HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1886-10-29, Page 1LfiRTY-Y[KTg TRAR.+_
WUJislti KU*B*R Ort. )
Is published every Friday ltppr iia(. by 1M.
ILL %. fifes., at t sir llelue. Nvrth
ilY. OCT-. '1ik/• ICMgt
Our Ticket.
rer Sea,laNa rreseler,
Weir S.eeres a esSMr.
Reis meson is tee t'eaesees.
vi • area In tie Lrgielatare.
HON. A. M. Int
"The Reedit! Brigade hiuet Gu."
Me. C.OIExtie -4 speech, reported at i
gth in las: weeks S1•itit. has b.eo
fly spoken of by those of out readers
who honestly interest themselves in
politics. The NGtr pitches into the
speech, but it is afraid t.. publish it, all
Poor 11 'M. Set•eereit, of L -olden. has
been appointed chief dtrector of the Ex-
ited Farm Steti..ns. *the appoint•
is a good vas, If the Tory (7ov-
rnment made as goad app,intweot• iD
the Northwest during the past seven
years there would hare been no rebel -
eta Joattl MI.•nier•LL's strong point,
says the String6eld Repuhlican, has
been • vigorous railroad policy and ap-
peals to a Canadian national sentiment,
and his weakness is tound in the brutal
means and crooked politics by which
these suds have been advanced. He is
taw d meat danger of a complete over-
' lib, but the same need not be said of
the petioles he has advocated.
THa Tory modulate who opposes Mr.
Cameron in West Huron will.have a bag
of 'boodle" presided by the g..vern•
went for his election expenses. That's
•` Cresson there is so much hunker -
sliding among the Tory win -pullers. If I t
the Tory eanddate had to pay his own
election expet ses, there would be no l'
ntest. Now, however, several ac-
ually declare 1 to be willing to
defeated at the government exps.m.
IT looks as if Mr Thos. Far'eu - :ia.
or East Huron, has reached the end of
tether. What with his incapacity,
is nepotism, and hit ben story
toriety, the people of the East Riding
ave had more than enough of him.
r Macdonald, nominee in the Reform
ntera.t at the coming election, hes
eveliped wonderful strongth in plat-
rm power and personal popularity,
ad the general opinion is that a solid
ajarity awaits him at the poll when i
he honest yeomanry of East Huron are
eard from at the next election.
Tutt lumens bre I'reaa is esercieed be
. cause Hun, E. IJ'ake, in an address t„ 1
« the youug liberals if London, advised
theta to its, and to "go up an
take the est New, if what )fr Mak
said un the occasion was not appropriate
will the Free Press please iot.rm us
what that honorable gentleman ah..uld
have seed at the gathering. It is really
one of thou things we'd like t.e know,
you km.w. —And so M. C. Cannerm has been
! ch,een by the It-f,,:men of West Huron
Dt RI u the present and vitiate; week ' 1e convention assembled. to carry the
Bir Rechaed Cartwright will be rn{aged 1, banner onward to victory at the next
i getteral eleetieu. I in mighty glad th
catechin was made at the time it was,
1 fur the -i:',,, tete , which is very whcitoue
Ithat in, evil should befall the Iteferm
party, iu West Huron especially, was
beginning to grow fearfal Lest Mr
Catner„n should step down and nit,
and leave n•, one tc. tit his prune as.
Now, however, that the agony is over
and M. C. C. ie facing the 'nota, it
will be in otder fur the .4:eiiiieie man to
wipe away his crocodile tears and tote
slang his tar-bucklit f .r csmpsegn
purposes. The aorta to get Sir John
to face Cement) in West Huron have
not been successful, s., far as I ain find
out. The Premier is as cute as a pet
fns, and will _tekceue chargces where a
knock -down is imminent; Hun Thomas
White ,with hie iaertrait •,f Rie1 sith
the rope around his mete) is ee.v,line
to (ace Fighting Catneron iu gerryman-
dered West Huron; and to !under the
riding going by default the gap will have
to be filled with s local Laine du. k. 1 ve
got my eagle eye un this tadle:deal, and
will tell you all about his chencee f•,t
staying at hams in a furore letter.
—health and weather permittias, lm
going to take a front pew in Aches on's
II m willing to risk a week's salary upon
Things That Are Happening
• i Around Us.
w. t'. t amerea•. ,eesteattes k• nesse rev
Mit Jean. *brei the "Oats tele"
Lettere The [leesrlr tlaas raar
in valiant hie a+wtttusuta in South Hu-
ron. Wednesday he arrived to Seaferth,
. 1 by lion. A. S. hardy. and
in the evening both gentlemen assisted
at the inauguration of the Young . Lib-
eral Club, of that town, in the presence
of a crowded gathering in Cardnu's
hall. Sir Itichard has been elected
Lon. president of the club, and the fele
c,tousivaugeral address which he deliver-
ed proved conclusively that he fully
appreciated the compliment paid tutu in
his selection for the position by the
Young Liberals of Seaforth and the 'id -
yarning district. The meeting ..f the
Young Liberals at Sestet th, and the ad-
dresses delivered by Sir Richard Coe -
an Huu A. S, Hardy will not
be without effect in that section.
l) (' I; A r,' P.
The raving of the hail sad the lesser
lights of the Tory party on the menacing
attitude of the Catholic church in (lushes
u thus ridiculed by the Stratford tee -
,.m :
It is amusing to watch the antics of
the Turuotu Mail and ether Orange
organs in regard t.. this election. They
affirm that the Ilsel question brought
about the defeat of the Russ govern-
ment, and that it was the main, if nut
the only, issue. They declare they
always said the Real matter would kill
the Local and Dominion government, in
Quebec. While they are trying to make
capital in that way in Ontario, the Que-
bec Tory organs Inns up smiling, and
declare the gu►ernment is net defeated
at all. They say Ur Rue has a good
working majority, and will not resien
unless he is ousted next March, and that
this is an impossibility, as they knew
the i will support him.
Thies two stones de not hang together.
There is a second contradiction quite
as glaring. The Orange organa,
especially the Mail, declare that the
Catholic church is a unit in Quebec, and
hat it is all-powerful in Quebec politics.
The church they say worked against the
Then why in the name of
common sense did out the opposition
have a more sweeping victory 1 If the
church is • unit amid all powerful, con-
ttolling the whole Vessels, vote, how
doss the 1 natal_ -out about
even. or a little better they any tier
event These stories do net hang to-
gether, The side having the support of
the church should have coinpletely
"screped" the other, if the church be a
unit, omnipotent in Quebec politics.
The fact is it u nothing of the kind, as
the figures clearly shown.
This attempt to drag in the church is
merely a trick to make more certain the
Orange vote and. if possible, capture
some weak Protestants. The Mad
and the others riding the Protestant
horse assume that their readers are
diets, or they would nut try such a
shallow dodge.
Tux Toronto World recently showed
Ovine erooked business on the par) of
n i.sotvent firm, and the next day the
testi of the firm, his nephew and his
ookkeeper waited for tits editor with
wo clubs and a rawhide, and
o do said editor bodily barns. Editor
ii&clean, like most other pressmen, u
quite able to take care of himself in a
rowd, and laid oat the young man who
yielded the rawhide in stash a chaps that
e had to be carried into a neighboring
tear shop for repairs. The pen is
mightier than the sword, and the editor-
ial strong right arm can down a bummer
with • club or a dude with a rawhide any
the week.
•' yew self drinking witnonr oath. rein
M promise. Simply swat 31 yen have
young trues weakness fsorr beer, wise or
hew ea.
a as tie• engineer says, he &hems .e.
't be teen Iwsatkr. Jeer .impgl y
n1 Awe
all the whiskey in America
1 pwa trek 11 you don't (Irish ear
it, kMse never bort a man who didn't
■k ft- Nee Burdett*.
That appears to be sound doctrine
til yre examine it cicely. Whiskey
hurl mew, women and children who
eonehed the stefl, They have
hurt by it Ikruss A the drinker.
key has driven men to murder ;
victims of these murderers wore hurt
the whiskey. The nun who loads
with whiskey dosr't bear all the snr-
He may have the hwsdashes ;
wife nod ekildree hove the heart•
lesseest pereene who sever
k whiskey we repeat, are often
hall this evening to listen to that talent -
std Irishman, Rev Dr Burns, discourse
1 my brut t that the elections
are ohne up..n us, and will in all pro-
tubihty roue ofd before sleighing u aver
So, gentleman, load up for tear all along
the hos-
-The manner it which the e'ectric
light illuminates the town nightly must
1 be a source of gratification to the gentle -
men who br„ught that "perfected
sehem. ' before the ratepayers last De -
1 cember ; the water works, too, are, uf
course, gitusg unemilihed sattifactien ;
and the preparation of the agricultural
ground, the Laying of the track for apeei-
tnC to the ring, the erection of the cry..
tel palece aad adjoining buildings have
progressed so favorably that expressions
of "Well done'" here net been heard on
etery side. The art:uns who were to
have work fur si;::!ed workmen supplitd
to them, and Hie :aborers who were to
} get regelar act: at fair -paying rates,
are, of coueae, sattrtied with the progress
that has been made, and at New Years
the •'w.,rkinguaan's candidates will head
the tell by large noajorities. A heavy
bt11 has been incurred by the special com-
mittee appointed to investigate the emus
flit; t' scheme, a chah.e for an expensive
lawsuit with one or mitre of the eon-
--advantage ot,
the taxes of the town have been incre-
ased to two cents on the dollar, and the
only caret that can be shown for alae
•A Nice Young Man who Uttered
Forged Cheques.
extra cuss incurred and additional risk
run is a hole in the ground at the back
of the old f..indry lot. 1 suppose it's
all right, and it the origlbois can stand
it 1 rani but if any of these blatherskites
.nine around to Die at New Years and
talk .le,tric light business and town im-
s, I'il tell flim 1 wua't vote
fur hien ental the frost is out of the t
grand, and the workmen have settled
down to bwiuest. AJA=.
J. VS. Taylor • rented by C..eaaaar Vide
ter reeler, saes *►.-seed+. Neel,
i ll 114111 £ TSAR IN ADVANCl►aha
the prisoner gets thn.ugh with Tomtit, ,
a second charge will likely be Iasel here
The way of the bsnsgresser is hard.
A t...terirb Say S/.dlraird frees a aerie..
Ito Saturday, Oct. 1Gth., • young rasa (.e.rge E. Bate., neuter, of Goderich,
of sere manner and glib lunge pur- sod a moat reepectablo citizen, was dn-
iavhted to recrivn rrceotly the fulluvin,i
Chased a PM gold watch and chain iia W. despatch :
Ashall's jewelry stunt, Termini, mad ten-
dered a cheque payable to J. i1 . Taylor U.w'tn+u, Kansas, t kt. ]rith,
or barer, for 8100 et, the National "Charles hates acytett,-d thea morn -
Hank of Aurora, id. Tf tog. The uthur 1o.f ossi.n is convicted.
marked gcud by Sherman Thompson,' dices. kms ►w•ar."
cashier, and Mr Ashall was se well setts- There is an intermitting story in eun-
5ed with it that he tuudel the young fleet atili that short tt-I,-1rieie
man, who gave hu Dain. a. J. W. Tay About sex reeks ago the Michigan
tor, ten dollars tit change, and bested prate cemented the following devpatc t
his excellent cu.tumer out. When Mr from Feud Sigma* :
Ashen endeavored to realize on his ►100 ••Went hes been received in this city
cheque the back authorit,.s told him it that au East Saginaw bey a in trouble in
was a fergety. The jeweler -,as Aston- t)awego, Kansas, Cherie.' Hetes is well
uhe , and told his les to the police and known hero, having been etupleyed as
the reporters, and the reporters mud a aasistaut night clerk at the Everett
constable got him back hu watch, u Howie f•,r a long titne',retions to Au -
the sequel will show, gust 1:i. His parents live at Guderieh
n !t1. ndy of last week a y,untt sou, Out., and his rerane disposition, which
:T3 years of age, who made a desperate t.r,,ught lieu here wheneuttejuuug,would
effort to pet ,•u sire, appeared ,.n our not allow hem to be centeuted, .. he
.sup y smitten start tor l; , .era .,. Hat tri;; but r
with one of our pretty ll,nlerich girls, limited amount of money he stole his
streets He was d I started I d
and spoke of hes wealth and fits pr.rpeuta transportation in empty freseht can, and
in a way that led those who didn•t Lake while riuwg in nue at llswegn he was
fNti ' /_ . r better. ke-war the Mrrrie,i 1- rev
a millionaireOn Tuesday he viewed 'oral tramps covered with bleed. They
the jew T b p o11tw -'i it1
mo di ring or the yenng rested them and Bates for the murder
lady, and a gold watch and chats. When ,f %Vilhau Couper, a prominent citizen.
the sample rings arrived on Wednesday In a sh„rt time the town was enraged,
he vies So pkved with the scintillations aid it was wily by quietly removing the
,•t tae dtanwuds that he ordered two tramps to unknown places that their
aummary execution by Judge Lynch
was prevented. Young Bates told hut
story in a straightforward manner, and
enlisted the help of some benevolently
inclined lubes there u, lair behalf. He
carried a recommendation of character,
signed by Fred. 1'. Ssnunton, chief clerk
at the Everett, and he is in receipt of a
letter from one of thew ladica asking
Batas' character. Petitions were at
once started by Me Simonton and 8.
(louden', Michigan Central R. R, testi-
fying tu•Bstei good character. He was
well liked here and his innocence u
tirmly believed He has a 'mother and
uncle residing here-”
e ry- s r, c , , .., a 1, o, , ,, by "Ricers who sr -
ordered a di
roti and returned the watch. He pre-
sen'ed in payment a chuck for $300,
wade in favor of J. W. Taylor, payable
at the Aurora National !tank, Ill. Mr
We3.h was out of change, and he thought
there was a possibility of his being, out
,f his diamond rings, too. However,
he young lady to whom Teyh.r was pay-
ut,g attentions had confidence in him
as a respectable Toon, man and the
Upon "Home Rule fur Ireland. ' If 1 feistier risked the Hugs, and was accom-
was an Irishman I d walk twenty miles , medetingly allowed to keep the cheque
31ECSANICB IiI13TITUTS fora day as security. Taylor was to pre-
to hear a man like Dr Burrs talk upon tent the ring to his young lady friend
that subject, and ancient (:reek though
at a party that evening. The pact) came
I be, if I don't move in the pronasion e - r. ler Lveasatt <'ta•.r. ter ass off, but the presentation was adjourn-
., biter se utas-:.
it'll be because the hall is su crowded ed- We understand that the young 1:►dy The rtctim of the terrib'e assault re -
that I can't get in. I know the rev. !tad no idea that the ring had been put, I covered, and was not killed as at iirat
Meed f. r her,reported.
.sham Institute was held sin
tecturer,and have heard him hold forth mee:in ..f the direct•.n of tier c The vaso, however,
ret I dFriday Inn Thursday morninz when Mr Tay• great attention at the rrene uf the crime,
Ion verieue tapas on different occasions, areata last. Mr Malc.niann oc ii tel l fur sauntered into the jewelry shopto y
! 4 P J T u the fullowi letter from a lad midl-
and I never heard him speak up n auy the chair. Tile minutes of the previous !get his change, Mr V. elsh hold hen mg in Oswego, Kansas, to a friend in
'subject that he didn't let • flood of light meeting were read and approves ' h.+ had heard from Aurora, and that the Last Saginaw, will show : ---
in upon before ha sat down. It 11 be A letter from D. App'etuu eL C, o., r•1 ch, -q ie was a fntsery. Mr Taylor was ••'N thank you very much for the
Cyclopedia was read. 1 asteui.bed, and—returned the ring. He ' interest you have mau,fustrl, soil for
that way with the subject tonight, and
Mimed by Mr Colborne, seconded by I couldn't understand how it could be. He! the assistance ycu have M kindly
although I think I know all about Home Mr Humber, that an order be drawn on i miu worth lois of money, eta Mr Tay- 1 rendered in behalf of pour CiluGe Bates.
Rule, °wine t.• the fact that Mn, Ajax the treasurer for 8'M 47. payment in full . tor, however, felt a good deal more un- The tramps have had their preluumary
has not failed to take a .inn stand iia 6.s- American Cyclopedia. Cartie.l. eolitfurtah-e than he let oa .nal, said with them slid young wan
A communication from the Minister of Constable Yule u • Tory, but he tic sire, .ud ve all loom remanded to
dumsstic affairs, I'll lend Na rev. Agncufture was read. A letter tram R. cetionatlj reads the (1...'. Hu takss a
jut to *writhat rial at the next tern ti,';
The Sanwa, tx/esesea.
The W inghaw. Tian says : last Mone
day morning Messrs. Willem, McKen-
zie and Gregory, the committee recently
appnnted to purchase the right of way
for the C. 1'. 1t. from Glenannan to
Wingham, started out on their mission,
and within two days they succeeded in
nuking satisfactory with
every person in Turnberry township
through whose property the line is to
run. No difficulty whatever was expe-
rienced, and in every instance the price
was within the estimate. Th. commit-
tee are now engaged in buying the tight
of way through the town, and it u ex-
pected that they will be through by to-
morrow night. This being the cane, the
work of building the line will probably
ba 1 next week, u the com-
pany have agreed to start immediately
that the right of way is handed over to
them. The line starts $ short distance
oast of Illenannan and makes an easy
curve through Turnberry in order to
escape the M ,island neer act there, and
enters the town by crossing the river
short distance above the Josephine
street bridge. It thein skins the river,
missing between Rrennan's tannery and
McLeaa's saw mill, and under the span
span n( the O. T. R bridge. Continu-
ing along the river bank, it poetise
thro.ah the Horticultural park and from
denies in a dit,set line to Victoria street,
which give the C. P. R. s akar owtbe in
ease they want to go farther. The lega-
tion of the station has not yet been de-
cided spot. Mr You.g. of Grey, Young
t Sportiest, is in town, and the agree-
ment betimes that Ara and the some -
ratios has been Anally signed. The b-
astion of the salt Meek will he decided
snow at stall, when the firm will eons -
memos the erestiee of their works. It
is folly espeeted that both endeetakiege
will he seder averse of eossleestion be-
im the end of next week.
doctor the light of auy , on
the oeesei»tit. It's infurmatisi "'matter,
111 get it from Dr Burn, or io one
can give it to enc.
—Last night 1 was down to see my
old friend, Larry Mulcahy, the poet,
and apropos cf the lecture, 1 bur-
rowed the fallowing gent frum his
portfolio. It .peaks for itself, and needs
no apology for its . .
Now. dressed in beet texture
1'11 go to the lecture,
And hear the bowld do.tthor discoorse on
Home Rule
An' listen to rareon
Crockett was aiaq natural interest minp news, and he court, to begin Oct. 11th I have been
Moved by kir Itionre, seconded by Mr n Mr. C. Sharman, that Mr W. R. P.nherts•.0 },e end he made a-tsental note of it. He -is a near relaters, to exonerate this
engaged to teach • class on bo..k-keeping hod An inkling of the doings of .1. W. young wan from any partieiptlt___n ie t4
and 1 torus, uu the was,, terror rayli r on lVelnesday, and he put this dreadful &Lair, but he astute 1 sY do
as last year. Carried. end that together. He determined to have an impanel trial. We tell
Moved by Hr .1i„rton, seconded by capture Mr Taylor, and ou Thursday, how it wd1 end, We have learned
Mr Humber, that the secretary write Mr believing that Taylor had cleared eke `'Vigilante." at their meeting hold
Crockett, offering him ane -third of the ewi, he took the noon train to Clinton. Mon after, the attempted mated. , passed
Government grant. being =3.',.;13, and A telegram from Grdench recalled hint, ren tut,uua te. take the clatter into their
the pupfie fees, for the teachuag ,.1 a as his nun had turned up here. Yule gut own hands if the cert doss no vire a
drawing claw. Carried. here on the 3 o'clock expiate* to find that satisfactory L Mr Cexover
Melted by Mr Sharman. seconded by Taylor had taken wings --or rather a bug has partially recovered, and wtl perhap.
Mr Murney, that the secretary advertise ty of A. M. Pulley's—sod hail gun. be &ble to attend eke trial. W ardent
in the Wax for competent wnta.g nuts- Mat. The constable at once got another lb;
behove the. young will
ort sive h
a legacy .• ...o, rem the n ie. try. , The etter went on to say that Cooper.
his brother had received hes share last the vlctsm, was determined 4. pr .s the
{tenth. He admitted that he ha.{ run I chane wgwenst flaw se well u the rent,
out tf ready money just as h•. 'ass: and the fact that the jury has cleared
leaving T .rontu, and f..r that re...• ti he I Bates while convicting the ethers, ah ws
its void of all myst rye Clime, t . of the Su had pawned the Id chain. When I
rrngale P* g" that the lad s innocence must have been
That sited he .o ails. I( thea only Nome Court here, are prepared to open as Yule told Tyler that he wanted bun for I clearly proven.
Rule. evening class fur ladies and t•entlemeu furgery in Turuwt.,, the pct.onen Mr {late, father of the boyo .bile he
And the certain is Rhin' f.or instruction in shorthand. There • T"ltnrly 'int coolly replied, 'You're had every confidence e, hu a..0 s inno-
will not be another town in Ontario mistaken in the man altogether ; I sm since, is of course. greatly pleased with
F.w l)ed'a hands are sift in' i sot the /nail on are ler. i a(
The hears of bee toes that were torsner'v with two teachers for its shorthand 7 key ter." The IM result of the trial, He id..•irea H,
clava. For terns, et: , see either , 1 the constable 1'11111 an.11y rep'ted : ''if thank especially %l.ssrs Simonton and
•An'. to add to our Pleasure
you were to sea it in pn+it w, •old T ' u Weer eine.' End Sscinrw, and the ladles
Well soon have that measure — believe it ' The paper was then put to 1 of Osweg.. who interested theusselver in
1 JsWts ■ecasthy•. Sifter,.
he, haarl.
That's prised by all Krin's sows Ireland's the case of Charlie.
On Friday m• ruing Taylor was taken
Ln.anotlPaRM I lctoter 25, --Justice The prisoners who werec,nvieted will
(.'Brio, who presided over the contest- to Toronto. Ashall as a detective get as sever• sentences as the law will
were •acting at the station f..r hint
ed sleetims case o►Lewis against Justin perra.t.
McCarthy f.,r a seat ,n the Home .o1 Said Taylor to Yule : "Why, here's Mr —
Commons, today /ormalty declared Mr ►shall came t,. meet ria" And •whew least with All hands.
McCarthy elected. Mr Lows waatoand the train stopped, he coolly saluted the Kat tr tirl. NIAKts:, Mich. I)ct 23 -
Te the rotor aA the weather prskrn n• Hume guiltyof illegal practice. sol ordered to Jeweller s•.i.. • Weil, Mr A.hall, here 1 The bergs Eurc:ca, retorted se hsvie g
Rale. pay . r M.('artLJ a coati. am again, and 1 had company dawn. Mr .broken I.. ,.e frons her tow, foundered
Yule hme with me. 1 would hare been fa Lake Superior on Oct. 20 ten miles
ter for a clans. Carried.
Moved ty Mr Morton, sec 'ed by lured fayl..r ,n a store to CI►ntou. inc elsewhere, de not always ger juaoioe
Mr Sharman, that the se..retary amu fellow had been trying to sent the geld 1 ether tet the iu,,,scent or guilty. '
Messrs Colborne and Humber he a coni- watch : he, had pawned the chain before I >, letter from Chard.'• minim'', dated
mid no word ofthrayson, :slitter, to advertise the evening claimers. he left Termte. (ictoher 4th, says :- "1 hoot the boy
From • brainy divine as- the ]lethodi.•t (Limed.Taylor aft-. Cte 1 sr great sur prise at his
{ ',tate, in my Ake on Sato ay, and
,choet. M'ieed by Mr M ., ky . arrest, but a glst:re a: a aat:1 paper had . luuq t• k wick bias it iota he
In language exrePiti Mr >ihaima,i that the book committee toll him that the game was up. FHt .w-, got into the car at Parsons, K. imam. sod
The organ'e notes swelfin'. prepare n list of lt, ..,, to he laid before ever. he assumed an air ,.f is-: jureo `j went t . sleep. and slept toll lie was
This crest hearted patriot. .O caln, and so the directors at their nest meeting. Cer-
innocence, a til fever dropped It. He I awakened at 5 taw ego. and taken w charge
coot, tied. said he came from New Haven, (' • 11 . 1b, the officers, together with seven oth-
From di►onion shrinkin', Moved by Mr Sharman, seconded by Hs father died aM.ut a year ago :eavntg en charged with the robbery of empire.
(0 loyalty ehinkin Mr 'Carney, that the Librarian give uut a iii:Ihns dollars between his brother*, Ile says he L,.00-. ta.dki,iq about it, and
win show that al' Ireland wan'snow .e home volumes of the American Cyclopedia only himself and aster. pie said that when he impresses ate with the true of hes
Rule. from 3 p.m. :n 2 p.m. the feliowing day, In. was `l'i years o f are hew would re
Hell tell es the story when they must be returned, otherwise f ►"'r 000 f h Id
Of dear Ireland's glory 1 the rner:iber will forfeit the privilege of
Clow atone time she was the earth's fairs' I getting them again. Carried.
And prove it from htst'ry, 1 Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy, and .Ln
bucgy sad Started Mi pursuit. He e*P- be released, though our laws, as the laws
Home Rale.
a S000wnt wld ma aaybor.
An' threw down yer sabre.
An' show that at soy rate you are no fool,
Let's Join hand sad heart. shore.
1 An Hetes mild rapture
—Some time ago i 1 testa by rive M s..rhwew.
that the general elections would he held )„ , ee„e,e Ikt 26 ---Leet .renin, the
this fall, and the chaps over the way Ferry property, owned by Cwrspbril h
said 1 was talking wildly. Then I l auter.m. and o•ccnpled ray Jamey Me.
repeated the statement, and the Tory Gowan as an hotel and R. J. McMsth es
footers smiled enntempteneely open me, "e fae.Ke.y wsa ta.tally dsstrny. ,
fire. tiles en th, bei issg, SR,O(10,
and wanted to knew where i jot my isserane., S1,ii00 Mr Mef[nwan'a loss
information from and how t Now, )•n, ea the Ovwiteets w shout S1,tlOtt, no to
neither • Vt'IgRcns nur • ren of • ssnanse. Th. ronterh of R. J, $e
Wiggin•, and 1 never strewed an appnn• MatA. •hep were saved, bee in a data.
aged eta.ditdos ; lo►N *foal Siiop, evytsrrd
Mashie et the prophecy bongoes, bet pay {matttrenee.
here on Tuesday, nnly I didn't know above Whitefish Point and live males
tio,dench was M fat away,” Mr Ashall from shore, in seven fathoms of wale..
showed ht. of constable and is abreast' 1 hfe saving .tet ion Na
Yule s g',o,.t detective work in a 9. Had any of the crew been reamed
practical manner, The c',nstable says ..formation would, without doubt, have
that Taylor is one of the stet been received et this piste. Sete&
hoeuy-taongned, deludinr sort of fellows near -non have passed the write* std
he seer cams across. By the way, Tay wosld have brought the survivors down
for i. supposed to be married Miers, Hi either fro. the wreak or Whitefish Mine
has had an ostensive eorresp,nd.nor had there been any. The reset'* hire
with the gentler set. mast and main mast are above ties
The York Ageism tense off nest week, ester. She was ore lades fr..a Mar-
i/rhea Taylor win he tried. C.,rseable rosette. and is tow 01 the ttlsasa ten.
Yale will be an Os 'teat t wheels, AI