The Huron Signal, 1886-10-29, Page 3ng !T. tit 1 he A he he u it of de, ¥ISTABN IDENTITY ♦ itewDdered Trs.efMr weesbettet:ed Gravid lisle Anises. The story has two sides Parallel sides But U is all one and the same story. The happened in tlunk►ilte, N. J., at the time that the numbest' Grand Duke Meats male his first visit to this country. Yea, Iiunk- ville is • fictitious name. But the story isn't. 0, no I was in Bunketlle over Sunday and stopped at Sp.tt's tavern. At the clerk's desk was a placard reading "Commer- cial travellers cannot be 1." And ss I was a 1 traveler I kept mum, but kept thinking. Pres- ently I asked the landlord why he could couid out keep drummers. "newer do,- he said. "Why r "Ii•eau.. our of 'em t,e-k me sod the whole town in once ' "How was that f" "it w.. several pears age. eu this iso cation of the ,:mud Puke :lexis' travel. Ong in the United States. He was h, rase thruugh here on his way from N Yetis to Wash,nggs«w, ta+4-seine of folks made it a p,.iut to watch for him the depot. t sur telegraph opera found out what train he was to take_ thuught he did ---and thought it was site o'clock train. It TIN a stormy da heavy ice and grow, and when the t came in the locomotive broke down j immnima Er -- UMW. I VIM lis the welcoote of the .1011•1.11 •••••••filfoomminmilliONINN0.0.110101.01.11.... • ie;'s episode. Tim idea of Mia[ in a as it osier be. But two brave ata', tutee la the ream below I weld bear the editions neat, 1 put away, bet i reason- to flit up touck" • ui Mr J the utll ( f rah HURON SIGNAL, RIFDAY, OCT. 29. 0886. 3 h Briggs so t a urd, The sugar ,..1 IM ! if be - ear, "Thank 70.,'• I said. He pr,creded ed that Buatkville sought be populated Theo he pr seeded to tell me that his Yt aiytug A Y E R S Cathartic the liver "You dew me a high au' anglify t ta.eelMr, aMrwW rrseaee so honor on the "spin of the moot.' twtint on have dour, torpid, if the e say 51 by lutaattos. Why week that I. a plain wife "had g••t ep this 'slimpayy✓1 A my .'I'll make wed hbs' I'll PILLS ' LSI arvt o eeetlpat d, .x it the stomach truss i tarry iu our mule, noble sir. roach attentive? It never ?II mf It u ugly yin, hem' onlylsax aa' a half, atiuJ that R 'Y�s a �;� �M Peal, tttr, het w w►aiae e. trace► I I *aid 011ie erraya sty woman has a koala jqK ea' would you gut I'uu will osier all of Ohms I elrald awl atttcueat ler the oar twig folks, for I insure yule that deersRe btAs•ior nt these f>bihyittians• nu uther'U be &eked. Will you out gar, The wk,fls' Matter had perplexed toe, mildew 1" but 1 ..k destined to eaperienoe a 1 told him that his courtesy was limp- greater diassure of perpleeity. ply overwhelming and I could not resist For the sixth time in the ,lase lei the invitation. But my evening dress forty manatee my door was rapped. was out what it should be for such ail Thu tune it was a mild little rap, "ee'sn'n• s..reely header than a ksttng would "No a•nanluei..w, sir ; he armee- make. As before, I called to the visitor quince,' he said. "The hosier est your to "Wine in." It was a lady this time. presence will more then recompensate She was tall, spare and yellow and dress - that :" .4 in a fatted black. Her face But, Mr Briggs,"was con - "But, 1 said, "I am a coaled by • veil, but &e elm entered she stranger, and it will- ' lifted it, ducluang the face of a woman "0, no, no ;" he interrupted. "We of fifty. have all heard of you." •Sir,' she baleen iu a precise aha Before 1 could eek him to explain drawling tote as soon as Mee had closed when and, ahem it, had ever heard . f the door. "Sir may I. have the pleasure me, be beitan t.i walk backward towed of kissing your gracious hand, the d.w,r, arrived at which he informed Idefore I could pre.ent the action she me that he would call for one to an fell upon her knees at my Leet .end hear. 1 went esu with my supper and paasiotately pressed her thin lige t., my was just eating the last mors°! of be - hand • co, p1e when I was startle/a by a stick being "Great land of bye"- I exclaimed, oniro Dualtud _cautiously through the window-- weiww_.t-e le.,,rttd-b,_w _ - f a Thsetwwa. t , cheese�s�a, �for wee to put were lei edttewise, 011e' T dhtslg abed why it was' St' t:arttitlfls MN ankh iinners. W Well, we snivel 'at t'liee'''illere rs't ! homes, and t ill uditered fit 'Ivy _ tikil�►; sad the sold to "lige w « . rear " eu peel out fee 1.4 *jet putt reeepssos '11 be itsaitua,aasi.%t- he whew pored, as he led the way to the parl-ir. Never before or since have I had mesh an experience as the ticauiit.e Jap my eotratsce afforded tne. A throe quarters nt a brass band .traek up "fled sate the Queen," :e I en.ez.J the hill, and as my feet tvu.hed the thresh old of the parlor, the asambled guest* o set op a loud, thrice -repeated cheer, ac- companied by an upr.arious clapping of h ands. Then all Mas silent, and several acmes of vies wet* fixed ca me. 1 orale an attempt to bow to the people, but my bow went n•, further than to a m .theriy•lou.ing lady, who, Mr Briggs assured me, was his wife. 1 tried to ay aumethcug graeeful to her, always offering my best respects to my hostess, nd she reulied to my salutation thit -it 1 hadn't -a -conte a t'J never forgo t." Then Mr Briggs led me from room b corn, and looked behind every door, ted in every closet -drawing out every of of his .uest5 and introducing me to hem as "our honored guest." They 7 UOLan • dal for hatted Y bo • kis ,r he'll jest lyse 1 ohask ; ivF as a tali, w prrfurm ks t Ye *'� ertl„re vui „1 iia s1, I wet►'$ estref" Ayr^• t'1*.. ?key are lavlsab4. tai " d�r►aisierre.rtrte. babe hint t.syt" \"elmplraia1 wr a •retia to Lire, "Y.. Let!" tawm of rose: tr•b 1 sad Iedl- s "l41t.m!" I said to twpSlf, bud .t elle ow ~moor et ' er's Yffls Kr AI.1 tlptAntieed tilt elagaet bouquet ,tp 15,7, sen4ereen, W,�-W T. 7 sty ameste . 1 arum be esaaaiDes to !' aley years I hope relied more upon rry at shady. Th..t by again l I was prepar- please." ter t, rise ami drive him away when -ur there came a gentle knock at the door. the I said "Come in," and there entered a Y tall individual, dressed in black, with rain the whitest of dickies and sleekest of . eat beaversHe advanced slowly. I areae receive him. in a solemn voice he in. ti a out from the vtllade There were u a few , a, . , and all out in waiting tor the next train, excepting o yoppg man, a p eip'ius drummer, w taut off and cane over to niy tavern, think that MONO way he found out th JI our folks had ben •.n the 1•ork out the Russian Prnsoe, for no sooner d t- ■ be corn. in than he signs in the regis ' .kala. -- Mia -sad she feet et -her ,n; a fur coat, completely took as in, an es- thinking be was the royal Dubbin and mistake, we r. ty paned our soma tc him are and in short treated him as if he w s what be pretended to be, We gave hi ke. Ma reoepti.•n and, well, before morning he had decamped and we found we were fooled, and that he wasonly a drummer, na,ne et Alexander Msrtin,frorn Albany. That experience set MO against the fel- low's craft." Now we a:: knew Al Martin, hot 1 venture to say that note know him to be a deceiver. herefore the nastier puzzled me until I wrote bins, Aod he answered. His aide tf the story cometh -ext. Yes, he wrote, I rentetn%.er /iunkvdle, Mid that night. I arnveJ in theater's' : irstesso d .1 personating Alexis, the feet is the rilagers tnistouk me for him. Wham 1 ewe iate the ediati/e firm the detayet team then was s crowd at my to oars arid ' before me. the then ht was t Again and stein abe kissed my hand, t and I rune to conclude that of all the lunatics f lunatic Bunkville she was the wont. • "Madame," I said again, "I imps, re you to get up and take a chair." She obeyed and r like a statue stood ,o num- ca ical, but it me t., me that she was as - actress. for her attitude was theatrical s ra "Permit me to ittrnduce myself to Ira your noble .elf --Rev. Mr Whitney, pas i ter of the Cuagregatiensl C'hureh, at t your service." Feeling it my duty to rrture the in- troduction, 1 h,.,gan : "Thank you, sir, my name is Al-" He interrupted ire with "Your name is familiar, sir. I sin wr.y giau so meet you. '• And be shook♦ hands with me, then he Nu -.k the chair whieh 1 offered. I was a out to say that it was a stormy day, but he forestalled MC. "1 suppose ose that this is weather some - thine like you have at home," he said, Thinking that he knew that I was from it.storn, and supposing that the p..eple of `southern New Jersey regarded Boston as hyberI.orean. I simply ac - renewed. Ile proceeded '7ith a perfect stream of conversati,.n, ,peaking of the climate „f no, them Eun.ps,of the Greek Church, of sundry other matters. never, however, committing himself. 1 could toot add s word ; he did all the talking. For half an hour he kept at it, then he was iuterrupted by a little gentleman in gray, whc eanse briskly in, and after in- troducing himself as Ill lltgh.w, cordial- ly invited me t.. come to his house and speed the nigh:. lief:re 1 could answer him, he caught sight . f a light current of steam that was coining through the hate. to ray witiview shade. He stepped soft- ly acnes the room, lifted the shade and disciree,l nine faces at the window. "t1'ell, well, boys ' he said. This is insulting t.. his Hi;ghnesa Jump down and go away." _ pouting the shale fall to pine &,lain. he said with a rippling laugh: "Etrry b,..ly is an curious to err y ee, sir "I should judge," I said, "that your people very rarely see strangers." "Fact, sir ; such stringers as yeu are never seen here. Shall 1 have you with line tonight e" for id ter wear d u.. as m •w "Never saw • gentleman. eh r "Yea r, Year. " "Well, y..0 tell thein to keep away, if it is esriruaity that calls thorn there. Y •o s nal go." He went, oat noon ■pp.earid again. ' "ties a Ilichnesses pardon,' he said, 'bat Mr Edson Briggs, oar first .elect• man, would like the -the honor of seeing ynu ' • And he grave place to • bio rraybeard who appeared in his rear and whore 1 took to n. Mr Bring.. It ma.fe ate cross a, interrutted in this way, but I was us to know what the men wanted. Se swallowing a epooufal of omelet I torwsd to meet him. "1 must ask you to excnoe my intros.. Jin' ibis gentleman said, adrancinc and bovine. "Certainly, air,' 1 said, ' take a east." "Ah, sir," he said, but remained •' nding, "1 beg hoe to allow me, as man of the selectmen of Hunkll*, �rs weleeme ynu among us." 'Wel000e me r f theter nt. "(Ira boar 1 Did the town magnates always tsttemd a formal welcome to the guess el illett's tatters '•' it °iter me pleasure, sir, he continued, "to de it and I'm glad that yno Rey. the fertuakes eiremastaeree to be obbaged 11 tier stop 0Ta MUM? oil Yes, sir, four , dot•• c, and ss I peeled along 1 Lean •eeteral say : '-That's bin: . I:at I aces and ¢est into the hotel as aeon as There I unsuited the resgieter and if with my benumbed fingers 1 male cnt to waste something that :.ruled I.ke ''Aleiia" it was no wonder. I had a room given me without delay by the landlord and had just got seated to await my sapper when coy first benam, A voice at my window sttrectad my attention, and turning that way I found two boys looking in. Naturally I p oisesea, myself of the eoinion that I was in a dangerous ,.1a' e. The landlord returned with the supper Nerved nn his best and dustiest china, and acctmps- nied by some ,,f this most graceful boys that I had ever seen. "Inndl•ord," I said, ' there have been two fel:tars at my windo• s ;.•.,king in. De you allow y,.er geese, to have such an indignity shown them f" The man bowed and stammered : "Ynp--yno ase, -they -.are w, mnc?t red. ---that is, you know they i.ever " • ere of every kind and quality, and the r'}nes' fain, y were nu doubt the 'upper ten." Their number exceeded legion, and when the post had found its the extreme. Positively her .yet were th green, and, in the language of the nerd writer, I "(nailed" refore her iutensety earnest raze,• .'Madame," I forum "all you 1.i stat!" ' "In year pew 1 •• replied. "I elm t ow l,.cr put aside your ides ul royaltyso oonde- s, nd to ask me to Lis seated, est I shall stand." "As you please," I said. "I do please,' she returned, "that such an one as I should sit inpre- ence is not etiquette, Though an Ameri- can, I am conversant with etiquette and well I know your training." "My good lady," I 1, "you have adraatage of me in knowing me so e last one in the woodshed he ex - A is Ills than say thing eke, w Planed ea owe aide was • sip ..f paper oewhich welt written: "Presented tsI ) Regulate t the Greed Duke Alexis by t nl.hel,a I bowel., These Fills are used is artlua. Rocker. sad'tstbt Irwurk itwurot,ably. 1 tsatr urd arm whb Raul Agerroubl.,, f1-11a„el llvsours, es,t Nhru• All wclear then, 1 was mistaken lmlfaitttam, ht, rw•y l,�„da, fur the Rosman Prince. It was frauas 4' }�1111rr,Atthii~yugtp.?tris•. . Ates', pitta eared me of Stomach and shard t..r anything, and I laughed LJter troubles, from whkh 1 had suferel heartily, 1 that ;here hal made and would mug be w Ithout these.-- for earl. 1 renal*. them the test pills been a rumor that a train would Mats at Berrie Gatti, Lew-usvlilr e. y, three a. clnek I hod announced ml I mat stta.•ked with Bilious Fever, intent -len wbteh mss tdlowtd br of remaining all night, but 11 so JauwUfr, ami was dreaded the 'pint)... Ido .I left moor p r1 er w7 euuinla *diet lair"d of nj - 1 c ntrpt ole my table and slipped um sod name canto ary Ay. st enlla, ami .ono r. -Jo l lei awe to the train. • Natglsea(,etRn:h and t4tor.-Johul�, 7 well, Nebreaka.dips% ,,, i P had been mode to have Lest springI suffered greatly from a that of a gala holiday, but I presume I of slim'- rd, me hutno rt to urn pl, my .kle to note the Bunkrillians were surprised when 1 e• inMl the flesh twr�ptbn, It m- ase entirely raw. 1 mss rrnubled. al toe' same tune, miming came W had me absent. N.1 with ?144114 ul.au, and dt.rre,.tslg pains In The BoweleA By 1 Aj r'ss Pills. In a short tI began ime tim wait as fasking c I from p_atnin,Y dig.•sted properly, the Jsere% 00 hey y 1 beannutg�,� sat. In Mee a• mouth. 1 wq rood, - stem. 1).81%1411'i; e, Atlanta, fits. , 1 have In a fam1;1, and long them to belIlis- b•,i i 1.111, marls. - .. C. Darden, Darden, Miss. Ili wire ami Ifttie girl were taken with hv.entery a few day. ago, sod 1 at ante b•-rau ti%hog them matt dn,ms Of Avero PM.. thinking 1 would rail a tiortur if the tithe t. beeanie NIT holy d('rha►rrgg,lir staineda shunt ;ail. Ment awns-, and b•ahA wan tur,ttl' -'The„dure E-,lut , likh►uon1.-1-.":-...- t'x, a doubt they took me for as imposter. It was 1 num pleasant experience, and I can nut say whether they wile de. r wive/bre ! ,rasa '-,k}trnT News. t.Ue swam Yse,l From day...i agony and discomfort. net by great i.-trrp,.sttt.rs, but by the nee et the .•nix fere-pep cent curt -Put - names Palettes Cern Eattecter. Tender. panful etweNsrw remo•ed t•y its mar in a A•w days, without the slightest discom- fort. 'Many suhetrutea in the au-k.t make it ne -eaary that only '•Petr»m's" sh• ul•i ►•e asked for and taken. Elate. i safe. harwlese. Ayers Pills; .1 t'tesp•r'.' ' y. I •r. J. ('. _tytr , . ... tomos, Yu.s„ claimed : b•44 by lett lf,m4ra to it Wlaiae, The feel/owing is stated to M a eopy of "Their, by gum, that a the ;mei of what is *intuit over one of the lar_° L t - ter bezel, of the--sen:est pet office in em ' ' Ssckrilie street, Dnhhn : "I txi Late r OA I was now permitted to be .eared, sed for Letter., Newspaper+, Asc., Tots w La much tg tk4lady'a plsatttre, t,a,k •rhajv, for the N.st 1:twitch • beside bin Briggs. .Wyse Trade. -. NO '•I'm real glad to e you, ' she sail. 1'' e rel -toe, .d -the 1..<.-rnai Terence "T:tis is very unexpected," I rep.ied and the t.. inA •.tf• 1 tete re• .hue ,•tsars from Pt• n,r,. ary Medleitt.s, no donut ''but I am happy to be here.'' :.s. largely ':wetted tbe:Mlbu:ners, .s She dropped personal corn -criterion well a ern. -:A. the bM 110;a0urden ohae •t • br denoted herself to discussing the me:its "tar.hfaoturet•. Ilspt•eistly le this the and dements of some of her guests, I cea0 with Htrn.'5 ,{w.g's-t ie:ve r sod ti.• ,err': t:ornr:rue a,nu., a. fheme,ikctirM listened to her eot.tidential wbi- Per 1 knew who it was that pet ?vn air-, and a greet deal else that I inust not met: - tion, as it was told wtth a hum.rous ten! rise, i'tie ofea.at It"r.•,;,r f,•t "now 'lout you tail," at.1 whieh I heti Douala and Liver Cream's et, and this tr r,1 or C ndh meal 'Ant of thirty -ail cents per Ott -..n, rutin green .d+ied to immense to site "f tielleetlel estsdiner these retl,edte., tiy L.t ,elrbtli' ,erg one r.fth Marfa tuldItitte iii the forgotten in leo hour. gone ea 1,r, f well. I regret that you area stranger After a while 1 engazeti in c•oncersa- 1 Hieb."., Lot- 1:• tLnpt, ti.e l..t.w't `s.te to inc." tion with ethers, but throe was little a ' . tt y'rs int:kms r..; IJ. I't.e a l- "lYould you know n'y name ?" she talking done A the t wills e, ren,yt , eti. tel hY rte Heil alert. y pi'x'ie. as al men- will .art, sWmi�y. ,algwrr:atel M' tis sink ed to feel it incumbent t eyes on me. (hue little woman -the in a ^'i503 r,un,rtea. 5itwl,t. t.urt:es wife a Dr Bigluw-aa.ted ess how wy f •r lel count nritain the same ilea ye ,w parents liked to have me sway so far Tr -•earns', 'sorts Powder', are acrees- away from home. I t,ld her that i ! a�lMe to 7n.Jt sod expel all kii.lr f winos 1 been (rem home so much ,:tat they tt'rr• foots rhi.J►ea nr adults lot: Look 1bNe„ "I should be happy to." "I admire your gracious kindness, she returned. "My mune is Uphelia Hecker, at your service. " "I am glad to meet Alias Rocker," answered and asked : "Can I do an thine for you ?" "You can, my LorJ, the replied. "1 am here to make a request. 1 am presi- dent of oar Woraen's Club, a local inti tuition of great merit. May I oak 01 you if you will allow me to enroll icor name as an honorary member 7' "With pleasure," I 'said. "Thanks,' Miss Rocker retnrnee,_..L rejoice that you are one of us." Another knock was heard at my door. I steppet1 forward to answer it and Misa [locker turned square round and faced the aiudow. Twu pretty girls of sixteen or eighteen presented themselves at the dour. I invited them in. "Please sir " th -d A :re t!.eir sod a:'f:risd, la a.ery town a„d s etlaiye y used to it. hireqi r !riend uc': t i r.:.p yntt m.• "I think your mother's name is ria! °''say�etlfn,Orae d. W,il. well.,:ay• ,otic"' she text AM: iso remarked. A,isthralbsoli: Lrerehltis have keep y,au rt: bat'. ass •ick h imehe:lir. my r heal y' do a.tM sash terrg6le lite, o. t vee, e, R w lir-r t VW about to covertly uequrrehow shsIUrr.ortratterhow E.011.00 '41:1 caer,.tn came to know my mother. bot she inter- posed on my intention with another rt - mark : "It met 'be -l��yi yiotrpiece its - the relator.'' shesaid. "It is, indeed ! ' T replied an.l descent - ed nn the beauties of L' itt,n,tither guests were so near u. that�I coal not avoid hearing their rr:o.tks At first these were few and far bet*. ell, but later they became more frequent. Each one was strictly ;terminal, and I was their subject. They ran something like this : "5 pusone he's wuth a tndlien I reeked by what they said that be was harnsome "Can you make out the color of his eyes r„ "They're black." "No, sit ! They're blue.- "flit lue.""flit out ! They're kinder yeller ' "Ain't hie voice sweet." "Trailing north, wasn't he ," "This emelt must suit him to an beta.' "How grand he must feel to think th s party was made all for him ! " "t t dear, that ain't nothin' : i s pose he's ben to math bigger partite ' ' i had to overhear about nine huh 3', l and ninety nine such remarks, At lag.,, to my relief, seine one suggested a dance. I was asked to engae in a waltz, and singling out the daughter of Air Whitney i tot k the doer with her. She was s nice dancer, bort to my aarpf'i.e, aq�LI must sty. In my pierce, no one ere ivied in the amusement. I turned t,( r Biglow . q the said m concert, I tail 1 him of my promise Mr "will you please write your name in our Itrigga and of my torr of offending Ir autograph albums Spw,tt by leaving, and then kindly re- f e- The request was made in charming (used. shyness and the two little b.0,ka that h "But you must call on me, then," he sal.'. "My wife and i hare only been married • week" :herdNhe eschtnged smiles with the clergyman.•, 'arid it will please her very much." I told him if 1 remained in the place during the neat day, I would call. Af- ter fingering over my bearskin coat, and telling~ ins that they had but little nice Russian seal ' m this country, he ex- cused himself, saying that he had • pa- tient to visit, but would be in at Mrs Briggs' party. 7'o my relief the Rev. Whitney left with him. After they had gene Mr Sptt came for the tea dishes. 'The rerun's a rery plain man,'' he o erred. "He's so great in the pulpit. You'd oochter littered his sermon les' Sabha' daY. H. tuck the 119th Psalm art' expot:nded it verso by verse. Sir, it was glee •us 1 But, of course, you don't believe his way, an' so ',ain't leo agreeable to you." He took up the platter .ef dishes, and began t•, hack out as Boggs had done, at the same time► apologittin,I for not having d.ne it before, bet "really he hadn't known that was the way to do till Briggs had learnt him." Plainly he had never walked backward before, for :nit as he reached the door, his heel caught in a rug, and he fell prostrate, dishes and all. i hastened to help hiss up, and assisted in picking ep the bits of china. After all tram et.ared he kissed my hand with his tobsero jeiey lip, and departed. For few sinotes i had opportunity to breathe, sad to think over the even- t ey produced were conclusive. "Certainly," I said, wenderin; why they should want my humble autograph. "Please walk in.' They did so. "1 hare no ink," I said, "but will a penal do 1" "0, yes, sir "' they chorused. lint Mies Rocker supplied ink. So I sent - bled in both of the albums, the auto- graph, 'Yours etc., Al. Marin.' 1 had no blotting paper, and laid the books open to dry. Bui some one rap- ped, and the girls caught up the books as if they feared they would be stolen. The result was that they were beautiful- ly blotted, and the autograph rendered it let i b; e, Wnth•sut awaiting my , Mr Selectman Briggs entered, and the auto graph•hunters darted out peat him. "My cutter's hare, your honor," he said , and I wait your pleas- ure." "1 cm all ready,' I answered. i turned toward the chair where my coat sod hat lay, and Miss Hacker swept grandly out. Mr Briggs escorted lee to his sleigh. The hall of the tavern W111 crowded M pnople, and raven, wom- en and children were on the steps. "I had no idea of se.in' you," Mr Briggs said, as he sat down by my aide in th, sleigh and drew the twins Amer en sneieslt white horse, Bey .inn has nu IK'etry in ref ears- I � ti bg4,t Jrge tawdtcirse s,tn ;ay.tahte pi � to Ilei col a f.ar he. Now go to t.,edr awn ft•mprd.eft. For wile in Or irr.eh by Fnast'Tuo;,, t♦ Or -FOWLERS SIPAW63 Gt ES C H 9;4ERA A CHOLERA INFANTUM ALLSUMMEF, rOMPLAINT SOLO BY ALL DEQLEAS. Oise w Omar ti. i farm. -' A eons yowler moss in the height of M1nr, whey •� t •n reie2a,ked "Aw, ' ..,cl,y, dash ,•.,y. 1r,w Wye rat.h that dwsadful w;d," '•An, .leah follab, left my can'• in the f, sit r hall tether day, awl in seeking the ivory handle, leis dweed1u/ rv.M,`it rhilled me aleoat to death." 1' C lurle. had used Dr. Har- vey'e Reed Pilin. 0 hta rend wmild sot tri .Me hie' eery winch. For salt. at J. .%ilata, a preset ot tom drug store. tf • THE KEY T3 HEALTH, Qnkek, a!lthe city;'! -i avenues of the nae* Kidneys and Lever, carry- ings( peaduelly without weakening the Syatsass all lbs u.1Etaritisa and foul human, re the secretions at the earls time ng8 �� of D� pepsic Headache*. Dizziness, Heart ort, ConettpatIon. Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy. Dimness of Vision, .1atmldi Balt Rheum, 3ryeiIte1aa, Scrofula. Fluttering of the Heart, N . , and Oen- toil Debility; ail theme and many t4hrr similar Complaints yi.-1 1 to the h'�ay'�sll•�� ineue ,'tt of I�UIIDOC,K ]3I.GOD BIT'I' R8. T. 1SIM= • te.. Ineor:ettrs. Tenet& BIWARE OF WOftTP$LES'S IMITATIONS As there are mai inferior g ..r., corded with lute, l0101+, .1e.,oifered and sold as rearaltue by some ,,n- pritteipt•s merchants trad- ing ou t.e reputation of a: r greetee Cratnae, we warn the tallies Vain* , :well iwposJdo, by dm*. hag their attrntioe to the r,eetwity d assts, ts.at Liss Bans ' CROMPTON CORSET CO.' A rtampeit on Inter side of ail Cu: a:inec'sedt WIthget which same are 'mein, Olt IrIRATED :--D" CHASES' ' DRNDELIO I LIVER CURE JO D "Doctor, ' I said, "form some sets " The little roan di4 so, and we had some real enjoyable dancing. i favored all of the pretty girl,, and by the time that i had finished the Inst dance it was twelve a clock. There was no supper and at -me o'clerk i the party broke up. I r•de heck to the tavern with Mr flriggs,and ilia wood sled carrying the braes bend drove before us. TAs movie that was discoursed was of andearnhable eicelleinee. When w• reached the tavern i found that wry r.. -.m .d been swept and newly furnished. 1 seed Mr Brigs • farewell, end liehtin_ gar. sat demo by the store to enjoy a let sea :An h "But forte -Ushers eineemetanees has he brought it en fled N limiest! you • were enssis', I 00;11 yO ups welkin' qs NAY, ,Ou UlmCempteint, la, Debteetises, ltftte,cer 1•w.d,•s, Hwdecf., t'+rslast♦, Pais ,n the Pa, It . hie ess.s, .,r any disease anon,, fes a derma. aver. De. C"A., a L,va CON wile lee timid a Sae sad muss trw.dy. NATYRt'$ RCMtDV 11.a engss•ifed se - -nam of int Chet Li.w Cu,, i LINT Complaint rewa .slaty mitt the fact that It 1 u neweed•d r- as mare's cell-t-,e.n h' Ma.rma.a AMID Ds hills,, (nembined Intik .,aw Mots!, alter invaluable an, hark. and Arrbs, ►•vine .ntrrfulelhat sn the Rider/Fs.Stemaai, b.cls ler Flood. 1100,000 GOLD 'bra .,1► -4e1/ wn:ie. of P►. t huis Nodose R.ui ev.•rr ase/ IN Casedula altos. Ars swims ...wee me/ rill/ who 1. t'.rMrl sod Ls+. Cwt *.assost r. tsy t54 s r:.ln.t r..MI„ly. 00111 001011. Cres. Array lite wt,p.e areMIwd�.se� nmtM nt ler . T•r's 1 ieN t'.m iia .stood, Mo.as45ld ttediur r:eids a•,d aee,e ti.nY gh w i. e•ss.iiig o.te inc esef.i romper t.o •sustei seediest ansa sad dn,Qistt •a 10.5)55 Yee ase wadi era times the pies .1.5.eediritw. 717 biliore Sataaa MM A seb sed swirls mask . rnso. in Teets. TRY ammo mars me LIM Pats. n is pm Ms SOLD SY All 0tALcR* 0 V wee a arena s 00.. Soh asses., S.weren "h'JAMES WILSON aODNI PtTOK_ Uw1. teed, to ....: t t'"-- E OR RELIEVE C:: ' -. -'.^,, C/17,''.: -.:_r, 1. • : P....A, VIOP., r 1:. ":"..,-71C V, fLL'TERTN? t . ":t?'OE. OF THE 'if /Pr Y.i/Pf_ •", IIC47NT Y OF t T FNE:.:, I'HE 8T01'SCH, « 81,,x; oln versa HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, lied In. .e ).. eV diesels a'-ec r,.ee. e.•oraa t. arta, K.atcyt, ATuiaAcat. OWIL. gra ALOOD, T. oiLBni'n & Cr.. ^M i�t74s.rs C. L. IsiclITTOSEE Nett 'o ithyrea' 1' • • • euheta;'.rrteA I� d• s•:t.1esu Fresh Circ: F 'ctir es, wh '5 •a Il to fore., , • •,._a a t,. r.• ` •� tw,th .0 rPVarnw qua. •,s A.^ Frier. sty of er slo•k ,n .hs .,cosy TEAS AND SUGARS A LT V. In 'eternise that ke to ic7 ett,trmers teff th.er pat erase, 1'onto arm ;•v;ta any rah - era whet wilt. 4. mit and immeet my mei 1 0. L. McIINT01111, •'isb. +toss side .f tba Hearse*. Week", Feb. Nth. 144.