HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-5, Page 3id -
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parliament take the oaths whish eased-
.& ltuusaa Qt bubas." The bfth, "the
.outleueoes of the Irish church .Msb-
lieh•teut t+• be a feedeenantal srtisie ut
the union." limes the drat if Jassary,
1801, Irel.nd hats hese united to Bog
land. It was • lured marriage, ar.s! its
.uoditiens were & deliberate insult to
the religiose coevictiurs of the saje.rit7,
and the isa.s is jest what might bate
beim expected. Till 1829 the Cath..li s
of Ireland ooeunued without represent&
tion. With the election of the great 0'
Connell that disgrace pawed away, Ieav
ing nothing but the national church and
th. land laws to be corrected. The fran-
chise was impartial, religious died/image
Ind owed. In 1868 church diwtablt.h
stent removed the last religious ebjuc
is ether, bet weesemes ale may pack
up • torus rel wan from tamatesse--be-
e d.e as they pay the piper, they stay
to . wean retest, bet allowed to think
they call the tune. 1 felt this was • very
diOcult besiege& However, he made
me stay at his house, always as the Neu
ilemsn wasttew tome houses ; and I slept
like • top till roused by instinct by
somebody peewee my door. Out I crept
tow, and ibex. was Mr Dale (abost
a. tai in • blanket, (annum he heard •
n oise down stairs. Down he went, but
found nothing. Of course not.
"Now, look here sir," 1 whispered,
"if lee to manage this, let me do It, but
11013.please den'' put your uar in." p•ny concerted to Mr :We- namely,
"I can't sleep," he said, 1 get up all young elation. 1 told hint I fancied he
hours; and then in the morning hours I wain someway connected with sixrtIng
am in to Leavy • deep that 1 am always oaken, and got fur my pains an tncred-
late. uluus laugh, ted a hasty remark about
I went back to bed somewhat din- dance/nee acuteness. This nettled me _
eoelda't God any investments to twit
kite, and kept any eyes epee. Several
day. parsed and no more motes were
missed. Mr. Dale gut rather tranquil
teed, teed Mrs Dale ventured to platy the
piano to him in the evening, which toe
seam time he had been too irritates to
latest :o, mesh to her surprise, as neith-
er she nor semen else had been tuW
of the mining notes, and he was goo
aridly very good natured with her,
though short tempered with most peo-
liut ono day • disoovery was meds,
net through me, though fur my credit's
sake 1 had spoken my suspicion of the
t u,sdvJce ,.r. t tool.
The Moreton bank was a joint stock
affair in the north, with seven! branch-
es. Each brooch had • eparta man-
ager, with Sigh pay, good social position
and liberty to do very mach as he liked,
ter the central bused e.f directors had
great confidence in their men, and every-
thing worked very •meothly and suc-
cessfully All the manager* were men
who had been from boys in the bank's
employ and were very well paid, and
apeugl.t much of by the autruunditet
Wen hu.ines% was slack, and 1 was
alone in my •flee• when my head, and
only clerk, showed in a visitor. This
was Mr Sherrie. a seleci:or of good deed-
ing in the city, much in favor of com-
mercial men. I had had two or toren
things before from Lim.
He was a wan of fee words, and like
mea of the same sort.
"Steaming," said he, "there's a titin,;
in year line one of my country client'
has consulted me about. You, I know,
can keep your tongue between y•.ur
teeth, Or you'd never have anything hem
me. Well, keep it closer than ever, for
no one knows shout the affair but my
Cli.st, you, we au--. t Toe
Moreton hank is being robbed. How,
nobody knows That a to r you to find
tut. Here's your note of introducti..o
to Mr Dale, the manager. Go as soon
as yuu can. Do credit to my introduc-
tion. Geed morning.
Well, I was rather glad of the job, so
by 6 that evening I was iu the town of
Moreton ; a lig but dull place, though 1
should say there is a g,,ud deal of cesb
and property about.
1 saw Mr Dale aa won as I could. Ile
was • keen sort of • man, with bright
eyes, quick voice, and iron gray mous-
tache and teard, over fifty. Wife pret-
ty, and very nice mannered ; no chil-
dren. They made me welcome, asked
rue take refreshments, and .. on. Mr
Deleted evidently, like a sensible man,
told no cue et my errand, for, on read -
Met the note frost *Shenk, he merely
"le yasuet to W
.hallo tool bonne tr•;.ae:y fora inee.t- i but I wasn't going to commit myself.
He coedami d Mamma's story amapiete-
ly. As fur the note he believed he took
it from • bookmaker wined Flash Dick,
.t D,,no•ater, on the previous "ledger
day' -- • tall, black eyed maa,with splen-
did teeth,
1 felt pe zeled ag&ia. Certainly lot-
ting and the nute had sous
but :sot according to u,y Worry. S..
home 1 went, told Mr Dale whet 1 heard,
and fumed him evidently very doubtful
of my vnepect ul duing him any good.
He seeterd th•.•rou. hly worried, said he
would not speak to his nephew that taught,
but should take woe chloral •std go to
•d terry, and so he del.'.
Now I had had • curious fancy or re-
oollectiun 4.1 le:neth;av read formerly,
that occurred to tee when, as I said just
now, I found hors prowling about the
house at small hours, and that was of a
man ruebii,g himself when w•lktle; in
ma' sleep•This might be so hen, or,
gusted, for it was a sharp October night, • ao that I told him about the areae in the .
and l was tired out with any journey. I Blom Lion.
But his words put an idea tete wy heal, He was enraged then, I could see,
arid 1 1 something 1 ince both witb the sone the two yoeng fellows,
reed about. However, for the present I but just Ai he was going to say senate
will put the aside. thing about it, in came old Mitley, as
The next day he took me into the usual with • bundle of notes that day
glass-p,uoellaa route where he sat, and cashed or paid in. Mr Dale ran his
ter.ough a little peephole I scraped ie eyes cerelussly ov. r therm -- paused -
the gam I reconnoitred the bank stale stared --consulted his packet hock, and
There they were scratcbing away with then said with au affectation of iuditltr-
their pens, and shovelling out stoney to once•
th., cuatenIe,s, of whom brine market - .et, -
day there were many. from, Titley ' It's very gamey. '
Now 1 drn't know why, but I did not "Mr Magee asked me to change it,
seem 'iclined to notice any one in sir.'
earucul.ir hut Mr Lenton Mr Lalae'. ' "Mr Mayou !
mater's sou and Mason, the clerk wh•• 40•
hose too admirable • character. They The door closed, at d the manager
•at side by side in the bank, mod were turned to me, Lu face a mixture of re
evidently ou very geed tonus lyres see anger:
Lenton was • handsome young fellow, "I owe you an apol.•vy, Stanntug. for
with what you call a "dashing' look laughing at you about Mason, I am
about him; the clerk was just the con- most grieved but this is one of tee
teary, beteg very quiet and demure -- a stolen notes. Still, that don't pr ,reit
thoughtful young chap, tau thoughtful I his guilt and his c'rau.,i•ig 11 here leaks
I fanci,nl, if he had only the ordinary like innocence."
bulk lenitive on his mind. "Or like cleverness, sir. in playing a
Aa 1 sat looking out, the ui1 cahier, bold game to disarm suspicion."
Mr Motley. came iu looking perplexed. "Well, 1'11 call him iu at ou:e. Seep
Seeing we, he hesitated. Mr Dale told into that cupboard; you can see and hear
him I was a friend, aid he might speak without him koevingette' -
before me. In came Mr Mason, quiet as ever.
"Well, sir," said the old man, hand. He stood welting for Mr Dale to speak,
ing the manager a sheet of paper, "this with an unruffled 111 of tndifforence.
note account is wrong. This is a twee- He was • cool hand.
ty-tive pound note lee than there ought The manager came to the point at
to i.e. once:
"Nonsense, said Mr Dale peremptor- How did this note come into your
ily : then, noticing the hurt leek of the pose•siun, Mr Mason ! ' he asked, show -
led cashier, he said carelessly, 'I beg ing it. "I have • particular reeve' for
your maiden, MLtley ; so there is. Ole l •skint.
I remember paying one •way •n fay The young chap flushed crimson and
private acc•,uut. Debit my recount with Mr Dale looked sternly at him. 1
It. thought, another point to you Jun
The eel man withdrew, satisfied. Stauuing.
Then Mr Dale, with an angry leak, "It is a nutter of my own, ter- a
turned t•. me. private matter -nothing to do with the
"-1 aothcr one missing since yesterday, bank," be said, after a pause.
Sianuing, even since you have been "It lou everything to do with the
here. They were all right, as Mitley bank, Mr hlasun. This note is a
says, last night." stolen one.
- ofd nothing, but thought much ; Yount Mason started as if shot, then
looked rot the manager with the tinct
imitation of injured innocence i ever
Very lewd, you may
which was far more likely, Lenton .whom
I still suspected) might, having seen Lis
uncle take his sleeping drsught, thick it
• tine chance to do a little wideawske
walking on his own account.
Anyhow, I res.lred after the house
was quite to watch. I was piqued, 1
eels (Oris Lew&
McGregor Z Parka's Carbolic Cook
Ins been toed aid found to be the only
positive cute for $.It Rhesus, Pimples,
Itlrtob.s on the lane or Med, teen,
Burns, Bruises. ue see bias tit at/thing
.1.e wilt heal. Try McGregor i Parke.
Carbolic Corte. 18. per box at Geo
Rhyme' erug More. (4)
"I think it's just terrible the way Mn
Jones neglects her tautly 111141 house
weak. I du declare she didn't do •
thing all morning but talk, mod talk,
&n1 about her neighbors at that. 1
should think Mr Jones would teeter r
1w• and--' Husband (felony ••t.:r a
brnoiu and dust pats in the hallway )
"How do you know all this 1" 1 et,
can't helieve all you hear." "Will, I
guess! kuow whet I'm talking al..•ut,
duu't 1 i Ain t I over there half the
time 1'
rag she Iled and eaIMetlee -
Ca:anh ieseroys the sense of null,
emote and herriug, rapidly becomes otfei-
sive, and often culminates ti consun.p-
ti••n and it.ssnity. No matter what stage
the disease has advanced to, Dr Sage's
Catarrh Remedy wilt certainly cure it
This preparation is the only sure cure
for this malady in the market, set has
many imitators. Others may fall ; it
never dues. Your druggist sella it.
To make court plaster: Hoak bruised
isinglass in • little warm water tot
cc nitres. twenty-four hours, then evaporate near -
Well, 1 h.1 myself in the cupb end ly all the water by gentle hese Dewily«
which commanded • mad view It the the residue i:, a lira« proof spirits of
safe, and wretchedly add it was, beide ^re, and strsu, the whoedle eat $ pence
a mut cramped position to sand 111. 1 jet a 1tff e!iey when tool. Now extend
got sleepy and disgusted when • noise . piece of silk en a -.17.iiirdel frame, sea
caught my ear, very ',lithe bat enough. fix it tight with tames or paek•threed
There was somebody about. I was alert Melt the jelly and apply it t.. the wok
mesa r When the bank closes (by the way,
I sate yes, rel c•arse.
man. Even your wife will would ratter not explain how I gut it
new ewe were the pe
who sley.t In P she was lying ewe, tee keys clenched
in her hand. He frantically kissed her,
dashed water in her face, and revived
her. Then the kneeling, sobbing, miser-
able woman told a11. She had rubbed
the safe, and no one .Le knew of it. The
notes were sent to her ouly brother -a
thorough scamp -supposed to be dead,
_• beside Mr and Mn Dale, their three
eK tamale servants, a buotboysod the two "I know nothing of that sir. Bet
talk to her
e thinly at:d evenly, with a b.dter'hair
—alt eyes and oat. in a minute. Now at brash. A tee, and ewuug wu•t tar ay
e11 events, I should discover something. plied .herl ti,e tint has dr ed, Where
And then a feint light gleamed through tooth are .i:y .ov.r the whole outface
the du',r opening into the bank, and with Coatis _ .•t l.alsam of Peru &,•plied
came round the corner toward the glass in tLe sauna ,sa7s
room, and the figure carrying it was Mr wee she mese meet r wasmnacee.
Dale. In, I aruld swear to hos blue —
Th• parse reph saying that f:en.nita:o
dressing gown anyway, for he world is
pruuuuectil •Heen,ntwo ' ilas r.au:bod
sometimes smoke in it, and -but -why ,e,„ Ai; eio, acorn lh..y •.uuht t, kn..w
was it pulsed over his head ? 1 how W l.ruouunce the name. awl Ivrds
And herrn as the figure stooped before lithe Stat died fro exelaito; "Hoe d
the sate the dressing gown was thrown I brtesn:: what a h. hit stag u& 11 stat
ba ! L d1 t
a yuu. a t 'y aye
back frum the head. and showed a man h.,ltlelurl, would bet us into. By h•wh,
of dusting brown hair ani a pale bunter I we w a t hire it. Ho to' H.. te!"
he Lee, the eyeseue of tern.( -the heel
elMrs Da!e!
1 saw her fettle her shapely Anti to
bare white feet that peeped under the
edge 'of the blue dressing gown. Like a
flash it passel through Dry seised ! Row
clever it was to wear her husband's deed-
ing go.rii, knowing hew he s :attunes
prowled about. Of coine she took the
nights when he slept tired oat, and .4
course she had his keys at her co:nmat.J.
But who would have thought it f
She stooped, opened the safe, sue gale
a long shivering look around. Mean-
while, fur duty's duty, I blew her 1i,;ht r: .y l e teemed.
nut and snatched the note from her Laud If it were possible to rue shote tee She gave a scream that I shall nearer for- atm.aphere which sunned* the earth,
,ret, end fainted. I was sorry es I ran we .bums see nothielg bet ••t int. 1150
and aharxtj detinaed I+tell (f tile, whole
A Mancasst•r (Eugl•nd, firm has ccm-
let..d • new r•pe-makieg_ machine.
ick whilst enabling any lengths of
ripe. to be eant:fse:tured, dispense en-
tirely with any net -easily for a rule :aa:k.
e comp tate machinery dnes hot oecup7
a deer trace of !wore titan three yards -
Nearer, and is rely sim,la booth in con. "�" _
A Common Cold
Is often the begteniug of "'rows afire -
thee of the 'Throat, lirsur►Isl Tube.,
sod Lunyg+. Therefore. the lmport•nee or
early awl effective treatment cameo( be
1. Ayer's t berry Pectoral
may always be relk.i upon for the speedy
cure of a Luh! or Comes.
Last January I was attacked with a
severe t'okl, whkb..by n, -glad sad R' -
anent exposure., be..mme worse, ♦rally
asttldgg on my luau. A terrible wage
woos followed, led bypaler fa
the cheat, front which 1 suth•IIateaeely.
After trying various i.asedies. without
sotalol relief, 1 c..,msencs I taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, anal was
Speedily Cured.
I am satisfied that tble reasedy eared my`
lite. -Joel. Webster, Pawtucket, it. 1.
i contracted a severe rod, which sud-
denly developed Into Pneumonia. present-
ing daageros. and ubetinate • mptoms,.
My pbyaelan at euro ordered the use of
Ayer's Cberry Pectoral. lila g
were followed. and the result was a rapine
and permanent cure. -11. E. Simpson,
Rogers Prairie, Texas.
Two yam ago i suffered from a severe
Cold which settled on any bangs. I con-
sulted various physiciana. and took the
'medicines they prescribed, but merited
only temporary rend. .A friend induced
me to try Ayre'• Cherry Pectoral. After
take two bottles Of this medicine 1 was
curse. Store then 1 have given the Pee -
to my children, and consider It
The Best Remedy
for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and
1.ung diseases. ever usr.l in my tastily. -
itobert Vanderpool, Meadville, 1'a.
Route elm« ago I took a slight Coll
whish, beteg neglected, grew worse, efts
settled on my lungs. I had a hacking
rough, and was veru weak. Those who
!new we beat conslekred my life to be
Iu great danger. I continued to wall
until .1 commenced using Aver's Cherry
1'e•-toral. lw•.. than .one bottle of this val-
uaLle medicine cured it.. awl 1 feel that
I owe the preservation of tuy life to its
curative powers. - Mrs. Ann Lockwood.
Akron, New York.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 1, considered.
herr. the one great remedy for all di"'ray
of the thn.at and lune+, aid Is more
In demand than any other me,li•Ine of (t•
.'a'+. -J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral!,
Prepared by i,r..f. C. A yer k d., r swan, Mem.
field ty\drras15u. Prise e1; ala tattles, Olt
ltasy..rtaal sews Masa-
C.vot tvww Ara Ctmptiell has been
troubles, fur a tvuni,.I id years with In-
•e+ti,.n noise C
duceil to by du
.‘11 f, .'"e••••
.tipatinn, and area in.
•s..or's Stonily Cure
ems to any person
Me re-
ef Canada at
et George
would rro•msd
meaty a .4141 to tottery
!i,}z and $1 ter boleti.,
Ripen' drug seen.
eructed and worketg. The yar:t is
wound on a series ,d tv,bt.itua. and the
whole precut of rnsoufa^turs is arrshed
ea the maeiine,the nope brine trsoefer-
reddirect t•• .a dram, oar which it s
wv,�ttnd in : its ready fee delivery. Tee
*.richiee can he resiity t em:he l b. _ive
any twist or herein'ss to the rope that
up to her husbands nom, but if I hadn't everything else would he wra; p. -d lei
called his own eyes as evidence he never l tree) darkuees. Thee could lot :t a die
would bare believed me. I roused him 1lasi ,n .of light without an atiu..sp'ere or
and showed the note, told hien the thief some 11(1)1 ter ruminate for it i.. act epee;
was in the bank parlor, and begged hum tut if the air about us euendwt to ■ I
etn,_� ehe,eirl,hyt (f iJ0 neiks, the rm;ss «f the _run
to cone down. He threw his c!utbes I pot i.erutrte it, ashy we wnu'd he'
glanced at his wife's empty place, then, 1 Ie�t in darkness. At the depth of ;OO
with a leek if such agony slut touched feet in the ocean the light ceases alto -
even my t.,agh heart, he ran dawn ' gether, tee -half of the Tight heiug ub
sorbed in passing through only seven ;
feet of the purest water.
maid, and in oor line perfect secrecy as
to what our baleen is, is the first thing the house, while the keys were in Mr "Perhaps not. But you had better,
to begs,(, if we mean to make •hit. Doles rem', though that didn't prove and when my nephew returns, (ha was
much, for sometimes notes "went" in out driving Mrs Dale in her pony car -
11'r1!. los and by Nes Dale wished os the daytime. I took a stroll, ostensibil- rise) "I shall •ak him for an ezplana-
gotd night She was as I ay, a very ity to look et house for ate : really to Sues( how he &.d ye , my clerks, came
to 1e at a pot -house studying a spelt-
ing paper." 4Here the young chap
laked -if you will einem my little recently turned up, but idolized by his
joke--quite-chop-fallen, as I have4heard sister, and a mere gambler -in fact, the
Hamlet ay.) "However. l've known very Flash Dick Mr Phillips knew. '
you and your parents so long, the I left husband and wife together. The
manager went on in kinder tines, that nazi mttnrag poor Mr Dale *made the
11 you will only admit you re been bet- fullest apology to his nephew am! Marten,
ting like a couple of young fools. I will SOU resigned I.
app"iutment. No o ne
see utas can he done, th.ouch I'm very knew the secret but myself, and i didn't
wrong in doing to, to hush the thin, need his entreaties, when he gave me a
up." handsome fee, to respect it. And he and
The young man thereupon protested she sailed for Australia, for hos private
that he and Mr Lenton never betted,and ,Hens were good. Whether she was a
that, as tor the nuts, he had it paid him goad wile to him afterward i de n't ken w
by Mr Phillips, the grocer. -anyhow, she ought e. have here.
"Then he must know something about _
it. And who was it paid you 1" said Mr The discovery that heat intl•iene". ',Ile
Dale. set of nerve points to the skin, while
Here Mason looked very red !vain, senratl.nt it mold are received by another
set, has been famed by an intereatng
and i out that it was fora prize tuvestygatMM If two Italian phynol,gi
boll terrier pup. Iteing urged by Mr eta, whose r„ e to seem to indicate
Dale to explain further, he confessed that that the various taste result from the
he and Mr Lenton had a joint stock of exciting mf distinct sets of memo fibre.
bull terriers, which they had bred end m the tnncue The pmlongerd applica-
tion of ice removed the sensibility for .1
Thera was such •system of personal known spotting paper, which, with soshowed. Hence t'oeir study of the sport- wee, _sweet, sour, salt and bitter.
and control on his part in strict view as was taken in Moreton of Myr D&. seemed some- Cocaine destroyed-temp••ranly, of
the Moreton branch, that by little tetra banking people, they couldn't have gone hat to believe this story (though even cuorss-eensibihty fur hitter Holy.
work, •pleasing nothing nrnsual, he to . town public house to see, or bought
breeding bull terrier acandalixed his
a>ther n•ach as oaflaine ad
was able to keep these facts from the' 0r loosen -/ed without the chance of •
n,n.•portine heart. but I didn't, and I
knowledge .d anyone in the bank -ex -
thought ;tor Maretos is •plates, big u it a• thought what w muff he muat be to swat -
pretty woman, younger than her hus-
band by fifteen years, I should think,
and they seemed very fonder each other;
but she wasn't, I should imagine, trusted
by him with many weighty matters, be-
ing rather childish. Yet be wanted
e°mwtae to help him, as I saw when the Lien It was an ordinary place er.uugh,
door closed behird her, line he turned and the landlord • stupid kind of • fel-
to me with me with his face full of war- low • but Le had some good beer, which
fellow Mews Lenten and Mason, who
went off for a walk together. 1 followed
them along • dreary country road, with
about the dints that ever cut the ir Lon-
don boats, till they came two miles out
of the town to • public house, the Blue
ry and perplexity.
Briefly sketched, this :+ what he told
me. Robberies of bauk notes had od-
;utred for sores time. None could be
traced. Every care had been taken,
ion adhered to Ho him-
self counted and locked up all his cash.
Yet at ,different times the notes, with
irregular intervals between disappeared.
Ile bad, being well-to-do. replaced them
• in his monthly statements to the direc-
tors, and he being a proud man, and
sentitive to the slightest breath tarnish-
ing his or the bank's credit, he had not
mentior.ed It to anyone -not eren site,
nephew or head cashier, these robberies.
is a favorite "vanity" of mine. So I Int
my briar root, drank my beer, and stud-
ied the pr specs while trying to hear
what I a.uld of Lenton and Mason's con-
versation, who were quietly drinking a
glass of ale each. in • very harmless way
in the window. Of course neither of
them had caught sight of me in the bank,
and as for strangers, they were always
plentiful in Moreton.
Detectives aro said, by the people
who write about them,to fit facts to their
theories. Perhaps they do -
Anyhow, I did on this occasion, when I
foetid the object of my two gentlemen's
visit to the Blue Lion was to ase a well-
cept the thief or thieves.
A. fees the staff, there were 1 is two
nephews and Eve other clerks, sod an
old heti cashier, Mr Mitley. His
nephews wen cousins, sons of his broth-
er and sister respectively, named Adol- done the numbug talked
omes tb.tl
phos Dale and Hegh Lenten. The clerks wh a you R
were all respectable and .gates, @epeeislly There are many things quite its likely
oDe )Mason, who was considered a very to be the arse of it ; bet in this partic-
oxcsllent young man. else instance, 1 thought it more thsn I turned rusty. So i tipped hint the wink reeled the urchin.
1 imediately reeo•leed in my °ten probable I had ....thing Irk. • clue to to goo and, sums. invited him
rile to an to his favorite hoe ,d Aw exchange has dite•everrd that the
when everybody knows everybody else.
The two pored over this paper as if
they bad sometning "big' on the next
race, and 1 began to think I could guess
where the notes went. Not that I en -
low such rubbish.
However, he gravely enjoined secrecy t.,ngue, a!theegh the bitter to the qui.
on Mason, dismissed him and then went sine was elsewhere tasted as ureal.
with mei to see Mr Phillips. who was a
sporting ;mew of free and easy man- "Ah, my Tittle man, geed mernin[,'
I nil remarked an o M [wntlrm n en stopped and patted • little hey on the
establishment. head. "Hsee you any brothers and
Mr Dale was toofieial, and the grocer setter• T" "Yes, sir, [eat four; but I am
• the only one that 'mount' to anything, '
morphia, red•tued the power •,f dtsorimi-
eating between different Degrees of bit-
ter. Dilutesulphhikenric acid ha rowdiere(heelball
elect, causing (heelball water and eine
oiwin• te taste sweet at the tip of the
nen, and not a customer of Mr Dale's p eeae y
- mind too keep • epeeist eye one this
young man, to
minable meantimemeantimeAs for the nets
they were takes 0 i at s time, sed never
a larger flee than "1,0,01'0y -five pound
owe --mostly smaller ones.
1 ilatsated to all Mr Dal p statements
tyirl.a{ Dot that I ►at1 such faith
the pis•
After • time the young men retired, call, where we had Irish cold together (1 Miehi[an central ham sn eng1neer who
haring had • long and subdued centre,- was supposed onphi. ooeasiotn to bre tet tegslarly store himseIf on his •-.n Z':at ; :..,tt:vaII ltlp1t11. •, •e. t..'."
• - _� Iv alt. C[Al[RR
sateen. and i was left to digest what i former owner of the note,! and he be- engem. He is
young yak aids handsome1 • t^ • '' CS .•0 a lie• a -.N/•'
had heard -not mach, certainly, but canoe talkative, though evpr.eaunq hos h nit lake h eta t in th
- c
relearn a:lt a c1ore ed avenues of the
Bowels. Kidneys and Ltver. oacry
ingeff gradually without weakening the
system, all the impurities and feel
humorsof the secrttzottsp_*1 of to
time Correcting Aeeiiddll
gtnmaoh, HeaBilldaches,
DLi ie .
=barn, Constipation, Dryness
of the Skin, Deo»! Dimness of
Vision, Jatmdiee, Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Hororu`a, FlutteringGen-
eralHeart, N
Debility ; all these and many
°thee similar Coatplafnta 1ge
hatttn in f BUKiJ�lti�
T. *flet I a 0e.. Presrlstete, T ma&
lilts the are many inferior
corded with
ese.,otiera.iand soil
as t,a.raiine by some un-
prtociple 11 -
hit on the reputation of
oar ge tales ('.antler.
we warn the ladle/ against
/orb Impoai1oo by draw-
Itu; t'o.,, attention to the
ie.•..., ty of *twang that the
is standee on Inner side of a:1 C.n..inesood,t
Without white none w gsaalar
lief %i'tl[gRATED t'll il
Iv pANDE1.1o�
HAVE row
Liver C,sap'aim, D,+►•j"'a• led.a ltsa, a;a.,,,w,w
tate der, H<.da. he. h.riM1, is in 1a. h+ 1
.ewu.enee., a 17 y doew an+•na 1 ..re • et...re Ari eem'y .0•eI•s of dhows* *sa*
leer, Ds.. «.•s'. Lose Lusa will be 1,0nd a .s ' (curt -seed Vett, aummeVS, se
ossa amulet ww•1.. nowt es OR aL000,
NATURES twctacor T. BiLBUR!i II CQ. "°''"Toted[' rats
Me eatp'iFrd ...-t•-••01 tit. ('snow • t_aer ('.,r. i
titer t es .stet teen solely wee the Lr.t (het w i
pnipenndre horanetw.e'. w.11k .+ten t1ter rers:et' n
11110171.1712 ...D D•.INiMb, co.wk,nrd .oh our,
Abet feuds/AA, rants, Wks sad Ur lowing
evese,Jwe.a/n It.. Kidneys, !wawa. k r
Rood. 100,000 SOLD
'tre..w-8.7 ter::,taw e/ Dr. Clad. Ptak AMA i
.+-• mkt ill ( ~le slow. W. •sw.r *wen 'mats
E ;L' R11;..17,
:4r'!rw N, DR' et SS
w,0 0 004 .414 w,'I 1r s.es1.rl 0111 Lower left
•...t le I. f11, a •ee�e•t ee wray
$t uiT S Rte. Casa Awat fie
inmost r•. :.d eveerryy MOI1• ••l f •. lA.....'• v
• • r, .. .. H.eeketd Mada'•1 •.tette rod Steely
• , +r y^... i, contain.a.[ ewer we awful mow
,ed toy •aedi•el st.• and daegr.s"s as Mone
..e •o eh te, hews the Masa the .aedk.ns.
:v -- f t'a"s Com A sale and pity,
something. dislike of that "stuck ep manager,' n.e1
MM try where there a • cl/ter "trck he 111'1 by JAMES WILSON
i said salting to Mr Dale, staying on uneememee *tenni R.tetl•men who wale hes go the throttle and takes up the
clef. rn.1. Ili. Ieia ly
in my cspaatty .s as invest w, who doebilei kills dteeueated. neer.
Next .poor to Ithynai Deng More. keels
Constantly a.:d me too his stil-
e, looney .tock. thuice
Fresh Groceries,
which w;Al he frond to rote re esvnr%My.
both es regards quirt' •ad intro. w,,
any other stock )0 this vicinity.
A tii'lttlALTY.
Ts ?et -eerier thanks to my rouemern f$
these ppwwerenaa•. 1 woetd sine Invite ray Mil-
ers wit• wdh 10 rah and usenet my creek.
0. L. McINTO8H.
esetk-WON .ode of the Thwart►
Oegertdb, folk Iltit. tats.