The Huron Signal, 1886-10-15, Page 88 flextat'ald,. A social trip was held at Chu. Mon ns s last week. John McGregor, .4 Wisbwuh, Mick., vested friends here last week. J. Buchan. head herdsman 1.4 Rides - wood fame, hae returned fr..w w.eral weeks absence et the nig agncultursl shows. Celhorns. AsUTHet LittLy lit.n 1.11•N. -Last winter er tnentioned the tact that P. 0' Han, of Benwuller, an octogrnanan,was able t.. dance an Irish jig as well as any of the h is. Another "broth of • toy from the ould sod ' is Arthur Haughry, who is in his lObth year,and yet who can plow tor several rounds with the firmness of a you'll( man. He has to Stet • driv- er, however, as he is gluiest blind by the weight of years. He is latberwue a vet- •.reus (Id fellow. He professes t.. Inc able to heal diseases by charms, etc. Nn is from Tyn,ne, Ireland, and remembers well the troubles ..f_9s. -r-- 1 D On. Itav Meters Campbell and McKihhin, of the Methodist church are conducting series of revival ,services at the 1'o,t Read. with peel result. Itev..las. Carrie is spending a few week* iia Lind,at with his relaiires. The state of Isis health c.mhelltd hint h• discontinue the duties of his ptnah for $ time. His pulpit will be supplied next Sabbath by a brother minister. The cungregatinn of Erskine church, is making encouraging proerees under Sim.. L. .l. Camer.•n, who was settled here shout two years assn. Soto the occupati.•u ..f the new church the attendance up.'n rIl the services is much increased. During last month two elders were ordai:•ed and six persons added to the membership by profession of faith. M. C. Cameron M. P.. sit Guderich, who had been *skeet to lay the unser stone of th• church but could root Ise present upon that uecaaaien, recently acknowledged the eowpliment by pre- senting the cutIZregatiun with a valuable communion service, including baptismal bowl, table liners and case, The gift "f a beautiful ptilpit bible was 3100 received from Mr W. McArthur, a member .4 the congregation. At the request of the county conven- tion. the local temperance chairman of this section, John M•Ilotigh, has called a •oo•well.y►� :._IJ in Shu {" church here, on Thursday, Oct. 28th, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of organizizing a West Riding Association for temperance work. D. E. Cameron, of Lucknow, has promised to give an ad- dress on Prohibition at 2 p. in. the seine day. Let the friends of the cause rally. We hope chairman Mallough will be greeted with $ big turn out, Lots Mian J. S. Allan, of Ooderich, c•.nducted service in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. John Stewart, our popular n: mon, left en Monday for Paraincunt, to Nark with Murdoch Bra. for a time. STILL To lug Strachan, who with stock always takes the lead iu rim, sold • geldttw fur 111;•5 to S. Csld• well, near Dungannon, last week. 111h 11U[WN SIGNAL, RIFDAY, OCT. 15. 1886. Dtdltloy- TEN W )RLD 0731111%. -1 It'o h& Work. Miss D. McDuwld has Rune um• mai as and Prdestaoaalike will led a. ■arseaeis a sirs "'.teem" of see imps of souse emits to Chown .dl* eentemismarees. sneak to Mir up theepht W AP Idb'dng Mire Ellen Heally 1 as returned to her __ ssleetius from the Milwaetee Catholic hoose in the Cay of the !Strata Lent Raid. MetVie/Ma "S'te't ' - Hay merehanM are in our midst, buy Risco. r aess.thmidseia=thesiesspa- Cathodes of swans have three ultras - mg haystacks sed packager with press's tt•.n of Bulgatu. a Mese shock mil tit chess for permit work : for the lumber woods is Mtchtgea. Wives who ere always blowing rep (1) Leisure, ,•J) Mutely sad (3) Higher Martin F't,.Isnd, • former resident, new beamed* are depress mrgattiues edttlee ,.1 Si. Augustine, was down uu • spacialUat►ulKa poorin perseare jest asgw,d the business trip this week. Gteal denims has been d. ase to •• Catholics in o.nrfortable c.reemM•s- Alaoe, daughter of D Cumming, luta a Inslairw nee tinlds by for noun: hath . ; but they ars bathos ti. see the lead - fill while playing with scho. l castes at teff~ esentity in pariah good works taken by Nie, G. Her head esu rather badly cut. Puedrlly mai yester.ley re-elected these who can best afford it inmunry The wound was dressed by the teacher Neater Wei kluau of the Knights of and time, and who can bring the beat with the skill .4 a M.1)., and the littleLwbor tstellidenee to the task. sallowis thriving nicely. Carlow. John Young, sin of Alex. Young, bas received a tall from Gig congregations of Drummondville and Chippewa, and has accepted the same. He will be ordsihed and ntd.t-te-1 on the 2nd of Nob ember. Mr Young is • preacher of much promise, and we expect to hear of the p cple of the Niagara district finding hint • fa. "r- ite Will Young, who left for Dakota ..n the 21st ult. with • cargo .d horses, ar rived safely in the n,.rth•west with his equines. P. Hogan has rented his farm at this place t.. Robert Douglas, of the 4th con of Ashfield, and will retire from active work-. Mr Hogan by his industry has made a competence for himself. The Smith's Hill deleoatiun t.• the It.•• form Convention out Saturday next will out be the steeliest. js snore ". ••a Mr 1 Elliott, of Kincardine. We understand that the price exchanged was $4,0J0. l ! S.' err &.'r Muerte.; -A lance and en- thusiasttc meeting of the friends ..1 tam - J' peranee was held in the 3leth..di•t I church. Hensel(, on the 8th inst., cum• • menced at 10 a.m., half ar hour was spent in prayer service fur the succuss of the cause generally and more especially natter which a great many neglect and i in South Hu .ret. The meeting then often afterwards throw themselves in for palbeit elt into the South Huron Scott law costs. Act Association, appointing Mr J. !tan- At the meeting of the Sarni• Preshy- tint. "f Exeter. !'resident ; Rev. Mr tery held a: Strathr.y the other day, s Bndgrnan, 4.1 Hensel', Vice• President ; call was read from the congregation of Itev. 1►, M. Kennedy, of Crediton, .sere- Forest to. Rev. James Pritchard, of Mao- ' tary, and Mr (leo. Forrest,of Brucetield, cheater, in the Presbytery of Huron, treasurer : these with Rev. Mr Martin, signed by 84 members and 35 adherents, Exeter.. tier_ Mr T,.r,.. .,_Hensel!, s pr ..nates a saucy of $:Aid and Rev. Mr Simppasuuo Bruceheld, and M. Y. beatenthe rant of ='150 expected from McLean, Seal .rth, constitute the exe- the home mission. The call was sustain cutive committee. The question ell,p.olice ed, and ordered to he transmitted to the magistrate was taken up. and after • Huruu Presbytery. I lengthy discussion a resolution was an -1 animuuily passed, r.commending Mr Aa Om rages. Wanless, of Varna. toe that oflbee,with' ut salary. Messrs S. Hovrth, of Stephen. and M. Y. McLean, of Sesforth, were appointed as s deputation to wait on the attorney General, aid urge the appoint- ment t.. be made without delay. The Sec was instructed to . 1 with the with Treas. .f the County convention ascertain the liability of the South riding to that body, that the executive I might make previsions to meet it. The meeting ad)uurned at 5 p.m., the .mem- j ben returning to their homes much en- awrsged, and very hopeful and deter- mined fist the Scutt Act shall be vigor - 1 oualy enforced from the appointment of ! the police magistrate. Any ,one who is quiet. at returnee must Attie greet response ability. Nothing will wake us s. charitable and Maier u( the (suits of others as by thoroughly kuownig our own. Major Cole, of l'hicagt , one of the jurors in the Anarchist trial, has be.0 threatened with naaawiuett..u. Necidti, the Chicago embezzler, bas ena•ga1 counsel in Montreal to defend hon w the event t f extradition proceed- ings. N'e du not tied our Catholics of means di.chartiog their proper duty herein except, perhaps in the single mattes of contributing money and renting promin- ent pees. They are n.4 found actively] pushing moveweuta within the Chu temitug to the moral and material elevation of Cat holies. They do nothing for Catholic libraries or Catt:olic literature. They do not promote inleliiieaos and culture among the people by oreanhhs.R leetures, special training Mea or any James Richie, of Hawick, an enter- etthe diverae methods of oongregation- prising farmer of this comity, has (strut• al work which ought to suggest theism ly imported lire Clydesdale stallions selves. and mares. Socially. they are noire snobbish than Jamas Finlay, of H,.wick, has not- the wealthy people ..f any other creed. ed hi. faro of ;:, scree to Messrs Cole The church directories of matey Pease- nudwltreler fix s fano if years ail a10 tent congregation tell the readers that per year. Mr Finlay ittruds removing the mt.honaues sed quarter million- te Pelee Island, where he has purchased safes connected with such do use decile* another farm. to serve as private* iu evet7 parish _ A Ottawa Govern..rnt has tales .octvty. They teach the S,soday schools .r '.. ,_ i�...iwC =C/C��j OS%�2e back water in the matter of hauling down soil take up the tickets at church enter- Thethe Mara eau . in an Arneriwr tasnowuta schooner, and the United States Govern- It toy 11. tips lied t. tea Medi. which had already sdisuied that they are not obligati to inasmuaseociach with 7 badly dressed pee•ple inasmuch es the there was nu ground fur complaint in the are frozen out But the spirit of the matter, now graciously eunsetta to sow - poor C siholic Church, which a broader and leek it. inure humane. tho.uld make the wealthy The law requires that those who have Catholic correspondingly democratic and starred auoiiels on their premises should gCnerous. advertise them. Costa can only be He motet he liberal with hi. time see c-dlected from the time the advertise- his work as with his money. Be should moist tirst spiears in any paper. It is • make it a point forthwith to join one of the parish societies and make himself useful on committees. He should not merely support the orphan asylum but join in with movements calculated to avert the tragedy of orphanage. FINE TAILORING 1 Gents' Furnishing,m 1 sin sow prepared to anew a ,•uwptete a.Srt.eat of FALL GOODS OVkItcoeilNeal is all the New Misdate and lay lea Au eudlea..entity of Umiak Irish and '..-etch Suitiag . A. immense .tura sit New and WJL.h Canadian 7 weeds. CHEAP! CHEAP ! ! CHEAP ! 1 ! I . alt Goods bought by the yard cut tree i of charge. B. MacCorinac. • O.wlerleh ' 'i,e. ]Inb. IMII SSW BOOTS_ Our Stock is Xoty Com- plete in Every Respect. 3.-90W _.sem O .Ind Our Prices Suit the P'urchaser's Pocket. SHOS_ The temperance meeting in aid of the Colborne Branch Scat Act Assoctatt rel came off on Tuesday everting last, anal was fairly attended. ()wing to unavoid- able causes several speakers whoprontu- ed to come did not appear. The gap was filled by •short program of singing, and readings by Mr McManus and F. It. Linfield. The latter gave a lively temperance recitation in good style. Iter Mr Rowson, acting pro tarn fur North at. Methodist church, :;nderich, gave a good address, remarking that farmers of Wentworth and Hsldimand brought their grain to sell in Helton. a &lett Act county, because they got better pricee- Score one fur the Scott Act. Secondly. the leading merchants of Milton had not as many book debts. In closing. the speaker said it took years to put down slavery, and in time prohibition tikewise would conquer. Mr W. Clutton, sr., also spoke of the change in our neigh- borhood 16 year- residence here, with program towards temper ince. Th. I'resbyteran choir favored the meeting with excellent music, sal remarks by D. Cumming cloned an erlerly meeting. Alex Watson, teacher o' No. 5, ably filled We chair to the satisfaction of all. A collection was taken in aid of the (dads. $ssfrzta. A meeting to complete the organi• cation of • Young Liberal Club was held in the T Hall here Mon- day evening, and was largely attended. From the number rresent and from the great interested manifested in the pn.- seedingn, the success of the organization is already assured. Several older members of the refonn party addressed the meeting and rendered assistance in forming the association. The "Been elected are all veung men from whom' efficient work may be expected, and there is every teas.n to believe that the club which has been started under such favorable circumstances will have s most succeaa(ul carver. The following were elected.- Hon. President, Sir R. J. Cartwright, M. P. ;President, Mr J. A Wits te, Vice -President, Norlb Ward, Mr Jas. Watson; Vice -President, East Ward, Mr J. Darwin; Vey ('resident, !loath Ward, Mr Alex Wile.n; Sere. tory. Mr W. C. Smith; Treasurer, kir Wm. Bohb Councillors Messrs, W. J. Fear, .1. M. Iieet,('has. McKay. C $ Henderao'n, ,las Scott, W. O, 'Laid, H. 0. Me Kidd, L E. Dancy, and William Mc(•sy. it was decided to have • formal opening to the latter part of the present month, and to secure the of H. n. Edward Blake and theraws members of the Ontario (lovers tient the highly esteemed member of yketh Heron, Sir 1t J. Cartwright. Th. latter has already secepted the pmiH„n of Honorary President of the eleb, end has expressed has intention of =nspegsent at the aomisg demom- T1s eagwl•r .seting» •.f the i1oh will u held lortniehtly, and an tap�m raw will be prepared kr tomb �fL Messrs. Robs and Wm. Lindsay, of Hullo.., asi..+ ,d...ruwl from the old country. They report a very rough voyage, but they enjoyed the trip 1e. their native land very much. BROKEN ARR. -( hi Saturday i•st while Mrs Moon, sr., of Hallett was climbing up to reach something on the wall .e1 her room, .he accidently slipp- ed, fell and br,.ke her arm just above the wrist; it is a serous matter, but with much a fall she might have been even mere seriously injured. Dz.Tn.-Many of cur readers will be sorry to learn of the sudden death of Mr Wm, Armstrong, of the 8th coo, of the township of Hallett, which took place on Sunday morning last. Deceased Was 67 years old. He had been complaining for some time, but did not think his end was so near Mr. Armstrong was one of the early settlers of this township and highly respected by all who knew him. He settled, in the early history of this township, on Iota 1 and 2, on the &h con. where he has resided ever since. Two months ago the youngest son, spa 16 died. For some time before, but especially since hi. 1 1, he has suffered with heart disease. He was an adherent of the Presbyterian church. The family have the sympathy of the in their double be- reavement. He leavee a family of four sone and two daughters, who are all comfortably situated. - New Era. No tae. There is no use putting up the motto, "(:off bless our home,' if the father is a rough old bar, and the spirit of dis- courtesy and rudeness is taught by the parents to the children and ny older to the younger. There is no use in pntting up a motto, "The Lord will provide, white the father is shiftless, the boys refuse to work, and the girls busy them- selves over gewgaws and f{nery. There is no use in putting up the motto, "The greatest .1 these is chanty,- while the tongue of the Inckbiter wags in the• family, and silly gossip is dispensed at the tea table. There is no use in placing up . ly the motto "The liberal man deviseth liberal things," while the money minks in the pockets of "the head of the household," groaning to get to see the Tight of day, and there are dollars and dimes for wines and tobacco and other luxuries, hut p.sitively not ons cent for the church. in how many homes are those mottoes standing --let us say haeging sarcasms, which serve serve only to point • jest and adorn a satire( The heady of quite lives, of trustful, hopeful, fifee-hearted, charitable lives. is one of lovslinesa, and the world knows where to find them. And they shall remain sad be (*deism when the odors of pigmeat, and the worsted and the Rosa have faded, and and the Games have nutted away is their )(tint.. Get your printing at Two Sweat The hotel -keepers are receiving hack the $180,000 which they paid the Gov- ernment otticiala, and which scarcely paid the °Metall salaries, but the money is not to be returned by those who re- ceived it, but by the public at large. We told those men who ventured to take out licenses from the Government of the De - minion that they were paying money to men who had no power to authorize them to keep hotels, and we do not know why the people at large, who had noth- ing to do with the matter. should be called upon to make good the looms of a few over -zealous ,neo. These men took their licensee and they sold under them, and because the licenses gave them no authority they are to receive their money back. We think it is an outrage com- mitted upon the public by the Govern- ment to take the mower.' the people and to use It in , a few unfortunate supiiorten of the Penne Minister from the folly of having listened to him and Leing guided by his advice. -London Advertiser. Tun lin'ai. sato Nam :41St.- Contend. tag that the Indiana de pay taxes, Sir John said to them in his speech on the- e •'...0 every bottle of whisky yon buy you pay the same excise duty as the white man. In view of the fact the t tt is against the law to eel] whiskey to an Indian, such flippant uuerility would be beneath a professional buffoon. Cumiug from the Premier of the Duminion, it is pitiable. Oil has been struck in laying quantities at Manistee, Mich. Archdeacon Leach, Vice -('resident of McGill College. is deed. Auction oaks. .(II parries getting their sale hills printed at this ogee will get a free omit* toorrted to this lim up to the time of *ale. Auction sale of farm stock and imple- ments, the property of J. Flynn, ..n the premises, Lake Shore Road, Ashfield, near Kingsbridge, by John Knox, sec-' tioneer, at 1 o'clock. sharp, on Monday, October 1&h, 1886. See i posters for list, terms, Sc. Auction sale of faun stock and imple- ments, tea good as new, the property of John Omen, on the premises, lot 1, con. 3, Colborne tuwnshrp„ane mile from Be'lmiller, by John Enos, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m., on Wed- nesday, Oct. 20th, 1586. Auction sate of farm stock and inspirit- - menta, the property of Patrick Hogan, on the premises, non. 7, at Smith's Hill, At therecent Reform demonstration by .Soho Knox, auctioneer, in the Ewe, Hon. Mr Hardy, ii. P. Y. •t 12 o•cl..ck, noon, IM Friday, Oct. was the first speaker mtrduced. He is2: °d, 1486' lire paters for tut of one of the best stump speakers in Csna• Block, lentos, &c. da, and his pungent remarks soon roue A ' f farm stock and off the audience to entuhausm. After menta, the p.uperty of Mrs Jane Jei411 complimenting the people of Dundas upon the . cenditiun of their ountity and the maenihcent demonstra- tion they had gut up, he went on to show that the t of Mr Mowat in On- tario was conducted on sound besinem pnnciples as distinguished from the 1o,b- bery, favonti.m and peculation which prevailed at Ottawa. Mr Mowat had held otice for • lunger consecutive period than any ..Wer premier of a British colony, and still his opponents were unable to make a charge against hi. Government that was worthy ..f be- ing seriously considered. After dealing at length with provincial affairs, the timber limit question, the Franchise act and the great bribery . Mr Hardy punted out that whsle the Tory Government ..f the Dominion were roll- ing an enormous public debt. the Re- form Government of Osteal.. were roll- ing up a surplus, while they were at the same time developing the resources of the greet district 41 Nippising, Parry - - Sound and Algoma. which. thanks to Legal(. the efforts of Mr Mowat, were now acknowledged to be part .1 Ontario. So completely beaten and discredited were the Tories that they had new no resource left but to endeavor to stir up etnfe Sir John Macdonald, whose career was blackened with every species of relined SEAI;Y.R & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, 7 Oederich. ensue wanted to preach a new religion C. ;taseatt, JR. J. A. Mnw,'on now. He wanted to get himself accept -P. N. Lewis Iee7- ed as the champion ..f Protestantnm, under wagewar ..n thetF ie• ch Canadians who who had kept him in power for s, many years. Jeers and Iseghter I This was base ingrati'nde, and it was not going to ascoeed. Sir Johns new religion would no doubt be styled Macdonaldism, and he would like to see the Macdonaldite who would venture to defend the career of the founder ..f h's sect. Cheers / if the people slit not consider Masers Blake and Mowat as g aid enough Chrati•ss and Protestant, they would scarcely ac• rept Sir .1••hn as a champion. " The hem rseasals Pew 1. abo acrid. A buss■g %creels. and Mr N. Collison, on lot 9, con. /, Colborne. by John Knox, . on Tuesday. Oct. 26th. 1886, at 12 o'clock, neon. See posters fur list. etc. Msbicat. silo L. REEV=, M.D., C.M., MEM - 1 BRR of the Oafish" of Physician. and Burweo.s, /he.. hysleias. Surgeon. and Acconehei. no.. Port Albert- ,foto TE. CASE, k1.D., C.M., M.C.P.S., . Ont. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, dc. Ogler--4That formerly occupied by It,. Hutchinson) Dnnganno•. Night oaks Mar- tin's hotel. 1W1- -JAR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR OKON. Coroner he. celee and resides/as ileum Bisset, oeee.a deer wess.r VIsserie Street 1781. IRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON Peysieiana, Sermeons. Aceotschera, to Memnon *Woe at Or. taanon's re.idenee, sear Me gaol Ooderich 0. C. MI "MOS. J. C. Halsor TON 1781, 1 2 C. HAYS, SOLICI TOR, tic. L. °Mee. reaper or Square mad H rat nre.t (i.derich. over telplt once. !'rt. rate fegrs unds to lend at (3 per cent. 1580 - The "Wirt (contain pen is the hest thing yea invented in the way of • self - feeding nen. it has • gold nib, shades test es • dipping pas does, and neewr le To s • writing weeder. A sass pie can be sees sl( this ethos- Every lawyer, dower, ebryyman, school towh- ee and beams, man should have one - Th. s. $a[iilliewddy b the local spent. el ARROW & - ,- , BAR `T itI�STKRB Attorneys. belislters, site Ooderich. J. T. °arrow. W. Proud/get. 173 (CAMERON, HJLT & CAMERON, `J Barristers. Mollelters 1s Cheaceroto.. -.Amiens*. M. C. Cymaen Q.C.; P. Holt, W. O. ('ataeroa. C. C. Rest 17*1- PA813AGH RATH8 aRDUCHD. ANCHOR LINE. MTKAMKRH KtSATURDAYRY SATURDAY fro. NKW YORK to StAPISOW *55. LtUmSl11Q5T. Ohre sr�, ��tea�ssof to res !rose Sig t A HINA, em ani RtpnmrD r. s AWetk tapeess serverso Hiatuses via 411PKS115T•Wlt. Mtramehip "MK fir ■Mt' from New York, W R11N RIDA Y. Om. 171 taleon i meaaw• Kgs aid upward. *eeend Clam sea Itteetaga eetw.rd or pereaw, slMtw Service, 446. -NT Hcti?c- NEW GOODS \oot,t.•.(I.iatthe Bargains in Sugars. Wonderful Value in New Teas. Pure New Fruits. New Canned Good&. Grand Value in all Lines of General and Fine Groceries. M. McGILLIVRAY. NEWMUS!C--i _ • 80NGS4? � SONGS I "I Cannot Help Winking My Eye." "The Charge at Batoch .'w.a" Golden Chords Waltz. • Mikado Waltz. These are gnt'e new. amid of a lively nature -tery (re:• PROF. CLARKE. A B_ COIU EJDD HAt1 T1iP TWO BEST HEARSES IN TOWN FURNITURE! Iteat In Town. t'heaper Than 1•:.w•- Won't be tndersoid. menu 5HH1'. ♦t. uY RAYM0ND SEWING MACHINE. GIVE ME A CALL. To W N OF GODERiCH. TRKABURKR's BALK OF LANDS 11)11 TAX/IM. Pnotrtle(•t Or ONTARIO, i By virtue of a war Tow.v or Oorttau-., • sat ander the hand To WIT: of the Mayor of the Town of 0ederich, and the teal of the said Crporatio., bearing date the Twenty-sixth day of July, A.D. tam, to me directed. com- maadin me to levy upon the lands in the fol- lowing for arrears of taxes, due thereoq sotlnr is hereby glvas that unless the said taxes, towel her with a9 costa are sooner paid. th 1 shall proceed to sell e said lands by Public Auction. or as much thereof u may be suit - dent for the payment Of the Taxes an.t ('oats thereon. at the TOWN HALL is the said TOWN OF 001/KRICK o. TUESDAY. the TWKNTY-THIRD day of NOVEMBKR. LOWat the Pour of T W u o seek p.m. ( She sends are peieMni) di- Sttwt es Survey. 144 14 Ruaafag Nes.ber 11 11111 2* XS Mi fM qN Kest j, 1 111 110.o. WIlsoe'sSarve>i' V8 4 341 118 3 fir Wilms', Survey 11 f 1118 LS tit 1ff: 1,5 7 fl 1 lie 4 1 lusi Y' a 1041 a In XI 21 TMM 121 1Wel 77 1mal, 21, IS m 74 lett 47,11 77 Ia 3 40 W le 7111 7x H! if 71 • 1/5 I4 � 1 p 1.3 1 tR 4N l 1 • Newt► p Illa1�etl 671 M 14 7/7 M Reines Survey 1' 11 /411 i1ft 75 McDougall's Surrey 11 5 ON 64 1/5 1 i 64 2 Park t Marwoed's l 4 Server. Hers. R'd t 1/6 1a r' 7111111m C71":11newt 1N J11 I' Rides Murray I 1 lift, 11i Cypes !Street I ji N l(1 W. L. MORTON. reeTareer Tare of (10A & erie oeaseM► Aug. 11tk.1Ml fe .let Auctionsertng. TORN KNOX O1l1WERAL AGC- • T1O!IUR sad lead Palwater. oedMeb, (i.e mavlag w oesaMsesats ,o:parlasos Ise be suettemer a,g lawalle, he te la • paightlem to lonharee with teereugb satisfaction 10 owl" .isles ..,rimed to Ana. Order's left at Martins 11.111. or sear ley map M fey add Oaterhth P. 0.. eseetelty weeded he i04114 £1 Z. Cossey Asetlesese. 1111.41 For fleets of Tours. Tickets, sr tabor Infer- g 5.tt.....1MJJ Ie HRYDRRSoN InROTHKRs. New York. sr A. 1)1e1501. Posit OtKes, (iodrrieb. oederieh, May tlf, 1511. 11111114m CORD WOOD. Persons wishing good mrd wood at the low- est rates can have the same propiptly aapplisd by leering their ordrr..1 GEO. OLD'S STORE. Oar agent wiit call at the more dal 114 orient. Also on hand. a lot of cheap sorb as "la short bs, raging"- etc. Allo= wood can to bought at the milt or delivered, as the buyer desires. Prompters, gaaraa- teed. IAMB BABCHLBB, Palls BaMgve MLTs. June lid. 16111. IMO Mikado PRINTED GOODS. NAIRN 11.. Op...d This Week 3 Crates, 2 Hogsheads, 5 Cases, o•r CRJCKERY Faucy 1assaro! An l:ttra Arortrnent of Library Lamps. No Charge for impaction Tony Forget to are C. A. NAIRN, tCort.1� _Qart Nouse square, iialert* 1i11he r :alcedWest ette' nten. ountie ot t e, no T. nkb f to be Th inspi Sib, l>r ISO 411* t1� 1 wing will Eder hold Ural T by Go 1 to t! and tut has the Cat mit tc rt are ore tan wit rise ,1 Mt dr dal lar chi re cal ap req nit 11 ne ea ifs wi hs ,h .l to 11 of T