HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-10-29, Page 8r 1 17 11 8 Mk HURON SIGNAL, RIFDAY. OCT. 29. i886. TEXAS AND MEMO). A Glimpse of Military Life on the Border. a. Peri 4 4.eme•Iels atey'• picture of the heath Itenadary. Foto Itiseriotti, Trios, (Weiler 13th, lada. To the Editor of The ..enal. Soo-- It has been »eh inuelo interest that I hate read tutagii$1111 11040 letters frem your cerrespendeet in Au- teuil*, and later, tit...to from Capt. l'or sons an l'ausiala. Lotely n hate dawned upon Ine 111111 the la ele1re .1 TH16 Shoat amea-weeterai Texas soil the Ile/Grande non. bons tone to nine, 81101 tied resid- e rs, I shall be more the' retwarded. rola itlatioolth Lin us begin with Fret Itinggelal, +Were 'W▪ ed arse lifty nodes Irmo die r.ver's mouth. whose ineddy waters rush past at three ewes its mime size To the mein that reiterates it from us, and forme a n atural draio et ibis river, lies pletur- peered. The emend where obey stood 1. now tito hay end weed yards Here --- also nue the nese as the esseasiee, oil .011 .11009 haa been built es at.,„ h„Naa, cos, the Methodist parsmage by Job hospital mid feur tee et .1r ori3k viar elves astafaction to all parties ters were erected, sod *hes e.rd• • tine row of .11111 and half story dkruble briek h""" the "16"m' 6'" i" "mb"' Laeoteas Asti CoNeswe. A aeries of the mettle rine being single and ,,,,, three lectures and • concert will be given eerier the auspices of the Methodist in hoot ef *Inch wee placed the dag church, here, tins winter. The brat staff.wkere at remained meal oast spring, when it lecture will he by Rev. W. J. Cut:pi-tell, I to the lower eloti on "Th. Wedding Ring," Nov. 19th. d's or.u.;"111",,i 1.1"11'.11 i'le Rees. Mears. Turk aril Nugent will Near the dag staff stamd• 'he adusmis tuition building, containing the adpi "°.• tent's office. and that of the command Oww. Ong tater. Major Smith. Pere aise as the tos•rd humte statitbItd " "" 1011 "1 The Ashfield Literary and Delatitig the fiag staid it was Wilt at the sucitay met in the school ea Tuesday to none time as ttie quarters, rind bke them iodation 1,r the winier term, the follow - it lons a aide Iseult oolenuade, sa Also ' 1.14 officers were elected. President has the bakery whkh steed* neer. The' Win Seekers. Vice Presideut, Jas. quarters h•ve wade colonnades on both auk., front &el rear. saw oting • weeden roofed tolcony Mt heavy brick I arches. Tim of these buildings face the I parade ground, while the others stand Irma of a elm Griffin; Seenotary, it Jewell. Treasurer, W Ra.Ooninittnie, W. Mo. •Quoid, J. Qualm and J. Murchison. A ta were made for holding • debate on Tuesday neat, and at was elee et angles fr..n them, so as t. a en- decided es have a literary concise% befute 1 cher Oa. comosi katcleoe Wobil house kux. which the meeting clesed. ami workshop* its a hollow &puke. Insole err, quarters are divided in a dining hall. orderly room auti cosies. I.•rt stairs is rose long squad I Your many readers will be glad to mom, aleag the &dee of which are ar I leant that God has been pounue out Ilia rangol the spring beds used b) the men Spirit at the filethedist church at Don - Ahem the walls hang their sobers, client nybrook, Oil the Auburn circuit, Rev. equipment& Aline near the Juhu Teener, puler. ilea week* ago stairway in the centre are their rids, to special services were by Rev ; earimes, arranged lit racks. At the John Turner preaching a sermon frees eeposite eud et the parade giound Lacing the text, "The •wead uf the Lord the flag staff is tl.e hoapttal The ken- and of Gideon." Front the first a deep tre wo stories, nut the wards cn either settled upon the people, both side i the dispensary are only one. they and, more thsti ',tenths, I whom a Mexicans. Tl.e 11.,tises arl swede hug ere 1414/0, •Ify and comfortable. All of adobe 'auddried brick i, and titivated `11°.' 11.4."d* * b"d with grass, re palm leaves. prnier,-ooril000riade. Ou the right as you face the aolutal. stands the settler store a rood pal street, nearly toil a male lone. and suede level stetutteelendilo c At. is fairly rtma. • passes out to the town, between wte it„,„1 with a„, mid the hospital. On the left stands is Gaol new Mihail-4i of Mr 'Manuel Gur- I a""" bualliug *"r"1•3'ItIPI * 1). • La Pies's meet st ole ard retail! 11111 AhLlf."1. tyro wero received into the chorch drug et. re It la :11.4 too etory beck. ' letet t'ie 'Ad Q. M. Ind c..va:ry cor. &blotto morning after preaching 1.y the with orreeneotel hull ionic anueneets rails wane replaced hy a new one. It is pastor. At the close rif the reception on suet sumer. As the meetings pm - greased that feeling deepened ; believers weer quickened in their faith, and ower Rano H. West, a young minister ef the Guelph , who os resting this year, being on • visit to his old friend, ROW. Joh! Turner. gladly avail- ed himself cf the opportunity uf helping in braiong souls to Christ. Twenty- sepperting tate upper gtofy It has a use...sett bj a seven loot wall- -the gram, MY pretty iten balcony, across the feint Larne" oind ',addle room Wine h63:1 into and down the sole street, the whole the *an th• ("tar muter*. pima the .1eUgtil 01 one trundler, 1136 014 ins (KIWI' b01-1, • Ands aniateitheesit arwreet. 41131111$_. 'hull are hinlethe stets fosothe Ride. and tiro 'critics high,supieet lug tile metes and berme. A lamp post stands exif en corrugated cut forme pillais aiel 111 elf11 1,411111 to enable the sentries who pass freer one to the other through massive arclite. turts Aviles; in the dividing wall to see ERZ riAlLoON EVIL. everything plainly. rne town is blessed, er cursed, with- ' unix er th"' (814"rna, 6" Wen Petmnizedi eh"• trial a system ,4 water pipet were one can we at any time the ce/ebeated laid te take the pl.cti of the old eine pante of Mexican leant* going on Ili water wave,. that „cid, daily round., back neon. The town,has much nopros- and delivered water *sate barrels kept for ed since I first saw it no 12. Well du I the perpree. Four lugs tanks were . the feeling of disappointment t)laced en a hill, just back of the officers' I felt at finding this teen, boasting of se mew, and between it and the river. The grand an appellatioh, not worthy of it, too is sheet aosty feet high &oil on* trial of the new members the pastor Preached ageiii. The whole heighten. - hood has been stirred ; and all &glee this-aiseetitegiaothe ever due appoiatmeut. To thel be all the with this series of special services was a farewell wocial held at the residence el Mr W ahem Harriette on the 21st inst., to say good bye et the Rev E. H. West. Hew. J. Turner oocupied the chair. The following pneosse was gone through, Miss Harrison as at the special services, presiding at the melodeon : Chairmen's address ; reading by Bev. A. McKibben ; duett by Musses Harri- son and Campbell ; recitation by Miss Anderson ; reading by Mr florney ; or anything like it. One of the boys hundred Lot tion,uight 119 base. and music by the Misses Ramsey ; readine said : "11 the name, 'lin. Grande City,' reeriy seems created for the purpose. by Miss Csanpbell ; singing by Mr Ed. wail painted serest the teen in four feet IN Elie IA A Robinson ; reeding by Miss literesey ; music. trio Misses Campbell. Hareem and Mr Anderson ; reading ley W. H. Campbell ; recitation by Mae Anderson , music by Iles !tornado ; reading by Rev. A. McKibben. The following address was then read by broiler Janes Anderson. letters, ft would reash far vot et the connected with this hill. Away back chaperral,- and I agreed with 1.tru. before the !Helicon war this land, and TWO ill t'Itell&A AleiaN TEE MILLS in fact all the land, fee fails@ around. en the east and overlooking the town. wasohe property of one Davis, who had The Cathelac church is old slid not much bought out the heirs 1 f an old Spanish to Litik at, but inside it hal a very richly land grant, and attempted to wettle here gil..1ed altar, and a magnificent choir and In these dare the country was wild and organ that is well worth ;genie to hear. initiated with hostile Indians. The ad - The other, Methodist, is • newer and ventures of this early pioneer 'stead fial To Rev. E. H. West. smaller brick building, well up over the a large velum.. His exploits and tragic Rev. NMI Dial SIR, -At ti ' town on the hill top. Its bell is placed death would make • , tate", OM' special lierVices in the Methodist en a higher tower than its rival's, but is story. Being attacked by li.jiatio. he, church, Dounybrook-Aubura Cirettit, •11e, very rarely heard. 'The native pastor together with ha son and two or three the member. and 'suer/ converts feel does nothold service yery reoularly,oweig others, took refuge on this hill, and from perhaps to the rery steal! attendance, this proition of advaetage , I to higher up, on a hill that rises just repulse the redskins. But after long beyond the churches, is the new, just and fearful strugele. they were over - completed, court house, erected at • cost efiwered by the Indians and all mas- sacred. Mit his family d_id not giv• up of sixty thousand dollars. Stauding front of the court house, or better rill, the fight. They afterwards •veNt.Ell YHA WRATH, and today amens of the richest families in the country. Even to this 'lay the place is better known te the natives by Rancho Davis than either Het Grande City or Fort Itintneild. We are ono hundred and torimty miles from Litre& and Fort McIntosh, frogs which place a splendid view may be had of the town and country round about. In front is the plass. that slopes away towards the river, while just in rear, In a little val- ley between the hill., is the "Campo Sante" (cemetery), with its marble shafts and grassy mounds, encheed by a high brick wall. To the esat and south-east range hill after hill, cevered with clialsr- ral, scrub osk, ebony and mesquite buhes ; to the north and nerth-west, the beautiful, at a &stance, opens out before your gaze, through which winda the river, glittering and sparkiing in the sun, hut muddy, shifting, and dangerous on near ap- proach. Just above the town, where the river takes a tura tit the right, the. winding bed of the Sur Juan joins that of the ttio Grande A near view of the south discloses Fort Bans/geld embower- ed in the beautiful green of the ebony and mesquite trees that seem to be trying to hide its rusaa!ve walls of ma - &eery from view. The tanks of the water works •nd the nag staff are rin- spicuous objects. - Far to the south- west. slightly eleystdd shove the pat, can be 'eon the gleemmor whitewashed walk of iodide., and the towel- of the old cathedral in the It hes MI the banks of the Sad Juan. *bout six miles from Its niouth. 'Thera high over all we beheld the bestatiful light blue sky of the sunny south. tan a clear day may be seen far to the weet, fatntly outlined against the h. r ;we the lofty peaks ef the Sierra Madre*. over eielity miles swim. navies weed en the highest point elf vantage in the lawn and admired all this, let us return lit Om prat and make an inspectiee of its buiW• leo, and Fort Ringgold wori witablIshed in 1830, soon after the Mese-va war, •nd named after Omura' ItanggiOri. ene of the heroes of that memorable eampaien. It was abandoned in 18:01. and was in the heeds 14 the Confederate States from 1061 loge, when it was soun occupied and glued np for United States troops. It Moen consisted .4 three ,me story offlees =, and rho necessary quieter* ler ponies That of thiamine -And iwa Aker wallies a hill, overleekinr the ein thee 11:1111:1:11"it. It 10 still standing. * now by the pelt quartet • ifilesTrtwo *to canopied by swipsoosyisiietiod star The pima el the men here long since dear - that we cannot allow you to leave for your home at Ailaa Craig witheut in some way ezpreasir.g our . ian minister. We, therefore, present you with this purse of money as a small token of our appreciation of your 'fiber , . 'Ilne token or sway words of RUM are inadequate to express our grati- which, if foilowed by u., is well caleu- lated to build up thorough Christian character. We regret that threugh tem- porary indistiosotion you felt you were justified in asking the moterence to leave our supplies mut come by wagon or ot You this conference year %without a cut - cart. or from Pena, nansty miles east cult. W. rejoice in the inarke... im- from here, the nearest statue. en the in your health, arid sincerely nray to our heavenly Father that yeur health may be fully established, so that you may be spared for many years to preach Christ and Him crucified. We rejoice that God has made yoti so woeful et us. anti successful in winning souls for the Master. We hare enjeyeti and profited, we trust, by your earliest and faithful ministrat: ef God's word, and we hope, let God's help, te meet you well, dear brother, for the present time. May We continue to be faithful. Pray for us that we may eerie in graot. and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Signed on behalf of the members and new converts. Refreshments were thee served. A vote of thatiks wee given te ote hest and hostess and family, and whee the friends left it was the expressed «pinion that it was tbe best social thet had been attend - Texas Mexican (narrow gauge) railway, that rune front Laredo to Corpus Christi, and fortro an outlet to the Gulf for the Mexigen National_ Auother wee ill by hoot up the river frorn Brownsville one hundred and twenty miles by road, but over three hundred by river. These beau. the Lulu I). and Bessie, very seldom go farther up than here, though they ." go as far as Remo, some feerfeen miles farther up. Liat week the Bessie made a trip up the San .Inan river to Commode). This is very unuaual and can only be done when the river is very high In 1840 there was no ether means of . with the in - eke except by this river. in these days ter some reason the river was much deeper. A six line of steamers were kept buay plying the river ; they then made regular trips to Laredo, rtmething that is impossible now. C. C. Tbe Illibtep et TerliCe le OM Noise Sub, Palib. Doeteettet. 23.-- The Right Rev Dr an address to the clergymen of 'be dio. cow *aid: "Every interest languishes, every business is depressed, neglect and despair mem to he settling win the pens le I exhort you net to w prejudice to prevent the accept of any lust change likely tri benefit feels smestine. The Nationalism claim that he has been converted to Home Rule al eloek this newsier Roes, the 2 year old daughter of limey Denbrook, a saloon- keeper. met with a horrible death, being almoat eaten &lie@ by a bear The little one was plving in her father's bulk yard Bed climbed :over the fence into the yard Kenos. who kept • hear Awned on the *willow Mite, All parties getting their sale hill. printed at ' Ode Mice will get • frer emu-, Inserted i• thin Its4 up to the time of sale. Auction sale of farm seek and implei- aeinte, the prilicrir of Alex. Davidson, lot 6, con. 6, Colherne, by John Knox. o'clock p See posters for list, etc. Auction sale of form stock and Imple- ments, the property id George Galleons, on the premises, Int A, north town pko, Port Atha'', try Jelin Knee, anctionser, Monday, Nov. 1st, 1886. Sett peelers for list, tense, etc. Auction sale of farm seek, the% proper- ty of Wm. Hieeks, iin the premises, lot 10, ison. 4, Grids -rich township, by John e'cleek, sharp, on Thum -ley, Nov. 4th, 1866. The stock is all in first -clam me- anies, and meat he sold. See meter,. rear of ha lot. The ehila vevitered trio lin normals lit- Stowarl. wifw th ASHIPIIILD111 MULL drib, flortlber• row indite Mope es • Lave Topic. The following 11111111 were Nut in by a young poet of .kalitirld, Alta as some iif truths, we gave the verses the benefit rit our circulat . The enthosi tam for Cameron in .1•Istield is greet. MisT 114911. Ph John hap •aorn his•nifer C Cameron. of liuron. to heat ; But as it utilities has happened. Ills owe weirdo hell be forced tom*. Before lie gets t hruugh with I he looniest Hell wish kid %e'er entered the neld. And vit11 Sod the old 11•711111 • rue elm: 'rut ••.t. Cameros tic etc will yield." Ili swore that his vile hands were clean. Out the waters of Ilurue they'd foul. Not • vote les ma chaste by hie "boodle: lly his )okes, Mr laugh. or hularOwl. For the Ora' of Weal Huron are loyal. Each lieformer •ound to the core ; And will teach the Great ildettigo a lesson Tamp, They taught to kis tool* oft before, Catlees, FINE TAILORING T Gents' Furnishings. FALL GOODS OVICIWOATINGS Ili all the New shades and awes Au 'sidles* Kr1c17 of English, trial tout Iteutch Matinee "' An inumenne ul New and Canadian Tweeds. kt her. all Goods bought hy she ard cut free of B. MacOorinac• Goderieb, Sept Ugh. MIL MBA DON'T READ THIS But REMEMBER it ia at lic7ILLIVRATS CASH STORE lle drat tried the great , And then thought his end was attached. But Cameron oc•ellie to the rescue Huron true to her uld love reniatued. And now Joha A...thinks with the French se And the help of the Protestant horse, The Virus of old Iluron to vanquish ; But with all hell Mr left ev en worse. roe Meows friends are eves disCusted At 'Hetrick.. which the) plainly can sec. For acts that are dsrk and ,ticeitful : He's worm than the Heathen chime. ltiel's bloody shirt he %%11 wav e. And the Protemart horse he will r.i!e. And on Brttish Connection will rave, but for all he will not turn the tidy. For the writing is plain un the wall. That the de). of Lie plundring are o'er, And few then. weep at Hell go down to rise nevermore. For mighty are Justice and Truth, In the ead they are sure to presai: : lle ha• fought against them ail his !lie, And fe% (4M hug dowuconie With • Cameron true to !radon, To v ictory well march boldlY On Not • man in their cazup can beat tio, Not even rim n-Aaneltd Sir Jelin, Dut bis wishes will alai be in vain. r. sal 151111 VOW 11111Thlt Irra7y Rad elailee011 well lead back again. Then =My :mend _Canada _once_ him ARAI Chase old ear Jetta from the Geld: Our Emble le "Jug/Mete boys; our wee en. "We serer will yield.' NOBT1111th L.1.311`. J. Stevens' People are busy with crane at present. N. Baer is putting nes: frame wood house. Mrs Moser, sr., is visiting her (laugh- ' tern here. Mr Schmid has at last got into thss section with his Dew decker thresher. Mrs MeMerchie. we regret to say, is not , from her kite irness. The trustees of S. S. No. 7 are gettiug „ about the 114.10,11. 'Attu. The purchaser v4 the old house was to have it all away by the 1st of June, but its all 0111. mess yet, with tence all gonel te Tie A 1 Value is Meet% 111 Currant?, Coal Oil, Cheese, Oatmeal, Spices, Potatoes, Confeotionsry, ,Soaps. Syrups, Clothes Lines, Tmeger, Brushes, .n all Tobaccos, M. McGianIVRAY. g Fa lee A mit GRATEFUL t EPPS'S COCOA • "tly a thorough knowledge of the natural lawn whieh govern the operaCons of digestion end nut nth's. and by a careful application ut the fine prorerties of well -selected i 'ova*. Mr. • delicate flavored he ',enure which /mar solve I:999 has rovicled our breakfum tebles With Ills07 ear, doctors bills. It is by the Judiei ,,,, • use of such articles of diet that a constitution natty lie gradually built up until strong enough to theist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladica are floating around tei ready to iittack wherever there is a weak point. We may re. ape Meey • fatal shaft by keeping ourselvee well fortifi- ed with pure blood and a properly nourisned Made *imply with boding water or milk. Sold only in pickets by Grueers, labelled thus • 31371-1; London Enorlend• To. N OF GODEMCII. TiteArtettleels SALE OF LANDS FOR Title or 110Dicwit-li. • rant the hand Ta WIT ' / of the Mayor of the Town of Goderieh, and the seal 11( the said Corporation. bearing date the Twentymieth day of duly, A.D. 1416. to me directed, eoni- inandlia me to levy upon the lands on the fol- lowing lim for arrears of tetra. due thereon notine is hereby given. that unless the mid taxes. together with all costs, are sooner paid. I shall preeeed to sell the said lands by Public Auction. or as much tteereof as may he euill- eient for the payment or the Taxes and Costs thereon. at the TOWN BALL in the said TOWN Ily GODICItIrli. on TUICSliA V. the TW ENT Y -1'111/th day of NOTE3GRE 12a3. Me made ere peeseded./ Street or tlurvey. e titia 114 IP 191 .36 MI 91111 13112 East 1 II Geo. Wileoe's Survey : Ili 1 le 137 GO 7 133l 1/3 4T1 87 s3 Reed's flurirey 14 i al It 211 :11 21 22 71 32 17 PI 9 07 33 Mr 34 QS IA 77 11 37 OR el 37 RS El 37 94 19 SI 7110 111 41 40 77 21 66 11 If 11/4 71 3 til le ill 4 re near the brute hook h 81= ii.rel Ls a is ill 10 13 71111 07 11 ft 73 10 GS 7•10 02 113 11 34 IV 4 If 71$ 12 111 Our Stock is -Vow Com- plete in Every S. SA.LICELD lull Assortment ef the LATEST SUFIS St STYLES of :lets and Fall Millinery. Felt HALO Trimmed stitkakateagban, and Astrachau for Trimming rerposes. Felt Hats Trimmed from 111.00 upwards. A cerdial invitatien is extended to all. WITER MILLINERY 00 Prices Suit the Purchaser's Pocket. NEW *MUSIC 1 "1 Cannot Help Winking My Eye." "The Charge at-nato::hz." Golden Chords Waltz. Mikado Waltz. PROF. CLARKE. TWO BEST HEARSES IN TOWN FURNITURE! It...! In "7"An Cheaper than F.ver. Won't he Underrvkl. RAYM ON D agla. t/ . IIER at tbe College of Physician, mid A remiehei etc.. Port Albert. 2440- et-, Office trim formerly oecupied hy Ilr. tla's betel. Jof OXON. Coroner It e Offlea and residence Ream Street, locoed door WINK of V oeteris Sweet 1731. Irt.S. SHANNON & HAMILTON' TON Auctioneering. lea• Ina their orders at ',nemesia Burgeons, Ariemiebers. kr Lot No. 668, on Victoria -et., in the Town of Goderich. Occupied by THOMAS HYBRID/C. This lot ie eitnated hi • rnod part of the Town. It hasi erected aileron • 11 story home. with soehen mom:Red, nhich has been Taftaile OF BALL :- Half rad) and ne- Fur further particulars appiy to the under- . visaed. CORD WOOD. let rates ese lave tee mane erca, ptly•epplied Ord. Having hail eonsidershke experienee in :hp i, iitaaaatiiie trade. he is in • emotion to 4 wail wiermsb sat atom hon all nem - :44u ousfradlirmiltarr. kusetz.„:...1.z.sitt GEO. OLD'S STORE. 0-ir aunt w..1 ,ei; at the store daily for orders. Also on nand. • int of cheap wood each 004let blahs. edemas. ete. All the Wend MR hovht at tbe mill sr delivered as the buyer Magna Prownieneas guaran- teed IlVIER down end then commeneed elsemiring T Stewart, New ork, died ailisselyak - her. rue hmi7 wart horribly mutilated' Renal monde' at her reattenee. SWIM Were k eneht 'be remsed. The seemlier Thtrt fourth street set VW* et. Treesvpree heirs if issidemea 1 rmispratted at this eery Falls Reserve wine. ty WA en inquest tbil aftereme. erne& Leese mid It haps es minim owiteeteik Aug. 11 .11 -la tan SIM NO Illibinelee sad get plume fgr bill. of 1880, 25o. •