HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-11-5, Page 1t,. '1WLM NIJY�Rsira� DECO NEWS GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 5, 18L6. 'HE HURON SIGNAL 1 Tut other day the London h' /re 1',.0 nig TORIES 114VR d POLICY. THE WATERWORKS WATERWORKS yet hed very Friday Murcia` ►_ Lc had a•a article tact ring the inautediate Some of out Tory coot pr'" - .o s . f 1 d t tM LutwwT Bias.. at their Unice. ortb M ( 1 been ly eudnvoriog to OODWClii. ONTARIO, FRIDAY. NOi. Into. Mt I@ur Sichet. Warr Mmlalea Termite, HON. EDWARD BLAKE. F.r ••tame noisier. HON. OLIVER MuWAT. Wet* ware■ la Ibe e•emss•ss. M. C. CAMERON, Q.C. licca la Ibe tegl.tatere. HON. A. M. ROSA. eng that the water w•+uld suit, and that it would have to be lifted 150 feet, he would prefer to have the pumps at the I l.,ttom of the well, with a suction of T'hingti That Are Happening INTEL -IGEN xc°i.teIDIt`v a a•imisCAKINtt,'i WHAT'S UP? hrinztinq on the elections. an ye .ss to tare n vun1 Ln. i .n Tory ren claims that Hue. discover the policy of the Liberal party r 8 w 10d feet, and then reeve the water Around Us. Mr hake should express no a{;i°io.n on for *rate tame peat The Liberal prey has to nay. 1 upward. That, however, Lance.was taut prow- 1 ticable in this instance. A suegeshon i the •uhjecf can not &nice • to q o,lw argument tau , had been made to work the raising tat A w.e.1 .r Tw. ass --- - - ' this ecure. r Tory }wry asap., ed It I . 1 g big to eongratu•a nuns o the plat4,rni. -- had barn made to pump the water direct• Then is but one 1 tars idea— Ba,ud'w— What the Hydraulic Enjtinee Thr tame *a crewcut .r the Bard/ea Th. the water similar to that purse to M C. 1.sig Malt.%.t ra air t t Th f t f thelick lem.l.ry *prism sasdewwate The •r- aells, vita, to pump the water over into lbr awe 1 Well, as 1 predicted alit week, there was • geed turnout of the ...tons of Erin at Dr. Bunn lecture on Friday rveuing. There were others btaides Irishmen there, too, but I have no doubt they all bad a warns corner in their heara for the lithe (Green Isle. I minced that solid $d Houle Rule udvucate, 31. C. Cameron, ,-n the platform, stud 1 could see his eyes snap with delight every time the talented orator drove a point home, as he did many a timeduritigthe erer•in`. And Judge Doyle was there alongside of Josiah L'laekbon, of the 1, ninon a and .e hasten to give a few u p.au • I /rata. hell Ibe haat se..rt. ,f a great tank • •rcumd suggestion Pte.,. who, within the past week catered the Aesar-Cate t rlebr.I*.a. la the Benedictine ranks. We are now ex- pecting to see a change of tone in the London Tury paper on the question of that the Lben1 C enervative party gens b Clarke, u k f to tet 1 , 1 Hume Rule. Lut Thursday 1:. E. Williams, of ly into the manta The quautity of water required would be its round numbers about 25 gallons per head per day. or an aversveuf about 125,0005/aliens ns each day. But an average 1s one thing and a maxi- mum another. In ease of tire the draw upon the supply for some hours might run away up, and it would not be safe to calculate upon • less daily service than 730,000 0�_ 1,000.000 dons. He thought the following quautity ..f mains would at least he sired : 1,.,00 feet of 10 -inch pipe, 3,500 feet of 8 inch pipe, 5,000 feet of ti Melt pipe, and the bal- ance 4 -inch pipe. Two. three, four or six miles could be easily figured upon, but he would leo advise them to start with more Alan four tar hre miles id pipe. If the force rutin was large enouclt rt would be an easy matter to make further extension as occasion realuirttl. The growth o1 a town and the direction in which business moved were considera- tions its this regard. He believed that the pumping of the water into a large tank was 'mediae, and another was to lift it from a pumping well into a reser- voir and fierce it by the aid of a Worth- ington, (Slake, Gardner A Maxwell or Lean pump. He left the question 41 ao the nn.de of cnetructieo anti operationl open tat thee mmatte.After a few que•tiuus by members of reIr John is the great dispe°r. Jackson, Mich., a hydraulic engineer, There should he but one Party, and connected with the brat of Moffet, H•d- • r taw°, - I arrived int town to etamule tutu the feats - The Chief of the },arty end the Party must be kept iu power by fair tar full I riches oHe wassat UI1Cd taken o waterloos hand by Ricans—uspeciiPy the latter. the mayor and members of the cummit- t_T_IhIt end the c•,nstituencies must tee, end wee kept busily engaged 1n yet - address delivered by Ileo. Alex. !turns, be gorrytaanuerel aa occasion requires ting up data tor hn revolt uuriuK his D. I►. , LLD., Principal tat the Ladies'to atitla the 'ice of the pe ogle. , stay h. M..nday last a rueeung wee MIe an Coll e, Hamilton, in Ache- t arranged h.r the too:totter and committeeW eolith hall, 4,n Friday erening. The ad- y es No public contract shall be awarded I in theereclerk's ,.dice at 10 • w., to re- preeui' -' Ft 31. O. Contemn. a Tory electoral ecrruptioo fund. It will well re perusal .h The mayor, t:t 4 'nil' the meting, principle. pay 1'e 7 When the peo•,le of a c .natituency are 'raid Mr t\ ,Ikarus h ul been lowking Home -rulers and anti. Home -rulers -este- i not f sir eal�, every ref 'r: met iota tat' F' around so as to ,tet as full informationss j cattily the latter. We titer no 'apology— 1.rlb to purc:,•re the sitting member. I possible up•u the subject of projecting Smith, of for devoting so much of our space to the 11 the rep.eseatat,ce in parliament be trrwurla$ f.,r l: xirnch. The eogiueer Ammons, to Donald .1 le'tutt—the subject anal the specter are ( was not In • I,usiuon to give enact un urc`lasawble,h. must be h:,dnded out 1 of p::'.lic life, to main ro"i'l fur a net: ;suggestions to, and accept suggestions • . i '•,• ,sent s- ' from the c+•a:n.iare. ie this week's issue will be foxed a �i.,rtiva .t the eloquent and patriotic to any Mai%ilusl tar firm who will not Iceive a verbal report from the former. dress has tlfe riot of true loyalty in it, bind themseves to subscribe liberally to i All the urewlors of the committee wars and 1s full of deep thought and bread "The H eidie llrigate \fust Go," ,sea the C. P. R .Hort Thos. White believes I p lr�rh deserving. t d' that a lieu all right if political extgen demand it. \�'a now know what is will meet Mr \\ illians said, as the mayor had este by s White he. it convention at Smith's Hill on Wed- 1e ' Every relative of a, Cabinet 'Jltauter •tate*, he had um formed report to i needay, November 24th, to talk over the i make. Still he c.'uld offer suggestions Tits tar s still brutal to 1ta reference; most be fed at the public crib. i to the c,wmoee and was wIWng to take situation, and endeavor t , }last a etadl- The Inde, endrnee of P 1.•a.ne:,t A_t (sujgesti:ona from that thole. lie would to we Cement. The editor of the Star, • i date in the held. \t a soul,* suggest however, supports and follows 1: lu-the-me.niat:za .•:_ the Preiuise that if there sere a swamp in that w t.ew gernmandsr of t� ennnly utb ry+►i� figure's at prtiett, bat w'-uld offer s few Tete Tories of West [doom - e -- ,oft a L•t (.on parte ,r• i 1 p tr cies earl of a p taut cvnhlrnce 1 T. White, soh.m the 2. P. it. mwtrnstes, Smith and Stephens, say had cmfeased ithe heart of the town, nu tuort wouiai he d+>ti�[ '� ..dl.; 4u.form_p•rlp / u . and rl the well malyaic � toe adv„*ted, Rtth abe �,....•..:,,t.� Dir '\'.� , , Erery Tory candidate must worship mater of the tuwu was dutnu,eutal to I Huwici, Blyth, seed Billet for the ..f the *peer fn:m tM artdirn well, and his falsehood to them. basis, so tllatst any [tett toe Tory cora- Boodle, or he will not be deemed in the health of the inhabitant• weans I showed the constituents of which ►t wt• should he taken to � nti roc. the bedwater I c oat}o sed. Althuogh it was what is ao- rtia. Ds. Bcaxa, of Hamilton, is spuk- I etitueeuy 'zooid be selected in Huron �, f I mots en of as a coming candidate fur parts. lin the cumin* contest, The ah o n men- that it was far more mentary honors in Hamilton. 1f the Itwned plans are a!1 that can be cticu- ;►,.ctor would only consent to allow his i hated on to e" Tory out of 11arun's twen- name to be submitted to the people, bis ty-tive municipalities. And ever, if they election would be soured by a large ma- I were vomited for eieetoral perrewes, II. l'. Cameron rni. ht take the netiun lority• __ - to into tine constituency and capture it THE Hamilton Timis says ; -"leo man for the Ilefurmeee. Ins duos the country greater service in exposing Governmental wrong doing an d the rsscslitie"tolerated under the present rebate at Ottawa than Mr M. C. Camer- on, the respects* member for West Ho- n." ' Sten., raw ne * 1 brill t men ,n Parliament His vote against acctrd with the traditions tat the patty. Blind shares, timber limits, earl areas, and railway charters are the pussessionuf those who faithfully serve Sir John Mac- donald. In every instance thew mast be system. In Goder:c t ere was aof I 1 1 known as hard he claimed gravel, res:.ng upo.0 a Louvain u clay or .. pure than the well Mrd pas," ant the water after it traeu i water which the large majority of the ed the latter trickled by a slow grids to (ta.wu•pte pie were toreetl to drink - the the lake. the water thus obtained from After some further discussion on the tM wells was not (oviwuous tt the prow I luahty of the water, Mr Joseph Wil - It ie.emewh%t s-irprisi that the Reform or. of Quntlt Huron should have dtseardwl dip Richard t'artwrie tat for Mr M.Millsa. a gentleman who. although a good citizen. ha- ms* the ability of the satin`` member. There are mats tbin,;+tn Sir 'tensed s favor. Hr /eat be in;4tari n in his Views on public quay nerertbeleu. ono of the roust - _ .tan , that 1.+ IT not strange that, if the RMI I his has &depend on a (bell neiud.n 3Irw•lcMillhe question was the only issue in the Clue• should mates was cr for der Incensed. -Exeter beeeleetions, and Dr. Cameron, of Hun- (Times. The Timm ie join where we want it to ti. and Hon. Mr J•. y, of Lut btu - titre, nu- int.' Sir Richard is brilliant, and is a ►erere, wwere opposed to that issue, that man tat Indeperdt race of mind. He is both of these 'gentleman are loyally sop- i cwt the man who ought to be the next porting Mr Mercier at the present june- i finance Minster, for err McLelan is turn_ _ _. I not brilliant, nor has he the slightest TM* Presbyterian enrage, gauon of rndepender.ce of mind. He a as putty Dungannon, the heart of West Huron, in the lands of his leader. We bars rebuked the danders of the Star and yet to learn that the Reformers cf 'South Other T. , j s by *eking M. C. ( Huruo have discarded Sir Richard The Cameron, M.P., to lay the foundation I Tory press needn't Irony over Sir Rich Mons of their new church. That is lard Cartwright or South Huron. He what Mr Cameron is thought of by the will have bis choice of three or four Presbyterians of West Huron. Iseats e if he h tp reersSouth Huron, he will Hot. Eowasu BLacs sou nominated I - by the Liberals of West Durham, on I WE hare been told by some of our Monday last, to contest that riding in Tory subscribers that they don't like the Reform interest at the neat election. Vour political articles, and if it were It will be in order now for the Censer- I not fur the fact that we turn mut •lively cativo party to put up Sir Charier Tup- i local i 1t ;,, our straithtout Grit per or Christopher Butting to be knock' I• uttetas.m would induce them to retire ed down on hotline day. I their names from our subscription list. flow our Tury subscribers have our Ir u on the oat* to have Sir John and sympa�7 in their present dire strait, one or more of his colleagues make • Mt nth *cold beg to natio* them that ,eieriia*m. to boron, and "areas this "S iiethiov fur the Boys." that strychnine was, sod would tate kill 1 (talus sutzgeated that a specimen of the y 1 .httright,but it was detrimental to health, The sacredness of religion moat erase I all the sane, tool accouuteu I:weely f..r ; water he sent to the firm for •uslyste. (, • and Mr Rice appeased of the suggestion. to be respects,, when the Lib•C�n party uncture' bills f.•r which 1.•, o!her cause 31r Humiter did not think it wassecee- sum,•t •• iu awry to discuss the chemical properties and u in danger. And tl,e sects are to be 'd be witted• Sonne teens ado d M. C. C., and he., to.., eij•,yed the pat- riotic utteratums of the tiawilt on diene, and uttered red • vote of thanks at the clogs in a few heartfelt words. Aud \\'m- C.mplh•ll acted as thief mourner on the eecasiun, and when, from the platfurin and the audience alike broke forth hesrty applause at ramous tunes, he listened in deep thought and solemn silence to the waren words fr the speaker's lips. William Campbell was the exception to the rule at the Homo Rule lecture. The clergymen of the different denominations on the platform all appeared to enjoy the eeriest address lir rile rev. speaker, and the manner in which the Ven. Arch- deacon seconded the tote of thanks showed conclustt•ely that his heart was in the right place. 1 tell you, b1 ys, it was a groat day fur Ireland And there was representation from Colborne, tail, 'Kingsbride, Auburn, Donnybrook and points east, and every one felt that he had gut the worth of his money sad the right change back. "Erin so brush," —13o Hallowe'en is past and gone, and the town where he lived tt oat•+�• a of the water at .resent. What the corn- 1 incited w forget the injunetio,t of � typ4oid tepee broke out, and nine• I lherring the lifting of a fns gates, and "peace and good -w ill," and to seize each unitise of the a n'ival cases emu traced I mitten w"toed t, know, n , in the event j 1 was � the transposing of a few feline innards by t y the throe to the c. cst.•uers of 1 1i,, toe system w be the used, meth- t F B t of tie artesian well lug uses , other well water. In he vun star, little dsmaza was dune. Cabinet pi nes, either are a onallyoe by lean a thatome of the 2 wn-�o!ojad, and od of supply, the cost, ata He was in i When I wore knickerbockers the Imre be the recipients, either p.rsouslly or he learned tont if f water was bud, and I (arnr of puutping with en ordiusry eng- i;ave themselves up more to fun and lea. for that reason, if for n o r water. was I it.e to a tank from which it could be d [ to f pure water The toall relatives, of testimonial• from aepart- mental employees, contractors with griev-anzes, railway and other mum- opolista, as such testimonials can have no possible influence tat their public deal- ings with said e.ni.loyees, contra.tors or monopolists. That, in brief. the Policy of the mischief than they du nowadays, and Hallowe'en was eagerly looked for by • are „f water for doolnast:c and nianufac- y as a nigbtfur sport and enjt yment. There bl f tri 1 ae•1 Later un that gentleman would was the diving for apples, and the cross - necessity nee for system o fore..* through the :ascus by pressure. [' ed t t n the necessity a improv lite I•r o ee w , ' 1 The mayor stated shat the inforrastiou ape of ea of insurance in lit rates, and the j Ives h the engineer was purely infer- fur. turns: purlo.•anr arid p 1e pe °• I [tarnish a written report. When ilei t were then referred to i y the speaker, i committee reached a cstaln stage it the • . with •lisle tallow candle and who els., at this point read extracts I bee stage dew to the I •easy c)teeked apple in antipodal eels Lawrence, ate' i possible would have tc be obtained. l of•P"•• and you widened your moot an ecce - from the report of Mr Roe, a f Boston. j nceess"r) to submit • in reference to the Lawrer M ratepayers and than every information tions, and when they were sEpun around waterworks. The gist of s.z in es Mr Campion—One thing had been Curs. Ysrty is stemmed up [n the there , ire, ro •r constructed, would be ,ed f"r the apple you were sure to get • P. Pap, E'er}'iisites a rad Plunder. *bout 560.000; probably • system art- I clearly dell uuetnated. and that nu the I mouthful of hot tallow instead. And inq 530,000 ..r $33,tli0; and extending; •°fPly ohtainable from the cemeterywas nndor, . • nc sou itadel late. I the cabbage stalk parade sues a�a, font nr f.otu and a half wilts, *.toad wit I V K 1and the illuminated pumpkin was ger- _ — the requirementso e sir Humber corrt•tiorated the state -r tho di- , mens prude by Mr \\'IUNIN In ga�u• and grtesgne in its <r t IoM. electors in Goderich and Il It will be in order for the Tory chief to explain why, when he gerrymandered sad Tutt Sweat couldn't get down low the Province in 187`2, he found it nevem- I anon.rh to be • Tory paper if it tried. ory to subject Ifnron to a ipebl. care- I If our friends of the opposite party like leg nooeas, and finally wiped Centre la little Tory politics mixed with theirs Huron out of existence as a factor to f C sl nch. It ]on d 1 And From (tic nomination Cameron, are I to mhii W a year or and end t f Th. nowin•tlnn of �.. �'•n►eroD, times! me wom}d be abut: $::,00(1, or an earl, la any dump mea than this re- Frrosolit M.P.. M.P.. for the Commoss,aad=of Hun. A. . increase of one-quarter of a cent on tbe ' n w force and lifting pump both. M. Roes for the Legislature, by the Re- dollar. lo this respect, it might be well - Mr roe a•rtls had neverphearty of such formers of West Boron, once more t, state that the Croton A yleduct Board l an engine. He inn *eastward the places in the field two of the past pop- of New 'i,•rk bad placed un record that Ivet 'Timm, the hen pressure eye - reason and able politicians in the Province. the redo t:un un the insurance rates in 11sm and the eaanhined system of water• The Itefurmen of the Riding have every that city mute than eompenssted f•.r the i works, and described the method of ub- reason to feel proud of their candidates; additional taxation caused by the igen- , tailing a waterh under the cornball' thew chat a is eminently creditable to struction i4 the waterworks. In Gude- ! mi eng am in towns and clues similarly them, and there is every prospect that rich some balf=tioeen sources of supply •itnated tot:towns the result of the contests near a: hand were talked of :-11) To tike the sup- ; phase ex dations brought the meeting will prove most satufacti.ry tt, them, ply from the lake. This would involve I I For nineteen yeah Mr. Cateeron has the construction of a crib, and the plac- . to • close. servas eked the engineer i Iafter the tallow sasd►M bad horsed bee 1 -'$jY7iaL Deicer did, and dues not I . ern ..f IM presort Admws., entre artificial itatno, all N t t in Imrge, treaty ands r r of t sew, robes to be a Tory organ. This I tratiun have given the public a glimpse ran in a limestone bed, he c .uid mt.'. ,lith portraits of the leaden of the I by the rrr,mfe«r. Aud we'd gather behind the scenes which they have never recommend that plan, owing to the ex- movement for Home Rule, it gives • closer together as the emlwn in the fin- tows wouldn't support two Tory piper*, I before had, and exposed the depravity of pease th,vt would be necessary fur blast• near nought into the condition of •titin tin such a manner u toplace burned lower, anxious for the 1 the (' mg and other purposes lte.mdes, from I in Ireland, and should be in the hands weird storiss, yet fearful of the de - be anything but relished by its support- what h• had loarneet, after tae water' of every lover of Ireland. It contains 1 era Ever on the aggressive, seldom nn had been filtered it would cell be too l an Imtroductiun by Dr. hurts, who lec- tails, sell dreading that every guest of the defensive, hs given the tiuvernment hard for domestic uses. Besides the toped in tLwierich last week. Mr Brett I wind that swept around the 'gables supporters a thorough warming up. and foregoing. there were three other source* i• Due delivering his book in .\::.tMld, ,would Irina before taw .volar drmonstra- hs says exactly what he means, and calls n( supply that were publicly spoken of a hot will be pleased to till mew orders I tion of what we knew were impomihib- a spades spade every time. hence it (1) Yorter s brook, ('d) cemetery s 'nuc, Hs "mire" u G dertch Y. O. is that he is w heartily Jemmied and at,. (3) the •altwlaa well. 11 the tc.wn had wes, hot what the earnest tones of the Id d ` The Canis:. Mrtho.l i.t Maguire fur Nov..\; I elory•teller invested with almost the and the big doping tabs bail Mas removed, and the pumpkin MOM - 'nations had (-sewed, and the damp pinafores. frocks and jackets had been removed, we'd gather around the ingot, and, after heaping fuel upon the fire, we'd sit and listen to the oldest in- baoitant tell stories of the fairies-- tar the "good people" or "little people,- as they ing • long range of flexible p:pee, and I blown which could ad were called—who were alleged to have himself to be an eaant ed I1. Farna and h e shown hmrnest, honed ate"- the expense would M out of w11 ptopa.r- , Literary tlMlee.. rurfe•frfau►rAr to disport themselves to ante of the principles of the phrty to Non to the adze of the lows. The filter- , °indolent Parnell, and the Great Irish great excess on the evening of Hal. which he belungt. As n public speaker eng in connection sound also be an ex- i a luwe'en. And the stowere nut cow. he is unsurpassed, and as such he has pensive piece tai business. t2) Then I 1'htroesta. h«,k }1Eartitg the above title ►s fined to fairies, but rienss sts, teh"uls•end earned for hunzelf more turn a nauooal t there was the uLta.ntn{r ..f the water i how Ming d.hve:ed toy R. y.pf)re•t, goblins, and other suppositions array reputation. Hie recent espositwsa of I eopp'y free) the rttor. 1'h would leer I went. The woes M beautifully nn residents came in for eraphic description —badly weed though it may be—we polities. ourdially recommend them to try the A Pouts ltfAYtr1TaATt has been ap- -editorial columns of our local content - by pointed, without salary, for each of the poran ; but 11 they w►nt local noire, R hopped by the eugenic party, end hcn.:e population of 10,(100, he sou open i soca a tr • year ; SI sur r:. •.•. •••_ I it 1. that no effort, *111 be spared by the,.snmr time in roveeugatirrg into the fez- /r)cents per n«meer. o in a readable style, they will hare, Gncern.neut in order to secure his de- atbtlity a.t the first named, but et. the The tltu.trated article. in this number ridings of East and South Huron. Ws P are: A crephicol aaw•atnt of "Jamaica think the position cannot be sslisfactor- to stick to Trig Swett + stb+cription list. feat and keep such a torntidabM option: very *tart the J..tsnee ..f the s•'urcr tf n. we When anyone subscribes for the Ts rt our •d the Nature• Thr electors of supply, and th• meet tat pnttin¢ u. the and its People," by Her. •lohn Manly; t • West it unan, however have r•a3idetc. moue• e'e+l:urwl, »void {setae rnsutoer•- I Thru iC!i the Cardinar, "P.ctnres tai h of the tat. ily 1111.4 by any ma are net in favor ..f ha•imq one appointed Rio vsL we do tate make the covenant y PBrazil:- a bestwx sketch the th ..1 the children tat mal, not may binding upon bioa or her to read noel Matadi mar ; the are root* of him, hip hapten o. th.• case of a Coen o1 thep� d, notwithstanding the Franchise Act are of Gi.lart h 1'hw attretety .prinw Keo;( in the North- West, cosy an I nn fl •lI •ween, but day by day thr.oe h - for West Huron- it u the plain duty tat w adoiraklesnd achnlarly }neper o f '1"1-1-iout the year, and )ear 1.7 year in the the county council to have appointed • political sr•it;es, local news, literary and i mad the revising hamster, there a scar was only running lit tie rate of aM•ot miscellaneous ratter or poetry. They Neely the shadow of a doubt thou they '13,Obii or .01,( ) gallons • day. wi.icb' Miham int his works, by F- march of time. 1 dao not mean to he taw paid polies magistrate. However, we ill once more return him to Parliament would he insuflicn•nt for the town ser• I V1 *lice, R 11. TAe are I dent«,d se •eying that ghwt., ghouls arshot saxMw t, vee time unsalaried men P*1 `heir mosey and can take thou 11 «1 c*1 t • and if anyone will toast upon charm et realities. And the Phorias of the long ate Hallowe'en dwell still in sur miuds, and although decades have passed since then many of us have found to our sorrow that gl+onb and 'goblins stand is w Isod thus secure • Cabinet nnniste no etre. in Moth of the hr,.okn msumne.t' numerlowo. "seediest, and we printed. Iand vobliM •r• eetoiee, ince 1 do e•}, M to loo Rat1.. (orm ..tr.wtit. Thyro he belietelle .al water ental* be obtain- The powerfultr-Qntten story of Jan and i chtilerito contradiction that, in prove the wisdom of their appointment. rider's wife a hmu2ht to s close. reading the columns that nits his pditi- j is even leen *ranine a. the el."Hees ..f eel, •s trout loved In them, sod where the Hon .1.M.ftnas. Pers..nall known trout heeoi tine ester use mot inimical too Another story by the same author u M. C. Cawa•Ow, M.P. for West Hew- cal bile, we will sympathise with his y our, said that it Dost the country annual- affliction even if we do not endorse his j as he is, to almost every man, wnmaa kennel' twines. Thu lhrotr'ght them pr.mtsr,l for the Heir volume. eery gond judgment. The above is given for esd child in the fiidtne. his superior down to the artesian wo11 sob cane. As- el..Iluer,1 roper by the late Dr Guard on 1y $1.125,,000 to keep our red men. The gaaliti.e u a l.'gi•htmr, an orator gad a „mute that the water suss lit i' ..rink "John Wesley and his Helper' will �jere F've P►sw swede him ray $112.- the benefit of ghscribera whose label private individual ate ton well reeopi• The Hamilton Thew, enetmenting shows that they bare paid their soh. mid to permit of their d.ap•ns..ot( with - this i• dodge rat the scrip on `hes luable services in the Legislature* No charge of extra%•eance nr miecooduct aria t , sash in. it went without repro. attract ranch attendiscussion A I iscussion Upon the ghouls of [tampon that *etre that it *void pot ...,t hrs. It intent Gospeltbt. , of the and the Failure of the wliowed to mfila* aster t the gobllese t • in advance. The fellows the 01,1 stones tat the Wog ago an he seen allegories of what we have known In intervening years. Who mat ta.,k hack upon the ghosts .d hiss hope• antl now rimeht opportunrtl.st •a ►rowever, bo t n hard for cooking uwiMt ` Noe Theeol.,gv well •Iso repay canal that leve larked in the tempter • vole., l to the {r,•aasa.nn Id nab...onto proper w•.tli,g. the dein h r'. senile., or the foaming %Lv Peru, gar• :—"It will M observed on either atria of the pulttett>f has or nan he mule against the (►ntati., ties, sod he wits not 11, • psintai t. ay Th. Editor gives hew t " ewp 1 h„ ; I'm mat I411,4 ,•eal tat th•oeb that the l�mdea Tery mien, solely for fence wile are in arrear have N Government, its affair* sr* skilfully and how It could he seed for railroad pup nLent suit to the Pacini,- coast. and done. a Hallowe'en, hut tet each chops the the of dein( its rlittle best to in- right to Art. !stiW. sutoe ge to refit e1 Natsomioally menaced; Ws memlvrs. pore" moil is had been thnror•ghiy •n dice sees briefly the F•Iloesttonal net. contain a mond, and let the mewed hr teethed and the preamble the suppositions. jure the worthy member for Woes Hew- our contemns. W. ware going to nflst 1 itsifvitlt and henttstmen, rad ssnd ively, are ide from h . peel u}Mr Pvt.•w, of the North Ameri an 1}q North Weed, Halo J westand his in the work ham•. fables •re not believed to he Wee on, grossly t" hi• pwltlished to the fellows who borrow the paper .onal pnpul•rity, •mnwg Cvneetvative. as f l:•miaal W nrka, Wald the eater which ru. _ anybody, yet Me moral of each ttan- utterances. It is a shameful method of from their neighbors, and then oder ,well as Reformers. then r nm valid M•1 neon analyzed lav him c a,tsin•d • The Exeter % f.r bac awp.tied. tains move that a park Iq solid tiiisses. eerias" That's the Tory style, and armament, bet, for the present, we will' Teeg„n sky 111r, RIM at Lt not b. n .atge amount ••1 ',dui meter jUAj� be Pros Pr.** is an adept al It, dismiss this .ii:ei—well, so matter. 1 elected to represent West asses. 1 lllr Williew,s, awtinuing, aced, steed• The ate wae.bviows. t .