The Huron Signal, 1886-10-22, Page 4i•
CAMERON AND ROSS' 1 The Chia". gsestba ►•. has- I .11.. was .first apo •ad eesse d th. ! o1 tkts Adasuiatruwu seal Ihat of lair
i dled by the 0
is • w&, fiat serrate Nei ri.ibi.4 uy '1,000 ttorips M , Juba Maoduwld, whwh llr t'aoteroo
continued tram firm paged is. the/ had • oesmiesiuo appeased, I lag iesued to the h.lfbreeda south 4 had lust been laying before them, ought
Asti 5o aro down to ibe fury uryan in ' iirh Hen. Mr. Cbapleau and Nicholas Cl.rke s ; but at the same time to be noted by the people. lie saw that
tbs,'to n. The Tory lawyer. have atm I Irl.'d Darin It it. They issued a re- he rifles anal cannons and the welling to tb..contest w tjwbea, un awuy pl.1-
of work, but ilii only thus* of wen douse the ti s work uoreh Itrsa the eawamucal adsaiuistntwa u(
beau provided tor, setae 0100,000 hawiug' port
Dees yet in the way of U t up +sump in all the pages of that wetly blae of that potat. And w I say, that'll ever the Reform G in Ouse iu was
pursers who were seamen to reedier I.g.l beck sou 1115 w°y i° whish they told a 13 t was responsible fur a re- wutrested atruu ly wits the mon lavish
. ureases to the admwa. i°istralt11 l oma- that they had Oot time to visit the public bellow, at,d should be tried, c:,uvicted, and expensive Tory adasi.iatestiw is
mut prow everything I charge tgaiast 5ehtwls u( British Columbia, Det they 55uteuoid and esxutd, at is the vaso Quebec, mad ltehat
rer. "Ott w b.
Ike 0 t in the way of unu.oea- had Vold into evaowq i° 5 house of whom I arraigned in the House of dear- proud if that oeutrate had helped the
ser yr unfair expenditure, then 1 will peame
titutaoa. (Sha.) lueseut, and whom 1 today arrsiY be(ure cause of 1.tberalisul in that Pruviuce. He
withdraw hoes West Huron sod le: a A deputy-speater was appointed to soy coaatatuenta. (Cheers.' Do they -' would gtre there some of the pointe of
Tory take my place. (Cheers.) favor a van who had been promised a dewrre support 1 (No, so. And 1 *ay cw carie .d both with Quebec and the
Mr Cameron thea wet un tu show the cambium position, but who due not face most emphatically, No. The news we Donnie.° for the Isar 13 years as to how
number of Tory °timbers of parliament hu w,nsiituepts, and Mr Daly got an get from every point is All expsiidittre had increased. In 11173,
who were as°kintt moue] out cat the °airs 02,000. Martin J. Gnfbu, au d- slung the line -from New Bruaswick, the year Mr Molest hook ethos, the ex -
beauties given to railways by the Govern- tear o! the Mod, by his abusive writing from Nova Sootia, and last from good old penditure of Ontario was 8.1,4d0,212; nu
snort of which they were supporters. In had made himself obnoxious even to his Quebec ^hears. - the provinces are step- 1885, 82.693,626; or au wcrneas of
1864 the U IRraotod $8,9711,000 own {ertT, grid he was made a "joint- ping into place. The fields are whiten- $243,313 --equal to 9 per oeut - -while
as railway bonuses. Of this, Outerio re- libr°rtan -use was enough before -at re. ung fur the harvest. and at the next oleo- our population had iuoreas*d 18 per
cored $637,000, while the other pro salary of $3,000 •.year. tion we will come home rejoicing Learing I neat. In Quebec. in 1873, the expw. da-
winoes gut 08,339,000. In 1885 #7,999,_ The Franchise Act will oust the awn- the sheaves of victory whit w. .t; •• turn was 81.731,750; in 1885,83,156.1132;
364 inure were give in bouuses. Qu- i try ab out $1,000,090. We all know how pluse ) 1 or au increase of $1,423.902 -equal t.,
mumu Rot 0409.300, and the other proven- • it has cost w heavily is West Huron t•.
cam $7,590,000. In 1846 shout $l0,• 1 look after the lists, apart from the regi
030,0J0 were given an b.uuses, divided
principally among rI ler sipC°°' through the officials And
ministers or followers what is the need of it 1 Why, they see
of the 3urernment. Hou, Messrs. es_ 1 gooM the absurdity of the thing, and even
won, Chapleau and Pope had gut meow- I the Mod says that it is tun expensive,
cue suets fur roads in wilds they were and ought 1" be repealed Chien.;
autereet.d. Hon. T. White's brtther and 'The eery thing we were firhting against
Hon. 11. Lint., s role kin had also Ger three long months, the Tories n..*
t vast sums. Peter White, Darby admit is • wrong. (Applause.) They
ttin, James Beatty (the Boy'', Hector will soon be tak*o' credit to themselves
for doing
Camet,,n, Dr. Ferguson, John H'KY'doingaway with this obnoxiew ball.
S. Hasson, Dackum, Rykert, Dr.Hickey, Whenever the 'Curios thud anythiu4
Dalton McCarthy -the Brains of the unsatisfactory, they turn around mit
party Chas McIntosh, J. J. C. Abbott, 1 dope our platform, and claim it as their
Patrick Bunts and ether members have own. Laughter,
beau getting bonuses to /money and I now c.une to Indian questions. It
lands, chiefly in money, for railways ,u ousts us annually to keep our red -men
which they were interested. It hes acme 81,125,000. 1 pointed out in the
been a must shameful system yyI broker- House several times that the muury .as
age. Now, 1 ask the people of this wasted, and that the men who were sent
ocantry•, au you expect an honest par- there were as a rule men who were
lianieut, can you expect heetest Impala- wholly uutit for the position. 1 pointed
tion, and honest estwnditun. "f public out that one English snob was living in
1 a••.uld tnueb upon ether points, did; 08 per cent In the Doestaion the ei-
tiwe permit, and when I get the Toriesdour. iu 1873 was $19,174,648; in
before me I will not fail to touch them. 1, 188:..3;,.037,084: or an increase of $l0, -
(Laughter.' A Government carnet be 862,436 -equal to 83 per cent. During
good all over the country while it is bad the sante paned civil government, which
at headquarters. (,Applause ) The his- i included all the salaries and c-u°tipgen-
tory of that little incident which recent- • cies of the Departments, had tut -reseed
ly occurred to the Senate, is one that in Chita'''. 5 per cent ; in Quebec 40 per
illustrates the tactics adopted by the cent and in the Dominion 51 per cent.
Premier to keep himself in power. It is Legislation had increased in On
• disgrseef ul page. Sir John A. Mac- Sarto 5 per emit and in Quebec 13
dnnaid gave a ,.r. *sire to Hon. per eeut. 11. saw that Mr Mere-
O'Donohue that he would be taken Into dub lately. at %Viuchester Springs, was
the Cabinet. A certain porton of the still nuking stat same ball
community, powerful in the Tory party. .4 the total ex eudature of 1871 under
objected. Sir John at once sat down and Sandtield Macdonald and the expendi-
wrote a letter to the Catholic bishops Lure now, without giving his heaters the
saying it would not do to put MrO Donis- particulars of the increase -which his
hue au just then, but that arran,;ements town lieutenants in the Hous had frank-
wuuld be ".4..L.apprtntlse.a1or Fr•.wb was
Smith in Mr O'Donohue's place, and the t increased expenditure was inreal i-
feruner would make way ter the latter ty a distribution to the inunicipsl es
"when they thought the time ,-ilea- if moneys net required for other pile.
tune. • 1) Donohue got a seat in the pities of Government. He would give
mnies, anyn you expect anything else open aduitewith threw young Indian Senate. but he was deceived about the thew wine of the amine We were gl v -
but corruption and pluuder, when mem• squaws right under the shadow of the Cabinet stoat, and m ewe were the bishops. Ing now $242,258 • year more to schools,
ben m
of the crown and members of par- isiou house. I pointed out also that And I say to the esthetics of West Hu- 043,215 more to agriculture, $54 11
ren, whether they are Irish, fir file .tch. more to hospital., $442,147 more to re -
or teereaan, they wail he unworthy .,f twee the madden from the care oft he
their naes at if they do not resent this insane, the blind and the deaf id
insult_ (Applause. All creels and dumb. paying over to the county cesa-
rean an join in fraternal sympathy t.. Boren $250,b74 more towards ►nal
work and rota fur an honest. truthful adwiuistration of jwgn°tacw, and in is
and consistent statesman like Hon Ed- tc open up roads to the new distnt
ward Blake. tChren ) 8611,016 more than in 1871. He then
And now, in conclusion. I c rfidently i showed how much more this county was
lumens vote sums of money into their many of the young girls in the mission
our own pockets in st. shameful • man- wheels were belay sold tc lewd fellows
nee f (Applause As well night you for sums ranging from $15 to 820. These
expect W get a pure stream from a° un- charges were never answered- When I was
pure fountain ; or to turn darkness t. I' 24 heunout of Ottawa. Sir A.Mac-
deylirht when the mid-dsy sen was doesald said he would answer them in a
shining. (Applause. These men can- . pamphlet, but he lima not done at, and
not do anything else that they are doing, • he never will, because these terrible
because they are bought. Tory jobbers charges cannot be succesafully answered.
hanging around the doors of parliament (Cheers)
at Ottawa have been given timber lands I Lieutenant Governor Dewdney had
in the disputed territory. If the Oita- said that the expenses in feeding and
trio Government dues not do something ! clothing the Dadaist's were only $454 -
to check this plundenug of the Trovan- 000, and could only account for that
ems slumatn theu-thee-still-anecer .gameeseztuu° -- _-s.Led- ter -i'iriinatnnt i1 41,.
receive my support. (Cheers. government would account for the other
But the currupttun has tot x.(100 1 .Applause►.-T'bese -la
r hoed to railway bonases, timher limits. + had been abused and neglected. Some
aid lands, grazing lands, mineral lauds had been starved to death, and others
the Northwest, and timber reserves in 'frozen to death. Clergymen of all the
the disputed territory. Other avenues churches having missions there--Pro-
bare opened to the greed of tho Tory testant and Caholic-had remonstrated
member of priianieaii. There are other I with the •uherities. Want of good
ways by which the ••Beadle Brigade' cap- foo.► had caused disease, and the disease
ture spoils. Donald McMaster trades his I had developed into an epidemic. The
professional and political influence with money voted by Parliament was being
the Gk;verninent eo that violaters of the stolen. By Indian Treaty N. 6,
customs laws may escape at $4,000 a . $37,4`20 13 had been spent in *Rel-
ease, and gets it. Ceapleau, or some of cultural implements, and only, 4,614
his immediate friends, gets $10,000 fur acres were under cultivation. Leigh -
handling • claim against the Government ter;. The Indian. under Treaty No.
by Ripley & Smith. S. Hessen, gets 4 numbering some 6,811;, cultivated
two sous in the customs house, and a 1000 acres, and the Indian account for
brother-in-law a timber limit. Dalton three years is charged with implements,
McCarthy gets • brother appointed etc, coating $27,441. Ohne band in one
a judge ; aid also a brother-in-law a
year had bought for them 50 plow..
judge. John Wbyte's "Blind Shares" 320 hayfi rks, -and 320 scythe.; and in
IS a notorious specimen of venality and the following year 63 plows, 140 scythe*.
pdittcal barter. 140 forks; and the year after X1',209
The Moil un Thursday last contained were spent fur plows, and $5,490 fur
the followingedittnal item :- implements. (Loud laughter.)
"M. C. Cameron. M. t .. is to take the stump In three years $93,3.'7 had been spent
'shortly. Tories who are Tet permitted to in agricultural in.plements for Indiana.
psoseess a character must look out -
In In one year $26,31'2 was paid for the
I say in reply to the Mail, and I say trsvellin f I d
to the Tory members of parliaioent, th
I don't know a single one of then w
has a character to lose. Laughter an
applause.; Their characters are all gen
long ago. (Renewed laughter.; Th
g expensee o ea tan agents.
and earnestly ask s11 before me. in this receiving than in 1871, all of which w
stormy hour of Canadian history, to hurl
from place and power those men who
for eight years hare misruled the coun-
try ; those men who showed themselves $4,303; in 1885 there were 95, costing
more to-dt ide-t{ I .I, $I1:8F)0: --4 bketd the Uoeeriiment
country between their camp fellows and took charge of none in 1871; to 1885
supporter's,--/-A-pip' ` 1
these man from power, and stand the and dumb there were 3 in 1871, ousting
government of the country ever to Hon. $1925; and un 1885 11. costing $1,813.
Edward Blake, the moat able, ell■tient,, They were aware that the central prison
honest and pa►triotsc statesman nn esti- and reformatory were established to
oda. Loud and prolonged cheers • 1 relieve the municipalities teen the main-
( teoauce of 'hurt terve prisoners. In
tett. aovM ii Mraxre,
Hon. A. M. Roes on ccmingforward 1871 the Government was net relieving
was greeted with applause, he said as the the county of any of thew. In 1885
herr was Isle he would ked the e.:nveu- e dery brief in there were 4 coating $633. In 1871 the
hu remarks He thankgrant. to schools an Huron were $8,954;
I in 1885 the county got $11,866. In
N ,n for their unanimous mutnin•tion' , 1871 e ounty did dollar
The reformer% of West Huron had vest ( fox ..chthacmp' institutesnut ;receive in 1885a it got
reams w be proud sof their record and 02,052. The grants to agricultural m•
the &alone • that reform principles were? crudes in 1871 were $1,400; but we are
making in the Ridin4. When the redis-
tribution was etude in 1874 and a third • giving $2.100 now. In all these matters
member given to Huron, the West that he had enumerated the county of
Huron was now receiving $t5,934 a year
, Mowat a Premier of 1 ntario hese
grants will never be confirmed,
as while if he c•.ukI induce the .lee-
s ton to accept Mr Meredith he
it could count on that gentleman s sub-
• serviency, as in the past. to de his bid-
ding, even if that h;ddin1 should to the
despoilment and •lienaton on the fere.
on y an maty "finer tinaneial matters he wished to re- c
JAS. A. REIT) it BRO. aro now showing a Complete
Stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods for Fall and Wint-
er, of the Choicest Goode and 11e4 Value in the Market,
Goods oats in Sergent, Plaids, Tufted (cods, Ottoman
Cortla, &c., in the Newest Shades awl at Lower Prices than
ever before offered, notwithstanding the recent great advance
In all lines of Fine Woolen Goods. ALL WOOL FaR'd n 1)x;
(loons, 1 quality, for !Oc. per yard. A R1401(141 line tit
PRIMw1 MELTON/4 for 11c. per yard. Mee them.
Serial Value in ITli:terings anti Mantle Cloths. A goad
Ottoman Curd Cloaking for 1$1.33 per yard. In Ornanst•nts,
(wasps, &c., for Dresses and Mantles. we show a large Mte ck of
very choice goods, irnportrd direct from the manufacturers.
Wool Shawls, Fascinators, Taw O'Sliantt•r t'npa, hosiery,
Gloves, dm., at Low Prices.
Tailoring Department. A large •:e.t k jt;‘t received of
New Tweeds and Coatings fix Fall Suits and Overcoats,
which will be Malde to Order M exceedingly Low Prices.
Goad all -wool Fall Tweeds ify the yard from 40c. up, -cut
out Free of Charge.Underclothing very (•heap. A special Zino of all -wool
Shirts anti Drawers for 30c., worth 73e. Extra heavy fur
75c., worth $1.00.
('all and compare our Goods and Prices with houses that
mark their goods up and then give a petty five -per -cent. dis-
count oft' No Tllot'nx►
LE ri, SHuw Gtl,i
Jordan's Bleck. Godern:h, Mb Oct.. firs,
fully settled. He remanded h' a hearers
that while Mr Mowat had Immo charged
by Ina opponents with keeping this yu„s'
tion ..pen for pithead purposes, he de-
sired that the reference te. the Prat
V,.uncil should corer all the pouts at is-
aue,•but SIr Jobs refused to submit the
boundary between the Northwest Terri
tory aud Ontario, or the owneralltp of
the Inds, and to put s atop e. the un
certainty as to title of land in the award
ed terrat.ry, which is retarding settle
went, Mr Mowat has been compelled t.
bring • suit agauat oue of the parties t.
whom Sir John had made Krauts of tam
bar. The Court of 1'haucery has give'
as decision un favor .4 he Province, but
Sir John would not accept that decision
but took it to the Court t 1 Appeal. The
Court of Appel ala. decided for the
Province- Still Sir John world not accept
end tut rem
Court. Free :here, i suppuee he will tali
th.-P t ,,... .i via Mr vine or
beaten in the end, as hs has been neater
before. And why is all this ceusideratios
aud delay/ It is, that be may iia the
ragout lute nuke nee .4 his .sa•n
ed authority t.. fraudulently grant these
lands .f the Province to his polluted
favorites as the purchase of their
upprt. One would have thought that
after the decision of the Privy Courted
in 1884, awarding the tomboy to on
tans, he would have held his baud, but
the returns to parliament show the he
has actually assumed to make one hun-
dred of these grants since that decision
was made. Another raison he may have
for waking delay as that he know. Mr
Mowat will, so soca as the Prcvincial
title is affirmed, repudiate all these
fraudulent grants and so long as Mr
a relief to bees► municipal taxation. In
1871 there were 37 lunatics kept by the
Governments in ibe asylums,
Riding was 1
Po n as tee most more this° m 1871; .r the county h•
doubtful of the three; indeed the Triesgot since Mr Mowat increased thew
then looked the cab Reformersn tt er safe far their atnnts 8140 8:01 more thaw ,f they had
pity but ltinghi earned it j a been r'ntinued at the Same amount
fair majority, electing him by a major. ; in 1871. New, Mr Meredith comirmn
ity of 94. We had carried it by ihcreaa- that increase, and if M was cunaietet
d majorities at the two succeedtog el- he would reduce these grants if he seer
ectons and he was satisfied that, with to power• FIeu (Mr lte..i dorbted if ilia
the marea zeal and earnest work, we people of Huron would approve of that
would carry it at the following election )lial. (A lanae. l3rf o I
5* M
Loans anis insurance.
iltreigtpht loans. Any amount. Prlrata
Diadem time law nate of 44 err sent, per me
- ..:. sepur:K t a .sets, (material.. 311.1
F't' X OS to lend .u, Mery M the low
rate of El Th. .AND .t HALF PKK CENT.
per 1. write ,r caU for ia:oculara
>Os3 sK AtiF:K t 1 -KIWIS. Oodrricb.
C•500,000 To LOAN. APPLY TO
rich. 1710
s °asee•t of Private Funds for investment
.t lowest miasma 5rat -clam Mortgages. Apply
, to (JARROW k 1'Kui 1)Ftlt►I'
A -N41 ,
* Only Fleetclau cesspool's. ltepreerwfed
Y Money to Lend on straight loans, at the
lowest rete nl interest going, la say way to
wait It. narrower.
sworF'1('F: n.-cond door from
weer Street. li.wle•n,•h 1st!-ttQaare.
by • larger ma) t th f P T pp re eavOtg t
at Why, if every Indianagent in the service
h" of the l:ucernment wore to travel c °coast"°' When Sir John cwrvei up
d tinually, and d•. nothing else, the
and let
ry rxtrat) inary t
"^' Huron by his gerrymander bill of 1681 ter v. sums re
real yodel! th chargee made by the Ih,mantou w
uncial territory: The st•ealser then
heed with a ringing appeal to the elec•
on of West Huron to stand shoulder to
/welder iia thecause of jp.,nd G
W. r. FOOT.
Fier. Life and Marlowe lsavireaee /mewl,
rw' I)11 •e, opptn.itr ►',.Ilium. Hotel.
T'.,- • London (a.nrsn, e.' 1 I20
'the • Xuinnal.' establt.t d tttit3
The "Hand -in -Rased," the only Company
iicen«•et to insert plate else, ra the
The above are all fist -filum and old .stab•
lisbe,t eompa,ies.
Nicks takes at loran rate..
aifl•.nerich Dec. lith. Pat. IH S
41"Aqpi)xv,1►V1k TO LOAN' AT 6 PEI:
are prepared to loan money at 6 per cent., say
able half yearly. on
on first -clam Terra severity.
....Apply to
Barristers. t:oder•Ieb.
Aureate for the Toronto General Trysts
Heger*. t'atsatuov. HOLT t t'aw►.ttu'( have
alma large amount of private funds to len,
on first-. lass farm .rrurit .
• a e Grits, as he thought, in a over°• Ooderich. Item. I. Ie_ , Iteett
These asst of that aid nHer are come hign South Hawn, he thuught he had made' When thetne teaccouantst were submitted that, if they dies so, victorye Precince. ment IA in the jam, the `200,(X10 PRIVATE Fl NILS
s safe Tory seat in the %Vest, but he did o ie cause of t is section h
agent f10c , (laughter); repenng baits not reckon on the pluck , t West Haws I chsrg.s (fir arrests u[ payment* to larger map. y T
men disputed my facts, and when
showed them that the statements
euntaind in the blue backs, they
ey disputed the oorrectns.. of eit 1
blue books. That's rather hard
tiovernrnent books. (Laughter and so--.
i now ohne to the "teatinionial" phase
of parliamentary corruption. A con-
tract•r named James ll.00dwin, (now
dead. and I trust at peace), had a claim
of 010,000 against the department of
Public Works. He subscribed $1,0110
towards a testimonial to a cabinet minis-
ter, and got $5,374 for hu claim-♦ rsth
se good investment f.,r his 01,000. H.
T. had a similar claim. Gare
$1,000 and got $5,000. Charleroi• ten
dered for a C. 1'. R. contract, sed was
rejected on the ground that having failed
van a previous contract, he had no right
by law to get any new cintntot. He
subscribed 01,000 and got the contract
fur sew parliamentary buildings. A
11aat.a+tied Otemow had for years been
mating anxious eyes on a Seoatcrshep,
and Couldu't get tt. He sohecribed
$1,000 to • testimonial, and now isbask-
ing on the cri•ns.n seats among the
ghosts in that pla••e of political decrepit-
tude. (Laughter
Amidst se roaneui laughter he des -
trifled hew with s 84.2.000 hnuao and
$15,000 a year. Sir Cola Tupper, our
High *Jommisioner to great Britain, had
been piling up restates "ours.. The in-
ventory of these ekttes was as follows:
tis, $1,21;1; refrigerator, $900, to
epos wine) ; baby's cot, 3 dot port
Owes. 3 dos sherry glasses, 3 die claret
glasses, 1 dos champagne glasses, 4 doz
tumhlen, 4 oivart decanters, 4 pea
decanters, 2 claret jugs, 8 Cantfw, K
tither decanter' .411 was done in lordly
style, hut what de the temperance
alectora think of it i iAughter and
applause.) $500,1100 was annually spent
ti by the Dominion (:evern-
aunt, and three fourths of 11.0 money
was actually thrown away. fhe emigra-
tion secants did not send us out the class of
men we need in this country, men ••rhe
are willing to go nut 4111., the forest
tinkle and the broad prairies and hew
put or plough sway a home and romp*
isms .r ther°eelves. But they sent us
oat personas taken from the gutter and
the .4 London and other
bees cities of Enelen.i and Ireland, and
the MO hail t.. cry out attainst the
dint of Migrants who were crowded in-
to Otr.wta'y street, T.x,.°tu. We also
hair•,aljratien seems in Pattie. Por
! , years all that these Remick emigre.
goo nt-•uta have hymn able to do belles
Jreiwisv their saes salaries. hoe heels
b t#d . amt. (Latighte►.
- I curious items :-Silk handkerchief for Ot 1884 we were surprised t tied h
IndioLek $s p and H rge j than ever a Irnd nn farm and town prperty M stow
' I $„ Refermen. Choosing Mr Cameros fur Osfora na issoa cat d agree.
purcktsse(i. 111. sem
Coin/ " l a t .e
-- - Credit ('"moony. tt•r ►rend.. Icon Com
their standard bearer, they- bad -fisc--} as 00 m Uperittr unto (Lund and ptvlt.ngd - a,rtna chard
t ./ o; foot hall $u; magic lantern $84.15;
flan blinds for wince, 13 4.10: super-
intending Indians fishing, $135.46.
Why, gentlemen, an Indian knows more
about fishing than any white "instruc-
tor" can tell him. laughter end ap-
plause. In three years one Indian
band was charged with $22,1)29 for *ter-
tian seeds ; enough to stock every garden
.tMtts te,r
lured and held for C 1 f
iri►id► never IH►dbeapit[to them, and 1
wppeed Tory rtrusghuld at:d_, worse Vow that WIl which they had never claimed, Blit
offer the same captain tam:Intended 1 Lett n .
the ..miss warraogodtfor the se
!told at for another 3'ea11tlement of accounts in Oct, 1884, slut -
On an occaaicri such as this it might be', ltd with the pre.entstion n( an account
appropriate that he should give some
l 7hi13 0(10 sat,► to le due to the Indians
amount of his stewardship and review 1, f 1 L d f 1 d Id
aa4.rl.b 16avaeu - - ---- -efCanada. /neer... S. 6! end 7 per mat.
N. H. Horrowers can obtain mosey is Ms
!Reported by Viermetz. leen Har*at Miftwj-14z` 11 'Ole satutfa. Ia p. -.
I;euiiia. it. out. 0 ISM' DAVISON & JOHNSTON.
IWbeat.11alla l bleb ie ei a spa ;l 10:0 Barristers. Ate.. Ooderleh
tie 'r it or an e so 41'1%1117
wi yeah aa;o. hrat., It.,usr, 1 bn,1. •• • • • N w 0 ae
mese of thelegulatiunandadminiatrstiref t claim that had never been [11.11. dor• %liar.;rnlxedi• "'"' 1 ill r t se
from Viiiinipeg to the Ruskiea. work since the last election. Time how- tib se •' is)
It heck 07,500,000 to crush the Lu ever, would not emit ht t d H 1nn existence of the old province of Flour. tanner token. a cwt•.., uses a ,n
Upper lana la tett had never leen >" err cwt 000 Fe o •n
rebellion caused by Tory misrule. Now, could jet touch upon mese of the work nts, it bash ........ 0 !K w J Y,
senid during the l nie d th h i
wheat, trtdwim.nybush . 11D.e
wheat, (iS ring. t bush
permit m o "a,, ! tire- rlotnr tent► ...... ..,
o not justify the rebellion, but I say
this, and I say it boldly as I said it un
the ti.o.r of the House, that if any re-
bellion was justifiable that half breed re•
beellion was. Fer seven years Cease poor
half breeds hal petitioned the Govern -
meet for redress, but no reply was given
them. Masaienaries of every religion
had besought the Government to do
.ma.thing fur thew unfortunate people.F
but no answer, no satisfaction was given
to these remonstrances. The Northwest
council, • sort of local parliament, had
solemnly resolved in their assembly that
the half breeds had wrongs that needed
to be redressed ; and still there was no
reply. The mounted police uthcers for
pertaining to his own Department. The l never been herd of for the 1, gran eo( >erteT• /bash a is M 0 3e
great industry of Agriculture, was under , confederation, yet here, ti o yen atter ;tamoes, t/ bush „ 0 35 N OM
andmeeI e h&j ' ; , " 1 in all uses Io' q°'m 'is we rare suddenly m told utter a a
this anemia a due to the Indians and pg.•mm packedlYdes ......., :11?::: O Li
of advanoed icaltur• serer.•.
the provinces mud pay it, but none ,ons, lent """' 0 12
its in every thing that might tend to 0 5i . n m
than this, in face of an agreement that Rran •cwt 0 is w o s
benefit the farmer. At their request he i nehuig ehnuld le charged to the oro- (hOp mug, v cwt' I On • I an
had framed and seed •mora stringent rg1 4 renino. }cwt a,r, o est
p(► ig winces without the &incurrence of the wood t m T 3A
Isw for the destruction of noziuw weeds;;treasurers of the prorinlet w0 find that IDde..... •••••••••••• 3 w r, y,
Slee orae for the greater i ,eAeMptktlN'---- •••--
against the spread of infectious iseasesturn of the account, an order in
in animals. He heti, last seecion, Council is passed, upon the rec.nn-
on, an _ at a sae, b' bush 0 IM or 030
his charge asCummiesionerufAgriculture., t_ tr: dal 1
•• II ve 01.5
• but • few days before the presenia- 0 00 " 0 30
Domestics 13iantea,
amended and consolidated Otto one act 1 tnendetten of Sir Jchn directing _
all the acts Doane upon 11 -- "-
aniHe had made imr'rtant changes In the
management of the Agricultural College,the oes that, •mal dui . ,
which he eta sure gwou!d di.cloess that the Induce had already
three years an every report they made, that institution. He had appointed ani ei crediten notiiand that this ,000 t10 paid
5 4 at
drew the attention of the Government to Advisory Bedard of practical fanners to i
accunt K «o we protested
hPierneed .n 1 rightingan c these
also I assist !am in managing the college end vigorously against this charve and the
farm, and had made that Board n ,n- b Idnesa and effrontery of it was
la -
eddied that the appeals of the half breeds political; and he hoped by this means to un•cceunLhle, fist, s few months after,
should be heard and .eftled. To all or' (rue the inah[uti,ri from the p,httt ►1 the whole pure se and scheme of thtwe
these relents - these warnings - the attacks to which it had sometimes Ind
g agriculture. • that this amount be charged mat - -
Government turned • deaf ear, anc it been subjected. He had recognised [ tan cnarges were f !l t d lin
h F hue bill was intnoducd, and
was not until thees cheated and neglect• the growing of our "-oil •a enc
el men got behind their Snider* and industry by appointing a teretes andathadians were to be given toter,
their Winchester*, and the atmosphere - or of Dairying and establishing a that Indian vets the
to n ..f
fart vibrated with the sound ..f the chased for Sir Jelin with the mousy .d
T a ..,del creamery at the (arm, where all the Pr,rOtc+. Another peculiar and
gathering storm, and the echo of mus- who desired to take up this co-.perstive significant c1 . , is disctesed by
ketry and the deep thunder .4 the artil- system .4 butter -making might be in- . ')ne Dr Peter.lones
lery boomedalong the Seakatchewan, atructed in the meat improved meth- .►meas► - „mind a►esirtn of 1
rnavee1 down the Had Rider arse►
berated eastward till it was wheal and hahed farm,n Ithis $0)8,000 to the Indians, and we
to echoed in the crridor• of the startled "donations for mutual t and afterwards find the Dr .Innes starting a
House of Common, in Ottswu:u
a, that the drsao.r, and the secrete which had Tory Indian newspaper whose special
Government *trek.-- awoke like Rip attended them had been beyond him ex • mission 1. t" show the Indians how much
Van Winkle after his twenty years pectinous. Health nastier. were 5150 the owe to Sir ,john, and how thele
sleep, t., rind only the broken stock and undo: his charge and he thought he new l d franchise
yeary e rovinci5
e eet inn
n y an re
ismer oats of manufacture He hal estab_ 3 per eget fix his services in securing
natttutws fir farmers as -
rusted barrel of hu gun, end the skelie could point with pride to the splendid T nt should be
ton of his dog ',Lied aDP ►mase • The work done last h ih P exercisers The hon gentlemen then
1 referred b, the issues( last Amnon
rebellion had been provoked by cruel hard in protecting the Province from (.r ,vincial rihis, the streamers bill, the
and callous neelect. The Mail admitted the spread of that leatherette disease, I R
that. Bat what did the 5 1 small pox, which had so seriously *trick- these. were
and the til dart' •ward,
say when they saw that the fire .of rebel h P. The*. were all theme unsettled nest
e I ey capacity as resaursr he tloouRht k hayf ; n a s many ..
in[ these half mamunned the ch e M t knee of the nghts of the •Province these
-.n the rovmww of desks. in hie y Ions
ion lad qct tufo the pnairi 1 D d th r het thanks to Mr did w t' l d
say we have been neghsnt arrct r of th
cows are all now settled in favor .d the Prot,
1 i►id they say to the hslfbtswia, ( t (ver emonomieal t
Yen Aare bees wronged :lay down your hen. Ne confirm of the Monet Goy once. Ho 'Mr Rees was net strictly ae-
arms, and the jostler that a given to, curt' a 'eying all gettl.d, w the born
erory British wbjwct will he pvwo ter erwewwnt h wttempte••t to charge that dory gtttettMn, nese* to Sir John's tefw• •
Qsv.rnmont with any du
fora small rani 1). Mn.t have setae ex
srtssCe (a peeking. Apply in prrsoa at th
For Sale or to Let.
on Farm and Town Property at lowest In
wrest. Mortgn.grs pun honed. no Comminution
chaRrged. Con% . oriwwers elan.
obtainymoney in oneda reasonable.
if Lyle 1. estistactory.-l)AVISuh t JOHN -
,X Itnrnstr - - -
TL.. l our.., will consist of
to he delivered in
ACes011's Nei
is during the winter mnntha of 10111.7.
Sem: of the hest 'mailable Canadian and
.trnerican talent ha. b.-rn secured, and the
cnm mi • i e. are confident of gi v i tit satire pub -
feet ion.
('nurse tickets. consisting of are tee-
; pun tkkete are living MOW at 41 each. These
tlrkeme may be used as the r' ehoes.g,
e.g., he may go hinisrlf to each lectur, M ha
may take innr friends with hltw to aay man
iet-rnre, fir he may allow his wife to attend
three and go himsrlf to two, or be stay- -see
them la a°yy wayhe pleas.. Mneme liberal
souls, knowing te /meat needs a the church.
will take two, three or four, and nae theta se
family tickets: but be sure you hely at least
one when the lady ran,arw•r calls 'upon you.
The net. preened. w ill he rgnitably divided
between the two Methodist ehurrhee.
The following is a list of dater► kr.
(J(7T_ 79 -
HGV. ALF. X. Rt'RNR i).1) iri..D,. of Ham
Moe : -Home Rile for Ireland."
NO7p_ 23_
It ET. MANLY RRN>lO;tl.dTsrsaM, "Ike
1780_ 10_
('HAi'I.IN' Mr 'ARE, et New York :-
"Retell tilde of rife In !Abby Priem."
JAN. 18
R F: V . Nunn ponN itT(w, R n of Tmm to.
-From London tlJeris.le°t."
FMB. 8
MET. *.. A. I(TAIMR,, Rile• ef Toronto
'The It4ble In the IRh ('entnry.
t orenn rel-hysM n f rana*mare. il
wt oreery
s 1'e..vsston iven on the 1st of October
nett. Apply to giver,
H. (;l1OKE. North
M rem ltlfb
yrnr+ 1.. .- .5t fire. sppa the Maitland amity
I') leiter inlJ 8 a1 17.ARA. tratfordof .• IMO -tf
Str'aylel9 Animals,
' the whw•H►vr, nn the flan below the
teatime. abet the& of Anonet, a light roan
yen -liner heifer. Tke owner le rryneelert to
pr..vr prvPwrty, fat• and take ,t
a a a,, . 44 0. COUNSEL, Ooderlch. 517 -It
`.' the snhveriher, ■hant the middle of
Aorta. • dark fay fill£ about two years old.
rhe owerr 1. rrgnrs,r,i le prove properly,ppswT,y
,*sense., and tate 11 away. Apply to itrl.
11. RAT. ks 3. note. 1. Colborne.
.altferd P.O. r101-
perm lmaof the n'sderulg,wd. south
half of lot z5. , on. It. west Wswsaesh, about
twist of Anent, three yearling ram eta,
a. heifer. dark red, one steer. dark rut with
white spot on for. -head. one saner ',putted est
ed white. All in newt t noise. Th. serer 1.
requested to eel enema." aad take t
.way. rut NI) AHENO.
west 1 '
you 1 No. After the outbreak, • cm- the .comsat between . li.snetal rem rd al to'sheat the whole qulestiuo was act
w immesh. Aga. t$Ih,11 K tam
All Lorton*. to enw, M 0 mix
.011 ( Tickets mom ire esti►.
OodMrh.Oct. 711*.15 ON
P'Hoer(IORAPUT. The .fist
somasassessait' j,. hooka
..hut fIIM
To the editor ,
fila, -1 so
country will
erten reader
T is Haar
sou the hart
wheat being
different saint
llight 111 the
where there
The fall sh
1st, wee a au
dry ses.a" th
tables and he'
ow as last to
were shown,
played stator
▪ cheese, b
good maniples
grown ism theside show war
cess a *rest it
shown, moue
ground ; also
sheep, pigs an
There is a s
throughout th
tit the way
Dominion ger(
mg to the 0*
taken lake it
number in the
had a p.pula
thousand whi
cording te
u bo, we ai
four members
than none, lin
this country tl
election bele. in al
will tot be rep
There is also 'inns' reeeru
ent N. W. Cot
by cal accounttt oarht not 1
Iasi Christmas
the Couuasi di
to give each •
devoted t.. th
their dist nets
received 1101
515 a statem.
funds. Wiser.
a flying viol
wright a shoe
owner of 10.0
The Count•
eastern 111. P.
whom paned t
will know t,..
than h
A Porta Pier
Benmiller plan
this year. and
full of the "
thinjt much of
t bre coneer
About a wee
1, con 3, E D
cun,sity in 11
awpended by s
1.1 a tree. The
by tl1e bird (r
showed conal(
curiosity is on
This week ie
his able aid, .1.
Stratified for a
to build mottle
of the Classic
pions had heft(
slings • pretty
The asaany fr
and his esteem
of the death
Maud, from
home, (irinne,
was at one tint
Geo Green,
Presented with
gold nmmed
with a veinal)!
knife, on the
fano near (;,.d
a class leaner
for some years.
with them th
NUMMI or !1
following shite
McDonald. r
brother of (la
Joseph Mc9lun
This gentlema
to his house fr
from disease "
passed away o,
the 52nd veer
was s native in
but came to
young, his fat
county of Hi
ego he took ul
and was resid(
time of his des
ter by trade, ■
for the late ,1.:
blo work.. 11
had from time
Important poli
at the build)
bridge a• Hui
Trunk bridge
eternal ears,
erns for the
shrewd bovine
wages, by Jed°Iated a 1
Featem his tam
was a member
three years sit
tort in manic
leaves **Mo.
(ear sons and
era! took ph
kat, to the Gt
111* iMeent
trade. 1 pal
peaches." I
.eyed. You