brantford vs. Seaforth
Godes ich vs. Bright, Harriston vr•
w Wralater, Wio,ham vs Listowel,
ke Mount Forest vs. liruwl& • In the
grouping 0 the clubs in the primary
k- competition for the Ontario tankard,
tis. group No. 1 comprises Forest City
° (umpire); London, Chatham, Petrolia,
da Tbamesville, Poiat Edward, Sarni-,
Seaforta, St. Marys, SL Thomas, Group
No. 2. Paris (umpires; Brantford,
Ingersoll, Preston, Ayr, Simcte.
Woodstock, Bright, Aylmer, Goderich,
las Saskatchewan, Argyle, Group No. b,
u. Listowel (umpire); Wroxeter, Wingham,
1• Lucknow„ Harristos, Walkerton, Mount
y Forget,Bruen, Brel., Wiarton, Shelburne.
The Brant Renew, Paris, (lot, gives
excelledOn a former townsman of ours an excelled
f- record. It says: -"We arepleseed to wel-
come to our town this week a new and
r- business man, in the person
o of Mr. W. H. Ridley. Although a new
businessman, Mr. Ridley 1s not a strata
o ger in the town. A number 0 years
✓ ago he occupied the position of Express
Agent in Paris, and proved Limgelf a
as moot desirable citizen. Another matter
which gives him the claim to be c,oeid-
end as an old Parisian is the fact that
he married one 0 the charming young
y ladies of the town, int the persen 0 Miss
• Adams, daughter 0 W. E. Adams, Esq.
Mr. Ridley has developed into an ener-
Retic business man, and he comes to
aria with • fully earned.
e will open out tu_mmow, one of the
acme t and best assorted stocks of dry
toads ever brought to Paris. He has
all linof staple and fancy dry goods,
but is particularly weN stocked in cloth -
ng and gentsfurnishings. Millinery
e will not take up at present, but ex-
to be prepared fur the spring trade.
Ridley will, no doubt; be pleased to
t renew old friendships, and will nuke new
I nes. We would advise our readers to
ye him scall.
. H
urtil the close of the lecture, to adept
0 excursionists from Clinton, Goderich
and points north listening to the oration
of the "Member for Deem."
SHORTHAND CLAse.-if the directors
of the Mechanics' ln.titete are willing
the Education D t will permit •
shorthand class to be formed. A number
of peeing have already expressed them-
selves as deeimue of joining such • class.
A lecture on the subject of "Shorthand"
will shortly be delivered, when intend-
ing students of the winged art will have
• peep into its peculiarities.
(: E. T. S. ---The e.eoni monthly
meeting of St. George's branch, for this
season, was held in the school room on
• Tuesday evening last, and was well at
tended. The opening piece, a quartette
by Mins Cooke and Mrs i'ridham, and
Messrs Halle and Belcher, was very
much I, as was alto Mn Pridli'
ham's silo, "Sing on, sweet Angelus."
Miss Nettie Crabb appeared in a solo,
and showed an increase of confidence
and power. Mrs Toms was welcomed in
her song "Daddy" and also in her ren-
denng of "The leper" by N. P. Willi'.
Mr Embury caught the ears of all those
who could quiet humor in
Mark Twain'• response to the toast ot
"The itebie& ' This toast, in
with the rapidly prevailing custom at
banrtneta, and in oonsiderstior 0 the in•
nocency of the subject, would doubtless
he drunk in pole cold water. The ef-
fective work of the meeting, however,
was done in the address 0 the evening,
delivered by the Rev. 0. R. Turk. He
deplored the evils 0 , but
refrained from dwelling upon them as
they were universally admitted. He re-
joiced, however, that the churches were r
showingan unbroken front of nppat
tion, wich wM - e•tually true 0 the Intel•
lucent press of the country. He con-
gratulated the church of England upon
the extent of her temperance work, as •
set forth in the opening remarks of the
chairman, who had stated that the so-
ciety in England numbered &mosgat its
tnemhent, all the Bishops, and as total p
abstainers ;70 00 of the clergy, and had M d
mwmMrahip •m .eget this May of snme G
N00.000, and that its tllttlEsbsnhip was by
no means limited to do members of the
established °heteto i1. was glad to w
know that the moderation pledge had
fiend a plus of seefelnass, but thought T
Archdoasnn Parra,s standing offer of I t
$1100 hooey sees of iatesspsr Deo mired
The North American Ree -keepers
Association hare siacted the Hon. A. M.
Rhea, Minister of Agricuiture and hl. P.
P. for West Huron, an honorary mem-
ber in recngnitiot 0 the personal and
official inhered be has taken in the prc-
motion or the bee -keeping in *Peering
the grant to assist the Ontario 1tee-kes-
pen Association in making their display
of honey at the Colonial Exhibition.
Rev, John Tering preached two escel-
ient sermons in Knox Church on Sun-
day, and left a gond upon his
hearers. He left this week to enter
upon hit duties as pastor of Drummond-
ville and Chippewa Presbyterian con-
grelatir.ne. He is an able voting man.
and has in him the *tuff 0 which
eloquent preachers and useful pastors
are made.
The hand concert will be held In Vic-
toria opera house on Thursday the 1 Ith
met , instead of in Acheson's Hall, as
formerly announced. The members 0
the band claim fiat there has been a
breach of contract nn the part of Mr
Acheron. and hence the chane 01 hall.
The Doherty organ hand. of (:lintnw ,will
lend our boys beam and string mwdrs•
mental genie nn the ne"s.Mis. Rima
Rtglssrdi. the ee.lehi ated Tomato voeal-
, E C. Belcher, Mi.. Wyss, sed
nese& keel talent will oho take part is
the consort.
withoet toad sbetin.nce was a very
strong and standing argument in favor of
the euciety's total anstaintug pledge. He
banned to legal esaament, but Its be-
lieved cleat to an edscated temperance
seeti•.eat keeping place with, ur beteg
in •deuce of legislation ; and, after all,
the moat e/setive prohibition tram for
every men and woman to peat •i-
bitory law fur him.elf or herself. Io
hermony with this advice • number sign-
ed the total •betimes.. pledge, and be -
mese members of the society at the suet-
■setae mean.
The schooner Garibaldi, atter unload-
bg her germ., of ousl, was hauled tutu
her winter quarters.
The schooner ;Fix lfage with hoops,
staves and heading from Wallawbarg
arrived in port lad week.
The Schooner Carter with lumber
reached thia harbor shortly after noun
on Monday, and was at ones stripp'id of
her canvas preparatory to befog put in
her winter berth.
The schooner Ariel landed • cargo of
lumber last week and left again fur
another load.
The Rathbun is tut going to pieces,
nearly hal( of the upper works that were
discernible above water, having been
washed away the past week.
The steamer United Empire was in
port la.t week oil her upward trip. She
took on at this port uear tree thousand
barrels of apples, besides • large
quantity of Wt and general merchan-
Oppumeoto of prohibition say that the
law can never be enforced; that prohibi-
tory liquor laws in the States which have
adopted the same are a dead letter,
The Atchison Champion, published m
the State of Kansas, tells a different
story. Read for
"11 is about time that this lying about
drinking in Kansas should crime to an
end. There is less drinking in Kane,
and the people are more temperate than
in asy other State 0 the American
Union. A I milleaium has
net been established, iia true; but, on
the other hand, ni°ate°ths of the drink-
ing and d of former years has
been aboli•ked. Furth.C. the temper'
ante sentiment is steadily growing in
the State, firmly.
Tens of thousands 1t men now go to bed
every night sober and self
who went to bed every night four ur fiat
years ago, soaked with liquor. Thou-
sands of women and children hungry
and itt raga five years ago are now com-
fortably clad, and sit down every day at
the tables provided with all the neces-
sities of life. Four -fifth. of the people
of this State, knowing that what we
smut is true, have resolved that they
will not return to the old order,'thiags.
The open saloon in Kansas ha. gone,
and gone to stay."
Two More NwIek mea Capture - be or
Them Escapee Mesas the emcee*.
Early on Wednesday morning, Oc-
tober 27th, lnapectrr Cavan, I. R ,
ad by Cun.iblas Scutt and
Hicks, of Brussels, and Paisley, of
Clinton, started northward on erne for
person. suspected of being engaged in
the illicit of whiskey
About 7 o'clock a. in. Constable Hick
and Constable Brethor, of Wruxete
went to the Royal Hutel, in that villa,
and arrested Robt. King, a man of
about 35 years of ane, uumamed, who
was boarding at this house, and put him
in the lock up Meanwhile Constable
Scott had laid lauds on Sebastian
Hooper, • youth of about 17 year., who
resided with his fat „ ;at
unser of Turnberry township. The
place was thoroughly searched and two
dills in the counsel of manufacture were
found in a back room. The prisoners
were brought to Brussels and came up
for trial before Justices Hunter and
Shaw, Wednesday evening. Hoope
pleaded guilty. King said "not guiity
but his own evidence and that of ltyrco
Young, a brother-in-law to Hoops
convinced him and they were sentenced
to two mouths t and a tin
0 $4(A) each, and in default Dix wont
additional. Another dill was found i
the bush where the had
gone on. A c oe•idenble quantity o
K Barristers, Goderich.
Agents for the Toronto General Treats Co'y.
.. Messrs. l'awaleox, liotr ft l'AN.goN Aare
also a large amount of private funds le toe
on first-class farm .erurity.
Ood.rich, Oct. t, 11*3. 1011-tf
- $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS
To lend on farm anti town property at haw
tet Maroc. Mortgagee pun -hatted. property.
-y _ a _ . at cussed niir
JAS. A REID k BRO. are UOW allowing a Complete
Stock of !Foreign and I>otneatic Dry Goods for ball turd Wint-
er, of the Choicest Goods and Bent Value in the Market
Dress Goods in Serge•; Plaids, Tufted Goods, Ottoman
Cords, 6e., in the Newest Shades and at Lower Prices than
ever before offered, notwithstanding the 'recent great advance
in all lines of Fine Woolen Good& ALL N'tx►L Fa&n('H DasIN
Gonna, good quality, for YOc. per yard. to splendid line of
DRESS MELTON$ for 11c. per yanl. See them.
Special Value in Ulsteringge and Mantle Cloths. A good
Wotan Cord (leaking fur >}1.33 per yard!. In Ornaments,
Clasps. &c . for Dresses and li(alt:':A, we show a large stock of
very choice goods, import.-il direct from Ike Manufacturer&
Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Tau. U:Shlnter ('ape, Hosiery,
Gloves, &-e.. at Low Prices.
Tailoring !department. A !serge stock just received of
New Tweeds and Coatings for Fall Suits and Overcoats,
which will be Made to Order at elcecdin_ly Low Prices.
Good all -wool Fall Tweeds by t!,e v artd from 40c. up, --cwt
out Free of ('harge.
Underclothing very cheep. A special lige of all -wool
Shirts and Drawers for 30c , worth 75e. Extra heavy for
73e., worth $1.00.
Call and compare our Goals and Prices with houses that
mark their good up and then give a petty five -per -cent. dis-
count ot! No TROUBLE TO SHt res' Gl toles.
Jo:dao'e lecc►. Goderich. Ilth Ont.. Mi.
..este. rtareg, Loans ane insurance.
All part!..getting their sale bills printed at
this oleos will get • free notice inserted fn
*lits list up to the time of sale.
T •y.0 Ilion GRADE
8TOce. - A valuable cultsetiou of short-
horns .and grade cattle, and horses and
sheep. At Cub -anoint Farm, lot 15,
con. L', H. it. S , Tuckers pith, one mile
west of Egnondnlle ; en T.cesday, Nov.
16th, 1886 J. T. Dickson, winter ; J.
P. Brine, aucuunaer. Fur particulars
see pesters. 2
A um wanted a i:orse to ride in the
park. '•Do you wait ...panted atonal?"
asked the livery man. "Nei not very 't
"what do you want, theni" "I went a
home that leeks *great not-
ed than he really is."
'14 hen you see a bcy who has failed in
the attempt to climb on the
of a carriage, and hear non yell "Whip
behind," in order to get even with his
fleeter , you behold a young-
ster who has the right material in bin to
snake a Socialist.
Sew 1 Tho Week.
Property for Sale --R. tampion.
Mottos to Creditere itobt. Utbboas.
Fal sad Winter Millinery-- Mn. thew in.
Durham Cattle for Sale - J.kn Washington.
Two farms for sale-- '.zero.. 11.11 & ('eme-
Eighth door below the Peet (ice. West.t.,
Ooutnttrx. 3f4/"Y $50,000 TO LOAN AT t3 PER
Offer -Odd Fellows Hall. North 8t., 1 to lea.
Oodertcb. Chargee moderate. AU work war- ...ey at a per teat., pay
Hated. 1Dr0- able half yearly. o.
on arm -class fan. security.
Apply to
i IVE AND aw Sea alit
Straight le•.a Any amount. Private
fund* ar the low rate o1 y5l. per cent war
num. y►: AG kit & LICWIIt, (loderied
FC NOS M w lend ea Mor,tamt at the alp
rate ot Yeti AND A HALF- PSR GlClfi
per o. Write or all fur arttcuiarn,
AM- r 1CAG ►: It & L& W n{, tiodsgtak,
rtcb. 1755
amount or Private Funds/Or IswMt g t
st towers rata es etea h
to (JARROWMrnotrn oar -'-
Oily Prrst dese Cs-pasler Jegreeere ad
lir Mosey to Lend on st debt lease at the
lowest rate et interest going. t• asy way to
stilt 11. *mower.
»OFFICE - Seemed dew from Square.
West titters. Goderlch. IKS-tf
Fin, Lift and Marine taoarawee /pear,
W 011 .+, opposite Colborne Hetet_
The "London Assentors," laeorporated 1710
The " National." established OWL
The " Hand -i• -hand.' the only Company
licensed to insure plate glass, is the
The above are alt first -cress ..d old eatab
lashed companies.
Maks tak.. at 1.e•esf rates.
Ooaerich 1►ee.11th, tett, 111/75 -
The People's Column.
este. One in the township of Aeheeld
containing 150 acres : and use is Kam waw
nnab, containing 100 acres. Fur particulars
apply to Cameron, Hult & Cameron. (lode
ALFA few ('- „ ,..r...t., aro ♦ re
tl Oradea. are offered fes sale. Priebe
te. Time given if required. JOHN
7S8HINGTON, Lot 15. Con 1 West Wa
wn°usb. Auburn P.O. 1072 -It
ii holding second or third rWsoreufieate
to reach school section No. 1. West W•w.
nosh. Address JOHN RORiNdON, Nn.-
Treas. S. hoard. Dungannon P.U. 2071 -It
r, 1 20 Lemons in the Term, for 65.00. 2070-
• waren. charger! agesis for the Trust and Lean
(o y of ('.nada, the Canada Landed
Credit Company. the Loedea Lose Company
of t'anada. Interest. 4 N and 7 per cent.
• N. R. Borrowers can obtain money In one
day. O title satisfactory.
Barristers. tr.. Oodetirh
Mr on Yana and Town Property at lowest In
tenet. Mortgoges purchased. as Cemiellenian
charged, Conveyancing frees reasonable,
N. 14. -- P obtain money Ia oma
if title is satisfactory-DAt'Il4ON & JOHN-
STON Harristers. t r.. Ooderich. 751
e _
ha The Taxes of the Town of Goderich arc pay-
able at my oiler. Tow. Hall. 3 per cent. eh,
count allowed on all taxes paid in September.
per cent in October; Dirt atter the IIth day
f of Ileoe°aber, 5 per cent, will be added.
e Ph" your taxes this month Did sage 1 per
1AMiCz GORDON, Collector.
e Goderich. Sept.. Med. IBM. MAWS
1 good water, cellar, and ether ee.reni-
e rocee. and contain four ter fire bedrooms.
Apply at this °nice. "Mt -
liquor hu been sild but those who ar
supposed P, know say it is vile stuff, en
ough n. kill a d..g. The prisoners wer
brought before Messrs. Hunter and
Shaw, J. is , and the evidence being
clear, both were sentenced to pay a tin
of $400 each, and alas to be c,mtuit:ed
to jail for two month'.
King was placed in the lock-up, and
Hooper stated that if the Constables
would go out into Howick with hint he
would show them where the still was
used. As ('even was anxious to destroy
the still, he consented to this, and he,
with a constable and Hooper, started
out in a double rig; it was petty late
when they reschei it, and after destroy-
ing it, they all started back for Bros.
sel'. The constable was driving, and
Cavan and tee prisoner Hooper occupy-
ing the rear seat. Hooper had not been
handcuffed, as it was not throught
necessary. The night was pitch dark.
and when shoot five miles trona Brussels,
the driver was surpneed to hear a splash
in the n.ad a. if some one had fallen,
and hooking round he was just ape to
see that the back seat was vacant.
Running the horse. to a fence as qu'ekly
se possible, he went back and found Ca•
van standing with a drawn revolver,
over • bla: k objedcctts. supped to be
Hooper, and Ihreatdning t.» blow his
brains out if he moved. The black object
proved to be a log, and the most dili-
gent search failed to reveal the where -
boob of Hooper, who It seemed jump-
ed rnmt the rig, followed by Cavan, but
had mads hu escape in the darkness.
They felt very much annoyed that the
rimiesr had made hie escape, bet the
witness favored horn King was taken
Mr John Elliott, jr., of London,
ltde shooting in this vicinity, Friday
IIww*Ing, raptured a fine large deer.
hey are reported .om.whet Outdo'
brews/host the townships of gumbo.
sad Hay.
Thin 1ourte will consist of
.receive iteals study of music. in prepared to tt be delivered In
pupil. for the Piano. 11 _amens
quarterly. Terms : -,t per quarter 10f4 I PITMANSACJIOSOIlS N6 Hall!H during the wink. r moth• ofIOW.
Same of the hryan t available (y„adlane
A V. The moat popular Mys-
tem taught. inet nn•unn hooks for sale at Tee
ritotAL other. tier,an
ta.y d girl should
earn shorthand. 2005
For Sale or to Let.
iTCATEDep2re. on the ware. at Pres.
eat oeotq;"/ Ih R. Ontrum, as a mitHeery
store, Flee•.s,lge given oe the 4t of t.ctober
next. Apply le 14 iL1. It. (.'O KE. North
commNan are ens Bas been u . and the
i faction• giving
Co•e tkketa, cueing int of ere single roe -
pea tickets are bring sold at g1 each. Thew
t iekete way be need as I be purchaser *Mabe",
e -g . he may go himself to rack leet.r
maytake Toe, a h.
ur friends with him to any ewe
lecure, or he may allow Me wife to attend
three and go himself to two, or be may -use Huse
Them in and oral he please -0.i
souls, knowing the greet needs of the eiturs ,
will lake two, three or fonr, and sae them se
family tickets: hit be sure you hay at isnot
one when the lady eanvaarr oitll• upna you
The nett prnrYeds will he equitahly divided
between the two Methodist r:burrhen.
The following la • list of dales, ar
'OV_ 23-
RRr. M AELY BINS /N, of Toronto. "Mee
Dmp_ 10_
('HAPi.I:ti McCARE, of New York
"'Irish' Skid 01 Life In Libby Prison '•
J.&N- 1i
1IRt'. HI fl JOHNSTON. R. D.. et Temente.
'From l.orxloa to Jetmalem."
i'EH, 8
RF.t-. R. A. STAYFORn, R.D.. it Teeesta
"The Ribte in the Ieth Century.
All l..eternr ya le erwea,ega at
5110 Connie Tickets must be Der
Onderich. (bt. 7th 1Jlm -
year*. Iw+b 5i eve, Ito the M•Uland con
nasionof the Towasbip of Coderich appql1y
by letter to J S. I.IZAkit. NtmtfrKd. Ittt10-ef
1'Rrl'F.I:T1' FOR SALE.
Ttse Executors and TrnMwer of the Rotate
of the late Jumiy.PH HERR. offer for sale the
fallowing ialn»Me 1'ropertv, namely
Entitling lots somber, fm and MI. In the
fw eownd cite (leger Ih' i of an acre eacL. Fairly
r denirble for building pur-
Rao sere Int fronting M111 Rog!, Township
or Calerirh, b.lag part of l.m 1 In th. Maft-
('oncessinn 01 ssM Tnwiaklp. \Ice
menumber 1ucm;et ge aur! Vrswte 81.8le.
. 'tooth side of neuter street,
i enecifer. 1 of an acre, small frame deviates.
Heading` Ia,Is umbers 113 and Int In the
Town of Clinton. I of an acne rich Hns,n4-
folly situated on month lode of Itnrnn arms.
I'Airty fenMd.
The K.., 0f lot 1, Con 11. woo, wawa.
n odi, toe *erg. towel land. 50 a.•ee*
MINI h.wYA, reinaineler Umlered About 4
mike hem Lsrknow and 5 melee from Wiag-
ham. Gent raid&
peer tenter p.rttoala,e .gapppe1 fit
IC.'. t, iau > -KRagrhter. Goderieh.
"if Kngland is our acether e.tett
i°India cur father
promising pupil the y• "Neindeewh do
t each a
i see i1.
Farther I.tdis on the s._p." He was
only ten, sold said it is gees IDN`,
How New Y
Its Well
A rrsMle Dego
dwoAahleig -1
The follow it
New York sate
our townwan,
been employed
past year. As t
of a waterworks
p tinter in the
Dole 9f VRr i 1
As I believe t
genal to many
rich, I scud to 1
tion, the follow'
the New Yorker
aqued..t for the
the city. Fur i
TEs rasa&,
which ie bsilt u
veys water from
teal Park rseert
bring monk mut
e ra designed, an
ceesary to proyu
larger yeetn.
this new etude
or holes is the i
apart, the sterol
feet, and the de
varying acoordii
ground where tl
thirty-two shaft,
north of the Ha
the south side.
their proper der
Mg or driving tl
In this system t
two parts. I as
iog in °outset w
part is the drive
the .eoond is tb
The heading is t
uel and of a hep
case 16 x 8-11
feet wide and 8
of b.1es drilled
routd or blast
V -foot holes, of
sue, me weal*,
about eight bole
the remising to
increase or died
.4 the ruck. It
in this system
shape" is first bl
tr. of the heads
be bleated out r
are all arranged
the centre line
centre cut holes
.,f four holes a
dope gently duo
Tag stun
giving the back
abet trapear.ida
holes are died
holes each 1
holes form the I
they are •ugaga
form the edge
top holes iuclin
roof of the tune
incline downwal
of the tunnel,
holes go iu st
round holes sou
with three in
somewhat tows
divldual holm
inclination ver
holes. The w
horizontally to
tunnel, thus t
The bench u ut
On the bench f
to 10 feet der
shift or ten 5
each shift of to
explosives belt
alone on an a
Tench. The 1.1
is )(.eyed dire
whilst that trot
into wheelbarr
form laid oa s
and token to th
is quickly and
the way. The
this work, "m
has a great in
the work, as
The cars run
by mules to
hoisted In "c
shaft, and the
the surface. 1
fur boring hot
compressed air
vantage *ter ti
air keep. the
is 16x16,bwt
1 ricked the c
font ie.., ther
ing 15 1 16.
list of four lay
does not tow
side., making
with no dance
•way with th
o1 water. T
will be thirty
dergroand sic
open cot, an
solid rook. T
lAtili ' I
when the ma+
and Yaks a
ars onecgu.in
Thi. work i.
Mee areona
and it u ex
ah..st four y
deed, a KT.s
DIM • police
in ogee of won
11 L$TOI
the pnlicsum
nearest pter►i
needed. Ja
Buffalo, and
ettsitae, I h
,hafts whtah
Uv*Iy, cad >M
the *tint II
to rwve e/