HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-10-29, Page 2I s �t • i r i} r 2 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 29, 18886. o EAST HURON-. hat Mr Mactaui. and le an hula." Preemies' autonomy. lion a�rwstwr to the scheme in the main ttelaciled which beteg the fdbwl mew, and that he acted to the best sof The curbing of laud, oullwraial and was passed Ili It dies Gni work of each claw : O It his i.dgeseet, So say they all 1 *Elwes mosup„!w Rives the teacher and pupil a detstte 7� avaaUii aenwlur. time to perform penes:Wed work • 1:)) It Thank nod, Mr Naokewre's 8 to the apeornecettt of the This semen mea held ui Knox Church, .could strcaghen the pupil in hie peel- Hon. Mr. Blake at WinBham. dors not d d on the nowt Ikon vend feud so permanence ; t4► A dd• of Sir John Ilaodooald He u the civil servioa at which, is spite of the dark aturwy wife rousse wuu1J undue the attest o. M davit, t 1a,cdthos•votlah, am A teueig of national taxa- nicht, • large and appreciative au+isuw of tie teacb+r awl puptl, sad Wrwt.7 ere Liberal t'tatwrw saesrna■t h terse lass M item , . do, \rad lave. • . at which, to Apar Dr. Iflel,ell•u's torus, wage. better and sieve leaded rnsllMs: t oars.. ♦ a.w.ug ewe eau. lassie 4 see, at yM-I1+, esu, 6 whto►At rows nlusrvwofthetlddressiwtd•Cntio. (e ort twarb)Oti> Ned ga ase a beai`n"e'ere l s Made t. Tat•to live. r, e miaow., sir.r�iea bbraIIs' — to ;.Ipts n tulilV end praetay.d .theses Il>ard ea. btiiid- pwuc. 0 apo i je etwn.l emmr to create tttta 1 1!7 K u sa flea' ing trot end to and.owls. meows, and 5 nth the sass *My. sad The liver w.. telly Sonia .of hie well nada" iall ; s.usfsl by Ppuf. by uneina the adoluloa of some MM► sis- friends la the smoking -cur b +w he was s T imgh ssaerous calms may (pents to tern the hair dray, ail that w needed 1.. restore the eaten' sold is Hail's Vegetable Slalom Hair Ituoewer, for more thou twenty year* its sale, have Men e::erwtous, but we have yet Ile learn et its anti failure e swede° u Aft! a few nvrmnrhe t�7 Hon. A N. .. uo.,.w/i. Oct. eves—tr.. nova' w.;a� w�� dyers icy Rosa, the peeetteg was broieit to • aloes Ciar o the ellielc o l* of .i s i lets by the !Aachen of West Munn. yuvrwma,t amtrwt b durum the war nnataMsatimn bees t�d� IMO a complete chimes Cherish. The Doubt. rel► Vas readied TAI. pease produced a lively dleeuawbm. Ave, seethes in every . lice r. the thea alt tins trbleb Bears mP 7 blrxups sod the Queers Hues. kLue. Cherii>The (as pleasure during which wave/ valu,.We bion were and on moo • cowrrm A• worked u, sines eneoaittass sitd heartily, a p thrown out, and much lolornutlow of Ira thousand pain of shoes with pasted sal of the auraieg WSW fates Luadw,1 it gees Aim to see au many premed, thea stone. could u leaned. Ayre- .0155. 1 will r.M os the g•vo Sir L W K Hue. Edward !flake, M. O. 0.morm, al testifying that the paspis of O.odench methods, were proposed and tui Ads- -Was that jive before Seemed Bell Juhu Alscduaald a Parliament in lAtll. M.P., Hon.A. M. Rea. end other pro end 'high L repeat today :- 1►est ail= Telteiters' Cionventba- wen n sym by with the tseeier and eueard ; dually the (ultuwfug reow�utilut Ruui queried •tanner -looking roan on missed visitors were met at the railway }Mrs hove im edema, (ram an aruj hie work. ' is as it should be, fur • ew•p mi'trr, .avwas carried ast ui.otet M,. I � ThaMw� a s+.t utas t.�. station by I. Maalonald, the Barns sty not t. trouble the House with per- "I er• the pee eats appuimtwl the trwt•55 and scab, Georgesr Il°Iu ut, Bruwu, Genese "1 h.•i,r.. it was " candidate lar nasi Herrn fur the House pal observations, from • (..live that a The W eat IIun.n Teachers' Cuovmn- the trwtoev i'idlrsctly wads us, n►arreJ • � as, , ('luted 1 ler. ofd Inryeewr 1 n• (ann.r tootled off ■n -Id shoe and of Comaow, and the Ccwmittea u[ Ar -ran who takes •leading pert must en- tion, suet iu the Ilivb School budding. school• if trustee* were.uggadly awards Torn. be +ppuluted to draft a whew6 for exhibited a loun.•efs a■ big as .siJst. assistants for the deutuaetrstiue. The dura in silence • great many aspersions, Gudencb, un the 14th and 13'h inst., their teachers, they generally received "Promotion Exantiusttoms,' that the _ houorable gentlemen were at once eels- he inuuwtioiu which fru' Wastes Lissa pu sousi to notice duly gives. The lint returns accordingly. All vheutd be co- same be printed axamination nd sentriug heae l.itli tyeacher .tad utt',�'w J they swede 1 bursas ducted w carriages, and • procee.ion, have been made b the hon. gentleman's session was held on the tint necuteined worken with the teacher ; hmlt heartedat for dhttlidud ucted D tAs Wut ham crass bend, was I g sympathy wade halt heated teachers that the luschemeExet r. andths1 eche eau mid lammed Inc ep., that 1 was captured 7 g 7'meeting lu F.:else, and that lashes n.A and spent rax menthe in Audeee,n,ille followers on that topic But a asesible date, at 10 a. m., the President, Mr. F (armed and at once proceeded through man -to compos great things with very Cr•saweller, in the corer. Minutes of If people waisted traction to teach well, ppre+u at at said meet be allowed to role the principal part id the awn w thesupport them liberally, give them a whole bproxy.Htrvwgrr, prepare e.rt to get the dr►no.leat .mall ones -who, palming through the previous meeting ward read and con F ! g S tIjrkint on the earth." Brunswick Hotel, when an excellent village street, finds himself awiled b a firmed. 91r.G. W. Hultman, was • penal- could frckmq and the object sought Dr.ldclellanthen took a oup tIts gueRr," lut.eheom was spread, at which the follow. I > p would los well aoc.wpluhed In speak- 'giving a tborou;ch analysis of iia dlRereut 'Elie liar haJ to admit that hen was ou:7 ing gentlemen eat down: Hon- E. Blake, tack of village dogs, will not, et course, ed Press Reporter, and committees on ing 00 the ell acct of the leather, the drylree. of develuyuteut, from iia qnt 1, . sixteen peau o•Id when the war closed, Hou. A M. Rosa, M. C. Ca turn.., W_ P. turn round and heed their barking at his Audit Business •0d Rerulnuont' elected. Doctor said that critic the to not alma s ceptluu w Ila mature at.Re.of yerf«citun. and to (ousels the bunion mai with • heels. While he takes that attitude to- Mr. Ll. 1. Stnttq, B A., re&J a circular ) 'Che um in teaching language le..ortr ci far. l)r. KI en, Thee. Gibson, M. P1'., James wards the pack, d the master of the l with ref•reace to the advisability of have their own way, for generally speak- 'should he to get the pupil w foram true S„merville, M.P., D. MuGilhouddy, Gen, assails him he may be well entitled to holding the Provinces! Association dur- un;t mere sow very little fairness an It. true test of t us f theists and laofg sine is a °r • Is.d.vn tlleaelr. l$r •wnieg, Dr. Macdonald, D 1) Wil• and the veriest mol. hills were magnified answer his challenge. ing the Easter vacation imete•o: of se tt couceDtient. Reyn,ducuon of Lemmas noel he lata recent letter from R. W Doesos. son, J. A. Cline, Thus Price, D. H. Sir, I have to say with regard to the present. Mr. 3. did not argue the yaw- into mountains Fair unbiased coo team war therefore • grand teat in this work. „f Del seine, Ont , he .tat' that he hie Anderson, S. Webb, James Wanless, boas gentleman's statement that I had tion, but morel stated what objections was very desirable and did • teal of good, Sell was the true nietIo d of David Gewuutll, lieu. Furturw end A. L. supplanted nted the hon. member for Lamb• were urged to the scheme, as well at but the tendency cf the age u to criticise (astenimg acluirrat knowledge uu the uratted ruwKuring for worst �• I�iloson, for It. uvea sake alone, std without Inv- mind ; both puiils and teachers should Pel years ; eau to the office of leader of the Liberal antwnruta in its favor mud Intl the mat- du this couwtan't Everylesson should and when a a•uncm of d.rtturs nwuoune• taken in carriajgeskthe to the halel headed kers were alert mentioould not within his knowledge utitlt ter tee he hoods id the resolutuow cum- Mahe coil t sepal m of educades what wa• tion chid• .i, 14 .rgieuuld be insisted w correct every- be P lessicn, sod ed him incurable he tried lier.Leek Blond the braes band. The chair was taken by be true, aud that it jn itself n t A discusaion then ta,ok lane, oa the been wailed un every hand by entice, Rhe of *perch d wt vett tines l'Isrw toacrr.e• Bitters, sit bottles of which neural is Mr Thos. Gibson, M.PP., who atter pwaa N :. t ttianr1 ld .vile, Lies should 1 Ito Mlpdevctup hwlph. �' one particle of foundation. tam 001 •0005 matter ut eu,tp,ying member of the As ^ making •brief address, called upon to enter into lengthy details, but my socatiou with the minutes of the Pro- in�the form of over study, too much Ude faculty, rod in conducting surfs Dr. Macdonald,who said that he would education, etc., hat he ;the Doctor) nod naters the teacher should bring the Haiinwonla Lair Suaoz -- A lamp views with respect to positions of leader- vincial Association, free After • Tote pupil. to feel that he sympathised with have other .f owing and ship or of place and power are tolerably being taken it was decided to se iy all not see any evideooe of it. A nation abed. u wale .,1 strips .1 .ata nbhwi addressing the electors of East Huron, 0anoot have tau much edueatnom, fur them 'Dat ele .r out sit as •critic, but sad Moe insertion of *goal widths. The well known W all who ars good enough rnemCers with thew mmutea t was rather as a helper. An important factor And he would n:.t on the present occasion to interest themselves iu my public car- particularly urged by all who tock pert those nations always take the lead jn in de celoping uuquage was questioning, pieces should be an inch lunger than the trench upon the time of the talented out- eer, and are beet known to those who in this dt.cuwion. that all teachers in the industry that know beat how to apply to lead from the known to the unknown. F.rcelauo shade,■ud made pouted at one side apeaken who were prevent. East ktew me beet ; and they know well that Division should become members of the the forces that nature provided In- EtarierKot� bee .Au td read power to calcirod hy tun,iug under 'A« cur..rn and goingHuron was "' "^ redeemed •` '^ I hare never invited any position of that Institute and hereoy prdit by the ratio tetligence always proved rower to a uplift he pruftaalon woe enthusiasm. .,dr. n, the i. together on the .runt nest election, and he was anxious to go kind ; that, on the contrary, I have al- able Information obtained at thew meet- nouns w well as w n individual. The plea/dug [nature. u[ all of Ur. •iJr. The pieces are then neatly over- t , Ottawa and support the coming Pre- ways shunned it ; that I wowed this ing., as well as that obtained by eroding Education u the u hentance of the pour ycLethatia addrea,,„ are his familiarity baud. J to.,trc bar rod ■ lace wfgiag t" utuor, Hon, E Blake. Cheers.) Quebec position with the utmost reluctr►nce,nd, the valwnle papers contained in the non's children, and it displayed the with his rubiect, his concise sad logical ,match the tuee.uon waved in thea trop. A had sounded the bugle of I,ibenliem,■rad d I had the wiabin ca of Fortuattw minutes f the Provincial Atasueutiun. meanest of spirits to find the rich dor• reasoning. his genuine sympathy w ail little t•a••1 u.+•le .4 sulk, the calor ut the Ontario would OnJuuhldly respond to g P piing and criticising the idea of educa the teacher in his work, enndd hubus$a n) ribbeen, t. attache' b. each to at. A for one moment, the wish I would use it AVrExx°ON :ic+st0N, I and unbounded humor end enthusiasts. the call when the, polls were vert heard ung the poor. It was the mat miserable the meeting war w {bout doubt lir I tine cord 'node of .Ilk us run 'n at the from He concluded his remarks byto would ba that the path of In the absence of Mr. Morgan, delegate ked of aristocracy that wished to. put a brat ever held in the district, im int of bottom of the lac*, to draw it aoumd the honor and duty might lead me to retire to the Provincial Aasociati , Mr. Brownpet asking the electnn of the audience to from this position. But, sir, whtle that read Mr. Morgan's report of the business barrier in the way of educating the eons I bars and matters discussed. This neck .d the pb.c.W. shade. A tassel is show that their were in accord with the and daughters of our working men. We ! should pprop. a great to leonine! en the ends o/ the cord, and it u s o, and while the only thing that transacted at saw The re- the teachers 11e oerrrverr, frrulng coed- l H signs of the times by marking their hal- recognize m0 but that t in- ( te had in a haw un ofs' .ids Riblh•w of 1 1 ,b at the nest election for the Reform abates my desire to see hum gentlemen port was t very exhaustive one, bringing lllectual and aural wealth. He !the deet that their work was oteond w mut color can he usu.l for this shade, opposite defeated, u the reflection that out prominently the different topics of in fmuurtance iu upbuilding the moral condidace. (Loud cheers. ,, their defeat would involve my accession interest dealt with. speaker) did not think that there was loan and 'rate .dual worth of the State. but s buff us, piuk will be found the prct Mr Somerville. ALP- for Weat muck study- and womW encourage be auditors Melon- 1 and over. aid Ih. Sloan, the weil_known veteran 1 tt- asugminq of home lessons within reason- alurch, reported the treasurers tocols ltetutmor entrusted with • position of influence cera of the •av,ctatiuu by ballot, and that 1 Dearly and ror.11. f Blyth, also made sh et able limits _that much leu oma tended toy kept, and a balance • Ti ail now occupy, with a desire to this be the second order of basin..., t .5 '. . t1. sharp and incisive addresses, calling up- effect some share of good for the country second a of the Institute meeting . Gram habits of ind stay• which build up 2or press reporter frets it hit' duty to on the electors of Huron to. suppose the in which I live. It is but the hopethat y 't the character and lay the been of apologize for this report, principally on The next order of bonuses fres the cause of Liberalism at the nett election, I may to some extent increase the happj- President s address, which • 1 intoe. sucoeca in life. It had been said account of Aavtngto be somewhat hurried and thus be uu the winning side. noes and advance the rue sit of w ' t that the r•tjofsat institutions of this and also for the feet that mann teacl.en' M. C. Cameron, M.P. for West Hu/on, P p° y T front the morning sermon, tm amours of pantry were worlui¢ on • gigantic Aimee err minuted who tool tart iu the receivedwas that serves me to ms, the few In artendnce. 1'i'eaddrwsdealt discussions, and .hoot. remarks were w d were wsomithe green spotoud s he He task." among teacherincipally r mind se .business slture, pecs Ito fel analysly Willem of is of thet! facts would uconvince t a canratemptoha.155 ioc• nga lgwladey apto�ileo' eworee I wish, however, that these fair word. Ids of • politician, and the present nen- of our orpiment2 were accompai,ied with teach others. There had been organized the most fest Mums that such was not the fully viola Inc prim -Mal points. especiall sion, when men who had fought the hat- a little measure of fair deeds. Whatever case what u a Crammer ( It u one Theyuestiuu drawer contained many ties of their country on the Havers of Par- in the District reading circles• y who loeked upon the human mind as importamtqunti ams,which i they say they do not act in the same way. for leathers, and they should see to i5 in a very .atiefactury manors by :leaata Lament were cordially received by those They first 1 the nding of that such • golden .opportunity was not having a certain capacity as a quart if. I. Smug, fB. acto. Thos. Gregory and whom they 1, was one of them. Eat York the chosen constituency of allowed to slip by without profiting by measure, and Inatome to Gil a as quickly fTTpeetorTom sin He then said that the evidences were Mr Mackenzie. They tailed t8 win. the advantages offered. If teachers im as pa It was beyond all fur0ese CDs, lollo+cibg and the arnal favorable to the conclusion that before Then theyMor .sized that oar wand- r reason to perpetrate and a atwitter 00 rote of thanks brought the proceedings twelve months Hoo. Edward Blake q g g 7 prove all their opportunities fur mind the army of ; ,000 painstaking teachers of to a close, and the convention adjourueJ Reasons why you eh:01d purchase would be Premier of Canada, and as, that eyed riding under the infamous Fran- culture, their influence would be greater thus Province. The leathers ut the *ins die : Fluid Lori) nu to .11 eulit be was erto them tads it s thld chine Act. And now they were trying in their schools directly, And both direct• present time were trained for their work 1. That in the opinion of his assncia• ,.tier remedies are Rapid result - g 7 to B ,ultFoeefy the riding 1 They are Berk- ly and indirectly upon society at kris. and fua the task committed tion the is ,one (.. English /Betury for cures instantly. It is easily applied -no not be right to make • long speech, or in ing not merely to defeat Mr Mackenzie, Without continued culture the teacher entrance is tun extensive for pupils of the trouble- no Oat time. it den net m- any way hinder the leader of the great but to defeat him �Ifrlx! Buultbee .' to them, and all that is wanted to crown age at which they come to three exams., Reform party from giving a tbomutth e:- by becomes humdrum nod laser influence. their labors with greater woxe.s, is .note and that nae or two periods only of ip ire constant nes age applieahua is But f.,r this they must have the consent The Address was well prepared and high- , ymo.thetic support from the general Enguiub iii»fur) be assigned for each effectual. One bottle w.!i rrnn,ye mote pp.sitio0 upon the questions of the day- of the electors, and in that - ly1 by all present. a:aruiatiun. y. Cher seine.! w esimeax. For that reason he :Mr Cameron would I public. The Doctor concluded h urdintrpsis than an y ed and Morg•nized constituency 1 have Dr. McLellan, Director of Institutes, y That this associwtioo, in view of the Try it for Neuralgia. T•".tha.•hs. Hetd- cuofiue himself w the exposure of •few every sea es,, to believe there i. left an then took up "Literature to $chi o,!t'. ' the teachers to do their duty faithfully fact that sin.•. its :art annual meeting set,. itheun.■ii..n weld •t :etc. A bottle of the needling, ,rad sots ofesertectto and fearlessly, and met hen and fathers Mr. J. H- Miller resigned the pos:uun of maladministration on the part "t the Gov us ample tory. u Ip �!oiceptoisee that our iassure ron n.arulid a dnet. add not vocate ant • lay du, a any w with them. The lecture inspector• which he Aced with rt much by t:, ftuynas, Druggist. 13) ernment at Ottawa. He woof(' be de- y P which occuPsed two boon, wax •n credit rad success during tate past 14 The ryilabte lute+ oe English anti (ier- friend 1 I 1 and . teaching tl . . , orb- d year., dwirr. to piece on reefed its barred from even giving n inventory of i read tho other day, w I am sure you sect, but the principle! which should eloquent an powerful effort, and was cheerful sad hearty rycognitfoo of the men name' o 5 t•laa.. m•su• "tur..t. ' the frauds, , and tbieringe did, with emotion the brief but patriotic serve as euideu to the true teacher That listened to with rapt attention. value of the services rendered oy him to lllut'trauotu a e H.mu:urt;, It 1a. perpetrated with 0 sanction, speezh made to the Cenveatlon. The we did not learn so much by ttuitatii,n as , f{ec. Dr compliment for of Knox Church, the schools of his I .. , and ex- Peter ahasi, for books would not hold them, and his paid a high compliment to Dr. blcLel- Presses the trope that he will meet with were movies;. They re by abvorbieg as it were the right nu laws &waise. The usual vote. of that success w his new pn.femion which i Sl,uLeb's �''tahzer is whet you seed time was limited. tic udde laughter. t The minded me of the lines the poet puts in true principles, and that sh,•uld he the. thanic•, and the ' closed the his intelligence, Industry and per.eyrr- for aoosulyti.m• lean( Appetite, ihzzi- increa.e of the public debt of the DomiO- the mouth of an old hero and etuel.nam, main spring of action. The teaches do.wore merit. _ nese, and ail symptoms of Dwfoepai r inn wasregimes then bthe ken up end contrasted !yen 1 speaking to his comrades in his declining ing the best work are those who install tea. That this the pleasure and bene'sit�51 11'nce lfl rad ;;o cent. per bottle For )ears : - into children a love for good literature, ■atn•t' roommate ssweox' has derived from lir. Alcl.ellsn'e ad- I sale by J. N''Is..n, Ms¢gut. Tory press was 1 upon ; the Though much is taken much abides ; and and that all our best books contained • dreuwea and to express its heartrecoil- Seeing is belie. ing. Reed the teat leakage. it the h t cf Justice `tae though not now that strength which in old central truth about which our thoughts „head. Q'utgneSchool." , ho,�n . Mc Hesaidn smote iution of the goodworkhe for doing as , mentals m the pamphlet on Dr. Van k up were shown up : the nepotism and per- days and espii�li • turn. That !hough Director -General of Teachers' inetlutea Koren', K cote.then be a bottle ehausble character of the Gth '• tYy Mored earth •sd hearers, that which we're or piece ltenture (Jas enough Bing -- 1 � dd d ,stiff there was ; and rioters) yourself of all three distrsss- addrees of an hour's duration was brought M.deowl weak by time heroic iihearts. wrong In sonein s. lace n a great eel better than room for t. The great im In pains Your I)rnggeat can tell you to • conclusion by • scathingdenuncio- wih, yet continuous reading sof a,nuste i of imperfect Artie An elastic step, buoyant spirits, and 1 bout it. Sold hyJ WilsonGoderioh some particular line of corks produce blood , are the results of pure 1 Zoo tion of the Indian policy, and n earnest To strive, to seek, to Aad, and not to Yield slat of the consonant sounds, follow• far better and more lasting results. The blood. The possessor of healthy bleed tall (east the Relunmen and honest Con- (Loud chess.) I am sure we all wish Dr °ontinuing, said, a vast amount of 1Og the law of sass people were disposed enjoys a clearness"( perception, Mime -- servatives to stand shoulder to shoulder, for him a grand .access in the contest mental ens was waited eve to speak carelessly. and pay little atten - gamorist the sac energy every year ut mbte 'len the blood u heavy with a"• and anile in sending to Ottawa I)r. Mac- ry, unconstitutional readingFad literature, and expressed his non to. correct forms of Sore Eyes and im r, r Ppushes. Take Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, the i donald, who had the ability and the de. p 1'e course of the C Teachers should be the fine tc try to regret that the old system c.f libraries in the best blood purifier And vitalizer. 1 sire to be an aid and support to Hon. party, directed to his defeat. I am glad ach cels had been discontinued, as he cornet !hone erre, of themselves and lude Edward Blake, the greatest statesman on to obverse by $Western paper that the thought they and had proved d would Dupls. In order to cultivate coentn- - 1 The eyes are always In sympathy with the American rnotirent. (Load and !dens new dep•rturw of the Mod u to incstatesman'tun and patient oonhnuity,uleu reading err Widow.I the body, and •Lunt as excellent index prove, if again instituted, a power in the Icag.d cheep) •declaration in favor of Mr Mackenzie. prove, for mind culture. The um ahou:d anis should be practised of int condition. When the .yrs become d, In r. ld • phonic The ther E. DE. Wade, onalBrussels, . then awe fce of or - ward to East York t anduto Canadadif¢ AI be in furnishing such •library to supply method in teaching elementary elrsd u4 wo,manrin black, with • er mourning veil ( ao, t' i.I• �oc. the tfire.v,t.m has amed arel sore, ttecas. the gems of literature, of which rhea extensively. Would use ward sbd read n address of welcome to trod Rtn1tF►ee should be el.ebsd over the were •great choice ; to select !hove, not and pay careful ani constant uteuuou t" -not too mourning, jot about mourn. Sarsaparilla rel by llcrofuh, for which Ayer's Hon. Edward }flake from the p.1. of head of such t man. Cheers. I have onlysalted to thecart of adults but ing enough vo draped as, t.. set off her tirtrsapa Is b the best know( remedy. Bast Huron, at the conclusion of which heard from various quarters in the Rid- Hon. •luo/children, so that teacher cannot After • bnef discussion, the ele^hon of shapely head and neck to advamrace, Scrofula, whleb produced • almost the entire audience of newly f,OgO ing, and 1 believe it to bo true,th•tmany only encourage good reading, but that officers was proceeded with and resulted entered • targe stationery store on wash- Aammatiun oo sy eyra, csu.«!p•mef much 1e.xped to their feet and eethiesjastically Conservatives have declared their intent they may have the material at hand to ily es follows :-I'r«sident, 0. W. Holman : ingt"n street, And said tautly to •clerk wtertog fns a number of ??ran, ray the . .. cheers& the recipient ... -.,,bion of toting for our friend He will a 1'tes )➢travpietsft ilflies Blair : See Treaa. , behind t advise of a ph.vlrfmn t After e.wl bel tinnily the demand. in order that teach- S. p }{ell, B. A.; Committee, Medan "D o ,u have all kind. of mourning) jarllla. After ua Hon. Mr Blake replied, thanking the elected: his country will have the benefit y'A eY. 8'^" fhb "f the important services he can may be suaaeuful in begetting within medicine a .4•rt tine. 1 was completely people of the section for their kind P° psi gave pupils a lure for good literature, theyH. I. Strang. B. A., Frank Craw«Iter, cards(" - t p y shines. He hoped there was a g':od without impairing further the strength mat themselves be animated by • lkhepates Roberta, H, Murray and Header- "i'es'm we have the cards, and can get 4 a ap which he hu alreadyovertaxed in his sten. them engraved,1douufor you." number of C in the gather- spirit. The miserable dry system tonMy a es ere now I• a splendi 1 eondition. ing, for hie massacre was to honest Con countrys cense. "Chess.) I have often pursued to teschmng thu ■nbjrct Mr. H. W. Rall• one of the trustees " Oh, I don't want the kind they zee and l am a. wen Asst .rens_ a. epee. - servatives swell as t , staunch Reform -thought it well to give you this little hu- was very objectiun•hle ; what we wanted of the (usrsorh Publ01School Bad, engnced--i want ,flaying cards, you �" William l:agw, rear. 1l, N. H. en. He then delivered an „deem tory of the conduct '1 the C took up quarterly payments of teachers knew,''• For •number of years i was unable which for power, argument, concihat" party towards • leader of the Liberal ill our schools is life and a life giving fie said he was not in sympathy with "Meurnine playing cards!" with a humor In my rye., anti was unabb 7 influence ; that there u too much gorses__ spine and iatriotec fervor has never been party, And would ask you Ccnaanative. material thrust into the memory that quarterly payments but was in favor of "Why, ileo don't you think they using AAyer'obtain 5 g.relief lis until This ms, iellttrtl equal! d in this section, and for two who my here whether you regard readers it unfruitful. a schen should the system followed in (oderich, namely would he real nice and tastyr' has effected • complete cu», and I believe hours held as by a spell the ¢rest rand- this aa worthy conduct 5 1 ask you lie i, o create ui app.! shothauld paying monthly, Teachers were very im- The clerk was obliged to confess that It to 1.e the best of blood purifiers. - - ienoe. The prrvrats by former who may be hero to remember ikon the mind with meaningless rubbish; portant factors in the State, and need the trade hadn't yet rescbed the point C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. 11. , t the Tory party of fi •n Alexander Mc- in other tsars and under „they circum- money w well u other °niclala why of supplying playing cards with mous.- From childhood, and until within a tea present adulation of the yourgea hurled at that it isnot the quantity but the quality are teachers rot treated in the awe ing burden for bereaved lovers of whist month., 5 have been 'acted wih weak Kenzie and the stances when hear ch• The Duh,•'. address was highly appre- ciated pps manner as other "nicety i The .711.11 of and draw poker, and the lady loft the *04 '‘'re Eye,. 1 bate u.«1 for th.... don•Idhwaaecmtraaed and .Tneno(' he Platt ac. those vers the forefrsouttof the battleoment you , hated and mat hear golden trait among keeping •feather's salary till the end of store visibly d I. e•wrpl.int»,.5114 itcroegetal result*. Ayer'. teaches who scene to keep up with the theyear was not bovines, it win not purticsrilla, and uvonA.I1 It *great bks.' wnrmeat tnbutea etre green • colleague I there instances i have brought age Purifier. -,en. C. Phillips, Worn, \'t. was paid by the spwiker to the ex -Prem- bat"^' you. Remember that for thea. honest, and the Government should step The inspector thea call.d the mil ul 'n and enforce a dilyennt order of -Iallan•n 1. ire Sincerest Flattery.' i anf'rr1 for a year with Is formed Indians-nos- ier. Afterref••rnn¢h•.numloernf old time fourteen years the leaden "f the Liberal tsathenand reported ;5 in attendance.If the above notation is erne, then thin In my left ere. Three ulnen formai calumnies put in cin ulauon against Mr !Peril for the time being have bran metthings. It was d and hoick -. '1 on the b•II. oktrlrinA nos (f .{;:ad", ad Mr If. Strang, R. A.,then introduced itis¢ to leeches to hovel( goo nn "tick " Dr. R. Pierce ought fn (mel hi¢hly soloing ¢rest pain, After tryingassn Mwkenzie by Sur ,tubs Macdonald, Mr with caldmnies, which, in this case as in the !.epic College of Preceptors, pointing es it ie rommont called, for the common nattered, nn account of the mny imita- .other rens Ilra,toa°parp°.e,1 was I{lakr continued others, have after • long interval been out the 5 .tined at, both for I You recollect the chore.. with refer sckmo'leel¢rd ie be•Ile- fetches and the pubis generally, ea it of Ides This was rapeesally ton of his p.pular remedy, the "fleas IadlrceJ to nos Ayrr's na{rarllle, y enc' to the steel rate ,h. charge that , member the, and call for roof and un so with young earthen, soh" had to Fry ant P5 ,. f imitators, Pellets," for they have 8s, Taking ¢ P would tend t" nim the teacher'. standing their own way in securing an eduranun . scores oaf imitators, tut never •n equal, Mr Mackenzie had nude . h•r¢sin, not M. proof before you allow your not only intellectually, Fut Ilytiers hotel.. •.f this medicr, have hems manly bad, but with corrupt motives to j allegiance t., be in the least .hakes h ! P The vary idea of debt diet uta¢n Any for the cure of sick and bilious headache, eat/rely cured. My sight•lghas been re - merely w,eaU it would cull the n•/salon man, and •teacher thus burdened cannot rnnvti tion, im rare bloxod, kidney ins, sewed, awl tier. I. leo sfiaaraa favor •retinue ;you recollect the charge, the false thy accusers who have ..ted in such „f beans. who manly Woi)t unto rt a. • (a P Use, .sero or neer l0 my eye.- of In of favoritism and wren¢ with regard t. an unworthy way, end who have «o late- sural he of mus, ly it mat internal fwvsr rad all bowel mm amts T. !,sore, Sugar rtepputg mons to something in their With a bottle of 0*. snvarad P y Tres Ridge, Ksadsl the tort William town site and the ly ran/es their shames; 4,01 and r... )o•' etnmsnbl to the interests of the ennui.. in Ohio. ( P sstunatton higher Mr. R. read a. -oral Nwhin, Hotel, and others which it longed applause.) wxtnrb from •paper read at the Ym- ech.o..ls uncles the care of teaches lions the house, poo can dispense with the 1Kyt10 vearr, ern gran all, icy Wiest would to tedious to detail This this He then discussed the public hhn, winced Asaootatu•n hy Mr. Dickson. on treated. Honest and faithful work family dooc4r rad his open n•useo•w velli Aerot°lous Sewv iTra. WA: t►s was the emcee pursued while Mr Mac the increase of taxation, the surplus, the the enbAct T" give the public • fair .hnnld be 1 well and pmmRn. medicines. lest two Tran she never ave light To say ly Mr. Ball concluded hy mining a !lads Physicians of the highest kenx a eau our Lader ; brat now that, failure ..f the lis l'., the 01 des of the um 05 thio proposed Collett*exerted their skill, butt with ao perdjws unhappily for hue party and unhappily the Moil to Radial principles, and ;he of Preosptors, we quote from a crreula rnanluti.rn asking the to ass •mtre.a, us, the for the °ountry, our friend is rather laid purchase of Tory members, in • manner with reference uo u• the following: -"Its Its that the law, with reference to paying "Reader," in inferring you n/ this trtedd 1 rumbaaed arc sof amide i7 �'` fe.cAen quarterly, was enforced. Ronderfnl remedy for condi*, Gelds, eapar114, which m daugber comnaeesag 'line■$ ; new that the condition that elicited rounds n/ applause from his aim., br.adly stated, should be to pro After several tr.ehrn had spoken, the fit taking. motor' ! 1 Mthma, Rrnnchit►v, CunsOm eon, at,dSheth•• used the the of his general health and the feebleness hearers. He closest he magnificent on- mote sound learning and to advance the •I! .Rection. of the threat acid tsars, we nut pain. sight Ru(tis oral, .not she Hsi with - of ►is voice+ invents hint from taking as tion by citing the following u the plat- interests of •dncauoll byadmitting to the ewdotion wax put to the atewhnq and paw look afro dly et • brilliant ptuowisrat And effective • part in t9• (urn, ..f the Reform rt carried feel that we are dans you s great kind sit palm. iter care Is eompMt tea W.I. party twwAtnv pro/.twos oa, thew. ahs an Ie. eves, as it you have any of the shove Sutherland. Eva y h ' ((admit of poete slain se m former Redone in the (istt.nw. Acted (or the work, to improve the eases pests Trim then Introdneed " 1'551• agelbt, Shelby Ck a days, now, r.00th, thsv acknowledge A more rigorism' enforcement of the non of the profession, and to protect the form 1 rnmml(n u.s•minatd reported rnmphinta, if yon will only try w. will , that Ma charges were (mise end eslom indep.n.l.. ±e "f Parlament. Ira lownwAra •s ohorneA and reports M guarantee satisfaction in ever ease or Ayer s Sarsaparilla , sinus Mir John Masnl s aM, Ire exam The power to make commercial treat- 5e.stem from, �d, d'liectrasiutn Thaw n Me' Tomwh° iw.lAwA t MA werked be ad nder tvaa he antra. money ref ended Ask for Mr(inognr's Prepared hy M J. C. Aar bins, t,eweg, �� p1., at 1.,nd•.n the other d.7, declared 'os with ionise p owes. whish fact, joined, after whish a rssola each • aystewt, uwd.r esversl beads! set i * pAeted. Pr S.h and E( per flW h ail Dryp,,a 1 ryaM: ass ksY�pls (s) 1 +Ails te..tibled-with Pimples, Blotches, Rough Hands or Free, or ...ren of any description, ehou1.1 use McGregor & Parke's Cariolic Centre. it will leave tie akin 111 perfect health, sw.r.th, clean and good color. Re sure and get the genuine. made by McGregor & Parke. Prim. 25r. hold at Geo. Rhyne' Drug Store. (3) Dr. Morrow has found that the poison it nos mews is due to the cashew -not ut) in the eating of the brant' fru in which vanilla extracts je made. 1