HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-10-29, Page 7]'j A Western paper recently orate: the boding of s "lady's skeleton " A lady's skeleton doubtless ddfers fee.) a woman's skeleton ,u that it lea a ho,p- skirt and bustle attached, A poor roan will: a large family of daughters still lien Washington s cheap plate to reside. After they get Intro- duced into society they will not require any elethes to apish uf. It is said s w..msn never quite forget. the man who has once asked her hand is marriage. Nor does a man forget the woman whose hand he bas asked io marriage- unlet it is gained. ▪ "Where are we to look for our rising young msen! Not in the street ear, any- how," exclaimed Mrs Shoddy. Nth ley dear,' replied Mr. S. "Yue Will find them in the elevators." What every married man in this eoun• try wants is a trained, fierce-Iookinq little mouse that will appear whenever called. It will settle a family q carrel in lees time than it takes to provoke one. Bilkins-"Send me up two tor.* of coal, and I will settle the tir.t of the month." Cool dealer tderieire/y)- -Chestnut " eIy -"Chestnut" Bilkins anxious to mis- understand; -"Yes, che■tl.ut will do, 1 4dew ,. "You ought to chew taheeeo," said a would-be wit to a Yining lady. "I am astonished, sir," indignautly replied the lady. "Pardon me, mus. I was prompted to make the remark wheu I booked at your 'tine cut' mouth. t♦ TIIE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 29,1880 Fun anti Fancg. Aa Autumn idol -the eyelet. The new ll'a!I bowman'. they sty, w' be V shaped. The bills wit. ter X ak aped. Tb. Vasa tends nal .etas.. The tem Cardusat peseta of health the stomach, the liver, the buwele an the blued. Any irrueul.riig of the+ action brines theme, wJ to the whole system. Regulate then condition with Bind....: t L' ., .d timers t. secure perfect health. 2 Did you ever see a man with a diamond cellar button eh.. did out think INA u.cktro• were suing out of he -A(4.! Beady To Bare. The most useful medtctue y..0 cau have in the household is Hagyard'. Yellow Oil. It cures rheumatism, neer- alga, son throat, aches, sprains, bruises, warns and all external or internal painful conditions. Keep it at haus fie ready rims. A woman in Boston stole a c..• rk lest from a crippled a.•Idier. She was hound to have something new on her bonnet. 3 Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible cough.. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale t:y J. lt't:ani, `'•'Loouung ladle. now furnish a brush bruom to dust the coati ,if their love's where they have la:l :tett pretty pow- dered laces. 1 That Hacking Cough can be so quick• ly cured by Shiloh s Cure. We guaran tee it. For sale by J. Wilma, Drusgist. Why is a baby fed from ten to • doeen timer & day! it(meuse bel,i.s, bees► 'tacit. should be tilled up whenever they show symptoms of "holleroem.' A M,egg. Teset. 1 HURON AND BRl10E Thom who sedate the Iueterior pangs of neuralgia, rheumatism, selsiioi, tutu hit... and similar pewee a.u•plaints n. severely tried, het there.* w apeeity re het to Heeysrd'a Y.ilew O,1 se thous slide who hero ueod 11 joytotly taauly It banishes p.tu soil lw.ueuew queik.ly • are The barber among the Greeks and fl R •ruaus cut end drooped the heir ✓ shaved the beard, pared the oats a:d and pulled out the stray baits atilt their ✓ teener& Wealthy penmen asp. a ' barber in their 0011 hu.Aees awn i.tral their slsvee, but the people at hole had r'ec'ourses to the barber's ahoy. Th. Roane rerely shaved himself, at least after the veer ft. C. 454, when the tint barber was introduced from Sicily. Pirevtuus to that period the hair auA t.caru lure w.,rn 1••n3. ■tab r.a se. Mrs J, bis Nee -Muds. writing from the Meth.1.st Pomona... Adelaide, Out. says: " 1 have used Hatyerd's Pectoral Salaam en oar family fur year& Foe heavy colds, more thesis mud dietressiuk C.,ujhs no other wedictuu au see. re - 1.c; ea. 1 A so•e4ileJ mad deg iu Hebron, Ky bit • cow. The cow iu s few day. .L.ua- cid sagoot of rabic., and about the• -mime time a baby that had been living use the twit: of the cow became s tarty afect- ed. It to mad that the symptoms of hy- drophobia are pronounced in the child, whose. sufferings are eery great. A Complete Rreakdow.. "Fur ten years," says Jennie M. Herren, of Wallaceburg, Oat , I diu not see • well dy-was all broken duwu with dlle_pepsia, liver comptaiut, catarrh and debltty. Three doctors anarido'led :Pipe fir me, when Burdock Blood Be• ten nine to my rescue. It is the beet medicine 1 have ever taken. I say this • for the benefit of alt suffering as I did 'l T'.,e highest apple orchard ID the 1 no- ) m ' eel Sates is at Hot Springs, Lori Tahoe r• i Dal. The trees are loaded with frust. This is probably the greatest altitude at r• t wlticii this frust it strewn w this country. Ibaiug over 6,200 feet above the level of the sea a , A Indere IttrseTeremeltIts a ret letter from R. W. Douro'', of Helot -nine, Out. 13. stases that he co , ' has revered trent the worst form of dyspepsia, altos suffering for fifteen years; and when a awncil of doctors urn flounced hint timetable be tried Burdoct Blued Bitters, six bottles of whict, re- stored his health. 2 The United State. Ministers to Ger. many. France, England and pupate re. wive 817,500 each ; those to Chins, Bn ail. Mexico, Japau and Spain receive . 812,000. The general tet the army re cedes $13,500, ai.d the admiral $13,000 G For lame back, stile or chest, use Shilob's Porous Piaster. price 'la coma For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. Granger -Been hshin' all dayl Crust (ltd Gentlegmanhours, u Granter-wtthnut bait Crusty ltd Gentleman -Without interruption, w Mn Mary Thomt'so'n, t,f Toronto, wa afflicted with Tape Worn, d feet of which was removed by. one bottle of Dr L. Warm Syrup. la,. A California youth stl'leezed his girl se tight that he broke two .d her rile but was comforted when she she acid "Oo tin Hatik, and bust the other twenty -two. - National Pills are a mi'd pergative, setter ten tete $-rotroch. Lilco; -asci-Sows. e1., fwmoYtui all t lettuctiona. las: Johnston says it is inithty hard to be a Christian when a man has a boy who will ring a chestnut t.rll en him at family prayers, when it it impossible w resent it. "I regret to zay zat blademuitelle Fayette teen a leetle hoarse xis etening," ezpaaised a French ssoager;to an Eng• lish speaking audience, who had as- sembled to hear a ptima donna sing. "Trot her out, thea. if she's a little horse," bellowed an urchin, wb.,se feet hung over the maitre on the gods' gal- lery. It was the general opinion that Tam MacSaunders was cracked. Notwith- standing this, Tam managed to persnade a lady fair to become his hide and went tit the minister to *meets tartars. The reverend gentleman altered the common notion respecting Tam's mental capacity and therefore proceeded with due au• tion in the matter. Among other Burls• Gone the minister asked: " As this is a very important step you are about to take, you ought to consult your patents about it. Have you don. sof" "Na, nae fear c' me." said Tam; "they never consulted me when they got marrit '" A Chestnut st. Miss of leu than five summers, who was playing in the yard and observing the works of eaten. sur- prised her father the other day with the following questions and original conclus- ion. "Papa does (Mod sake the worms? Yes, daughterT' "Pa, does God make the hopper toad to sat the worms apt-. "1 a pose en." "Well, I should like to know what He bothered His head with ..he worms for if He had to make the tont to eat tinier' Her father . did set attempt to nnrsvel this juvenile peaele, for he felt that it was toe much for bis. lite Ltsbtesett- The rapid action of the great pain ore," Polenn's Nerviline, in reliveing the most intense win, is a matter of wonder to all who have need it. There is nothing surprising in its results, for it is wade of 1Jbe strongest, purest and most efficient remedies known in medicine. Nerviline eures toothache ;intently. cramps in fire minutes, neuralgia after two appliettiorta; rheumatism M at neon relieved by ate use; and the mine may he maul of all kinda of pain. Sample bottles, entities only Meta st any drug store. The tarter bottle only 45 mete. Poise's Norville* sold by druggists and cowetry dealers. it is mid by one who knows that all Has "bat men" and professional killers id the west are blondes, with light hair and blue eyes. The traelitIona! desperado, with raten locks and pieraug black eyes, to. 1-0iger emote. The latest invention in hat lining in a map a the City of Lundin printed on sill, so that any stranger a gay you'll/ fellow may find his way home or see at a glance if cabby is taking bit the ueareat r .ate to his destination. Auolhoaris water come, fn.m a spring in the Ain Valley in Rhenish Pru.iia. The spring tint came into notice about forty Soars ago. It belongs to the clue of carabouated alkaline waters which are w. beneticul 1n correcting any memo,. dinner of acid in the stomach, anti it poseww, moreover, the advantages of Ian agreeable flavor and unusual degree cf .tf . . , which is u•,t tansient in its character It ti rinito look ea if the theatre hill- 'b,ard nuisance would won have to give way to those English lords who hare ; gone into the business of advertising pur- i leagoe actremes by wailoptug their hus- hoods. LOAN AND iNYESTMENT COMP4NY ill Ti.i. (o.npusy as Lemu- el Maury ten rano Xeer. ay sd Lugged gates of !»tereet MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BALK BRANCH. 1, 4 cwt pro 1'eat. /tamest AU0.ced us Limpu..f., monolog, te ununwt an.I t.a.e left. orri, t ('..r mf Market equate sud North SU eel. Uodei scb. 1t0It.\CK HORTON, M Air Asian' God ri, 1. Auer Nb,ld'... 1na1- 3 c Il�� PERRY DAVIS' lila PAIN -KILLER It aECOtNI.NDED AT Ptfysi is -t, X:nitr'.r,, Miaulrnurries, - iMsurtraof 1.W:,.►ora, !'atnr,ui.'na, .l"urns tR Il•.spifots, iso al, .rl a teemeedy everywhere 4.w hue otter meta it a triol. lAltEr l'TCRN\I. u.T MIEmD WITS A a 1411.. LILaos OF .ROT *ILK AND al o•R, If WILL as 701.4/Ir A TA1IJaa CCRS FOS SUDDEN ‘COLI . CIRL MUSIC ,.t 1J VISIT CAffir AX THE MUSIO MAEvoEtLVM, todihiird WEST S .REE 1% It i. Uwe you oats bay los V ICH Y Gudrn ► BEST ORGANS AND PIANOS - that are wadek for task ur.g meq io.raluteet plea. W111 hal from them who know r.olblag of music, worm )uu eau got thea tested br the beet sausimatis to the world. s/l'all sod hear sad see fur ;outwlf.� ht Pieces of Music for 25 Cents. d/i'tau,r sud Organs Tussle Guder:ch. Sept. lTrd. IQ7s: PROF. CLARKE 4 9060 Proprietor. New DRESS GOODS OPENED TO -DAY .ST J. C.DETLOR &Co's (iuderirh• Aug. 26th. MS. Sass w K yvsoZv. The Latest Frollcli and Aniencaii Styles ! HATS, BONNETS f Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings Etc.. Etc lite. The Chicago House.; WEIST STREET. (iODEKICE Ooderic April 9th. hilt./ 11(1 GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATI(DN. CRAMPS, PAiNS 1N TIIE STOMACH, SUS - .5 ER AND L'utti I:L CUMPLALVT8, SOiRE TIIROA T.Ec. •PPLI$D LX TLLLLLLT, Exre:RI•vog Inst Pkot•av IT TNR Doe? .rel. 'env' Ain ai r LINIMENT ON I. Aar;/ 15 tg*ovlxO Tat PAIN elusive clow SPRAINS, BRUISES, RIII:UM.1- TiSM. NEURALGIA, SW EI.LED FACE, Tt w ITILACiir, BUlNn, FROs'f BI'I'FS, fro, Eco _:.et.. per Battle. Ilii Beware cal* Itiitationa. CAhLr br.i,L'S CATHARTIC COMPOUND is effective is smell doers, arts without griping, dors not oc- casion ecsaion naiISea, and will not crate irri- tation and c• a:_eitien as do many of the metal eathgrtics ad- Ininist►r d fir the form of Pile. At. Ladies and Chit. dren having t11e moat sensitive st„- media take this medicine 'without trou- ble or complaint. -Co •• • .•- • .+...ANTIC Cowror!eD is especially adapted for the cure of LITIA COMPLAINTS AND BILIOUS Dts- OlnsGn. FOR ACID STOMACH AND Loss or Ars. TRT I T i. Fos SICK lllADAcas Aww Disrupts. Foa Caval►•TION OR CueTi,Raaa& Fut AL1. Co aAINTs A 1111 N. rant A UIsoRDatau • or Tei Sr,,. MACH. This medicine being in liquid form• the done eau be taariy regguiate.l t . meet the requirements of difi(sr.ttt per- tiOttoia, o making it equally t"rtl attar ted to the use of the little dahlia tot .e adult. Put np in three ounce mottles, and sold by ail dealers in family medirities. Price net - _ (",•n'•. w C1i? .r ,it;1 IIB 4 ens dermas, •�P •Otedistad ssel b. see ..ats)y sc. w e< the rosI O f low i" see in bet a 96eden E.hs.uioe amour fro- Los of N4, t 4. Arate or (.Leptis /flumes, and in the weakness that irari*Mr arcn.p.sie• the recover, Imo Waetioa Fest.. No remedy win eve aims speedy ran( is 1 w Iadieeetion. For - ,she. Mood. Loss of Appetite, prw,denry, and in all cafe where 191 + an arre.rtva and ..erns re` w ST,V. 1.AT h mired, 4 the ELIXIR will be found ..AlV- Aai.a. • 4t .Sul,! by ail Drakes it A/eda Muir. DAVIS 4 LAWRENCE 00. (i ioited) Sots Actors. 4 MOINTRZAL. P. Q. HILI. HEADS, NOTE HEADS' i.ETTKR HEADS AND ENVELOPES CHEAPEST IN OODKRi('H AT AIQNAL OFFICE. intrzaujea WOEM POWDERS. Ara pl.a..nt tot\kw. Contain Hiatt est pet Sl,s 1, a sata tiers, aril ,.A,et.J Iietrope.r of werme to CLIL Iron or AMA* GEO. 11. BROWNk lucccasor to 011. WIIiTKLYA PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. Having lately added • Fresh Mock of Drugs, Dye tuffs, Perfumery, Eto., to Ike already wall eelert.d stn, ky , pls to inform the citizens of Godericb that he is now able to supply then, wits 1•L'RE: DRCUtt and CHEMICALS at Reasonable Priv... PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR SI.OAN'S INDIAN TOC , t111.Tbe Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Hoole Ouaraaseed. Sunday Hour :- 1010 11 a.e..: 1 to 4 p.m.: 830 to 9.20 p. m. Albion Block. Goderich, Feb. Iib, *01. MLitt DAWIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKE AND LKA111011w^- - UNDERTAKER. Anyone can advertise, Dat i ban show the Stock. f pave mere stock on fund than any two houses in town to.eiect from. ' FURNITURE. 1 have now on hand le different styles of Bedroom Suttee, 1 different styli. of `Sideboards. 3 Parlor `Suite& and almost anything/ in the Furniture lion, all of which*111 be sold AS CHEAP Ari THF. cHKAPK$IT• AN» ININT 1'O1" FUKtiST IT. In the 1.'NI)ERTAKiNG 1 give personal attention. ani the benefit now of nearly 411 year ezperieoce. I think I have the best Meanies in the Count, of Huron 1 wilt leave the pt:bltc to ndse. 1 have everything name, kept in a Aro-. lass establishment. such as askel.. " Shrouds. Habits. Wore. Crapea ie.. k,nbalmtag doss when reposed. KI Guarantee to give satisfaction in every case. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. 0. AND BANK OF MONTREAL. Gedssicb, Sept. 9th. SAL 7 Travelling Ibutbe. s URANwHt.T. TP" KART. Express. 1flsrd Meed. I.r. .Iwa.at 114:::i iotrol sws.mI I 1�ts. )tiled. Biatd. Ez�reas. Lr. I t, m a in 1:15 p. m $ Peal Ar, 1 le.tsa.= I 1 -le V to I t:45 p.m HIGGINS' REKA FOE 1'1 ItITY, tWEETNF+ti, h FI.AYUK IS UNEQUALLED. DAIRYMEN 0 will greatly imp r . a your BUTTER & CHEESE. 01111iAgeta y fw W .1, is (aaada li 1411)' 1 HAMILTON, ONTi(- dV "-,.,l '•,' ! .,•.• 1 ireular,tW t Mat. , iv d. \ /y • .iriusiemegts. =---!----, - GODEHie H NECHA Cti' Imo. TUTli Li HI: .tl:l" AND itRAWING Sl. cur. ut tart street *mare Ile maim Odea frees 1 to A p.m., and from to 1e p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOLS iN L BRARYj La.diap hail, R'erlle and I, 1'spars, . r,•.I:,inra, dr., 0e MEMBERS/Ili' TICKET, ONLY \ $s.ss, tlrsasIag free use of leis ary' and Beadlike Hoorn. Application fur turn.t..•rahip received by 1 Wbraryan. to ruom4. .i. IL COLItultN E. .t IX S. KOHTOa•`t 1'residect. tieere`ary. Ondefteh. Alwrrh L' • :. lel& , ODERICH PL I4G1VJA'L ,11IL L Ertl.LIILiFHFIt 1115. Bucha,jon 4 Robinson 111%1 I -A. It ATM o► Sash, Doors & bWnds Lumber, Lath, Shinilee \\ ...id bender'.'eterrfal of every d•eed$tiese SCHOOLFURNITOSE A IPRMLTT. *FA °tiler promptlr'atteedd to. Ooder:. 1. t .r. 1. ;H''. f-ly DSALI1tN 1N AI.L KOMea Or The People's Livery `ns^' G1T(F JOHN KNOX, Proprietor. The subsi:ribtr is prepared to tarnish the pub ewith The 'inest Rigs AT REASONABLE PRICES CALL ANI) SEN CS- Opp.* the ('olbor Hate Godenclt. Qoderich. Feb. 1(th 11 HMO WTO MACKINAC. 'ills kc.t Deittat;Mi SUMMER TOUR Palms swarms. TAW seeps Tsar Tries me 'wen se -..a DETROIT AND MACKINAC Asa sear. W..t De7 Net.resn Ooderich roundly and M,ac e 'Works, DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 1tunciman Bros., Proprietors. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR STEAM ENGINES, FLOURING WILLS. ANO OTHER UACNINER/MIN TEi3. Flouring Hills Changed to the Gradual Redaction System, Hort Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw ['utter, Agricu!:urai''Furtaces, Stoves, etc., etc., at Low Pricey. ..411 Kinds of Ca st i n s Made to Order. I. .d..B.lit:so:mau. P. W. Rt'.' IBAn Qeierlek. Nov.* 1551 MOAT NOW COMPLj iTjj ! rxY arced Groceries_ Write for out **Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Outruns teal Particulars. leaned hes. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nov. Coe C. C. WHITCOM., Stet Pay. Aar., DETROIT. MICAS. COX & CO. COMMISSION AV!. STOCK BROKERS, (Members Toronto Stock Exchange.). 26 TOROITO-STs, TORONTO Direct YTIre to Montreal. New York. Oil Pity and ('h tease. NOW COMPLETE ! Stocks, Bonds, Grain Provis- ions and Oil Bought or Sold for Cash or on Margin. A CHOICE STOCK OF CICOCMIDIS GODERICH AGENCY, - WEST ST., R. RADCLI FFE, SPRCIAL LiNKS iN Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Oderlctt. April Mb. WS Jett 111h. 1F'4. Mk Sm Manager. GODERIC i►3 Chr72 Mann STITINNERt. t 'UM E BALT PA: K5 and all i aTt sus Ae1 es c' Ot' hand. road 1 NO w.r. t... tort .4.4ler. 1 a R.►. A Q0iplit0 2iid-bard Tbrubilig Oehl, Wrath. linen', ` '•1anfew. kr • all in good working order. N'111 be en1A ebean. Mail prawn w'll .►.•oleo prompt spent/sm. west. r O„, t. T. ■. Slade•. P.O. BOX 361. Gnd.rieh, May *h, rim. 1