HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-10-29, Page 4•
_ ___-_uunu...•••11iw._1I11111 .
C. E, T. S. The rest ase lieg of the A GLIMPSE AT GODHRIOS. •a ex►abides-free--given. of any prose
CS. c.E.T.O will be boldort Tumidity,, Nov.
_ were wasting that Guderw:h wsa mull to
2, whew the fullowtK premien wW be Mew as. seeress lees is ■twos ttesha as bar tafaagy--atilt to swaddling climate
: t(t,age, Nettie Gmbh, Mira a sm.rav The unseemly blurring t4 horns uy buys,
J callersIstt ire. main'(i."wont. 1 r ham red Mrs Terre , gsoststte, Mew
iw'/�ta r� pray( it."
slap tries N the lot et these wise gin that
as aasweres. ram testas at the
1 .ss. Else eeeetaveaa
dLuria out � ee�weew Iasoo fair- Wl8 november
000me eels. ilwy isme area dbola ell
sad se. and awn
►t.h.tam .11. er mere nem.
Meuse tinder Meese.
HAa.ss usp.-The 1st peIY � wh.
h ewn wa MsOto eallewsto�weswI let Tbeva_alad y�
: 1 me. Dsa� tstwsl Ib. teat.. 8mU
You rias buy •sewing twbi.e
(rem ▪ tot alt. rim i• ON Plugs sad oe�taalml.
•RAT Dowx. Uwe. Porter'. beoa
V fns ret aa. rte egeserer,. mer hag
to ('r.hb's Moak. t will ell my temente at
scat. Now in year time to spa larval.. is all
kinds of furniture. 0. C. Itobsrt.os Nast
Ton Woman's Centuries
11'wloN will meet regularly for the trsasecalon
of .anises every Tuesday .nerawa at 1 M
q.dscl, i. North -.t_ church. every w.eaaw in -
ed in the work U cordially tented to
1,r. Ismre&
0rxTLainne.- As you aro ggewt1.. to hear
tem tiluetrime Protestant Irl ai..n'. great
emit fu behalf of Ireland's right.. dear fail
to call os. MacCortaac foe a erre-cl•.s suit.
and appear before this gilled .un of Iiia in
good .tyle.
Here aro the nasalise( some books worth
w 'alt nn gold for Mc. each a Imric's
• new
�laelaal eelres Ha J P. MrartesLlte.
Orate and Truth. by :. cVay.
Abundant Grace.
The Seeking Saviour.
At the Cosh Mere you can bey !avowed* w
w sugar for only 111-110 mak. 1 have a fine
of team. 1 sat staking • specialty 0t. rood.
m. Groceries of All kinds fresh andN
s (, rry and gmwere of all tints sad will
soot be undersold. Call and inspect mys.
Net N
trouble to ow good.. O. H. 1 , the
grocer. Square.
Dr Reeve, of Clinton, was in town last
Mies F. Ralson has returned from
Mr J. A. Holmes, of Clinton, was in
town on Sunday.
Dr Sippi of London was in town for •
few days last week.
ttetular meeting of the School Roa.J
next Monday evening.
Miss Lottie Polley has returned from
her visit to Pennsylvania.
Mr H. E. Rothwell was in town this
week, after a bag trip west.
Rom Rasta&, of Ooderich, .pent Sun-
day In town.-AlnOarame 7tand ta,
Ther. was • meeting of St George's
ladies' Aid Society on Monday evening.
Rev. John Young, B.A., of Colborne,
will preach in Knee church on Sabbath
mil suave u1 them groat, big lubberly
Pridbas and others ; address, Ree. 0.louts tier, was dewestug. This iedica-
K Tark ; readings. Mn Tom, Rev. W. TM failest.g dssesteasee u[ Gexteeseh two d bsCYwo-.da rakes id. should be
Juliano. and A. Ewbry. Th. public h a
Abby's Hoehn MavoR
sastk OM gaga, homes what tee Imager ea. *solders the f* peen is the
Ti'.•ssOates Oswpsay of IE artists will segtsisea Risk "mal hrsteq, there age •+wry N remedy .ladies evils. Yoe
M Vidor") Open Hew ea Mee- I hoe • gddes epporttmtty, end the hue
appear day onetime, November 1st. This sena-
sOM m peia$ d hiss W. - to nubs the Now r mem. Hit. tet rut
am" twit beads, awe essiis Mads. give ibis artiste in fell, ss as te set isms hem the shea"ior, and kat rest► s ma
tete (may T . a pack of Peru:... of u.r readers athiekteg :
sive gleans, and let at 1» lsb.u.d
alas hating bitrod bosadev trick pest' (Joaasoo, Oet , Ort IL -After a trrsuaestws •11111 rnouasw
and drab p, d .11 forming the 01811 plumes rue W the Oral 'husk soil• At three o'slent Elis afterouoa • regular
Uncia Itis. Comparey ewer orgaefast way to Sinaalutd, whisk, by the way. 1. tyaas... 1e Wiggins .tritek um TLe
Prises el adamiliee, ]6 sad 60 .reds now tree of the well built . amid rapidly west had been wiedy and the morning
t of the Ottawa Free clamps/ „ed cum., Mr Myer, w►oees,
are cordially tarried to anent Rtes, has Gemsswat ou
i , although, yea may h� l _ L141 num mUn Fuer
Charier S, RUM & growit.a western muss, whose pru-
SrotlwiitD Cum. --Perseus desirous gr..0 Is maiuly owing to its railroad (ac•
of - a winter class in Isaac Pit ilius., 1 dory off, chaise over to the B.
malbt y, the meet popular B. sad GOdern► Inn, tied at 3 p. m. ,
speeen iil Sig , will hkely have an tend at the terminus -the moment town
010 do so this sees,.. Min of (oderlck. Phew l what • Cru stuue,
Chea., stenographer for the clerk 4 the especially atter leaving Toronto. It is,
sur rupto court, will be one of the teach- u of yore, the old tows el Goderich ;
OM )lr. T. McGillicuddy and Miss quiet, quaint, and presenting to the eye
Cllmie will give personal attention to of a traveller the of a down
each p.pil, aid the Witten will be east Buoday-gteto-taeetin' town ever day
thorough. The fee will be very low, to the week. The beadings are of a
considering that the clam will here the most substantial nature, the streets
benefit of two For parties clean, clear.sd sods. In the ovotre,
clan as. the teachers. Iucattd in beautiful surroeudings and to
BAND Coxel.T.-It has been definite- • circle, dandy the court -honer. Front
ly arranged to bold the band 'unmet on Ibis the streets radiate. No matter how
ursday, Nue. 11th. Sime Richards, lung tar heavy the downpour of rain the
the celebrated Toronto vocalist, has been streets are cleat,, being well made of
secured for the oceseion. m. Doherty gravel taken from the shore of Leke
Organ Co.'s band will alae assist with Huron. G..d.rich is famous for its salt
bran and string i . during the works. Judiiag from Els purity and the
eveeisg. Of local talent, Miss Wyatt, higher price paid for it in the great ap oases progressive spirie it is plea
,.` Ed. B. . , tttisrhett, i1 east be Eke salaalloa of tllg poeneed s great soaves
Tee Ow MAs.
thick with cold showers of nun. but at
three o'clock the gale struck to from the
N. W. Shutters, signs, Lewes and evert
uwbreilas Ailed the air The emend
impression wait --Why, this in a WiKg-
towr sure. For • few momenta of was
of such force as to clear the streets, and
in • very few moments all was pugs 111d
Elul popped out from beneath the Hack
threatening clouds, smiled down on us,
just as bright and cheerful, ani sped on
his usual course Just as if the past few
iaomeots had not threatened death and
desolation to one and all. There must
be something radical) wrong SIMS our
.tail service, especially regarding tri.
transittrasit of the newspaper Tuesday, at
11 a.m., the Fels Pawn of Muuday,
Ilth asst., came to land in Toronto;
here its welcome face has nut shown up
since the arrival of the great double
number, which has so markedl shwa
singen have kindly unseated to lend earth, Uudench•
their aid. ih. i.trysts will Ori 9114 • of 1
the must astertitilliffg ever presented to
a Ooderich audios... For further par-
ticular see bills and programa
The weird, sepswtitious, and hilarious
customs elusteriig about the evening of
the 31.t of October are the subject of •
clever article by William Sharp in the
November Harpers entitled "Hallo-
ween: a Threefold Chrooicia" Mr.
Sharp describes the striking features of
that festival u.ivenal throughout (:rest
Britain, and relates treat personal ex-
perience some remarkable instances of
Iia celebration in Ireland, in Scotland.
and at sea Hu text a richly illustrated
by three of the leading English artists,
W. Small, K W. Macbeth, and F.
Brewtnall.- - -
At the wegdar manlier c the High
School Literary Society last Friday even-
ing Mr J. Allen was elected counsellor.
The minutes of former meeting were ap-
proved. Mr H. L Strang was authoris-
ed to spend ten dollars on books. The
fatal. following program was then presented :
H. W. Brethour A Co., 4.1 Brantford, President's address, Mr Heddle. Solo,
make a big bid ter the mantle trade of' Mies Hotelier. Trio, Mises Ellerd and
t lodench in this issue Heddle and Mr Heddle. Debate on
Mansfield Sheppard, of Cronyn fi Home Rule for Ireland, Mess Wilson
Bells' office, Ldndoo, was in Iowa Lest and Hair taking the •ffirinative and
week on rest estate besiaees, Messrs Taylor and Mcleod the negative.
Remember the lecture on WISP Role The decision was in favor of Home Rule,
tonight in Achewn'a nes ball Dr. if Hose Rule did not mean separau(n.
Burns has mastered the question, and be A choreaby the 'members brought the
knows bow to talk right oat. meowg to a clues 'members
M. C. Camerae, M.P., and D. Me- Fiat -Shortly before ax o'clock on
Gillicuddy visited Seaford' Wedessday Tuesday eveniag an alum of bre was
last to witness the formal opening of the mounded, the oecesion being the burning
Young Liberal Club in that town. of the house owned and occupied by
Tug Burr FOE -STAIN Pex.-The sec- Daniel Patterson, near the 8t. Andrew's
tin ..f the Wirt fountain pen u now as. ward school. The engine went down in
cured. It fails with wows It makes • Pretty good time, and the Games were
splendid birthday sr holiday present. subdued before the building was com-
pletely destroyed. The lower portion
The schooner Lady Dufferin drifted .,f the bone is not much injured by
from her tow near Cabet'e Heed recently fire. The furniture, etc., was pretty
.ud was monk. The anus wen scec'• fully ssved. There was an insurance of
The haat was well known in Goderich. #200 on the furniture and $150 on the
Pan,rrL Aci-IDsIT.-On Monday W. house in the Mercantile, of Waterloo.
Marlton, boat builder, cut Ids foot near On account of suspicions
the ankle with an .xis The wound is a attending the fire, constable Yule arrest -
painful one. and renders locomotion ed Patterson, but the evidence was not
difficult sutticient to warrant the mayor in allow -
Typhoid fever is almost epidemic in Ing the came to come off. An inquiry is
Pori: Elgin. In addition to the cin of spoken of by the insurance company.
Miss Graham, teacher, which terminated C. P. R. $ccaalox TO Tie Patine. -
fidly, . . ' • i , , ,ben are ligaNt The V.. P. IR emersion advertised to
t treaty cases. take place es October 29th and 30th from
Halloween (ale epos Sunday this any st•ties Oa the line to Vancouver,
year, and the small boy will be undecid- Victoria or BanFrencisco, gond to return
ed whether to celebrate the night en within seven months for $90, first claw
Saturday or Monday. Look out for him is the best thing in the way of a cheap
on both nights. long distance excursion yet offered. A
R. McDonald, of Detroit, s°comps• splendid chance is offered ,, , .L., to
rated by Mrs. McDonald, were in town see the Pacific slope or for isvalide to
last week. Mrs. lila). is going to re- winter int that salubrious clime, Tick -
main • c)uple of months at Mr Ma eta am god to stop over •t any 'tau".
Haulm -
Donald's old home. Io w postal card to • mist" J. Heals
The old tetasdsh on Achemos's block, wood, miller, who is on his way out to
Orrnmr of North strain and the Bgaan,sks highly of the comforts
passed out of eight on Monday lest, and of the C. F. R.. sleepers R. Radcliffe,
the stores in the vicinity have sow ea Godelrich a=eon, will be pleased to fur-
Iroved appearance. dative -Oct 29 30 1190 to the Pacifi
nlsh particttLre K
up your eye on the
Dr. M. Nicholson, lbs int* dreet and back, good for seven months, and to
dentist, makes the . , of the stop over at any station, is a special
u atuetil both • apesmlly, Ass "mins Offer, gond only to start on the two dayii
tared from 9 s. m. to 4 p. m. for the named.
painless extraction of teeth. -
FA.'TLa ! Ferrite.' 1 FARrzR ! ! 1- We Harlot hews.
week arisales sem being mad faster e as The easterner Harry Baird left "n
people are running nut of their old stock. Friday fur the north.
Call at Ter killiNtt. and see them. The schooner Garibaldi with • cargo
Rev. J. N. C•r•on, formerly of " or
1 cal for Messrs Lee and 1>tti.bie
Goderich, rece(itly of Stratford, hail got arrived last Wednesday evening.
• circuit in ilhrto*. Thise who engaged The schooner Corsican delivered her
him were crgnixert of his suspension by cargo of cowl at the Big Mill and lett for
the Guelph Conference. They did quite the river, light, os Friday morning.
right in giving hi
nt a chance. The Mesmer Ontario reached this port
e'olonel Th•.mas Wentworth IIiggin- on Wednesday and left again un Thurs.
Peri is well known as a polished speaker, day having been storm bound.
and hie "Hints "n Speech -making" in The schooner Cuter landed another
the November /blip,'.. will therefore o•rgo of lumber at this port last week,
be welcomed by many who aspire to the and left for another load on Theraday.
accomplishment .t elegabt and toady The schooner Marsh with corn for the
speech. - G. T. *lilt ator arrived here on Thors-
The Calgary Tr,t.w,,e n the name of • day morning and at ones commenced
hew daily paper just issued he Braden k unloading.
Baillie at the hoot of the Rakia.. It The Schooner Kolhge with hoops
professes to bare come t.• stay. and we and stares from Wallacehurg arrived
hope it will soppya felt want 'in that last Wednesday night and . 1
thriving plice. 'tlr Itatihe was farmer!) unloading on Thursday morning.
foreman of our Jobrore"► I The steamer Saginaw Valley made her
Bodeen* & Clarke, of Watertown, .
It. F. Williams, engineer for Mtisst, last call for 1886 •.n Sunday morning.
The Valley landed 120 barrels of Ameri-
S. , is in town, for the purpose of petiole- I esn oi& and left on her return trip.
sting the coat "f waterworks in this The schooner Evening Star 1e laid up
town• .n4 madras. with the sp.cill cel- for the season. The Star on her last
talkies as to the beet method for devel- trip to Detroit emended in the St.
eping the system in this town. Clair in a norm, having broken from
Swett-Brownei I•l,000.gr.y.l.i..M..efAle btwh her anchor.. Thu. lam hes cause
fee Oetoar bhu hp.„i-•ostted. it is a Csplsin Reiter, the owner, to take thus
wen readable number. The .editor old, • winter berth.
preasiess • big Christmas im.., and we The Rteawner 1.nitirl Empire called is
sir* to see enmethine good. We don't on her way up the dikes on 1Vothreedsy
agree with all that et wSent-Brown writes, She was heavily Modell, but found mom
e him to see he. M
magaaine. it is se to ow swayshout thirty OW of
internals( monthly. general freight.ar loads
are pellin thousands of envelopes every
TM[ tient raiNtRViD TORY
on thio cumtirtett, if not in the whole
world. Located at the end of the Grand
Truuk chain of railroad connect ons, and
being one of the Many great harbors or.
Lake Huron, with its btgh elevation,
which gives to it • strong clam for being
one of the heelthiest sputa in all our Do-
minion, with • little energy it could Rid
should be made • favorite summer re-
sort. The Scutt Act came in force here in
May, '86, and some of the dealers in
that curse of Canada, better known e
bre water, assert that it has killed the
business of the town. 1f this be true -
le we a popular western aphorism. let
me say -"Let her go to Gallagher.'' flet
resurrection will be all the purer and
better for the rising .. Like
the tabled Phoenix she will come up out
of her ashes ''le mod- .ares
new fife from the face of whit&
THAT ager1AL VAll
.rf the demon -drink will be forever eradi-
cated. The line of rail is well made, the
ballad being gravel; the run is very
smoutl. The prospects indicate that the
C P R will tap the town. From Toro-
nto the western extension now rues via
Mount Forest and Harrlstun to Glee -
nation. From this point, southwest of
W inglam, the survey bas been comple-
ted, and the Wbinghamites, who are
alive to the importance of railroad. the
best, °Detection with the outer world,
have not waited for the calling together
of the council, but g arenteed the bonus.
The folks up at Ktocardine have tried
to secure the terming.'. that point, but
on looking at the map, it will 1.e easily
inferred that its direct course will lead
it due across the country to G..derich.
If the people here will now Dome to the
fret, let loose the long tied string to
the old sock, and cosset., play
Tat nal Ix TH3 S$'(ORa,
it is more than probable that this, bed
managed, guest equipped, and popular
thoroughfare, the Canadian Pacific rail•
road, will run into the town. It will be
sure to gine it a great and lasting imps-
tua, and one that will not uuly add to its
now apparent diminishing population,
1 judge this to be the cMM* from the
numerous empty houses rapidly decaying
that are everywhere to be seen on the
back streets,) till up the empty tenement*
with $ thrifty and industrious mechanical
population, and in • few years doubly
enhance its . I worth. There
is lots 1.1 room in, the shape of vacant,
untitled soil,
that by handing river to the cnw.pany,
free, would afford room for depot freight
stores, and work shops of every descrip-
ticn. This would attract the crest bulk
of lake traffic to this point, and bring
more prominently before the eyes of the
commercial world eta importance. If
that Brest and important personage -
the mayor -had the right vim in him,
here is the chance to come to the front.
in such matters the chief magistrate is
always looked +in to take the lead in
all moves of a pdhlic nature, and more
mese sett, in one like this that minuet fail
not only for the present, but for the fu-
ture, to be a lasting benefit to property
holden and buetness men of the town
and surrounding country. The example
u plan before him. Just look at the
hundred and more of our interior vil•
leges, few Indeed possessing the
that in a few years, through their rail-
road connection, have sprung into exist-
ence as towns, several as cities, and of
solid commercial import. Such a move
would he sure to inject life into its now
effete manufactures and natural indus-
tries. True to Nature, that good old
dame, has in her rough untutored way
dons much for Ooderich. Today, Orel
in the midst of a strong downpour of
rain, then was Italie a flutter of excite-
ment. 1►ne of those most attractive and
pleasing of all the events of an eventful
life, especially to the youthful, a wed•
ding ceremony was performed, and that
taxa of a highly ple.eing nature. i say
this much. because all the young people
ana I might justly say old too, of the
female punaasi..n, speak in the highest
terms of praise of the young lady, and
the boys •tr.ngly of the lucky boy, as
Ming • reel good, young gentleman. At
10. this a in 14th inst., North street
Methodist church was well filled with
the youth and beauty of the town, and
the pulpit tastefully decanted with na-
tural flowers. A few momenta later the
contracting parties entered, and the knot
was soon tial, hitching together for wool
or woe, Harry D Arnold and Miss Polly
Bonnamy. The hawser being cot, amidst
the ions of a hest of admiring
Mends, sad • strong been, they have
'laded net span the stream of time.
Before sad after the ceremony then was
WNL-fsalested Matra Revivers 1 hales
sad a:eaerle.
A football match was played on the
Cricket grounds last Saturtisy between
the Clinton and Godench teams, result-
ing in a victory for the home teen, by
one goal to nothing. The game was
well contested. and very little rough
playing was indulged tn. The captain
of the Clinton team wished to play only
one hour, wbtch was acceded to. (.ode -
rich won the toes, and chose to kick an
the wed gaol. For the tint tea minutes
the boll was kept eying around in clow
iditu� ('it'. but the
newt twenty wis*tes it was sent down
on the visitors goal by GaAs.* team.
However, the first half-time passed wtth-
out either side securing a goal. During
the whole of the next half nave the home
feast kept the hall continually flying
around their oppunent's goal, and in
fifteen minutes secured a goal by a good
'gay on the part of Wu, McLeod. The
nest fifteen minutes passed without
another goal being secured. The teams
comprlaed the billowing .
Goal, Kase ; back. -left wing, Agnew.
rtgkt wing, Mclean : halfbacks, left
wing, Livinbston, right wing, John -
111.4,I1 : forwards, left wing, McDermid
and White, oe.tre, Smith and Davison,
tight wing, Hunter and Wood.
tiOD IL1CM -
G..al, H Robertson : backs, left wing,
D. Dallas, right wing, K R.bertson ;
halfbacks, 1.1: wing, R. Morris, right
wing, J. Wilson : forwards, left wing, J.
Allen and M. Rotertscn ; centre, W.
Struthers and W. McLeod : right wino.
J. McFadzsao and J. Kilsallioa.
There wore not many spectators dur-
ing the match.
Mr and Mn R. H. McDonald visited
the fortner's parents last week. Ito!).
returned to has poet, at Detroit, with $
leading wholseesle film in that city,' on
Monday lest. Mn McDonald will ipmnd
several months hen Ger change of air and
Hors evil. -heather permitting,
maty of our local orator* are sting in to.
night to hloderich to he ennched in their
views on this question by 1)r. Burns'.
W. F. Clark, of Claremont, left last
Friday to take his 2nd year's course as •
V. 8. at the college in Toronto. During
recess, he was under the eye of Dr. Afe-
euhead, V. 5 , of Godericb.
i:. N. Shaw and J. B. Patton visited
relativea at Whitechurch last week.
The apple packing businese is brimming.
The orchards look Tike cooper yards,
Judging by the scores of barrel daplay-
IBurrow., Crew., and Lrehlin's steam
threshers are tooting, waking the slum-
bers of the maidens fair an the morn.
and finishing up threshing the crops of
IAA spring our c-tems in Paramount
and Dunlop were very much interested
is the feathered tribe, particularly the
geese, praising up their resod qualities to
the edification of the guideline, and
telling some wonderful yarns which were
most interesting to the fair sex. 5611
our hamlet leads. Daniel Carnegie has
a goose which brought out • large brood
.,f goslings, and has laid over a round
dosen of eves this month, for • second
term for 1886.
The Winnipeg Si-ftu.qe has once more
made its appearance under the guidance
of Mr O. B. Brooks.
Hoses SOLD. - Mr Ben. Chur:hill of
Mullett mold his fine black driving horse
to T. C. Doherty for $1;5.
Paul Ross, formerly mayor of Walker-
ton, was found dead at Silver Heights.
Man., on the 12th inst. Heart disease
is supposed to have been the cause.
The German War Office has decided
that all sub -officers selected fmm the
Berlin garrison and one hundred from
the garrisons at Strasburg and Mete have
begun a enures .4 tuition.
Samuel J. McColl, of Owen Sound,
accountant for the Granite Trust ins.lr-
ance Co. (limited), hem sheeostded with
same $2,000 of the Company • money.
He has gime to the States.
Mr John Reid has bought Mr Wahe
farm of 100 aeries, about 1 i miles from
Varna, tor $6,900. This is coesid.r.d
• rowel price as the buildings ow it are
not very valeahle. Mr Welk will
likely remove to Missouri.
JAS. A. REIT) k BRO. are now ahowiuf a Complete
Stock of Foreign and ibwe,ttic Dry Gouda for ball and Wint-
er, of the Choicest UolxL and Rest Value in the Market.
Dress Goods in Sergei, Plaids, Tufted Goods, Ottoman
Cords, bc., in the Newest Shades and at Lower Prices than
et er before offered, netwi/hatandiug the recent great advance
in all lines of Leine Woolen Oooda ALL Wool. Faille,' Daces
0001rt.good quality, for 20c. per yard. A splendid line of
Dltinix EI.mns for 1le. per yard. See them.
Special Value in Ulaterings and Mantle Clotht A good
Ottoman Cord Cloaking for $1.33 per yard. In Ornaments,
Clasps, kc., for Dresses and Mantles, we show a large stock of
very choice goods, imported direct from the manufacturers.
- Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Tam O'lihantrtr C:apa, Hosiery,
Gloves, kc., at Low Prices.
Tailoring Department. A large stock just rceeived of
New Tweeds and Coatings for Fall Suite and Overcoats,
which will be Made to Order at exeeealincly Low Prices.
Good all -wool Fall Tweeds by the yard frtsm. 40e. up, -cut
out Free (if Charge.
Underclothing very cheap. A special Inc of all -wool
Shirts and Drawers for 30c., worth 75e. Extra heavy for
i.ic., worth $1.00.
Call and compare our Goods and Prices with houses that
i nark their goods up and then give a petty five -per -cent. dia-
glont off No TJu' iLE 1' `3ilow 0W141.
Jordan'. Hicck. Oudencb• Iltb lkl., 11011. guile
The Provincial Sabbath School Con-
vention opened at Hamiltonesterday
for the 21st annual session, President
Cnbos, of Si. Mary's. to the chair, and
► large attendance. Geo. Rutherford, of
Hamilton, was elected President for the
ensuing year.
The Kingston Wit 11 has been inf..rmed
that certain limestone Liberals who do
not like its style propose to start another
orgla. in that city. The Whig accepts
the proposition philosophically. News-
paper men never prat that their enemy
may write • book. Their wont wish is
that he may start a third paper in a two -
paper town, with the sheriff as 11r.spec-
tive managing editor. --Tomato World.
In v wed-
ns.day. tltb lea.. sy �tev, lie 0. ('ataerua Mr
WIYis.. E. 8tetlmraat West W
Rebecca Jane. third daughter of Mr 11. Lava-
bo. of Ashfield.
At Goderich. at the residence of the father
of the bride• on the Ltb teat., by the iter. Dr.
1" re. Mr. Robert W. ('lark. paymaster of the
Chicago. 81. Paul. Mtnee.ots• Gad °maks
Railway. to Marron It.. youngest daughter orf
Hugh Hamilton ,:ss.
At Gedericb, on the rib teat.. by the Iter.
Dr. t"ra Mr Thomas Wilson. to Miss Rosetta
Hugbaoa both of A.hfleld towaablp.
New it This Week.
Teacher Wanted -Jobe Robles...
I•un't Read This M. McGfiiliriay.
Special eller 11. W. Hrethour et Co.. Brant
DISTAL itgoms.
Eighth door br:uw the Posit Mee. Wets -et.,
U UnaslCw. 96154 y
L. 8,
We Fellow. 11.11. North 81.,
Oeierbh em aerate. All work war
raised. 1910-
Domestics Janteb.
`J for • small fatally. Ment have seise ex-
psnesc. is cooking. Apply to person at t►N
Ott a sots
She People's Column.
i bolding semen or third classoertiskste.
to leach school Loa Ne.1 est Water
nosh. Address JOHN ROBINSON. Sm.-
Treas. 8. lu.rd, tlwtg.ame F.O. 1e1144
Loans aria Insurance.
straight loess Any amount. Private
Notts at the low rate of 24 per vest. per an-
num. ►tKAUER a LEWI .Ouderieh. taw
1 • Yt' N I m W lend es Mortgaea at the low
per snout.. Write rte call for particulars.`
306.1- SEAOER 0 LZ
.500,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO
rick. 17511
AIL amount et Private Funds for faysettaeat
u lowest rates ea trst.claas Mortgsgwa. Apply
20 Lessons in the Term. for 5100. 21170-
and (:alt. Onerator IMcPberewa
! Co.'maks Stratford.aid lrrsrk. Roth
App tespersto s A. H).CM8Yit.Ep011ifortyw-deo dollars,
key was found on Hamilton street.
the Square. Apply •t this Omer. 3010-
TICF.B of S. S. No. t. Colborne. will receive '
septicaemia up to the 151h of Nov slither next.
for *n assistant teacher in their ebnol. Ap
plications• statime salary required. and enclos-
inggqnalifi.attons to be addressed to J011\
STEN ART. Ilenmill.r 1'.O. 30* -3t
Owty Piratttaa Cvyoafst Reprctewttd
r Money to Led on straight loess al the
lowest rote et interest going. is Gley !MI t0
salt Cha. oerrower.
sr omen -Second door frown Square,
West Street. Ooderlch. 10M -if
W. F. roOT.
Fire, Life and Masher rwtttrewoe /Nat,
r OM e. opposite Colborne Hotel.
The "Ipdon Assurance.- 1 i ITU
Th. •' National." established let
The " Hand-io-head." the oily Company
11oesaed to Insure plate glass. .n the
The above are ell first -caw and old est*►
limbed esespasim.
Rfate taken at /owes( rata.
Goeericli Dec. Nth. 1115. 1975-
4r 0000 Ti) LOAN
are prepared to leas mosey ate per °eat.. pay
able Mur yearly, ea
on arst-cls fano security.
Apply to
Barristers, Coderir 1,
Agents for the Toronto Oemeral Trwas Co'y.
Messrs. t'Aranox, HOLT a ('Arnow hav
also a large amount of private hinds to lost
on first -clean farm security.
Godert.- b . Oct. 191141
To lend on term and town property, at law
est inteir. 3. r.1. j'Jo Orta
u • 1 trset Glia Lsii
Company of Canada. the (aside Leaded
Credit company. the London Ips Company
Of Canada Interest. 6 N and 7 per neat.
N. R. Harrowers can obtain matey 1. one
day.it 111le net ist.ctory .
NM- Barristers. le., Ooderirh
tlY on Farm sad Town Property at lowest la
tercet. Mortgages purchased, no Cammjmjes
c. Odaveyiuicing Fees resieseehle
N. Yeefewers las obtain mom,1 s�.tyy'
W 80
if title is s.dsctory.-DA VI0 Mlle
tiTON Ramblers. Ge.. Yederleb. 791
The Taxed of the Town of Golerlch err I•ay
able a my °Mee. Town Hall. 3 per rent. dim Thle 1 •our. will coolest of
count allowed on all taxes paid in Meptemher. I F
2 per cent. in October: said after the 11th day
of I►eoember, 5 per Dent. .111 be added.
Pay your taxon this month and save 3 per
JAMES OORi►ON. Collector.
OOdt. rrieh. Sept. tird. Itesl.
good water, cellar. and .11t, conceal.
elutes, and rnntain four or ere bedrooms.
Apply at this oaks. 1152
IIs years study of mine. 1s prepared N
receive pupils hirthe Maes, N
quarterly. rents: -.i pave quarter.
For Bale or to r.et.
▪ iTt'.tTED store. on the Square. s.1 teres
eat eeeupied by Miss Graham, as a millinery
sore, Possession ssession given on the 1st of October
east. Appl; to MRS. H. ('OOKR. North
.trent 110.
• wean. Iwai al five. in the Maitland eos-
remotion. of the Township of Gnelertch. *poly
by letter 10 .1 8. LILAIt$. xtratferd. 1e114tf
Strayed Animals.
J the snbsrrilier, •boot the middle of
August. a dark ray *11). about two years old.
The owner is requested to prow prepartject
expenses, and lake It away Aptly to le
D.Mci111.1.1VUAy. lot .l cos. I Iberee.
mestere 1'.O.
i._ the pn.nl.re of the 1. swabhalf of loo 1•, eon. Il, West Vra .beat
the tat of Arlene three yearling rte.
new heifer, dark red. see Neter, garb with
whites t 0nemz steer ted red
and white All la gmi erfer. Thr owner N
regir•-.ed torRpt��ese
away. EDM 1r� A1s eai talo rheas
West Wawa.osh. dye. Nth. INK sesta
Achesou'z Rew aau!
during the winter months of 1551-7.
Rime of the heat available ('aaadlan and
American talent baa bees secured. sad the
oomml:tre are confident of giving entire tali&
tart la...
courier tickets. consisting of gce single elm
tickets are being sold at 111 mcg. These
may tae used es the purchaser chooses.
es., may ern home!, to each lecture. se he
may take Tour friend. with !I. iso Gay son
kectnrr, or he may allow Me wife to attend
three and go himself to two, or be may -wee
thein In any w• he pleases, Soave [lbws]
seuls. knowing the gnat needs of the choreic
will take two, three or four, and nee them as
family tickets; but be sire you buy at level
one when the lady canvasser calls neon how
The nett proceeds will he equitably divided
bet ween the t wo Methodist cb.t•chea
The following i. • 1i1 of dater. he.
OOT. 90_
Int -:V. A1.►:X. 111('RN8 1).1)11.D„of elate
Mom "Houle Rule for NS,
2QOV. 23_
RF.V. MANLY IHENSON. of Toronto. "Men
DID°. 10_
CHAI'LIN Mr('ARE. of New York :-
-Wight NMe nt Life fn Libby Pelisse"
JAl . 1
REV 1111/H MI.D.,ofToeeete.
"From Iwwtdme to Jerusalem."
r1Es. e
RF.V. 8. A. orrAYF0Itn. R.f)., of Tenets
'Thr Hltde in the Huh I'eattrry.
All I..rtsres to eomsaeeem at s sharp.
Sts Comm Tickets must be sold.
Goderleh. (lt. 7110. ,tag,. INS
PAONtIORAPHY. Themeseperamu
t.. treg►t. t«er.etwa book. ter Waal
wsere ekerlhsM.kvwy bey sad girl