The Huron Signal, 1886-10-22, Page 6$ 1: is Fl oi ht sip to sae ed ear PIi • o di 1 6 Til N: I+' RON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, OCT. 22, 18886. the Poet's tomer. Fu* aaa Fancy. hissetisas And golden Ile the ripening acids of grata. Like oaten• W eons taaif-furgvttea meg. There •weep• a ruem.ry across my brats. I bear the la..dr. l far &moue the gram. The drow.r murmur in the •ceded limas I watch the radiant hatta&duo that ease, A ,d 1 am .ad and sick at hart sometimes SINEW loom sot encu whew tss days aro Sumeuu .-s, when royal winter holds W s.0). tt nru cowry cloud b swept from azure skies, And f wee pool and lighted hearth are gay With Leashing lios and yet more laughing eyes. Froin far off days an echo w maters by That ,Hakes • d.svord In tb• Christmas chigoes. t moment in the dance or talk l sigh. tad .arts Sa.( I in the crowd some 1lIOC* aomctl..es. Not of.rn. nor nor long. 1) f:iktd. my frte.d. tt r vo to not :col our lite that we might weep: The Rower crowned Nay of earth hath soon as end; eboald our fa.r Spi ng a longer sojourn kro,if Comes ail too soon tee time of fading !rages 'oma on tho C.,ot short days, We most arise And go our way and garner home our rheas es, Thoosh some for fa:r:t re.lot may clout ear ale& sometimes. emsamjaL i 1 mita light.abieueL d/xie& In meeting rye• of tau tLat now arcane, lmpatirr.• of the tear the' r.,.' to many. 1 turn aaa:' to -eck some work undone, Ther. daw:is • look upon .on.e stranger :aoe: I thin:., '•Hu• like and yet how :ar Ism fair." And loot. asd look again. rad *eel to truce -t moment more your Mooted :.I.eoee* tier( - •rnH i:nrs. O rad. sweet thoughts ' 0 foolish. vain re- gewa' As wise i, w+rr. what Iime June roses blow, To stem ne au•e the 1-st 'Atte t war: We footed in rprin; had 'Mod lung ago. C)ete. tnl love, if yet by sang of turd. Hy flower s:eht. by some end poet's rbvmee Yy heart, teat fa`.n would be a. peace. .• 'oared A:u 1 to ohmet that still i sigh wmet•uses? Piutpeiime. t 1;.. f.. • •t That. *bite 1 walk all lonely other eyes --lay Imply smile to yes re that smile again. !towpath the sun and stars of souther% •kte.. Two past is past but L It sin. it yet I. Who fN ealm contest would seek to dwell Wbo a u!I not grieve. yet cannot gaits :west. son set. 1 • therein to yotx atiO_Dieh you wall Sometimes! There is a new der oat called .senior yellow It mem he a fuel teat. A pretty feat aankle get wp mare* more easily d j than do those which are out so patty. Oasag Wilde says he write* his foetus on se empty Kumaeh. Must fellows see paps( hummed. Seeing may be believing, hat many a bank cashier who kooks straight we be Neve to to on,uk.d. A balky hone and • WON "who knows It all," are the beet mesas of teaching us the yahoo of patience. A ousting tragedy - When the old man discovers that hie boy ha. sold the cop- per boilef for carom mosey. "Waiter, L1 . bah certatuly is not (rash r• "It must be. sir 1 know, sir, there has tout been • bit :)f salt noir 11, •Ir. !"Did you enjoy yourself while you were away 1""You bet. Dade.' We a bleared bill collector the whole time." Kansas school teacher--• Where doors all our grain go t.. r' "Into the hop per. • • What hopper t" •'(iraeehup- per, tnumpluuttly shouted • scholar It is reported that Wiggins Yarned to be • phunhut by gumming what his wife would say when he came home late at night. A Yankee is swindling the people of Iowa by advertising to eahtbit an E,ylr, tiara mummy. It proved to be only a large, hand painted txuifi.h. We are glad to sec that bog cholera is A tfeder. YlrsrIr. in a recent letter from R. W. Rowton, f Delnrsil.e, Ont , be states taut he has recovered from the worst form of Rye pepsis after enffering for tifteengean ; and when • council of doctors prusouoc- '.d hien incurable be tried Berd..ck Blood Bitters, six bottles of which restored his health. 2 A boy astonished his Christian mother by asking her for a dollar to buy a l' hence in a ratty for a silver watch that wee to be railed off in a beer saloon. His mother was horrified, and rebuked him. ' •Rut," said he, "mother, did you ore bake a cake with a ring in it, to be raised off in a Sunday School fair 1" "Oh my son," said she, "that was for the church." ••Rut if it was wrong," said the boy, "would doing it tor the church make it right 1 Would tt be right fur me to steal n.uney to pot in the collection i And 1 it is right fur the church, is it not right for me t• get this watch if I can 1' The good woman was speechless, and no person cin answer the soy s aiku.uu.�.. TLN both wrong, or they are both right. _71511-TIR-1•ett& Ring out an alarm and it is heeded. This "THE is to notify you that base substitutive is practiced when the greet surap•p Dorn asked tor. I'ut,iam's l'einlees Corn Ex- tractor never fails to take corns off. It makes no sure spots and gives no pain. Be sure and get "Putnam s." A phrenologist says that fullness under the eye deuutus language. The phrenol- ogist must have run acres a nun who had told somebody else he lied. 10 ARE YOU MADE miserable by indigestion, Constipation, Dizzineea, Crus of Appetite, Yellow Skin 7 Shiloh's Vitaliser is • positive curs. Per Site by J. Wilson, druggist. A doctor is sometimes a cure -ince in- didual. The "sometimes" is the only thing that krrp this statement out of the realm of tieti'in. Mn Mary Thompson, of Toronto, was afflicted with Tape tt ortn, 8 feet of which was renewed by one bottle of Dr Low's Worm Syrup. lm: ''This is wt.at T call a sponge hath," exclaimed Po ore as lie slid out of the bath -moms and left his friend to hoot the bill. National Pills are a mild purgative, acting on the Stomach. Liver and Bow- els, removing all obstructions. 1m: it wasn't so very long alto that nature turned over a new leaf, and yet she is already begi • g to pant the county red. 15 FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Uomplaint, you hare a printed guaran- tee on every bottle of Shil. h's Vitaliser. it eerier fails to owe. For sale by J. Wilson. druggist. "Nerve fond" is advertised. This is the kind of fond the man rata who wants to occupy two seats in a railroad ear. An exchange says salt is a remarkable remedial agent. Po it 1a, indeed. It hes been known to even cure a ham. What is aftot nowt" asked anacqulin- tasee ref • reporter who was meshing for the Atom. Twelve inches still,' aid W •crib• es he shot not of eight. a Tor lame bee*, side or chest. um $bi$o►'s Petrous Plasma r. price 25 cent& Yew sale by J. Wilson. Druggist "This 1e my sphere." raid a happy wile, es she patte l her bald heeded hee- Msd ns thep•tw becoming fetal. Perhaps the eau in the passenger car whin tales up four seats will pass- before he reflects. "How mach older is your sitter than yea. Johnny f" •'1 dunno. Maud nater be 25 years, then she was 20, and now she ain't only 18. I guess we'll won be twins.' A It ttery ticket looks like • p' roue plaster we've been told. But there the resemblance ceases ; the drawing gunk• ties are by no means Identical. "I want an empty barrel of flour to male a hence op for my bulldog,' irsa the greeting a mean ;(ave to a Beek street grocer yesterday aftrrn.em. Wien an undertaker nukes love he should never hint that he wilt be glad to ttire the object . f his affection an elegant funeral free of charge, Why do people always &pea:: of "a vast The conundrum a dithcult to answer. ins• nisch al it makes a man sweat like the dickens to accumulate that sum. "What is MoOregut's Speedy Clue f sr 1" It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Inditsation, Biliousness. and it is the finest blood purifier in the kuown world today. "Does it give satisfaction r' We cannot point to one instance where it did not. "Where does it have the largest sale !" Right in the city of Hamilton, where it is manufactured, there has been over one thousand dollen' worth sold in the lot year retail, and the great majority of the sales are by one recommending It to another. For sale at 50c. and 11 per bottle by O. Rhyuas, druggist. (3) WE BELL ENVELOPES illasimak and Retail ANOTHER LARGE CASE 0Y Business Envelopes American make. high rut anti well gemmed. to be opened out this weak SIGNAL" Clir EdP PRINTING OFFICE. We have also received during Ott past week a large stuck of Ladies' Envelopes 9 the very bast quality inthe market for the ' money. Good Qnallly Ladies 'q'are Envelope. 5 Cents a P'k ge, 25 in Pk. Fine Quality Ladies' ?quare Envelope 7c. a pk. or 4 Os for 25c. we are prepared to supply Envelopes In any quantity, at the following LOW PRICES : A Good No. t White Ent elope at 80c. per M, or 2c. a p'k'ge A (food No. it tt ht • Envelope at 81.10 per M. or 3c. a pk. A Good No. 7 tt'h.re F:nve ope .' 31.25 per M, or 4c. a pk. A (tend No.: Whir. Envelop. at $1.40 per M, or 4c.apk. A Good No. 7 Whir En, elope at $1.75 per M. or 5c. a pk. Half or Quarter Thousands at same rate u for Tbommaad Lets. These Bnvetopes are all of Perot ('la.e Qual- ity, and are eatable Co- hankers. lawyers a.d BsM.e.. Men. e Cramp, Whooping Cough sad Brun- chiu• istiet ediatele released by 8atk,h's Ours. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. Oet your aoett.w sale Odle printed at Tee SIYMat. malice They are always dune promptly and at low rates. N•dtoe i. drawn to isles through Tae Biotin,. free of charge, which is read by "huts and& A Ra w wan - IN use dome "Taus as" to any wile sendiui the best four lut- rhyme in ' the remarkable little gels for the rueth and Pat:.. Ask your druM..t ..r address' ir. the history o1 ,.witeulm no prepa- ration has received such universal nom iaendattou. for the alleviation it affords and the curets i.ifeots to kid :my diseases as Dr. Van itureu's Kiuuey: Cure. its action in these distressing oemplainta u simply wonderful. Bold by J. Wiliam. im Mame new. In (first Britain the question of Home Rule a oommandis.g •ttentIon. To the mail with • cold in the head or chest the safest may t.. ensure 11, ire Ruie over •- cold is to have on hand a bottle of Dr. Harvey's Rel Pune Guilt. Yoe sale at . J. W;looti'• Pcie.enpu. i, drug store. tr 9 THE REV. filth. H. THAYER, of Bourboi, Ind., says : Breit myself and wife owe our Heves to SHILOH'S CON- SUMPTION CURE." For sale by J. �t'ite n, drugeat. • Will You Surf r with Dyspepsia and Liver C„mp'aiut! Shi.oh a Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by J. Wit eon Druggist. Te the 11edieol ry tr..sea. amt. •11 whoa 11 may reaeem. l'h.esphatine, or Nerve bona, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated hyo Professor Austin, M. D. of Roston, Masa., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick He.dache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigt. and Neuralgia and all wasting disease* of the' human systema. Pbrphatine is not a Medecine, bit a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates N lrcoties, and no Stitnatants, but 'imp, ly the Phosphatic and Osrtric !Piemonte found in our daily food. A single bottle is sutbciont w convince. All Druggists sell 4. $1-00 per bottle. L .wuse & Cu., sole agents for the Dominion, wry Frmt treat East Toronto we es s.er eater . Don't allow a cold in the head t.. slowly and sorely develop. into Catarrh whet. you be cured for 23 cents. A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh. One or two bursa will cure ordinary e BOOTS SHOES('.atarth Alldros & JttI1llStOfl. & One d. five boxes will cur. chronic Catarrh. Sold by James Wilson at 2bc per box. Try it—take no other—it will cure you. ly Iavaz' Rotel mud Sargical lostiteta emit of I lefiwa ata MOM. 1.1 rhr.Mlar ase weave•.•. ALA CHRONIC OtaLASQ A SPECIALTY. - PION -ate tooted byre or at tbr.r 1.."..a. Many tri-tled d Mabe: tt.n,ueh -- ABRAHAM SMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER. Goods, New Sty -les, M'elcrus_ Cents' Furnishings, Eatsana Capp, & c. If you wast a cheap' yet N) hsh suit. call at succeanully r If here u porsom. Come acrd w e us, Of seed tee •rut. in •dials for our dBRAi? AAd f3�LITH'Q. levabdi ee'erloves .idk.” which all wow-Uaderlcb. June yrd, IIiM. mars Addams: WoOtLa a Un.rwaenr M.ot- SIM eat. ALSO IATtu., tlY Mato ii 'Weak%, \.Y. r 1 %EO FARMERS AND THRESHERS Use on yc.ur Machinery only the Well-known For •' worn -..rat." " run- Mown." d.l.ilitet„d e rhew,l toeb.'rw. lnilltn.'ra. , hour keeis-r., so ucrrw,.rkm1 w",,w•u generally. ler. Pewees Fiona—nit Prosr,ts:.Mr Is the lee! oM f all renrntivrtanica It isnta'ttbta.all, bit admirehly (ninth a eingirtaws of purNw'. is Amir a must p,t.ent eneelllc for all tb,ow (lin mkt Realm. ore and 111rneva penitis- t•• nonce.. The tr'atn.rit if many tlwieei'l! .t such t'a.ea. at the 110 si„t/' H,.ir'I a.et Aunt- hyl 1uatit,i.• h..• tor,".. 1•.1 1 bor....r,•rt.•n,..• In adapting n•m.dito for their curs.. asti Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ts the. result of mitt, coot •n+•ries..•- f'er internal rougestlun. Iufiasntmatiort and uleeraliue. It la s %peetfie. 1' 1, s powerful ern,-r.i. as well oe uterine, tonic and nervine. and tuterts t-igor iota A-ru.th erwtt'm. It crines wrabneas ..f atolna,•li, utdir'*SIw, blerttug. went back. n•r.ous pr,..,r.tiou, exbau.tkm. ,1.•bt1ty and .11 dtherw x. Vermin.' Preset, twon is odd ty drionri"ts metro our Dire pwlnuitoc. tkot wrapper &roust bottle.•i aft x a t.ia PRICE $1.00, .wa (swouo.i. :Lend le ee-nts to stem' - (.,r lir. Pion -,•'s Targe Tr,rtuc an I•L••'a.-. , t N outfit t Inn tram, I Ad.lrs- . 0 "Hi 16./1 Dlairl- leant ti I,I 1, t1. .t- .4 i t ....'s. 53 Mata TtMlt, BuCol. t rut 0 \er C o s LITTLE Ntanse[‘t LIVES uveat.ivo► e \c 't.t2, PILL:1% Al5TI-I5IL/Ot A and CATHARTIC. $ICK HEADACHE, R11lows Meadarhe, DIasino.eesa,, Cosset 1pa- tlon Indlge.tion, and Milieu* Starks. r. irteti tee este ■a Pe rgattee ilei■. so anima vial. by prosaism - SIX GOLD MEDALS FEE1LES OIL • h -ye lawn awarded it dairies the Iasi there years. Tr& also our ra•rrsra w AXLE t:MYaas fur your Weems • and Horse towers Maaufa.tareal at Quern 1111 M1 Weeks. by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. For Sale by YATES & ACHESON, Goderich. Tote.le, Jose tetb. ltlly. :UV -11 dgrieultnrsl Implements. C. H. GIgtVIN Ras gam fabthe Agricultural Implemca busies's,wad rekre•enia the following Houses - HARRIS & SON, Brantford, BI Dram, MOWER. and RE.iPERS. COCKSHUTT, Brantford, PLowb, HAYLOADEIts and S('t'FFLERS. MASSON a1ANUI:A(TUSINO CO., 0,11awa, SEED DRILLS and LAWN MOWERS. AOR" T rola Geuuiiie Now York Ser Seiiig Iacliiiiea West Street Meat Market. 116Ftf C- H_ GIRVIN, Hamilton street. a few doors below the l ulborne Hotel. Keep Your Feet You ria do this at a very tnlling cos t., bey:t.g yo' r • `!1 -WHY WILL YOU cough whru Shileh's Cure -will cove immediate relief. Pros 10 eta., BO dtL. and $1. For sale by J. Wilson, druggist. 6 Shiloh's Gough and consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. For sale by .1. Wilson, Druggist. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 1 Aga► lmwe--... PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT fly w.ar;r.g the on:y FRANK LAZARUS 'Lie of the firm of l.asaru. J; 'lorr:s Remand Spectacles and Ere closes Them. T rwMrs and Tyrfitare. t.atpltetT.' tae/1 for the past ti tears. and driven in every instance unboundeol setivfac'ion. Thiry are T1/r: IIKOT iv TIM w.n1.11. They never tire, and set (many year. Sutton? change. a on -41 Y. 11t' Yates & Acheson, ■(arty tat t1EtI fit\Tem 43-01D FRANK OID FRANK UZARUS,JANUFACTURER td afar_ .,. Rota Narrow Load. LONDON. ENGLAND. cote Lazarus i 'term. Hartford t'onn.l {ILNu cenneeiinn w:th any other firm in the Dominion of ('arida. Jan. 7 nil. hot O$2-ty The Canadian Pacific Railway THE efitATEST CeSHSAAT14N ON EANTN. The Mont Direct awl Reit F:gntpfoed Roite fret ween MONTREAL - TORONTO, QUEBEC OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSN DETROIT I- 45HIOAQO, S KANSAS arty, ANL' ALL PoINTtt F:.(ST AND KIT. wage i erehoiag your Tfekets elsewhere' sell on R. RADCLIFFE Call and See Them oriaa-val . apt= T:c;., Gederiek, Rept. Mt&, ISM eingsmeh. Jay tieta. tut, g(* RLI. KINDS rat' *Ski" THE MTOI:E OF EATS1• E. DOWNING, Cmbb's E1oc1 ('are Attention nd Promp Milos A CALL dOLICITED Itee Sitb Farmers' has.attention_ The undersigned h&Choice liel•cWaef Pure. ('Iran E E D of the following varieties: -White Duchess. Lueerne, Alsike. Trefoil, Pea Tine and Red ('lover. Timothy, lawn and all rnrfetir. of Grasses suitable for permanent sentare. rets. Wheat. Peso. Harley, Rye. Rens. Hucbwh.at. Porn. Tares and Flax; also Field and Garden Seeds of last yrars growth trap -n noose. A full assortment of Flour and Feed. The Celebrated Paton Churn the brit in the market. A ora.•gnment of Choir(. Fresh Teas, con ., si.ttng of Mack. Green ani Japan. whole- Crabb's Mock, Corner East street and Sentare. sale and retail. .t large amount or Money to Loan. N.R.-To*hetrade. Leather and findings In any ,uantlty at Lowe.' Pr., ca. i have new es hand the Merest stork ever shown in Goderich. aro c•'myr.ae. eve -y 'one ne tally found in • first -clam Nor Marr, from the ansa kid. through Ali :b. .nt.•rnit,:ate grade to the hes risen cowhide. I will sell at Prices that Will Suit Everyone. Ladies' Boon, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15, 00, Yi:i;es and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys do.,11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. 1 can and wt11 .. yrs. both is goo is wad pries. E_ D0 -w NI NG R. PRICE, Yaaofte Mork. Fast street. Goderich. )i►rob Ilth. Isar. 9 1a HAIR EA" II 11 Restore', g-."" hr:.r to s 1 a -r tura ask., re- move-. Darorcd.: stops the 1iir frca falling ot;t increases itr growth. and wu i not sot: the akin. As a hair dres- sing. it has cc superior. Guns anteed narmieu Prepared by Harkness & Co. Lone_on, Ont. Fold by all ftreeri wad Twat n,.a.ia. Ussl•ra Wa AND SECU$ITY 1.885_ GI-0DERICH WOOLEN To the WPuol Growers of the P,..,rorrladiwy 1rn".fry: W. with to say that we are ptwpsred to take your Wool in exchange for (leorla. or work It for you Into anyof the faltowg iwarticles. via Blankets--hite, Grey or Horse. Bhirtings -Grey or Check. Clotho -Tweeds or Pull Clothe, Light or Heavy. Flannels -White, Grey Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sheetings-Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. OUT faculties for tins work tensed be ear. K. will sadover 1. mien eases tads ! the day it hi brought in. if repaired. ( unom Spanning and Reeling. or %pinning On the t:ap. mares er line, here •r soft twist. aereganwd. We are r a tee■ t. de all kinds of ens maftem watt, dome 1a • fail sot eneenemamill, d we arrstatee to de for You fully teal. f est • name Mt e This oat represents the doable truces without the belt. Note the Itis, et the he sb•ppr.�n sprisg situated in the tad, by which a ('U\MTANT b41 eon IN AHUsad 6 PWA>NLi ns tate herwia wiw:n the true* 1a adjmated. C$GE RHYNAS y - Dru SOLE AGENT O.ODERIO February Sib. IAp6 lull. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. • QEO. u &nr CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich A good &mertment of Rltthei, fleet-roowt. tieing Room amyl Parlor Furniture err h . t Idea CWnthair . rant and wood •eatrai. ('upboarl•. Med-steads Matt rime . Furniture, ad L•aagea,sorsa. N hat -Sous, Looking chow••. 51 rmaonablee^rate mesa moat of Cicalas and Inwood' alwge on bead •1e* RearNs for lei Picture Travelog a specialty.—A call seli•Ited ART as Ns ter'WALL PAPER Now r h. rime 11 755 wlsk tamer two sloe He hes er v at Mme. titillate/biller am r. 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautify' eobrma at styriese I•.• than • cry mtaN laferler :mu. Cal and NNtm, 7'N • se also a awe as wee • • rip honor than way I. os 1 .nw..,N..a ThclcsA .. ..eef.ny.enelted� Spnng ��%jnppE. McCANN�atPms & Fashions,*..mindwow. Mu v..as+ xv Is.b ,gat AT 1113VTIAJEC 's Irl yogi R05 bosh i im,,enlal 8907 tender A tab ksndtl wrier suds ■ u Ten ttrhleh 1 e nvoi e.*as l called' ea. la Oat1 in thaw up the gtsard, kens thing - up the When safe to tents, The being Whits who a Crum of (h ✓ eepec from oedipal Lingua the let men spread clumps young, possib mens, Nell reside with h few dt the be diva rifled t he had the be lowed mean Res team t erfurd imam i were sonbui real.a a keg. as th upwar It i will 1: up ,n alarm There minim Of nom view ( asked ornate Fin ()Itbe ✓ ent - First the b 'Not have Nic the m & poles rids a rive t script putpo I & Pn Id 1 Th. 1 Pn k now Yon rifled Pat— cast y y'Il et Prt prote he u gibes her tl setts, who 1 can fl "r land OMAN by y. arm, of h "Tal Berk ,e1 M I Iiv1 path. said in at ha do A g" fi Smit did d• el wen alis f of "YI Fee H: